I have to disagree with the Doctor. I think as a doctor you're going to push for the cosmetics because you're part of that field but for most people who can't afford $1000 per tooth this is the ONLY solution to have a great smile. Also these press on veneers are custom made for each individual person who purchases these veneers. If the dentist industry would focus on helping people with their smile as opposed to making a profit then veneers would be a good option. However until that happens this is the BEST alternative with the same results.
Indeed. I was very unhappy with two of my teeth because of its white stains. I asked my dentist what are my opitions. She said I could fill both for £550 (Estimate) so price may go higher. £550 is the best she could advice for me... Not only she will remove the enamel of my tooth which will significantly make my teeth weaker and more vulnerable to cavities, she never suggested anything like the press on veneers. Which I ordered recently and they are damn life saver.
The man selling these veneers is the most evil conniving, profiteering individual you will have the misfortune of meeting. He sells you a lie at 400$ a pop, making money out of ignorance.
kulyar2900 how so? Explain? Because they looked great on these 2 ladies. He's full of shit, they didn't look any faker then all these people who get the actual work done
No one is hating bro. It's like an Engineer seeing a cheap website. We can immediately identify the bs but the average Joe doesn't know whats going on the back end. If it's only one tooth then pay 1k and get a damn veneer like he said-- common sense. Otherwise, this your best bet. If I got the money and was in her situation I'll just do it the traditional way.
he was legit rude right to that woman face, she could have been so excited to have these new teeth and he slammed her literally by saying (loud and rudely mind you) "i think they look bulky" who does that? as an educated man, I'm sorry anyone with common sense, would know you just don't rain on someone parade like that. i feel legitimately mortified for her.... unboxing she looked so happy, 795 dol could be allot for her (shit 50 alot for me), hence she coughs have saved for them, you know and he just put her down basically. what a bastard.
He clearly made her uncomfortable and she played along to lesson the blow they look great and to who ever felt uncomfortable with there smile should go for it this is why I'm picky with doctors especially dentist words do hurt specially when you are a health care provider
BS the doctor said veneers (custom made) are expensive for a reason; they're custom made. I don't buy that. Dentists know they are ripping off people across the nation when they sell you on that notion. My brother is a dentist and I know better. The costs they justify (huge differential) is nothing but a scam and money making scheme that sells you on the 'but they're custom made" nonsense. These mail order veneers ARE beautiful, fit well and guess what? technically they ARE custom made. Congrats to everyone who choose this excellent option. Dentists will have to bring down their pricing to compete in the real world if they expect people to take them seriously. These are just as good if not better for MANY people. Just go for it!
They're biased doctors/dentists of course he's gonna try to upsell the outrageous price of 1000$+ per tooth. Press on Veneers are genius I'm actually ordering mine tomorrow and I'm so excited. They look incredible on both of them, ESP beautiful on the woman who had missing teeth. How dare him call her out like that.
Doctor Stork was out of line. Someone like myself would buy those because that's all I can afford!! Crystal was happy and confident until he degraded them on national TV!!!! So wrong! We're not all doctors! Some of us are BROKE! I think they looked beautiful!
I got mine last year just before Christmas (2015). I was expecting them sometime in late January but Brighter Image Labs expedited my order on their own. I love them!! It took a couple of months to get completely used to them. Now almost a year later I practically wear them 24/7. I also eat with them. That took a while to figure out but I started with some chips. Now I can eat anything with them. I do concentrate my chewing on the back of either side. I use the tiniest bit of Poligrip on each tooth for extra hold. This also prevents air bubbles from seeping out at the gum line while talking. I brush them every morn and night along with my other teeth. Both while off and on. A couple times a week I soak them in Polident. After I apply the Poligrip I also give them a once over with my toothbrush just to get rid of any Poligrip that may have seeped out around the edges. When I first got them there did appear to be a little bulky look, but I knew if I kept wearing them people would get used to it and eventually consider that I have always looked like that. The bulkiness is very slight. I also sleep with them because they help with not grinding my teeth. So far they have really held up and still look so beautiful, but I want an extra pair just in case I do eventually wear them out. Such a blessing and a Godsend. I am so very impressed with them and so very thankful! They are worth every penny!!!!
I have seen people with porcelain veneers and they look just as bulky and obvious false teeth. Press on veneers is definitely the better option. ONLY if you dont have cavities and rotten teeth of course.
Prexto Rex I disagree.....I say/think that it's an option and can be life changing ESPECIALLY if you have bad or 'rotting' teeth and cannot afford more expensive options.
I agree Robin, Dr. Phil’s wife, were awful several years back. Maybe she changed dentists? But, had them redone for sure, Because she has a Millionaire Husband!!!
I think they look amazing,and I wouldn't mind trying them out myself. People can't afford to get the real veneers, so I think these look perfectly fine. I've seen plenty of videos where people said that they were satisfied with the outcome.
LoL at them talking about them looking bulky. I see bulky veneers everyday on the street. This is a better alternative than those expensive veneers. They didn't have to have their tooth shaved down to nothing for veneers that will probably cause them more problems in the long run. If I had to choose, I'd go with this option. Dentists really do try to rip people off. I work in the profession so I know what I'm talking about. It makes dentistry accessible to many people and the idea that you have to have expensive procedures just for a cosmetic look angers me. Many of us want nice teeth, but don't want to have our original teeth altered in any way. As long as you take care of your original teeth, this alternative is a God send. Everyone should be looking up this company. Get top and bottom so the color matches. Tooth whitening in and of itself is expensive as well. Doesn't surprise me that the doctors would slam this product.
I looked for solutions for years to get a better smile. (I do take best possible care of teeth.) None of the dentists I talked to had good solutions. It seems that now these press on veneers are made better than before so I am going for it :)
Of course, they will feel a little bulky on wearing them for the first time but after a few hours, she will forget she's even wearing them. They look GREAT!
They looked great on her both the ladies. All the reviews I saw said it would take a couple of days to get used to them. i'd love to see an update to their stores in the next few months.
For Crystal they look WAYYY better than the partial implant that is obviously different from her natural teeth. Also it makes her smile look uniform. I've had all kinds of dental work especially with my 2 front teeth where I paid over 1000 for crowns that were big bulky and totally different from the rest of my teeth. I only have 6 teeth on top due to other health issues and the teeth are healthy so I'm hard pressed to find a dentist that will pull them so I can get full dentures. Something like this would save me time, money, and allow me to keep my healthy teeth.
For the Doctor to be negative is mind blowing since she apparently tried going to her dentist to have nice teeth by getting the implants and they are still too small for her mouth and doesn't resemble her natural teeth at all, Sorry Doc, but I have never been satisfied with the work I have had and for the money I have spent and still not be able to smile in photos is a quite disappointing to me, I ordered the Veneers and to me it was the best decision I made.
Of course the DENTIST, is going to be negative toward cover veneers and my rebuttal to that is...WHY DON'T DENTIST MY GOING TO THE DENTIST AFFORDABLE? I went to a REAL dentist and had veneers put on 3 teeth and all 3 teeth are now beyond repair, as I don't have the funds I once had, to go back to a dentist! With ANY work, you have done in your mouth, at first will feel foreign to you and affect your speech, until you get use to the changes in! I don't have these "cover veneers", but I am doing research as to the best company to get them from.
Well Mr. Smart Ass Doc. Not everyone has big bucks to spend 1,000 per tooth. Something like these are great to restore self esteem and give a beautiful smile. She looked beautiful. and probably more beautiful than MANY with a 25,000 smile.
They look bulky? ... them figure out how to make real veneers affordable to everyone... 1000 per tooth is ridiculously expensive for the majority of people.
This is a viable option for those who can’t afford traditional veneers. Their teeth look great. I’m glad the dental industry is taking a hit. There’s absolutely no reason for veneers to be that expensive.
As a dentist who has done much research on Internet Cosmetic Appliances, I want consumers to be aware . First of all, it is virtually impossible for a person to take their own impression accurately. Dental assistants go through extensive training to be able to take a perfect impression void of tears and bubbles which will affect the outcome of the appliance. Secondly, the patient should be evaluated by a dentist first to make sure ones teeth are not flared, the gums are inflamed and there is no active decay, all of which can affect the fit of the appliance. If a patient has periodontal disease , the teeth must be cleaned first as dental health is the first priority.The tartar could affect the fit of the appliance as well. Thirdly, how is the bite adjusted? The bite must be adjusted so the patient hits evenly and does not end up with head aches and TMJ issues. The appliances are very bulky and I noticed the first girl had trouble speaking. I do not believe you can eat with these in as well. There are a couple of affordable cosmetic removable appliances offered in dental offices that function much better and fit perfectly...not bulky and snap into place. I know as I lecture nationally teaching dentists throughout the country about in office cosmetic affordable appliances. It is great to offer affordable cosmetic dentistry to patients....but please be careful when looking for bargains on heart surgery, parachutes and dental work!
@@BrooklynnWayneCarter I have been told by users that they can't eat with them. I don't have mine yet but I will give it a try! However I would be fine just wearing them to smile a lot!
I'm thinking, mail order veneers while I'm saving up money for the $1000 per tooth. After all, you can work on one at a time, and keep the veneers until you've financed all of them.
Having invisilign (clear braces which cover all your teeth) are bulky too. Would this doctor criticize that too? Nope. I think these press on veneers are great for people that want them and people get used to the miniscule amount of extra bulk. They should create braces which are your teeth shape on the inside but also have a veneer look on the outside!
Kayla Rose, that's a great idea! You better copyright it so you can get rich later. It really is a great idea... braces that look like veneers... killing 2 birds with 1 stone. 😘
he needs to shut up either way it looks better to have that in than to have the missing teeth showing its a good cosmetic until you can have something better my opinion
I honestly think that the younger doctor didn’t have a real negative thing to say about the first guest and then when the second one came on he made her feel very uncomfortable like I think she looked amazing And if she didn’t like them to be so bright she can always make a change to a different shade
What do they expect? It takes a person awhile to get accumulated to new veneers. The same for new dentures and new contact lenses. My mom's dentures were very awkward and painful for at least a month and she sounded funny but now they're perfect. When I first got my hard contact lenses they were extremely uncomfortable. It felt like I had rocks in my eyes. After two weeks I was good to go. Like anything new you have to get use to it.
The real reality is that we don’t make that kind of money that yal make. Even Braces is like a luxury treatment already. Lol. So whatever floats our boat and is a budget friendly. We’ll do it!
My dentist had warned me against veneers and refused to do the lumineers that I had requested. What he had said (other dentists will not tell you this, I know for sure) is that your real teeth are absolutely ground down to pin sized stubs for veneers and aren't long lasting or permanent. Go to Amazon and look up glass ionomer.
I know someone whose teeth were ruined by "professional" veneers. The dentist came highly recommended. She has missing front teeth now. Should try this.
I'm a dentist, and want to offer my opinion here. Hopefully some may find it helpful. There are a lot of opinions in these comments--I'm not here to refute them. These types of procedures have value. As many of you have said, definitive dental work (like veneers and crown and bridge work) is very expensive. These snap-on type procedures can help create a nicer looking smile for much cheaper. They are a quicker (in many cases) way to a more cosmetic smile. As some have said, they don't require drilling so no enamel is lost in the process. Furthermore, there are some situations (the second woman in the video is an example) where a temporary prosthetic just doesn't look right, and a snap on smile makes a big difference. Finally, I have seen some amazing results for children born with certain conditions that cause them to have far fewer teeth develop. These kids aren't able to get implants while young, so snap on smiles are quickly becoming a great option for them. With the good, there is also bad. (1) Some have mentioned they look bulky. Whether or not you agree with the results of these two women, a common (#1) complaint of these snap-on prosthetics (no matter the brand) is the bulkiness. That is natural, since no tooth is drilled away in the process. The material they are made from has to be a certain thickness or it will break. Whether or not that is something that is acceptable to you is a personal decision. (2) You have to be careful with oral hygiene. They should be taken out at night and cleaned well. There is a real possibility of developing tooth decay if your teeth are not brushed without these on. Just an FYI. The same goes for gum disease. (3) Not to sound condescending, but if your teeth are broken or have cavities in them, simply placing a snap-on veneer over them will not fix them, and the problem will continue to get worse until addressed by a dentist. I only add this in because several of these companies advertise specifically for broken teeth. I hope this is helpful. Please trust me when I say most dentists I know are not out to steal your money. We honestly care about our patients and want you to have all the info to make a proper decision. Cheers!
I think the doctor was just being honest, but maybe could have been a little bit more tactful given the fact that she was right in his face, and she seemed to love them when she first put them in.
I don't think there was anything wrong with the first girls original smile. It's way better than most people who look toward dental work, and choose veneers because its cheaper.
They didn't look bulky at all. That doctor had a preconceived idea and he stuck to it. It was a complete improvement. The younger blond girl looked actually gorgeous with hers too.
I have paid for porcelain veneers twice.I will never do it again.They look like bad dentures.Actually ,in hindsight my real teeth looked alot better!.Im going to order the snapons to cover up the shitty job both dentists did to ruin my smile.Wish I could have shared my response on the show.That doctor was not being nice at all,and in fact,quite ignorant.I wish I never had that work done,all that money for a PERMANENT mess...Both women looked beautiful!
jenifer Ransom I HAVENT GOTTEN THEM YET! Im mad my impressions i sent to them at first werent good enough so i had to redo them and send in again. Delayed the process by 2 weeks smh.. i should be getting them next week
@@JimmyStruthers1000 I know impressions can be tricky to do. I am thinking of asking a dentist to do it for me! Let us know how you are doing with your new smile!
jenifer Ransom Dang I wish you would have told me that beforehand. All the videos I watched made it look so easy😂. But i’ll be back and give you an update when I receive and try them out!
The doctor is young and like most doctors are uncaring and only wants your money. He had to say something on behalf of doctors. They don't want you to stop paying their outrageous fees. So they can put their kids through college. Do you think they want you to stop seeing these overpaid doctors? He knew what he was doing his discredit of the veneers on behalf of the medical community. Oh and Yes, He could have been a much more subtle with his opinion. Being a doctor he should know better. Race definitely does not have anything to do with his comment. It's not that serious. Bottom line she looks nice and seem happy.
Oh come on I am not a dentist but even I know veneers done by dentists involve permanently drilling your teeth structure. You cannot get your old teeth back. Don't you know a lot of end up regretting the procedure?
Damn... like who spit his coffee. I actually think veneers are ridiculously expensive, I would know bc I paid 30k for mine. I think for those that can’t afford to put that money into your smile and have better things to do with that money, like i don’t know... pay bills, take care of your kids, buy a nice car, or buy a house this is definitely a good option. I think he probably has friends in the business and he doesn’t want them to lose money.
Hello U tube world. I would like to put my 2 cents lol. Now I work in the dental laboratory field for about 24 years so I know a little something about this subject. My smile is ok. Not great not bad. But I'm seriously interested in ordering this product. I just want to know what exactly the material is the veneers are made of. If it's plastic that is no good. acrylic is good material. Price is right. Looks promising 👍
My god, that big mouth doctor hating on it. Shut up. She looks amazing. Not everyone can professional veneers. This is a good solution that can change someone;s life.
that ladies veneers looked great to me! black people ,usually have the best teeth in the world! they look whiter, thicker, healthier, and if you see someone without a healthy smile -it makes them look kind of sick looking. this ladies teeth look wonderful!
I don't trust the Doctors when it comes to areas that concern value and expense for health issues. They always recommend the standard propaganda line of every health industry sector they are presenting in their shows. For the dental industry, one tooth repair or replacement has cost me over 2000 dollars which was too much for the service. I won't be doing such an idiotic thing again. I don't necessarily recommend less expensive dental services until they can be tested and a customer can decide if the value is there for them. As far as I can tell, veneers serviced for the customer by mail and/or through the internet should cost much less than local because of the cost savings by the dental industry with mass production. The only reason the costs are high is to maintain or increase profit margins to the medical industry without actually delivering some of the savings to the clients. Patients and potential customers must always look for value and reward those that can provide services that are affordable.
I had a terrible experience with this company. I ordered them in april for my September wedding. The "veneers" were 2 months late arriving and completely missed my wedding. They were extremely bulky, and did not fit right on my teeth. I couldn't talk well and had to constantly suction them back in place. They felt exactly like those cheap vampire teeth you wore as a kid, literally felt exactly the same without fangs. I dropped over $800, they fought me tooth and nail and with my credit card company to getting a half refund.
Her new teeth look lovely- not bulky at all. He is just protecting dentists.
I was thinking the same thing. I thought that was rude of him.
Agreed! She looks phenomenal!
She looks amazing with those. This dude can shut up!
His just hating, these dentists with their astronomical fees are going out of business. You look beautiful queen x
It's disappointing to see how rude the doctor was. The press on veneers look beautiful and natural on both women.
His disposition was very off putting. He was rude and harmful with his opinion and his words.
They aren't bulky at all! They were lovely on her! Whoever did these teeth did an amazing job!
I have to disagree with the Doctor. I think as a doctor you're going to push for the cosmetics because you're part of that field but for most people who can't afford $1000 per tooth this is the ONLY solution to have a great smile. Also these press on veneers are custom made for each individual person who purchases these veneers. If the dentist industry would focus on helping people with their smile as opposed to making a profit then veneers would be a good option. However until that happens this is the BEST alternative with the same results.
Indeed. I was very unhappy with two of my teeth because of its white stains. I asked my dentist what are my opitions. She said I could fill both for £550 (Estimate) so price may go higher. £550 is the best she could advice for me... Not only she will remove the enamel of my tooth which will significantly make my teeth weaker and more vulnerable to cavities, she never suggested anything like the press on veneers. Which I ordered recently and they are damn life saver.
Kahlita Michelle
Kahlita Michelle
The man selling these veneers is the most evil conniving, profiteering individual you will have the misfortune of meeting. He sells you a lie at 400$ a pop, making money out of ignorance.
kulyar2900 how so? Explain? Because they looked great on these 2 ladies. He's full of shit, they didn't look any faker then all these people who get the actual work done
Why he hating damn not everybody have $1000 per tooth. If that's the case pay for mine.
He won't cuz he wants your money bro
keykey lockz I KNOW RIGHT!
keykey lockz I KNOW RIGHT!i
No one is hating bro. It's like an Engineer seeing a cheap website. We can immediately identify the bs but the average Joe doesn't know whats going on the back end. If it's only one tooth then pay 1k and get a damn veneer like he said-- common sense. Otherwise, this your best bet. If I got the money and was in her situation I'll just do it the traditional way.
keykey lockz exactly he wants people money that's why he said pay it. It doesn't look bulky and they look beautiful on her. He is a fucking hater
he was legit rude right to that woman face, she could have been so excited to have these new teeth and he slammed her literally by saying (loud and rudely mind you) "i think they look bulky" who does that? as an educated man, I'm sorry anyone with common sense, would know you just don't rain on someone parade like that. i feel legitimately mortified for her.... unboxing she looked so happy, 795 dol could be allot for her (shit 50 alot for me), hence she coughs have saved for them, you know and he just put her down basically. what a bastard.
800 dollars would have allowed her to have dentures made, that would have provided a proper solution
Who wants to be toothless?
I agree! He was so mean!!! She looks beautiful with those veeneers!
@@meganruchwatercolors7186 Yes, gorgeous! Looks like she had thousands of $$ cosmetic work :)
@@kulyar2900 shut the f up gay lord
He clearly made her uncomfortable and she played along to lesson the blow they look great and to who ever felt uncomfortable with there smile should go for it this is why I'm picky with doctors especially dentist words do hurt specially when you are a health care provider
BS the doctor said veneers (custom made) are expensive for a reason; they're custom made. I don't buy that. Dentists know they are ripping off people across the nation when they sell you on that notion. My brother is a dentist and I know better. The costs they justify (huge differential) is nothing but a scam and money making scheme that sells you on the 'but they're custom made" nonsense. These mail order veneers ARE beautiful, fit well and guess what? technically they ARE custom made. Congrats to everyone who choose this excellent option. Dentists will have to bring down their pricing to compete in the real world if they expect people to take them seriously. These are just as good if not better for MANY people. Just go for it!
Jacqueline X - well said
I agree!
Yeah!! I am going for it!
The younger male "doctor" talk too much. Hush.
Typical doctor. Thinks he's the smartest one in the room.
Seven Harris Exactly
He has to protect the industry, they don’t look natural to me, but I still think she’s beautiful!☺️
Seven Harris lol 😂 right
You are right. I kept wanting to tell him to shut up.
Lol veneers are 1000 per fucking tooth. This press on is 300 per 8 tooth. And they look really good too!
shiitt if people start buying these I won't be able to afford a new Porsche every year😱😂(translation)😂
Omg 😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀
This is the TRUTH! Cosmetic Dentists are way tooooo overpriced! CRAZY! GREEDY BASTARDS!
They're biased doctors/dentists of course he's gonna try to upsell the outrageous price of 1000$+ per tooth. Press on Veneers are genius I'm actually ordering mine tomorrow and I'm so excited. They look incredible on both of them, ESP beautiful on the woman who had missing teeth. How dare him call her out like that.
Rachel Moriel hello......girl......... I'm getting some to real talk😆
Rachel Moriel have you got them yet?
Rachel Moriel i want to know too...are you happy with them ?
Rachel Moriel exactly! That was so damn tacky of him.. he needs to apologize for doing that to her on air like that.. BitchAzz!
How'd that work out for you?
Doctor Stork was out of line. Someone like myself would buy those because that's all I can afford!! Crystal was happy and confident until he degraded them on national TV!!!! So wrong! We're not all doctors! Some of us are BROKE! I think they looked beautiful!
I got mine last year just before Christmas (2015). I was expecting them sometime in late January but Brighter Image Labs expedited my order on their own. I love them!! It took a couple of months to get completely used to them. Now almost a year later I practically wear them 24/7. I also eat with them. That took a while to figure out but I started with some chips. Now I can eat anything with them. I do concentrate my chewing on the back of either side. I use the tiniest bit of Poligrip on each tooth for extra hold. This also prevents air bubbles from seeping out at the gum line while talking. I brush them every morn and night along with my other teeth. Both while off and on. A couple times a week I soak them in Polident. After I apply the Poligrip I also give them a once over with my toothbrush just to get rid of any Poligrip that may have seeped out around the edges. When I first got them there did appear to be a little bulky look, but I knew if I kept wearing them people would get used to it and eventually consider that I have always looked like that. The bulkiness is very slight. I also sleep with them because they help with not grinding my teeth. So far they have really held up and still look so beautiful, but I want an extra pair just in case I do eventually wear them out. Such a blessing and a Godsend. I am so very impressed with them and so very thankful! They are worth every penny!!!!
can you kiss with them in....I was just wondering...like can you kiss with no problem?
How much
How did your Brighter Image veneers hold up? would you purchase again?
I wouldn't advise to sleep with them though
I have seen people with porcelain veneers and they look just as bulky and obvious false teeth. Press on veneers is definitely the better option. ONLY if you dont have cavities and rotten teeth of course.
Prexto Rex I know this comment wasn't supposed to be funny, but it was. Thank you 😊.
Prexto Rex I disagree.....I say/think that it's an option and can be life changing ESPECIALLY if you have bad or 'rotting' teeth and cannot afford more expensive options.
I agree Robin, Dr. Phil’s wife, were awful several years back. Maybe she changed dentists? But, had them redone for sure, Because she has a Millionaire Husband!!!
Didn't hillary duff have them? And alyssa milano?
Bulky? They look great? She was literally missing teeth and they snapped a new smile on, confidence!
I would've asked him since you have so much negativity shit to say then you pay for me to get the real ones....
I thought the same, so Mr Money Bags when should I make the appointment for the "real" thing and when can i expect your check
I think he was a little over the top with his “they look bulky” comment. I was really surprised by that.
Yes, Travis.. u make mega bucks.. put out the $25k for full restoration!! Lol
I think they look amazing,and I wouldn't mind trying them out myself. People can't afford to get the real veneers, so I think these look perfectly fine. I've seen plenty of videos where people said that they were satisfied with the outcome.
They look good!!! It’s DEFINITELY an upgrade from the teeth she had in before 😍
LoL at them talking about them looking bulky. I see bulky veneers everyday on the street. This is a better alternative than those expensive veneers. They didn't have to have their tooth shaved down to nothing for veneers that will probably cause them more problems in the long run. If I had to choose, I'd go with this option. Dentists really do try to rip people off. I work in the profession so I know what I'm talking about. It makes dentistry accessible to many people and the idea that you have to have expensive procedures just for a cosmetic look angers me.
Many of us want nice teeth, but don't want to have our original teeth altered in any way. As long as you take care of your original teeth, this alternative is a God send.
Everyone should be looking up this company. Get top and bottom so the color matches. Tooth whitening in and of itself is expensive as well. Doesn't surprise me that the doctors would slam this product.
I looked for solutions for years to get a better smile. (I do take best possible care of teeth.) None of the dentists I talked to had good solutions. It seems that now these press on veneers are made better than before so I am going for it :)
I thumbs down this video because of the Doctor. He should be ashamed of himself. The women's teeth looks great!👍👍👍👍👍
Of course, they will feel a little bulky on wearing them for the first time but after a few hours, she will forget she's even wearing them. They look GREAT!
For those in the New York region, the N.Y. University of Dentistry has students DO implants under supervision and they accept Medicaid.
Wait fr?
so rude... I'm pretty sure they know these cheap veneers don't compare to the expensive ones. not like everyone has $1000 to spend on ONE tooth.
They looked great on her both the ladies. All the reviews I saw said it would take a couple of days to get used to them. i'd love to see an update to their stores in the next few months.
They are so mean
Her fake veneers are better than travis teeth travis is jealous of them 😂
For Crystal they look WAYYY better than the partial implant that is obviously different from her natural teeth. Also it makes her smile look uniform. I've had all kinds of dental work especially with my 2 front teeth where I paid over 1000 for crowns that were big bulky and totally different from the rest of my teeth. I only have 6 teeth on top due to other health issues and the teeth are healthy so I'm hard pressed to find a dentist that will pull them so I can get full dentures. Something like this would save me time, money, and allow me to keep my healthy teeth.
For the Doctor to be negative is mind blowing since she apparently tried going to her dentist to have nice teeth by getting the implants and they are still too small for her mouth and doesn't resemble her natural teeth at all, Sorry Doc, but I have never been satisfied with the work I have had and for the money I have spent and still not be able to smile in photos is a quite disappointing to me, I ordered the Veneers and to me it was the best decision I made.
Of course the DENTIST, is going to be negative toward cover veneers and my rebuttal to that is...WHY DON'T DENTIST MY GOING TO THE DENTIST AFFORDABLE? I went to a REAL dentist and had veneers put on 3 teeth and all 3 teeth are now beyond repair, as I don't have the funds I once had, to go back to a dentist!
With ANY work, you have done in your mouth, at first will feel foreign to you and affect your speech, until you get use to the changes in! I don't have these "cover veneers", but I am doing research as to the best company to get them from.
Wow she looked amazing with the new veneers!!! Hope they work out for her.
Well Mr. Smart Ass Doc. Not everyone has big bucks to spend 1,000 per tooth. Something like these are great to restore self esteem and give a beautiful smile. She looked beautiful. and probably more beautiful than MANY with a 25,000 smile.
What a bunch of haters i think they looked amazing...
What a jerk?! They look great.
They look bulky? ... them figure out how to make real veneers affordable to everyone... 1000 per tooth is ridiculously expensive for the majority of people.
Which mail order veneers did the Doctors show use?? I see so many now.
Ordered mine yesterday, I can't wait to wear them.
Can we get update? Hope you are happy!
He was a hater
This is a viable option for those who can’t afford traditional veneers. Their teeth look great. I’m glad the dental industry is taking a hit. There’s absolutely no reason for veneers to be that expensive.
She looks beautiful and younger with the veneer.
actually brighter image now makes them super thin with very strong matreial, they have improved their product over the years.
As a dentist who has done much research on Internet Cosmetic Appliances, I want consumers to be aware . First of all, it is virtually impossible for a person to take their own impression accurately. Dental assistants go through extensive training to be able to take a perfect impression void of tears and bubbles which will affect the outcome of the appliance. Secondly, the patient should be evaluated by a dentist first to make sure ones teeth are not flared, the gums are inflamed and there is no active decay, all of which can affect the fit of the appliance. If a patient has periodontal disease , the teeth must be cleaned first as dental health is the first priority.The tartar could affect the fit of the appliance as well. Thirdly, how is the bite adjusted? The bite must be adjusted so the patient hits evenly and does not end up with head aches and TMJ issues. The appliances are very bulky and I noticed the first girl had trouble speaking. I do not believe you can eat with these in as well. There are a couple of affordable cosmetic removable appliances offered in dental offices that function much better and fit perfectly...not bulky and snap into place. I know as I lecture nationally teaching dentists throughout the country about in office cosmetic affordable appliances. It is great to offer affordable cosmetic dentistry to patients....but please be careful when looking for bargains on heart surgery, parachutes and dental work!
@@BrooklynnWayneCarter I have been told by users that they can't eat with them. I don't have mine yet but I will give it a try! However I would be fine just wearing them to smile a lot!
I'm thinking, mail order veneers while I'm saving up money for the $1000 per tooth. After all, you can work on one at a time, and keep the veneers until you've financed all of them.
I know someone whose teeth were ruined by "professional" veneers. She tells everyone to stay away.
They hatin damn everybody ain't got that doctor money LMAO!!!
whats with the negativity??...let this woman have her moment
They look ok ..Typical dentist comments
I've seen people who spent 30k+ and it looks bulky and fake. Doc was a hater of course they want you to spend all your money. Lol
Having invisilign (clear braces which cover all your teeth) are bulky too. Would this doctor criticize that too? Nope.
I think these press on veneers are great for people that want them and people get used to the miniscule amount of extra bulk.
They should create braces which are your teeth shape on the inside but also have a veneer look on the outside!
Kayla Rose he's a hater hater alert
Kayla Rose, that's a great idea! You better copyright it so you can get rich later. It really is a great idea... braces that look like veneers... killing 2 birds with 1 stone. 😘
Tonya Rolin 🙆 Thank you
Considering this is a TV I'm shocked they didn't do a comparison with snap on veneers that the dentist do.
he needs to shut up either way it looks better to have that in than to have the missing teeth showing its a good cosmetic until you can have something better my opinion
I honestly think that the younger doctor didn’t have a real negative thing to say about the first guest and then when the second one came on he made her feel very uncomfortable like I think she looked amazing And if she didn’t like them to be so bright she can always make a change to a different shade
What do they expect? It takes a person awhile to get accumulated to new veneers. The same for new dentures and new contact lenses. My mom's dentures were very awkward and painful for at least a month and she sounded funny but now they're perfect. When I first got my hard contact lenses they were extremely uncomfortable. It felt like I had rocks in my eyes. After two weeks I was good to go. Like anything new you have to get use to it.
$729 is the price from brighter image lab if anyone was wondering where they got the veneers, my guess would be them.
Why didn't they offer to send her to the dentist? I thought the veneers looked good! You can't tell. And she looked so happy.
The real reality is that we don’t make that kind of money that yal make. Even Braces is like a luxury treatment already. Lol. So whatever floats our boat and is a budget friendly. We’ll do it!
My dentist had warned me against veneers and refused to do the lumineers that I had requested. What he had said (other dentists will not tell you this, I know for sure) is that your real teeth are absolutely ground down to pin sized stubs for veneers and aren't long lasting or permanent. Go to Amazon and look up glass ionomer.
I know someone whose teeth were ruined by "professional" veneers. The dentist came highly recommended. She has missing front teeth now. Should try this.
they look perfect until you can come up with $10,000 to give to a dentist
And even after $10,000, you'll still have discolored or non matching back teeth. You need about $20,000 to get all visible teeth (big smile) done.
He’s a jerk! He has no idea how hard we all struggle with the price of Dentist. Very judgmental.
they should've put the link on the description of where she got em...
They go on about the cost of veneers but not everyone wants to have their teeth grinded down and she’ll out £4000 every 4-7 years
I'm a dentist, and want to offer my opinion here. Hopefully some may find it helpful. There are a lot of opinions in these comments--I'm not here to refute them.
These types of procedures have value. As many of you have said, definitive dental work (like veneers and crown and bridge work) is very expensive. These snap-on type procedures can help create a nicer looking smile for much cheaper. They are a quicker (in many cases) way to a more cosmetic smile. As some have said, they don't require drilling so no enamel is lost in the process. Furthermore, there are some situations (the second woman in the video is an example) where a temporary prosthetic just doesn't look right, and a snap on smile makes a big difference. Finally, I have seen some amazing results for children born with certain conditions that cause them to have far fewer teeth develop. These kids aren't able to get implants while young, so snap on smiles are quickly becoming a great option for them.
With the good, there is also bad. (1) Some have mentioned they look bulky. Whether or not you agree with the results of these two women, a common (#1) complaint of these snap-on prosthetics (no matter the brand) is the bulkiness. That is natural, since no tooth is drilled away in the process. The material they are made from has to be a certain thickness or it will break. Whether or not that is something that is acceptable to you is a personal decision. (2) You have to be careful with oral hygiene. They should be taken out at night and cleaned well. There is a real possibility of developing tooth decay if your teeth are not brushed without these on. Just an FYI. The same goes for gum disease. (3) Not to sound condescending, but if your teeth are broken or have cavities in them, simply placing a snap-on veneer over them will not fix them, and the problem will continue to get worse until addressed by a dentist. I only add this in because several of these companies advertise specifically for broken teeth.
I hope this is helpful. Please trust me when I say most dentists I know are not out to steal your money. We honestly care about our patients and want you to have all the info to make a proper decision. Cheers!
Which item is the one used by these ladies ?! I don't see it on the List. How much did it cost? Hurry please!
They look great on her 👍😍
What were they called ???
I think the doctor was just being honest, but maybe could have been a little bit more tactful given the fact that she was right in his face, and she seemed to love them when she first put them in.
I don't think there was anything wrong with the first girls original smile. It's way better than most people who look toward dental work, and choose veneers because its cheaper.
If they could make something like that for my brain I'd be in good shape. :-p
They didn't look bulky at all. That doctor had a preconceived idea and he stuck to it. It was a complete improvement. The younger blond girl looked actually gorgeous with hers too.
I have paid for porcelain veneers twice.I will never do it again.They look like bad dentures.Actually ,in hindsight my real teeth looked alot better!.Im going to order the snapons to cover up the shitty job both dentists did to ruin my smile.Wish I could have shared my response on the show.That doctor was not being nice at all,and in fact,quite ignorant.I wish I never had that work done,all that money for a PERMANENT mess...Both women looked beautiful!
I know someone who also very much regrets going the professional route. She lost front teeth because of it. She needs something like this.
They look great! It's a great quick fix. He was just trying to keep his rich dentist friends in business
As long as the person is happy with their new smile...WHAT’S THE PROBLEM?????? 🤔🤔🤔
I have Instasmile both upper and lower for $499.00 (classic).
Blasian Beauty TM i just bought shiny smile veneers top and bottom $445 ($50 off code)
@@JimmyStruthers1000 How are you liking them? I just ordered mine.
jenifer Ransom I HAVENT GOTTEN THEM YET! Im mad my impressions i sent to them at first werent good enough so i had to redo them and send in again. Delayed the process by 2 weeks smh.. i should be getting them next week
@@JimmyStruthers1000 I know impressions can be tricky to do. I am thinking of asking a dentist to do it for me! Let us know how you are doing with your new smile!
jenifer Ransom Dang I wish you would have told me that beforehand. All the videos I watched made it look so easy😂. But i’ll be back and give you an update when I receive and try them out!
What company did they order them from?
its ok for dr to say get real ones ,if it was that easy and affordable people would need cheap help to change there appearance ....
Where did they order them
I like them on the ladies. Also I plan on getting them.
of course the doctors say you should get things done with your dentist because they want to stay good with the medical field.
The doctor is young and like most doctors are uncaring and only wants your money. He had to say something on behalf of doctors. They don't want you to stop paying their outrageous fees. So they can put their kids through college. Do you think they want you to stop seeing these overpaid doctors? He knew what he was doing his discredit of the veneers on behalf of the medical community. Oh and Yes, He could have been a much more subtle with his opinion. Being a doctor he should know better. Race definitely does not have anything to do with his comment. It's not that serious. Bottom line she looks nice and seem happy.
Zalena Skye I feel badly you are so angry. Most doctors want to make the patient better.
Oh come on I am not a dentist but even I know veneers done by dentists involve permanently drilling your teeth structure. You cannot get your old teeth back. Don't you know a lot of end up regretting the procedure?
I know someone who lost front teeth after this procedure. She warns people about it.
She looks gorgeous
They dont look bulky
Damn... like who spit his coffee. I actually think veneers are ridiculously expensive, I would know bc I paid 30k for mine. I think for those that can’t afford to put that money into your smile and have better things to do with that money, like i don’t know... pay bills, take care of your kids, buy a nice car, or buy a house this is definitely a good option. I think he probably has friends in the business and he doesn’t want them to lose money.
How much?
Why is he being a hater? Dental work of any kind is EXPENSIVE!
Hello U tube world. I would like to put my 2 cents lol. Now I work in the dental laboratory field for about 24 years so I know a little something about this subject. My smile is ok. Not great not bad. But I'm seriously interested in ordering this product. I just want to know what exactly the material is the veneers are made of. If it's plastic that is no good. acrylic is good material. Price is right. Looks promising 👍
They were throwing shade heavy...
Wow... That's not professional at all.
My god, that big mouth doctor hating on it. Shut up. She looks amazing. Not everyone can professional veneers. This is a good solution that can change someone;s life.
Are you flucking killing me. Rude as hell
that ladies veneers looked great to me!
black people ,usually have the best teeth in the world!
they look whiter, thicker, healthier, and if you see someone without a healthy smile -it makes them look kind of sick looking.
this ladies teeth look wonderful!
I want to buy these what company’s did they use?
Ill take the 700$ any day before i pay a rack per tooth
I'm gonna get mine until I can afford the real ones it's wonderful idea
looks awesome 2 me
I don't trust the Doctors when it comes to areas that concern value and expense for health issues. They always recommend the standard propaganda line of every health industry sector they are presenting in their shows. For the dental industry, one tooth repair or replacement has cost me over 2000 dollars which was too much for the service. I won't be doing such an idiotic thing again. I don't necessarily recommend less expensive dental services until they can be tested and a customer can decide if the value is there for them. As far as I can tell, veneers serviced for the customer by mail and/or through the internet should cost much less than local because of the cost savings by the dental industry with mass production. The only reason the costs are high is to maintain or increase profit margins to the medical industry without actually delivering some of the savings to the clients. Patients and potential customers must always look for value and reward those that can provide services that are affordable.
Does anyone know which company these veneers were made by? I want some!
Which brand were those?
Christina Olin Brighter Image Lab
I think they look good !!!
I had a terrible experience with this company. I ordered them in april for my September wedding. The "veneers" were 2 months late arriving and completely missed my wedding. They were extremely bulky, and did not fit right on my teeth. I couldn't talk well and had to constantly suction them back in place. They felt exactly like those cheap vampire teeth you wore as a kid, literally felt exactly the same without fangs.
I dropped over $800, they fought me tooth and nail and with my credit card company to getting a half refund.
Sorry for your bad experience. I would not go with Brighter Image myself. I am ordering from Shiny Smile.
Does anyone know the company that they sell good press on teeth