This is the condensed version....I completed a corporate market study on the 'Competence & Effectiveness of Blue Jay Management comparing effectiveness & success to every other MLB team during the tenure of Mark Shapiro & Ross Atkins. The Blue Jays are at the bottom or near the bottom of every single category. The study included but was not limited to player ratings in the farm system, player promotions, acquisitions, results, statistical performance, etc. The results are overwhelming that this MLB ball club is under performing in every analytical metric available. Most important area of concern - the people directly responsible do not show any ability to 'learn from mistakes' & continue to repeat past errors. This management team is using the wrong analytics to make decisions or at best has absolutely no idea how to interpret the information they are using.
This is the condensed version....I completed a corporate market study on the 'Competence & Effectiveness of Blue Jay Management comparing effectiveness & success to every other MLB team during the tenure of Mark Shapiro & Ross Atkins. The Blue Jays are at the bottom or near the bottom of every single category. The study included but was not limited to player ratings in the farm system, player promotions, acquisitions, results, statistical performance, etc. The results are overwhelming that this MLB ball club is under performing in every analytical metric available. Most important area of concern - the people directly responsible do not show any ability to 'learn from mistakes' & continue to repeat past errors. This management team is using the wrong analytics to make decisions or at best has absolutely no idea how to interpret the information they are using.