Stephen A., Mad Dog & Dan Orlovsky have SHOUTING MATCHES during an Aaron Rodgers debate | First Take

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @loststoryproductions
    @loststoryproductions Рік тому +96

    😂😂 Dan always gets Stephen A a near heart attack

  • @agentcodybanx8909
    @agentcodybanx8909 Рік тому +336

    I've missed Dan and some NFL talk. Dan and SAS roasting each other will always be funny

    • @Donn_G
      @Donn_G Рік тому +8

      Lol did you missed his terrible football takes?

    • @Alex-sf9bo
      @Alex-sf9bo Рік тому +3

      @@Donn_G Doug pederson > Bill Belichick

    • @Donn_G
      @Donn_G Рік тому +2

      @@Alex-sf9bo what he said that?😂😂

    • @chris40v17
      @chris40v17 Рік тому +1

      Dan is wrong most of the time but the arguments are entertaining

    • @jakedickinson6309
      @jakedickinson6309 Рік тому

      14:39 😅

  • @geddygunz9940
    @geddygunz9940 Рік тому +161

    I feel Dan. I barely wanna buy them lunch either 😂

    • @Alex-sf9bo
      @Alex-sf9bo Рік тому +3

      Doug pederson > Bill Belichick

  • @mambalevel1017
    @mambalevel1017 Рік тому +93

    Dan brings the funny outta these guys! I love it 😂😂

    • @Alex-sf9bo
      @Alex-sf9bo Рік тому +2

      Doug pederson > Bill Belichick

    • @chris40v17
      @chris40v17 Рік тому +2

      Dan is wrong most of the time but the arguments are entertaining

  • @FlyingGuillotine
    @FlyingGuillotine Рік тому +112

    Orlovsky is so athletically fit he runs clear out of the back of the end zone

    • @JohnS-gf4sz
      @JohnS-gf4sz Рік тому +5

      fit not smart...

    • @Fitkid7672
      @Fitkid7672 Рік тому +3

      @@JohnS-gf4sz lol

    • @derossiheron2794
      @derossiheron2794 Рік тому +1

      😂😂😂😂😂😂 I remember that game…

    • @WatsThaPrice
      @WatsThaPrice Рік тому +1

      The funniest NFL moment for me 😂😂 and he was still looking down the field 😭

    • @bball933
      @bball933 Рік тому +1

      I cackled bruh what a goated comment🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @prod.byteeinn3219
    @prod.byteeinn3219 Рік тому +108

    Heavy pocket watching going on by the OG’s😂😂

  • @kdubbss0583
    @kdubbss0583 Рік тому +181

    Let’s be fair: The Jets are pretty solid. Both offensively and defensively. Dan is not wrong when he said their QB was HORRIBLE last year.

    • @Tomyohann
      @Tomyohann Рік тому +15

      Yeah that's true. But to say unless they make the Super Bowl it's not a success? They're capable of winning it all, but that doesn't mean they have to, as the Golden State Warriors had to whwn KD arrived. They're still a young team, who's defense has to contain the Bengals, Bills, and Chiefs offenses. We also don't know how good the Dolphins, Chargers, and Baltimore's offense will be. Either way, the AFC will deliver in terms of entertainment again this year.

    • @Donn_G
      @Donn_G Рік тому +1

      ​@@Tomyohann super bowl or bust bro it don't matter how good those other teams are A-Rod time is ticking

    • @christianmcmahon1029
      @christianmcmahon1029 Рік тому

      We know that. You all cried about how bad Wilson is all season, we get it

    • @Tomyohann
      @Tomyohann Рік тому +1

      @@Donn_G I mean A-Rod’s legacy is already settled. He’s a Hall of Famer, with pretty much nothing else to prove, unless it’s the media-generated pressure you’re talking about, and the idea of “Bringing a Super Bowl to New York”. Of course everyone’s goal is to win, but to suggest it’s Super Bowl or failure, kind of immature when we know very little about this new team construction, and a lot about proven rosters such as Kansas City or Cincinnati. For example, how Raiders and Denver were said to make playoffs last year. There’s too much uncertainty in the NFL. Maybe after the first 4 games we’d have a good idea if the Jets are really Super Bowl contenders. Nonetheless, you still made a good point and have a nice day.

    • @brettt141
      @brettt141 Рік тому +2

      Pretty Solidly over rated.

  • @landotter
    @landotter Рік тому +134

    big on Dan for not flying first class😂

  • @HughsReviews
    @HughsReviews Рік тому +144

    10 minutes of good conversation then MadDog comes in with a perfect point and Russell Wilson catches a stray. 😂🤣😂

    • @usopenitentiary
      @usopenitentiary Рік тому +3

      It’s funny because Dan was giving Rodgers excuses but Russ was dealing with injuries to himself, his o line, and his offense and he gets the bad trade treatement

    • @cobewilliams9499
      @cobewilliams9499 Рік тому


    • @sakthithanigai5036
      @sakthithanigai5036 Рік тому

      @@usopenitentiary but Russ would’ve been the worst starting QB if it wasn’t for Zach Wilson

    • @scruffd0g193
      @scruffd0g193 Рік тому

      Dan literary said the jets are better than the bill and bengals.

    • @BratatoChip
      @BratatoChip Рік тому


  • @21td51
    @21td51 Рік тому +17

    Be careful. Don't say more than u need to, or u might offend Molly, and she will cancel u. Man, the way she said Tmi 😬😬

  • @dlc8506
    @dlc8506 Рік тому +57

    Dan Won this Argument..Stephen just huffed and puffed, but did not blow anyone's house down..

    • @moneymarq112
      @moneymarq112 Рік тому +5

      No way its sb or bust😂 if they were already contenders last year then yes i would agree. But we don't know how this team is gonna look! Especially since everyone is keeps gettin better

    • @jetblack4206
      @jetblack4206 Рік тому

      @@moneymarq112a grown man using emojis crazy….

    • @OleScram
      @OleScram Рік тому +2

      Nah Dan was tweakin

    • @gregorydunston2952
      @gregorydunston2952 Рік тому +1

      No he didn’t because their off line isn’t strong at all & if SAS actually knew football, he’d a quickly tore down his argument

    • @KJCK4
      @KJCK4 Рік тому

      @@moneymarq112 when you get a qb like rodgers it’s absolutely sb or bust

  • @christianmcmahon1029
    @christianmcmahon1029 Рік тому +55

    Stephen A has mastered the art of talking without actually saying anything.

  • @ZacharyJohnG
    @ZacharyJohnG Рік тому +11

    Stephen A really confusing “I’m not sold on Allen Lazard” as statistical analysis 😂😂😂

  • @CIK4EVA
    @CIK4EVA Рік тому +11

    Stephen A Smith saying "DID I STUDDER" got me😂

  • @Memo76ers
    @Memo76ers Рік тому +19

    Dan’s “I’m busting a 🥜 face” 4:04 😂😂

  • @AHOD100
    @AHOD100 Рік тому +5

    “ya not making peanuts “ 🤣🤣🤣

  • @michaeltadiwa4774
    @michaeltadiwa4774 Рік тому +17

    Stephen A munched his lip about Dan being physically fit😂😂😂

  • @NFLam759
    @NFLam759 Рік тому +22

    Dan actually killed these two. my jesus! 😂😂

  • @micnic123
    @micnic123 Рік тому +9

    Not gonna lie I’m with Dan on this idk about Super Bowl appearance but i could see the jets being a real problem for the division .. And I’m a Buffalo native / fan

  • @Finesseking5000
    @Finesseking5000 Рік тому +8

    Steve jus told Dan he was gon fire him 😮

  • @sakthithanigai5036
    @sakthithanigai5036 Рік тому +45

    Stephen A is the type of guy that doesn’t watch the games and just looks at the box score. To say Allen Lazard can’t be a great #2 is crazy especially given his impact in the run game and prowess on third down

    • @markjantz6177
      @markjantz6177 Рік тому +1

      GB has historically snubbed good wideouts that weren't "superstars". They've had so many.

    • @prolific1518
      @prolific1518 Рік тому +4

      ​​@@markjantz6177 if you think Lazard is in the class of Jennings, Adams, Nelson, Driver, Sharpe then you're delusional.

    • @silverguard8105
      @silverguard8105 Рік тому

      ​@markjantz6177 Lazard is at best a 3. He's not as good James Jones and James Jones was at best a 3.

  • @tanaka7341
    @tanaka7341 Рік тому +20

    Classic steve a and dan

  • @mattr1100
    @mattr1100 Рік тому +68

    rodgers has gotten to Super Bowl once and it was in is rodgers "the guy that can take them there"

    • @crothert
      @crothert Рік тому +4


    • @Scorpiophysique
      @Scorpiophysique Рік тому +1

      The jets are not winning every year they have their paper champs that never win last year it was Cincinnati year before was Tampa.smh

    • @hardenxx1335
      @hardenxx1335 Рік тому +8

      Isn't he 1-4 in nfc championships

    • @tykoo20
      @tykoo20 Рік тому

      Why dash the dreams of hers fans ?? Let them dream 😊😊

    • @gregthegoatostertag8579
      @gregthegoatostertag8579 Рік тому +7

      Because they have a top 3 defense, great o line, great running back, great young receiver and numerous good receivers, good tight end…Green Bay has had 3/4 seasons since 2010 where they had a team great enough to win. The defense lacked numerous of their double digit win seasons. Their o-line has been hurt for years.

  • @goku1693
    @goku1693 Рік тому +35

    God Stephen A is the king of saying absolutely nothing until the last 30 second of his ranting

    • @jstray7582
      @jstray7582 Рік тому +5

      Mans is a perfect time killer lol 😂

  • @leehunchoo
    @leehunchoo Рік тому +16

    How much does Dan get paid to troll 😂

  • @Bornclutch62
    @Bornclutch62 Рік тому +18

    Love that Dan don’t fly first class lol like for what 😂especially with all them kids

  • @dantheman8152
    @dantheman8152 Рік тому +11

    Making the playoffs and winning one game would be successful. But Aaron is year to year.

  • @couturecriminal8330
    @couturecriminal8330 Рік тому +2

    This is Gold...
    Thank you ESPN.

  • @NFLam759
    @NFLam759 Рік тому +5

    did stephen A just threaten to fire Dan? if Dan leaves I leave! 😂

  • @artificialintelligence0101
    @artificialintelligence0101 Рік тому +9

    SAS just threatened to not invite people back because they aren't willing to bash players 😭😭😭😭

    • @antmansales
      @antmansales Рік тому +3

      Right you can see Dans body language change after that comment

    • @artificialintelligence0101
      @artificialintelligence0101 Рік тому

      @@antmansales Exactly like bro I'm not in the business of down talking pro athletes for rating's SAS that's your lane

  • @rig-zag
    @rig-zag Рік тому +12

    This is amazing! Love it! 😂

    @PALINDRONEYFILMS Рік тому +50

    The excuses for Aaron Rodgers by Stephen A is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @cowboysfanlonghornsfanspur5132
      @cowboysfanlonghornsfanspur5132 Рік тому

      Same with the excuses for the braindead lebrontards

    • @devrobinson8607
      @devrobinson8607 Рік тому +4

      Track record. But you may be missing his point- despite the "greatness" of Rodgers, that doesn't necessarily guarantee success for the Jets

    • @CrystalMannequins
      @CrystalMannequins Рік тому

      @@devrobinson8607 Aaron Rodgers got smacked by Jimmy g/Niners years in a row he ain’t that guy anymore

    • @MattnCam0408
      @MattnCam0408 Рік тому

      ​@@CrystalMannequins same as brady, he got whooped

    • @devontacosby8593
      @devontacosby8593 Рік тому

      @@CrystalMannequins he’s better then majority of the league besides Patrick mahomes, joe burrows, jalen hurts, Justin Herbert! He’s going to finish 1st in the division

  • @Jj-mu6hg
    @Jj-mu6hg Рік тому +7

    This entertaining asf 😭😭😭💀

  • @RoadtoGloryyyy
    @RoadtoGloryyyy Рік тому +7

    😂😂😂😂 💯 SAS and Mad Dogg

  • @mojomogul
    @mojomogul Рік тому +6

    Mad dog drops a reference to a Jurassic era player at around the 3:50 mark 😂

  • @JayEazyWhat
    @JayEazyWhat Рік тому +6

    The Jets Gonna Be A Great Team They Are Definitely contenders

  • @nathanfranks1476
    @nathanfranks1476 Рік тому +5

    “Careful Molly…..Careful Molly….you just gave out statistical facts Molly” 😂💀 i dont think Ive ever seen SAS so triggered

    • @NK-qx6kk
      @NK-qx6kk Рік тому +1

      Joke was not her giving stats, but the fact that now everyone get offended when you try to rate players and teams 16:12-16:23

  • @Bankroll98
    @Bankroll98 Рік тому +8

    I’ll say Dan has the right idea, but explained it wrong… What he should’ve said was “ JETS GAVE UP ALOT FOR QB WHO MIGHT RETIRE AFTER NEXT SEASON “ end of conversation! Super Bowl or bust!

    • @jicalzad
      @jicalzad Рік тому +2

      Great point!. HIs playing days definitely seem numbered at this point.

    • @vincente4570
      @vincente4570 Рік тому

      Dude. A lot of analysts been implying that since it was reported that Green Bay was willing to trade Aaron Rodgers remember?

    • @vincente4570
      @vincente4570 Рік тому

      @@jicalzad we’ll see this season 😊

    • @prestigeshogun1534
      @prestigeshogun1534 Рік тому

      @@jicalzad I’d say 3-4, maybe 5.

  • @andylam4350
    @andylam4350 Рік тому +4

    The moment a rod arrives, the expectation is so high. It just shows how great of a QB he is.

  • @KingSammzy
    @KingSammzy Рік тому +7

    I fkin love Dan bro 🤣

  • @minaaaaaaa1
    @minaaaaaaa1 Рік тому +8

    dan and stephen a are hilarious🤣🤣

  • @LS_CHIPO21
    @LS_CHIPO21 Рік тому +1

    Be careful Molly x10 lmao while he stared at the camera with a stupid look on his face lmaooo

  • @NewYork975
    @NewYork975 Рік тому +22

    I expect the Jets to be way better, all we needed last year was that QB, but Stephen A. Is right, no shame in losing the the Chiefs. But I expect to beat everyone else.

    • @gothard5
      @gothard5 Рік тому +5

      no shame in losing to the Chiefs and the Bengals

    • @TheAsianReacts
      @TheAsianReacts Рік тому

      No shame in losing to the chiefs, bengals, bills…

    • @prestigeshogun1534
      @prestigeshogun1534 Рік тому

      @@TheAsianReacts Bills are a division rival, of course there’s shame in that.

    • @bryang8967
      @bryang8967 Рік тому

      Rodgers is 🚮.

    • @TheAsianReacts
      @TheAsianReacts Рік тому

      @@bryang8967 hes still one of the greatest qbs of all time but we all can agree he hasnt matched up to how good he can be in several past seasons. Hes fallen short a lot. And it sucks after seeing what he can do and not being able to deliver cuz of nfl refs, or play calls, or whatever.

  • @velieaux
    @velieaux Рік тому +15

    Stephen A - Interrupts to say “Can I ask a question?” Also Stephen A when someone tries to Interrupt him “I’m answering your question”

  • @Annie_Kimono
    @Annie_Kimono Рік тому +4

    This is hilarious - Athletically fit! “I mean did I stutter?” And Mad Dog, love him

  • @u.u.u9969
    @u.u.u9969 Рік тому +12

    These guys getting all ampt up over nothing is hilarious.
    Lets yell about how frosted flakes are better than Cheerios 😂

  • @spitzrealist86
    @spitzrealist86 Рік тому +5

    Stephen A was spittin 😂😂😂mad dog came in jumped off the rope to finish Dan 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @BratatoChip
      @BratatoChip Рік тому +2

      Mad dog was lying in wait 😂😂😂😂

  • @a1sent126
    @a1sent126 Рік тому +1

    🗣️You asked a question!😂😂😂

  • @cavy369
    @cavy369 Рік тому +10

    did Dan see the Jets' schedule to open the season? add that with still having to find chemistry, and we know how pedantic Rodgers can be, i believe the Jets will be fighting an uphill battle all season long.

    • @b.g.3073
      @b.g.3073 Рік тому +1

      Regular season record doesn't matter.
      10-7/11-5 will be fine, as long as they get in as a WC and are playing their best football at the end of the season.

    • @sy12
      @sy12 Рік тому

      They do have a very rough schedule to start BUT most of those games are at home. If they can get out with a game over .500 over that period they’ll be in good shape. I’m not a jets fan but I bet and rode them early last year and they have a very talented team. Things went downhill after breece got hurt.

  • @zoloftzambuki2271
    @zoloftzambuki2271 Рік тому

    “Not Ava DuVernay, Devin DuVernay” 😂

  • @Rosepapi
    @Rosepapi Рік тому +6

    Ppl are just assuming Jets defense is gonna be the exact same as if we don’t see defenses yoyo from year to year so this idea that they just will need 20 points a game is an idea from last season. Also since teams knew the Jets were so bad on offense they may have played more conservative so they don’t lose the game by taking unnecessary risk. A lot of factors go into each season it’s always different.

    • @Mjulo14
      @Mjulo14 Рік тому +3

      You’re not wrong, nobody knows. However every major piece is coming back and the core is young, so it’s not a stretch to assume they will continue to play well

  • @adamjupiter1
    @adamjupiter1 Рік тому

    "Did I stutter!" 😂😂😂

  • @bostonsportsfan5346
    @bostonsportsfan5346 Рік тому +3

    To expect Rodgers to get to a Super Bowl at 38 in a loaded AFC when he’s only gotten to 1 in his career is insane. People think just because Brady did it with the Bucs, Rodgers could easily do it with the Jets? It’s not fair to expect Rodgers to exceed expectations now when he hasn’t throughout his career

    • @deonterector
      @deonterector Рік тому

      Stafford also did it with the took Peyton years in Denver to win his second but he was 39 when he won it with that no fly zone defense.

    • @bostonsportsfan5346
      @bostonsportsfan5346 Рік тому

      @@deonterector yeah forgot about Stafford. Good point about Peyton but for him it took an all time great defense. I expect Rodgers to be much better than that version of Peyton but idk if this Jets team is good enough to beat the Bengals, Bills, Chiefs in a playoff run

  • @yungcheeze100
    @yungcheeze100 Рік тому +1

    Stephen A 14:38 dear abbeys 😂😆

  • @jesisghimire7216
    @jesisghimire7216 Рік тому +3

    I gotta side with Mad Dog and Stephen A on this one, even tho Dan is awesome. Super Bowl?!?! Come on man. Id be happy for the jets if they even make it to the Conference Championship game

  • @CrystalMannequins
    @CrystalMannequins Рік тому +2

    Aaron Rodgers can’t even beat Niners with Jimmy g and he expects him to beat mahomes what a joke 😂

  • @twkilla3
    @twkilla3 Рік тому +1

    stephen a has a thing with ppl leaving their shirts unbuttoned 😂😂

  • @Kriptiko
    @Kriptiko Рік тому +1

    The way the first 90 seconds was just ROASTING Dan for being broke and open chested was so funny to me

  • @collarsandcoclothing
    @collarsandcoclothing Рік тому

    Love the Collars & Co. dress shirt!! 🔥🔥

  • @donyalenaurice-george308
    @donyalenaurice-george308 Рік тому +1

    Wow , S.A.S is warning everybody about the Dear Abbie going on!!😂😂😂😂😂

  • @AntzRenLopez
    @AntzRenLopez Рік тому

    Those first 50 seconds were just enough to where I don't want to watch the rest of the video. Thanks ESPN

  • @darksunridah
    @darksunridah Рік тому +9

    Shawn Klump🤣🤣🤣

    • @landotter
      @landotter Рік тому +1

      I heard it😂

    • @jamesjefferson3809
      @jamesjefferson3809 Рік тому

      What time stamp is the soundbite? 😭😭😭😂😂😂

    • @gothard5
      @gothard5 Рік тому

      What was he referring to there? Something happen to Kemp?

    • @darksunridah
      @darksunridah Рік тому

      @@landotter 😭😭

  • @TheRealFlightSkoolTv
    @TheRealFlightSkoolTv Рік тому +2

    They already coming up with excuses for that "BAAAAAAADDD Man" . Aaron Rogers beat up on a weak division for years and now the world will see him have a competitive season in a tough division and conference. Lets see what he's made of....

  • @24kt-901
    @24kt-901 Рік тому

    He called him a munch 😂😂🙄

  • @amanibillups6518
    @amanibillups6518 Рік тому +1

    He tried to use the bucs scenario.. Tom > Aaron … bucs also had AB, Evans , Godwin and Gronk 😂😂 jets firepower isn’t even CLOSE

  • @pdiddy5235
    @pdiddy5235 Рік тому

    What was molly on at the end of the video

  • @jring383
    @jring383 Рік тому +2

    Comparisons between NBA and NFL are so frustrating. Jordan was 1 man of 5 man line up that plays both offense and defense. QBs are 1 of 22 and only play 1/3rd of the game. To call it a half assed comparison is being nice. Rodgers isnt facing off vs Mahomes they way MJ faced off against Reggie, Kemp, Malone, etc. Rodgers is facing the Chiefs defense. Theres been plenty of games that Rodgers outplayed the opposing QB and still lost because of defense or special teams.

  • @Bondzilla985
    @Bondzilla985 Рік тому +1

    Stephen A still Disrespecting Detroit 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @j_c_d_b
    @j_c_d_b Рік тому +1

    Saying Mahomes is the MJ of the NFL is so disrespectful to MJ

  • @NFLam759
    @NFLam759 Рік тому

    “I’m saying NO!” “i’m saying NO!”😂😂

  • @perrybarbe7789
    @perrybarbe7789 Рік тому

    Espn has been asking the same question since the Rodgers trade was officially announced.

  • @brandonb6320
    @brandonb6320 Рік тому +1

    Dan is 1000% smarter than these two combined

  • @toxicityreacts1353
    @toxicityreacts1353 Рік тому

    Now this is content !!

  • @coolbreeze4249
    @coolbreeze4249 Рік тому +3

    Mad dog the only reasonable person in here for once

  • @kellianderson9755
    @kellianderson9755 Рік тому +1

    Have to kinda agree with Steven A. on this subject but you can also put in Dolphins' defense that Aaron will face twice also with the other teams he mentioned

  • @billgates7884
    @billgates7884 Рік тому +1

    When Dan and JJ come on it’s like they have to babysit the children

  • @Returned2Flourish
    @Returned2Flourish Рік тому +2

    When Mad Dog is making sense that's how you know Dan just be saying anything 😂

  • @anthonyfreeman1422
    @anthonyfreeman1422 Рік тому

    "Shawn Kemp before he became Shawn Klump." Stephen A is cold blooded 😅😅😅

  • @certifiedslapper0
    @certifiedslapper0 Рік тому +13

    I’m sick of Stephen A exposing everybody for being cheap 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @rozanafelicien3557
    @rozanafelicien3557 Рік тому +2

    Lmaoooo! Dan always get under SAS's skin. 😂 I love when he gets worked up. Too funny! I rather football talk than the basketball one, though I love me some JJ too.

  • @SapphicTwist
    @SapphicTwist Рік тому +1

    IMO the only thing the Jets seriously lack is somebody to play the MVS role, who is that unheralded guy who took the top off the defense, who opened up things for Adams in the regular season and shined against both the Bucs and 49ers in the playoffs. MVS averaged over 20 yds a catch in Rodgers' best year, and no, Herdman is not that guy...

  • @tito5428
    @tito5428 Рік тому

    Sour shoes is killing it on First Take

  • @dayormekasamuel4448
    @dayormekasamuel4448 Рік тому

    I was waiting for mad dog interruption😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @SHOWTIME-Chris
    @SHOWTIME-Chris Рік тому

    “I said no”😂😂

  • @ManLikeNeezy
    @ManLikeNeezy Рік тому +2

    Stephen A is good TV though 😂😂😂 8:22

  • @JediMasterSirDwightInshi-ed4si

    Mr Chip ‘n’ Dale🤣

  • @TheZayzay18
    @TheZayzay18 Рік тому +1

    SAS gets mad when he’s wrong 🤣

  • @J.I.T.S
    @J.I.T.S Рік тому +1

    “No, you’re not gonna smash on Doggies points because your wrong Dan Olowsky” Dan:🤨

  • @Syte425
    @Syte425 Рік тому +1

    Dan’s ears allow him to pick up Stephen A in a whole other city without any technical support. He simply just hears him

  • @arthurwright255
    @arthurwright255 Рік тому +5

    This years Jets have the skills on defense of the 2000 Ravens and the offensive firepower of the 2018 Chiefs. But that does not necessarily mean they will win a lot, it will be very exciting to see how this season turns out! They are in a difficult division so expect some L's.

    • @moneymakerrain7584
      @moneymakerrain7584 Рік тому

      Offensive fire power of 2018 chiefs bro Rodgers top two targets are garrett Wilson and Allen Lazard let’s relax

    • @KevonDaDon
      @KevonDaDon Рік тому

      2018 chiefs stop it

  • @nickh7962
    @nickh7962 Рік тому

    Tell em Dan!! We're loaded 🔥

  • @user-freeone74
    @user-freeone74 9 місяців тому

    "Before Shawn Kemp became Shawn Klump." BARZ...DON DEMARCO 😅😅😅. Dan is barely able to hold in his laugh

  • @BB117
    @BB117 Рік тому +7

    The Jets COULD be the team Orlovsky is describing. IF a suspect but talented O-line improves and stays healthy. IF the defense stays healthy and repeats what they did last year. IF Aaron Rodgers returns to form. IF Rob Saleh improves his late game management. IF they can win close games against a tough AFC schedule. IF Breece Hall returns to from post ACL injury. There is definitely a version of this team that reaches their potential and is dominant on defense, and with Aaron Rodgers elite ability to protect the football and put it in the endzone they can be a very dangerous team. If all of that happens I give them as good a shot as any team to come out of the AFC. I don't know why Orlovsky has to act like that is the only possible outcome though, and as if it is so incredibly obvious they are going to be great. Theoretically they should be very good but we have to see it first. Coming from a Jets fan.

    • @MarioCindric
      @MarioCindric Рік тому +1

      thnx. Obviously Dan thinks that IF means YES.

  • @cardough550
    @cardough550 Рік тому +1

    Even Mad Dog agrees with what Stephen A. Smith talking about Orlovsky is cheap 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @HughPatrick48
    @HughPatrick48 Рік тому +4

    Molly in super fly mode this morning.

  • @usmansuleman5705
    @usmansuleman5705 Рік тому

    Why posting these cuts videos

  • @selftotjits
    @selftotjits Рік тому +1

    the one flaw would be that Saleh can not coach, does not make adjustments in games and the offense is the moon to him. Aaron is older and if anyone notices, though he can still throw a great ball, hasn't read progressions well in last 4 yrs. stares where he is throwing the ball and will have to throw to new dudes

  • @KiddKlutch3420
    @KiddKlutch3420 Рік тому

    Haven’t even gotten to the heated part but I can see why it get there

  • @austinshannon4197
    @austinshannon4197 Рік тому

    Best nfl player in history- John elway
    Best nba player in history- Kevin love
    Best mlb player in history- Jose altuve
    Best athlete of all those- Kevin love.

  • @RealFoxTrotFox
    @RealFoxTrotFox Рік тому

    Shouting. That is basically First take