Testimony of Why I Left the Catholic Church.

  • Опубліковано 24 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,3 тис.

  • @parispoet
    @parispoet Рік тому +14

    Thank you for your testimony. I grew up in a Catholic home too & we never went to church or even read the bible! I went to a Catholic school and the bible was not taught either - just a religion class. I did not feel anything. It wasn't until many years later when I became an adult that I became a born again Christian! It is not about religion...it's about having a relationship with Jesus! 🙏🙌☝❤

    • @unknown550c
      @unknown550c Рік тому

      I went to a Catholic university. We were told to research the Bible for our Salvation History and the Holy Mass has First and Second readings. I don't understand why some people tend to forget that the Bible is still a source of God's revelation apart from sacred traditions.

  • @rosemaryduff1724
    @rosemaryduff1724 2 роки тому +9

    I have just listened to your testimony. Thank GOD for his grace and mercy. I am so happy to know that you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. May God continue the work He started in you. Sending love in the name of Our Lord Jesus. God Bless you.

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  2 роки тому

      @ Rosemary Duff Thank you for watching and for your kind words. God bless you too. ✝️🙏

  • @MariasFaith
    @MariasFaith 2 роки тому +7

    This is a good testimony to reveal the truth in your Life. My situation is also coming out of Catholic church I wasn't a Teacher just as a child I never felt right in the church I questioned everything my spirit was anxious in that church etc My Family are Italian and that's their religion it was mine to cause I was forced to do all things I was against as a child then I rebelled and searched for God in other ways and I found Jesus in the Bible long story but I had a lot of ups n downs n Twists n turns I seen ugly things until I finally got into My Bible in 2017 I pray and repented and learned and understand cause of The Holy Spirit but it is hard teaching religious people the truth so I don't if I'm not led to do so. I'm so Happy where I'm at in a Relationship with God and not a religion and I'm happy my Spirit led me all over the place so I can learn n experience the truths. I believe Jesus was with me all the time I just was never meant to be apart of that religion or any religion just to follow Christ and Read The Bible and Live as God Teaches and Jesus Teaches in The Bible. 🙏

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  2 роки тому +1

      God is so good and thank you for sharing your story Maria. May God continue to bless your life in all he has for you.🙏✝️

    • @MariasFaith
      @MariasFaith 2 роки тому +2

      @@gracem. God bless you and your Journey with Our Lord and Savior Jesus 🙏 I'm Happy I came across your video today. ❤️

    • @unknown550c
      @unknown550c Рік тому +1

      Too bad you had a poor Catholic upbringing. I wonder what is the complete testimonial of my daughter's Sr. HS Director. He used to be Baptist but converted to Catholic Christianity.

  • @gracem.
    @gracem.  2 роки тому +3

    How Can Man Be Saved?
    The Possibility and Problem
    A. The Possibility of Salvation.
    1. Salvation is possible because God loves all men.( John 3:16, Rom 5:8, 1John 4:8-9)
    2. Salvation is possible because God desires all men to be saved.( 2Tim 2:3-4,; 2PETER 3:9,; )
    B. The Problem of Salvation is twofold.
    1. Man is hopelessly Lost in Sin.
    ** What are the reasons why man cannot save himself and why he therefore needs a savior?**
    a. Because every man is a sinner by birth.(Rom 5:12)
    b. Because every man is a sinner by choice.(Rom 5:12)
    c. Because no man can live up to the holy and perfect standard of God's righteousness. (Mt 5:48; James 2:10; Rom 3:23)
    d. Because our entire nature is corrupt. (Isa 1:5-6)
    e. Because our corrupt nature corrupts any act of righteousness which we attempt, rendering even our righteousness this as filthy rags.( Isa 64:6)
    f. Because our hearts are desperately wicked and deceitful.(Jer 17:9)
    g. Because there is no man who truly seeks God. (Rom 3:11)
    h. Because future good works can never undo or pay the debt or penalty of past sins. (Rom 6:23)
    I. Because the price and consequences of sin are infinite and man would spend eternity in hell and still be unable to fully pay that price.
    j. Because to even think that you could be righteous enough to save yourself is in itself a sin of gross pride. ( Luke 18:9-14)
    k. Because we have all violated God's law.( 1John 3:4,; James 2:10)
    l. Because we have all violated our own conscience.( Rom 2:14-16)
    m. Because we have all rejected God's revelation.(Psalm 19:1,; Acts 14:17,; Rom 1:19-20)
    n. Because of our friendship with the world which makes us an enemy with God. (Eph 2:2,; James 4:4,; 1John 2:15-17)
    o. Because of our spiritual sonship and servantship to Satan. The Wicked one is the Spiritual Father and Master of All the Lost. ( John 8:42-44,,; Rom 6:16,; Jn 12:31,; Mt 4:8-9)
    p. Because of our physical sonship to Adam.(Rom 5:12),; 1Cor 15:22)
    q. Because of our wicked unbelief.( John 3:18,36;8:45)
    r. Because we cannot have eternal life without Christ. (1 John 5:12,; Eph 2:12)
    s. Because to attempt to be saved by any means other than Christ is to be guilty of rejecting Christ,
    as well as disobeying the gospel of God, despising the cross of Christ, spurning the love of God, refusing the Holy Spirit's call and convictions, trampling under foot the very blood of Christ, and disbelieving the word of God, which failures to believe renders as condemned already. ( Heb 10:29 ,; John 3:18.)
    2. God is righteous and must punish all sin.
    *** We already see that God's holy nature demands that He must punish sin.
    *** Any judge who did not punish lawbreakers and evildoers would be an unjust judge. In his word, God Forbids the perversion of Judgements (Psalms 82:2)
    *** God is the divine Judge of All Mankind and will Judge the world in perfect righteousness. ( Gen 18:25; Ps 98:9; 1Sam 2:10;1Chron 16:33; Eccl 3:17; Isa 11:4, 33:32,; Acts 17:31,; Rom 2:16) Psalms 9,50,67,96,

  • @teresitadacpano4265
    @teresitadacpano4265 2 роки тому +8

    Amen. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. Im happy you are saved by His grace. God bless you!

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for your kind words God Bless you @Teresta Dacpano ✝️❤

  • @alexrea6338
    @alexrea6338 2 роки тому +10

    Thanks for the video. My son and i left the catholic church 3 years ago. I'm not going to say anything bad about the people there but i had this feeling that something wasn't right. The rosary,elevating Mary, the saints mass and confession just didn't seem right. Jesus Christ is our only mediator and not a priest. Just want to thank God for the Holy Spirit opening my eyes.

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  2 роки тому +2

      @Alex Rea thank you for sharing your experience. God Bless you ✝️

    • @biblealone9201
      @biblealone9201 2 роки тому

      what's wrong is you walked away Jn 6:6 and are clueless as to the Meaning of the One Mediator
      In fact 1 Tim. 2:5-6 says: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”1
      Hebrews 9:15
      Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred which redeems them from the transgressions under the first covenant.
      Jesus became "the mediator of a new covenant" when he said "this is my blood of the covenant," but this was only possible "because a death has occurred." This proves that while Jesus had indeed finished his sacrifice on the cross, he had actually already "established" it during the Last Supper by stating "this is my blood of the [new] covenant!" Thus, without physically dying he had nevertheless "established" his death:
      Hebrews 9:16-17 For where a covenant is involved, the death of the one who made it must be established. For a will takes effect only at death, since it is not in force as long as the one who made it is alive.
      When Jesus "established" his death at the Last Supper and then said "do this in remembrance of me" (Matthew 26:27) he had empowered the Apostles to also establish his death in the Eucharistic sacrifice: "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes" (1st Corinthians 11:26).🤣🤣

    • @solafide9533
      @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

      ​@@biblealone9201 *R Catholics love to pluck one verse out of context of John 6. If you read the whole of John 6 it is so clear. Bible is clear: "believe in Jesus to be saved". Eating Jesus is just a metaphor of believing in Jesus. Bible speaks of eating Jesus spiritually. 1 Cor 10:3-4. Not physically.*
      Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
      Joh 3:36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
      Joh 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
      Joh 5:24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
      Joh 6:27 Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him."
      Joh 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day."
      Joh 6:47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life
      you said
      what's wrong is you walked away Jn 6:6

    • @michaelspeyrer1264
      @michaelspeyrer1264 2 роки тому

      The rosary doesn’t divinized Mary, it’s seeing Jesus through the eyes of his most perfect discipline, which is what we are all supposed to strive to be.
      If that’s what you think the rosary was, you didn’t pray it or study or very much.

    • @alexrea6338
      @alexrea6338 2 роки тому +1

      @@michaelspeyrer1264 No it's not! It's not Biblical! That's why we pray.

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +3

    *​95% of Rc doctrines were unheard of in 1st century and not from traditions of Jesus and Apostles or Scriptures or contradicts Scriptures! Nt Church of the Bible had not heard or practised any of these Rc doctrines.*
    1. Purgatory 2. Confessing to priests 3. Office of pope or priests4. Pope being the vicar (representation of Christ, usurping the authority of God)5. Praying to Mary, saints6. Penance 7. Worshipping idols/images, placing idols images in church8. Church in the Bible is not building, but the body of believers9. Sacrament was never the real body and blood of Christ as RC church claimed (Real meaning real blood and body, bcos it didnt really turned "bloody" did it?)10. Salvation by (works (7sacraments) +faith) was never in the Bible. Real salvation is by grace through faith as seen in Bible. 11. Rosary, set repetitive prayers, hail Mary 10000 times12. Mass - putting Christ on the altar again and again13. Mary as queen of heaven 14. Mary as Ark of the new covenant. 15. Mary as the mother of heavenly Jesus thus Mary exist before Christ16. Immersion of infant for baptism17. Holy water18. Celibacy of priests (no office of priests in NT anyway, only priesthood of all believers)19. Kissing of statues20. Changing of 10 commandments. COmmandment of graven image removed by Catholic CHurch in Catholic Catechism. Splitting of another commandment into 2 commandments. 21. Catholic church changed Bible verse Gen 3:15 (And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel."). 'He' and 'His' referring to Christ.
    Catholics changed it to (Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; She shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise Her heel.") 'She' and 'Her' refers to Mary. 22. Catholic Church use Rev 12 to refer to Mary as 'queen of heaven', when Rev 12:6 clearly refers to Israel escaping the Great Tribulation. Mary cannot be alive to escape the Great Tribulation. 23. Catholic Church refers to Mary as 'Queen of heaven', but 'Queen of Mary' in the Bible is a demonic entity Astoreth or Ishtar, the female deity partner of Baal. 5 verses in Jeremiah as proof.24. Catholic church refers to Mary as the Mediatress, Co redemptress, helper of Christ, firstborn of all creation ..
    Mary cannot be the mediatress. Jesus is the one and only Mediator between God and man. Only Jesus redeems. Only the Holy Spirit is the Helper sent by Jesus. Only Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. 25. Roman Catholicism has “saints” one can pray to in order to gain a particular blessing. For example, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla is the patron saint of fertility. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. There are multiple patron saints of healing and comfort.
    Nowhere is even a hint of this taught in Scripture. Just as the Roman pantheon of gods had a god of love, a god of peace, a god of war, a god of strength, a god of wisdom, etc., so the Catholic Church has a saint who is “in charge” over each of these and many other categories. Many Roman cities had a god specific to the city, and the Catholic Church provided “patron saints” for cities as well.26. Mary is called the gate of heaven? Mary has keys to paradise?
    Here are roman pagan teachers saying their man made goddess is their savior. None of these quotes have been denounced, on the contrary they are cited.
    "Open to us, O Mary, the gate of Paradise, since you have its keys! " St. Ambrose
    "God has entrusted the keys and treasures of Heaven to Mary." St. Thomas Aquinas
    "No one can enter into Heaven except through Mary, as entering through a gate. " St. Bonaventure
    "Mary is called "The Gate of Heaven" because no one can enter Heaven but through her means." St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori
    Papal infallibility
    Immaculate Mary
    Assumption of Mary
    Perpetual Virgin
    Mary as Mother of God,
    co mediatrix,
    co redemptrix,
    new ark of covenant,
    Pope as vicar,
    Holy Water,
    peter as first pope,
    papal succession,
    apostolic succession,
    7 sacraments,
    veneration of saints and statues
    celibacy of priesthood
    canonization of saints

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *All my points still remain unchallenged:*
    ⭐ Is R Catholic CHurch the One True Church or the Universal Church or Christ’s Church? ⭐
    The answer is No.
    ⭐ Is R Catholic Church the same as Catholic Church? ⭐
    The answer is No. “catholic” in all early writings referred to all churches/all believers. Nothing to do with a local Church called R Catholic Church which came in ad300s. It is the claim of R Catholics that they are one and the same. But we know its not. How do we know?
    - Orthos also claimed to be the Catholic Church. So who is right? R Church or Orthos?
    - Bible says Church refers to all churches + all believers. So how can R Church a local church be all churches?
    - R Catholics can never prove when R Church really became the Universal Church. When asked which year it happened, they have no answer. Their only answer was always “R church says so” or Mat 16 or 1 Tim 3:15 say so (which they did not say so).
    - 95% of R Church doctrines do not resemble those from Jesus Apostles and Nt Church of the Bible.
    - 95% of R Church clergies do not resemble those in Scriptures.
    ⭐ Was R Catholic Church the Church founded by Christ? ⭐
    There answer is No. R Catholic Church was not founded by Christ. The First mentioned Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not R Catholic Church. The First Believers were Jewish Christians. Not R Catholics. Acts 2, Acts 11:26.
    ⭐ Is R Catholic Church the One True Church? ⭐
    Bible does not say a local church is the Church or the one true church. The Church in the Bible refers to all churches + all believers. How we know? Just take out all the verses the mention Church and Churches in the Bible we will know what they meant exactly.
    ⭐ Founding of R Catholic Church ⭐
    R Catholic Church came in ad 380 when Theodosius decreed the Edict of Thessalonica. Christianity became the official religion of Rome - which later became what we called R Catholic Church. In ad 300s it was called Church of Rome or the Latin Church or the Western Church. It was just a local church. It became prominent due to its backing from Rome and later became part of the Pentarchy consisting of 5 prominent local churches - Rome, Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria. Pentarchy + all local churches then formed the Church or the Universal Church. R Church was never the Church.
    ⭐ Was Ignatius letter a proof for R Church being founded in ad100? ⭐
    The answer is no. Why? Scholars and Historians say most of Ignatius letters were spurious. Some said all were spurious. Even the person Ignatius could be just a fictitious figure invented by R Church to support the gap of missing R Church in history.
    ⭐ Does Acts 9:31 prove R Catholic Church is in the Bible? ⭐
    The answer is No. Nowhere in Acts 9:31 mentioned R Catholic Church. It merely said the Christian Church was spread throughout all the regions of Judea, Samaria and Galilee. Not Rome.
    Act 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
    ⭐ Does Book of Romans prove R Catholic Church was in the Bible? ⭐
    The answer is No. Book of Romans was Paul writing to a Christian Church in Rome. Not r catholic church which came in ad300s. R Catholics love to pretend Book of Romans was R Catholic Church? But it is clear it was not. Book of Romans teaches Salvation Not By Works Doctrine and Imputation of Righteousness Doctrine which R Church does not teach. Romans 4-8.
    ⭐ Is Ortho + R Church = the Church? ⭐
    The answer is No. Bible says otherwise. Bible says Church = all local churches + all believers.
    *Bible mentions both Church and churches. Let's look at all the usages of the words Church and Churches to know what they really meant.*
    1. *Bible mentions Church in general referring to all churches as a whole.*
    1Co 11:22 What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I do not praise you.
    1Co 12:28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
    1Co 14:4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.
    2. *Bible mentions churches as local churches*
    Act 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
    Act 15:41 And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
    Act 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.
    Rom 16:4 who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.
    Rom 16:16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.
    1Co 7:17 But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all the churches.
    1Co 11:16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God.
    3. *Bible mentions "church = believers".*
    Rom 16:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia to Christ.
    1Co 16:19 The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
    Col 4:15 Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the church that is in his house.
    4. *R Catholics have the wrong definition of Church. To R Catholics, Church meant R Catholic Church which Bible says its Not!*

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +4

    ​ @AJA Deacon *​95% of Rc doctrines were unheard of in 1st century and not from traditions of Jesus and Apostles or Scriptures or contradicts Scriptures! Nt Church of the Bible had not heard or practised any of these Rc doctrines.*
    1. Purgatory 2. Confessing to priests 3. Office of pope or priests4. Pope being the vicar (representation of Christ, usurping the authority of God)5. Praying to Mary, saints6. Penance 7. Worshipping idols/images, placing idols images in church8. Church in the Bible is not building, but the body of believers9. Sacrament was never the real body and blood of Christ as RC church claimed (Real meaning real blood and body, bcos it didnt really turned "bloody" did it?)10. Salvation by (works (7sacraments) +faith) was never in the Bible. Real salvation is by grace through faith as seen in Bible. 11. Rosary, set repetitive prayers, hail Mary 10000 times12. Mass - putting Christ on the altar again and again13. Mary as queen of heaven 14. Mary as Ark of the new covenant. 15. Mary as the mother of heavenly Jesus thus Mary exist before Christ16. Immersion of infant for baptism17. Holy water18. Celibacy of priests (no office of priests in NT anyway, only priesthood of all believers)19. Kissing of statues20. Changing of 10 commandments. COmmandment of graven image removed by Catholic CHurch in Catholic Catechism. Splitting of another commandment into 2 commandments. 21. Catholic church changed Bible verse Gen 3:15 (And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel."). 'He' and 'His' referring to Christ.
    Catholics changed it to (Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; She shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise Her heel.") 'She' and 'Her' refers to Mary. 22. Catholic Church use Rev 12 to refer to Mary as 'queen of heaven', when Rev 12:6 clearly refers to Israel escaping the Great Tribulation. Mary cannot be alive to escape the Great Tribulation. 23. Catholic Church refers to Mary as 'Queen of heaven', but 'Queen of Mary' in the Bible is a demonic entity Astoreth or Ishtar, the female deity partner of Baal. 5 verses in Jeremiah as proof.24. Catholic church refers to Mary as the Mediatress, Co redemptress, helper of Christ, firstborn of all creation ..
    Mary cannot be the mediatress. Jesus is the one and only Mediator between God and man. Only Jesus redeems. Only the Holy Spirit is the Helper sent by Jesus. Only Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. 25. Roman Catholicism has “saints” one can pray to in order to gain a particular blessing. For example, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla is the patron saint of fertility. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. There are multiple patron saints of healing and comfort.
    Nowhere is even a hint of this taught in Scripture. Just as the Roman pantheon of gods had a god of love, a god of peace, a god of war, a god of strength, a god of wisdom, etc., so the Catholic Church has a saint who is “in charge” over each of these and many other categories. Many Roman cities had a god specific to the city, and the Catholic Church provided “patron saints” for cities as well.26. Mary is called the gate of heaven? Mary has keys to paradise?
    Here are roman pagan teachers saying their man made goddess is their savior. None of these quotes have been denounced, on the contrary they are cited.
    "Open to us, O Mary, the gate of Paradise, since you have its keys! " St. Ambrose
    "God has entrusted the keys and treasures of Heaven to Mary." St. Thomas Aquinas
    "No one can enter into Heaven except through Mary, as entering through a gate. " St. Bonaventure
    "Mary is called "The Gate of Heaven" because no one can enter Heaven but through her means." St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori
    Papal infallibility
    Immaculate Mary
    Assumption of Mary
    Perpetual Virgin
    Mary as Mother of God,
    co mediatrix,
    co redemptrix,
    new ark of covenant,
    Pope as vicar,
    Holy Water,
    peter as first pope,
    papal succession,
    apostolic succession,
    7 sacraments,
    veneration of saints and statues
    celibacy of priesthood
    canonization of saints

  • @rcha7640
    @rcha7640 2 роки тому +2

    Amen. Praise God. We give God all the honour and glory for the things He has done for us.

  • @1kman11
    @1kman11 2 роки тому +9

    I love your story! We both have the same Spiritual birthday, 1991. I was also saved from the catholic church.

    • @biblealone9201
      @biblealone9201 2 роки тому +3

      and now you are condemned by your own hand
      Ephesians 4:5 - "one Lord, one faith, one baptism"
      Hebrews 6:4-6 - (After the "enlightened" [baptized] fall away, they cannot be enlightened again.)
      Hebrews 10:26 - (No sacrifice for sins after deliberate sin after knowing the truth)😜😜

    • @tomeypaul2212
      @tomeypaul2212 2 роки тому

      May God bless you, you just lost your eternal life for leaving catholic church

    • @gingerc2840
      @gingerc2840 2 роки тому +6

      @@tomeypaul2212 salvation comes from the blood of Jesus Christ alone not the Catholic church

    • @silveriusmccann6466
      @silveriusmccann6466 2 роки тому +2

      Leave her alone, I say she she came out of Babylon, and the Ruach-Ha'Qodesh has opened her eyes to the Truth.

    • @silveriusmccann6466
      @silveriusmccann6466 2 роки тому +2

      Are you condemning this woman? Are you saved? No man on earth has the power to condem anyone or to save!

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @S Rich *Thank you for your admission. Since they were no ecumenical councils, why would they have jurisdiction over all Churches in their decisions? Only ecumenical councils with bishops of all churches can make decisions for the whole of Christendom.*
    *Conclude: They did not fix any canon for the whole of Christendom.*
    *Why are you proving my point? Lol*
    you said
    Were the 3 councils ecumenical? Nope! Never said they were. I said they were historical events. And the fact that you yourself, and so many others, have written so much about them show my point. The point that by the time of the councils, late in the 4th century, the canon was still being hashed out.

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 2 роки тому +4

    The Catholic Church changed the 10 Commandments!

    • @germurtagh7288
      @germurtagh7288 2 роки тому

      Really!!!and luther took books out of the bible

    • @paulturner3553
      @paulturner3553 2 роки тому +1

      @@germurtagh7288, Inner testament books add nothing to the Old and New Testament. Why are you attempting to justify the obvious? Tradition? Read what Jesus had to say about pharisees and their endless and mainly worthless traditions. Get with the program that matters most to Jesus.

    • @srich7503
      @srich7503 Рік тому

      @@paulturner3553 😆 Really! “Inner testament books”? Thats OK to remove? 🤦‍♂ Hey man im not one that believes Luther removed any books. His German bible had all the books in it. Even the original KJV had them. It wasnt until the mid 1800’s when you find someone with the balls to remove them. I suppose after 1800 years of “adding nothing to the OT” was long enough, right? I just wonder what they “adding” during the 300 years that they still were being printed in those bible. Hmmm! And if someone just gets to (yep thats the word i choose) decide this then doesnt this give the Jehovahs Witnesses the right to do what they have done with their bible also? Why not?

  • @albusai
    @albusai 2 роки тому +9

    I'm from central America. When I moved to USA back in 1990 I started to read the bible. It was a Roman Catholic Bible in Spanish. Soon I knew Roman catholicism was wrong

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +3

      *Glad you are out of this Ct.*

    • @michaelspeyrer1264
      @michaelspeyrer1264 2 роки тому +1

      You could have read the Bible at any point prior to that.
      What you did was allow Protestants to tell you what was believed by Christian’s for 1500 years prior to the reformation was wrong, and convinced you to embrace a different religion.

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @@michaelspeyrer1264 *Except R Catholic Church is a m m religion. Dont you know?*
      *Catholic Church contradicts Scriptures in every possible ways!*
      1. Catholics say Mary was sinless. But BIBLE says Mary offered a sinner's offering. She was a sinner. Bible says Mary needed a Saviour. Lk 2:23-24, Lev 12:6-8, Rom 3:10.
      2. Catholics say clergies must be celibate. Yet BIBLE says Peter (supposed R Church first leader) had mother in law. Bible says celibacy is not a qualification for clergies. Mat 8:14-15, Mar 1:30-31, Luk 4:38-39.
      3. Catholics say Mary was forever virgin. Yet BIBLE says Jesus had brothers and sisters. Mary was not perpetually virgin. Mk 6:3, Mat 13:55, Mat 27:56, Mar 6:3, Mar 15:40, Mar 15:47.
      4. Catholics say confess to R priests in a box. BIBLE says nothing about confessing to priests in a box. Bible says confess to GOD only. 1 John 1:9, Mat 6, Romans 10:9-10.
      5. Catholics say drink of the literal blood of Jesus. Yet OT and NT both say do not drink blood. Acts 15, Lev 7:26.
      6. Catholics say pray to passed on Mary and "saints". Yet BIBLE says do not contact the dead. NT Church did not record a single case of NT believers asking passed on saints to pray for them. Deut 18:11, Isaiah 8:19.
      7. Catholics make and bow down to statues. BIBLE says do not bow down to graven images (statues). Deut 4, Exo 20:4-5.
      8. Catholics sprinkles “holy water”. But NT Church of the Bible mentioned nothing about “holy water”. There was no record of any Apostles sprinkling “holy water” on believers. Catholics claimed “holy water” came from OT. Yet Num 5:17 says “holy water” was water used to test adulterous women in OT temple. Hardly the same. Those were for Old Covenant Jews. Not New Testament Christians.
      9. Catholics say Peter was pope - bishop of all bishops. Yet BIBLE says Peter was just a leader of the Jerusalem Church. Bible says nothing of the office of bishop of bishops. Gal 2:9, Mat 16:18.
      10. Catholics say there is a seat of Peter. Yet BIBLE says nothing about it. Jesus said “not to lord over others”.
      11. Catholics has clergy priesthood. Bible says clergy priesthood was done away with in New Testament. There is no clergy priesthood in NT. Heb 7:27, 9:12, 10:10.
      12. Catholics preaches Works Salvation (faith + good works + partake R sacraments + submit to R pontiff + be in R Church + devote to Mary = to be saved). Yet Bible says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Bible says Works Salvation is cursed. Gal 1:8-9. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10.
      13. Catholics says they must do Penance to atone for their sins. Yet Bible says repent, confess and sins will be forgiven. Catholic Bible changes the word “repentance” in NT into “penance”. Original Greek NT does not use or mean the word penance. Penance = work to atone for sins. Repentance = change of heart. 1 John 1:9, Mat 6.
      14. Catholics say Mary went straight to heaven without dying. Yet Bible says nothing about it.
      15. Catholics say Islam and Christianity have the same GOD. Yet Islam doesn't believe in death and resurrection of Jesus and Trinity.
      R Catholicism is full of contradiction and anti Scriptures. Nothing is more evil than a c--- disguising as Christianity deceiving many.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      This does not mean you know much about the Catholic Church .. What do you think Catholicism got wrong ?

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @@1234poppycat *Scriptures already says R Catholicism is wrong. Dont you ever read the Bible?*

  • @Jg-wd9fw
    @Jg-wd9fw 2 роки тому +4

    Beautiful testimony. Thank you. I’ve just graduated from a Catholic university with my second degree from them. The more I learn about catholic doctrine the more I’m horrified by how different it is from the gospel that the early church had, and even how different modern Catholicism is from early Catholicism (the early church was not catholic). I asked for wisdom, and the Lord started speaking as I read again through the New Testament. Catholic doctrine is not Biblically based. I too look forward to where the Lord will take me next! Please pray for my catholic friends. God bless!

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 2 роки тому +2

      The Lord has already excommunicated you from his church. Where you go next is up to you. Where you go eventually depends on whether you repent or not.

    • @luismanuelpotenciano1300
      @luismanuelpotenciano1300 2 роки тому

      Ignacio de Antioquia

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому

      What a pity you did not study and experience the Catholic sacraments and service to God whilst at Catholic University -- you would have grown closer to God rather than moved away. I pray that your Catholic friends will bring you to Christ

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Where in the Bible says "faith + works + be in R ct + partake roman sacraments + submit to r pope + devote to Mary to be saved"? Is that what you called 100% from Scriptures?*
    *Where is assumption of Mary in the Bible? Is that what you called 100% from Scriptures?*
    *Where is R church unholy water in the Bible? Cite any apostles or Jesus who sprinkled "holy water" on believers? You can't? Is that what you called 100% from Scriptures?*

  • @edwardbarrett1647
    @edwardbarrett1647 2 роки тому +8

    Leaving the catholic faith was and is a serious mistake.. Faiths that have seperated from catholocism have made serious mis interpretations, leading many astray. All of these seperated churches found there beginning in catholosism, and each one of them is catholisism with something missing or misinterpreted. OVER 25,000 different protestant faiths, not one has got it right yet.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      it simplistic and not true !! So what she is saying is that she had a very poor understanding of the Catholic Church .. and still do !! 1 // There are 73 books in the bible but after the reformation protestants cut out 6 and made other changes 2/ Next you claimed you did not know the "Old testament New Testament stuff" but earlier said you went to Mass every week !! So I take it during the each Sunday 4 bible readings as the Church continually progresses on the three year cycle of scripture readings you must have put your fingers in your ears !!! 3 // At 3:40 "The Catechism is more a book text Jesus " The Catechism explains comprehensively how the Catholic belief is at one with the bible and has over 2000 pages about 2000 bible references to show the direct links with Catholicism and the Bible !! 4// 4:20 "All the children in my (Catholic ) catechism classes got saved (over three years) " By which she means they left Catholicism to join one of the thousands of Protestant Churches. ..... OSAS is a protestant fallacy - the Calvinist protestant church near to me lost 90% of its attenders ( a friend of mine was one of the elders) and closed down Are all these still saved ??? Listening to the rest of this it simply does not ring true !!!

    • @edwardbarrett1647
      @edwardbarrett1647 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat Very well said;;;

    • @theistengineer2850
      @theistengineer2850 2 роки тому

      Aren't they still saved because of Vatican II?

    • @edwardbarrett1647
      @edwardbarrett1647 2 роки тому

      @@theistengineer2850 I think thats where 'God is the final judge' comes in...

    • @tiredoftheworld4834
      @tiredoftheworld4834 Рік тому

      “Serious misinterpretation”??? But how can you claim this if you need the papal authority to “interpret” the Bible for you?? Protestants encouraged literacy so that all people could read and understand the word of God, without a political and religious leader (like the antichrist will be), telling them “this is what God said” and it being false…

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Yes the usualLsandclaims. Hippo and Carthage were African councils. Not R Catholic councils. Are you saying African Church had Primacy? All 3 councils were local councils. They did not have jurisdiction over other churches. Their decisions were local. They did not fix any canon for the whole of CHristendom.*
    *Cite me one ecumenical council with bishops of all churches that fixed the canon? Just one? You cant?*
    you said
    The Bible compiled in 390's -- Synod of Hippo and Council of Rome 390's

  • @donthephoneman7084
    @donthephoneman7084 2 роки тому +3

    Praise Yahweh. Salvation is from Elohim. GOD has saved you. He has taken you out of the darkness into His light.

  • @josephzhou6856
    @josephzhou6856 2 роки тому +9

    I have similar experience in Catholic Church. Their teaching is contradicting and confusing. On one hand, they told us to be salt and light in the world, but on the other hand they told me not to preach gospel to people outside the church. But Jesus said clearly in Bible, it is the duty of all Christians to bring the gospel to all corners of the world

    • @edwardbarrett1647
      @edwardbarrett1647 2 роки тому +2

      OVER, 25,000 protestant faiths and they still cant get it right !!!

    • @aviyahchaverim9388
      @aviyahchaverim9388 2 роки тому

      @@edwardbarrett1647 Look again, protestants are still part of the Catholic church only they have chosen to believe on the messiah rather than worshiping the pope who is only a man. The reason they can't get it right is because of the foundation which is from catholicism. Maybe if all who seek God by calling on him not the pope to save and teach them truth, there paths will be made straight instead of crooked. COME OUT from her and learn from the scriptures of truth, he whom the son, Yeshua sets free is truly free indeed.

    • @edwardbarrett1647
      @edwardbarrett1647 2 роки тому +2

      @@aviyahchaverim9388 Not necessary to 'look again'.. Nobody in the catholic church worships anyone except Jesus. EVERY single protestant faith has its roots in catholcism and every single protestant church IS catholocism with something missing!!! Go back and read your catechism,, dont listen to all of this stuff said about catholocism. There is ONLY 1 TRUE faith, established by Christ ALL others protestant included are established by men, thereofore they are all imperfect. I'm only here to make a comment, not create an argument. I wont be reading or replying. Take Care..

    • @marlenevazquez5763
      @marlenevazquez5763 2 роки тому

      @@edwardbarrett1647 I am Catholic I was always punch looked down by Mormons in Utah when I went to BYU . One even told me I was less because I wasn't Mormon .

    • @edwardbarrett1647
      @edwardbarrett1647 2 роки тому +1

      @@marlenevazquez5763 Marlene, Jesus said this would happen to His followers...

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +3

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Jesus taught a lot of things. But that does not mean we need all these for salvation. Bible does not say they were catholic sacraments or any sacraments. Neither sacraments saves. So where did you get all your m m doctrines? Your momma?*
    *All my points remain unchallenged: Jesus did not teach salvation through sacraments. John 6 says "eating Jesus = believing in Jesus". So yes. It does refute all your verses.*
    Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    Joh 3:36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
    Joh 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
    Joh 5:24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
    Joh 6:27 Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him."
    Joh 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day."
    Joh 6:47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.
    you said
    You just posted scripture which does not refute what I posted from John 3 and John 6 John 21 Luke etc to prove the need for Catholic sacraments
    you said
    All my points remain unchallenged: Jesus taught us about Baptism John 3 etc Eucharist John 6 etc Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Joh 3:36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." Joh 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." Joh 5:24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. Joh 6:27 Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him." Joh 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day." Joh 6:47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. The World needs Christianity The World needs the Catholic sacraments

  • @barbiewert7182
    @barbiewert7182 Рік тому +1

    Be strong in almighty God don't give up read the Bible dayly

  • @jonathanwilcock71
    @jonathanwilcock71 2 роки тому +5

    I guess being given a position to present and teach the catechism to children’s a huge responsibility. Staying the course is vital, however, if you have been influenced by other views and ideas, you have to explore it. If it resonates with you and you move away, that’s a personal thing. I think you have done the right thing, in as much as you are exploring your heart. I have the opposite experience as a former evangelical to a catholic. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Stick close to him and he will bring you home. Wherever that may express itself. One thing I would ask, do not become an enemy of the RC church. It’s where I finally found him 🙏

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      the problem was that she was given a position that she was not worthy of & clearly did not have a depth of knowledge of the Bible and Catholicism !!

    • @jonathanwilcock71
      @jonathanwilcock71 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat oh well, she’s young. Let’s give her some slack. None are ‘worthy’, but not sure what that has to do with it? She’s on a journey. She may come back, if shown a little compassion 🙏

    • @tiredoftheworld4834
      @tiredoftheworld4834 Рік тому

      Sadly the Catholic Church sees that you aren’t a valid Christian if you aren’t part of it. I got born again without my non denominational church or the Catholic Church my parents came out of. The Bible only is fine

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat Рік тому

      @@tiredoftheworld4834 I would not take the chance by not doing what God wanted Eucharist John 6 (+14 other scripture -See "Catholic Answers" ) - Actual Body and Blood of Christ........... Baptism John 3 etc

    • @rickdavis2235
      @rickdavis2235 Рік тому

      @@1234poppycat wrote:
      " the problem was that she was given a position that she was not worthy of & clearly did not have a depth of knowledge of the Bible and Catholicism !! "
      That's an oxymoron, AJA. If you study the bible, you can't believe in Catholicism because it does not exist in Scripture. If it did, there would be no need for the catechisms.

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    @Louis Schenker *That's exactly where you are wrong. 1. These early church fathers had already deviated from the Earliest Church Fathers - Jesus, Apostles and nt church. 2. Jesus APostles nt Church and Early writings spoke of Scripture Alone, Faith Alone and non C balistic spiritual communion. Yet R Catholic Church abandoned all. 4. Dont you know 95% of R Church doctrines did not come from JEsus or Apostles or Scriptures? Is that what you called a biblical church?*
    *Dont you know R Church is hiding the truth from you? R Catholic Church removed all the Old Catholic Bibles which contained the words "Faith Alone" for verse Romans 3:28. You are D by the wiles of R Church. You do not know the truth or real history.*
    you said
    My only challenge to you is look into the early church history and realise how Catholic the early church fathers are.

  • @susangreninger1989
    @susangreninger1989 2 роки тому +18

    The real reason they didn't want you to learn the Bible is bc then you'd learn they were teaching false doctrines. I grew up in the Catholic Church and went to 12 yrs of Catholic school. I never felt close to God and I always had a feeling like something wasn't right with the stuff they were teaching us. I stopped going to church in the 90's but it wasn't until 3 months ago that I started reading the Bible and trying to learn God's word. Now I see why I felt the way I did about the Catholic Church in my earlier yrs. Most churches today are aligning with culture and falling away from the true word of God. "Churchianity" is destroying the christian faith.

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  2 роки тому +2

      Susan, thank you for sharing your experiences.
      God Bless you as you continue to grow in Christ.✝️❤😊

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe 2 роки тому

      and now u likely know that the great whore of babylon in the bk of revelation is the rcc....

    • @tiredoftheworld4834
      @tiredoftheworld4834 2 роки тому

      Truth!!! Many still go to church, and like it, but are not even born again. They love the things of the world and sound like the unbelievers which is very confusing to me. Then I’ve realized (although I didn’t grow up in the Catholic Church) that many atheists and non believers in general equate Christianity with the Catholic Church. Because the RCC gives the impression that it’s the “real thing” because of the huge buildings with fancy art and pope and Roman Catholic system and practice.

    • @tiredoftheworld4834
      @tiredoftheworld4834 2 роки тому +1

      I never knew there were more than 1 billion Catholics in the world as well. I was debating with a Catholic and the debate finally came to an end when he admitted that what he believes doesn’t follow “sola scriptura” (as they will call it). Because anything I said wouldn’t be accepted if he didn’t believe in scripture. So it would go nowhere unless he accepts it. I didn’t even know what that means, because growing up even as a lukewarm, I’d know the source of faith is God’s Word. I really want to wake up my cousin. He has no connection to God but is trapped in the practice and accepts the macro evolutionary theory because the pope approved it.

    • @KristiLEvans1
      @KristiLEvans1 2 роки тому +1

      So true! God bless you!

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *YEs this statement comes from one who does not read the Bible. Bible says the First Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not R Catholic Church. Shoo.*
    you said
    The Catholic Church is Gods Church from Pentecost and it has it all

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +5

    ​ @•kiwi• *Why dont you take doctrines from the Earliest Church Fathers - Jesus, Apostles, nt church - Scriptures? Why do you take from the latter people who had already deviated from the earliest Church Fathers?*
    you said
    Faith of Church Fathers?

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @S Rich *Too bad. You are wrong once again. There is no contradiction. Constantine founded R Church unofficially in ad 313. Theodosius made it official in ad380 - Edict of Thessalonica.*
    you said
    Lastly, to the silly claim of the “R Catholic church” begun in 380 - There are many ways to refute this silliness but the one i choose today is to simply ask, humble yourself and look into Saint Helena, the mother of Constantine. If Constantine’s mother was Catholic/Orthodox does that void your claim? If she wasnt then please tell us what she was so we can all the history books.

  • @ro13243
    @ro13243 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for sharing your story and your heart with us. I have a very similar story…stayed in the RC church until the Lord provided the exact circumstances I needed to move me to a Bible teaching Church. I too have a burden to reach those who do not truly know Him as Lord and Savior. Praise His name, the name above all names! Amen!

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      So you left Gods Holy Catholic Church that has at least three bible readings in each Mass and includes the Eucharist that is confirmed by John 6 + 14 other scripture ..... Which of the 30 thousand protestant churches was most convenient for you ??

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *WowUrsuchaBlL. 95% of R Church doctrines are Not from the Bible, Jesus or APostles. Yet you made such claims?*
    1. Purgatory 2. Confessing to priests 3. Office of pope or priests4. Pope being the vicar (representation of Christ, usurping the authority of God)5. Praying to Mary, saints6. Penance 7. Worshipping idols/images, placing idols images in church8. Church in the Bible is not building, but the body of believers9. Sacrament was never the real body and blood of Christ as RC church claimed (Real meaning real blood and body, bcos it didnt really turned "bloody" did it?)10. Salvation by (works (7sacraments) +faith) was never in the Bible. Real salvation is by grace through faith as seen in Bible. 11. Rosary, set repetitive prayers, hail Mary 10000 times12. Mass - putting Christ on the altar again and again13. Mary as queen of heaven 14. Mary as Ark of the new covenant. 15. Mary as the mother of heavenly Jesus thus Mary exist before Christ16. Immersion of infant for baptism17. Holy water18. Celibacy of priests (no office of priests in NT anyway, only priesthood of all believers)19. Kissing of statues20. Changing of 10 commandments. COmmandment of graven image removed by Catholic CHurch in Catholic Catechism. Splitting of another commandment into 2 commandments. 21. Catholic church changed Bible verse Gen 3:15 (And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel."). 'He' and 'His' referring to Christ.
    Catholics changed it to (Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; She shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise Her heel.") 'She' and 'Her' refers to Mary. 22. Catholic Church use Rev 12 to refer to Mary as 'queen of heaven', when Rev 12:6 clearly refers to Israel escaping the Great Tribulation. Mary cannot be alive to escape the Great Tribulation. 23. Catholic Church refers to Mary as 'Queen of heaven', but 'Queen of Mary' in the Bible is a demonic entity Astoreth or Ishtar, the female deity partner of Baal. 5 verses in Jeremiah as proof.24. Catholic church refers to Mary as the Mediatress, Co redemptress, helper of Christ, firstborn of all creation ..
    Mary cannot be the mediatress. Jesus is the one and only Mediator between God and man. Only Jesus redeems. Only the Holy Spirit is the Helper sent by Jesus. Only Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. 25. Roman Catholicism has “saints” one can pray to in order to gain a particular blessing. For example, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla is the patron saint of fertility. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. There are multiple patron saints of healing and comfort.
    Nowhere is even a hint of this taught in Scripture. Just as the Roman pantheon of gods had a god of love, a god of peace, a god of war, a god of strength, a god of wisdom, etc., so the Catholic Church has a saint who is “in charge” over each of these and many other categories. Many Roman cities had a god specific to the city, and the Catholic Church provided “patron saints” for cities as well.26. Mary is called the gate of heaven? Mary has keys to paradise?
    Here are roman pagan teachers saying their man made goddess is their savior. None of these quotes have been denounced, on the contrary they are cited.
    "Open to us, O Mary, the gate of Paradise, since you have its keys! " St. Ambrose
    "God has entrusted the keys and treasures of Heaven to Mary." St. Thomas Aquinas
    "No one can enter into Heaven except through Mary, as entering through a gate. " St. Bonaventure
    "Mary is called "The Gate of Heaven" because no one can enter Heaven but through her means." St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori
    Papal infallibility
    Immaculate Mary
    Assumption of Mary
    Perpetual Virgin
    Mary as Mother of God,
    co mediatrix,
    co redemptrix,
    new ark of covenant,
    Pope as vicar,
    Holy Water,
    peter as first pope,
    papal succession,
    apostolic succession,
    7 sacraments,
    veneration of saints and statues
    celibacy of priesthood
    canonization of saints
    you said
    98% of what Catholics believe is in the bible

  • @Kuttysinaustralia
    @Kuttysinaustralia 3 роки тому +6

    Such a powerful testimony! You remained faithful in your service to the Lord and waited upon His time to lead you, trusting Him completely. How good our Lord is 🙏🏼 May God continue to use you for His glory! Praising God for this beautiful testimony 👏🏽💕

    • @Kuttysinaustralia
      @Kuttysinaustralia 3 роки тому +1

      BTW, forgot to mention, the fall colours T-shirt looks lovely 😊 did you paint the wall hangings? Looks beautiful 👏🏽

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  3 роки тому +2

      Kutty, thank you for watching and the encouragement. That was a hard time for me but I'm so thankful God got me through it. You have a Blessed weekend ❤✝️

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  3 роки тому +2

      Kutty, Thank you for the compliments, the t-shirt I purchased from Amazon and the painting in the background my husband and I painted together at a place called painting with a twist where the artist teach us how to paint. That was such a fun time.☺❤✝️

    • @Kuttysinaustralia
      @Kuttysinaustralia 3 роки тому +1

      @@gracem. God’s name is being honoured

    • @Kuttysinaustralia
      @Kuttysinaustralia 3 роки тому +1

      @@gracem. oh how cool

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Too bad. LsafterLsafterLs. R Catholic Church or Church of ROme came only in Ad300s. Not ad 33. The Church at Pentecost was Jerusalem Church. Not R Catholic Church.*
    you said
    came from the Catholic / Christian Church founded at Pentecost

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +3

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Still dodging intelxeroajadeacon?*
    *Which of your verses say “elements transform into Jesus to be eaten by R Catholics”? Cite just one verse that says so? You can’t?*

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @S Rich *Yes different local churches had their own local canons. This already proved there was no pope "that fixed the canon" isnt it? If there was really a pope, why did he take 300 years to "fix a canon"?*
    you said
    1. Why does all of the early church fathers list of their canons not agree with each other through the 4th century?

  • @schnauzerloversmom
    @schnauzerloversmom 2 роки тому +4

    You did the right thing! My ladies group was forced out of the Catholic Church for the same reason! God put me in a large Southern Baptist Church that teaches the whole Bible!

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  2 роки тому

      Marti, The Lord is good and faithful to move his servants where they can grow in his word. Thank you for sharing ❤📖✝️

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe 2 роки тому

      well, unfortunately the SBC is now ordaining women pastors, so u may want to go elsewhere, as its unbiblical, and dont look to the mennonites either, shockingly they are now pro gay marriage.

    • @cjgodley1776
      @cjgodley1776 2 роки тому

      Well, there ain't no way your church teaches the 'whole' Bible, because Mr. Martin Luther ripped seven books out of the whole Bible and this ripped-up version is what Baptists use....

    • @shaunigothictv1003
      @shaunigothictv1003 2 роки тому +1

      You look like Rick Moranis with a wig on.
      He was the lead actor in the movie called "honey i shrunk the kids".
      So brother Rick, i am sorry you went through alot of distress in your Catholic diocese.
      I am NOT a Christian Brother Rick.
      But I appreciate your passion for spreading the gospel of Christ.
      But seriously Brother Rick, both the Catholics and Protestants are WAY off with their erroneous doctrines.
      Firstly, Jesus was NOT white.
      Homosapiens are divided into base haplogroups by anthropologists.
      Jesus the "semite" came from a base haplogroup of homosapiens that exhibited dark brown skin all over their bodies.
      The word semetic means "afro asiatic".
      So he was derived from Afro Asiatic haplogroups.
      A Blasian is simply a homosapien who is the direct BIOLOGICAL result of the mixing of two geographic homosapiens inhabiting two native key haplogroups located in Africa and Asia.
      And the Middle East is located in West Asia.
      So in terms of the biological reproduction of this homosapien known as Jesus, we can prove geographically and biologically that Jesus was BLASIAN - as were all the original hebrews.
      Remember that the word semetic means
      So Semetic basically means half Black and half Asian.
      All the original hebrews were Blasians.
      They were a direct mix of homosapiens from Africa and West Asia.
      The Middle East is located in West Asia.
      I have destroyed both Catholics and Protestants in debates many times on these types of issues.
      Anyway brother Rick, you are type of white guy that cares alot for people.
      I wish more white guys were like you.
      Im.not sure why you abandoned your Hollywood career to preach the gospel brother Rick, but you sure are a great inspiration to many people.
      Seriously dude, i regard you as my brother from another mother.
      You are one of the most intelligent white guys i have ever come across.
      I love you man.

    • @luismanuelpotenciano1300
      @luismanuelpotenciano1300 2 роки тому


  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @S Rich *They were all local canons which happened to agree with the canon of Athanasius. They did not fix any canon for the whole of Christendom.*
    *Cite me one ecumenical council with bishops of all churches that fixed the canon. Just one. You cant?*
    you said
    3. If there was an agreed upon NT canon, what was the purpose of the 3 councils of Hippo, Rome, and Carthage late in the 4th century if not for the purpose of the canon?

  • @alie_smith
    @alie_smith 3 роки тому +13

    Hi Grace! So my boyfriend is Catholic and I go to Mass with him. I would say that perhaps what you experienced was not Catholicism as a whole but the members of the church not being on the same page as you. There are many misunderstandings about the Catholic faith and I'm sorry you experienced such a bad time! Thankful we are all one in Christ and hopefully we can learn from these kinds of experiences that no one is perfect and our main focus should be God's Word and His plan for us. God bless! ❤️

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  3 роки тому +4

      Ali, thank you for the kind words. I'm thankful for our Lord who walked with me during that time. God Bless you ✝️❤

    • @Darth_Vader258
      @Darth_Vader258 2 роки тому +1

      @@gracem. I'm a cradle Catholic and what do you mean by SAVED?

    • @mak88119
      @mak88119 2 роки тому +4

      @@Darth_Vader258 Jesus said unless you are born again you can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Putting your faith and Trust in Jesus (Jesus alone, not with works, not by the Church or praying to Mary, rosary, Saints, or anything else, Jesus and Jesus alone) and repenting of your sins, the Holy Spirit enters in. You begin to think differently, and thirst for the biblical scriptures. My case was a little more dermatic, I was a drug addict who said I could never quit. Jesus saved me in a moment and I gave up drugs, started reading the Word of God, and strive to do my best. This is getting SAVED. My rebirth happened in December of 1987 and I can never forget it.

    • @biblealone9201
      @biblealone9201 2 роки тому

      @@mak88119 ONE LORD ONE FATIH ONE BAPTISM “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:4-6) The one baptism (and the only valid baptism), is the baptism of the one faith, the baptism authorized by the one Lord and practiced by the one body, the church of Christ. “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Corinthians 12:13).
      "Are you born again-the way the Bible understands that concept?" If the Evangelical has not been properly water baptized, he has not been born again "the Bible way," regardless of what he may think.The Born Again Movement traces its origin early in the 19th century.Born Again Movement arrived at our shores in the late 1930’s and gained its popularity in the 70’s and 80’s which is considered the golden era of Born Again Movement During these years membership in various Born Again Churches increased because they where able to infiltrate mainline Protestant Churches and had lured nominal Catholics into their fold.However their steady growth ceases starting the year 1990 and their membership declined in the succeeding years. In the year 2000 Born Again Churches from the United States sent their missionaries in the Philippines to re-established the Born Again Movement and this time their primary mission is no longer to infiltrate Protestant and Catholic Churches but targeted the youth in schools particularly college students.Born Again evangelist does not want to discuss the history of the Christian church, in their Bible studies with their prospects, they intentionally limit the discussion to the Bible alone. They conceal the history of the Christian religion because it will show that their movement did not originate from the apostles. It is necessary for them to negate history because St. Paul warned us not to accept teachings that did not originate from the apostles Gal.1:8 and Born Again Movement evidently cannot trace the history of their church into the time of the apostles.Clearly Born Again evangelization has deception as its chief foundation and they even used selected passages from the Bible to deceive people. They usually start evangelizing by asking ambiguous questions such as “Are you saved?” or “Are you born again?”, if the person answers “no or I don’t know” they will tell you that you must accept Christ as a Lord and Personal Savior in order to be born again otherwise you will be damned to hell. And if the person will answer “yes” they will invite you to their church and worship with them. And if the person is a Catholic that would mean that you have to leave the Catholic Church and do away your Catholic beliefs about Mary, the Saints, confession etc. Let us be vigilant not to fall to the snares of the Born Again movement.
      born again christians are the sect of christianty for people who fucked it up the first time around. They believe that redemption will come from following the bible more literally than god would ever wish, to the point which their ideology becomes culty and near immoral. born-agains are extremely hypocritical and their misuse of god's texts and discriminitory views give Christianity a bad name. Ironically, it is these people who preach their superiority that are the biggest jack-asses. And then they have the nerve to look you in the face, after they have just finished bad mouthing gays and other religions, and preach the superiority of their ideology.
      born again christians are the sect of christianty for people
      who fucked it up the first time around. They believe that redemption will come
      from following the bible more literally than god would ever wish, to the point
      which their ideology becomes culty and near immoral. born-agains are extremely
      hypocritical and their misuse of god's texts and discriminitory views give
      Christianity a bad name. Ironically, it is these people who preach their
      superiority that are the biggest jack-asses. And then they have the nerve to
      look you in the face, after they have just finished bad mouthing gays and other
      religions, and preach the superiority of their ideology.
      Most of them have a superiority complex...and the pride and
      arrogance causes them to be extremely closed-minded, judgmental, and arrogant
      people. Especially the Calvinist ones...in other words the ones that believe
      they are "saved" only because God chose them and it was outside of
      their control.
      Think about it...you truly believe that God chose you to be
      saved and live with him together in heaven for eternity, and all the rest of
      the world is f***ed. You obviously had something special that God was looking
      for. As the Bible says, "Be in the world, but not of the world". In
      other words, the "world" is evil. This is the mentality that allows
      people to hate homosexuals. This is the mentality that causes people to try to
      enact theocratic laws legislating morality.
      Yes! I was born again in baptism. John 3:5 we read: Jesus answered, “Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. This is baptism!
      All early Christians all agreed this verse means baptism.🤦‍♂🤦‍♂

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 2 роки тому

      @@biblealone9201 _born again christians are the sect of christianty for people who _*_fucked_*_ it up the first time around._
      Clear indication that this person using this language is *_NOT_* born again! Col 3:8 - But now rid yourselves [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, malice, slander, and obscene (abusive, filthy, vulgar) language from your mouth...

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *If you claim "born of water = water baptism", then "born of the HS must be = baptism of the HS". Then how come R Catholic Church does not have the "baptism of the Holy Spirit"?*
    *You are clearly denying Christ then.*
    you said
    JESUS said "You must be born of water and the Holy Spirit " John 3

  • @denises.2746
    @denises.2746 2 роки тому +6

    Love your testimony! Thank you so much for sharing it. I am also a former Catholic who got saved and stayed in the Catholic church for way too long. Praise God I have found a Bible believing church and have been there for quite a while now. Getting discipled is definitely so important to grow as a Christian. I’m praying for all the people that are watching this video that they will get saved and only believe in the truth of the Bible. We are saved by grace though faith. Praying for you too!

    • @solafide9533
      @solafide9533 2 роки тому +1

      Glad you are out of this Ct.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому

      If you ever where a Catholic you were baptised (John 3) and were born again .. You can not "get saved" that is for God to decide on resurrection day when you are dead to this world..

    • @solafide9533
      @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

      ​@@1234poppycat *Too bad. You are wrong once again R Catholic. Bible does not teach salvation through sacraments or water baptism. John 3 does not say its water baptism. Bible teaches "believe in Jesus to be saved". Not "water baptised or partake sacraments to be saved".*
      Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
      Joh 3:36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
      Joh 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
      Joh 5:24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
      Joh 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day."
      Joh 6:47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.
      you said
      If you ever where a Catholic you were baptised (John 3) and were born again .. You can not "get saved" that is for God to decide on resurrection day when you are dead to this world..

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      @@solafide9533 You have ended up denying Christ JESUS said "You must be born of water and the Holy Spirit " John 3 The Catholic Church is Gods Church from Pentecost and it has it all.

    • @solafide9533
      @solafide9533 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@1234poppycat *If you claim "born of water = water baptism", then "born of the HS must be = baptism of the HS". Then how come R Catholic Church does not have the "baptism of the Holy Spirit"?*
      *You are clearly denying Christ then.*
      you said
      JESUS said "You must be born of water and the Holy Spirit " John 3

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ⭐ Is R Catholic CHurch the One True Church or the Universal Church or Christ’s Church? ⭐
    The answer is No.
    ⭐ Is R Catholic Church the same as Catholic Church? ⭐
    The answer is No. “catholic” in all early writings referred to all churches/all believers. Nothing to do with a local Church called R Catholic Church which came in ad300s. It is the claim of R Catholics that they are one and the same. But we know its not. How do we know?
    - Orthos also claimed to be the Catholic Church. So who is right? R Church or Orthos?
    - Bible says Church refers to all churches + all believers. So how can R Church a local church be all churches?
    - R Catholics can never prove when R Church really became the Universal Church. When asked which year it happened, they have no answer. Their only answer was always “R church says so” or Mat 16 or 1 Tim 3:15 say so (which they did not say so).
    - 95% of R Church doctrines do not resemble those from Jesus Apostles and Nt Church of the Bible.
    - 95% of R Church clergies do not resemble those in Scriptures.
    ⭐ Was R Catholic Church the Church founded by Christ? ⭐
    There answer is No. R Catholic Church was not founded by Christ. The First mentioned Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not R Catholic Church. The First Believers were Jewish Christians. Not R Catholics. Acts 2, Acts 11:26.
    ⭐ Is R Catholic Church the One True Church? ⭐
    Bible does not say a local church is the Church or the one true church. The Church in the Bible refers to all churches + all believers. How we know? Just take out all the verses the mention Church and Churches in the Bible we will know what they meant exactly.
    ⭐ Founding of R Catholic Church ⭐
    R Catholic Church came in ad 380 when Theodosius decreed the Edict of Thessalonica. Christianity became the official religion of Rome - which later became what we called R Catholic Church. In ad 300s it was called Church of Rome or the Latin Church or the Western Church. It was just a local church. It became prominent due to its backing from Rome and later became part of the Pentarchy consisting of 5 prominent local churches - Rome, Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria. Pentarchy + all local churches then formed the Church or the Universal Church. R Church was never the Church.
    ⭐ Was Ignatius letter a proof for R Church being founded in ad100? ⭐
    The answer is no. Why? Scholars and Historians say most of Ignatius letters were spurious. Some said all were spurious. Even the person Ignatius could be just a fictitious figure invented by R Church to support the gap of missing R Church in history.
    ⭐ Does Acts 9:31 prove R Catholic Church is in the Bible? ⭐
    The answer is No. Nowhere in Acts 9:31 mentioned R Catholic Church. It merely said the Christian Church was spread throughout all the regions of Judea, Samaria and Galilee. Not Rome.
    Act 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
    ⭐ Does Book of Romans prove R Catholic Church was in the Bible? ⭐
    The answer is No. Book of Romans was Paul writing to a Christian Church in Rome. Not r catholic church which came in ad300s. R Catholics love to pretend Book of Romans was R Catholic Church? But it is clear it was not. Book of Romans teaches Salvation Not By Works Doctrine and Imputation of Righteousness Doctrine which R Church does not teach. Romans 4-8.

  • @paulturner3553
    @paulturner3553 2 роки тому +9

    This is a wonderful video. This should be forwarded to Catholic friends and family. If they reject you remember that Christ was also rejected. Many are called, but few are chosen.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +2

      When you get to know Catholicism as opposed to the lies of the hate preachers as we see in this video ... you become Catholic .... like the two Church of England Bishops one in April and one today 8th September 2022 who left status wealth and widespread respect to get closer to God in HIS Catholic Church ......... Those with a poor understanding drift away from Catholicism ....... the intelligent who are devoted to God come to his church........iJesus told the crowd that the Eucharist is “food that endures for eternal life” (Jn 6:27). Jesus himself is the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35, 48), the bread that came down from heaven (Jn 6:41,51). Jesus further explained, “My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink” (Jn 6:55), and that “whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life (Jn 6:54).
      After the resurrection, Jesus shared two eucharistic encounters with his disciples. On Easter Sunday night in Emmaus, when Jesus was at the table with Cleopas and another disciple, Jesus “took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them” (Lk 24:30). When Jesus appeared to his disciples at the Sea of Galilee, he was on the shore near “a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread” (Jn 21:9), and he “came over and took the bread and gave it to them” (Jn 21:13).
      Jesus asked his disciples to reenact the Eucharist when he instructed them, “Do this in memory of me” (Lk 22:19; see also 1 Cor 11:24, 25), and the early Church followed his instructions when they devoted themselves “to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42; see also 2:46 and 20:7, 11).

    • @paulturner3553
      @paulturner3553 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat, Do this in remembrance of Me. The substance is in Christ faith/work as the son of man and the Son of God, not cannibalism. What is so confusing about "It is finished" that befuddles you? Jesus was trying to get through to the thick skulls of His disciples, not promote cannibalism. Mary Harlotry does not fit the New Testament narrative. I was not called to be a Roman Catholic sheeple. The vast majority of RC'ers I have talked with don't even bother to read the Bible. Says a whole lot about the corruption within Catholicism. I test every preacher for quality control. Any preacher worth their salt will preach the word of God, not the traditions of men. Why are most Catholics so lazy that they can't find it proper to daily read the scriptures for themselves?

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому

      @@paulturner3553 1 The miracle of the Eucharist is not cannibalism 2 "It is finished refers to the work and sacrifice of Jesus not to what we have to do in obedience to God !! 3 Catholics who attend weekly mass hear / read four scripture readings 4 You have the bible through "tradition " which is word of mouth passed down from one generation to the next - Bible compiled in 390's Council of Rome and Synod of Hippo (which Protestant KJV bible follows to about 98%) 5 Most protestants do not read the scriptures daily so a bit hypocritical of you to expect Catholics to do the same !!!

    • @paulturner3553
      @paulturner3553 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat, I have been reading God's word daily for over 43 years. I actually test those who teach and preach to make sure that they are consistent with the word of God. When I was saved, it was the calling of God, not a denomination. I test every doctrine through the filter of the word of God. I would strongly encourage Catholics to read more of Paul's letters. If we had only 1 book in the Bible, Romans would be enough.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому

      @@paulturner3553 So you think making it up yourself from the bible that was originally compiled by the Catholic Church at Hippo and the Council of Rome in 390's is the way forward???
      Daily I thank God for HIS ONE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH .. I have deeply explored the alternative - getting married in a Baptist church and attending their services --- then I came home to Christ - along with my wife who is to receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time this week - thanks be to God ....... The Eucharist is a biblical requirement also .... Jesus told the crowd that the Eucharist is “food that endures for eternal life” (Jn 6:27). Jesus himself is the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35, 48), the bread that came down from heaven (Jn 6:41,51). Jesus further explained, “My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink” (Jn 6:55), and that “whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life (Jn 6:54). After the resurrection, Jesus shared two eucharistic encounters with his disciples. On Easter Sunday night in Emmaus, when Jesus was at the table with Cleopas and another disciple, Jesus “took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them” (Lk 24:30). When Jesus appeared to his disciples at the Sea of Galilee, he was on the shore near “a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread” (Jn 21:9), and he “came over and took the bread and gave it to them” (Jn 21:13). Jesus asked his disciples to re-enact the Eucharist when he instructed them, “Do this in memory of me” (Lk 22:19; see also 1 Cor 11:24, 25), and the early Church followed his instructions when they devoted themselves “to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42; see also 2:46 and 20:7, 11). Why deny yourself the Eucharist ??

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Does Bible teach C lism? Of course not. Lol. R Catholics are just pagans.*
    you said
    I have deeply explored the alternative - getting married in a Baptist church and attending their services --- then I came home to Christ - along with my wife who is to receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time this week - thanks be to God ....... The Eucharist is a biblical requirement also .... Jesus told the crowd that the Eucharist is “food that endures for eternal life” (Jn 6:27). Jesus himself is the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35, 48), the bread that came down from heaven (Jn 6:41,51). Jesus further explained, “My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink” (Jn 6:55), and that “whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life (Jn 6:54). After the resurrection, Jesus shared two eucharistic encounters with his disciples. On Easter Sunday night in Emmaus, when Jesus was at the table with Cleopas and another disciple, Jesus “took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them” (Lk 24:30). When Jesus appeared to his disciples at the Sea of Galilee, he was on the shore near “a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread” (Jn 21:9), and he “came over and took the bread and gave it to them” (Jn 21:13). Jesus asked his disciples to re-enact the Eucharist when he instructed them, “Do this in memory of me” (Lk 22:19; see also 1 Cor 11:24, 25), and the early Church followed his instructions when they devoted themselves “to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42; see also 2:46 and 20:7, 11). Why deny yourself the Eucharist ??

  • @harryvandervegt4417
    @harryvandervegt4417 2 роки тому +10

    I feel sorry for you, leaving the church Jesus founded. In Her is the source of all the grace. She is as a mother to us. Reaching us the full testimonium of God revealed in Jezus the Son of God and true the Sacraments which He instituted and trough them He noursh us. JESUS became flesh to became your food for eternal live.
    You cut your self off and the only thing you have is a word, and your subjective interpretation of that word. Sorry, i feel pitty.

    • @ksucatinokc
      @ksucatinokc 2 роки тому

      Pity is not knowing the evil history of the Roman religion. You are controlled by a cult. Read about how the Roman religion slaughtered hundreds of thousands. We will all know soon enough, the rapture is very close. She has The Word, which is Christ Himself said in His Word.
      “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭1:1-3, 5‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      No man made up tradition is mentioned.
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭14:6-7‬
      Please read your Bible, the Holy Spirit will reveal truth:
      There is a reason the Roman religion killed people for reading scripture. It is rooted in evil and saves no one.
      May your eyes be opened while there is still time!!

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      I too feel pity for this woman (who lets face it is not exactly graduate material) Intellectually and spiritually weak can be easily picked off ...

    • @gab31282
      @gab31282 2 роки тому +1

      How is it that so many Catholics end up finding a real relationship with Jesus Christ outside of the church that Jesus founded?

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      @@gab31282 The Catholics who leave the Church were never practicing Catholics. The evidence for this is that they come up with typical hate preacher protestant claims such as "Mary Worship" "Not allowed to read the Bible themselves" "Catholic teaching in conflict with the bible" All of which is nonsense.

    • @palmtreearebeautiful6882
      @palmtreearebeautiful6882 Рік тому

      Oh you mean living a demonic congregation that Satan him self made up .

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ⭐ Is the line of popes real? ⭐
    The answer is No. Famous historians who analysed the documents at Vatican library says its not a true line of popes. There were times with no pope or times with multiple popes or times with anti popes or times with duplicated names; they were the same person.
    Citation: Exodus From Rome Volume 1: A Biblical and Historical Critique of Roman Catholicism
    “A press release from Vatican City in January of 1947 reported that information was changed on seventy-four Popes on the list of Popes supposedly documenting an unbroken chain of apostolic succession. Prefect of the Vatican archives, Monsignor Angelo Mercati, conducted a thorough investigation into the lists of Popes because scholars had known that the old list was inaccurate.*
    Mercati’s research confirmed just how inaccurate it was. His results were the following:
    - Six Popes had to be dropped: one (Donus II) never existed;
    - two (the supposed third and fifth Popes Cletus and Anacletus) were the same man.
    - But three new Popes had been found: Boniface VI (for a few days in 896), and possibly, Discorus (for 22 days in 530) and Leo VIII (from 963 to 965).
    - In the case of no fewer than 74 Popes, changes had to be made in such matters as their names and dates.
    - Thirty-seven antiPopes are listed, the first of whom-Hippolytus of the 3rd century-is still considered a saint. From four legitimate pontiffs the designation of sainthood was removed.
    - Because of sketchy records and the questionable validity of some papal elections, Pius XII will probably never know whether he is the 256th successor to St. Peter or the 260th-or someone in between.
    It is clear that the Vatican, over the course of centuries, has produced fab lists of Popes to support their illegitimate claim for an unbroken chain of papal successors from Peter to the current Pope, but in so doing have admittedly altered, removed, added, and in some cases, invented Popes to give this appearance of uninterrupted historical continuity.”

  • @mak88119
    @mak88119 2 роки тому +16

    Your testimony is very similar to mine. I went to a catholic school for 8 years, grew up very Catholic, and knew nothing about salvation or the bible. It was more rituals (religion) than a relationship with Christ.

    • @archsword2446
      @archsword2446 2 роки тому +7

      You dont know the 1st reading, Psalms, 2nd reading, ( 3rd reading), Gospel reading?

    • @musakamukunkami8371
      @musakamukunkami8371 2 роки тому

      @@archsword2446 my question too

    • @patrickblue3813
      @patrickblue3813 2 роки тому +1

      @ anyone reading this, IF You believe in God and Christ then you need to start following what God Commanded and what Christ taught and what God's word, the Bible states NOT following "traditions of men" that a huge majority of man made churches teach and preach
      Mark 7:7-9
      "7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
      8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
      9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition."
      The RCC has always been known as the "Mother Church" because a majority of other denominations sprung from her, which a lot of other people who belong to other denominations fail to realise, they are also following traditions of men instead of God's Commandments and what Christ taught

      RCC is the mother of harlots as mentioned in Revelation 17, which the Vatican just so happens to sit on 7 mountains as mentioned also in Revelation 17
      Revelation 17:9
      "9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth."
      The True Church of God and Christ is not found in some building or institution, but in the believers in God and Christ, it is the Believers that Christ built his Church on
      The Bible clarifies so in various places including in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
      1 Corinthians 3:16-17
      "16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
      17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
      Believers in God and Christ are the true Church

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      meanwhile intelligent protestants are becoming Catholics ex pastor Dr Scott Hahn ex UK PM Tony Blair .... to get a more perfect relationship with Christ ...

    • @michaelspeyrer1264
      @michaelspeyrer1264 2 роки тому +1

      No one was stopping you from reading sacred scripture. Including what was read every single Sunday.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Why would the Scriptures lead to R Catholicism when 95% of R Church m m doctrines did not come from Scriptures?*
    *So where is R Ct unholy water in the Bible ?Or Assumption of Mary? Or Mary co redemptrix? Or Co mediatrix? Or Mary Pachamama? Or Mary queen of heaven? or Penance?*
    *nt Church of the Bible did not have Roman pontiff neither Roman priests, neither did Apostles pray to dead saints or Mary, neither did Apostles and Jesus make statues for Mary and saint .. Neither bow down to statues .. Neither Roman unholy water, neither sinless Mary, neither veneration of skulls bones tongues ... So where are all these man made doctrines of Rome in the Bible? Neither all the below man made doctrines! Wonder where they come from?*
    ​*There was never a Catholic Church in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Catholic Church in the Bible.*
    *There was never a Catholic in the Bible.*
    *There was never a Roman Catholic in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church pope in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church priest in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church cardinal in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church sinless Mary in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church unholy water in the Bible.*
    you siad
    the truth ............ The Bible ..............leads to Catholicism

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +4

    ​ @kop pite *You are misquoting Mat 18. You cannot take squabbles between 2 brothers to the Church at large (referring to all churches, Not R Church) and hold a ecumenical council with bishops of all churches over small matters. Mat 18 refers to the local church. Take small matters to the local church leadership. Let them settle.*
    you said
    let's take our argument to the Church as Jesus instructed us, which church should we go to?

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Where is R church Mass (sacrifice Jesus on the altar back to God) in the Bible? Or Transubstantiation (elements transforms into Jesus to be eaten by R Catholics). Where in the Bible says allthesens? Since all the verses you misquoted did not say so.*
    you said
    The Eucharist is a biblical requirement also .... Jesus told the crowd that the Eucharist is “food that endures for eternal life” (Jn 6:27). Jesus himself is the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35, 48), the bread that came down from heaven (Jn 6:41,51). Jesus further explained, “My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink” (Jn 6:55), and that “whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life (Jn 6:54). After the resurrection, Jesus shared two eucharistic encounters with his disciples. On Easter Sunday night in Emmaus, when Jesus was at the table with Cleopas and another disciple, Jesus “took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them” (Lk 24:30). When Jesus appeared to his disciples at the Sea of Galilee, he was on the shore near “a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread” (Jn 21:9), and he “came over and took the bread and gave it to them” (Jn 21:13). Jesus asked his disciples to re-enact the Eucharist when he instructed them, “Do this in memory of me” (Lk 22:19; see also 1 Cor 11:24, 25), and the early Church followed his instructions when they devoted themselves “to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42; see also 2:46 and 20:7, 11). Why deny yourself the Eucharist ??

  • @billm6988
    @billm6988 2 роки тому +3

    Yeshua (Jesus) said " many will come in my name".

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 2 роки тому

      And he also lost disciples who never returned.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @Kevin Murphy *More tales. Scriptures was written by JEwish Christian Apostles. None R Catholic.*
    you said
    It was the Roman catholic church through the inspiration of the holy spirit and the books being written by authors who had connect with the apostles and their communities.

  • @barbiewert7182
    @barbiewert7182 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you dear sister in Christ Jesus

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому

      it simplistic and not true !! So what she is saying is that she had a very poor understanding of the Catholic Church .. and still do !! 1 // There are 73 books in the bible but after the reformation protestants cut out 6 and made other changes 2/ Next you claimed you did not know the "Old testament New Testament stuff" but earlier said you went to Mass every week !! So I take it during the each Sunday 4 bible readings as the Church continually progresses on the three year cycle of scripture readings you must have put your fingers in your ears !!! 3 // At 3:40 "The Catechism is more a book text Jesus " The Catechism explains comprehensively how the Catholic belief is at one with the bible and has over 2000 pages about 2000 bible references to show the direct links with Catholicism and the Bible !! 4// 4:20 "All the children in my (Catholic ) catechism classes got saved (over three years) " By which she means they left Catholicism to join one of the thousands of Protestant Churches. ..... OSAS is a protestant fallacy - the Calvinist protestant church near to me lost 90% of its attenders ( a friend of mine was one of the elders) and closed down Are all these still saved ??? Listening to the rest of this it simply does not ring true !!!

    • @aviyahchaverim9388
      @aviyahchaverim9388 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat I'm sooo very happy she's out from under this false religious system of lies. She is free and there's absolutely NOTHING you can do about it! You can however, come out as well, it's not to late my friend

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      @@aviyahchaverim9388 her loss and yours. Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life Worship him in HIS Catholic Church

    • @rickdavis2235
      @rickdavis2235 Рік тому

      @@1234poppycat wrote:
      " Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life Worship him in HIS Catholic Church "
      Can you show me that verse in Scripture? No you can't.
      Jesus is our Passover Lamb. How were the Israelites saved at Passover? Did the angel of death knock on doors and see who had good works and was obedient to the law so that only those could saved? No sir. They were saved by the blood of the Lamb. Brighten up!

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat Рік тому +1

      @@rickdavis2235 The first use of "Catholic" was by the church father Saint Ignatius of Antioch in his Letter to the Smyrnaeans (circa 110 AD) and in it it is clear that he is using a term already known to many for years btw you can not show me the words in scripture that say make up your own man made protestant churches..

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Still no answer? ​ You are pretending "R Church + Ortho = the Church". Bible says otherwise. Bible says "Church = all believers + all local churches".*
    *Bible mentions both Church and churches. Let's look at all the usages of the words Church and Churches to know what they really meant.*
    1. *Bible mentions Church in general referring to all churches as a whole.*
    1Co 11:22 What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I do not praise you.
    1Co 12:28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
    1Co 14:4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.
    2. *Bible mentions churches as local churches*
    Act 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
    Act 15:41 And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
    Act 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.
    Rom 16:4 who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.
    Rom 16:16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.
    1Co 7:17 But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all the churches.
    1Co 11:16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God.
    3. *Bible mentions "church = believers".*
    Rom 16:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia to Christ.
    1Co 16:19 The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
    Col 4:15 Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the church that is in his house.
    4. *R Catholics have the wrong definition of Church. To R Catholics, Church meant R Catholic Church which Bible says its Not!*
    you said
    We had one Church for the first thousand years before the split with the Orthodox

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +3

    ​ @kop pite *Clearly lying. Peter did not say "I was given authority by God to speak on these matters".*
    Act 15:7 And when there had been much dispute, Peter rose up and said to them: "Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.
    you said
    In the Council at Jerusalem, Peter didn't seem to want to use a verse from scripture to support what he said, he simply said I was given authority by God to speak on these matters. Read Acts 15: 7 and see how he just comes in with authority to decide the council.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @AJA Deacon ​ *Where is R church Mass (sacrifice Jesus on the altar back to God) in the Bible? Or Transubstantiation (elements transforms into Jesus to be eaten by R Catholics). Where in the Bible says allthesens? Since all the 8 verses you misquoted did not say so.*

  • @LuminousTwinHearts
    @LuminousTwinHearts 2 роки тому +10

    As a former Protestant (now a full Dedicated RC), l felt bad for you for leaving the 1true Church that Jesus Christ established..

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @Jeffer Go *Too bad. R Church is not what it claimed to be. You are D.*
      you said
      l felt bad for you for leaving the 1true Church that Jesus Christ established..

    • @kiwi-xl1vl
      @kiwi-xl1vl 2 роки тому +1

      @@jediv3381 weak Catholics become Protestants; strong Protestants become Catholic Christians.

    • @jesusislord1614
      @jesusislord1614 2 роки тому +1

      Great testimony

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe 2 роки тому

      who do u think the great whore of babylon is as mentioned in the bk of revelation? taking millions with her to hell bc they DONT become born again christians? John 3:3...

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 2 роки тому +2

      @Catholics is the Truth
      Sad to see another person not reading his/her bible and being fooled hook, line and stinker by the rcc. Do you also pray to mary? Do you also bow down to her statues when you encounter any? Is mary the queen in heaven? Where does it tell you to do such things and believe that about mary? If you'd read your bible you'd have seen that Mary had other children - the brothers and sisters of Jesus and hence mary can in no wise be a perpetual virgin.
      But I guess you made up your mind and like all those now catholic you will *_never_* forsake your religion and damned be anyone who dares to point you to the truth.

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *R Catholics love tales. You are pretending "R Church + Ortho = the Church". Bible says otherwise. Bible says "Church = all believers + all local churches".
    *Bible mentions both Church and churches. Let's look at all the usages of the words Church and Churches to know what they really meant.*
    1. *Bible mentions Church in general referring to all churches as a whole.*
    1Co 11:22 What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I do not praise you.
    1Co 12:28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
    1Co 14:4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.
    2. *Bible mentions churches as local churches*
    Act 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
    Act 15:41 And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
    Act 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.
    Rom 16:4 who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.
    Rom 16:16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.
    1Co 7:17 But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all the churches.
    1Co 11:16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God.
    3. *Bible mentions "church = believers".*
    Rom 16:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia to Christ.
    1Co 16:19 The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
    Col 4:15 Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the church that is in his house.
    4. *R Catholics have the wrong definition of Church. To R Catholics, Church meant R Catholic Church which Bible says its Not!*
    you said
    We had one Church for the first thousand years before the split with the Orthodox

  • @joywhitley3141
    @joywhitley3141 2 роки тому +4

    God bless you! What a wonderful testimony. ❤️

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  2 роки тому +1

      God Bless you too. Thank you for the kind words 🙂🙏

    • @joywhitley3141
      @joywhitley3141 2 роки тому +1

      @@gracem. 🥰🙏🏻

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *THe usual tale you cannot prove. Nowhere says R Church = HIS ONE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH or the Church. As usual empty claims.*
    you said

  • @forTHEHIGHESTname
    @forTHEHIGHESTname 3 роки тому +4

    Wow Grace this is an amazing testimony!🙌🏼Glory to God!✝️I truly appreciate how you shared it with love.❤️I hope & pray this reaches to those God intended to reach & bless!🙏🏼Great job sis, especially of being obedient to God in sharing!😇💕

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  3 роки тому +1

      Monica thank you for the encouragement and prayers today. Love you ❤ ✝️

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +2

      it simplistic and not true !! So what she is saying is that she had a very poor understanding of the Catholic Church .. and still do !! 1 // There are 73 books in the bible but after the reformation protestants cut out 6 and made other changes 2/ Next you claimed you did not know the "Old testament New Testament stuff" but earlier said you went to Mass every week !! So I take it during the each Sunday 4 bible readings as the Church continually progresses on the three year cycle of scripture readings you must have put your fingers in your ears !!! 3 // At 3:40 "The Catechism is more a book text Jesus " The Catechism explains comprehensively how the Catholic belief is at one with the bible and has over 2000 pages about 2000 bible references to show the direct links with Catholicism and the Bible !! 4// 4:20 "All the children in my (Catholic ) catechism classes got saved (over three years) " By which she means they left Catholicism to join one of the thousands of Protestant Churches. ..... OSAS is a protestant fallacy - the Calvinist protestant church near to me lost 90% of its attenders ( a friend of mine was one of the elders) and closed down Are all these still saved ??? Listening to the rest of this it simply does not ring true !!!

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @CJ Godley *This part itself is a lir. Bible and history did not say R Church = the Church or the Universal Church. Since when a local Church called Church of Rome became the Universal Church? How is that possible? It's a daring reckless mindless claim.*
    you said
    Catholic Church

  • @cjgodley1776
    @cjgodley1776 2 роки тому +3

    Your 'monsignor' has a LOT Of time on his hands to be personally calling you three times. This sounds suspicious. Most monsigniors do NOT get involved in the affairs of parishes, this is left to the parish priest. Monosignors are very busy and are involved at the higher up level at the diocese.
    Where was your parish priest in all of this?
    In NO Catholic Church that I have been in has anyone every said not to talk about Jesus.
    This whole story sounds suspicious.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ⭐ Is Papacy biblical? ⭐
    The answer is No. There is no office of bishop of bishops (pope) in the Bible. Bible listed all the biblical clergies - pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostle, deacon, bishop. Just no pope, no cardinals, no friars, no monks, no nuns.
    ⭐ Mat 16 proves Papacy? ⭐
    The favourite claims of R Catholics is Mat 16. Mat 16 does not say R Church = the Church or the Universal Church. Neither R Church inheriting any authority of Peter or was successor of Peter. So this is just the claim of R Church. Totally not proven.
    ⭐ Kepha proves Papacy? ⭐
    R Catholics love tales. NT was not written in Aramaic. Why would Kepha prove Papacy?
    ⭐ Isaiah 22 proves Papacy? ⭐
    Isaiah 22 says nothing of Peter becoming Pope. The Key of David was a Kingly Key. Not for stewards. Key of David is a Singular Key. Mat 16 Keys to Kingdom of Heaven refers to Plural Keys. Totally different Key/Keys. R Catholics are desperate to pretend they are the same Key/Keys. Jesus hold the Key of David. Not Peter. Jesus would return and sit on the Throne of David to rule over all kingdoms during the Millennial. Totally nothing to do with Counterfeit Church R Church which was mentioned in Rev 17-18 as the Apostate Church.
    ⭐ Who is the Rock? Jesus or Peter? ⭐
    Bible says Jesus is the Rock. Peter said Jesus is the Rock. Apostle Paul said Jesus is the Rock. OT says God is the Rock.
    1Co 10:4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.
    1Pe 2:8 and "A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE." They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.
    ⭐ 1 Tim 3:15 proves R Church? ⭐
    1 Tim 3:15 like Mat 16 does not say R Church = Christ’s Church or the Universal Church. It most definitively does not prove anything. Bible says the term ‘Church’ refers to all churches + all believers. Not some local church called R Catholic Church which came about in ad300s.
    ⭐ Irenaeus Writings prove papacy and primacy of Rome? ⭐
    Most certainly not since Irenaeus Against Heresies was a spurious writing that claimed Jesus was crucified at 50 years old and many other claims. Irenaeus Against Heresies was said to be an interpolation of many writings at different times.
    ⭐ Early writings proves doctrines? ⭐
    Early writings do not prove doctrines. They were merely opinions of fallible writers or fan club members of Rome. Doctrines come from infallible source - God and His Word which came from the Earliest Church Fathers - Jesus, Apostles and nt Church.
    ⭐ Early writings similar to R Church doctrines? ⭐
    Hardly. Early Church Fathers - Jesus Apostles and nt church mentioned nothing about 95% of R Church m m doctrines. The latter writings were only deviations from the teachings of Jesus, Apostles and nt church.
    ⭐ So where did R Church doctrines come from? ⭐
    If we check history, R Church doctrines came from their own m m traditions. R Church doctrines were developed over the millennial. 95% Not from Jesus Apostles or Scriptures. Example: doctrine of transubstantiation came only in ad1215. Most R Church doctrines came from their “infallible” popes who were often in living in sin and debauchery. Some came from their own fallible councils. None Scriptural.
    ⭐ Is the line of popes real? ⭐
    The answer is No. Famous historians who analysed the documents at Vatican library says its not a true line of popes. There were times with no pope or times with multiple popes or times with anti popes or times with duplicated names; they were the same person.
    Citation: Exodus From Rome Volume 1: A Biblical and Historical Critique of Roman Catholicism
    “A press release from Vatican City in January of 1947 reported that information was changed on seventy-four Popes on the list of Popes supposedly documenting an unbroken chain of apostolic succession. Prefect of the Vatican archives, Monsignor Angelo Mercati, conducted a thorough investigation into the lists of Popes because scholars had known that the old list was inaccurate.*
    Mercati’s research confirmed just how inaccurate it was. His results were the following:
    - Six Popes had to be dropped: one (Donus II) never existed;
    - two (the supposed third and fifth Popes Cletus and Anacletus) were the same man.
    - But three new Popes had been found: Boniface VI (for a few days in 896), and possibly, Discorus (for 22 days in 530) and Leo VIII (from 963 to 965).
    - In the case of no fewer than 74 Popes, changes had to be made in such matters as their names and dates.
    - Thirty-seven antiPopes are listed, the first of whom-Hippolytus of the 3rd century-is still considered a saint. From four legitimate pontiffs the designation of sainthood was removed.
    - Because of sketchy records and the questionable validity of some papal elections, Pius XII will probably never know whether he is the 256th successor to St. Peter or the 260th-or someone in between.
    It is clear that the Vatican, over the course of centuries, has produced fab lists of Popes to support their illegitimate claim for an unbroken chain of papal successors from Peter to the current Pope, but in so doing have admittedly altered, removed, added, and in some cases, invented Popes to give this appearance of uninterrupted historical continuity.”
    ⭐ Does a line of Popes prove Papacy? ⭐
    The answer is No. Why? Every organisation has a line of leaders. Even Church of Lucy has a line of leaders. How does a line of leaders prove its a true doctrine? A line exists does not equate to it being biblical.

  • @bobhodson7640
    @bobhodson7640 2 роки тому +6

    That is an amazing testimony, I would have left a long time ago.

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      it simplistic and not true !! So what she is saying is that she had a very poor understanding of the Catholic Church .. and still does !! 1 // There are 73 books in the bible but after the reformation protestants cut out 6 and made other changes 2/ Next you claimed you did not know the "Old testament New Testament stuff" but earlier said you went to Mass every week !! So I take it during the each Sunday 4 bible readings as the Church continually progresses on the three year cycle of scripture readings you must have put your fingers in your ears !!! 3 // At 3:40 "The Catechism is more a book text Jesus " The Catechism explains comprehensively how the Catholic belief is at one with the bible and has over 2000 pages about 2000 bible references to show the direct links with Catholicism and the Bible !! 4// 4:20 "All the children in my (Catholic ) catechism classes got saved (over three years) " By which she means they left Catholicism to join one of the thousands of Protestant Churches. ..... OSAS is a protestant fallacy - the Calvinist protestant church near to me lost 90% of its attenders ( a friend of mine was one of the elders) and closed down Are all these still saved ??? Listening to the rest of this it simply does not ring true !!!

    • @solafide9533
      @solafide9533 2 роки тому +1

      @@1234poppycat *Yo iqzeroajadeacon is here. So where are your 14 verses? Which verse says its physical flesh and blood?*

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому

      @@solafide9533 I have already given you them elsewhere with direct quotes -- then you did not respond.. !!

    • @solafide9533
      @solafide9533 2 роки тому +1

      @@1234poppycat *Yes that's also one of your favourite claims. So far i havent seen any verse that says its physical flesh and blood. Prove me otherwise. Where are your 14 verses? You fschool? You only know one time? Now you dont?*

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat 2 роки тому +1

      @@solafide9533 Start with these ten. Jesus told the crowd that the Eucharist is “food that endures for eternal life” (Jn 6:27). Jesus himself is the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35, 48), the bread that came down from heaven (Jn 6:41,51). Jesus further explained, “My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink” (Jn 6:55), and that “whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life (Jn 6:54).
      After the resurrection, Jesus shared two eucharistic encounters with his disciples. On Easter Sunday night in Emmaus, when Jesus was at the table with Cleopas and another disciple, Jesus “took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them” (Lk 24:30). When Jesus appeared to his disciples at the Sea of Galilee, he was on the shore near “a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread” (Jn 21:9), and he “came over and took the bread and gave it to them” (Jn 21:13).
      Jesus asked his disciples to reenact the Eucharist when he instructed them, “Do this in memory of me” (Lk 22:19; see also 1 Cor 11:24, 25), and the early Church followed his instructions when they devoted themselves “to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42; see also 2:46 and 20:7, 11).

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Too bad. You are wrong once again. Bible does allow different interpretations on Debatable Issues. Romans 14, Col 2. You see? This is the result of R Catholics not reading the Bible.*
    you said
    So you can find nowhere in the bible that says we are to have thousands of protestant organisations all competing against each other with their different versions of what it is to be Christian ..

  • @thomasduvauchelle8583
    @thomasduvauchelle8583 2 роки тому +3

    Very good me too saved by the Blood of the Lamb. I attend the Episcopal church now. God blessings to you!

    • @oliverford5367
      @oliverford5367 2 роки тому +1

      The Episcopal Church comes from the church of England which was part of the Catholic Church until it split in the 1530s. Any Protestant denomination traces its roots to the Catholic Church

    • @patrickblue3813
      @patrickblue3813 2 роки тому

      The True Church of God and Christ is not found in some building or institution, but in the believers in God and Christ, it is the Believers that Christ built his Church on
      The Bible clarifies so in various places including in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
      1 Corinthians 3:16-17
      "16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
      17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
      Believers in God and Christ are the true Church
      Matthew 16:18 is the passage that is often taken out of context by Catholics to give credence to the Catholic Church
      In fact there is no where in the Bible where it mentions Christ coming to create a new religion, especially one partially made up out of Paganism, like Catholicism is
      Matthew 16:18
      "18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
      IF you read the Bible without Catholic prejudice or any other prejudice of any kind then you would see that the passage in Matthew 16:18 states it is the Believers in Christ that is the rock that Christ will build his Church on, in fact reading Matthew 16 as a whole would be even better for you to do
      The Catholic religion used that term "Catholic" (aka Universal) for a Reason, and that is they combined Christianity and Paganism together as one to create Catholicism, which is a fact that you can easily verify if you wanted to, if You did not already know that
      The early RCC combined Paganism and Christianity together as one and created Catholicism so they could appease the Roman people at that time as majority of them was Pagan, which is also another reason why they used the term Catholic as they did not want to be seen as Christians or call it "Christian" and upset the Pagans who they wanted to join their new religion of Catholicism

      It had nothing to do with Christ founding the Church, IF it was then as the Bible mentions "evil would not prevail against it" which you should know evil has prevailed against the RCC in various ways
      What term do you use to call on the Catholic Popes and Priests ? the term "Father" ? which is going against the Bible and is of the Anti Christ due to it teaching something different than what is Biblically correct
      Matthew 23:9
      "9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."
      ALL Churches / institutions does not matter what their denomination is, that teaches things that go against God's word the Bible and what Christ taught is of the Anti Christ and NOT of God or Christ (and yes that also includes the RCC)

  • @archsword2446
    @archsword2446 2 роки тому +1

    1st reading is taken from the Old Testament, Psalms, 2nd reading taken from Acts and the epistles of Paul, Revelations, 3rd reading from Deuterocanonicals, Gospel reading from New testament.

  • @henrysan8789
    @henrysan8789 2 роки тому +6

    You were a Eucaristic minister but did you truly know the Catholic teaching on the Eucharist? Read the early Church Fathers and see if what they wrote looks like a non-denominational karaoke worship service? I truly believe you love Jesus but how could you leave his Church?

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe 2 роки тому +1

      to get born again and read the bible for herself john 3:3

    • @henrysan8789
      @henrysan8789 2 роки тому

      @@Lauren-vd4qe St. Justin Martyr (c. 100-165). Here are some selections from his First Apology:
      “I will also relate the manner in which we dedicated ourselves to God when we had been made new through Christ; lest, if we omit this, we seem to be unfair in the explanation we are making. As many as are persuaded and believe that what we teach and say is true, and undertake to be able to live accordingly, are instructed to pray and to entreat God with fasting, for the remission of their sins that are past, we praying and fasting with them. They then are brought by us where there is water, and are regenerated in the same manner in which we were ourselves regenerated. For, in the name of God, the Father and Lord of the universe, and of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, they then receive the washing with water. . . . The reason for this we have received from the Apostles.” (Chapter 61)
      And this food is called among us Εὐχαριστία [the Eucharist], of which no one is allowed to partake but the man who believes that the things which we teach are true, and who has been washed with the washing that is for the remission of sins, and unto regeneration, and who is so living as Christ has enjoined. (Chapter 66)
      Notice that Justin Martyr, writing about fifty years after the death of the Apostle John, claims that they received from the Apostles the doctrine that through baptism they receive “remission of sins that are past” [i.e. prior to baptism], and through baptism they are “regenerated” in the same manner that all Christians were regenerated (i.e. by baptism).

    • @ceekayhollywood3111
      @ceekayhollywood3111 2 роки тому

      Henry San. You are right. Being a Catholic. Jesus started the Catholic Church.

    • @kiwi-xl1vl
      @kiwi-xl1vl 2 роки тому +1

      @@henrysan8789Few yrs ago, I met an old man (Jack _named changed) in remote village. He narrated his story:
      One day as he was on his way, another old man (Thom- named changed) who was a non Christian & was not keeping well for few days, happened to see him passing by his house raised his voice and requested Jack to enter his house. Thom said, "Your God is a powerful & wonderful God. I did witchcraft against you 3 times, but nothing happened to you, please forgive me".Jack said, " Perhaps you're blindly following the crowd and have wrong concept of God. Our God is loving & merciful God... No worry, we're friends now". Thom said, "By the way, pl. Clarify my doubt. Is it true that only those who receive the pouring of water on the head by your priest, who wear long white robe can enter the gate to heaven after death? ".Jack thought that Thom must have heard from other Christians from other villages, and asked, " Who told you about it? " Thom replied, "No one told me. I saw your Jesus in my vision last night in my room. His robe was dazzling white and he was a handsome person. He told me about it.... " Jack replied, "Yes, we Christians believe it, we call it Baptism, and is written in the Bible. You're v. fortunate to have seen Jesus yourself.. rare privilege. If you're interested, I can spend more time with you in evening to understand our faith better... " Thom said, "How can I convert to a religion that I dislike. All my family n relatives are pagan.. No.. Even, if I want to, my three friends will not allow me to receive that pouring of water on my head by your priest".Jack tried to clarify but in vain & said,. I'm not compelling you, since you pleaded, I entered your house. Ultimately, it's your choice. It's a God's free gift, but depends on your response". Sadly, he refused. Jack got the news that Thom died on the morning of the following day, at around 7.30 a. m, the time that he met him at his house on previous day.
      There are many wonderful testimonies that shows n serve as proof that our Catholic faith is true and according to scriptures as well as sacred traditions. Faith supported by miracles. Praise the Lord.
      Pondering on above story, I asked three people who are familiar to Jack and Thom, to verify whether the incident was true so that I may believe. I sought more information such as death of the person, reasons for his witchcraft practices,who could be his 3 close friends that would possibly not allow him to get baptized etc. All persons I met confirmed that it was true. (But story.. Shortened.. as sensitive aspects that Thom revealed as well as addl information gatherer during verification not revealed here)

    • @patrickblue3813
      @patrickblue3813 2 роки тому

      The True Church of God and Christ is not found in some building or institution, but in the believers in God and Christ, it is the Believers that Christ built his Church on
      The Bible clarifies so in various places including in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
      1 Corinthians 3:16-17
      "16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
      17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
      Believers in God and Christ are the true Church
      Matthew 16:18 is the passage that is often taken out of context by Catholics to give credence to the Catholic Church
      In fact there is no where in the Bible where it mentions Christ coming to create a new religion, especially one partially made up out of Paganism, like Catholicism is
      Matthew 16:18
      "18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
      IF you read the Bible without Catholic prejudice or any other prejudice of any kind then you would see that the passage in Matthew 16:18 states it is the Believers in Christ that is the rock that Christ will build his Church on, in fact reading Matthew 16 as a whole would be even better for you to do
      The Catholic religion used that term "Catholic" (aka Universal) for a Reason, and that is they combined Christianity and Paganism together as one to create Catholicism, which is a fact that you can easily verify if you wanted to, if You did not already know that
      The early RCC combined Paganism and Christianity together as one and created Catholicism so they could appease the Roman people at that time as majority of them was Pagan, which is also another reason why they used the term Catholic as they did not want to be seen as Christians or call it "Christian" and upset the Pagans who they wanted to join their new religion of Catholicism

      It had nothing to do with Christ founding the Church, IF it was then as the Bible mentions "evil would not prevail against it" which you should know evil has prevailed against the RCC in various ways
      What term do you use to call on the Catholic Popes and Priests ? the term "Father" ? which is going against the Bible and is of the Anti Christ due to it teaching something different than what is Biblically correct
      Matthew 23:9
      "9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."
      ALL Churches / institutions does not matter what their denomination is, that teaches things that go against God's word the Bible and what Christ taught is of the Anti Christ and NOT of God or Christ (and yes that also includes the RCC)

  • @Beautifulsummer19
    @Beautifulsummer19 Місяць тому

    Beautiful testimony Glad you got out of that darkness and saw the truth . May Gid continue to bless you.

  • @gracem.
    @gracem.  2 роки тому +4

    Read John 3 in the New King James Version. Jesus explains the new birth and being saved.✝️

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @Kevin Murphy *R Catholics love tales. Jesus did not start any R Catholic Church. How we know that? 95% of R Church doctrines did not resemble those of Jesus, APostles and NT Church. Neither were there practised by them. 95% of R Church clergies are different from those of the Bible.*
    you said
    Jesus started a church which is in the bible and its catholic.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +3

    ​ @•kiwi• *You are wrong once again. You were taught wrong from young. You need re education. 1. Bible does not speak of taking doctrines from any R magisterium or R Church. Jesus Apostles and nt Church all appealed to Scriptures as their only support for doctrines. You still cannot refute this. 2. Bible was Never a Catholic Book. Scriptures was of Jewish Christian Origin! Scriptures was written by Jewish Christian Apostles and Jewish Prophets. 2 Thes **2:15**. NOT R Catholics. Scriptures came by ad100s. Scriptures was committed to the Jews. Romans 3:1-2. NOT R Catholics. BIBLE was the tradition of the CHURCH (collectively all churches). NOT the effort of a single local church called R Church. Bible came 300years after Scriptures. Scriptures ot and nt came by Ad 100. Canon came when all churches affirmed the canon in ad 300s. Not the result of R Church alone. All churches decided. The 27 nt canon first came from a Christian named Athanasius. The R Church took it and claimed as its own. 2 more African councils affirmed the canon. Though there was no ecumenical council that decided the canon, all the churches more or less agreed with the 27 books canon. The truth is: there were still other canons floating around after ad 300s such as in ad592 and 1442.*
    you said
    Bible came from the Catholic Church & this Church did not come from Bible. Apostles entrusted authentic teaching/interpretation authority to the living teaching office of this Church, called Magisterium. Living transmission of the faith of Apostles & Word of God accomplished in H. S.
    If this authority could decide the canon if scriptures, it could arrive at list of apostolic traditions too.

    • @koppite9600
      @koppite9600 2 роки тому

      Where is your list of books to be considered scripture?

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

      @@koppite9600 *Not sure. Just look at content page? Lololol. URD*

    • @koppite9600
      @koppite9600 2 роки тому

      @@jediv3381 one of the letters to the Corinthians was lost, could it contain something you oppose today?

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

      @@koppite9600 *One of my momma's purse was lost. Could it contain something you have taken?*

    • @koppite9600
      @koppite9600 2 роки тому

      @@jediv3381 it could contain something you didn't know about

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

    ​ @AJA Deacon *YOu kept dodging. WHere in the Bible teaches these m m doctrines of R Church of: "faith + works + be in R ct + partake roman sacraments + submit to r pope + devote to Mary to be saved"? Chap verse?*

  • @The12thSeahorse
    @The12thSeahorse 2 роки тому +2

    Sounds like you had a born again experience, however terminology as ‘personal Saviour, Lord and Saviour, bring Jesus into your heart, bringing a Bible to Mass’ is a very unfamiliar things to do with Catholics in general.

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe 2 роки тому

      John 3:3

    • @cjgodley1776
      @cjgodley1776 2 роки тому +1

      We Catholics read the Bible at every single Mass, and we bring Jesus into our hearts and bodies at every single Mass. We literally have an adoration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

  • @gracem.
    @gracem.  2 роки тому +1

    Always compare the doctrine you are receiving with God's word and if it doesn't line-up.
    Ask questions?

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +3

    ​ @Joan Of arc *Since when Christians teach "Do not do good works"?*
    *Bible teaches "saved to do good works". James 2, Eph **2:10**, Gal **5:22**.*
    *R Church teaches: "do good works to be saved". This teaching is cursed by Scriptures. Gal 1:8-9.*
    you said

    • @kiwi-xl1vl
      @kiwi-xl1vl 2 роки тому

      Gal 1:8-9 "But even if we or an angel from heaven preach a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be cursed... " How does this verse related to 'good works to be saved'?

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @@kiwi-xl1vl *Wow you dont read the Bible do you? Whole Book of Galatians speaks against Works Salvation. Gal 1:8-9 says its a C F gospel.*

    • @kiwi-xl1vl
      @kiwi-xl1vl 2 роки тому

      @@jediv3381 What is the Gospel that Paul & other Apostles were preaching? Which documents of RCC endorse on doing good works to be saved?

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @@kiwi-xl1vl *Not sure. Why dont you tell us?*
      you said
      Which documents of RCC endorse on doing good works to be saved?

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @@kiwi-xl1vl *Dont you ever read the Bible? 1 Cor 15:1-4, Eph 2:8-9, Acts 16:30-31.*
      you said
      What is the Gospel that Paul & other Apostles were preaching?

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ⭐ Was Bible a Catholic Book? ⭐
    The answer is No. Bible was never once a R Catholic Book. Council of Rome did not fix any canon for the whole of Christendom. It merely cited 27 books canon. It's citing, not fixed. Neither Carthage or Hippo which were African councils. Not Roman councils. Bible was merely a compilation of Scriptures that was already there in all churches for 300 years. Any church can compile what was already there for centuries. Compiling books does not make R Church any more superior than any other churches. Neither R Church any Universal Church that it claimed. R Church was merely a local church like all other churches. Compiling books does not make Scriptures inspired too. Jesus and Apostles were already using inspired Scriptures in their days. Not 300 years later. R Catholic ct claimed to come up with the Bible, but too bad. Ot was from the Jews. Not R Catholics. Even nt was written by Jewish Christian Apostles. Not R Catholics. Not Catholics. R Catholic Church came in ad 300s. It has not a dime to do with writing any Scriptures or making them inspired. To claim that is to usurp Jesus and Apostles' authorities. By Jesus and Apostles' authority, Scriptures was already inspired. Jesus did not say it needs to be authenticated by a Roman council to be made inspired. It was already inspired. Neither did Jesus say Scriptures needed to be canonised to be Scriptures.
    ⭐ Where did Scriptures come from? ⭐
    Scriptures was of Jewish Christian Origin! Scriptures was written by Jewish Christian Apostles and Jewish Prophets. 2 Thes 2:15. Not R Catholics. Scriptures came by ad 100s. Scriptures was committed to the Jews. Romans 3:1-2. Not R Catholics. Bible was the tradition of the Church (collectively all churches). Not the effort of a single local church called R Church. Bible came 300years after Scriptures.*
    Scriptures ot and nt as we see today was already in all churches by Ad 100. Canon came when all churches affirmed the canon in ad 300s. Not the result of R Church alone. All churches decided. The 27 nt canon first came from a Christian named Athanasius. The R Church took it and claimed as its own. 2 more African councils affirmed the canon. Though there was no ecumenical council that decided the canon, all the churches more or less agreed with the 27 books canon. The truth is: there were still other canons floating around after ad 300s such as in ad592 and 1442.*
    ⭐ Does compiling make Scriptures inspired? ⭐
    The answer is No. Bible was merely a compilation of Scriptures which came 300 years before R Catholics did anything. Jesus and Apostles were already using inspired Scriptures. Compiling does not make Scriptures inspired. Neither does it change anything. Scriptures was already in all churches by ad 100s. So there is nothing for R Catholics to brag about. Anyone can compile books that was already there for 300 years.*
    ⭐ Was Jesus and Apostles already using inspired Scriptures? ⭐
    The answer is Yes. They could not be using uninspired Scriptures could they?
    ⭐ Did R Church came up with the canon? ⭐
    The answer is No.
    ⭐ Did Council of Rome fix any canon? ⭐
    ​Council of Rome did not fix any canon. It merely cited 27 books canon. Not fix. Neither did Rome give the world any Bible. Compiling books that were already there in all churches for 300 years does not make Scriptures inspired. Jesus and apostles were already using inspired Scriptures; unless you claimed they used uninspired Scriptures?
    ⭐ What about Hippo and Carthage? ⭐
    Council of Rome or Hippo Carthage were merely local councils. They only have jurisdiction over their local communities .. namely Rome and Africa. They had no jurisdiction over all churches in all parts of the world. Only ecumenical/universal councils with bishops of all churches had the authority to decide things for the whole of Christendom. Nothing of such happened. Council of Rome did not decide a canon for all churches (Church). Neither was Church of ROme the Church or Universal Church.
    ⭐ Was there Ecumenical Council that fixed the canon? ⭐
    The answer is No. There was not a single Ecumenical/Universal Council with bishops of all churches that fixed any canon. Not one in Ad300s. The only councils R Catholics make claims of were local councils 1 Roman council and 2 African councils. Local councils did not have jurisdiction over all churches. Neither can it make decisions for all churches. Only Ecumenical Councils with authority from bishops of all churches can do that. Therefore what R Catholics say were just claims.
    ⭐ Then who fixed the canon? ⭐
    Jesus did not say we need a canon. Neither did He say any canons need to be fixed. Jesus and Apostles were already using inspired Scriptures during their days. To say otherwise amounts to h sy.*
    ⭐ Was R Catholic Church the same as Catholic Church? ⭐
    The answer is No. “catholic” in all early writings referred to all churches/all believers. Nothing to do with a local Church called R Catholic Church which came in ad300s. It is the claim of R Catholics that they are one and the same. But we know its not. How do we know?
    - Orthos also claimed to be the Catholic Church. So who is right? R Church or Orthos?
    - Bible says Church refers to all churches + all believers. So how can R Church a local church be all churches?
    - R Catholics can never prove when R Church really became the Universal Church. When asked which year it happened, they have no answer. Their only answer was always “R church says so” or Mat 16 or 1 Tim 3:15 say so (which they did not say so).
    ⭐ Was R Catholic Church the Church founded by Christ? ⭐
    There answer is No. R Catholic Church was not founded by Christ. The First mentioned Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not R Catholic Church. The First Believers were Jewish Christians. Not R Catholics. Acts 2, Acts 11:26.
    ⭐ Was R Catholic Church the One True Church? ⭐
    Bible does not say a local church is the Church or the one true church. The Church in the Bible refers to all churches + all believers. How we know? Just take out all the verses the mention Church and Churches in the Bible we will know what they meant exactly.
    ⭐ Founding of R Catholic Church ⭐
    R Catholic Church came in ad 380 when Theodosius decreed the Edict of Thessalonica. Christianity became the official religion of Rome - which later became what we called R Catholic Church. In ad 300s it was called Church of Rome or the Latin Church or the Western Church. It was just a local church. It became prominent due to its backing from Rome and later became part of the Pentarchy consisting of 5 prominent local churches - Rome, Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria. Pentarchy + all local churches then formed the Church or the Universal Church. R Church was never the Church.

  • @ForTheLoveOfHomes
    @ForTheLoveOfHomes 3 роки тому +3

    Hi Grace! Bless you for sharing your story. New subscriber here!

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  3 роки тому

      Thank you Dirt Road Diva, I appreciate your subscription. Welcome to my channel! 😊 God Bless your week ✝️❤

  • @mwalker3547
    @mwalker3547 Рік тому +1

    You are an awesome woman of God... (ex-catholic here)

  • @ceekayhollywood3111
    @ceekayhollywood3111 2 роки тому +3

    Hi. You are still welcome to come back to the Catholic church.Its the church Jesus Started.

    • @patrickblue3813
      @patrickblue3813 2 роки тому +1

      The True Church of God and Christ is not found in some building or institution, but in the believers in God and Christ, it is the Believers that Christ built his Church on
      The Bible clarifies so in various places including in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
      1 Corinthians 3:16-17
      "16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
      17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
      Believers in God and Christ are the true Church
      Matthew 16:18 is the passage that is often taken out of context by Catholics to give credence to the Catholic Church
      In fact there is no where in the Bible where it mentions Christ coming to create a new religion, especially one partially made up out of Paganism, like Catholicism is
      Matthew 16:18
      "18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
      IF you read the Bible without Catholic prejudice or any other prejudice of any kind then you would see that the passage in Matthew 16:18 states it is the Believers in Christ that is the rock that Christ will build his Church on, in fact reading Matthew 16 as a whole would be even better for you to do
      The Catholic religion used that term "Catholic" (aka Universal) for a Reason, and that is they combined Christianity and Paganism together as one to create Catholicism, which is a fact that you can easily verify if you wanted to, if You did not already know that
      The early RCC combined Paganism and Christianity together as one and created Catholicism so they could appease the Roman people at that time as majority of them was Pagan, which is also another reason why they used the term Catholic as they did not want to be seen as Christians or call it "Christian" and upset the Pagans who they wanted to join their new religion of Catholicism

      It had nothing to do with Christ founding the Church, IF it was then as the Bible mentions "evil would not prevail against it" which you should know evil has prevailed against the RCC in various ways
      What term do you use to call on the Catholic Popes and Priests ? the term "Father" ? which is going against the Bible and is of the Anti Christ due to it teaching something different than what is Biblically correct
      Matthew 23:9
      "9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."
      ALL Churches / institutions does not matter what their denomination is, that teaches things that go against God's word the Bible and what Christ taught is of the Anti Christ and NOT of God or Christ (and yes that also includes the RCC)

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @Ceekay Hollywood *Bible does not say "R Church = the Church founded by Christ or the Universal Church or the Church in ad33". Neither history. Neither any early writings. So wheer is your proof that it was so?*
      you said
      the Catholic church.Its the church Jesus Started.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @AJA Deacon *The usual empty claims of continuity. Already debunked by historians and scholars who examined Vatican documents. Bible does not say Peter was bishop of bishops (pope) to start with. That's already debunked right from beginning.*
    *You are wrong once again. Acts 15 Paul returned to Jerusalem to consult the 3 pillars of the Church. Gal 2:9. Not Peter only. Acts 15 described how even Apostles and Council of Jerusalem appealed to "what God says/said" as support for doctrines. So you are totally wrong to concoct tales that Peter decided.*
    *Acts 16:4 said "Apostles and elders determined/made the decision" for Acts 15 council. Not Peter.*
    Act 16:4 And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were *determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem.*
    *You are following a m m religion not from Scriptures.*
    you said
    One continuous church from Christ when he said to Peter he was the Rock on which Jesus would build his church to today with Francis... Even on the issue of circumcision Paul returned to Jerusalem to where Peter and the disciples where to get permission to change the commonly accepted rule. Yes we had Gnostics and others come up with their own ways but they were excluded ... When Constantine was converted he became part of the Catholic / Universal Church

  • @jesusislord1614
    @jesusislord1614 2 роки тому +4

    The Catholic church is the only church found by Christ him self in 30 AD, how can I leave it for Pentecostalism which only begun in 1915 after breaking away from Protestantism that it's self broke away from the Catholic church in 1517..I can renewal my self with in the catholic church, I don't need to change religion in order to know Jesus. ...Read Mt.16.13 opposition to the authority that Jesus left in the Catholic church is the source the many churches..

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe 2 роки тому

      John 3:3

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 2 роки тому +1

      If you're referring to the ROMAN catholic church then your statements are completely misleading.
      The Roman Empire legally recognized *_Pauline Christianity_* as a valid religion in 313 AD. Later in that century, in 380 AD, Roman Catholicism became the official religion of the Roman Empire. During the following 1000 years, Catholics were the only people recognized as Christians. I quote from "Learn Religions".
      Note that the roman catholic institute was not founded by Peter or on any preaching done by Peter!

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @Jesus is not your Lord *Bible does not say "R Church = the Church founded by Christ or the Universal Church or the Church in ad33". Neither history. Neither any early writings. So wheer is your proof that it was so?*
      you said
      The Catholic church is the only church found by Christ him self in 30 AD, how can I leave it

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @Jesus is not your Lord *It has to do with your lack of knowledge. You do not even know what is Church in the Bible. R Church teaches you a fdefinition.*
      *Bible mentions both Church and churches. Let's look at all the usages of the words Church and Churches to know what they really meant.*
      1. *Bible mentions Church in general referring to all churches as a whole.*
      1Co 11:22 What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I do not praise you.
      1Co 12:28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
      1Co 14:4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.
      2. *Bible mentions churches as local churches*
      Act 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
      Act 15:41 And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
      Act 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.
      Rom 16:4 who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.
      Rom 16:16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.
      1Co 7:17 But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all the churches.
      1Co 11:16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God.
      3. *Bible mentions "church = believers".*
      Rom 16:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia to Christ.
      1Co 16:19 The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
      Col 4:15 Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the church that is in his house.
      4. *R Catholics have the wrong definition of Church. To R Catholics, Church meant R Catholic Church which Bible says its Not!*
      you said
      how can I leave it for Pentecostalism which only begun in 1915 after breaking away from Protestantism that it's self broke away from the Catholic church in 1517..I can renewal my self with in the catholic church,

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @Jesus is not your Lord *Bible does not say any particular Church is the "One holy and Catholic apostolic Church" or the "one true church" or the Church or Universal Church. Church has always meant all churches. You are clearly given misinformation by R Catholic "church" this local church that makes you think its the Church.*
      *Church refers to believers. Not "when". Wherever there are believers there is a Church.*
      you said
      how can I leave it for Pentecostalism which only begun in 1915 after breaking away from Protestantism that it's self broke away from the Catholic church in 1517..I can renewal my self with in the catholic church,

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @S Rich *Still dodging? 😆😆😆 Bible does not say R Church = the Universal Church or Christ's Church. Neither did R Church come up with or write any Scriptures. So where is your proof that it did happen?*

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +3

    @Joan Of arc *R Catholics love fairy tales.*
    - By the way the R Church was not founded by Christ neither was it any one true church.
    - When the Church at Rome was founded, it was established from small home Churches that were founded by men who has just returned from Pentecost in Jerusalem;
    - and later was established into one Large Church;
    - it was not called catholic till the third century after the Roman Emperor took it over and mixed pagan practices with Christian and it still has pagan practices .
    - It is nothing like it was when it was established on the teaching of Christ .
    - it has become a cult with unbiblical dogmas and teachings and doctrines including the catechism.
    - Christ would never have his Church mixed up with the apostate catholic C .
    - and I don't think you will find many bible believing true Church members who would become part of the unbiblical teaching and practices of the CC. it is not going to happen
    you said
    You left the one true church

    • @cjgodley1776
      @cjgodley1776 2 роки тому +1

      It was called "catholic" as early as 107 A.D. by Ignatius of Antioch in his Letter to the Smyreans. The word 'catholic' is also used - drum roll, please -- in the Book of Acts in the original Greek, so that would have been written in about 60 A.D.
      The Catholic Church GAVE the world the Bible. We are - and always have been- the original BIBLE-BELIEVING CHURCH.

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@cjgodley1776 *Too bad. You are just using a spurious writing as proof. Most of Ignatius writings were spurious according to scholars and historians.*
      *In the first place, "catholic" in all early writings has always referred to the Christian Church as being spread throughout the region. Nothing to do with Church of Rome this local church (which is current R Catholic Church).*
      you said
      It was called "catholic" as early as 107 A.D. by Ignatius of Antioch in his Letter to the Smyreans.

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      @@cjgodley1776 *Of course it was not used. You have beenLto.*
      you said
      The word 'catholic' is also used - drum roll, please -- in the Book of Acts in the original Greek, so that would have been written in about 60 A.D.

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@cjgodley1776 *Too bad. This is totally not the truth.*
      *Bible was Never a Catholic Book. Scriptures was of Jewish Christian Origin! Scriptures was written by Jewish Christian Apostles and Jewish Prophets. 2 Thes **2:15**. NOT R Catholics. Scriptures came by ad 100s. Scriptures was committed to the Jews. Romans 3:1-2. NOT R Catholics. BIBLE was the tradition of the CHURCH (collectively all churches). NOT the effort of a single local church called R Church. Bible came 300years after Scriptures.*
      *Scriptures ot and nt came by Ad 100. Canon came when all churches affirmed the canon in ad 300s. Not the result of R Church alone. All churches decided. The 27 nt canon first came from a Christian named Athanasius. The R Church took it and claimed as its own. 2 more African councils affirmed the canon. Though there was no ecumenical council that decided the canon, all the churches more or less agreed with the 27 books canon. The truth is: there were still other canons floating around after ad 300s such as in ad592 and 1442.*
      *Council of Rome or Hippo Carthage were merely local councils. They only have jurisdiction over their local communities .. namely Rome and Africa. They have no jurisdiction over all churches in all parts of the world.*
      *Only ecumenical/universal councils with bishops of all churches from all over the world had the authority to decide things for the whole of Christendom. Nothing of such happened. Council of Rome did not decide a canon for all churches (Church). Neither was Church of ROme the Church or Universal Church.*
      you said
      R Catholic Church GAVE the world the Bible.

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@cjgodley1776 *Yes R Church forgot to inform you 95% of R Church doctrines did not come from Jesus or Apostles or Scriptures. So how is it a Bible believing Church?*
      *Let alone Original Church?*
      you said
      We are - and always have been- the original BIBLE-BELIEVING CHURCH.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *There was never a R Church penance in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church purgatory in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church canonised saint in the Bible.*
    *There was never an Nt believer who made or bow down to statues in the Bible.*
    *There was never an Nt believer who prays or received prayers from passed saints or Mary in the Bible.*
    *There was never an ecumenical council with bishops of all churches that decided the canon in history*
    *If you can find one example in the New Testament I will give you a lollipop.*
    *nt church of the Apostles did not have such practices. Answer me: did apostles make and bow down to statues? Did Apostles ask passed on saints to pray for them? Or sprinkle "holy" water on believers? Or wore fishhead hat and costumes? Or cite hocus pocus when they serve the communion? They merely broke bread and passed around the table. Did they demand believers to kneel in front of them to serve them communion? Or did Peter ask believers to kiss his hands and feet? Or did Apostles venerate statues, bones or relics?*
    *You do see clearly it all came from practices of believers after the Apostles - which Rcs claimed its from early writings. They had already deviated from the Apostles and Jesus. What Rcc called doctrines were merely partly traditions of errant believers + partly its own self traditions. Totally not from Jesus and Apostles at all.*

  • @frayteo
    @frayteo 2 роки тому +8

    I’d love to know “the other side of the story.” As a practicing, devout CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic (and minister in the church), much of this “testimony” sounds fabricated and very far-fetched. I’m positively sure there’s another, more truthful angle to this “story.” It’s sad that people listen to narratives like this and believe them to be rooted in reality. Please don’t believe everything that simply validates a false understanding of how things really are.

    • @bobdobbs943
      @bobdobbs943 2 роки тому

      The catholic church says jesus sacrifice wasnt enough to cleans us. Men can pay for sins in the flames of pergatory. The catholic church is from the deepest pits of hell. Its fine for you to attend catholic church, just leave the kids out of it.

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe 2 роки тому

      John 3:3

    • @bazzy8376
      @bazzy8376 2 роки тому

      I think the "ex Catholic" designation that makes them a rock star in anti- catholic protestantism is a powerful draw to the proud.
      Ask any ex- catholic how many non catholic churches they've sampled. It's usually dozens. But, oddly they never mention that they are ex-presbeyerians, or ex-baprist, ir ex nondenominational.1, or ex-nondenomination.2, etc, do they?
      This entrepreneur will get clicks because hate is pretty intoxicating, and Catholics will defend their Lord and His people. Double the audience.

    • @alexcameron2880
      @alexcameron2880 2 роки тому

      Why does the Catholic church ignore Exodus 20? Why did they take out the 2nd Commandment regarding graven images and then split coveting into 2 separate Commandments? Why do you bow before statues (graven images)? Why do you have pictures of Jesus when His appearance was never once mentioned in the Bible? Why do you believe in transubstantiation when the Bible shows that Jesus was speaking figuratively? Why is a priest necessary to talk to God? Jesus is the way, not an earthly priest (man).

    • @bobdobbs943
      @bobdobbs943 2 роки тому

      @@alexcameron2880 Because the catholic church is the Whore of Babylon. Not hard to understand.

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +1

    ​ @AJA Deacon *All my points remain unchallenged: Jesus did not teach salvation through sacraments. Bible teaches salvation by believing in Jesus alone. John 6 says "eating Jesus = believing in Jesus". So yes. It does refute all your verses.*
    Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    Joh 3:36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
    Joh 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
    Joh 5:24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
    Joh 6:27 Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him."
    Joh 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day."
    Joh 6:47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.
    you said
    You just posted scripture which does not refute what I posted from John 3 and John 6 John 21 Luke etc to prove the need for Catholic sacraments

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ⭐ Is R Catholic CHurch the One True Church or the Universal Church or Christ’s Church? ⭐
    The answer is No.
    ⭐ Is R Catholic Church the same as Catholic Church? ⭐
    The answer is No. “catholic” in all early writings referred to all churches/all believers. Nothing to do with a local Church called R Catholic Church which came in ad300s. It is the claim of R Catholics that they are one and the same. But we know its not. How do we know?
    - Orthos also claimed to be the Catholic Church. So who is right? R Church or Orthos?
    - Bible says Church refers to all churches + all believers. So how can R Church a local church be all churches?
    - R Catholics can never prove when R Church really became the Universal Church. When asked which year it happened, they have no answer. Their only answer was always “R church says so” or “Mat 16 or 1 Tim 3:15 or John 1:42 or John 21 say so” (which they did not say so). All these verses did not say R Church = the Church. So its not a proof at all.
    - 95% of R Church doctrines do not resemble those from Jesus Apostles and Nt Church of the Bible.
    - 95% of R Church clergies do not resemble those in Scriptures.
    ⭐ Does Mat 16 or 1 Tim 3:15 or John 1:42 or John 21 prove R Church = the Church or the Universal Church? ⭐
    The answer is No. All these verses do not even mention R Church. And they do not say R Church = the Church or Universal Church. So its not a proof at all.
    ⭐ Was R Catholic Church the Church founded by Christ? ⭐
    There answer is No. R Catholic Church was not founded by Christ. The First mentioned Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not R Catholic Church. The First Believers were Jewish Christians. Not R Catholics. Acts 2, Acts 11:26.
    ⭐ Is R Catholic Church the One True Church? ⭐
    Bible does not say a local church is the Church or the one true church. The Church in the Bible refers to all churches + all believers. How we know? Just take out all the verses the mention Church and Churches in the Bible we will know what they meant exactly.
    ⭐ Founding of R Catholic Church ⭐
    R Catholic Church came in ad 380 when Theodosius decreed the Edict of Thessalonica. Christianity became the official religion of Rome - which later became what we called R Catholic Church. In ad 300s it was called Church of Rome or the Latin Church or the Western Church. It was just a local church. It became prominent due to its backing from Rome and later became part of the Pentarchy consisting of 5 prominent local churches - Rome, Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria. Pentarchy + all local churches then formed the Church or the Universal Church. R Church was never the Church.
    ⭐ Was Ignatius letter a proof for R Church being founded in ad100? ⭐
    The answer is no. Why? Scholars and Historians say most of Ignatius letters were spurious. Some said all were spurious. Even the person Ignatius could be just a fictitious figure invented by R Church to support the gap of missing R Church in history.
    ⭐ Does Acts 9:31 prove R Catholic Church is in the Bible? ⭐
    The answer is No. Nowhere in Acts 9:31 mentioned R Catholic Church. It merely said the Christian Church was spread throughout all the regions of Judea, Samaria and Galilee. Not Rome.
    Act 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
    ⭐ Does Book of Romans prove R Catholic Church was in the Bible? ⭐
    The answer is No. Book of Romans was Paul writing to a Christian Church in Rome. Not r catholic church which came in ad300s. R Catholics love to pretend Book of Romans was R Catholic Church? But it is clear it was not. Book of Romans teaches Salvation Not By Works Doctrine and Imputation of Righteousness Doctrine which R Church does not teach. Romans 4-8.
    ⭐ Is Ortho + R Church = the Church? ⭐
    The answer is No. Bible says otherwise. Bible says Church = all local churches + all believers.
    ⭐ Does Bible mention One Church or Many Churches? ⭐
    The answer is both. Jesus founded His Church in Mat 16. Bible says Church refers to all local churches + all believers. How we know that? Just look at all the usages of the words Church and Churches we know what they really meant.
    1. *Bible mentions Church in general referring to all churches as a whole.*
    1Co 11:22 What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I do not praise you.
    1Co 12:28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
    1Co 14:4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.
    2. *Bible mentions churches = local churches*
    Act 9:31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.
    Act 15:41 And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
    Act 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.
    Rom 16:4 who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.
    Rom 16:16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.
    1Co 7:17 But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all the churches.
    1Co 11:16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God.
    3. *Bible mentions "church = believers".*
    Rom 16:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia to Christ.
    1Co 16:19 The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
    Col 4:15 Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the church that is in his house.
    4. *R Catholics have the wrong definition of Church. To R Catholics, Church meant R Catholic Church which Bible says its Not!*

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Too bad. Bible does not say Peter was pope. So how did you get a continuous line intelzeroajadeacon?*
    you said
    With the continuous line of Leaders / Popes all the way to Francis.

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Too bad. R Church was Not the Universal Church or the Church in the first place. That's exactly what i asked you to prove. So where is your proof?*
    *Bible says the First Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not R Catholic Church. This is already a proof that you are livingaL.*
    you said
    You have done nothing to show that the one Holy Catholic Apostolic Church was not started at Pentecost ..

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @S Rich *R Catholics love all these tales about canon so they dont have to prove their R Ct m m doctrines. That's only an excuse for R Catholics to embrace their m m doctrines.*
    you said
    If you cannot do so then dont you think that is where this discussion MUST begin? How can we discuss the content of the bible if we do not agree on how, when, who, where…, the canon itself came into being?

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Bible does not say R Church = the Universal Church or the Church. So where is your proof? The usual empty claims?*
    you said
    Obviously the Holy Catholic Church began in Jerusalem with Peter

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 2 роки тому +1

    The Catholic Church gives you that Peter is the rock and got the keys story…. And he was rock solid for Jesus……but there aren’t too many Peters in the Catholic Church today!

    • @1234poppycat
      @1234poppycat Рік тому

      there is only one Peter in the Catholic Church today his direct successor Pope Francis

  • @ShiftyLizardStore
    @ShiftyLizardStore 2 роки тому +2

    If they don’t believe that Jesus saves them 100% they’re still not saved.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @S Rich *I can see why intel is eluding you. Where in the Bible says you must follow all these non biblical "liturgies"?*
    you said
    your tricks are eluding you. 😆
    When and why were books/letters such as The Didache, The Gospel of Thomas, The Epistle of Barnabas, 1 Clement… removed from ALL CHRISTIAN church liturgies?

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *Still defying God and His Words Roman pagan? YEs this statement comes from one who does not read the Bible. Bible says the First Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not R Catholic Church. Shoo.*
    you said
    The Catholic Church is Gods Church from Pentecost and it has it all

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Рік тому +1

    ​ @AJA Deacon *The usual tales with no proof. I havent seen a single shred of proof that says r Church = God's Church or Church CHrist founded or the Universal Church. Neither have you proven any of your r ct m m doctrines.*
    you said
    You deny Biblical teaching as well as the teaching from Gods Holy Catholic Church again !

  • @palmtreearebeautiful6882
    @palmtreearebeautiful6882 Рік тому +2

    A lot of ex Catholics had been converted to Christianity Evangelical. The Catholic church has a lot of false teaching. No where in the bible it says that we need a human a sinful men or a men that had committed worst sins then us to confess our sins. Catholic woman dress inmodest and practice divorce. I don't agree about that whole divorce thing.Ignore the negative comments Catholic people are lost.

    • @gracem.
      @gracem.  Рік тому

      @Palmtreeare Beautiful,
      Thank you for your comment. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day 🙏 ✝️

    • @palmtreearebeautiful6882
      @palmtreearebeautiful6882 Рік тому

      @@gracem. Thank you 💕 You too dear have a wonderful Thanksgiving. God bless you.

  • @solafide9533
    @solafide9533 2 роки тому +1

    @Michael Speyrer *Too bad. Bible does not teach confessing to R ct priests in a box. Where did that come from? Lucy?*
    you said
    No one goes to confession every Sunday, nor is it required

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +1

    ​ @AJA Deacon *I see ... still dodging ..*
    *Too bad. When Jesus referred to Church, it did not refer to Church of Rome. So since when Church of Rome this local church became the Universal Church? Which year was that? Pls answer.*

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 2 роки тому +2

    ​ @AJA Deacon *THat's why you are intelxeroajadeacon. Bible does not say "Catholic Church founded at Pentecost ... St Peter as the first leader". So where did all these m m doctrines come from? Lucy?*
    you said
    Catholic Church founded at Pentecost ... St Peter as the first leader ... Catholic Church not guilty of any error on doctrine ..... I will continue to explain the bible to you if you ask specific questions