Japan Needs Kids NOW!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Acco discusses the ageing population problem in Japan at the moment, and the government's solutions.
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  • @Garouwerks
    @Garouwerks 3 місяці тому +11

    I can say that in the state of California, in the US, the regulations are indeed, insane. All the 'green' things they are forced to do these days make the homes $500,000. Things that MUST be installed: Solar, tankless water heaters, fire suppression, double paned windows, water meters, low flow: sink, shower, toilets, and more. It all MUST be installed. due to the laws we now have. Most of it is good, what makes it all bad, is all the extra costs. Many people can not afford the homes due to those extra must be added on, costs. Terrible for all.

    • @mrmurdog100
      @mrmurdog100 3 місяці тому

      Buddy... try get a house in germany xD
      we dont even build them anymore, because its just not worth it. meanwhile we flood the country with migrants and finding a small place to stay can take up to 6 months and more.
      oh and the government taxes the shit out of us so hard that for alot of people there is nothing left to give to a child. Riots incomming in 3.. 2.. 1.. xD

  • @AnonymousCoward3000
    @AnonymousCoward3000 3 місяці тому +10

    This is like the world setting of a harem anime.
    "Project Re-population" or something along that line.

  • @Jason-ji8ql
    @Jason-ji8ql 3 місяці тому +25

    Honestly, in my humble opinion, the declining birth rates (not just in Japan) is more indicative of the larger social and economic issues. Younger people nowadays see how far things have changed over just a few generations, and they know they'll likely never achieve this ideal lifestyle that they were promised, regardless of how hard they work. Government is only one half of the issue, the other half is oppressive corporate overreach. Corporations can make more and more money year over year, and yet they still will cut from the bottom, not the top. Most of these same corporations wont even let their employees have a built-in buy-in to their companies own success, which would at least incentivize people to work hard. Instead, we look down upon people who choose to be financially responsible and dont want to take on any economic burden they dont see as sustainable. This unfortunately includes having children. And yet, how many times have we seen countless stories about horrible situations, and the common response you always hear is "some people just shouldnt be parents." But now we're going to gaslight people into being told "you should *always* want to have children, even if you don't think you can support them. It's whats 'normal'." I think the cold hard truth no one wants to admit is, people are tired of being told what they should or should not do anymore, and if their life is only worth whatever it will ever be to them, then the system can go pound sand.

    • @mogalixir
      @mogalixir 3 місяці тому

      It's all economic conditions. Adults eventually want to have children, except in rare circumstances. It's just that adults rationally don't want to bring children into the world if it means they and everyone close to them suffers because of it. Japan is in a unique situation by not being overpopulated to spur the economy, and we're entering an AI era where people are even less necessary for productivity.

    • @PrimordialOracleOfManyWorlds
      @PrimordialOracleOfManyWorlds 3 місяці тому

      the corporations, the rich, and elites has become delusional with power and greed. they do not see or want to see or ignore the backfire they are causing until everything stops in society. it happened in France right before the French revolution. history seems to repeat these days. i also think the decline of the family and births are signs of defense and protest against the socio-economic stresses in society like the let-it-rot movement. i think it is instinctual in humans to do that.

    • @CheeseOfMasters
      @CheeseOfMasters 3 місяці тому

      Sorry guys, but the problem is hypergamy and feminism. No women in her 20 nowadays wants to choose family over career. Women in the workplace have also degraded the value of the male worker making them unable to finance a family. That is the issue, birthrates are lowest under educated and well earning women.

    • @fiveforbiting
      @fiveforbiting 3 місяці тому

      Well said. Western society is such that the people serve the systems. Government, corporate, computer, legal; All demand sacrifice and investment from the people, but often don't serve the people in return.

  • @JohnSmith-hv6ks
    @JohnSmith-hv6ks 3 місяці тому +5

    The social hierarchy in eastern culture kinda supress the younger generation. Comformity is huge.

    • @fiveforbiting
      @fiveforbiting 3 місяці тому

      The economic hierarchy does the same in the West. Plus, people love conformity in every nation. Everyone says "conform or die" in softer, or different ways.

  • @andreaskvaloy
    @andreaskvaloy 3 місяці тому +16

    The government can't and won't fix the problem, because fixing the problem would make the government, or those areas of the government, no longer necessary. The government workers want to keep their jobs, meaning the best we can hope for from them is alleviating the symptoms of the problem, but never the problem itself.

    • @Kevfactor
      @Kevfactor 3 місяці тому +3

      Corporations banks and the Mega wealthy are not going to fix people’s problems either. In fact the these people make it worse. I don’t think people at this point want solutions more than just having better protection and fair in society. Things somehow have gotten to the point that the word union is like a far left idea hehe

    • @sashisasj3850
      @sashisasj3850 3 місяці тому

      ​@@Kevfactor The only solution is to oppress women by not alowing them to be educated more then grade school level. The more women are educated the less kids they have. The more men are educated the same kids they have. But here is the problem. That is a politically unfeasable solution. That is because politicians and civilians pander to women's wishes and demands.

    • @kalebgonzales4009
      @kalebgonzales4009 3 місяці тому

      You should watch Silo or its book counterpart, The Wool Triology. Powers at be care nothing for their citizens, but only to veil them in order to have an ordered society based on their interest.

    • @patrickedwards7107
      @patrickedwards7107 3 місяці тому +1

      They'd rather opt for a future requiring mandatory donation and artificial fertility whilst replacing at least half of the workforce with automation heavily taxing the former to carry on the semblance of their oligarch caste systems every former starter home and property will be relegated to being for rent. We see a similar scheme impacting other developed nations including the U.S. and E.U. Japan is perhaps just decades ahead of the curve in the very real repercussions dept. With this sort of shift neglecting the human condition for profit.

    • @NamelessAmerican
      @NamelessAmerican 3 місяці тому +1

      Actually, their most populous city is the actual problem. That is WAY too high of a population center for every single resident to have a conformable life. This phenomenon is happening all over, especially in the West. Higher populations always spike the cost of living. A small town of 2,000 will not experience that problem. Industrialization, unfortunately, has created this world. We have the largest population ever recorded. We all can't have a piece of the pie as a result.

  • @jeremyrichard2722
    @jeremyrichard2722 3 місяці тому +3

    Anyone who cares should read this massive text wall, many will not like it, but this is the bottom line, and it's been known fact among serious academics (a dying breed) since before I was born.
    It's not the issue some people think it is. In fact we saw this coming a long while ago. It's called "The Gray Plague" and it needs to be weathered, and yeah, it applies to some places more than others.
    The basic issue is that during WW II two things happened, there was a massive increase in global technology, including medical, and a massive reduction in the population. This lead to a baby boom, which some argued against, but happened due to international paranoia and competition, combined with a sudden unleashing of technology that allowed people to live and stay fit much longer. This meant the "Baby Boomers" would stay in power and be fit longer than any other generation in human history, along with having unprecedented numbers. My generation "Generation X" was called that as the "X" means unknown, the idea being that we have the misfortune of being right in the perfect place where we could not have any real impact overall because most things would be being done by Boomers longer than ever before and thus we would not naturally fall into their roles and influence as they retired and fell off. Basically we were the sacrifice to get the human generational cycle working properly again if they fed the baby boom, which for all the damage, was considered to be a lesser evil because of what would happen if some nations didn't boom and neighbors didn't and they simply got overrun or ourperformed due to numbers.
    The economic and political system in most places is based on pre-WW II models and the usual generational and lifespan cycle, and most changes on this sort of socio-political level can't just be forced due to systemic safeguards. This in fact did create a "gray plague" so named before I was born where we'd see a case with those massive boom generations being in the social system with smaller, younger, generations struggling to prop them up.
    The prediction is that basically the system is supposed to break, a lot of the current economic structures which would not willingly sacrifice power, will just fail, and then be able to be replaced. A painful process, but leading to the same basic things being created based around the new generational cycle which will settle, such as higher retirement ages based on predictions. It's a case where things need to get worse, before they get better. That said it's expected most societies will survive this, which is why it was considered the lesser evil to potentially losing everything due to not doing it.
    Of course there are also of the moment problems contributing, such as the rise of corporations and their mentality, these things are making the problems worse, and represent a case where people will not learn why you can't allow safeguards to be removed from the free market, until the current eco-political complex falls in on itself leaving no opposition to the needed reforms that will allow it to be rebuilt. Of course idiot socialists who think this is a problem with capitalism as opposed to pretty much everything around it, and the dark side of hard wired political systems that survive due to not being able to be forced into hairpin turns due to current whims.
    I think we're also about to see a sort of "Zero Population Growth" thing force itself onto the world due to a hard reality check as we recover. Something made easier by the current crisis enabling hardcore social darwinism where the least worthy humans are unable to reproduce for very human reasons related to our social way of living. The weird fringe sexual groups and political morons who will wind up tomorrow's 300 pound homeless people and crazy cat ladies due to screaming about Karl Marx as they are unable to find a way to survive the period of crisis and have kids to carry on all dying out is pretty much the human-social version of an environmental crisis that has tempered other species. It's killing the least worthy among us who are waving protest signs and hanging up "Che" signs as they insult those who will survive on their way down. This was sort of predicted, though how it would look, was not known.
    Trying to scream "We should stop this" is human, but in reality we can't, and slowing the process will just make it worse, overall though I think humanity, and most of the major social systems, will be fine. Realize the Asian countries like Japan and China suffering aging based economic problems are not going to die out as there are still children, but their current systems will suffer partial collapses, finally enabling reforms. Understand the collapse of xenophobic cultures like both of them are to some extent is actually a net gain for the human race, a lot of their problems being intrinsic to their systems and ways of thinking which is why it is so much worse there. These collapses are going to be what make their future generations look back and go "you know, we shouldn't be that way".
    I am actually kind of shocked more people don't learn this all in school now, as it was explained me in like Jr. High, when they explained why "Generation X" was called that, the name was not just picked out of a hat. It's likely so many people currently forget us as they don't understand what w are, or why we are called that.
    As far as the reality of being the last of your line that doesn't breed, well... I can feel that, though it's for different reasons than many. See I was born with brain damage, and while I dated plenty when I was younger, my relationships never worked as I refuse to have kids as I've been told there is a real risk of passing my problems on. My brother died in a fire, and others of my generation didn't fare so well for various reasons. Being a close to 50 year old wreck, even if some genetic miracle that would make me feel safe in having kids, that ship has obviously sailed.
    I mention that part for those that read this far because a lot of stuff about relationships today seems hilarious to me. Back in the 1990s and early 2000s when I was "out there", I just sort of wound up with girls in my extended peer group by doing things with people. The first time I had a girlfriend I didn't realize it until she called me her boyfriend and I realized it was true. I never wound up dating intentionally or conventionally nor did most people I knew, we just did stuff kind of... and understand, I've never been super-stud. The idea of people using dating apps at all, never mind government match making, has always seemed silly. Back when I was out there we had stuff like "The Screw Newspaper" which was a sort of precursor to Cracked, which as a printed personals column for casual hook ups basically, it seems like all these apps are designed for dating and have like 80% of the people there trying to find dates in a world with stupidly high expectations, and the 20% that are physically attractive take it over and use it the way "Screw" used to be used.

  • @jeannienickel7
    @jeannienickel7 3 місяці тому +3

    My mom is 89
    My mother in law is. 100 & hee friend’s funeral was yesterday…. She was 107

    • @DJ239
      @DJ239 3 місяці тому +2

      It's crazy, I think it's gonna be normal for people to make it to 100. No one is talking about this either.

  • @Francois424
    @Francois424 3 місяці тому +1

    I don't know for Japan, but if you want to fix the housing issue in the west you need to do TWO things.
    #1 - Make housing speculation market illegal. Buying houses to profit on them by reselling should be illegal.
    #2 - Cap the number of house you can own directly or indirectly. Make it so you can own 3. One for your living place, one for a summer house or w.e you call those, and an extra one (could be for your spouse / relatives / or children. This makes it impossible for some idiot to purchase all the neighborhood and then rent everything laughing to the bank and then some.
    As long as the above 2 is not fixed, you'll never get the issue resolved. Also they should remove taxes when passing ONE HOUSE to a relative/children either when living, or at inheritance, provided the recipient does npot own ANYH property yet.
    This wouldn't be perfect, but it certainly would make things better
    I'd even throw #3 - if you arent a resident of a country, you have no business buying properties or land in said country... Rent all you want, but no ownership whatsoever.
    That fixes rich countries making THIS country poorer... screw them.

    • @AccolonnTV
      @AccolonnTV  3 місяці тому

      Wherever the government has ever gotten involved in the market it crashed and destroyed the market or made things even worse. Banning people from buying or selling homes for profit will instantly kill any reason for anyone to build and develop homes, you'll also see the entire economy collapse after some time since many people take out loans against their mortgage to start businesses but a loan against a mortgage only makes sense if your house appreciate in value, if you block that, no bank ever would even risk lending money on homes or mortgages.
      The only time solutions work is when government isn't part of it.

  • @Tamsin53
    @Tamsin53 3 місяці тому +3

    The population collapse is long, boring. It’s not like Fallout. It’ll take decades, centuries like the collapse of the Roman Empire. Even in 476, not much happened, the date only chosen by historians while there could be other dates to sign the start of the Medieval Age.

  • @PedroPedro-k9p
    @PedroPedro-k9p 3 місяці тому +3

    Japan will be okay, the have a decent enough birthrate and their whole economic system has been preparing for decades to this reality aslo their fertility rate is way higher than all their neighbours, so their borders are secure as long as they don't start mass importing third worlders.
    Meanwhile, the west has none of these things and lower fertility + unlike Japan, our retires don't have part time jobs.

    • @caleb7475
      @caleb7475 3 місяці тому

      I've been to japan. While it's not as bad as South Korea. It is a childless society. Resteraunts are set up to only seat 1 or two people. Jobs demand long hours. There won't be a japan if they don't increase birth rates. And it will be invaded by foreigners because they will be to economically weak to stop it at that point.

  • @chekov885
    @chekov885 3 місяці тому +1

    Governments can simply divert resources from war equipment and military in general and shift it into pensions. Two problems solved in one day's deliberation.

  • @emptyhad2571
    @emptyhad2571 3 місяці тому

    This is why Japan is becoming more and more immigration friendly

  • @flammamancer
    @flammamancer 3 місяці тому

    Don't worry Japan we are sending Chad Chaddington over right away.

  • @keitoth9697
    @keitoth9697 3 місяці тому

    With so many issues like people, complaining about overpopulation, climate change, reduce resources and environmental concerns, shouldn’t all the powers that be be cheering that there is a population decline? All I have heard for the past 20 years is theirs over population, and that it is irresponsible to be having children. If person were to have children, they should have no more than two. This is the message I have heard. I have four children and have been married 28 years. However, I am disgusted. Now that people are speaking of population decline and now making that a crisis.

  • @abd1x7
    @abd1x7 3 місяці тому

    I am totally okay as a young guy to pay old people
    But not to someone that i know decided to not get married and get kids (or his gay) then no why would i pay for him
    I don't deserve to get paid by young person 50 years from now unless i either made at least 3 kids or i couldn't get kids or i declare myself "bankrupt"or something
    Of course i would have to proof i was bankrupt and i couldn't do anything luxurious as then it just means i lied i actually have money i just don't want to get the responsibility of children

  • @GeorgeNoX
    @GeorgeNoX 3 місяці тому +1

    I expect many men all around the world would be more than willing to go there and ''help out'' with this issue xd

    • @Dryzual
      @Dryzual 3 місяці тому +6

      Then it wont be Japanese anymore

    • @kalebgonzales4009
      @kalebgonzales4009 3 місяці тому

      @@Dryzual They be making mutts.

  • @Twist-The-Friendly-Hunter
    @Twist-The-Friendly-Hunter 3 місяці тому

    Japan needs kids?
    I don't want to say it...
    And now I leave.

  • @mitkoogrozev
    @mitkoogrozev 3 місяці тому

    I don't think any particular 'nation' matters. That's a too narrow view (not to mention that nations are made up human concept that doesn't exist). That would miss the factors on which all our existence relies on. Which is energy, materials, their rate of usage and ecosystem health. Our relationship with the world as a whole is what matters. There's too many people in existence as it is, at least at the high energy and material consumption they perform currently, threatening our collective existence. Global population is still growing, so when you put Japan in the relevant scale of analysis - the global one, then it's clear that we don't need any more people, but instead less.

  • @Grawwler
    @Grawwler 3 місяці тому

    Sadly not just Japan. Its EVERYWHERE. I recommend Stephen J Shaw's documentary. Its morbig af

  • @Retro_Gamer113
    @Retro_Gamer113 3 місяці тому

    Good more countries should follow suit.

  • @Skeety08
    @Skeety08 3 місяці тому

    People often like to bring up immigration and I’m of the opinion that the answer is not mass immigration, that will only lead to cultural conflict and other societal problems.

    • @NamelessAmerican
      @NamelessAmerican 3 місяці тому

      The third world has continued to overpopulate many Western countries. I want less of the third world.

  • @rosshonniball5345
    @rosshonniball5345 3 місяці тому

    I disagree with you on every point you make, but let's cut the chase. The problem is the growth obsessed economic system. End the insane need for growth within our economic system and every concern and problem vanishes in a puff of sustainability. Concerning population specifically, it does concern me that some demographics are shrinking however this is fueled by the unsustainable living conditions / future / economic system we are asking young people to work within. A problem, like all other problems, solved by ending out insistence on endless growth. eg. stop growing the population and housing immediately becomes embarrassingly affordable for young people.

  • @hristopavlov298
    @hristopavlov298 3 місяці тому

    On it chief o>

  • @chekov885
    @chekov885 3 місяці тому +1

    Japan is fine. Too many people living in the cities and valleys. A few generations of dropping population will be good in the long run.

  • @andreypavlov5187
    @andreypavlov5187 3 місяці тому

    Muh uh me modern man/woman, me make career, me money more important muh uh

  • @forcebane
    @forcebane 3 місяці тому +8

    As long as governments don't forbid corporations, companies and foreign investors from buying up properties as an investment it won't get better. Unfortunately for us, a select few gain millions upon millions from that.... their own "solution" for that problem is importing immigrants from poor countries which, if you have an IQ above 80, you know won't work and will only worsen the situation for us AND them.

    • @chrismill85
      @chrismill85 3 місяці тому

      there is no justification for the existence of a government.

  • @araposkulo
    @araposkulo 3 місяці тому +7

    Ageing population is a massive problem not only in Japan, but also Europe you just dont get to hear it as much. We live longer, money is harder to earn and therefore people dont want to have kids more.
    Meanwhile retirment ages still allow you to live around two decades while being paid by the government. So now it becomes a tax problem. The gov wants your money, not to give you money (at least not for that long) so they will increase the taxes while also increasing the retirement age etc etc.

    • @patrickedwards7107
      @patrickedwards7107 3 місяці тому

      It's a problem in the U.S. as well there is a great deal of irreconcilable divide between generations here due to this exact issue and I have seen more of my generation refusing to have children in the same tineframes as previous eras there has been a marked decline.

  • @solo1014
    @solo1014 3 місяці тому +2

    Why do i get the sense that there are hoards of western otaku who would be willing to the difficult work of siring as many offspring as needed to save Japan?

  • @mrmurdog100
    @mrmurdog100 3 місяці тому +2

    if youre datingapp demands marrige than it stops beeing a datingapp and it starts beeing a marrige market xD

    • @willythemailboy2
      @willythemailboy2 3 місяці тому

      It doesn't demand marriage, it demands that people be looking for marriage and not just hookups. Although by the sound of it China is moving back toward arranged marriages, or at least parents doing the spouse shopping for their kids.

  • @Roamingfirebat
    @Roamingfirebat 3 місяці тому +1

    Me living in Japan with a bucket of popcorn. 🍿

  • @termopylae5506
    @termopylae5506 3 місяці тому

    I've already settled with the notion that i will work until 72 years of age. The pension age need to be raised. But i also think there are lots you can do to entice people to work for longer, like tax cuts and a possibility to work less hours at a certain age. Should also take care how physicaly taxing a job is.

  • @randalldraco3822
    @randalldraco3822 3 місяці тому

    Give that man a beer, he's talking sense.

  • @momqabt
    @momqabt 3 місяці тому

    Well, Japan can fix me up for this shit.
    Ex army, current law enforcement, (central) eastern European😂
    Just gimme a job first😜

  • @totallyalpharius507
    @totallyalpharius507 3 місяці тому +1

    Love how you pronounce "the West" as "the waste". We sure are living in one.
    *chcks Pip Boy for rads*