Indians React to How US Became A Superpower

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @mikeef747
    @mikeef747 9 місяців тому +16

    Japan was not trying to free their "Asian Brothers" from the west, they were trying to colonize them. They had already colonized Korea against their will in the early 1900's, a fact that seems to be looked over by video creators.
    Even Guam's leaders sent letters of gratitude to the US for saving them from the brutality of Japanese occupation. They made it clear they wanted to remain a US territory, I think having a superpower's protection that let them self-govern and gave them access to the biggest market in the world was a no-brainer.

    • @mrz1703
      @mrz1703 9 місяців тому

      Also the Japanese forced Korean men to fight in Okinawa at the end of the war. It's also been said by reliable sources the people showed jumping off the cliffs were brainwashed to believe the Americans would eat their babies, sewing fear in the populous. Okinawa was annexed by Japan and the older generations did not identify as Japanese. This doesn't include the atrocities comited during they're occupation of China and the Chinese citizens. U brought up great points 👍

  • @KINGREAL6444
    @KINGREAL6444 9 місяців тому +5

    USA🇺🇲💪 Forever God Bless USA And are Allies Much love and Respect to everyone

  • @PandaBear62573
    @PandaBear62573 9 місяців тому +23

    China is a paper tiger too. They don't have economic power to build a strong military. Plus their economy is crashing right now and the rich are leaving China for America. The Mexico border has seen thousands of people from China crossing. This is a quote from a recent NY Times article "Despite the distances involved and the difficulties of the journey, more than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the United States from Mexico in the past year. That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined, according to government data."

    • @sanchitjain6190
      @sanchitjain6190 9 місяців тому

      Lol you western folks are too delusional, The Chinese Military isn't a paper tiger,it possesses advance technological weapons,It is rapidly modernising it's military & may overtake US in future,the only thing Chinese Military lack is Training & experience but so did US lacked when it entered the First and Second World War but gained experience as the war progressesed,you guys have so much experience and training just because you guys are responsible for the constant war and turmoil throughout the middle East,you guys earn profit by selling your weapons to middle eastern countries

    • @sanchitjain6190
      @sanchitjain6190 9 місяців тому +2

      And I checked World Bank and other Websites,the Chinese Economy is nowhere contracting, instead it currently stands at approx $18 trillion with an annual growth rate of roughly 5% and with this rate may overtake US as the World's largest economy around 2050s,So stop underestimating others and being delusional and accept the reality,China is becoming Stronger day by day economically and militarily,the only thing Chinese lacks is Experience and proper training

    • @PandaBear62573
      @PandaBear62573 9 місяців тому

      @@sanchitjain6190 your first mistake is believing the numbers the world bank puts out. I have a cousin with access to secure government information and told me China is a paper tiger. Try looking into the fact that China built new apartment complexes that have to be torn down because they are literally falling apart. The China rich got mortgages to pay for new apartments and they could never move in since the buildings aren't structurally sound. In my NYC neighborhood in the last year we went from no Chinese immigrants to at least 20 new families. China is faking their economic numbers like the Soviet Union did.

    • @mimiv3088
      @mimiv3088 9 місяців тому

      Out of those 24,000 Chinese trying to come to U.S. some of them are the ones bringing fentanyl across the border. The Chinese are taking a page from Britain past history when they flooded China with opium. And China is trying to bring down the U.S. using the same tactics. We need to close the borders north and south. Stop the infiltrations into the country to bring their drugs and human trafficking. It's getting severe and the government needs to do something about it. Stop worrying about "offending" countries like China, Russia and North Korea. We're backing down way too much lately. And it's allowing hostile countries to think we are weak. Now we're also being thrown another curve ball with the Israeli and Hamas and cause tension in the middle east. It's frustrating and sad.

    • @daveyboy8088
      @daveyboy8088 9 місяців тому

      Delusional thinking. China rigs it's numbers..always has. Duh... ever heard of an honest communist? Gotta save face@@sanchitjain6190

  • @roger5322
    @roger5322 9 місяців тому +4

    As an American I can proudly say..... We are the greatest country that has ever been. Knowing what I know I can say without doubt that the greatness that we are now.... Is nothing compared to what we can become. This forum is way to limited for me to show you why I say this. But it is true. The USA has the ability to conquer the whole world. I say this without hubris but with humility. we could. But we don't want to. We know from our past what it is like to have the knee of an oppressor on our neck. In a way we are a modern day Sparta and will bow to no man! " We had rather die on our feet than to live on our knees" is a popular saying and it's true. We take great pleasure and great pride in helping others. But our generosity has limits. If we give and are disrespected they will be a price to be paid. We also understand that a future has all of us in it and will take all of us to bring it together. we are brothers from another mother. Together we can be greater than can be, peace and good will to all ❤
    P.S. China will never be a superpower and will collapse like the old U.S.S.R. they are a paper tiger. Wait and see

    • @swordoffire7461
      @swordoffire7461 9 місяців тому

      Yes USA is greatest country who slaughtered it's indigenous people...
      Hypocrite USA 😂

  • @timothyrenar5498
    @timothyrenar5498 9 місяців тому +4

    No nation should assume that it's far superior in every concept compared to other nations and underestimate other nations capabilities but be prepared to defend themselves to the best of their abilities because the 3rd time is not always the charm.

  • @pastaalalamborghini
    @pastaalalamborghini 9 місяців тому +3

    The US is certainly struggling to maintain political stability and cultural requirements to be called a superpower. Born, raised and will always be a patriot

  • @mrz1703
    @mrz1703 9 місяців тому +10

    One thing about China is they need to stay on they're side of the border with India. If they keep playing around... they will also wake a sleeping giant 🙏❤️ ☬ 🕉 🇮🇳 ❤️🙏

    • @mikeef747
      @mikeef747 9 місяців тому +1

      As an American, I would love to see India "Wake Up" and keep China in check. I would actually love to see them form an alliance with Japan and other nations China has been bullying, like South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines & Taiwan.

  • @stonedriver9298
    @stonedriver9298 2 місяці тому

    As an American, I just want to say that we love the Indian people.

  • @AxelFoleyDetroitLions
    @AxelFoleyDetroitLions 9 місяців тому +4

    It’s Not entirely true that WW2 was the first interest in the seas……
    Marines and Special Ops were formed early on….Thomas Jefferson Vs. Pirates……
    USA Reached across the Globe hundreds of years ago….ask the Ottoman Empire

  • @DTisEmo
    @DTisEmo 9 місяців тому +5

    The US debt is also a sort of deterrent against direct war. Imagine if China were to declare war on the US or attempt to collect by force. The US would consider the debt void, and China doesn't have the means to collect by force. As bad as the trade deficit sounds, it isn't a huge detriment in reality. We have the resources to become completely self dependent and power projection on a global scale. The debt only has the impact that the US is willing to allow.

    • @AxelFoleyDetroitLions
      @AxelFoleyDetroitLions 9 місяців тому

      Remember when Currency was Backed by Silver/gold?
      Nixon Got rid of it (1964-1974).:….
      What backs the USA $ now?
      Remember when a Candy Bar only Cost $0.10 (with a 90% silver dime)?
      Now 90% silver Dimes cost More than Several Candy Bars….

    • @rafehr1378
      @rafehr1378 9 місяців тому

      China has never paid its debt to America since WW II. America has never asked them to pay it back.

  • @pickleriiick7294
    @pickleriiick7294 9 місяців тому +6

    I feel like I just called customer service

  • @Daehawk
    @Daehawk 8 місяців тому +1

    Hello to our brothers and sisters in India from the USA. May you prospers in the new year and find if not a peace with Pakistan at least a lull in disputes. You are in the right and may the world back you. btw Ill be forward here and say you two are beautiful women..amazing. Happy New Year to you.

  • @stenbrown8345
    @stenbrown8345 9 місяців тому +2

    This video left out so much information

  • @TheInfinityzeN
    @TheInfinityzeN 4 місяці тому

    One thing not covered in the video is that world wide trade only exist as it does today because of the US Navy. Without the protection of the US Navy provided to shipping the world would be completely different from what it is today.

  • @2strokinit527
    @2strokinit527 8 місяців тому

    Japan broke the main rule of fighting America: Don't touch our boats!

  • @hollywoodpotato5289
    @hollywoodpotato5289 8 місяців тому

    Bottom line: The US and India can feed and defend its people. That is all there is.

  • @ljayeweareeveryone.8636
    @ljayeweareeveryone.8636 4 місяці тому

    Also, no other country has ever helped rebuild a countries infrastructure after a war. The United States did!! Not only helping the enemy, but its Allies as well. That says alot about a countries citizens too. Because they're the financiers of regrowth. Yet, the United States has never taken new territory through force in the modern age. Only helping those that need. Oil??? You say.. Actually, the United States only plays a role to keep the oil flowing through free trade, to other countries. The United States is actually "Independent" on fossil resources from other countries and only acts to keep the "World Economy" established. America doesn't fight for ownership or control of Oil grounds. They fight to keep them open to all others that depend on it and the awfuliness of OPEC countries.

  • @TreyMessiah95
    @TreyMessiah95 9 місяців тому +4

    Where not gonna bring up about japan committed war crimes in asia?

    • @jakebate1533
      @jakebate1533 5 місяців тому

      Indeed. Also, as an American, I am a bit worried that Progressives are Indoctrinating Americans about the Japanese American Internment camps while hypocritically downplaying the atrocities perpetrated by Imperial Japan throughout Asia and the Pacific, which were THOUSANDS OF TIMES WORSE. In some ways, they were even worse than Nazi Germany. At one point, John Rabe (a Nazi Party Member) used his party status to save the Chinese during the Nanjing Massacre or Rape of Nanking (1937-1938). The Imperial Japanese Army even had a burning hatred of those who surrendered due to the Bushido Mentality.

  • @thehermit8705
    @thehermit8705 8 місяців тому +2

    Didn't India pass China in population recently?

  • @Sam-bb2jl
    @Sam-bb2jl 5 місяців тому

    The sun doesn’t set on UK because even god won’t trust them in dark😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @blackpowder99
    @blackpowder99 9 місяців тому +1

    China resources can hardly support their own population and don't have what it takes to conquer Taiwan, Japan if we remember conquered China easily they have no chance against the will and might of United States right now. And what's not known is America is not as dependent on the internet as the enemy might want you to believe. 90% of the world's greatest tech companies were founded in the United States do you think cyber threat is really a problem?

  • @akashdaurtedecruz9476
    @akashdaurtedecruz9476 8 місяців тому

    Nobody can compared to united States if we look carefully

  • @curtisthomas3598
    @curtisthomas3598 9 місяців тому +6

    There is signs it will get better. Trump 2024, my opinion.

    • @hugoespinoza3675
      @hugoespinoza3675 9 місяців тому +2

      If u think one man can fix everything good luck pal

    • @curtisthomas3598
      @curtisthomas3598 9 місяців тому

      @@hugoespinoza3675 Through God he can

    • @AxelFoleyDetroitLions
      @AxelFoleyDetroitLions 9 місяців тому

      you may want a Dictator…….but…..
      Voters will NOT Choose Trump ….
      You’re a terrible USA citizen if you believe Trump’s Plans to Destroy the US constitution (Trump openly says he does not defend the constitution of USA )…
      Trump Supporters are so Naive

    • @AxelFoleyDetroitLions
      @AxelFoleyDetroitLions 9 місяців тому

      Stupid uneducated people think a Billionaire Thief is only joking when they say they don’t believe in the USA constitution and plan to imprison political foes ….
      Trump is the biggest fraud of the Century and people that vote for Trump are Too Stupid to Believe him when he says he wants to Destroy Democracy in USA

    • @joemaloney1019
      @joemaloney1019 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@hugoespinoza3675Why? Do you think Trump doesnt have support? He has the majority of the country behind him. He was good for the US and the world as 45 and even better as 47.

  • @kenmahoney5255
    @kenmahoney5255 9 місяців тому +1

    Love ya ladies ❤
    Peace to you and yours ❤

  • @SpinSpider
    @SpinSpider 9 місяців тому
