for annyone wondering the order is 1: Go to your recruiter and tell them what branch you want to be in 2: they will give you a shipping off date..that is the day you will be going to boot camp 3:after boot camp you get a 10 day vacation day 4:after that vacation you are off to the school of (whatever) for me it will be infantry 5:after school you will be shipped off to a base were your career will begin
Ooo-Rah! I'm a retired USMC 1stSgt, live in Oceanside near the back gate of Camp Pendleton, and my own son is up there at SOI this very moment (and when this video was created), and he's going to be an 03xx. Needless to say, my son is now my brother, and only other Marines with sons who followed them know what I'm talking about. And the same goes for any child, male or female, who follows their parent into the Corps. Semper fidelis, out.
Back in my day, it was so much better than Boot Camp USMCRD. It,'s inspiring to me at the final stage of my life to watch these videos. Best of luck to all of you, and Semper Fi.
It amazes me how much better things have gotten throughout the years. I remember seeing pictures from my Uncle's time in during the 70s. We talked a lot about our experiences. From what he told me and the pictures I saw, the Corps has way gotten better over the decades. I hope it continues!
The Infantry is the nucleus of the Marine Corps. We go from boot, to Soi, then we get to our unit. Then we go to mountain warfare, cqb instructors course, then we go to Bridgeport again. All the while fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Semper Fidelis to every Marine who has served, did serve, and will serve. Always Faithful.
I remember when they changed from ITS to SOI and we were WTF,probably like going from ITR to ITS,same thing but called a different thing depending on Era ooooorah fuckin rah Marines
@@austinpigg5759 the crucible? Thats a good joke... The crucible is nothing compared to what they do in the fleet... Especially if youre in an infantry battalion
I went to MCT and SOI back then, it was a challenge each day. But graduated 0341 in 1992. And spent the rest of my career in different units, retired 0369 after twenty years of service. Also, instructed non 0300 Marines at the School house and officers at TBS at Quantico, VA. Semper Fi
@@ggamba9729 One month behind you! Graduated Sept '92 after failing Electronics School in 29 Palms. Lucky enough to get Kaneohe Bay as my duty station. 1/3, and H&Sco. Semper Fi.
Retired Corpsman and was stationed at 62 area (San Mateo) twice in the early 70's and frequently drove through 52 area and it definitely looks much better then it did back in the day.
Uh-Oh Hollywood Marine to bad you didn't train at Geiger that place was a fucking Gulag in the 80's i'm pretty sure the Corp violated sum humanitarian rights living in that shithole.
Thank you Foxtrot so much! I love your channel and videos. You are always keeping me in trend about Marines! And one day, hopefully, I will become a Marine. So, all I am saying is that keep it up your great work, and never stop!
If a female marine made it this far, then I'd assume she's able to carry her weight and her squad mates weight. Unless you're doubting the authority of the U.S.'s almost like she'd have to have trained for this the same as any other
Abby Schmidt women pass marine training because they have LOWER STANDARDS than men. they are weaker than men. if women had the same PT standards as men, most women would fail boot camp
The standards are going to be the same soon, personally I think they should've always been the same for women and men, and then we'll probably see a decrease in woman in the infantry. But then we'll see woman who are strong enough mentally and strong enough in the infantry. If we exclude certain people before even giving them a chance then who knows what we're missing out on.
Let me tell you something, my friend. When I was in the Corps, back in '81, we had a Woman Marine who worked at the 1st FSSG motor pool at CamPen, CA. She was so strong, she could carry a bus tire under each arm. When the rubber meets the road, what it boils down to is.....Can they DO THE JOB?? If they CAN, they can carry my happy ass out of danger and away from death ANY day. Cover my ass as well as I can cover yours and we have no problem. Quit with the "girls are weak" shit. Not all of them are. It depends. It's like saying that "all men are strong and able to handle combat". One stop at a VAMC psych ward will tell you that that stupid statement is a load of shit. You take people ONE AT A TIME. CAN THEY DO THE JOB. That's all that matters. If there's any other problem, then it's YOUR problem, so deal with it.
MCT: 1 month; SOI: 2 months. Non-infantry go to MCT, not SOI and everybody doesn't learn all the weapon systems, it is MOS dependent. I doubt MCT trains marines on mortars, tows, javs, etc.; I believe MCT only trains on rifles, saw, 240, grenades and M2 BMG, feel free to correct me if I am wrong, this was true in '06- '11
K White to correct you a little bit but MCT is a course that is part of the School of Infantry. Marines with a Infantry MOS attend Infantry Training Battalion at SOI. Both fall under SOI but different courses. But yeah you are correct on the other information pretty much.
Marine infantry school looks alot more chill and laid back than army infantry school was. Ours was basically advanced basic training. My drill sgts were just as tough on us there as they were in basic.
Anything the army does is over complicated and retarded. Worked with them, ate with them, shit with them, a LCpl of Marines is more competent than a SNCO, even officer of the Army
SOI is easy. I was on restriction for all of SOI and the weekends were harder for me than the training days. Recon/Raiders/SF indocs are the hard ones.
I remember our first hike out, it was 3 days and when we got back all our lockers were broken into and our cash was stolen. No electronics, jewelry, wallets, nothing, just cash. I'm pretty sure our combat instructor was pretending to write stuff down but anyways, we never got our money back. I had $35 dollars in my wallet too...
Funny seeing LAV shooting a tow. LAV 3 is actually a swiss tank, which is named the piranha. There are some piranha equipped with TOW system but I think the equipment is older than the LAV's one.
I'm in the Marine Corps and there's no way in the hell I could do this job... My hat's goes off to the brave men and women that fight on the front line because there's no way in hell I could do that job
Underground Fights Anonymous: we’re being filled with propaganda? Last time I checked your leftist media releases feminist and BLM propaganda on a daily basis.
Wow, amazing how the nomenclature changes. In my day it was Basic Infantry Training (BIT) and everyone went. 0300 continued with Advanced Infantry Training and the rest went off to do whatever it was the Marine Corps wanted them to do.
Doamne fereste my love Poezia cu cocosul era o gluma intre mine si tine ,eu am tot respectul penteu toti aparatorii nostrii indiferent unde actioneaza Aparatorii NATO stiu ce fac grija este bunastarea oricarui popor. Dumnezeu sa_i sfatuiasca de bine sa nu avem parte de razboi costisitor
6:00 OK, taking into consideration that this is training, you don't send your Scouts to look at the open area of the danger crossing, you send them to Scout the far side woods, because that's where the enemy is likely to be set up. I don't recommend training that does not follow what is supposed to be done in combat, because that "simulated" action, often becomes what's mistakenly done later on, and it gets good Soldiers (and Marines) killed. SSS U.S.Army (Ret), Infantry / Sniper, multiple tours
Speaking as a former USMC arty guy (0811/0861), faced with a serious clearing, I would have smoked the treeline anyway - assuming you wanted to cross the clearing. Whatever infantry maneuvers you wish to conduct, I'd like obscuration. Maybe that's just me, being a former gunner. But I'd have no hesitation in putting in smoke serious 50/50 HE PD/Delay into that treeline. :-)
Arved Sandstrom Nothing wrong with the Hammer, I qualified as an FO just for that purpose, but there are few times when higher is going to free up arty just to cross a danger zone, best case they painted the guns position for counter battery and worst case (at least in the CO's eyes) uncontrolled collateral damage. In the cold calculus of combat, risking the lives of a few Soldiers to Scout the far side is often the best option.
Ryan Taylor Personally I would have sent a squad up the side before moving the main effort foreward. Then if and when contact occurs we already have a flanking element.
This may seem like a dumbass question but I'm a civilian. Can you fire a weapon from your left shoulder with your right hand if it works better for you or do you have to fire off the same shoulder that your hand is on
These days everyone goes to the School of Infantry, both men and women. After basic training my grandson was sent to S.O.I. along with all other graduates regardless of M.O.S. Everyone is in such for 1 month. Then he was sent to his M.O.S. school which was Aviation Logistics. Those whose M.O.S. is infantry stay for a much longer period and graduate from such. The motto "Every Marine a rifleman" rings true. His unit MALS 16 (Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron) is the only MALS unit to receive a combat citation. It seems they were deployed in Iraq to an airfield which had been evacuated by the Iraq Army. Not so, the enemy was still there. I asked my grandson (he was assigned to such unit much later) if they waited for the infantry Marine units to engage the enemy. According to unit history, no way. They immediately engaged the enemy and drove them out. Although his M.O.S. is viewed as a "Geek Marine" unit, every Marine is ready to engage the enemy on the battlefield.
I did two tours at S.O.I.. Served as a troop handler (old school term), squad instructor, weapons instructor and Platoon Cmdr. Getting stuck there used to be a career ender. My escape each time was calling the monitor and begging for orders to the next deploying victor.
Do you need a first class PFT and CFT or just the first class PFT for infantry ? And is it hard to get a 1st class CFT and what if I don’t get a first class CFT?I’m at 120 crunches and 15 pulls ups(trying to get to 20) and idk about my run time on the PFT and for the CFT the only score I know of mine is about 100 ammo can presses and I leave on June 17th 2019 for Paris 03xx. I’m trying to make sure I’ll meet those. Sometimes I’m worried about qualifying for infantry than bootcamp.
You don’t need to have a first class PFT or CFT but it’s good if you do. And word of advice, don’t be scared of boot camp or ITB, be fucking terrified once you hit the fleet because you’ll meet men you never wish existed. -Some dude whose been in the infantry for too fucking long and is ready to get out.
4:50 What is that coyote tan colored box-shape attachment above the barrel in front of the optic, located just up from center on the screen? I have seen those so many times but never known what they were. My best guess is that it is some sort of laser range-finder, but I can't seem to find out what they are called (so I haven't been able to look them up and find out).
While I forgot what its correct name is. It is a laser pointer. It has multiple laser settings. In SOI you only train with 2 of them. The normal Red Laser. And then the Green laser that is only visible using the Nightvision Goggles.
I date myself. Back in the day as an artillery guy (first an 0811) but then as an 0861, there was no such thing as extra infantry training. Mind you, once assigned as an FO with the infantry, I got trained pretty quick. :-)
First off, it's Corps, with an S, a Corp is short for corporation. You'd need to talk to a recruiter but you should be sign up to join Corps as early as your senior year in high school, at age 17, but you'll need to get your parents' permission first. You'll then be placed in the Delayed Entry Program and you won't actually ship out to boot camp until you graduate high school and/or turn 18. While you're in the DEP your recruiter will help prepare you for going to boot camp and you'll likely attend events with others like you, called Poolees, where you get a taste of what boot camp will be like, up to and including have real drill instructors scream and yell at you. If you really intend on joining the Corps then I wish you the best of luck. It's a life changing experience and you'll become part of something greater than you, a brotherhood that goes back 241 years. Be sure to listen to and take any advice your recruiters give you, but also, don't trust a word they say until you've signed your papers, they'll you all sorts of things to get you to join, almost all recruiters of all branches do this because they're under intense pressure to get X number people signed up a month, quarter, etc.
@@not_a_youtuber_0.0 Don't listen to Jawan. He thinks peace is always the answer especially to an enemy who declares war on you and the country you're in who is also aiming to kill you before anyone else kills him.
No shit, right? 13 weeks at MCRD... 10 days of leave then back to ITB for 8 weeks. Not even 6 months and already that lazy foot shuffle. Seemed to only be that WM center frame though.
How do they choose who gets what MOS? I wanna do infantry but I don’t wanna get stuck being a motorman, AT, LAV, ect. I wanna get riflemen or machinegunner
Get in shape. Or become a should've could've would've been. I started at 139 in 2016 2017 I'm 154 training to be a marine. Ima shit talking gun wanna be having fuck up ready to get some. You go get sum
Those really aren't scopes, not in the long range shooting sense of the word. They're red dot sights, with maybe 2 - 3X magnification on them. These sights in particular utilize a fiber optic tube up to illuminate the reticle using just sunlight, they might have a battery in them too to power an internal laser to create a red dot in low light situations or at night.
They are scopes. The Trijicon ACOG, termed RCO (rifle combat optic) in the Corps, is a 4x scope with bullet drop compensator graduated out to 800m. They are illuminated by a fiber optic ambient light collector or tritium for low light; there are no batteries or electronics. They have been standard issue now in the Corps since around 2006-2008.
Women can't get into the infantry, even if it is open to them. Simply put, they are physically too weak to handle the carrying of the heavy gear and equipment long distances and in some cases not even able to lift it, at all. The women in the video are in the MCT.
Mechanized infantry loads? Sure. Light infantry loads? Very, very few. I'm 6-3 and weigh 225 lbs. and it nearly killed me. But, I was Army airborne infantry. Most of the USMC is mech, so...
Chase Balazs women are a fuckin liability you progressive immaculate. The marine corps did a study on it. Females aren't effective learn ur shit war isn't a political agenda game
Oh i didnt know that. I guess since they swapped out all our 16s to m4s in grunt units i figured they wouldnt bother trying to make the m16 any better. Havent seen it in the fleet yet though
They're both AR15s. Almost all parts are interchangeable. Any AR upper will work with any AR lower unless they're special snowflake parts (billet, civilian world stuff)
It's not this fun boys and girls ....SOI is surrounded by hills...fucking hills everywhere and you will force March over those bitches . The fleet .... especially if your a 0300 will be worse yet lol
I’m 16 and I literally just got into this shit today. I really want to do this and serve my country. I want to be in the infantry division in the marine corps. I don’t know where to begin to do that shit tho :/ any help with advice on that would go dum
boyd nicol idk i guess search for better jobs out in the corps if you wanna do infantry go for it you are still 16 talk to a recruiter on your senior year of high school and he will help you out. Don’t let any recruiter fuck ypu over though lol
I don't know why but I like these types of videos.
i'm from brazil and too like
Jared Thomas I love them because I can't wait to do this shit
chesty USMC 0221 let me in on who chesty is I hear that all the time
Engine Orange Chesty RIP was an ass kicking Marine.
Urban Radio Hits thanks
for annyone wondering the order is
1: Go to your recruiter and tell them what branch you want to be in
2: they will give you a shipping off date..that is the day you will be going to boot camp
3:after boot camp you get a 10 day vacation day
4:after that vacation you are off to the school of (whatever) for me it will be infantry
5:after school you will be shipped off to a base were your career will begin
What different MOSs are more/less likely to go to different bases, or be deployed?
Daniel Haskins anything 03 is pretty spread out. Almost every other job is pretty limited I believe
You also forgot that non infantry has to do a one month course of MCT after the 10 day leave. For infantry, it’s 2 months of SOI.
Ooo-Rah! I'm a retired USMC 1stSgt, live in Oceanside near the back gate of Camp Pendleton, and my own son is up there at SOI this very moment (and when this video was created), and he's going to be an 03xx.
Needless to say, my son is now my brother, and only other Marines with sons who followed them know what I'm talking about. And the same goes for any child, male or female, who follows their parent into the Corps.
Semper fidelis, out.
Hell yeah, my dad left a master sgt and I leave for bootcamp in less than a month
gmweirdo OORAH! My dad is a retired Gunny. Me and my two older brothers also joined the Corps. Semper Fidelis
Ooo-rah Darnell! I know you're proud of your dad, and I'm sure he's proud of the way his sons turned out. Well done!
Thanks. I you in the Corps? If so, you're my brother too.
Okay Quintin...well done and good choice. By the time you will have read this, you should have graduated. Welcome to the brotherhood.
Back in my day, it was so much better than Boot Camp USMCRD. It,'s inspiring to me at the final stage of my life to watch these videos. Best of luck to all of you, and Semper Fi.
It amazes me how much better things have gotten throughout the years. I remember seeing pictures from my Uncle's time in during the 70s. We talked a lot about our experiences. From what he told me and the pictures I saw, the Corps has way gotten better over the decades. I hope it continues!
The Infantry is the nucleus of the Marine Corps. We go from boot, to Soi, then we get to our unit. Then we go to mountain warfare, cqb instructors course, then we go to Bridgeport again. All the while fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Semper Fidelis to every Marine who has served, did serve, and will serve. Always Faithful.
Can you go to the Infantry but your contract says Marine reserves?
I remember when they changed from ITS to SOI and we were WTF,probably like going from ITR to ITS,same thing but called a different thing depending on Era ooooorah fuckin rah Marines
@@willford8302 Tell your recruiter EXACTY what you want. Don't take no for an answer.
God Bless America! America may not be perfect but it is the BEST country on earth!
It is not.
@@roreilly7774 it is
@@spookycrossaint5519 For you might be, for many other it isn't.
@@roreilly7774 that's the price for freedom ain't it
@@spookycrossaint5519 Huh! Freedom?? You have no idea what freedom looks like.
Grunts symbolize a lot about the core. Semper fi
Robert Wilson What else would you expect from a Marine? lmao
@@dogestranding5047 shut up lol
@@robertwilson8184 cirhs
It's funny though they don't show the 20 mile ruck marches and stuff
Bruce Kimball i was wondering about that
Is great
Yea that would be a recruiting nightmare
A 20 mile ruck March won’t bother them, the crucible was 48 miles, they’ll be aight😂
@@austinpigg5759 the crucible? Thats a good joke... The crucible is nothing compared to what they do in the fleet... Especially if youre in an infantry battalion
Thanks for posting. My son is in SOI right now at Camp Pendleton so it's nice to see a little bit about what he's doing. Appreciate it!
I went to MCT and SOI back then, it was a challenge each day. But graduated 0341 in 1992. And spent the rest of my career in different units, retired 0369 after twenty years of service. Also, instructed non 0300 Marines at the School house and officers at TBS at Quantico, VA. Semper Fi
Which company! I was there in '92 Delta Co., an all 0311 company.
@GT0311 graduated SOI August 1992 prior to that was guard duty and MCT. Semper
@@ggamba9729 One month behind you! Graduated Sept '92 after failing Electronics School in 29 Palms. Lucky enough to get Kaneohe Bay as my duty station. 1/3, and H&Sco. Semper Fi.
@@ggamba9729 Holy Shit! I graduated in Sept. '92!
My first duty station was 3/8 Lima wpns plt, and then transferred to deploy right away with 1/2 wpns Co. 81s Semper fi
This is like the sequel to Boot Camp that nobody outside the Marine Corps really knows about.
My biggest fear would be the inability to understand the Instructers lol
Donovan Lee That’s the only concern I’ve been thinking about for the military😂😂
Luke Hawkins nobody understands what they say. You just kinda have to either hope for the best or do what the guy next to you is doing
Luke Hawkins HAHA 😂 Same
@Stop Playing chill bro how them civvies supposed to know that? They were getting yelled at in the video so. Disrespectful Boot ass POG. If even that.
Stop Playing the beef is real 😂😂 please don’t beat my ass it’s just joke
Retired Corpsman and was stationed at 62 area (San Mateo) twice in the early 70's and frequently drove through 52 area and it definitely looks much better then it did back in the day.
Corpsman up brother.
Things have changed since 1980. For us, iron sights, warbelts, cammy green. Forgotten a lot but I do remember Mount MFer. That'll never go away.
Uh-Oh Hollywood Marine to bad you didn't train at Geiger that place was a fucking Gulag in the 80's i'm pretty sure the Corp violated sum humanitarian rights living in that shithole.
MCRD grad date Sept 24th 1982. I remember that mountain too!
MCRD 1988. Who could forget Mt MF😮
Thank you Foxtrot so much! I love your channel and videos. You are always keeping me in trend about Marines! And one day, hopefully, I will become a Marine. So, all I am saying is that keep it up your great work, and never stop!
if you get wounded and need a fellow marine to carry you to safety, hope it is not a female marine
Why not? We call them wookies for a reason :P
If a female marine made it this far, then I'd assume she's able to carry her weight and her squad mates weight. Unless you're doubting the authority of the U.S.'s almost like she'd have to have trained for this the same as any other
Abby Schmidt women pass marine training because they have LOWER STANDARDS than men. they are weaker than men. if women had the same PT standards as men, most women would fail boot camp
The standards are going to be the same soon, personally I think they should've always been the same for women and men, and then we'll probably see a decrease in woman in the infantry. But then we'll see woman who are strong enough mentally and strong enough in the infantry. If we exclude certain people before even giving them a chance then who knows what we're missing out on.
Let me tell you something, my friend. When I was in the Corps, back in '81, we had a Woman Marine who worked at the 1st FSSG motor pool at CamPen, CA. She was so strong, she could carry a bus tire under each arm. When the rubber meets the road, what it boils down to is.....Can they DO THE JOB?? If they CAN, they can carry my happy ass out of danger and away from death ANY day. Cover my ass as well as I can cover yours and we have no problem. Quit with the "girls are weak" shit. Not all of them are. It depends. It's like saying that "all men are strong and able to handle combat". One stop at a VAMC psych ward will tell you that that stupid statement is a load of shit. You take people ONE AT A TIME. CAN THEY DO THE JOB. That's all that matters. If there's any other problem, then it's YOUR problem, so deal with it.
Makes me feel so much closer to my son and what he is going through. Also informs our conversations when we get a chance to visit. ❤
like how the kept putting the like 2 women there right in the center of the camera when they were around lol.
My son just left right b4 thanksgiving for this. So proud of that kid. 19 yrs old and kicking ass!!! Hoooo rahhh!!!!!
If you've ever been through SOI training only you know how hard it was to stay awake during graduation
I straight up fell asleep standing
How long is the Marine Corps School of Infantry?
MCT: 1 month; SOI: 2 months. Non-infantry go to MCT, not SOI and everybody doesn't learn all the weapon systems, it is MOS dependent. I doubt MCT trains marines on mortars, tows, javs, etc.; I believe MCT only trains on rifles, saw, 240, grenades and M2 BMG, feel free to correct me if I am wrong, this was true in '06- '11
K White to correct you a little bit but MCT is a course that is part of the School of Infantry. Marines with a Infantry MOS attend Infantry Training Battalion at SOI. Both fall under SOI but different courses. But yeah you are correct on the other information pretty much.
Yup, no heavy weapons heavier than the M2 and Mk. 19.
^? There's mortars and tows...
Also, they're called crew-served...
Marine infantry school looks alot more chill and laid back than army infantry school was. Ours was basically advanced basic training. My drill sgts were just as tough on us there as they were in basic.
@@jamesmitchell3496 And we always will! Lol.
Hell yeah I am about to get into the army after being out of the Corps for 6 years because it is easier 🤣🤣
Anything the army does is over complicated and retarded. Worked with them, ate with them, shit with them, a LCpl of Marines is more competent than a SNCO, even officer of the Army
I wish they had this when I graduated from boot camp. After I graduated I went straight to MOS School
SOI was fun, I miss it. Combat instructors were cool af.
if you're going to show the school of "Infantry" wouldn't it makes sense to show the infantry not POGS at MCT
Respect your brothers you POS
Will Rathgeber lMAO, shut up
Squilliam We do respect our brothers, its rivalry. Regardless if they’re infantry or not.
I assumed it was SOI...they just let Wooks in now.
@@squilliam8329 shut up boot. LOL
This could possibly the ideal level of a man's physical and mental performance. I hope to be one of them someday.
SOI is easy. I was on restriction for all of SOI and the weekends were harder for me than the training days. Recon/Raiders/SF indocs are the hard ones.
damn.. I can remeber those days..
Yes. You are required to answer in writing with a Naval letter or Naval message.
When ive been waiting for this for a while😂
Hated this place. But I am who I am because of it. Forever grateful for the opportunity I had to become my dream job as a 0311
PRetty sure that's the moment most of those guys wish they paid attention in high school and went to college. Looks like a miserable existence.
God bless thank you for all your service new subcriber
I remember our first hike out, it was 3 days and when we got back all our lockers were broken into and our cash was stolen. No electronics, jewelry, wallets, nothing, just cash. I'm pretty sure our combat instructor was pretending to write stuff down but anyways, we never got our money back. I had $35 dollars in my wallet too...
went through infantry school, 0311 back in 2007, feels like it was yesterday.
3:47 Ssgt Griggs is that you ?!
The chow hall looks nicer then i remember? Also that a4 with the carbine stock is cool.
Food there tastes like ass. Worse than MCRD
I'm so proud of all your brave hearts. I love all videos.
Looks like some of this is filmed in Camp Pendleton and Camp Gieger. Am I correct in that guess?
Yeah, the beginning and end look like Pendleton and the middle parts remind me a lot of Gieger or at least the New River MAW side in NC. Good eye.
Fred Brice yes
Fred Brice Some of them are definitely Geiger. No other state has those pines and terrain features.
You can see Mount Mother F---er at :22. Camp Pendleton.
Ah, good ole MMF.
can't wait until I can join in 2018
Charles Haynes I'm going to join in 2019!
TurtleJuicexBae nice man
Don't do it
Philrups why not
Charles Haynes
Are you smart? Are you fit? Then go the officer route if you're wanting to join. It's a MUCH better life lol
Funny seeing LAV shooting a tow. LAV 3 is actually a swiss tank, which is named the piranha. There are some piranha equipped with TOW system but I think the equipment is older than the LAV's one.
So much more modern than when I was there in '92.
Takes me back to 2012 😫 I miss this shit 0311 rah
LOL, it has changed a lot since i went in 92. It was hell on earth and they made sure you knew that. Boot camp was a breeze compared to SOI.
Brotherhood is more than just a word. Same spirit should unite warriors. Not just same sex.
I'm in the Marine Corps and there's no way in the hell I could do this job... My hat's goes off to the brave men and women that fight on the front line because there's no way in hell I could do that job
Fabo Johnson women are a joke on the front line
Underground Fights Anonymous don't dare compare women to black men
Underground Fights Anonymous: we’re being filled with propaganda? Last time I checked your leftist media releases feminist and BLM propaganda on a daily basis.
Dude everyone in this video is invisible
Wow, amazing how the nomenclature changes. In my day it was Basic Infantry Training (BIT) and everyone went. 0300 continued with Advanced Infantry Training and the rest went off to do whatever it was the Marine Corps wanted them to do.
wilhard45 it's still similar, grunts go to soi pogs go to mct , mct is basically the first month of soi then after they go to their schools
+Joe Parga you mean Itb
+Joe Parga MCT is part of SOI
Thought that it was discovered that running across a bare open field on a sunny bright was somewhat of a bad idea.
Doamne fereste my love
Poezia cu cocosul era o gluma intre mine si tine ,eu am tot respectul penteu toti aparatorii nostrii indiferent unde actioneaza
Aparatorii NATO stiu ce fac grija este bunastarea oricarui popor.
Dumnezeu sa_i sfatuiasca de bine sa nu avem parte de razboi costisitor
Do you enjoy your "Army style" ranks in a "Army kind" of a platoon?
A Marine company is and always has been 3 ranks of 13 men.
6:00 OK, taking into consideration that this is training, you don't send your Scouts to look at the open area of the danger crossing, you send them to Scout the far side woods, because that's where the enemy is likely to be set up. I don't recommend training that does not follow what is supposed to be done in combat, because that "simulated" action, often becomes what's mistakenly done later on, and it gets good Soldiers (and Marines) killed.
SSS U.S.Army (Ret), Infantry / Sniper, multiple tours
Speaking as a former USMC arty guy (0811/0861), faced with a serious clearing, I would have smoked the treeline anyway - assuming you wanted to cross the clearing. Whatever infantry maneuvers you wish to conduct, I'd like obscuration.
Maybe that's just me, being a former gunner. But I'd have no hesitation in putting in smoke serious 50/50 HE PD/Delay into that treeline. :-)
Arved Sandstrom
Nothing wrong with the Hammer, I qualified as an FO just for that purpose, but there are few times when higher is going to free up arty just to cross a danger zone, best case they painted the guns position for counter battery and worst case (at least in the CO's eyes) uncontrolled collateral damage. In the cold calculus of combat, risking the lives of a few Soldiers to Scout the far side is often the best option.
Ryan Taylor Personally I would have sent a squad up the side before moving the main effort foreward. Then if and when contact occurs we already have a flanking element.
foxtrot alpha always has the best vids
This may seem like a dumbass question but I'm a civilian. Can you fire a weapon from your left shoulder with your right hand if it works better for you or do you have to fire off the same shoulder that your hand is on
It doesnt matter as long as you hit the target
Ideal situation is to fire same hand same shoulder.
These days everyone goes to the School of Infantry, both men and women. After basic training my grandson was sent to S.O.I. along with all other graduates regardless of M.O.S. Everyone is in such for 1 month. Then he was sent to his M.O.S. school which was Aviation Logistics. Those whose M.O.S. is infantry stay for a much longer period and graduate from such. The motto "Every Marine a rifleman" rings true.
His unit MALS 16 (Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron) is the only MALS unit to receive a combat citation. It seems they were deployed in Iraq to an airfield which had been evacuated by the Iraq Army. Not so, the enemy was still there. I asked my grandson (he was assigned to such unit much later) if they waited for the infantry Marine units to engage the enemy. According to unit history, no way. They immediately engaged the enemy and drove them out. Although his M.O.S. is viewed as a "Geek Marine" unit, every Marine is ready to engage the enemy on the battlefield.
I did two tours at S.O.I.. Served as a troop handler (old school term), squad instructor, weapons instructor and Platoon Cmdr. Getting stuck there used to be a career ender. My escape each time was calling the monitor and begging for orders to the next deploying victor.
my brother is in marine his name is Daniel
Wow I know exactly who he is, I’ll make sure to say hello..
They using live or blanks in that training in the woods
Really hope General Mattis gets rid of the women from combat MOS's in the USMC and Army.
Bashar al-Assad why do people have problem with women in the army.
First off this is the Marine Corps not the army, And nobody has a problem with women serving. Just not in the infantry
from old army guy, they shouldn't be anywhere near or in a tank or an arty tube.
teller121 agreed
teller121 It's a shame three women are now in Infantry Units, a Rifleman, Machinegunner (good luck) and fucking Arty
Do you need a first class PFT and CFT or just the first class PFT for infantry ? And is it hard to get a 1st class CFT and what if I don’t get a first class CFT?I’m at 120 crunches and 15 pulls ups(trying to get to 20) and idk about my run time on the PFT and for the CFT the only score I know of mine is about 100 ammo can presses and I leave on June 17th 2019 for Paris 03xx. I’m trying to make sure I’ll meet those. Sometimes I’m worried about qualifying for infantry than bootcamp.
You don’t need to have a first class PFT or CFT but it’s good if you do. And word of advice, don’t be scared of boot camp or ITB, be fucking terrified once you hit the fleet because you’ll meet men you never wish existed.
-Some dude whose been in the infantry for too fucking long and is ready to get out.
@@Darodararo So......2 years and a deployment lol
I love it Marines! Oooh Rahhhh
Combat WMs are a complete waste of money, and will cost Marine lives.
They are their for morale😂😂😂😂
I’m a woman and I’m 100% women shouldn’t be there, men can’t be babysitting women in a battlefield, to risky!
What is that coyote tan colored box-shape attachment above the barrel in front of the optic, located just up from center on the screen? I have seen those so many times but never known what they were. My best guess is that it is some sort of laser range-finder, but I can't seem to find out what they are called (so I haven't been able to look them up and find out).
It's just an IR laser pointer. They're not gonna give these retards a LRF.
While I forgot what its correct name is. It is a laser pointer. It has multiple laser settings. In SOI you only train with 2 of them. The normal Red Laser. And then the Green laser that is only visible using the Nightvision Goggles.
PEQ 15 is the name of what you're looking at.
ITB gets the PEQ-16s. POGs get the 15s.
I date myself. Back in the day as an artillery guy (first an 0811) but then as an 0861, there was no such thing as extra infantry training. Mind you, once assigned as an FO with the infantry, I got trained pretty quick. :-)
That place looks familiar ... 45 years out of date for me, but familiar.
Will the Marines still be using the M16 for training as of fall 2017/spring 2018? Or will they begin using the M4 for training by then?
Im going to be that one trainie that does the most just to impress, but this video is awesome I'm def set on doing infantry
how long is infantry school
Where can I join the Marine Corp in about 2020 when I graduate high school?
Charlie Company just Google marine recruitment center near me lmao
semper fields!!!
First off, it's Corps, with an S, a Corp is short for corporation.
You'd need to talk to a recruiter but you should be sign up to join Corps as early as your senior year in high school, at age 17, but you'll need to get your parents' permission first. You'll then be placed in the Delayed Entry Program and you won't actually ship out to boot camp until you graduate high school and/or turn 18. While you're in the DEP your recruiter will help prepare you for going to boot camp and you'll likely attend events with others like you, called Poolees, where you get a taste of what boot camp will be like, up to and including have real drill instructors scream and yell at you.
If you really intend on joining the Corps then I wish you the best of luck. It's a life changing experience and you'll become part of something greater than you, a brotherhood that goes back 241 years. Be sure to listen to and take any advice your recruiters give you, but also, don't trust a word they say until you've signed your papers, they'll you all sorts of things to get you to join, almost all recruiters of all branches do this because they're under intense pressure to get X number people signed up a month, quarter, etc.
Thanks I guess I have four more years to go till eighteen
Can’t wait till I join
What's so fun about getting blown to pieces or losing limbs for some rich people?
Jawan T I don’t know it’s just a long time dream of mine and I would rather die on the front line then die doing nothing
@@not_a_youtuber_0.0 Don't listen to Jawan. He thinks peace is always the answer especially to an enemy who declares war on you and the country you're in who is also aiming to kill you before anyone else kills him.
I went through this and Platoon Sgt Crs. Anybody else.
UA-cam Marine gen Barrow's address to congress opposing WMs in combat. He fought in 3 wars. Was in command in all 3.
I guess that is how some of us were taught to about face... nasty things! Nasty 4th batallion too.
No shit, right? 13 weeks at MCRD... 10 days of leave then back to ITB for 8 weeks. Not even 6 months and already that lazy foot shuffle. Seemed to only be that WM center frame though.
Yeah man I can agree. Been out for a while and I can still do it the right way.
Where are all the hikes ? And the hazing ??🤔🤔
Chacho Ramirez they are on film
nice video
why are the Marines sometimes wearing the desert uniform even though they are on a Base/Training ground with lots of forests?
Steve Smith because they need to get familiar with their uniform to fight in dessert places like the Middle East, like Afghanistan Iraq syria
What is the first thing that happened when you got to your unit right after and what do you think will happen to the females?
Marines have girls doing there fighting for them. So happy im not in anymore! 0331
Awacs0808 so joining isn't worth it?
Acrophobia from talking to current service members who told me about the political correctness weak leadership and women in infantry. No it's not
stevie torrance This is the Marine Corps, not the Navy nor the Army.
Harry Kuheim Lol not anymore thanks to trump!
Adam Saenz Lol Marines are the US Minute Men, they clear the way for the Army...
How do they choose who gets what MOS? I wanna do infantry but I don’t wanna get stuck being a motorman, AT, LAV, ect. I wanna get riflemen or machinegunner
Are they using M16s with a Collapsible stock?
Currently at ITB, kms
Is MOS training like boot camp or a lot less strict?
I wish I can join the Infantry and fight in Syria. I’m not in good shape though 😞. Any tips?
Get in shape. Or become a should've could've would've been. I started at 139 in 2016 2017 I'm 154 training to be a marine. Ima shit talking gun wanna be having fuck up ready to get some. You go get sum
scopes are standard issue now??
Those really aren't scopes, not in the long range shooting sense of the word. They're red dot sights, with maybe 2 - 3X magnification on them. These sights in particular utilize a fiber optic tube up to illuminate the reticle using just sunlight, they might have a battery in them too to power an internal laser to create a red dot in low light situations or at night.
Roger that, we used the old fashioned "Iron" sights while I served.
They are scopes. The Trijicon ACOG, termed RCO (rifle combat optic) in the Corps, is a 4x scope with bullet drop compensator graduated out to 800m. They are illuminated by a fiber optic ambient light collector or tritium for low light; there are no batteries or electronics. They have been standard issue now in the Corps since around 2006-2008.
its honestly really awesome seeing the integration of women into the infantry. im excited to see how great of a job they will do. semper fi
Women can't get into the infantry, even if it is open to them. Simply put, they are physically too weak to handle the carrying of the heavy gear and equipment long distances and in some cases not even able to lift it, at all. The women in the video are in the MCT.
That's true but some women are cable of carrying the equipment, and running 3 miles or more.
Mechanized infantry loads? Sure. Light infantry loads? Very, very few. I'm 6-3 and weigh 225 lbs. and it nearly killed me. But, I was Army airborne infantry. Most of the USMC is mech, so...
Chase Balazs women are a fuckin liability you progressive immaculate. The marine corps did a study on it. Females aren't effective learn ur shit war isn't a political agenda game
I can't wait till I'm fucking done with high school
how many
years you have till you graduate
I'm a sophomore so the rest of this year and two more
Same man high school fuckin sucks
Same but I'm going into college then joining
#bootygod #bleachgod me too
very good
Do more vids on Us army rangers 75th regiment
How about do what it takes to join the 75th reg... then you won't have to watch vids to learn enough for your stolen valor.. lmao jk.
K White lmfao rekt
6:58 how the hell this fool has an m16 upper and m4 lower!?!
The Corps developed collapsible stocks for the M16. Very helpful when you're wearing body armor.
Oh i didnt know that. I guess since they swapped out all our 16s to m4s in grunt units i figured they wouldnt bother trying to make the m16 any better. Havent seen it in the fleet yet though
Dominic Daley. the armory keeps some for ppl with shorter arms
They're both AR15s. Almost all parts are interchangeable. Any AR upper will work with any AR lower unless they're special snowflake parts (billet, civilian world stuff)
Why is there an AK-47 up there?
It's not this fun boys and girls ....SOI is surrounded by hills...fucking hills everywhere and you will force March over those bitches .
The fleet .... especially if your a 0300 will be worse yet lol
5:39 wouldn’t it be smarter to use woodland cammies in terrain like this💀
Fucking Lima man. That place was hell😂😂
Who is the Aussie addressing the graduation, and what did he say?
Lew James I'm not sure but when I was active I had an enlisted Brit in my unit and we had an aussie pilot on the MEU.
I was there during this time
i heard before the safest place to be in the fight, is in the middle of a MARINE unit......
I’m 16 and I literally just got into this shit today. I really want to do this and serve my country. I want to be in the infantry division in the marine corps. I don’t know where to begin to do that shit tho :/ any help with advice on that would go dum
boyd nicol idk i guess search for better jobs out in the corps if you wanna do infantry go for it you are still 16 talk to a recruiter on your senior year of high school and he will help you out. Don’t let any recruiter fuck ypu over though lol
A little confused???? Why wear urban camo in a jungle setting???
Judy Stafford uniforms change depending on daylight savings.