Damn! I never thought of using Koffing or Weezing for getting the toxic orb! Thank you for your videos and keep up with your videos! It's gonna take time but it's gonna pay!
Honestly just fo banette with frisk thief imprison fling. And just run back in forth in celadom pond, the electric place where u find zapdos, or pokemon mansion. Frisk will tell u whether or not it has an item if not run.
Damn! I never thought of using Koffing or Weezing for getting the toxic orb!
Thank you for your videos and keep up with your videos! It's gonna take time but it's gonna pay!
Honestly just fo banette with frisk thief imprison fling. And just run back in forth in celadom pond, the electric place where u find zapdos, or pokemon mansion. Frisk will tell u whether or not it has an item if not run.
Yup I mentioned that method in the beginning. Just showing a more laid-back way, with frisk you have to pay way more attention than this.
cant you just use embargo instead?
Cool Idea!
But why does weezing have to be only one speed higher than muk?
it has to be at least one higher so you get to thief before fling
So in this method the weezing level matter ? or i can have a bigger level weezing ?
Weezing must be lvl 37 if using repels
Bro can life orb be farmed too
I believe Absol can hold them but I don't think there's really a way to farm them
Bro what is training link
Replaced the amnesia brace in the RP store. Doubles EV gain and cancels all exp gains on the pokemon holding it.
How many repels do you use by the time you find a toxic orb? Repels are expensive hah
It's extremely random. 3/4 hours in this video alone I didn't get any but I've also gotten 3 orbs within like 30 mins before.
Nice video, low voice tho.