Archaeology and Biblical History at Megiddo

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @blu-young-enterprise
    @blu-young-enterprise 2 місяці тому +1

    Can't listen and learn enough from Prof. Finkelstein. Thank you!

  • @nonomnismoriar9051
    @nonomnismoriar9051 5 місяців тому +2

    It's like a goldmine of Dr Finkelstein activity recently!

    • @notanemoprog
      @notanemoprog 5 місяців тому +1

      This was in November 2022

    • @nonomnismoriar9051
      @nonomnismoriar9051 5 місяців тому +1

      @@notanemoprog Indeed... I mispoke, what I meant was the recent uploads.

    • @notanemoprog
      @notanemoprog 5 місяців тому +1

      @@nonomnismoriar9051 Agreed. Never too much Finkelstein! And this talk is terrific.

  • @rajkumarmartin3237
    @rajkumarmartin3237 26 днів тому

    I king 9 . 15 Solomon mentions

  • @danielhopkins296
    @danielhopkins296 5 місяців тому +1

    "Hence the reader cannot fail to have been struck with the extraordi- nary harmony of emigration and settlement which have been demonstrated in all the movements of mountain tribes. Thus are at once seen, in the CITY of DOR, the KISHON, MEGIDDO, and MOUNT SAMARIA of Palestine, the same northerly people of the Dor RIVER, the KISHEN, the MAGADHAS, and SU-MERU of the Cashmirian district. What can be a stronger evidence of those primitive ties by which the most venerable societies were knit together!
    The more southerly inhabitants, both of Afghanistan and Palestine, now begin to come into view. SARON is the frontier province of Samaria towards the south. Its parent district will be easily recognised as the SARAWAN, the same people who have been noticed as the SARONICAS, or settlers in the SARONIC Gulf. As in the old, so in the new country, their chief town is SARON, with a trifling variation of form. Again is brought into prominent and marked distinction the feature of society so lately noticed. In the Sarawan district of Afghanistan, is the land of Shal, or Shali; in SARON of Palestine, is the same, under the name of the land of "SHALISH-A;" whilst the renowned city of GAZA of Palestine, is to this day, under the identical name of GAZA, found in the districts of SHAL and SARA- WAN, in the land of Afghanistan!
    We are now amongst the fiercest foes of the people of God; they are warriors not inferior to any who raised the war-yell' against the bands of Israel.
    The PHILIS-TINES or the BHILI-STANS, the people of the LAND of the BHILS, are of the most ancient original tribes of India. They are a branch of the people of Hamon, of whose lineage was the BHIL-PRINCE (PHIL-POS), of Macedon. By classical writers these people were con- verted to ALLO-PHULI, in lieu of the true name IHALA- PHULA, or the tribes of the HALA MOUNTAIN, also written "HELA," who have been already noticed as the ancestors of the HEL-LENES, OF CHIEFS of the HELA. We are now brought into actual contact from the coasts of Phœnicia, with the Hellenes, their brethren in Greece; and we shall now, I trust, not be disinclined to receive the reports of their early historians relative to the intercourse, colonisa- tion, and affinity, once subsisting between these two countries-countries easy of mutual access, to or by those mariners to whom the coasting voyage from Phœnicia to Ceylon presented no insuperable difficulties. It is with regret that I quit the interesting theme of that land which has sent forth the harbingers of peace and good- will towards men. The nature, however, of the following investigation, demands immediate consideration.
    Another coincidence, equally marvellous, is to be seen on the shores of Canaan. There, following in the exact order in which they stand in the mother country from north to south, are Acho, the river KISHON, CARMEL, and DOR, in the original land of the settlers, standing as Aco, KISHEN, CARMEL, and DOR. Aco, in the parent land, is situated on a branch of the Indus, near Bashan; the river Kishen, or the Kishen Gunga, that is, Krishna river, flows immediately to the south, encircling the north- western frontiers of Cashmir. The river Dor (whence the Dorians) is on the west; while the town of Carmel is at a comparatively short distance to the south. Directly to the south of the river Kishon, "that ancient river," is the far-famed MEGIDDO, which has been already noticed in India as MAGADHA, and in Greece as MAGHEDAN (MAKEDONIA). The vicinity of this spot was the scene of the disastrous defeat of Sisera, the great Rajpoot prince, the "captain of the host of Jabin, King of Canaan, who dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles." The worship of Bál by the Surya Vansa, or Solar tribes, has already been noticed. Into this idolatry the children of Israel had fallen, and had moreover adopted the worship of the bull, which was characteristic of the solar idolatry. They "served Baalim, and they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger. And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth." The clear views held by Colonel Tod of ancient society throughout the whole of the primeval civilised world, is a subject that does honour to his name. His views were comprehensive, yet true to nature and history. "The 'BUL-dan,' or gift of the Bull to the Sun," says this energetic writer, "is well recorded." INDIA IN GREECE