Why You Can't Buy Djokovic's Actual Racquet

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TennCom
    @TennCom  Рік тому +47

    Note that the prostock code that Djokovic currently uses is actually the PT346.1, not the PT113B. The specs I mentioned in the video are related to the PT346.1 that Djoker is using. Apologies for the lack of clarity. If anyone can shed more light on the distinction between these two frames, please let me know!

    • @outcometechnology
      @outcometechnology Рік тому +3

      PT346.1 is still the same layup at the PT113B, but slight differences in the mold, mainly the string channel.

    • @TimTheMusicMan
      @TimTheMusicMan Рік тому

      If no one is allowed to purchase these frames in the marketplace, then you know they are probably made with special materials that allow the player to hit the ball better, faster, with more control than ever, these tennis rackets are a racket itself. They are using some space age material in his rackets, hence why its not available to anyone, all the players in the ATP should demand the release of the materials and how it's made and why when there are 10,000 rackets on the market, why isn't his ????

    • @kungfutennis
      @kungfutennis Рік тому +11

      @@TimTheMusicMan Because it doesn't matter, he'd crush you with a retail Speed Pro xD

    • @TimTheMusicMan
      @TimTheMusicMan Рік тому +1

      @@kungfutennis ??? I am not following. What is a speed pro ? Retail ? Speak English please. I use a 30 year old racket (WPS 85, pure gut, 30 lbs, weighted up to 15 ounces. Natural 1hbh since 18, excess of 100mph, serve exceeds 120 offered 2 pro baseball contracts. 90+ mph fastball. Made all varsity teams freshman year. The reason why I am critical is the level of tennis on YT is not very good. There are occasional good players but 10-1 not.

    • @aaronbleas2733
      @aaronbleas2733 Рік тому

      I thought he uses what would closely resemble in retail form the LM Radical MP however highly modified (weighted up etc)

  • @ChaosEmperorDragon00
    @ChaosEmperorDragon00 Рік тому +30

    I am a simple man, Endorsing a 7 inch has gotten my like and subscribe

  • @A_Rose_OC
    @A_Rose_OC Рік тому +12

    This sort of stuff happens in the NHL as well! Some players will have a custom stick, as well as sometimes have their stick wrapped to look like a different one that whichever sponsor wants them to advertise (different sticks have different properties and are better for specific things, so some players prefer a different model, but sponsors will wrap players' sticks with a different model). There's a lot more specifics of course, but that's the long and short of it.

  • @calvinthestormfreak
    @calvinthestormfreak Рік тому +57

    The racket Fed used around 2010 was probably basically for sale, At first it seemed horrible until you hit the sweet spots after and hour or so. It was by far the best racket i have ever hit with and the control on passing shots was out of this world. Didn’t have a ton of power but plenty of control and unbelievable slicing

    • @gold6813
      @gold6813 Рік тому +8

      You do realise Wilson has had a history of poor quality control during the Federer era. Each racquet of the same model number was different. Federer had to get each racquet balanced AFTER he received them from Wilson. Its on UA-cam.

    • @SkyreeXScalabar
      @SkyreeXScalabar Рік тому +2

      @@gold6813 All the top level pros get their racket matched and attached with a custom molded grip handle. Some even have professional stringers who travel with them to ensure that they get the same string job every time on every racket. Most racket brands except Yonex are made in the same factory in China and they all have bad quality control.

  • @sean9267
    @sean9267 Рік тому +9

    I grew up in juniors playing with the LM radical and prestige. My current stick is the 2022 Prestige Pro (previous MP) modded to 356g stung and I don't have the strength to play with it for long sessions like I used to. Crazy to think Novak can grind for a few weeks swinging something that heavy with extreme SW. 5.0 and below should stay away from anything that heavy.

  • @gnerd07
    @gnerd07 Рік тому +28

    3.73k subs with some of the best tennis content on youtube.
    This couldnt come at a better time. Currently using Nole as my inspiration for customizing.
    Racquet is rock solid. Less muscling and just allowing it to do the work

  • @10sjunkies74
    @10sjunkies74 Рік тому +6

    Awesome video man! You nailed all of it. So many tennis players make their racquet choices due to the misunderstanding of what pros use. Keep it up!

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +2

      Thanks man! Looking forward to more of your content as well.

  • @celticrkvc
    @celticrkvc Рік тому +2

    It was Australian open 2008. Great video!

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      it was, you are right, i put a little correction text in the top right

    • @anS0N1997
      @anS0N1997 Рік тому +2

      @@TennCom top left* hahahahhaha

  • @anonymous4711_
    @anonymous4711_ Рік тому

    Love your real talk about rackets, and also your real gameplay footage :-D

  • @davelee6002
    @davelee6002 Рік тому +9

    What they should have done is switch Andy Murray to promote the prestige and have djoko be the new face of the radical (risky move, I guess, but keeps the appearance of the racquets close to the pro stocks.) Then again, maybe the Speed wouldn't have caught on as strong without djoko, but perhaps it's in good hands if Sinner continues to rise up.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +7

      this is too logical for a major tennis manufacturer

  • @tyrone-tydavis5858
    @tyrone-tydavis5858 Рік тому +10

    Most people have no idea that most pros actually use very few different rackets throughout their career. They find what works for them and they stay with it. Even subtle changes to a racket take months to adapt to when your muscle memory is ingrained by tens of millions of practice strokes. For example I think Federer, for as long as his career was, only used 3 different rackets, The rackets you see them on court with are painted to look like the ones their sponsors are selling.
    Even the lowest ranked players and ones still playing at the tennis academies use rackets that are so modified that the person shopping at the local sporting goods store would not recognize it. It's not just about grip's size and overall weight. It's about stiffness, head weight, swing weight, balance points, etc.

  • @smftrsddvjiou6443
    @smftrsddvjiou6443 Рік тому +1

    Pros have nomal raquets as base, but often heavely customized, like different handle, lead tape.

  • @mikefunkybass
    @mikefunkybass Рік тому +3

    Keep up the good work, very useful videos (for a tennis geek like me, this is one of the best channel, which deserves more views and success ) - Michael (Just met you at ubc today) Cheers !

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      Hey Michael, thanks for saying hi today! Tons more content coming

  • @jbbozeman
    @jbbozeman Рік тому +5

    I think it was @TennisNerd that said it but I hope Head releases an "off the shelf" model close in spec to what Novak uses. Wilson has been cashing in on this for a while with the RF97 and I know Babolat is releasing the Origin series that will be "close" to Nadal's spec. While these frames are not user friendly, it's an easy cash cow in my opinion for the big brands.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +2

      I hear that the Origin PA is going to be like $400 too. Easy cash grab when they can boost the price like that, the same way Porsche and Lamborghini do for limited cars with very inelastic, yet limited demands. Even though I couldnt quite get my Radical to the actual Djokovic spec, I didn't find it much harder to use that the RF97, which still sells quite well.

    • @jbbozeman
      @jbbozeman Рік тому +1

      @@TennCom I made a Vcore 95D to Stan’s specs and while I could not use it for a whole match it’s easily one of my favorites to hit balls with.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      @@jbbozeman I’m jealous that’s a grail racquet for me

    • @ZeroLoveTennis
      @ZeroLoveTennis Рік тому +1

      Interesting idea but I can see it another way. Head is doing well because he's endorsing this consumer model. I wonder if they'd be cannibalizing the lineup by releasing his and it quickly becomes clear it's nothing like his actual racket (the regular lineup)
      Where at the Wilson has had the prostaff name for so long it's kinda grandfathered into who ever their best player is.
      But I can see your angle too but babolat doesn't do this either.

    • @davelee6002
      @davelee6002 Рік тому +1

      @@ZeroLoveTennis agree with you there. The speed is a good racquet but I'm sure Novak's endorsement has a lot to do with the sales success, and releasing a pro spec version would dispell a lot of the mythological appeal. It's an awkward spot for the racquet silo, but I think the market has shown that it doesn't care TOO much.

  • @TheRockyBalboa100
    @TheRockyBalboa100 Рік тому +9

    4:41 lol didn't expect that. Couldn't stop laughing. I was watching it on TV on high volume. Nobody noticed

  • @ahmedsalehen2893
    @ahmedsalehen2893 Рік тому +2

    Del potro also use this method.
    New Paint with old model requet

    • @TheGajoloco
      @TheGajoloco Рік тому

      All players do it

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      For a long time he wasnt even using a paintjob. He used the racquet from his 2009 US Open victory for years until they all cracked.

    • @ahmedsalehen2893
      @ahmedsalehen2893 Рік тому

      @@TheGajoloco Del Potro used the Wilson Hyper ProStaff 6.1 Midplus Stretch early on in his career, and has continued to use this racquet under new paint jobs years later. Del Potro is very superstitious, and after suffering a wrist injury shortly after switching to the Wilson BLX Pro Tour paint job in 2010, he returned to playing with the then outdated Wilson K-Factor 6.1 95 paint job.[198] He particularly favored the exact racquets he had used to win his only Grand Slam title at the 2009 US Open. He again refused to update his racquet to the Wilson BLX Juice Pro in 2012, and in 2014 had only a few K-Factor racquets left.[199] For strings, he uses Luxilon ALU Power strung at 58 lbs. He currently makes use of the same racket painted to resemble the Wilson ProStaff 97.

  • @claytons6189
    @claytons6189 Рік тому

    If you want a nice heavy racquet with oozes of control and feel head to a local second hand sporting goods store and see if they have any old Head prestiges. I picked up a couple Head Elite Pros and Prestige Tours and they've been my gamers for years. Incredible racquets

  • @carlosraventosprieto2065
    @carlosraventosprieto2065 Рік тому

    wow!!! incredible video
    i bought the speed pro for christmas and im very happy with it

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      Thanks Carlos! Glad you are enjoying your new Speed!

  • @ZeroLoveTennis
    @ZeroLoveTennis Рік тому +2

    It's been extended to 27.1 as well in like 2017 right?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      I believe so yes (according to tennisnerd and similar sources)

  • @Maksimov88
    @Maksimov88 Рік тому +9

    I’ve been one of the lucky ones to have got the PT346.1 through the headquarters of Head in Austria, but man what was this frame extremely difficult to handle.
    The specs are extremely difficult - even for a trained player.
    Still more of a PT57A fan

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      I am deeply envious

    • @Maksimov88
      @Maksimov88 Рік тому

      @@TennCom Haha sorry! I did however sold it a week later, but it was cool to have got it after asking it for 2 years straight

    • @msalvs
      @msalvs Рік тому +1

      @@Maksimov88 why was it difficult to use? Because both the PT346.1 and the PT57A are just hairpins, intended to be customised to your specs.

    • @dragan747
      @dragan747 Рік тому

      Extremely curious on the process, did you email them co nstantly, call them, know someone there or something else?

  • @cybernetennis
    @cybernetennis Рік тому +1

    you videos are dop and really great production value my man!

  • @MrMartin48705
    @MrMartin48705 Рік тому +2

    I don't think Djokovic is using this mold anymore, at least not since his 2016 injuries. HEAD said they've decided to move onto another much lighter mold made from a specific lighter material, coming out at around 260g unstrung.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      You are right, he's using the PT346.1, see the pinned comment and relevant replies advising the specific differences between the prostock codes.

    • @davidzettl3852
      @davidzettl3852 Рік тому

      Pro Stocks like 113B or 346 have a light hairpin about 223g....

  • @Anthony-ge2ux
    @Anthony-ge2ux Рік тому +3

    Can you please talk louder and lower the music for viewers who have hearing loss. Thanks

  • @atrem7942
    @atrem7942 Рік тому +1

    I would say he plays with a pro stock custom racket. Only the paint job resembles the racket you buy in a regular shop

  • @General4474
    @General4474 Рік тому +1

    I have a quick question. This might sound odd but i have an Babalot pure drive plus. Older model. I modified it by adding weight to the head. I taped slingshot balls to the head on either side. It works good but looks awful. Plus the weighs have fallen off at times. It adds about 30gms to the racket. Howncan i add 30 grams but not have it look so awful. Lead tape seems way to light. Unless theres some really really heavy lead tape i dont know about. Do you know of anything? Or anyway i could get wht i have to hold on better? And Should i put weight inside the handle too? Your suggestions are appreciated. Thanks

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      I like these weird questions! I saw a guy on the Tennis Warehouse forums tape coins to the sides of his racquets. I believe these threads were all deleted, because the user started a professional customization service and wanted to protect his intellectual property. Using those slingshot balls (BBs) seem like a good solution, but keeping them attached to the racquet is a big issue. My only idea is quite permanent, and may not work.
      Remove your most of your grommets. Keep the grommets at 3 and 9 in.
      Use silicone to create a blockade inside the frame at 10 and 2, near the top of the grommets that you left in.
      Let dry.
      Insert the BBs into the buttcap of the racquet so that the fall down to the silicone traps that you left at 10 and 2.
      Fill the rest of the racquet will expanding spray foam so that the BBs stay in place.
      Drill holes through the foam so you can insert grommets.
      Insert a new set of grommets.

    • @General4474
      @General4474 Рік тому

      I opened the butt cap. The slingshot ball can fall threw the handle and go up into the frame. That’s interesting as that means you can load up all the weight you want on the inside. Thanks.

    • @General4474
      @General4474 Рік тому

      Oh no now I got one stuck in the frame and it won’t come out ;-(

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      @@General4474 try vaccuming it

    • @davidzettl3852
      @davidzettl3852 Рік тому

      @General4474 Of course, there are different lead tapes. The standard usually has 10cm for 1g. But there are also some with 3.7cm for 1g (my favorites) and even more. You can look around for example in the glass supply. There are often such tapes. Also in large masses at a mini price!

  • @クリームイカ
    @クリームイカ Рік тому +2

    1. somehow it's a bit hard to make
    2. the best time to release it would be when his career is near the end
    3. even if you own it, mostly you'll end up incapable of using it

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      its just like owning a super car. You wont drive it everyday, but its certainly fun when you get the chance

    • @msalvs
      @msalvs Рік тому

      @@TennCom I get 1. But 2 and 3 are simply wrong. The RF97A sold very well and it useable to a certain degree.

    • @クリームイカ
      @クリームイカ Рік тому

      @@msalvs for 3, federer uses little customized rf97... for 2. try to use brain more

    • @msalvs
      @msalvs Рік тому +1

      @@クリームイカ re. 2: didn’t wilson release the RF97A circa 2017? How has that affected anything? Did you see a lot of pro switching to it? Copying its specs? When’s the best time to release a racquet from a marketing standpoint? When a player is at the top or when he’s declining?

    • @msalvs
      @msalvs Рік тому

      @@クリームイカ or perhaps you think Djokovic’s racquet is a magic wand that makes you win every point?

  • @shreyanbose6953
    @shreyanbose6953 Рік тому

    Yo beckett you should make a video about modding a normal lm radical or auxetic speed pro to mimic the djoker spec.

  • @etiennebyrde4781
    @etiennebyrde4781 Рік тому

    What s up ? We miss your vids bro ! You have to do the review of the PA 98 💪🏼🔥

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      Tecnifibre review will be out Friday this week. I haven't gotten my hands on the Aero 98 yet, but the following racquets are being shipped to me, strung, or are in the process of being reviewed: Dunlop FX 500, FX 500 Tour, Elevate v3, Elevate Tour, VCORE 100, VCORE 98, VCORE 95, Prostaff 97, Prostaff X, Aux Radical Pro and MP

  • @Agent77X
    @Agent77X Рік тому +3

    The Head 113B is a custom Pro stock Racquet!

  • @meitinelshamaa1906
    @meitinelshamaa1906 25 днів тому

    But which Racket of the new Head collection would be the most similiar racket to the djokovic one?

  • @JacquesMltr
    @JacquesMltr Рік тому

    Nice Video thanks. So what retail raquet would fit with a technique and playstyle of djokovic?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      TFIGHT ISO 305 feels very similar in a more modern package

    • @JacquesMltr
      @JacquesMltr Рік тому

      @@TennCom okay thank you! Didnt think about that racket. Thought you would name like Wilson blade. I just would say my technique/groundstroke are bit like Djokovic. But i decided to go with the vcore cause quality control and it just fits well for this technique with a hard string 26,5 kg. But maybe I should have tested the tfight

  • @milotxh
    @milotxh Рік тому +2

    When u said 7inch that shit made me laugh so bad , and I can agree more with u because that's how they make milions , people think the moment they buy Roger's or djokovic raquet they gonna become pros. All pros have costume made requests. Good video. Keep it up.

  • @General4474
    @General4474 Рік тому

    I found out the slingshot balls 1/4” weigh 1gm each. So I managed to add 34gm to the head and 17gm into the butt cap. Dampener another 1gmSo its about 318 strung. So thats like 370gms. It feels super heavy now. Ill have to try it and see how it performs. Probably too heavy but could be interesting. Sampres and seles played with like 400gm rackets. Federa was lije 366 so this is well within range i think.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      That’s epic hahaha you are kind of crazy but in a good way

  • @benjaminjensen111
    @benjaminjensen111 3 місяці тому

    Closest retail version to what Djoko plays with is Head Prestige Tour 2021

  • @FHslicefan
    @FHslicefan Рік тому +1

    I love the Tgk231.2 but it’s is impossible to find

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      is it that different from the retail Microgrel?

    • @FHslicefan
      @FHslicefan Рік тому

      @@TennCom Yep, it was about 310g unstrung and 58 RA (don't remember the retail mp RA). We had a top 50 player in our city at the time and he gave me 2 to play in my junior years. I can't remember if it was good or I thought it was because of how happy I was to receive his rackets as a gift, but played my best tennis with them. Both cracked down from stringing so much during the years I used it, I didn't change rackets for like 8 years hahaa.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      @@FHslicefan I think the retail one is 58RA as well. You can still get them new from Tennis Warehouse today, but I'm guessing the graphite quality is not as good. Though I haven't hear any legit stories about graphite quality being better in prostocks than other racquets.

    • @FHslicefan
      @FHslicefan Рік тому

      @@TennCom yeah i think it doesnt change, at least too much. It is just specd out for the player preferences, wheight, silicon in the handle and RA. The materials of construction should be the same I guess. Unfortunately there's no TW/shipping in my country

    • @msalvs
      @msalvs Рік тому

      @@TennCom the microgel mps you can get from TW are a reissue which plays a bit stiffer than the original version. I have played with both and actually prefer the reissue which is still low 60s ra and a bit more powerful/crisp but I get why someone would prefer the original version.

  • @bmpjjaa
    @bmpjjaa Рік тому

    If u want to buy the PT346.1, you can get it through brokers. It's not a big deal. I have one and I personally use it
    It just costs a lot of money.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      I read it costs around $5k to get one. Is that in the ball park?

    • @bmpjjaa
      @bmpjjaa Рік тому

      @@TennCom Nah. It depends what you want. Match used and signed by Novak - probably 5k or more.
      PT346.1 has also three string patterns, 18x20, 16x19 and 18x19.
      It's about 1.2k for the 2021 paint job - not novak's racquet but another pros. Paint jobs change the price too.
      You can try to hunt one in stringfourms

    • @bmpjjaa
      @bmpjjaa Рік тому

      It is one of the most expensive tennis racquet molds since not many players use it or are able to obtain it from Head.
      They don't hand off PT molds to every sponsored players. They prefer players to use their new molds. But if you are high enough in ranking, they will accommodate you

    • @kokobbe
      @kokobbe Рік тому +1

      Have one match used pt346.1,cost more than 5k.awesome racket and pj

    • @bmpjjaa
      @bmpjjaa Рік тому

      @@kokobbe do u use it? or collect them?
      I personally don't like match used since I like to use my racquets

  • @rajivbadlani5879
    @rajivbadlani5879 Рік тому

    How do I get the PT113B Bro

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      Become friends with the Djokovic family or wait on eBay and pray you don’t get scammed

  • @trustno_one
    @trustno_one Рік тому

    one of the best tennis channel

  • @johnmccullough6061
    @johnmccullough6061 Рік тому

    What is the balance for djokovic's racquet? What is the source for the specs and source date for those specs?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      sources are Impacting Tennis and Tennis Nerd, as well as stuff from the tennis warehouse forums. There's more info on where i found the information on my website here: tenncom.media/technology/djokovics-actual-racquet-specs

  • @Proj3ctSpartan
    @Proj3ctSpartan Рік тому

    I'm currently using a 13 year old Babolat Pure drive racquet lol so I know when I move to a new racquet it will take a while to get used too. My game relies on heavy top spin however I really have to put a lot of effort to generate spin and power which really can make me tired at times. I think it's due to the old racquet. I'm thinking I could evolve my game with a new racquet I can put less energy in and reap the benefits of getting easier power and spin. I also enjoy a nice slice and the occasional flat shot. I have no idea what brand I should get but I had seen the ezone 98 and the vcore. I'm open to any brand of racquet so please help me out as I have no clue and what strings should I get and at what tightness! I honestly am struggling because there are so many brands and types etc. Thanks

  • @yipai8628
    @yipai8628 Рік тому

    Hi TennCom, Do you want to test super spin racquet? Any racquet has edge, when the ball hit the edge, the ball dead, This racquet no edge, no dead ball.

  • @pradyt
    @pradyt Рік тому

    Can you do the same video with Federer's racquets to the off the shelf ones that he has used in his career.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      Fed's racquet history is shrouded in a lot more secrecy, which, now that i think about it, would also make for a sweet video thank you

  • @kevinkchew
    @kevinkchew Рік тому +2

    great video! any more info on the product(s) you endorse...

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      unfortunately that info is locked behind a paywall

    • @ZeroLoveTennis
      @ZeroLoveTennis Рік тому +1

      LMAO didn't get the comment until I watched the video.
      Only fans?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      @@ZeroLoveTennis time4pen15

  • @benjaminjensen111
    @benjaminjensen111 Рік тому

    Actually its like the pros run around endorsing a "easy to use" 5 incher... but use themselves a hefty and massive 9 inch.

  • @SSSSSwwagggg
    @SSSSSwwagggg Рік тому

    I played with both Federer's racket in high school and the blx is completely trash! I ended up switching back to kfactor 90 which was far better... I also thought to myself even as a pro like federer, why would you downgrade so much? Thanks for the video, really shines that light on deceptive marketing and strength my opinion as a tennis player.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      thanks for your support Nick!

  • @larvancioramos9748
    @larvancioramos9748 Рік тому

    Thats add even more facts that NO1E is the AGASS1 2.0

  • @rcbuggies57
    @rcbuggies57 Рік тому

    This is similar to table tennis. Ma Long (Best player ever) uses what is known as the Long V blade, but it's not the actual model. His actual blade is just called the W968 and is made custom for his hand lol. Pros don't use equipment made for the commercial market. That's also why basketball players take out their insoles before throwing their shoes into a crowd. Their shoes aren't worth shit, it's their custom-fit insoles that are worth triple the price of the shoes.

  • @peterbarrett5496
    @peterbarrett5496 Рік тому

    Wow u can find a stringer, cool app

  • @michaelhensley8203
    @michaelhensley8203 Рік тому

    They all use custom rackets. The only thing the same is the paint job. Borg's was 3 oz heavier and had 2 extra wood plies. Agassi's was 2.5 oz heavier and head heavy.

  • @devangshah7435
    @devangshah7435 Рік тому +1

    Novak won his maiden Grand Slam title at AO in 2008.

  • @senoreverything6366
    @senoreverything6366 Рік тому

    Insane quality.

  • @jwc865
    @jwc865 Рік тому +2

    I’m really curious about your opinion on the
    tecnifibre tfight iso 305 Because, despite being a relatively light racquet the swing weight is so high, because it’s so head heavy I feel like it would gel really well with your forehand

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      I am struggling a lot with the grip shape. I actually hit it last night (when the hitting footage for this video was filmed)

    • @gnerd07
      @gnerd07 Рік тому

      interestingly enough I ordered two of those for a friend. Should get them next week.
      My personal rackets are weighted up similarly to Novaks (350g) with a similar swingweight to the Tfight so i'm looking forward to comparing them

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      @@gnerd07 I think they are one of the closest retail options to my customized LM Radical, which i assume to be a decent approximation to Djoker's actual racquet. The ISO's swing extremely fast for their specs and I think they could take more weight with ease.

  • @dadsfreetimeclassicgaming1220

    What about the youtek speed.

  • @TimTheMusicMan
    @TimTheMusicMan Рік тому +1

    If no one is allowed to purchase these frames in the marketplace, then you know they are probably made with special materials that allow the player to hit the ball better, faster, with more control than ever, these tennis rackets are a racket itself. They are using some space age material in his rackets, hence why its not available to anyone, all the players in the ATP should demand the release of the materials and how it's made and why when there are 10,000 rackets on the market, why isn't his ????

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      There are a few match used racquets in circulation. Tennisnerd has hit with actual Djokovic frames and didnt report anything particularly special. Even racquets like the Yonex Regna which are market to have specially treated graphite at a significantly higher price dont seem to generate superior playability in any objective measure.

    • @TimTheMusicMan
      @TimTheMusicMan Рік тому

      @@TennCom Thanks.

  • @NenadSapungin
    @NenadSapungin Рік тому

    Most of these pros customize their rackets to their liking. Adding weight in the places that they want it, and any other customizations they want..

  • @m3bbas139
    @m3bbas139 Рік тому

    so is his pt11 is designed to look like the speed pro? Because the one he’s using looks exactly the same

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      Just the paint. I don’t think the beam design is really meant to replicate the prostock

  • @thegorn
    @thegorn Рік тому +2

    Djoker loves Head. Don’t we all.

  • @cheny8923
    @cheny8923 Рік тому

    2008 Australian Open

  • @dinkumthinkum4794
    @dinkumthinkum4794 2 місяці тому

    That sponsor segue was Linus Tech Tips level

  • @luisloboff4839
    @luisloboff4839 Рік тому +1

    “Tennis stores hate this man”

  • @LaurinKeul
    @LaurinKeul Рік тому +1

    Please get a popfilter for your mic

    • @alec7446
      @alec7446 Рік тому

      Yeah there is something going on with his mic. A very uncomfortable sound. Great video just the mic setup needs fixed in some way.

  • @jamesenter2095
    @jamesenter2095 Рік тому

    I saw the list. Looks super busy

  • @ilankonikov7249
    @ilankonikov7249 Рік тому +1

    you cant also get the bottom of gasquet grip handle

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      I think that Gasquet's handle is just built up using an entire leather replacement grip.

  • @mthedu
    @mthedu Рік тому

    Nice. Troy and Abed in 2000....9! #6seasonsandamovie!

  • @DavidSchilter
    @DavidSchilter Рік тому

    I can see that you've got Novak's serve style down :)

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      more like 2010 Djokovic before he fixed it

  • @TimTheMusicMan
    @TimTheMusicMan Рік тому +1

    All the materials and strings today are so advanced, they are playing the game for them, if you disagree, ask him to play a match using a racket from the greatest tennis gen, the 80's + early 90's, haha, they could not hit 90% of the shots they are hitting today. This is a fact. Case closed.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      Its not like Djokovic has unfair access to technology though. I think tennis is as fun to watch today as it has ever been, so Im grateful for the technological advancements that give us more exciting shot making.

    • @TimTheMusicMan
      @TimTheMusicMan Рік тому +1

      @@TennCom it would be the same if baseball allowed composite bats so the players could hit 600 foot HR’s and football used smaller footballs so the QB could thrown 10 80 yard touchdowns per game. Exciting ? Not really. It ruins the game. All the stats are skewed and you can’t state that todays players are better as they are using artificial means. You can’t change a game to suit the fan. You have to play the game using fairness. It’s the same as using steroids. These are all assistants. Football and baseball would never allow it. Basketball doesn’t enhance their basketballs.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      @@TimTheMusicMan I am pro steroids if the play becomes more exciting. I see sports purely as entertainment. I find today's tennis much more exciting than the serve and volleys days, but thats just a product of my age.

    • @TimTheMusicMan
      @TimTheMusicMan Рік тому

      @@TennCom Steroids is cheating, you are adding an advantage that not many would follow, plus your statistics will be padded due to the use of steroids that the prior generations didn't use, athletes must use their physical talents only, if there are additional layers added, the talent is misrepresented, it's not about the fan, it's about being equal on the field, fairness, they play for millions and billionaires own the teams, you can't mess with this it destroys the sport. There are sports betting platforms now that monitor ever minute of every game/match, billions are bet every day, you can't use artificial advantages when billions are on the line.

  • @joseegarzaa
    @joseegarzaa Рік тому

    bro i did not know direct tennis had an app, i thought he was just a guy that graduated from my high school that strings for everyone i know 💀💀

  • @manbearpig999
    @manbearpig999 Рік тому

    I thought all of the top pros use custom rackets and the sponsorship deal determined how it was branded

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      This is true. Typically, pro's always stay within their brand though. Dunlop got in big trouble for painting Safin's Prestige like a Dunlop instead of developing their own mold, so most companies require pro's to use their frames. This is why Wilson created the H22 and H19 frames for pro's who came from Head Radicals and Prestiges. There is one exception currently on the WTA where Dunlop has clearly just painted Alicia Park's VCORE Pro: tt.tennis-warehouse.com/index.php?threads/yunlop-strikes-again-alycia-parks-racquet.740715/

  • @russellirving1290
    @russellirving1290 Рік тому

    How come he endorses the speed instead of radical if he uses an old radical?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  11 місяців тому +2

      Goat deserves his own line

  • @jerome_morrow
    @jerome_morrow Рік тому +3

    PT113B? Laughs out loud in PT346.1. 😄

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +3

      this is the correct answer

  • @ilankonikov7249
    @ilankonikov7249 Рік тому

    that racket is his secret he puts the ball wherever he wants

    @UTUBE3JC Рік тому

    0:58 2008*😔

  • @hrstickershrstickers
    @hrstickershrstickers Рік тому

    I have 3 of his rackets he gave to me when he played in cincinnati :) just saying

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      how are they?

    • @hrstickershrstickers
      @hrstickershrstickers Рік тому

      @@TennCom They are kinda the same they all have his name on the inside and magnets strips in side the head, Also looks like it more durable heavy racket.

  • @iulchj
    @iulchj Рік тому

    the i.radical and liquidmetal radicals are 98sqin. his racquet is 95.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      they were marketed as 98's but are true 95's. The same is true with Prestiges up until the Graphene generation of racquets. Another example is Taylor Fritz, who uses an IG Radical MP under the paint, it was marketed at a 98 but is a true 95. Just a Head quirk. I used to think this was because Head measured headsize differently, but apparently that's a myth.

    • @iulchj
      @iulchj Рік тому

      @@TennCom why would they do this? I saw recently that Head 98's are actually bigger than 98 now... might be worth a video measuring actual racquet head sizes vs the advertised. surely they're all a bit different. Probably nobody would watch it apart from me.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      @@iulchj I assume it’s because they think they will sell more racquets in a certain class. I’m not sure why it happened in the past, but today people want power and forgiveness, but they don’t think they can get control and speed with 100s so the 98 class is so popular. If you can make the easiest 98 to use, it’ll sell amazingly well.

  • @Lttaylortt
    @Lttaylortt Рік тому

    Didn't know he had his own racket, just thought he used a standard Head racket lol

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      perks of being one of the GOATS

  • @drmitofit2673
    @drmitofit2673 Рік тому

    Question: Why aren't pro men's tennis players more muscular? Serena Williams has high muscular development for a female, so why don't male players have arms bigger than merely average?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      I think Serena is big time outlier. Her body type clearly supports easy muscle development. In tennis, there's no reason to have big arms. Power is mostly generated from the core and the racquets are not heavy enough to warrant large shoulders or biceps. The extra weight from the muscle would just stress the legs, knees, ankles and feet more than necessary.
      For example, Nadal was one of the biggest guys on tour, but his knees and feet were regularly getting injured, so he's cut quite a bit of muscle mass which appears to have lengthened his career.

  • @DonLee1980
    @DonLee1980 Рік тому +1

    actually, what I heard from a good friend who is actually an ATP tour player, says that Djokovic is not using a Head racket at all... it's a Wilson, but made to look like a Head racket, and kind of the same situation with Nadal. As much as they want to make money endorsing a brand, they want to play with the racket that they are most comfortable with. And the brands were happy as long as their players kept winning and that nobody knew Djokovic and Nadal were actually using Wilson rackets

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      I thought this might be a troll comment, but I'll reply just in case its genuine. Djokovic was sponsored by Wilson, but only for a short time. He's spent almost his entire life using Head. When he did move to Wilson, Wilson made an entirely new racquet for him called the Wilson H22. The H22 is a 98 that is essentially a copy of the Head Radicals we discussed in the video. The H22 was never made commercially available until very recently when they released the Blade Pro exclusively through their website. When Novak switched back to Head, he switched back to Radical-based PT113B.
      Nadal has never used Wilson. Close up photo's of his racquet make it pretty obvious that he is, and always has, used the Aero Pro Drive (except previously, when he used a Pure Drive pre-2004).

  • @albertakamstra8384
    @albertakamstra8384 Рік тому

    I feel like I just had an English lesson 😂

  • @promotry6934
    @promotry6934 5 місяців тому

    Djokovic never touched a speed in his career, why would they paint it as a speed is beyond me. Greatest misrepresentation in the history of tennis.

  • @skeenwalker
    @skeenwalker 4 місяці тому

    4:45 bro 💀

  • @dfactman1
    @dfactman1 Рік тому +6

    The reason I bought a Head raquet was because of Novak, but I still cant hit the ball..😂🎾

  • @jasonsalierno5577
    @jasonsalierno5577 Рік тому +1

    Novak's actual racket does not look like a 95 inch. It looks bigger.

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      I haven't seen any evidence that Djokovic uses anything other than a 95.

    • @Kelvin-ed6ce
      @Kelvin-ed6ce Рік тому

      you can't see 2-3 inches bigger...

    • @jasonsalierno5577
      @jasonsalierno5577 Рік тому

      @@TennCom You do not need any evidence. Just look at the racket.

    • @jasonsalierno5577
      @jasonsalierno5577 Рік тому

      What size racket do you play with?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      @@jasonsalierno5577 it looks like a 95 to me which is backed up by literally everyone who’s purchased one of his matches used sticks as well as internal sources from Head.
      So yes, you do need evidence.

  • @sportscastercanada
    @sportscastercanada Рік тому

    Joker 🃏 could use a spatula and kick all our butts! 😂 I used to collect pro NHL authentic on ice jerseys till they decided to deceive us with Adidas! I know MeiGray sells game used sports jerseys. Is there a place to buy game used pro tennis 🎾 gear?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      theres a website called prostocktennis which sells stuff, but i think the manufacturers are pretty strict about which match used racquets get sold after use because they want to protect their marketing, but some pros are also quite secretive with their specs. FAA for example won't let Babolat share them when Babolat does share the Rafa and Thiem specs.

  • @SirChris1372
    @SirChris1372 Рік тому

    You may not be a key to buy but you can be gifted it 🤣

  • @AC852HK
    @AC852HK Рік тому

    Djokovic brainwashed me 😅I cannot use anything other then a speed paintjob

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +2

      Winning is winning and no one can take that away from you lol

    • @AC852HK
      @AC852HK Рік тому +1

      @@TennCom I tired a ezone and I behaving like a Nick 🥴

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      @@AC852HK soon attractive women will be flocking to your side

    • @AC852HK
      @AC852HK Рік тому

      @@TennCom ditching my speed pro , hold my beer

  • @exxxit5903
    @exxxit5903 Рік тому

    all that i have are different.

  • @davelee6002
    @davelee6002 Рік тому

    Just a slight difference, the speed is 100 SQ in, 18x20, his racquet is approx 95 SQ in, 18x19 😆😆😆

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому

      tomato tomato am i right?

    • @davelee6002
      @davelee6002 Рік тому +1

      Should I cover my ti radical mp with lead and give it a go?

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +2

      @@davelee6002 ...yes

  • @stephenvanwijk9669
    @stephenvanwijk9669 Рік тому

    They all use tailor made stuff, is that really news?

  • @pete3425
    @pete3425 Рік тому

    You look like a young Peter Dutton.

    • @mashinajoe
      @mashinajoe Рік тому

      Don't think he knows who Dutton is!

  • @michaelp9061
    @michaelp9061 Рік тому

    Because head lied about this since day one. Misrepresenting product and blame consumers for not good enough. Well done head. Djokovic uses this old H22 / radical mold till this day 2023.

  • @Official.tadiwa
    @Official.tadiwa Рік тому

    First of Novak was with head before he was with Wilson lmfao then he went back it’s normal

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      Wilson even made him a fake Head racquet (H22) which is now sold official as the Blade Pro

  • @exxxit5903
    @exxxit5903 Рік тому

    I have 3 for sale 20k

  • @frog382
    @frog382 Рік тому

    I have a 7 inch pipeline, but never did i think thats particularly massive 😆

  • @GazzaDazzle
    @GazzaDazzle Рік тому

    Why would anyone wants to purchase Novak actual racket? Unless you are Novak it will not be useful, unless you are buying it for Novelty purpose or decorations

  • @mountaindew2656
    @mountaindew2656 Рік тому +1

    are you asian or white

  • @matiasfernandez6180
    @matiasfernandez6180 Рік тому

    because it is broken all the time

  • @johnbabcock9766
    @johnbabcock9766 Рік тому

    What is that clicking sound… annoying as hell.

  • @louisvonmalaise8009
    @louisvonmalaise8009 Рік тому

    Love the content. Please can you speed up the pace of your speech though please? It feels like the video is being drawn out a bit and I’m tempted to click off. Just my thought. Hope you find it useful ❤

  • @cousinavi147
    @cousinavi147 Рік тому

    The narrator of this video needs to calm down. I can't handle the frenetic pace, the intense caffeine-jacked screaming hard sell...

    • @TennCom
      @TennCom  Рік тому +1

      Thanks this is the wake up call I needed to ease off the crystal

  • @z0uLess
    @z0uLess Рік тому

    Why is youtube recommending me videos of tennis when I am into table tennis? It does not make me very confident of "the great AI revolution".