My Name is Nobody - The Wild Horde Extended
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Music by: Ennio Morricone
Track: The Wild Horde/Mucchio Selvaggio
From the Film: My Name is Nobody (Il Mio Nome è Nessuno)
Ennio Morricone - The Wild Horde Extended
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كنت حزين، عندما سمعتها أحيت فيا الهمةوالبداء من جديد، شكرا لكل من ساهم في انجازها.
Ennio was a music god
Oui un dieu inégalé visiblement.
No. He was a musical Genius gifted by god☝️🙂
On ne s enlasse pas d écouter toutes ses belles musiques de films western de Ennio Morricone
Sin dudas, un genio!
I agree 😀
Whoever made this extended version, thank you and grazie!
Khnathau kha lei,tre rchahmung gaan rchahri phi ra dei bong show!
capolavoro ❤
Thanks friend
Nobody: “I see it clear as crystal. Jack Beauregard, standing alone, facing the Wild Bunch. Just think of it. You’ll be written up in all
the history books.”
Beauregard: “And you’ll be down on earth reading them, while I’m up there playing on a harp.”
when Fonda starts shooting stars,and hill taking the count on the stolen train.😂😂
Il maestro Morricone non sbaglia un colpo...... eccezionale
👍👍👍❤️ Best
Terence Hill Henry Fonda 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪
My Name Is Mike Tyson's Punch Out
E" esatto il mio nome e Nessuno!!!...grazie...
You dragged it out toooo long without the crescendo solo, it feels protracted
Great movie but Henry Fonda was bad choice as Beauregard, Jim Davis would have been better.
Who is Beauregard???
@@micpin6810 It's the name of the character Henry Fonda plays in this movie. The real question is : who is Jim Davis ?
@@flitsertheo Esatto!! 😅😅😅
@@flitsertheo ahahhahahahhaha vero