Domenico Scarlatti : Sonata in D Major K. 491 - Antonio Castagna pianist
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- Il pianista Antonio Castagna esegue la Sonata in re maggiore K. 491 di Domenico Scarlatti.
Pianist Antonio Castagna performs Domenico Scarlatti's Sonata in D Major K. 491.
#AntonioCastagna #DomenicoScarlatti #sonata
Con questa sonata si conclude un ciclo di tre sonate di Scarlatti che ho studiato in questo mese. Tornerò adesso ad occuparmi della musica romantica.
-This sonata concludes a cycle of three Scarlatti sonatas that I studied this month.I will now return to dealing with romantic music.
Le 555 sonate, delle quali poche pubblicate durante la vita di Scarlatti, furono stampate in modo non sistematico nei due secoli e mezzo successivi. Scarlatti ha, tuttavia, attirato ammiratori di rilievo, tra cui Bach, Händel, Clementi, Mozart, Beethoven, Czerny, Liszt, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Verdi, Debussy, Bartók, Shostakovich, Casella, Poulenc, Messiaen e Schenker. La scuola russa di pianismo ha particolarmente valorizzato queste sonate.
In questi brevi brani, costituiti generalmente di un solo movimento bipartito, Scarlatti si dimostrò pioniere di tecniche tastieristiche nuove per i suoi tempi, come arpeggi, note ribattute in agilità, incroci delle mani, ottave spezzate e percosse, doppie note: tutte difficoltà tecniche da padroneggiare progressivamente, a mano a mano che il compositore svela le potenzialità timbriche, melodiche e ritmiche della sua scrittura ricca e articolata. Dal punto di vista dello stile, le sue sonate sono caratterizzate da una rapidissima mobilità espressiva, e da una grande inventiva armonica, con l'impiego di accordi spesso sorprendenti.
Altri attributi distintivi dello stile di Scarlatti sono i seguenti:
L'influenza della musica popolare iberica (portoghese e spagnola). Un esempio è l'uso di Scarlatti del modo frigio e di altre inflessioni tonali più o meno estranee alla musica artistica europea.
L'influenza della chitarra spagnola, ravvisabile nelle note ripetute in modo rapido.
Affinità con lo stile galante.
La struttura della sonata. Quest'ultima, infatti, è di solito divisa in due sezioni di durata uguale, ognuna delle quali conduce ad un momento cardinale, che lo studioso Ralph Kirkpatrick ha definito "il punto cruciale" (crux), e che a volte è sottolineato da una pausa o fermata...
The 555 sonatas, few of which were published during Scarlatti's lifetime, were printed unsystematically over the next two and a half centuries. Scarlatti has, however, attracted notable admirers, including Bach, Handel, Clementi, Mozart, Beethoven, Czerny, Liszt, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Verdi, Debussy, Bartók, Shostakovich, Casella, Poulenc, Messiaen and Schenker. The Russian school of pianism has particularly valued these sonatas.
In these short pieces, generally consisting of a single bipartite movement, Scarlatti proved to be a pioneer of keyboard techniques that were new for his time, such as arpeggios, notes struck in agility, crossings of the hands, broken and struck octaves, double notes: all technical difficulties to be master progressively, as the composer gradually reveals the timbric, melodic and rhythmic potential of his rich and articulated writing. From the point of view of style, his sonatas are characterized by a very rapid expressive mobility, and by great harmonic inventiveness, with the use of often surprising chords.
Other distinctive attributes of Scarlatti's style are the following:
The influence of Iberian (Portuguese and Spanish) popular music. An example is Scarlatti's use of the Phrygian mode and other tonal inflections more or less foreign to European art music.
The influence of the Spanish guitar, recognizable in the rapidly repeated notes.
Affinity with the gallant style.
The structure of the sonata. The latter, in fact, is usually divided into two sections of equal duration, each of which leads to a cardinal moment, which the scholar Ralph Kirkpatrick defined as "the crucial point" (crux), and which is sometimes underlined by a pause or stop...
Antonio Castagna graduated from IMP “G. Braga” of Teramo and, subsequently, he perfected himself with Maestro Franco Medori and Maestro Carlo Zecchi.
He has held numerous concerts and recitals in Italy and abroad . He has participated several times in RAI radio and television programs.
He played in Salzburg as part of the Salzburger Schlosskonzerte and in Paris, at the Italian Cultural Institute, as part of the “Hommage à LA FIGIA DI JORIO” event.
He toured Basel for the Consulate General of Italy.
At the invitation of the Italian Cultural Institute, he played in BRAZIL, in Rio de Janeiro, in the prestigious National Museum of Fine Arts.
He played, with the Teramo Trio, in Philadelphia (USA) in the Marshall Auditorium of Haverford College, in the Lincoln Hall of the Union League.
He was Director, from 1996 to 2012, of the I.S.S.M "Gaetano BRAGA" of Teramo. He was a piano teacher at the Conservatories of Foggia and Teramo.
It's a great performance of the Scarlatti Sonata.I was fascinated by your warm, clear sound and wonderful sensibility.It's reallyamazing👏👏❤🎵🎹
Thank you for your kind words which I appreciate very much.
I wish you a nice weekend :-)
Maestro antonio complimenti sempre per la tua eleganza nel modo di suonare queste meravigliose composizioni tu arricchisci il mio bagaglo musicale e per questo posso solo ringraziarti con queste splendide melodie fai raffiorare parti di me che restano molte volte nascoste stupendo. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👏👍👏👍👏👍🔝🔥🔝🔥🔝🔥🔝🔥🔝🔥✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
Ancora grazie per i tuoi commenti puntuali e dettagliati.
Ti auguro le cose migliori, amico mio :-)
연주를 들을수 있다는건
친절한 말에 감사드립니다.
새로운 한 주 잘 보내시기 바랍니다 :-)
Wonderful piano music!🎹🎼🎵🎶
Like 136👍.👏👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you very much!💜
Have a great day! 🌅
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I wish you the most beautiful and positive things :-)
So Beautiful🥰🎶🎹Great Pianist💐🎀
Thank you, my friend :-)
_Thank You, Dear Antonio!_
_May a sunny weekend give you warm emotions and a good mood!_
✨🌞✨🕊for Antonio👉🎶🏆👑🎶🕊✨🤍✨☁
Dear Irina , thank you for your kind words which I really appreciate.
I wish you the most beautiful and positive things :-)
Que c'est beau Antonio , si bien joué , merci mon ami , cela fait du bien au moral
c'est délicat et envoutant , c'est délicieux a écouté
bonne soirée bisous a Lia au deux petits anges sans t'oublier bonne nuit étoilées
Chère Yvonne, je vous remercie beaucoup pour vos aimables paroles.
Nous souhaitons des Pâques paisibles à vous et à votre famille :-)
Antonio e Lia
_Ten fingers of a pianist is a unique orchestra where performers are not chosen! they cannot be kicked out, fired, they can only be educated!_
_The 550-odd sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti are perhaps the most successful works to migrate from the harpsichord to the modern grand piano!_
_Bravo, dear Antonio! Super!🎶👑🏆🎶_
_Irina👋🥰 ✨🍀🌹🕊 🍀✨_
Dear Irina, thank you for your comment and your interesting considerations.
In fact, Scarlatti's sonatas are a bridge from the harpsichord to the modern piano.
I wish you a good continuation of the week :-)
a great interpretation. very beautiful music, piano, wonderful playing on this musical instrument, thank you very much, dear friend, sincerely your friend Natalie.I wish you an active, productive, positive, crazy, wonderful Tuesday! Let there be no sorrows, no worries, no fears in the soul, but only joy, love, positivity and energy! Live this Tuesday like it's the last Tuesday of your life!
Dear Natalie, thank you for the beautiful things you wrote. I really appreciate your comment.
I wish you the most beautiful and positive things in this week that has already begun :-)
Awesome. Lively and beautiful piano playing makes you feel very good. It automatically makes me smile. 👍👍👍😊
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I wish you a nice weekend :-)
Scarlatti's sonatas are so variety. Thank you for sharing an excellent performance, highlighting the characteristics of each songs😉💖
Thank you for your kind words and interesting considerations.
I take this opportunity to wish you a good weekend :-)
Una bellissima interpretazione della grande Sonata .
Elegante e raffinato come sempre .Complimenti caro Antonio è sempre un vanto ascoltarti riesci sempre a creare un'atmosfera piacevole e coinvolgente con tutto ciò che ti circonda .
Caro Luka, ti ringrazio di cuore per le belle parole.
Auguro a te ed alla tua famiglia uno splendido Lunedì di Pasqua :-)
🎼🎵🎶 LIKE 104 🎼🎶🎵
Merci pour le commentaire que j'apprécie beaucoup.
J'en profite pour vous saluer cordialement :-)
Beautiful ❤️ ❤❤❤❤Thank you 😍
Thank you, my friend :-)
Dès les premières notes , je vois une farandole d'enfants. Puis vient l'adolescence, les premiers amours🧡. L'insouciance de la jeunesse. Puis l'amour d'une maman, la mère protectrice. Puis vient l'âge avancée et tous les petits enfants ... ça reste mon ressenti :))) Un éternel recommencement ....Merci pour cette très belle sonate bien riche sonorité :)))
Je trouve vos réflexions sur ce passage très intéressantes. Vous êtes définitivement une personne créative et très sensible.
Merci pour le commentaire que j'apprécie beaucoup.
Je souhaite de joyeuses Pâques à toi et à ta famille :-)
@@AntonioCastagna Merci mon très cher Antonio :))Je vous souhaite également un très bon week-end de Pâques 😘
Thank you dear Antonio for your beautiful performance 🎶🌹 It adds life to the start of a new week.
Dear Phil, thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I wish a Happy Easter to you and your family :-)
Lovely Scarlatti…elegantly performed my talented friend !!, A treat…grazie mille…ciao…jeff
Thank you, my friend :-)
A very graceful dance of fingers on the piano!
Thank you, my friend :-)
Ciao Antonio, hai fatto un eccellente studio e panoramica su Domenico Scarlatti.
In questa ultima Sonata si respira un ritmo veloce e frenetico con diverse pause che caratterizzano anche la sua unicità e ispirazione. Lo trovo molto emozionante e ricco di influenze Ispaniche se così si può dire.
Grazie per questa presentazione e performance al pianoforte.
Ti auguro una buona giornata e felice Pasqua.
Caro Marco, ti ringrazio di cuore per le belle parole e per le interessanti considerazioni.
Auguro una Buona Pasqua a te ed alla tua famiglia :-)
좋아요 119. + 6:05 ❤
안토니오 선생님, 정말 멋진 소나타 연주와 영상 즐겁게 감상하고 갑니다 👍😇
정말 감사한 댓글 감사드립니다.
이 기회를 빌어 여러분께 인사드리게 되었습니다 :-)
bonjour, merci pour cette musique, c'est tout dans la grâce, bravo à vous
belle semaine
bises amicales
Chère Claudine, merci pour vos aimables paroles que j'apprécie beaucoup.
J'en profite pour souhaiter de joyeuses Pâques à vous et à votre famille :-)
Wow, my dear friend! 🙌🙌That's fantastic! I'm impressed !🫶 Listening to you, watching you, is a delight!
Thank you for this fabulous musical moment spent in your pleasant company!🎶 Warm greetings
from Austria and all the best for you🙌 - Saderé💜👍136🔔✔👋
I thank you very much for your kind words. I appreciate them very much.
I wish you a beautiful and peaceful Sunday :-)
Dear Antonio, it was really a great pleasure to hear your wonderful performance. Very precise, clean and at the same time with a great sense of dynamics in different motifs. I congratulate my dear friend on an excellent work. Warm regards, all the best.
Dear Bojan, thank you for your kind words which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to wish you a good new week :-)
I'm happy to hear your wonderful performance of the great musician Scarlatti. What a blessing it is that the many masterpieces left behind by Bach, Handel, and Scarlatti are being performed in this day and age, and that we can appreciate them today. Thank you for a wonderful time.. . Fiz
Dear Fiz, I thank you very much for your kind words and interesting considerations.
I take this opportunity to wish you a good weekend :-)
Caro Antonio,
Ho scoperto grazie al tuo talento questa sonata molto carina di Domenico Scarlatti. Ascoltandola a volte si rivela gioiosa, giocosa e
a volte pieno di gentilezza e tenerezza. Mi piace davvero quello che sento. Mille grazie caro Antonio per aver condiviso questo bellissimo brano musicale.
Colgo l'occasione per augurare a te e alla tua famiglia un
settimana primaverile molto bella.
Cordiali saluti,
Cher Antonio,
Grâce à votre talent j'ai découvert cette très belle sonate de Domenico Scarlatti. Son écoute s'avère parfois joyeuse, ludique et parfois pleine de douceur et de tendresse. J'aime vraiment ce que j'entends. Un grand merci à vous cher Antonio pour le partage de ce beau morceau de musique.
J'en profite pour vous souhaiter, à vous et à votre famille, une très belle semaine de printemps.
Cara Josy, ti ringrazio di cuore per le belle parole che apprezzo molto.
Auguro una Buona Pasqua a te ed alla tua famiglia :-)
Прекрасное исполнение✨❤✨браво👏💯👏💯👏
Спасибо за ваши комментарии, которые я очень ценю.
Желаю вам хорошего продолжения недели :-)
Thank you for your comments which I appreciate very much.
I wish you a good continuation of the week :-)
@@AntonioCastagna вам тоже🩷🩷
I am enchanted again today by the elegant and beautiful performance 🌷😍Thank you for the moving performance 🌹💐💎
Thank you very much for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I wish you a nice weekend :-)
Dear my friend
It is a beautiful, elegant piano piece and a great composition.
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to wish you a good weekend :-)
E' un piacere immenso ed un privilegio ascoltarla suonare.👏👏👏
Grazie, Enzo, per il commento che apprezzo molto.
Auguro Buona Pasqua a lei ed alla sua famiglia :-)
Sensibilidade musical a toda prova do sr. Antônio Castagna. Que Deus abençoe você e sua família! 😀🎵🎵🎵🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷♥️⛴️🙏
Obrigado pelas amáveis palavras que realmente aprecio.
Desejo uma Feliz Páscoa para você e sua família :-)
Wow! Another beautiful performance as always 👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤
Like 159
Wishing you a wonderful weekend ❤❤❤❤❤
Take care and God bless!
Thank you for the kind words that I appreciate very much.
Dear friend, I wish you a good Sunday :-)
And a other great performance! What an great music I love it! You played with feelings ❤ sensitivity. Thank you for sharing this wonderful musical experience and your marvelous talent🎶🎹👏👏👏👍I really enjoy your absolutely fantastic interpretation,Greetings have a good, spring🌿☘🎶🎹day Lucyna
Dear Lucyna,
I thank you very much for the beautiful things you wrote. I really appreciate your comment.
I wish you the most beautiful and positive things :-)
Non c'è niente di meglio che ascoltare e guardare un maestro del pianoforte.
Brendan Kavanagh e Antonio potrebbero formare uno straordinario duo al pianoforte 🤔😊
Auguro a tutti una buona domenica da Paulo e Kathy in GB 🤝👍✊ Guarda e ascolta per intero👍
Dimenticando di dire che avevamo perso la connessione Internet a causa di un guasto. Grazie per la tua comprensione.
Ci sono volute 3 ore di telefonate e 2 visite da parte degli ingegneri, in un periodo di tre settimane, per risolvere il problema!! Ma siamo tornati!
Gentili Paulo e Kathy, vi ringrazio per le belle parole in italiano che apprezzo molto.
Sono contento che abbiate risolto i problemi riguardanti la connessione internet.
Auguro a voi due uno splendido fine settimana :-)
Obrigado por nos presentear com mais esta maravilha sonata, maravilhosamente interpretada por seu talento, amigo. São momentos de paz e harmonia. Saudações do amigo do Brasil.
Caro amigo brasileiro, obrigado pelo comentário que agradeço muito.
Desejo-lhe um mês de abril tranquilo e positivo :-)
Grazie, cara Luciana, per le belle parole.
Colgo l'occasione per salutarti cordialmente :-)
P.S. Vi que você abriu um novo canal que irei me inscrever imediatamente.
Peço que você faça a mesma coisa.
Aproveito para cumprimentá-lo cordialmente :-)
Such a beautiful piece So nice Really magnificent palying Antonio Thank you for sharing🎵
Thank you, John, for the kind words which I appreciate very much.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Bravissimo, un splendore🎶🎵🎹👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Grazie per questa meravigliosa alegria carissimo pianista Antonio Castagna ❣️
Cara Luciana, ti ringrazio per le belle parole che apprezzo molto.
Colgo l'occasione per salutarti cordialmente dall'Italia :-)
Caro Giuseppe, ti ringrazio di cuore per le cose belle che hai scritto.
Auguro Buona Pasqua a te ed alla tua famiglia :-)
Здравствуйте, дорогой Антонио. Огромное спасибо Вам за это чудесное видио. Не только безусловно прекрасное исполнение, но и великолепное художестаенное оформление, сделанное с большим вкусом. Все вместе создает такое прекрасное впечатление. Я пока Вас не послушала, была как ненастроенный рояль;), честно. Спасибо за здоровье, радость, позитив.
Всего Вам самого доброго и светлого. От души. ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐🙋♀️🌞
Спасибо большое, дорогая Светлана, за добрые слова, которые мне очень приятны.
Пользуюсь случаем, чтобы пожелать счастливой Пасхи вам и вашей семье :-)
Дорогой Антонио, это я поздравляю Вас с Пасхой. Желаю Вам и Вашей семье в здоровья и всех благ.А в России Пасха будет в мае. Очень плохо и что такое не совпадение, разъединяющее людей. Но я все равно от души благодарю Вас за теплые пожелания. 🌹
Quelle magnifique interprétation de la Sonate en Ré majeur K. 491 de Domenico Scarlatti ! 🎹✨ vous jouez avec une finesse et une virtuosité impressionnantes, mettant parfaitement en valeur la légèreté et la vivacité de cette œuvre baroque. Un vrai plaisir pour les oreilles, bravo pour cette superbe performance ! 👏🎶
Cher ami, merci pour votre commentaire très approprié.
Je suis heureux que vous appréciez les Sonates de Scarlatti.
J'en profite pour vous souhaiter une bonne semaine :-)
Bellissima sonata di Scarlatti e magnifica interpretazione pianistica. È sempre un piacere sentirti interpretare questi temi classici con tanta maestria e sensibilità. Le auguro una splendida settimana. Cordiali saluti. André 👏👏👏
Ti ringrazio, caro André, per le belle parole che apprezzo molto.
Auguro una Pasqua serena a te ed alla tua famiglia :-)
listening to this beautiful music, I think that it is amazing that the three great composers of the Baroque era, Bach, Handel and Scarlatti, were born in the same year, each of them has their own personal style of expression and there is a lot to listen to and learn from all of them... thank you for sharing this inspiring performance... have a happy day!
Thank you for your kind words and for your interesting and pertinent considerations.
Dear Toomas, I wish you a wonderful weekend :-)
On vous écoute avec le sourire Antonio tant cette sonate est sautillante et printanière. Merci beaucoup pour ce délicieux moment en parfait accord avec l’arrivée du printemps 🎶🦋🌸🪻🌷🌷🌷Mj
J'aime beaucoup la combinaison de cette sonate avec le printemps. Merci beaucoup pour le commentaire.
J'en profite pour vous saluer cordialement :-)
Beautiful piano performance, enjoyed your wonderful music!! Thank you for sharing! Have a great day!
Thank you for the kind words of appreciation.
I wish you a good new week :-)
Thank you, my friend :-)
So beautiful sonata🎵 Really beautiful🎵
Wonderful and so beautiful piano playing👏👏👏👏👏👏
I was very very moved and really enjoyed your great performance🎹👏👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you for sharing🙏 ✨big like 76✨👍
Have a fantastic week, my friend🙋♀🌈☀
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I wish you a peaceful and positive month of April :-)
Thank you my friend Antonio for this mesmerizing music and piano performance, , a big pleasure to listen to your enchanting musical job, have a wonderful new week, see you again, Alice
Dear Alice, I thank you very much for your kind words.
I take this opportunity to wish you a good weekend :-)
Rivedo e risento questa eccezionale interpretazione. Sempre di altissimo livello. Eccelente musicista che suona il piano forte in modo talentuoso e meraviglioso. Splendida performance come al solito.
Grazie , Olivier, per il tuo commento che apprezzo molto.
Ti auguro una buona giornata :-)
맑은 피아노의 음색과 잘어울리는 연주입니다👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💕🎶
정말 감사한 댓글 감사드립니다.
이 기회를 빌어 여러분께 인사드리게 되었습니다 :-)
Thank you for the comment which I appreciate very much.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Very beautiful music! Very nice playing! Thank you dear friend for sharing wonderful video! Big like👍🐟😥❤
Thanks again for the comments which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Bellissimo brano e stupenda interpretazione!
Grazie come sempre Maestro
Grazie infinite per le belle parole che apprezzo molto.
Un cordiale saluto :-)
Very soothing for the ears and mind. 😌
Thank you, my friend :-)
So beautiful. Thank you so much!
Thank you, my friend :-)
Un cordiale saluto dall'Italia :-)
Very beautiful music my friend thanks for sharing 👍🌹🌹🌹🌹
Thank you for the comment which I appreciate very much.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Lovely 😘💕💐
Thanks for the comment which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Très belle sonate de Scarlatti que je ne connaissais pas, très enjouée, très romantique aussi, bravo Antonio pour cette magnifique interprétation , merci pour cette belle découverte , un grand like 82 !!!! ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Cher Chris, merci pour vos aimables paroles que j'apprécie beaucoup.
Je vous souhaite, à vous et à votre famille, un merveilleux lundi de Pâques :-)
Bellissima sonata! È sempre un piacere ascoltarti mentre le tue mani sfiorano il pianoforte! Complimenti Maestro 👏👏👏🙂🙏🏻
Grazie, cara Elena, per le belle parole che apprezzo molto.
Auguro buon Lunedì di Pasqua a te ed alla tua famiglia :-)
Absolutely amazing performance dear friend ❤️
Really enjoyed watching and listening 🎧
Big big like thumbs up
See you again❤😊
Dear friend, thank you for your kind words which I appreciate very much.
I wish you the most beautiful and positive things :-)
My best good friend 💕⚘️
Your favorite piano playing make me happy Thanks ⚘️ All the best Greetings from Korea friend ⚘️ 👍
Dear Korean friend, thank you for your comments and greetings.
Kind regards from your Italian friend :-)
Fantastic piano performance. Played with so much feeling and skills. Amazing piece of classical music. Awesome video. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a blessed Easter. Full watch and like nr 104 🐣🐤🐥🐰👌👍🙏💚
Thank you, dear John, for your kind words of appreciation.
I wish you the most beautiful and positive things :-)
Beautiful piano playing!!
Thank you, my friend :-)
A wonderful beauty of music and so excellently performed! Majestic!
Thank you so much for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Bravo Antonio Castagna 👏Amazing Live Piano Performance on this Lovely Classical Piece Sonata in D Major k. 491 👏Played with a lot of Feeling and Passion 👏Enjoyed very much !! Big Thumbs Up # 68 👍 I have now "Subscribed" to your Wonderful Piano Playing Classical Music Film Channel. All the Very Best Antonio, for March/April 2024 ! Stay Safe 🙏 Enjoy your Tuesday and your Week, Kind Regards, Marc Jones, Australian Singer-Pop/Jazz/Ballads & Original Songs Living in Los Angeles, U.S.A. Originally From Sydney, Australia 🎶🎙🎧
Dear Marc Jones, I welcome you to my channel and thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I'll subscribe to your channel too and wish you all the best :-)
@@AntonioCastagna You're Welcome Antonio, and thank you 🙏so much for your Amazing comment on my Singing rendition of The "James Bond" Movie Theme Song "Thunderball". Thank you Antonio 🙏for also Subscribing to my Singing Music Channel, Have a Amazing Thursday and Week, Many Blessings, Marc 🙏
Dear Antonio, a beautiful Monday to you and good evening from me. So happy to be seeing your upload, I just had my dinner, it's 8.38pm here in Malaysia. Thank you for serenading us with this beautiful classical piece. Such a delight to watch you and listen to you, it brought smiles to my face. While I continue to listen, I'd like to wish you a lovely day and a blessed week ahead dear Antonio, my warmest regards to you too 🙏💖🤗
Dear friend from Malaysia, I thank you very much for the beautiful things you wrote.
I wish the most beautiful and positive things to you and your family :-)
You're most welcome dear Antonio, it's my pleasure indeed. Many thanks for your kind wishes to me and my family, too, I'm very grateful. I wish you a blessed Good Friday and happy Easter weekend 🙏🤗
Oh, das war wieder wunderschön !
Vielen Dank für dieses zauberhafte Abendkonzert und liebe Grüße.
Vielen Dank für die netten Worte, die ich wirklich schätze.
Ich nutze diese Gelegenheit, um dich herzlich zu begrüßen :-)
Perfectly played
Thank you, my friend :-)
This brings such an engergy of joy into my room, the energy transformation into a new season. Thank you!!
Dear Madeleine, I really appreciate the beautiful things you wrote.
Wishing you a wonderful month of April :-)
@@AntonioCastagna Thank you. May this month bring you joy and inspiration !
Touched ❤❤❤❤
Thank you for sharing
Thank you, my friend :-)
Dragi prijatelju, stvarno cijenim tvoje komentare.
Pretplatio sam se na vaš kanal i molim vas da učinite istu stvar.
Koristim priliku da Vas srdačno pozdravim :-)
Very beautiful Scarlatti sonata. Thank you for this wonderful performance !
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Lovely. Thankyou
Thanks for the comment which I really appreciate.
I subscribe to your channel and ask you to do the same thing.
I wish a Happy Easter to you and your family :-)
Excelente interpretación Antonio, de tan bella Sonata !! A la distancia te envío un abrazo grande .
Querido Jorge, te devuelvo el abrazo desde lejos y gracias por tus amables palabras.
Les deseo un mes de abril tranquilo y positivo :-)
Buongiorno Antonio. Grazie mille per la meravigliosa esecuzione della Sonata di Domenico Scarlatti al pianoforte.
È stata una grande festa musicale per me - grazie. 👍
Cordiali saluti - Eugene dalla Polonia.
Gentile Eugene, ti ringrazio di cuore per le belle parole di apprezzamento.
Ti auguro una buona continuazione di settimana :-)
Beautiful ⚘️
Your favorite piano playing and sound listening enjoyed it Thanks Always lot thumbs up and happy together ⚘️ 💕
Thank you for the comment which I appreciate very much.
I wish you a good sunday :-)
fabulous, soothing to photo edit tool
Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it.
Dear Andrew, I wish you a good continuation of the week :-)
✨🎀Ascoltarti suonare il pianoforte mi trasporta in un mondo di dolce melodia e accattivante armonia. Ogni nota risuona come un sussurro di intense emozioni. Il tuo talento musicale è una vera fonte di ispirazione Antonio.✨🎀 _Angélique_
like 111💜
Cara Angelique, ti ringrazio di cuore per le belle parole che apprezzo molto.
Ti auguro una buona nuova settimana :-)
@@AntonioCastagna Merci Antonio, bonne semaine aussi pour vous🙏
Dear Antonio, I always watch your performances in awe. Such masterfulness that has one’s spirit and fingers dancing along with yours. Thank you for sharing such beauty with us.
All the best,
Dear Katherine, thank you for your kind words which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Time to nourish the heart ! thank you Antonio great pianist 💖💥👍
I thank you very much for the kind words.
A cordial greeting from Italy :-)
Complimenti! Veramente Preziose e Bellissime queste Interpretazioni di Scarlatti! Un vero Regalo per chi Ascolta 👏👏👏👏👏Sinceri Auguri di Buona Pasqua Antonio!
Gentile Elisabetta, ancora grazie per i tuoi commenti che apprezzo molto.
Ti auguro buon fine settimana :-)
Che bello, caro Antonio. La tua immersione nel brano e la tua esecuzione rendono vivo il nostro ascolto. Bravo, caro amico, per la tua passione per la musica. Ti auguro una bella Pasqua, caro Antonio. Linda
Cara Linda, apprezzo le belle cose che hai scritto e ti ringrazio.
Auguro Buona Pasqua a te ed alla tua famiglia :-)
wonderful playing many thanks dear Antonio great piece like 124 all the best wish you a nice week warm greetings Petra
Dear Petra, thank you for your kind words which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to wish you a good weekend :-)
Beautiful, delicate music. It was great to listen. Thank you for sharing. 😍👍
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I subscribe to your channel and ask you to do the same thing.
I wish you a nice weekend :-)
Einfach be- und verzaubernd, vielen Dank! 🌷
Vielen Dank für die netten Worte, die ich wirklich schätze.
Beste grüße :-)
Dear Antonio!
I'm so happy you give your concerts on YT, so that many poeple have the opportunity to listen to your great interpretations.
I love this Scarlatti Sonata with some interesting tonal changes. Congratulations on this excellent interpretation full of lightness and clearness.
Greetings from Vienna,
Dear Marianne, I thank you very much for your comment on this Scarlatti Sonata.
I really appreciate your kind words.
Warm greetings from Italy :-)
Permainan pianonya luar biasa kawam. Terimakasih sudah berbagi. Semoga sehat bahagia selalu kawan ❤❤🎉🎉🎉❤❤
Terima kasih atas kata-kata baiknya.
Saya berharap Anda kesehatan dan ketenangan :-)
Beautiful piano performance! Have a lovely Wednesday! Full enjoyed!
Thank you for the kind words that I appreciate very much.
I wish you the most beautiful and positive things :-)
Magnificant! It's a beautiful performance of the Scarlatti Sonata! Thank you Antonio!😍
Thank you, Tracy, for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I wish you a peaceful and positive month of April :-)
Thank you for the piano performance. I feel like I'm at a performance. I healed while listening to your piano performance.
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I wish you a peaceful and positive month of April :-)
🌸🥀🌺🏵 Very Very Beautiful 🥀🌺🏵🌸
Thank you, my friend :-)
this was great i dropped a like a full watch with ads , keep up the excellent content you have my full support
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I subscribe to your channel and ask you to do the same thing.
I take this opportunity to greet you cordially :-)
Ich bin begeistert von Deiner fantastischen Klassik Musik am Flügel. Es ist eine Freude Dir zu lauschen. Nun brauche ich kein Klavierkonzert mehr besuchen. Du bringst mir die klassischen Kompositionen in mein Wohnzimmer. Danke dafür von Leonora Lily 🎹🎼🎵🎶
Liebe Leonora Lily, ich danke dir vielmals für deine freundlichen Worte, die ich sehr schätze.
Ich wünsche dir die schönsten und positivsten Dinge :-)
An excellent performance of this beautiful Sonata, showing a wonderful affinity for the unique style of Scarlatti. The wealth of thematic ideas and great rhythmic vitality in the music are communicated very clearly.Thank you dear Antonio for a most inspiring upload. With best wishes, Paul
Dear Paul, I really appreciate the things you wrote. A very interesting analysis of this Scarlatti sonata.
I wish a Happy Easter to you and your family :-)
Una performance bellissima, uno Scarlatti brillante, eseguito con grande stile e maestria. Bravissimo, Antonio, complimenti!
Ti auguro una serena settimana ed una Buona Pasqua a te e famiglia!
Carissima Cristina, grazie di cuore per le belle parole. Le apprezzo molto.
Auguro una Pasqua serena a te ed alla tua famiglia.
Un grande abbraccio :-)
Genial interpretación estimado Antonio.... gracias por compartir... que te vaya de maravilla....♫
saludos cordiales.... te deseo feliz fin de semana.... y bonitos días de primavera.... 👍👍😎😎😊😊
Gracias querido Carlos Franco por tus amables palabras que aprecio mucho.
Te deseo un maravilloso fin de semana :-)
Caro Antonio, ho ascoltato con grande piacere e attenzione questa deliziosa sonata di Scarlatti (che non conoscevo, anche se in verità il tema principale mi ricorda qualcosa di noto, anche se non riesco a focalizzare), a conclusione di questo breve ciclo che hai voluto presentarci nell'ultimo mese. Come di consueto, ho molto apprezzato la tua tecnica pianistica, grazie alla quale mi hai regalato qualche minuto di relax e di grande emozione all'insegna della grande musica. Ti mando un caro saluto e un abbraccio, con l'augurio di vivere al meglio questa nuova stagione primaverile, ormai ufficialmente iniziata.
Caro Piero, ti ringrazio per le belle parole e per le considerazioni pertinenti ed interessanti.
Auguro anche a te una splendida primavera piena di cose belle e positive :-)
Un ascolto coinvolgente, per un brano dai toni variegati, che si avvicina ai colori della primavera per la sua intensità. Cari saluti Antonio😘
Cara Silvia, ti ringrazio per le belle parole che apprezzo molto.
Ti auguro uno splendido fine settimana :-)
Beautiful Sonata and piano play.
Thank you, may friend :-)
Bonjour Antonio.
Mes compliments pour cette superbe performance.
Merci pour ces beaux portraits et peintures.
Vous souhaitant de Joyeuses Fêtes de Pâques.
Bien amicalement. Jackie 💗🎹🎶👍
Merci, Jackie, pour ces aimables paroles d'appréciation.
Je vous souhaite, à vous et à votre famille, un merveilleux lundi de Pâques :-)
Blessings to my screen for being graced with such high-quality and entertaining content.😍😍😍
Thank you for the kind words which I really appreciate.
I take this opportunity to wish you a good weekend :-)
My Hon'ble Friend Antonio 🌅🌅🌅
Again please 🎉🏖️🌿🌿🌿
Very nice presentation 🔥🔥🌟🌟
Very nice melody......🎉🎉🎉🎉
Congratulation from India ☔☔🏖️🌟
Be Happy with all 🌷🌷☘️☘️🌿☘️
I love your performance ❤❤❤ 6:05
Dear Indian friend, thank you for the comment which I appreciate very much.
I take this opportunity to wish you a good new week :-)