Best Champions For Bronze S6 | Best Champions To Carry Low Elo Season 6

  • Опубліковано 25 січ 2025
  • Ігри


  • @greedytn6106
    @greedytn6106 9 років тому +9

    1 reason to play Malzahar

  • @jashmehta9743
    @jashmehta9743 9 років тому +73

    Amumu cons - Gap Closer,
    Amumu Pros - Great Engage
    Nigga his Q is a gap closer wtf

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому +27

      when I say gap closer I mean an ability that can be used without targeted a champ or minion like a fiora q, corki w, kindred q

    • @anthonykuan9266
      @anthonykuan9266 9 років тому +1

      +RvzStealth He just doesn't get it lolz

    • @anabolicjesus6717
      @anabolicjesus6717 9 років тому +29

      This list is for bronze...amumu q too hard skillshot

    • @MoneyGamerMG
      @MoneyGamerMG 9 років тому

      +Jesus Senpai hahaha

    • @Szederp
      @Szederp 9 років тому +1

      +RvzStealth You forgot about why not just admit it? You claim that an ability that needs a target is "not a gap closer". Irelia Q, Wukong E, Fizz Q, Yasuo E, Diana R(!) So these champions have no gap closers....wonder how they are always so fast at getting in your face.

  • @augafrost4158
    @augafrost4158 9 років тому +135

    1. Malphite
    2. Amumu
    3. Malzahar
    4. Miss Fortune
    5. Tahm Kench
    Thank me later

    • @lufiPrime
      @lufiPrime 9 років тому +3

      Thank you. You saved my time.

    • @dzgamer3039
      @dzgamer3039 9 років тому

      +Alejandro Alva lol

    • @YY-cl8hr
      @YY-cl8hr 9 років тому


    • @khaled-ue9ht
      @khaled-ue9ht 9 років тому

      thanks bae

    • @Liquidmetal702
      @Liquidmetal702 9 років тому

      +James quillao nah ur trash

  • @MoneyGamerMG
    @MoneyGamerMG 9 років тому +3

    Hey RvzStealth, I know you for a long time and i love your video's and i never miss one, keep the good work up bro!

  • @walklike2457
    @walklike2457 9 років тому

    Hey! I really enjoy your vids man. I wanted to ask. Is cassiopeia good in the midlane this patch?

  • @andiaesthetics
    @andiaesthetics 8 років тому +1

    if i play malph and amumu how can i carry?
    They dont rly have too much dmg and they need the team to help.
    But very often when you have a very bad team you can not carry with these champs.

  • @BeansGaming
    @BeansGaming 8 років тому

    Love your vids man, keep it up! I subbed :)

  • @codyvillegas6987
    @codyvillegas6987 9 років тому

    I love your videos man, they're always in depth and I can tell you are putting effort in them. Keep doing what you're doing, definitely one of my go to channels for league information along with Phylol, you're one of my favorites no doubt about it

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      I really appreciate that! Thanks for the kind words

  • @Hawokki
    @Hawokki 9 років тому

    I was plat S4. Then had break and nownim struggling in silver :D NownI remember that these are the champsbi used to grind out of silver in weeks. Thx for reminder

  • @russeshe001
    @russeshe001 9 років тому

    Not to say 'your opinion is wrong', but I'm not sure about some of these.
    -Malphite can make a big impact in a game, but he can't 'carry' like most champs due to his lack of tower-killing power, his lack of damage when alone, and the long cooldown stapled to his ult labelled 'ability to contribute'.
    -Malzahar then follows up by having a massive weakness, positioning. Or rather, the lack of mobility to facilitate it. Something that you had just mentioned as being important in Bronze because not many people fully understand it yet. He can do great against assassins, sure, but he's so immobile and gank-vulnerable that, like Malphite, you're depending heavily on your team. Your team full of Bronzies.
    -Amumu I can see because he's tanky or he can deal damage, depending on what you need in a given game, and has fight-turning power similar to Malphite's in his ult. Heck, if he needs to get away from a bad fight, you can Q to jungle camps or minions; not the best mobility but it's something, and it isn't tied to an ultimate.
    -Tahm, yeah, I can see that. Hard to kill, does damage, can save his allies... Just don't expect anyone in Bronze to go with you on an ult, or to appreciate when you save them with W. I just hope some poor Bronze MF doesn't have to get her ult interrupted by an overzealous Tahm.
    -Nasus, sure. He's just about the definition of low-ELO carry potential, assuming that the player can CS.
    On Graves, I have no opinion. Haven't had the chance to play him yet since the rework.
    Talon, definite yes.
    -Corki... Just pray they don't Valkyrie into the fight. Even with The Package most of the time. Never trust bronze mechanics.
    As far as supports, I can specify one that's pretty safe and contributes well, while being fairly easy; Lulu. A shield for your allies, your ult is both a fight-starter and a life-saver, you have point and click 'fuck you stop what you're doing' CC in Whimsy, which can also be a speed boost on yourself or a friend, and on top of all that her Q and her AA's both do pretty alright damage, which means you can build toward support or damage as the situation arises. Or, build tanky with something like an Iceborn Gauntlet, that works too. She's just flexible all around.
    Also as an aside... Why is a lack of a gap closer a con for a backline squishy mage who can throw spells from afar and sometimes kill people without even being in lane anymore?

  • @yousifhaider351
    @yousifhaider351 9 років тому

    Can you make the best team compositions in bronze? do these champions work well together?

  • @DomWarfield
    @DomWarfield 9 років тому

    Hey Rvz I am a bad Nasus player I was wondering if you had any other recommendations for a good top laner that can easily carry at low elos I was kind of looking for someone AP as well any suggestions? The more the better.

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      +Dom Warfield Try akali right now, search up tank akali build on youtube and watch the guide to know how to play her.

  • @simonnettezaragoza7340
    @simonnettezaragoza7340 8 років тому

    do you think khaz nocturne kin shyvanna jg (cause i play all of thkwe consistently) are good cause im currently b2

    • @simonnettezaragoza7340
      @simonnettezaragoza7340 8 років тому

      and kassadin mid

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  8 років тому

      +Simonnette Zaragoza kha and nocturne are a bit risky becaues they rely on doing well early and snowballing but shyvana and kindred are definetely great picks right now. Kassadin is a pretty situational pick. Hes really weak against ad assassins so I would only pick him if the enemies lock an ap mid.

  • @nippleprodigy261
    @nippleprodigy261 9 років тому +19

    nigga being a professional bronze 3 dont be telling bronzes to go play nasus ive never seen i good nasus in my 2 seasons in bronze!

    • @quick2bud
      @quick2bud 9 років тому +2

      for reals. they all rush Trinity force after going 0/4 in lane and then wonder why they keep dying

    • @Ometen
      @Ometen 9 років тому +2

      +Jah Ja Farm? nah man 99 stacks are good enough for min 25

    • @josephenigam7089
      @josephenigam7089 9 років тому

      i can get 450 in 20 tho... i tush frozen heart or spirit

    • @Mooseplatoon
      @Mooseplatoon 9 років тому

      ^ This.
      After my brief stay in bronze I made an alt account and have returned periodically since (About 3 years now)
      A higher-ranked player's idea of what SHOULD be good in Bronze is generally vastly different from what succeeds there.
      Nasus, Miss Fortune and Tahm Kench should good for Bronze on paper, but I personally would not recommend any of them.

    • @Mooseplatoon
      @Mooseplatoon 9 років тому

      +Joseph Enigam
      You do realize you could Q 100% of the minions that hit top lane by 20 minutes and still not have 450 stacks, right?

  • @tqgdesire8604
    @tqgdesire8604 9 років тому

    What about sivir for ADC? She has high damage, great waves clear with her Q and E and her spell shield makes it difficult for engage supports like nautilus or Leona to lock her down and her ult is brilliant for pushing lanes in solo queue, but I agree with you completely on the other lanes 😊, on a side note I love the format and style of your videos and channel

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      Sivir is mainly picked for the utility of her ult but since there are a lot of strong engage champions as well as frost queens being built on a lot of mids and supports you don't really need that engage which is 1 reason why people are opting to the better scaling higher damage ADCs. I would pick her if your team lacks engage or disengage but other than that there are just better ADCs right now.

    • @tqgdesire8604
      @tqgdesire8604 9 років тому

      RvzStealth fair play, what is your opinion on jhin right now?

  • @coolrat213
    @coolrat213 8 років тому

    REALLY helpful! I've lost three promos because im bronze trash
    probably only gonna lose 9 now

  • @jairartis
    @jairartis 8 років тому

    What sucks is, I always get fed with champions who can't carry. Karma-damage will fall off
    Maokai- team fight dependent late game
    Poppy- depends on her abilities and can't take out more than 2 or so champions
    Aurelion sol-team fight dependent late game
    So how do you carry with champs who aren't usually carrying?

  • @terenceau11
    @terenceau11 9 років тому

    may I ask about MF? as far as i see, her base stats (base atk speed, base AD,etc) is nerfed in the preseason, but having a new passive Love tap makes her a very strong pick since preseason. Low base stats make her not a lane bully anymore, but the good AD scaling on Love tap makes her very strong late game, as well as a great ult in teamfight. In that case, is she really "weaker late", and great early game? welcome to share with me your thoughts! :)

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      +Terence Au She is pretty solid at all stages of the game. Early shes good since her q can chunk the enemy laner to half hp if you bounce it off a low health minion and hit them. Mid and late she is also very good since she can put out alot of aoe damage with her ult if she positions correctly.

  • @sewloog7036
    @sewloog7036 8 років тому +11

    1.riven ap mid adc
    3.vayne tank
    4.zed supp
    5.soraka jg
    gg ez

  • @gnstcthsm5294
    @gnstcthsm5294 8 років тому

    Qss don't work on zed anymore right

  • @kylemetzger5394
    @kylemetzger5394 9 років тому

    Big fan rvz.. keep up the good work

  • @TheLastAatroxMain
    @TheLastAatroxMain 9 років тому

    what about kayle support? she has a heal a slow and a nice ult to save her adc and nice poke

    • @imusthegreat
      @imusthegreat 9 років тому

      +Jonathan Sebhatu the heal doesn't really do that much. The slow is nice but you need to get close to really make use of it. And without damage items you can't really folow up that good. Her ultimate is also only 2 seconds, which to be honest most bronzies can't use to the fullest.
      Not saying kayle is bad but other supports work better.

  • @GunnarPL2
    @GunnarPL2 9 років тому

    I can't belive i need to watch these bronze videos when im in gold.

  • @infinitenaff
    @infinitenaff 9 років тому

    I highly disagree on alternative on support. As supp main in s4-g5 region, just pick alistar. With the patch w q combo easier to land, if not, land phase is VERY safe. 2 disengage skill, 1 heal, 1 buff skill. Just build super ms and youre good to go. Flash q, w carry, r. Your job is now done.

  • @alexblicher3121
    @alexblicher3121 9 років тому

    how do you play malph don't use q to poke since it cost way to much and then you have a shit ton of mana. why say you should play camps with high ban rate

  • @KimoDavid00
    @KimoDavid00 9 років тому

    So ur tryna tell me how to build malphite when ur building a spirit visage...

  • @aaronpellien8033
    @aaronpellien8033 8 років тому

    From the video
    Top: Malphite/Nasus
    Jungle: Amumu/Graves
    Mid: Malzahar/Talon
    ADC: Miss Fortune/Corki
    Support: Tahm Kench/High base damage supports

  • @guird4
    @guird4 9 років тому

    you reccomend not building a support item on AP supports?
    How are you going to build a lot of AP without a source of income like spelltheif's?
    Also, spookies OP. On the same note, spookies AP. not long ago even midlaners were building fqc. Hell, TRYNDAMERE was building it before the cooldown went up. Maybe it's better to rush frost queen's for the gold and AP at expense of a slightly delayed sightstone. what do you guys think?

  • @kevinmolder5314
    @kevinmolder5314 9 років тому

    nice video, now i know who I need0 to train with and then im gonna play them ranked

    • @bayasgalantsogtgerel3346
      @bayasgalantsogtgerel3346 9 років тому

      +Kevin Mölder Play gankplank, or Yorick, nobody knows how to properly deal with them, especially the latter. You're just going to win your lane hard.
      What do you call ganking a lvl3 Yorick? A double Kill.

    • @LaRa-uv5ev
      @LaRa-uv5ev 9 років тому

      +Bayasgalan Tsogtgerel yorick has a counter in every game. his fuckin mana xd

    • @bayasgalantsogtgerel3346
      @bayasgalantsogtgerel3346 9 років тому

      Laris Kladusak That's true that he purely countered by his high dependency, but if you can get your opponents health low enough, that he won't even be able to trade with you that's enough.

  • @clickbait7420
    @clickbait7420 8 років тому

    is alistar a good supp?

    • @yigitbozok2508
      @yigitbozok2508 8 років тому

      +JamieClemm yes as long as you know how to properly land your w-q combo

  • @zolofdanger5403
    @zolofdanger5403 9 років тому

    I think Lux or Morgana would be a better mid pick up for Bronze players rather than Talon. Also, Udyr has the highest jungle win rate but I wouldn't put a bronze player on him.

  • @mtvDarki1337
    @mtvDarki1337 9 років тому

    Greetings from Germany! Your videos are awesome! I always share them with my friends.
    I like the way you present and explain your opinion.
    Keep it up! :)

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      Hey man, I really appreciate that. Thanks for the support.

  • @Supersonicboom7
    @Supersonicboom7 9 років тому

    This is a good list, however you completely missed the mark on Talon. Talon is possibly the bustiest champs in the game (or rengo) However while providing good burst + AOE he has little sustained dmg because of spell cooldowns. Talon is great for indiscriminately assassinating the enemy adc/apc but is often left for dead with little dmg left in his kit if he dives in. Considering ADC's positioning is so bad in bronze you don't need to play champs like Talon or rengo that are meant to assassinate well positioned ADC's. Look at Talons winrate per League, Lowest in Bronze, Highest in Diamond+ that's the obvious reason.

  • @Ricardo8388
    @Ricardo8388 9 років тому +4

    These vids arent in low Elo. I dont see anyone flaming I dont see anyone afk farming top during teamfights.. and I dont see anyone standing still on the spawn.

    • @Ken-fh9mm
      @Ken-fh9mm 8 років тому

      Yo, just because they aren't in low Elo doesn't mean these champions shouldn't be played in low Elo?

  • @Tr4sh1nP3ace
    @Tr4sh1nP3ace 8 років тому

    I, as a bronze Player, feeling like every Champs good as long as you got some CC. Seems like players in my Elo don't really know how to get along with it. If your a tank in ADDITION, it actually is a free win as long as your Teams not completely fucking it up...

  • @tinylittlejiji4136
    @tinylittlejiji4136 9 років тому

    What about bard? ^^ for support

  • @ayyythatguy
    @ayyythatguy 8 років тому

    Never trust your team to follow up in low elos, pick champs where you can rely on yourself to carrying, teamfight champs are fine, e.g malphite, but make sure you are capable of winning the teamfight whether your team does what you want or not.

  • @flextec2926
    @flextec2926 9 років тому

    Very good list, altough these champs need some decent follow ups.. I have some tips on my channel to get outta bronze as well

  • @SwoDrake
    @SwoDrake 8 років тому

    rune n masteries ?

  • @benjaminpisanec7752
    @benjaminpisanec7752 8 років тому

    My opinion:
    Top: Darius - Great tank, lots of dmg, hit Q is broken in teamfights
    Jungle:Amumu - such a great ganks, great tank, great dmg (if ap)
    Mid: Zed or LeBland - High mobility, hard to kill (escape abillities), VERY HIGH DMG
    ADC: Vayne or Kog'Max - I think that those two have the best late game so far...
    Support:Braum or Tahm - great tanks, great teamfights

  • @sweettypi
    @sweettypi 9 років тому

    Tahm Kench is banned every game.... Why is he on your list?

  • @AndrewWilson-ol6jb
    @AndrewWilson-ol6jb 9 років тому

    I like all of your champions! Malz is hidden OP in mid lane for sure. Annie mid is always strong too.

    • @franciscoguerrero4814
      @franciscoguerrero4814 9 років тому

      +Andrew wilson played annie yesterday forgot how stupid strong she is

    • @suruplagacyST
      @suruplagacyST 9 років тому

      +Francisco Guerrero honestly. gangplanks e q combo is great! he is certainly viable on the top lane with a global ult

    • @Dark_Voice
      @Dark_Voice 9 років тому

      +Surup Thathachar Well lower elos cant play him. When I played vs a B 4 one. He couldnt even shot the barrels in time and I got so much gold from it that I was basically fed by GP even without the kills I got. Because the barrels were like if I killed him 3 times more. And that was free gold. Also W is not used correctly. pasive is not used. Barrel stacking is too hard that sometimes even lcs people mess that up. the only thing is ult but if you cant farm Q its not destructive.

    • @rhysmajor2269
      @rhysmajor2269 9 років тому

      +Dark Voice I've seen people in Plat time their barrels almost perfectly without missing a single one.
      People in the LCS can do that in Solo queue real fucking easy; but on the LCS stage they're under pressure; watched by hundreds of thousands of people.

    • @Dark_Voice
      @Dark_Voice 9 років тому

      Rhys Major
      And Ive seen SoaZ just absolutly screwing the combo.

  • @ooooswain
    @ooooswain 8 років тому

    Here's how I got out of bronze s6. Yi jg devourer focus on farm only gank when there's a good opportunity for you to get kills. Murc treads ninja tabi or swiftness depending on situation. Then guinsos botrk black cleaver steraks. Bronze is too stupid to build against yi so I pentad my way through bronze. Also split push when you can and use your ultimate on towers and inhibitors.

  • @ChunIsMeK
    @ChunIsMeK 9 років тому

    Hey don't mean to give you shit, but malz is a pre good roamer, like if he's able to make the enemy mid lane base he can go top or bot and just press r and that's basically a kill or at least a lot of sums down...

  • @olllievier
    @olllievier 9 років тому

    Can anyone or Rvz help me with this?
    So i am bronze/silver, and i play lots of Jhin, and not to brag, but my Jhin is not too shabby. Can i carry with him (as an ADC)? Or should i stick to an other champ?

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому +1

      if you have been doing well on him I see no reason to stop playing him. As long as you are winning more than you are losing on him then continue.

    • @olllievier
      @olllievier 9 років тому

      RvzStealth thanks

    • @phenlex2148
      @phenlex2148 9 років тому

      +Crybabyo Ben I agree with what RvzStealth said, yet he excluded a key point. Don't go ADC; go mid or top. For top, your traps are just really strong (unless you're unlucky, and play against a good Riven/Graves, in which case RIP). For mid, your damage is off the charts. Kinda like Varus, I suppose. Sure, ADC is nice and all, but playing mid not only gives you map control if you're a good mid laner, you have the opportunity to go HAM. You are in control of what happens. Nothing is dependent on the ally/enemy support who initiates; you decide whether or not you're mechanically skilled enough to control your lane, and from there, win the game. (TLDR; yes, ADC Jhin can carry, like anyone in any role can. IMO solo-lane Jhin is stronger)

    • @olllievier
      @olllievier 9 років тому

      Phenlex I have never seen someone talk about top Jhin, but i may think about it. I would actually love to play him mid, but, we all know he is weak to assassins and with the assassin meta i think its too risky

    • @phenlex2148
      @phenlex2148 9 років тому +1

      Crybabyo Ben Top Jhin is ok, I guess. I'd rate it to be on par with ADC Jhin, and mid being the best. However, I do see your point with the on-coming of assassins in the meta. Didn't deter me from playing Zed/Yasuo in the oh-so-horrific tank meta in Season 5 though :P Did I drop down nearly an entire league? Yes. Did I improve my gameplay due to being thrashed, and climb even against the odds? Yes once again. I get your argument though, so I'd say it's up to personal preference. Good luck with SoloQ, and have a wonderful day (totally didn't rip off Gbay).

  • @MegaSupercrazyperson
    @MegaSupercrazyperson 9 років тому

    Ugh can someone tell help me get out of bronze, I lost 4 promos to b2 in a row because my team mates all feed. And yes every single one of them feed and I can't do anything all I have to do is get lucky to get out

  • @BlindEyeTwist
    @BlindEyeTwist 9 років тому

    Not sure what i think about the Amumu pick. You mentioned Mf is good in late game as well but it says cons weaker late - just saying^^
    Other then that - thank you very much for the Video :)

    • @Jack-jj3zs
      @Jack-jj3zs 9 років тому

      Amumu's ult is pretty much a free win in fights, and he said that MF's late game isn't bad, meaning its average but not as good as a Vayne's late game so its a weakness

    • @BlindEyeTwist
      @BlindEyeTwist 9 років тому

      cod buscus When it comes to the ADC's I know what you mean but he might should have mentioned in the Video. Never Mind.
      Isnt Amumu Team Reliant? Because not enough damage - I might be building him wrong D:

    • @Jack-jj3zs
      @Jack-jj3zs 9 років тому +1

      +Engelberg yeah but if you ult with the right comp, your lack of damage will easily be made up for with your teams. Just use a lot of pings and communication to make sure everyones on the same page

    • @BlindEyeTwist
      @BlindEyeTwist 9 років тому

      cod buscus Dont get me wrong: I know lol is supposed to be a Team game but I really think you should never rely on your mates. (If they are good you are lucky, but most of the time all Player will play bad). First of all: Chances are they wont listen anyway. Also lets imagine: toplane is tanky (malph ect.) - mid and bot arent doing well - you will have a Bad time then D: - I think damage Dealer Jungler are a better choice. Of course you can win with any Champ.

    • @RIPMrWixa
      @RIPMrWixa 9 років тому

      i think amumu is very good for bronze because the cc on his ultimate and his good teamfight because teamfights are very importan in bronze and if the enemy has no tank and no cc and you can do a good teamfight its won because they have to do dmg but when they are stunned they cant do dmg xD

  • @marcteruel5198
    @marcteruel5198 9 років тому

    omg omg omg thank you for this Video!

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      +Marc Teruel Haha, your welcome!

  • @DJcoolhit
    @DJcoolhit 9 років тому

    So, I was looking this and thinking that I don't play any of those(I am a bronze player now. Was silver 4, placements went 7 won and 3 loss and went to bronze 3)
    But those can hard carry indeed in bronze

  • @MoinMeister_187
    @MoinMeister_187 8 років тому

    Zed mid
    Trundle top
    Lucian/Draven ADC
    These are my favourites to get an accounts friend to gold :^)

  • @midoo_cherni
    @midoo_cherni 8 років тому

    My opinion:
    Top: Yorick
    Jungle: Kha'zix
    Mid: Malzahar
    ADC: Miss Fortune
    Support: Tahm Kench

  • @bottle7128
    @bottle7128 8 років тому

    What about Evelynn?
    -lvl3 gank
    -easy champ
    -tanky a bit
    I carried from B5 to B3 super easy, and i have 88% winrate with her

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  8 років тому

      The problem I have with eve is that if you dont do well early she is probably the most useless jungler in the game. If you can get a snowball going with her then you can deal alot of damage and find good flanks with your ult but if you fall behind you provide very little for your team since you will probably be really squishy and you dont provide reliable engage.

  • @thanatos8618
    @thanatos8618 9 років тому

    Nasus here and no Volibear. Volibear kit is SO simple. There is NO fucking mistery in his kit. And his early game is a fucking monster. He has the strongest 1vs1 in the very early game. Has strong ganks. He is even easy to build. Anything with HP and resistences or just HP/AD oriented builds. No mistery. Just bite at the end of trades or squishy enemies in lol health.
    Another point that makes Voli good for low elos is that he depends more on enemies' mistakes rather than on his own skills.

  • @Mooseplatoon
    @Mooseplatoon 9 років тому

    "I'm not saying that every low elo player is bad at positioning" Well, you should be if I'm honest. :P
    I'm not trash talking lower elo players when I say that, but it's true. People make mistakes at any rank but most people in lower ranks don't think enough about their positioning to realize they're making a mistake. Being more conscious of everyone's positioning in a game is a mandatory skill at higher ranks.
    If you're stuck at a lower rank watching a few guides on positioning, objective control, and lane mechanics is the best way to improve imo. All of that is more important than who's most powerful this patch (though obviously that's also helpful).

    • @nikolaslarsen679
      @nikolaslarsen679 9 років тому

      +TheGuyThatDoesTheThing i'm bronze 2 and i've noticed almost everytime i die my position is horrible. Thanks for the tip i'll watch some positioning guides (Adc player) :)

  • @azerty85112
    @azerty85112 9 років тому

    ty for helping bronzos in s6 !!

  • @nicholashildebrand5325
    @nicholashildebrand5325 9 років тому

    Good video man

  • @ashitube7588
    @ashitube7588 8 років тому

    is gold 5 low elo that i can carry with these champs?

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  8 років тому

      yeah these champs are still good for gold too

    • @ashitube7588
      @ashitube7588 8 років тому

      +RvzStealth i still think that we should play our best champs in solo q no matter what they are. for example im a good azir and kalista player id rather play them although theyre high elo champs and have low winrate in gold but as long as i win with them it doesnt matter, thanks for the video though.

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  8 років тому

      +AshiTube Ya bro, you can play whoever you want and climb with any champion. This list is to give people an idea of what picks are good if you want to climb the fastest.

  • @roseisredjennieisbluelisai7280
    @roseisredjennieisbluelisai7280 9 років тому

    Overall just pick any champ that is great in teamgfight or any champ that has pick-potential!

  • @ihateweebs5761
    @ihateweebs5761 9 років тому +1

    most of the comments that are saying oh bronze cant do this and that are most likely bronze or silver

  • @nitrous146
    @nitrous146 9 років тому

    you mentioned malzahar being bad at roaming, malzahar's the king of roaming mid, unlesd hes pinged mia the exact second he enters fog of war, someone dies

  • @jaxmasteratarms1557
    @jaxmasteratarms1557 8 років тому +3

    if u want to get out of bronze
    try to main support

    • @andrasroczei6657
      @andrasroczei6657 8 років тому +2

      And jungle, those 2 are the most impactfull roles... unfrotunatelly bronz ppl won't argue with that, but every player above gold knows that its the easiest to climb with supp/jungle in bronz-gold

    • @KGReads
      @KGReads 8 років тому

      I'm a support main and if you have an ashe unable to aa and farm- and forgets to use W. But takes the thunderlords mastery and exh... I can't carry that xD

    • @lalelulallo
      @lalelulallo 8 років тому

      Can confirm, got out of bronze with nami and 75% win rate with her at that.

    • @jaxmasteratarms1557
      @jaxmasteratarms1557 8 років тому

      lalelulalo i dont think so if the enemy team has a rengar xD

    • @lalelulallo
      @lalelulallo 8 років тому

      how often is that?

  • @mcapp95
    @mcapp95 9 років тому

    u really think a bronze adc knows how to position in teamfights aaaaaand use a qss correct or at all?

  • @emperorehryn2370
    @emperorehryn2370 9 років тому

    Top - Malphite
    Mid - Lux
    Jungle - Warwick
    Support - Nami
    ADC - Miss Fortune

  • @MaxTelm21
    @MaxTelm21 8 років тому

    Well it's missing Shaco, Rengar, Sejuani, Darius, Fiora, Olaf, Morderkaizer Akali and specially Jax for low elo

  • @xxvlapsd9898
    @xxvlapsd9898 8 років тому

    How about Xin?

  • @yourdreams2440
    @yourdreams2440 9 років тому

    What about soraka? Just spam w when your ad is low and you're good.

    • @imusthegreat
      @imusthegreat 9 років тому

      +Stewart Williams Nonono, your adc is good for a while. You yourself are always near dead because you hurt yourself casting that heal + can't get health back cause starcall is a hard to hit skillshot. (Unless if your oponent is stupid enough to walk into all of them). All they have to do is hit either one of you a little bit untill you get low on hp and then use a stun to kill you :) (brand/morgana/leona being the better bronze supports for this reason).

    • @yourdreams2440
      @yourdreams2440 9 років тому

      Tom Van den Broeck What? Soraka is really easy. Just hit your adc with a few w's, then use a health pot and use your q. She's by far the easiest support to play.

  •  9 років тому

    Bronzodia Amumu, blitz, malphite, shen and chogat

  • @iamchogath9928
    @iamchogath9928 9 років тому

    You can use fizz too he is easy to play and can assassinate people in few sec

  • @xmirus79
    @xmirus79 9 років тому

    I am a main Amumu and Taric!With Amumu you can carry the game and is easy too!

  • @HelloFellowMellowMarshmallow
    @HelloFellowMellowMarshmallow 9 років тому

    it is confirmed graves is going to be nerfed like any other champs that had a crazy amount of win rate

  • @abassiahmed7911
    @abassiahmed7911 9 років тому

    even when I started league..I rushed in with I am happy to say. that to I only play him :p .....I always get fed even vs ryze

    • @Liquidmetal702
      @Liquidmetal702 9 років тому

      +Abassi Ahmed bad yasuos charge early...really bad yasuos. I can teach you yas for real tho

    • @abassiahmed7911
      @abassiahmed7911 9 років тому

      i main him 100k score :p
      but seriously i need to play ranked ///im fed of these bronze feeders

  • @MagicalNyan
    @MagicalNyan 9 років тому +4

    well i cant play tahm.....cause he is #1 ban every game

  • @szegand5
    @szegand5 9 років тому

    No support item on damage supports? Man, even midlane AP assasins build the support item, because its so strong now!

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      +András Szegvári Sorry when I say dont build support items I mean items like mikaels, locket, banner etc...

  • @CyriInfil
    @CyriInfil 9 років тому +4

    Or 3rd option pick what you are dank at In each role but since you're bronze you're not good at anything (shots) kappa :^)

    • @BlindEyeTwist
      @BlindEyeTwist 9 років тому +1

      +BestFizz Na Good thing is, the enemy isnt good either - so you dont need to be good, you just need to be better than them :D

    • @nitrous146
      @nitrous146 9 років тому

      +Engelberg then you find the smurf zed who walks in and rofl stomps everyone

    • @BlindEyeTwist
      @BlindEyeTwist 9 років тому

      Raymond Harvell Actually thats really rare :D Its more likely that someone says: I'm smurf, give me mid :D

  • @grapesinminecraft
    @grapesinminecraft 9 років тому

    Wtf why have you not made a support tier list??? You've done every role but support!

    • @zaypurge6834
      @zaypurge6834 9 років тому

      tahm kench is the support

    • @grapesinminecraft
      @grapesinminecraft 9 років тому

      Blank _ Yes true, but what I'm saying is like a tier list specifically dedicated to supports.

  • @schwedini8688
    @schwedini8688 9 років тому

    I like you you saw amumu :D

  • @anuragadhikary3512
    @anuragadhikary3512 9 років тому

    top-le blanc
    mid-le blanc
    support-le blanc
    and most bronzies don't even know how to counter her.

  • @JanzockerHD
    @JanzockerHD 8 років тому +10

    malzahar is banned every game :P

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  8 років тому

      not anymore

    • @ZennethKaikuro
      @ZennethKaikuro 8 років тому

      Nah he still is
      The most Im seeing is Malz, Zed and

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  8 років тому

      +Zennieth Guess it depends on the rank, he's banned rarely at all in my elo anymore. Usually Kindred, Swain, Fizz, Zed, Blitz and Irelia are banned.

    • @JanzockerHD
      @JanzockerHD 8 років тому

      Yea, Malz Zed Fizz

    • @freezzeygaming841
      @freezzeygaming841 8 років тому

      viktor , swain, kindred , skarner , ahri irelia in my elo

  • @Ali2games
    @Ali2games 9 років тому

    Dk if he can really carry but if you play him its freelo (blitzcrank)

    • @nitrous146
      @nitrous146 9 років тому

      play him full ap, you'll carry

  • @kraylorbepunished716
    @kraylorbepunished716 8 років тому

    trynda and yi are op
    i carryed me from b5- b1 in 1 Week

  • @Nilay3215
    @Nilay3215 9 років тому +1

    Where's the volibear, man? He's op af and can be used bronze-gold!

    • @patrikasjanaudis281
      @patrikasjanaudis281 9 років тому

      everybody sucks at him my elo lol

    • @anabolicjesus6717
      @anabolicjesus6717 9 років тому

      Bear the god. Gg voli

    • @dinogruica9964
      @dinogruica9964 9 років тому

      +Patrikas Janaudis i dont agree i am sliver 1 and i dont suck with voli he is my main

    • @ssjdavid
      @ssjdavid 9 років тому

      Not really useful late game

    • @Nilay3215
      @Nilay3215 9 років тому

      +David MC (ssjcrx) well, if I'm on a 10 win streak, I think he's working lmao

  • @guihonggrima3840
    @guihonggrima3840 9 років тому

    I swear every one that makes a top 5 list is mentioning talon amd yet no one playes him stil...

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      +Laura Bodewig ya I feel its because alot of people prefer zed as there go to ad assasin since he can make flashier plays.

  • @mindtrollthegreat774
    @mindtrollthegreat774 9 років тому

    i get out of bronze with teemo in only 8 days i was bronze 4 XD

  • @Urachian1
    @Urachian1 9 років тому

    nice vid!!

  • @avadakedavra6929
    @avadakedavra6929 9 років тому

    Dude i main tahm support and am silver. But he has like a 95% ban rate here. :(

  • @christopherdurkot3697
    @christopherdurkot3697 9 років тому

    You Obviously have no Idea what it's like playing Nasus in bronze.
    It doesn't matter how well you stack, after 12 minutes its 1v3 top all the time because your team doesn't understand the concept of lane pressure and lets mid and even the bot support sit in your lane forever without consequence.
    Or midlane gets pushed to inhibitor at 14 minutes forcing you to leave lane to defend during whats probably the most critical period to be stacking.
    Or your Jungler Ganks at half health with no mana, when you also have half health and no mana, smites your siege minion, gets himself killed, then rages at you and calls you a noob, before doing it AGAIN, and AGAIN. Despite you asking him not to gank top in as polite a manner as possible.
    These sound specific but they are almost literally every game, at least in my experience.

  • @HeesamZainulabideen
    @HeesamZainulabideen 9 років тому

    Ty for this video

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  9 років тому

      +Heesam Zainulabideen your welcome bro

  • @cyberdude2294
    @cyberdude2294 8 років тому +1

    very detailed

  • @knifetoseeya
    @knifetoseeya 9 років тому

    tahm kench is also good at high elo he has been played in pro

  • @jimaro3578
    @jimaro3578 8 років тому

    I had carry up a whole game with Nasus in ranked obviously Bronze and well, I was a 500 stacks and I could one-shot the adc and mid easily.... Nasus in late game with Bloodthirstier is a beast with 45% life steal. I could 1 v 1 a fed Darius.

  • @rljohnabraham3606
    @rljohnabraham3606 8 років тому +1

    Tahm kench
    1 of the pros
    -super hard to kill.
    1 of the cons
    can get killed easily.

    • @fallen119
      @fallen119 8 років тому

      +RL John Abraham Kited...

  • @서한비-t2i
    @서한비-t2i 9 років тому

    mf is a really good choice but srsly i am in silver but no one EVER reads abilities so when they pick mf they dont know that when ur q kills the first target the second one does more dmg.... and with her w she gets another bonus 1 second if she hits a new target.... like wtf cant they just read the spells and just have a better chance of landing good poke or sieging?

  • @moneerdeshly8992
    @moneerdeshly8992 8 років тому

    I'm bronze I carry my team every game with Akali, last game I played I 1v4'd

  • @sankara90
    @sankara90 8 років тому

    All those picks rely on your teammates help. I do not agree those picks, but they're his opinion so, ok.

  • @vadimcapbatut8791
    @vadimcapbatut8791 8 років тому

    Nautilus Blitzcrank morgana for climbing low elo as support

    • @sabrinehanchafi7381
      @sabrinehanchafi7381 8 років тому +1

      i swear you can be the best support ever but if you dont have a good duo that can carry with you you will stay in low forever

  • @sgtchronix3213
    @sgtchronix3213 8 років тому

    Can someone tell me what is CC??

    • @RvzStealth
      @RvzStealth  8 років тому +3

      crowd control, any effect the impairs the enemy like a stun, slow, taunt, fear, silence, root, snare

    • @sgtchronix3213
      @sgtchronix3213 8 років тому

      +RvzStealth Thankss ^_^ now i know whats the cc

    • @jackieeye8845
      @jackieeye8845 8 років тому

      do u know what ss is? i rly want to know my team is like : HEY YO WHY NO SS? and i dont even know what it is

    • @sgtchronix3213
      @sgtchronix3213 8 років тому

      +Jackie Eye SS is when your enemy is missing from your lane. When he/she is missing just say SS.

    • @jackieeye8845
      @jackieeye8845 8 років тому

      ohh thanks

  • @1amyourboss
    @1amyourboss 9 років тому

    Amumu isnt good at low elo, there is no one to follow up you. Even if you do perfect ulties 5 times in a row.

  • @oracleshood6772
    @oracleshood6772 8 років тому


  • @darrenzou2483
    @darrenzou2483 9 років тому

    umm I got this b5 nasus that have 100 stacks at 40 min..... he rush blood thruster first which is stupid af
    but we win anyways

    • @InsanityAtNight
      @InsanityAtNight 9 років тому +4

      if a nasus has only 100 stacks at 40 minutes, then I think you're allowed to report him

    • @nitrous146
      @nitrous146 9 років тому

      +MidnightCoffee I've only had 100 stacks at 40, but i was ap nasus, nuking everyone with e and melting them with ult

    • @InsanityAtNight
      @InsanityAtNight 9 років тому

      Raymond Harvell Well yea, you're building around your Q normally, not E

  • @ChinoWantan
    @ChinoWantan 9 років тому +2

    "I'm bronze 4 but I'm pro the fukin noobs/afkes/trolls/lag holds me down... also I have a life and friends" 75% of bronze players

    • @Raiko01
      @Raiko01 9 років тому

      +Chino Wantan hi

    • @ChinoWantan
      @ChinoWantan 9 років тому +2

      Tozé Nugueira the true is that i dont have to carry 1v5 all your games, just a few ones

    • @Raiko01
      @Raiko01 9 років тому +1

      '-' y u gota b so rude

    • @henrikg14
      @henrikg14 9 років тому +2

      you Will get out of bronze when you will realize you are the probleme not your team.

    • @Raiko01
      @Raiko01 9 років тому

      my problem my lux be 0/5 at 3 mins and im the adc and cant go help her? come on