Thank you so much. :D I got my harmonica for a few weeks and it is so hard to find videos or tabs for this type of harmonica. I found your videos very helpful so I learned with them the past days, even if it is not for my typ of harmonica. And now I saw this video. Awesome that you make one, it is a big help for beginners :) and the way and quality of your videos is amazing
I'm a soul and trad jazz trumpet player, who inherited a tremolo harmonica last year, and I decided to use Lockdown as an opportunity to 'put my lips to something different' that wouldn't lead to divorce. Kerin is a BRILLIANT online 'teacher', which I write like 'this' because he always feels more like a friend than a teacher: thank you!
My pleasure, I've been busy practising again today, so thanks again! If you like soul music, then you can check the band I play trumpet for at Anyway, back to the harmonica...
Excellent tutorial. I wish I had seen it five years ago. I have tremoloes in three formats: this one ("Asian"), Richter, and Solo tuned. Each has its advantages. Solo tuned is the most straightforward layout. Richter has the I and V chords for self-accompaniment on traditional tunes. But this Asian layout has a complete scale in the low octave and gives a warm rich tone not available on the middle octave or on a Richter. It's the reason I'm drawn to it. It's also the hardest to master for several reasons. Thanks for putting it up.
I feel that interest in playing is far different from learning systematically and practicing to perfection level. Only perseverance and dedication are of utmost importance. Thanks a lot.
What a great video and even greater explanation of Tremolo Harmonicas. Thanks so much for posting this. I am subscribing to your channel. I can hardly wait to learn more! Cheers.
Thanks a lot for the wonderful lesson!! I've had this harmonica since a long time but I only came to know that this is a tremolo harmonica after this video
Super helpful thank you. Although complex, you’ve explained it really well & simply. I Just bought on from Hohner & it only shows 12 holes & in German in the explanation document lol. Look forward to learning more through your channel
That's good to hear! I'm glad I could be of some help! If you get a chance, please visit my TABS page :)
for years now i playing harmonica when love songs playing like eddie lovett and i never no nothing about notes and keys thanks for the knowledge my brethren
Found my dads Tremelo harmonica in my dads box of personal stuff, he passed away 6 years ago and I never knew he played harmonica figured I might as well learn how to play it
Gracias por traducir el video al castellano!! Yo ya había visto el vídeo. Pero había entendido poco. Ahora puede entender y aprender mejor. Ojalá traduzcas los demás videos. Muchas gracias por compartir tu conocimiento!
Edit: I have a question at the end for you! I've had a C tremolo harmonica since I was very young, it was a gift from my mums school friend. I only ever messed around with it, and with quarantine, I thought it was the perfect time to learn how to play it. I only just figured out today what type of harmonica it even was today, because I was looking into harmonicas and the only examples were diatonic and chromatic and I was like- I don't think mine's either! I don't know how to play a single instrument and can't read sheet music, so I guess I'll just practice as if I was learning how to run without knowing how to stand up! One step at a time, I suppose... - How do you blow into an individual hole, wouldn't you blow in or breathe in groups of them together? And also, how do you read the notes?
i think you AND i should start out with a more simpler harmonica with single holes of 10 i kiiiiinda learned how to play it assuming mine was one and it seems much easier and that's coming from someone with music background even the sheets are easier to read
Blowing into an Individual hole is something you need to practice first. It's important to get a feeling for your harmonica and the positions of the holes
For this type of harmonica you treat the holes that are on top of and below each other as one hole... you would only breathe in through a single hole on a tremolo if you were trying to bend a note, which can be quite difficult on a tremolo. In any case I made a video about blowing into single holes a while back
Why can't a simple instrument make simple sense? I was gifted a tremolo harmonica, as I have wanted to learn some musical instrument and the person thought it would be very easy to learn.
It is easy to learn! Difficult to master perhaps? Anyway, there is a simple reason behind the complicated positions... I might have to make a video about it! If you get a chance, please visit my TABS page :)
I just bought a 24 hole tremolo harmonica. Watched some of your very educational videos on you tube. Was wondering if you sell a book on Amazon containing all the tunes you play. Thanks
Hi Elise, I should probably write one! I occasionally I do occasionally publish TABS on my blog though
This was very helpful. For a while now, i've only been playing to my favorite songs by ear. But i can pnly go so far if i dont even know how to read the notes or at least memorize the notes on my tremolo harmonica. Currently using my partner's tremolo and i use it more often than my diatonic since i couldn't play "Doris Day's Dream a little dream of me" from a diatonic since i can't bend my notes yet this is why I prefer the tremolo. Im saving up for a chromatic too, hopefully by next year after i've learnt more of the basics from your channel. I'd really like to one day play my favorote jazz sheets from a chromatic or tremolo harp. So im excited. :) Also... your tutorial is very helpful. Especially for beginners, other tutorials head straight into bending which i still haven't i've barely done.
Would you ever consider doing a video for how to play a chromatic harmonica? You've done a couple videos on how to play specific songs on a chromatic, but if you've done a video on just how to play one & how the notes are arranged on one, I can't find it.
Hey, yeah it is a bit weird I haven't made one yet... I'm having a weird year... I keep meaning to get back to making regular videos for this Channel but just haven't been able to carve out the time... at this stage I'm thinking more about doing live lessons rather than animation to get around my time issues... but then I'd have to reveal to the world that I'm not really that good!
You'll have to be more specific. All I know is I bought a harmonica, figured out what the notes were, and went from there. I am not familiar with Richter tuning.
Hi! Sorry to hear that! I would really like to but need to get my hands on a 20 hole tremolo before I can start figuring out lessons for them... unfortunately, though I planned to do that this year, my whole country is in lockdown at the moment and I can't get one :(
@@KerinGedge mine is 24 holes but it is not separated from the middle there are no up and down holes it just one hole is it ok to follow the tutorial ? hope u understand my English is bad ☺️
i´m totally confused. what i know about tremolo hamonicas is that you play two holes at the same time in the upper or lower row. for example blowing into the first and the second hole is like blowing in the first hole if you have a standart diatonic harp. the harp in your vid has 48 holes which make it 12 possible positions to play
Yup, I was confused as well. This may be a different type of tremolo? I have a tremolo harmonica (24) and it works the same way as a diatonic (2+2 is one note), only it has a tremolo sound and you can't bend.
Hey, I am new to harmonica. I just bought my first harmonica, its is a tremolo in C from hohner. I have noticed that I have to blow a little harder when i go higher (from left to right) 1st one being the easiest to blow and last being the hardest. I dont know anything about it yet, just curious if harmonicas are like that only if I need a new one
In all honestly I am not sure... but try it and see! If you get a chance, please visit my TABS page :)
Hey, sorry I haven't got to that song yet... truth is I only really do videos for public domain songs now! But hopefully I might get round to figuring the tabs out for this one eventually!
i just cant figure out that how to blow in just one hole as they are too short and many of em blows together creating a nonsense so plz help in figuring out that how to blow in one hole
Men its hard hahaha. But you know i really don't know where to blow and breathe 😂 and I'm always checking the holes, which of which is the numbers where to blow and breath. 😂
Hey, sorry, I only make videos for songs that are in the public domain... BUT I might be able to make some tabs and post them to my blog... if you don't hear from me in the next few days write back to me and nag me.
Hola Este estoy viendo los tutoriales que llevo un rato tocando la trémolo y la tocamos mediante la técnica de cuatro incas no existe algún vídeo de alguien en vivo que toque con tu técnica. Parece que la haces con una máquina, ayudaría mucho para el de aprendizaje verlo así.
Hola, no estoy familiarizado con la técnica de los Cuatro Incas! ¿Como funciona? Toco de oído y desarrollé mi forma de enseñar a medida que aprendí... mis videos están hechos con Adobe Animate y la música es de una armónica muestreada en Logic Pro X, así que sí, no soy yo quien toca, pero ya está. en un teclado
@@KerinGedge con gusto platicamos quieres que sea dentro de esta platica o por whats o por Facebook , no quisiera contaminar tu canal con eso por respeto.
Los comentarios son realmente buenos para las estadísticas del canal, así que podemos hablar aquí. ¡Perdóname si no tengo sentido porque estoy usando Google Translate en mis respuestas!
@@KerinGedge claro con gusto pues este la otra vez puse un video Este ahí en Facebook. Para explicar la técnica en síntesis es que tú vas tocando de celdas en pares dos de arriba Los de abajo por lo tanto son cuatrinas. En el mismo tono igualarlo con las tablaturas que se usan con las armónicas bluseras . Qué nos lleva que por ejemplo la posición 6 de la blusera es igual a la seis de la trémolo.
It's either not possible or really hard to do with one tremolo... to play a song that requires sharps and flats you generally need to have a second harmonica that's either raised or lowered a semitone in key so that you can use that one for the extra notes. If you need new tabs keep an eye on my TABS page, I try to add new tabs every week!
Mr. Kevin Gedge, I am a harmonica beginner and my grandfather gave me one of his harmonicas (it was a 20 hole harmonica), and I wanted to ask, is it the same for 20 hole harmonicas? I've been wanting to find a note chart for 20 hole harmonicas but unfortunately I couldn't find any.. If you could help me, I would greatly appreciate it, sir!
In my tremolo, there is no continuously increasing numbers from 1 to 24 instead it has 5,2,1,4,3,6,5,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,7,3,2,5,4,1,6,3,7............are these both ways equivalent?.....Please help me understand.
Don't let it confuse you, the numbers in my video are still relevant, except the makers of your harmonica are being clever.... the 1's = C, the 2's =D, 3=E, 4=F, 5 = G, 6 = A, 7 = B - assuming your harmonica is in the key of C... if your harmonica was in a different key, for example G, then 1 would be G, 2 would be A, 3 would be B etc etc
Yes that's right... it can be really confusing but makes sense when you realise what they are.... so when watching my videos you have a choice to either go by the letters or follow my finger pointer!
Have you ever heard of a 30 holed tremelo? I have aquired an old hohner 57/120 m echo harp in keys C and G and there is virtually nothing on this instrument other than sold out ebay pages
Yes and no... with a diatonic you can "bend" notes to produce notes that aren't naturally part of the scale your harmonica is tuned to... you can do this on a tremolo but it's difficult and you have to do it through only one of the "double holes"... but if you really want to play sharps/flats easily try a Chromatic harmonica.
The hardest part for beginner is that the note is not order at a normal sequence, I think the proper way to recognize the note instead of memory the number about the hole to play a song. If you want to become a better performer.
The way the notes are arranged on harmonica is very important and absolutely crucial for the instrument. 1. it allows you to be able to blow into the neighbouring holes without it sounding bad because the notes harmonise together... 2. The order allows you to be able to play the same song on different harmonicas in exactly the same way... the hole numbers will be different but the blows will still be blows and the breathes will still be breathes no matter what type of harmonica you play. If it wasn't this way, if the numbers were in sequence like they are on a piano then the harmonica would only be possible as a single note at a time instrument, it wouldn't even be called a harmonica because there would be no "harmony", also for every song you wanted to play you would have to learn how to play it all over again if you decided to try a different type of harmonica.
@@KerinGedge Yes, my point is that read the spectrum instead of harmonica tab. At that case you could understand the phrase in different type of instruments. THX for your attention, And I appreciate your effort for answer me :)
Maybe you would get more out of my TABS? I've started a new format where I'm just showing the arrows instead of the notes... I've only done a few though, am working on more :) Good luck!
No you treat the top hole and the bottom hole as if they were one hole... the only time you would breath into a single hole on a tremolo, that I know of, is when you want to try bending one.. but that's pretty tricky!
My harmonica is in the key of D and when I blow through 5 it makes the tonic and the formula you gave for the scale doesn't work. Can you suggest anything?
What is the reason for such confusion? You can play a small harmonica almost intuitively if you have good hearing. And this is confusing like I don't know what.
My harmonica a little bit different, each hole have only 1 hole, it's like first is up second is down and so on.. It does the same thing like on video right?
Just got a harmonica this evening. So....How do I know which hole to blow through? Like at a quick glance, I can't tell the number of the hole. Any tip for that?
Sorry Rahat, it might be a different type of harmonica? I couldn't say why it's not working the same way as in the video, except what I've shown you here is the standard.
Hi Jack, sorry it took me this long to get back to you, but the numbering you are describing is pretty simple. When you see this sort of numbering, it's your harmonicas way of telling you the order of the scale. So if your harmonica is in the key of C all of the "1" holes would be the note "C".... all of the "2" holes would be the note "D", 3 = E, 4 = F and so on. You can still follow the numbers/tabs that I have set out in my videos, just ignore the numbers that are etched into your harmonica when doing so.
Just bought my harmonica. I have a question. some holes are not supposed to make sound when drawed or blowed right? I mean is it true that each hole is specifically designed to draw or blow.
@@KerinGedge yes exactly . But the one that I bought works both ways on every hole. Did I just bought a broken tremolo? I am super beginner and I wanted to learn it so Pls let me know what do you think about my case.
I dont know how to read music notes but ABC. I saw your pinterest notes on 135 = GCE blow; 2468 = DFAB breathe; and notes on songs, they work. Thanks. May you teach me how to know which C is which C since there are 4 Cs, and which A is which A since there are 3 As? So when Im looking at any piece of written song notes with ABC and I can play them, so I can know and note down the songs I want like how you did in 123.
Actually I wouldn't know, I haven't tried it myself... I do have a Swan Chromatic harmonica and I really like playing it, I've had it for a few years and it still sounds pretty good and is very robust... but that's my only experience with Swan!
I've had a tremolo harmonica since I was little kid and only messed around with it, might aswell try to learn how to play it.
You can do it :)
Same here
My dad bought one from india and ever since I just would play with it
Same ive had one for years and it has a santa claus picture on it.
@@drdrugs-lo6lq Same here XD
After impulsively buying one of these a couple years ago and ultimately forgetting it under my desk, it’s time
Pretty much the same 😂
Same here lol😂
Note to all impulse buyers... if you want to be impulsive and buy another harmonica, go here! ;)
I'm sensing a theme here! You'd be amazed by how many people impulsively buy harmonicas!
Thank you so much for these tremolo lessons. There's very little out there for this wonderful instrument
Thanks for watching! glad you liked it :)
Thank you so much. :D
I got my harmonica for a few weeks and it is so hard to find videos or tabs for this type of harmonica. I found your videos very helpful so I learned with them the past days, even if it is not for my typ of harmonica. And now I saw this video. Awesome that you make one, it is a big help for beginners :) and the way and quality of your videos is amazing
Thanks Illumia, that's really encouragine to hear! Glad you liked it! I'll be doing a 16 hole video like this eventually!
I'm a soul and trad jazz trumpet player, who inherited a tremolo harmonica last year, and I decided to use Lockdown as an opportunity to 'put my lips to something different' that wouldn't lead to divorce. Kerin is a BRILLIANT online 'teacher', which I write like 'this' because he always feels more like a friend than a teacher: thank you!
Aw! Thanks man! That's awesome of you to say! :)
My pleasure, I've been busy practising again today, so thanks again! If you like soul music, then you can check the band I play trumpet for at Anyway, back to the harmonica...
Excellent tutorial. I wish I had seen it five years ago. I have tremoloes in three formats: this one ("Asian"), Richter, and Solo tuned. Each has its advantages. Solo tuned is the most straightforward layout. Richter has the I and V chords for self-accompaniment on traditional tunes. But this Asian layout has a complete scale in the low octave and gives a warm rich tone not available on the middle octave or on a Richter. It's the reason I'm drawn to it. It's also the hardest to master for several reasons. Thanks for putting it up.
thanks for watching! Glad you liked it!
Thanks for the thorough introduction! I was so confused when I first got my hand on the tremolo harmonica, but now I can easily find the major scale!
Glad it was helpful!
I feel that interest in playing is far different from learning systematically and practicing to perfection level. Only perseverance and dedication are of utmost importance. Thanks a lot.
Well said!
What a great video and even greater explanation of Tremolo Harmonicas. Thanks so much for posting this. I am subscribing to your channel. I can hardly wait to learn more! Cheers.
Thanks for the sub!
Thanks a lot for the wonderful lesson!! I've had this harmonica since a long time but I only came to know that this is a tremolo harmonica after this video
Cool! Here area some more tremolo videos for ya :)
@@KerinGedge thanks a lot!
The holes are so small and how do you blow air in one hole while not accidently blowing into other holes?
i have the same promblem bruh
I just bought my own harmonica, and I can't figure out where are the keys, This helps so much! Thanks!
No problem!
This was so easy to learn! Didn't eve kow when the time flew by. Thank you!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Super helpful thank you. Although complex, you’ve explained it really well & simply. I Just bought on from Hohner & it only shows 12 holes & in German in the explanation document lol. Look forward to learning more through your channel
That's good to hear! I'm glad I could be of some help! If you get a chance, please visit my TABS page :)
for years now i playing harmonica when love songs playing like eddie lovett and i never no nothing about notes and keys thanks for the knowledge my brethren
I'm really glad you got something out of this video! Thanks for watching! You must have mastered the instrument by now? :p
This instrument has been a mystery for me, but from this time forth... Thank you very much.
You're welcome! If you get a chance, please visit my TABS page :)
Found my dads Tremelo harmonica in my dads box of personal stuff, he passed away 6 years ago and I never knew he played harmonica figured I might as well learn how to play it
Sorry to hear about your dad! Good luck honouring his memory with that harmonica!
Gracias por traducir el video al castellano!! Yo ya había visto el vídeo. Pero había entendido poco. Ahora puede entender y aprender mejor. Ojalá traduzcas los demás videos. Muchas gracias por compartir tu conocimiento!
Hey, thanks for watching! Don't forget to check out my TABS here! :)
Thank youu 💙 I love tremolo harmonica and your videos. I'm beginner level yet :)
Thanks for watching:)
Edit: I have a question at the end for you!
I've had a C tremolo harmonica since I was very young, it was a gift from my mums school friend. I only ever messed around with it, and with quarantine, I thought it was the perfect time to learn how to play it. I only just figured out today what type of harmonica it even was today, because I was looking into harmonicas and the only examples were diatonic and chromatic and I was like- I don't think mine's either! I don't know how to play a single instrument and can't read sheet music, so I guess I'll just practice as if I was learning how to run without knowing how to stand up! One step at a time, I suppose...
- How do you blow into an individual hole, wouldn't you blow in or breathe in groups of them together? And also, how do you read the notes?
i think you AND i should start out with a more simpler harmonica with single holes of 10 i kiiiiinda learned how to play it assuming mine was one and it seems much easier and that's coming from someone with music background even the sheets are easier to read
did you have any luck? im at this exact stage!!!
Blowing into an Individual hole is something you need to practice first. It's important to get a feeling for your harmonica and the positions of the holes
For this type of harmonica you treat the holes that are on top of and below each other as one hole... you would only breathe in through a single hole on a tremolo if you were trying to bend a note, which can be quite difficult on a tremolo. In any case I made a video about blowing into single holes a while back
you re amazig bro tnx for the lesson !! just got one yesterday and i feel good with it after seeing this video
Good job, how's the practice going?
Yeah thank you for this wonderful tutorial now Im ready to play my 24holes harmonica
That's awesome! Thanks for watching! Here's a list of all my Tremolo tutorials so far :)
Hi kerin.. thank you so much for all tremolo harmonica lessons 😘♥️
You're so welcome!
Thank you for the lesson.
My pleasure!
This is the most informative and fantastic video I've ever seen for the tremelo! Well done!
Glad you liked it!
Ok, gonna choose you as my trem. harmonica's guide, thanks. Love from Malaysia
Thanks, hope you're enjoying my tutorials!
eh, hiiii. im also from malaysia. i tried learning the tremolo but i find diatonic easier. lucky this guy got a good explanation on his channel
I bought one of these, never knew it was even called Tremolo. But great tutorial, I'm gonna try leaning it now !!
Cool, thanks!
I like the insturment too thank you kerin
Thanks for watching! You can see my full TABS list here!
Holes are so small how do will i know which hole I'm blowing to?
Después de tanto buscar, por fin encontre este tutorial, thanks.💫
Thanks for watching! If you get a chance, please visit my TABS page :)
Thank you! I found tremolo harmonica in are house yesterday and now i can play it. Thank you really mutch! 😃
Have fun!
@@KerinGedge 😃😊
Why can't a simple instrument make simple sense? I was gifted a tremolo harmonica, as I have wanted to learn some musical instrument and the person thought it would be very easy to learn.
It is easy to learn! Difficult to master perhaps? Anyway, there is a simple reason behind the complicated positions... I might have to make a video about it! If you get a chance, please visit my TABS page :)
I like harmonica. I love orchids in Korea. I am learning harmonica.
Good for you!
After becoming very interested in harmonica because my uncle had one
My mum brought it for me
And I forgot about it for 2 years
You're welcome! You can see my full TABS list here!
amazing thank you so much I'm starting to learn now thank you so much.
You're welcome 😊
My harmonca is key of C and l thought the 1st hole belongs to C ! You proved to me by ur video that l was wrong . thnkssss
Well done!
thankyou so much kerin
Es usted un maestro de maestros!!!
¡Gracias, eres muy amable!
Thank you very very very much
No problem!
I just bought a 24 hole tremolo harmonica. Watched some of your very educational videos on you tube. Was wondering if you sell a book on Amazon containing all the tunes you play. Thanks
Hi Elise, I should probably write one! I occasionally I do occasionally publish TABS on my blog though
Really helped me a lot. Thank you so much.
You're welcome!
Love your channel!🙏❤
Thank you so much!
This was very helpful. For a while now, i've only been playing to my favorite songs by ear. But i can pnly go so far if i dont even know how to read the notes or at least memorize the notes on my tremolo harmonica.
Currently using my partner's tremolo and i use it more often than my diatonic since i couldn't play "Doris Day's Dream a little dream of me" from a diatonic since i can't bend my notes yet this is why I prefer the tremolo.
Im saving up for a chromatic too, hopefully by next year after i've learnt more of the basics from your channel.
I'd really like to one day play my favorote jazz sheets from a chromatic or tremolo harp. So im excited. :)
Also... your tutorial is very helpful. Especially for beginners, other tutorials head straight into bending which i still haven't i've barely done.
Great help god bless bro
thanks mate, you too!
Muy bien explicado, gracias desde España
Muchas gracias por verlo, ¡buena suerte con tu aprendizaje!
Would you ever consider doing a video for how to play a chromatic harmonica? You've done a couple videos on how to play specific songs on a chromatic, but if you've done a video on just how to play one & how the notes are arranged on one, I can't find it.
Hey, yeah it is a bit weird I haven't made one yet... I'm having a weird year... I keep meaning to get back to making regular videos for this Channel but just haven't been able to carve out the time... at this stage I'm thinking more about doing live lessons rather than animation to get around my time issues... but then I'd have to reveal to the world that I'm not really that good!
I really was looking 4 this!!! Tremolo harmonica is not populr this days... i want to learn this!!!
Thanks! Tremolo seems to be more popular in Asian countries and around India... in Europe/America the diatonic seems to be way more popular...
So this (and probably your other videos too) show the Asian layout? Because my harmonica is different, it's probably Richter tuning.
You'll have to be more specific. All I know is I bought a harmonica, figured out what the notes were, and went from there. I am not familiar with Richter tuning.
4:54 tune of happy birthday! 😂
I'm gonna learn this one
Would you like to make a tutorial for tremolo 20 holes ,please??
I made the wrong choice 😅and already bough it
Hi! Sorry to hear that! I would really like to but need to get my hands on a 20 hole tremolo before I can start figuring out lessons for them... unfortunately, though I planned to do that this year, my whole country is in lockdown at the moment and I can't get one :(
Kerin Gedge Thanks for the reply broo🙌
@@KerinGedge i have 20 holes harmonica too 😥😥
Hopefully you can make a tutorial for us.
I really liked the way how you teached ❤😊
I really hope I can get one too! Things have been crazy in my country because of Covid, so it's made it hard for me to order things from Amazon!
I accidentally bought a 24 hole harmonica instead of 10, nice.
It's a good accident to make!
Could you please make a 21 guide
If I can get my hands on one I will!
@@KerinGedge thank you!
I have got 24 hole tremolo and I'm beginner I think 24 hole tremola isn't appropriate for beginners? Should I buy ten hole harmonica?
Try Both! It doesn't hurt to get a 10 hole diatonic and experiment with both until you figure out which one suits you and your music tastes more!
@@KerinGedge I'm about buying hohner marine band deluxe do you recommend it?
Yes, that's the same as what I use :)
I have a 20 hole harmonica; should I still follow this tutorial?
No it won't work for a 20 hole I'm afraid! When I can finally get my hands on a 20 hole harmonica I will start making tutorials for them!
@@KerinGedge Thanks! I'm looking forward to it.
@@KerinGedge mine is 24 holes but it is not separated from the middle
there are no up and down holes it just one hole
is it ok to follow the tutorial ?
hope u understand my English is bad ☺️
I have one of these harmonica!!!!!
Me too!! ;) If you want weekly updates for Tune Basics emailed to you can follow me here :)
How do you play "Spirit of God in the Clear Running Water" on the Tremolo Harmonica? Any video on it i can learn from?
Hey, if you like Gospel songs please sub to my other channel, Tune Basics Gospel Songs :)
Am I right that there's no F natural in a G harmonica? It's an F# right?
My harmonica is in the key of G.
Yes that's right.
your tutorial is very good but i don't understand how i blow or breathe with precision because the holes are very small
That's, I'm afraid, only comes with practice... when you're beginning don't worry too much if you blow in the neighbouring holes.
I have a 1930s M.Hohner harmonika. It has the box with it but it's in rough shape, I don't play it at all. Nice piece though!!
thanks Bryan! have a great week!
it is a great work. keep it up. and please share the notes of Kaoma Lambada. a nice song for tremolo harmonica
I will try my best
i´m totally confused. what i know about tremolo hamonicas is that you play two holes at the same time in the upper or lower row. for example blowing into the first and the second hole is like blowing in the first hole if you have a standart diatonic harp. the harp in your vid has 48 holes which make it 12 possible positions to play
I'm pretty sure I say in the video that you treat the holes on top of and below each other as one hole, that is what you mean right?
Yup, I was confused as well. This may be a different type of tremolo? I have a tremolo harmonica (24) and it works the same way as a diatonic (2+2 is one note), only it has a tremolo sound and you can't bend.
Hey, I am new to harmonica. I just bought my first harmonica, its is a tremolo in C from hohner. I have noticed that I have to blow a little harder when i go higher (from left to right) 1st one being the easiest to blow and last being the hardest. I dont know anything about it yet, just curious if harmonicas are like that only if I need a new one
Does this instruction work for a vintage Yamaha virtuoso number❤😊 ty
In all honestly I am not sure... but try it and see! If you get a chance, please visit my TABS page :)
Thank you so much for the link!
I'm so excited about learning 🤩
How do I play love me do on this one?
Hey, sorry I haven't got to that song yet... truth is I only really do videos for public domain songs now! But hopefully I might get round to figuring the tabs out for this one eventually!
i just cant figure out that how to blow in just one hole as they are too short and many of em blows together creating a nonsense so plz help in figuring out that how to blow in one hole
How do i play them singularly
Men its hard hahaha.
But you know i really don't know where to blow and breathe 😂 and I'm always checking the holes, which of which is the numbers where to blow and breath. 😂
Keep practicing :)
As a beginner should I buy one of these or Diatonic 10 hole harmonica tuned to C
Depends really on what kind of music you want to play... check this video out
Can you make a Tutorial for seven Spanish angels Willie Nelson please
Hey, sorry, I only make videos for songs that are in the public domain... BUT I might be able to make some tabs and post them to my blog... if you don't hear from me in the next few days write back to me and nag me.
What about 28 holes harmonica ? I should follow this or not ? Please 🙏🏼
I honestly have never heard of a 28 hole tremolo... do you mean it has 28 holes or two rows of 14 holes?
Hola Este estoy viendo los tutoriales que llevo un rato tocando la trémolo y la tocamos mediante la técnica de cuatro incas no existe algún vídeo de alguien en vivo que toque con tu técnica. Parece que la haces con una máquina, ayudaría mucho para el de aprendizaje verlo así.
Hola, no estoy familiarizado con la técnica de los Cuatro Incas! ¿Como funciona? Toco de oído y desarrollé mi forma de enseñar a medida que aprendí... mis videos están hechos con Adobe Animate y la música es de una armónica muestreada en Logic Pro X, así que sí, no soy yo quien toca, pero ya está. en un teclado
@@KerinGedge con gusto platicamos quieres que sea dentro de esta platica o por whats o por Facebook , no quisiera contaminar tu canal con eso por respeto.
Los comentarios son realmente buenos para las estadísticas del canal, así que podemos hablar aquí. ¡Perdóname si no tengo sentido porque estoy usando Google Translate en mis respuestas!
@@KerinGedge claro con gusto pues este la otra vez puse un video Este ahí en Facebook. Para explicar la técnica en síntesis es que tú vas tocando de celdas en pares dos de arriba Los de abajo por lo tanto son cuatrinas. En el mismo tono igualarlo con las tablaturas que se usan con las armónicas bluseras . Qué nos lleva que por ejemplo la posición 6 de la blusera es igual a la seis de la trémolo.
How to play the sharp and flats
It's either not possible or really hard to do with one tremolo... to play a song that requires sharps and flats you generally need to have a second harmonica that's either raised or lowered a semitone in key so that you can use that one for the extra notes. If you need new tabs keep an eye on my TABS page, I try to add new tabs every week!
Mr. Kevin Gedge, I am a harmonica beginner and my grandfather gave me one of his harmonicas (it was a 20 hole harmonica), and I wanted to ask, is it the same for 20 hole harmonicas? I've been wanting to find a note chart for 20 hole harmonicas but unfortunately I couldn't find any..
If you could help me, I would greatly appreciate it, sir!
Hey, I'm making 20 hole harmonica lessons now! Hope your practice is going well!
In my tremolo, there is no continuously increasing numbers from 1 to 24 instead it has 5,2,1,4,3,6,5,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,7,3,2,5,4,1,6,3,7............are these both ways equivalent?.....Please help me understand.
Don't let it confuse you, the numbers in my video are still relevant, except the makers of your harmonica are being clever.... the 1's = C, the 2's =D, 3=E, 4=F, 5 = G, 6 = A, 7 = B - assuming your harmonica is in the key of C... if your harmonica was in a different key, for example G, then 1 would be G, 2 would be A, 3 would be B etc etc
@@KerinGedge Thank you very much. So, the numbers actually denote keys. Yes, my harmonica is in the key of C.
@@KerinGedge Yes,my harmoica is in the key C. Thank you very much.
Yes that's right... it can be really confusing but makes sense when you realise what they are.... so when watching my videos you have a choice to either go by the letters or follow my finger pointer!
Plz make tutorial on 24 hole chromatic harmonica.
Request from India and lots of love
Woah, I'm not sure I could... I'll have to get my hands on one first! I only have a 10 hole
I have tromolle harmonica I like it
Cool 😎
Have you ever heard of a 30 holed tremelo? I have aquired an old hohner 57/120 m echo harp in keys C and G and there is virtually nothing on this instrument other than sold out ebay pages
And by 30 holes I do mean 30 double-holes on each side
Hey, I'm afraid I've never tried one so I wouldn't know :(
Can you play sharps and flats with harmonica?🤔
Yes and no... with a diatonic you can "bend" notes to produce notes that aren't naturally part of the scale your harmonica is tuned to... you can do this on a tremolo but it's difficult and you have to do it through only one of the "double holes"... but if you really want to play sharps/flats easily try a Chromatic harmonica.
@@KerinGedge thx, after the final exam i will try it😀
puede grabar sus vídeos en español o castellano, soy de Perú, gracias, solo se inglés básico.
Yo soy de mexico y no le entendi casi nada al video jajaja
Hey, thanks for watching! Don't forget to check out my TABS here! :)
The hardest part for beginner is that the note is not order at a normal sequence, I think the proper way to recognize the note instead of memory the number about the hole to play a song. If you want to become a better performer.
The way the notes are arranged on harmonica is very important and absolutely crucial for the instrument. 1. it allows you to be able to blow into the neighbouring holes without it sounding bad because the notes harmonise together... 2. The order allows you to be able to play the same song on different harmonicas in exactly the same way... the hole numbers will be different but the blows will still be blows and the breathes will still be breathes no matter what type of harmonica you play. If it wasn't this way, if the numbers were in sequence like they are on a piano then the harmonica would only be possible as a single note at a time instrument, it wouldn't even be called a harmonica because there would be no "harmony", also for every song you wanted to play you would have to learn how to play it all over again if you decided to try a different type of harmonica.
@@KerinGedge Yes, my point is that read the spectrum instead of harmonica tab. At that case you could understand the phrase in different type of instruments.
THX for your attention, And I appreciate your effort for answer me :)
Maybe you would get more out of my TABS? I've started a new format where I'm just showing the arrows instead of the notes... I've only done a few though, am working on more :) Good luck!
@@KerinGedge wow teach! Ur a dedicated teacher. 💕🙏🙏🙏
Do u blow into each double hole on top and bottom. Example C blow only and breath out bottom hole of c
No you treat the top hole and the bottom hole as if they were one hole... the only time you would breath into a single hole on a tremolo, that I know of, is when you want to try bending one.. but that's pretty tricky!
My harmonica is in the key of D and when I blow through 5 it makes the tonic and the formula you gave for the scale doesn't work. Can you suggest anything?
Yes, when watching my tutorials, turn the volume down and just follow the arrows. :)
What is the reason for such confusion? You can play a small harmonica almost intuitively if you have good hearing. And this is confusing like I don't know what.
It's not confusing if you really think about it... it's arranged this way so that the neighboring notes harmonize with each other.
My harmonica a little bit different, each hole have only 1 hole, it's like first is up second is down and so on.. It does the same thing like on video right?
Not sure I understand what you mean... give you send me a link to a picture of it?
Just got a harmonica this evening. So....How do I know which hole to blow through? Like at a quick glance, I can't tell the number of the hole. Any tip for that?
The greatest tip I have is practice.
Спасибо, друг! Помог !
You are most welcome!
Can we produce C# D# and so on in tremolo harmonica?
Please help me
Short answer is no... but you get round it by holding a second tremolo that does.
in my tremolo is opposite its not work when i blow into odd holes its not working its need to breath in
Sorry Rahat, it might be a different type of harmonica? I couldn't say why it's not working the same way as in the video, except what I've shown you here is the standard.
Just got one, can anyone explain its labelled 521436471234561732541637 ?
Hi Jack, sorry it took me this long to get back to you, but the numbering you are describing is pretty simple. When you see this sort of numbering, it's your harmonicas way of telling you the order of the scale. So if your harmonica is in the key of C all of the "1" holes would be the note "C".... all of the "2" holes would be the note "D", 3 = E, 4 = F and so on. You can still follow the numbers/tabs that I have set out in my videos, just ignore the numbers that are etched into your harmonica when doing so.
A 16 holes tremolo harmonica it's the same as a 24 holes harmonica but shorter? Or are they different instruments?
Well technically speaking they're both harmonicas but the rules are again different... check out my playlists for 16 hole tutorials!
Just bought my harmonica. I have a question. some holes are not supposed to make sound when drawed or blowed right? I mean is it true that each hole is specifically designed to draw or blow.
If yours is a tremolo then yes that is generally the case!
@@KerinGedge yes exactly . But the one that I bought works both ways on every hole. Did I just bought a broken tremolo? I am super beginner and I wanted to learn it so Pls let me know what do you think about my case.
Do you have the brand name and type written on the harmonica?
@@KerinGedge Its says 24 hole tremolo harmonica. No brand name
I dont know how to read music notes but ABC. I saw your pinterest notes on 135 = GCE blow; 2468 = DFAB breathe; and notes on songs, they work. Thanks.
May you teach me how to know which C is which C since there are 4 Cs, and which A is which A since there are 3 As? So when Im looking at any piece of written song notes with ABC and I can play them, so I can know and note down the songs I want like how you did in 123.
And which one is F, f, F#, f#, and so on with other notes, in this tremelo harmonica? Appreciate.
Sorry I never got back to you! Did you figure it out in the end?
Hello I'm.confused why does some tabs for 24 hole tremolo have negative numbers
The "-" symbol indicates a breathe and the "+" is a blow.
I have KAPS harmonica with 24 holes.
Is the CDEF.. this pattern same for my harmonica as told by you in the video?
I would assume so!
@@KerinGedge yes sir it is same. Thank you so much
4:55 or 4:54 sounds like the ending from contra
For reals? Cool!
@@KerinGedge yes
What is the meanin kf a dash infornt of a number? Like -2
You mean like in harmonica tab? I think it means breathe in..
@@KerinGedge oo ok thank you
I want to buy the swan double sided harmonica key C and G. Is it good?
Actually I wouldn't know, I haven't tried it myself... I do have a Swan Chromatic harmonica and I really like playing it, I've had it for a few years and it still sounds pretty good and is very robust... but that's my only experience with Swan!
@@KerinGedge Thanks