Moneyless in Moab (2006)

  • Опубліковано 11 лют 2011
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    Interweaving philosophical conversations with suelo in his cave and treehouse with colorful footage of his daily activities in town and in nature, MONEYLESS IN MOAB offers an intimate look at a person who embodies a radical alternative to our excessively consumeristic american way of life. The film opens our eyes to the fact that it is indeed possible to live happily without money, and to do so with joy, grace, and dignity, even in a world gone mad with attachment.
    Daniel Shellabarger (aka suelo) is a student of world religions and anthropology who is unhappy with the worldwide "money religion" and currently lives without the direct use of money. He likes nature, travel, and tequila-when someone else is buying. He is currently hitchhiking and roaming around the pacific northwest, living in the moment and practicing non-attachment. His blog is a good place to read his reflections as he surfs though this universe.
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  • @Apacheoem
    @Apacheoem 12 років тому

    This is quite an inspiring story. I appreciate how Suelo does not judge others, but you can be certain that he's constantly being judged by those outside of his territory. I liked his reference to himself as something of a raven. It makes me want to get up from this corporate owned chair, buy a hang drum, and aim to Moab. On the other hand, I really enjoy my headphones and gaming consoles.

  • @Chimonger1
    @Chimonger1 8 років тому +1

    A beautiful ideal....but _anyone_ in this world, who moves into a cave, but continues to use public and private money or resources, is still using money/resources. He is surely using vastly LESS money and resources, but still using.
    He has a ways to go though, to be living only on what nature provides.
    Nature is not taking care of him 100% yet.
    His drastically pared down possessions and lifestyle, and avoiding debt, is a very good move.
    It's a good discussion.
    A better one, might include, how to achieve the kind of Utopia he desires, without continuing to draw from anyone else's money and resources.
    His living in a cave would be a drastic challenge, in UT's climate in winter!

  • @rajivaksadasa4218
    @rajivaksadasa4218 12 років тому


  • @fredsparrows437
    @fredsparrows437 10 років тому

    Deep Rest, eating out of dumpsters is all about "timing". Knowing what times restaurants and grocery stores throw out perfectly good food that has past their legal date or heat lamp life due to laws that tell them to.

  • @rezvernon8329
    @rezvernon8329 12 років тому

    part 2: moneyless on earth

  • @steve955smith
    @steve955smith 11 років тому

    Let me know when and we'll all do it together :-)

  • @BlantonDelbert
    @BlantonDelbert 10 років тому +1

    Dear Editor:
    Have you read the book, The Man Who Quit Money? I have. It was written by a man from Missoula, Montana, Mark Sundeen. In TMWQM, Mark Sundeen writes about Daniel Suelo who, supposedly, lives in a cave outside of Moab, Utah, without any income at all, using no money, of his own freewill, and survives! This is far from the truth. Daniel often goes to the public library in Moab to use the Internet. Daniel often hitches rides here and there using the public road and a Good Samaritan’s fuel. However, Daniel does not consider these activities as using money, even though he is consuming a public goods (library computer and Internet) and private goods (the Good Samaritan’s car and fuel.) Daniel Suelo has some mumbo-jumbo philosophy that allows him to consume all public goods and any private goods from “friends” as long as he accepts with gratitude. Let me make this clear: In Daniel Suelo’s mind, all the people in the world can live freely, as long as we give to one another and accept with gratitude. What a bunch of malarkey! If a person uses a public good (a road, the library, attending a museum, whatever), then that person is using money. This isn’t up for debate. Yes, the money is tax-payers’ money so the money is being consumed indirectly, in the form of taxes, but money is being consumed nonetheless. And, anyone who accepts “gifts” from others (private goods from “friends”) is still CONSUMING, even if he or she accepts with gratitude. Daniel Suelo cannot see these truths. Daniel Suelo still insists he uses no money. Thus, Daniel Suelo is delusional. Also, Daniel Suelo often “house sits” for friendly supporters, using their home, sleeping in their beds and eating their food while his supporters are elsewhere. But, according to Daniel, he is not using any money. Remember, this consumption is allowed, as long as he accepts with gratitude. Suelo’s delusional mind should be clear to rational people. What is terrible and very troubling is that Daniel Suelo, along with the help of writer Mark Sundeen, is spreading this delusional malarkey to other people. In effect, Daniel Suelo and Mark Sundeen are lying to these people, enticing these innocent and gullible individuals to give up the striving of life, to leave the money system, to live like the great one, Daniel Suelo, the prophet, free of money. This is disgusting. Daniel Suelo is an egomaniac perpetrating his myth into weak and impressionable people, not only in the USA but around the world. Why? Why do you think? To get a following. Once on his Facebook page, Daniel Suelo said that he remembers when he was five years old, standing in his crib, holding onto the bars. There, in that moment, he had a vision, a vision that said he was going to be a LEADER OF A MOVEMENT. Ha! I am not making this stuff up. It is there. Go to his FB page and research it. You might have to go back some time, circa spring 2013. Anyway, really, who sees such visions at five years old? Budding egomaniacs; that’s who, maybe a David Koresh. In writing his sympathetic biography of Daniel Suelo, TMWQM, Mark Sundeen has not only endorsed Daniel Suelo’s lies but romanticized his lifestyle and encouraged others to attempt to live thus, to attempt to live free of money. The writer Mark Sundeen knew and associated with Daniel Suelo BEFORE the writing of his book, TMWQM. This leads one to believe that Mark Sundeen knew good and well that Suelo’s ideas would be appealing to many, and this appeal would make Mark Sundeen much money. How ironic?!!! Mark Sundeed writes a book about a prophet who lives his life without money in order to make money for himself!! Now, I am not some Ayn Rand, selfish tea-bagger. I have been a lifelong liberal and understand the incredibly difficult path to becoming financially secure in this life. Even in today’s modern world, equality and opportunity are still myths. One’s birth is the greatest indicator of financial success, a greater indicator than ambition or even IQ. Nearly half of the world’s population lives on less than two dollars a day. About 40 percent of the USA population lives from one paycheck to the other. Considering these dismal truths, I would love for a human being to be able to live without money, to live in a beautiful utopian world, to live as John Lennon once sang in his song IMAGINE: nothing to kill of die for, with no heaven above us, no hell below, no possessions, in a brotherhood of man. Ha! Yea, John Lennon was a dreamer, beautiful, but a dreamer nonetheless. That life is just not going to happen. Even in the old Soviet Union the idea was not to live completely without money. Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky were not that stupid, so stupid to try to pull such a ridiculous idea over the heads of the people. Can you imagine Vladimir Lenin saying: “We can live free! Using no money!” The people would not have been deceived. So, Lenin and Trotsky told a partial live. “We can live equal!” This partial lie didn’t turn out too well, even though North Korea and Cuba (not China) are still continuing with such pretense. The world is rough, and this rough world is established on money. Money is the proof that we are physical beings. Money is proof that our existence is not only spiritual, as the prophet Daniel Suelo would like to convince people, people whom he hopes will become his new disciples. Once again, let me be very clear: An utopian society of life-without-money is complete BULLSH@#. There will never be a way to live COMPLETELY without money. If you use public goods, then you are using money indirectly. If you “house sit,” you are using someone else’s money. Sure, there are minimalist, people who choose to live with the bare essentials, (remember Henry David Thoreau), and there are people who just glean off of society, people whom John Lenin’s buddy, Paul McCartney, might have been referring to when Paul sang: got a good reason, for taking the easy way out… These people don’t bother me, either one, the minimalist or the person who has sort of just checked out. I understand they are fed up with the money system. However, do not lie to me and say you live with NO MONEY! In his book TMWQM, author Mark Sundeen did not ask any real difficult questions to Daniel Suelo. Sundeen was definitely not working as an objective journalist or and objective biographer. Remember, Daniel Suelo and Mark Sundeen have known each other for many years. They were friends before this book was written! Such a friendship automatically produces a biased book, a biased book in favor of Daniel Suelo’s mythical life. Sundeen’s angle was clear. He wanted to romanticize Daniel Suelo as much as he could in order to sell books. Someone in the Missoula community needs to contact Mr. Sundeen and ask him a simple question: “Do you really believe that Daniel Suelo is living without any money?” If Mark Sundeen says, yes, then Mark Sundeen is a liar. If Mark Sundeen says, no, then Mark Sundeen is knowingly glorifying a charlatan, a charlatan who is seducing young people from around the county into a fake life, a life that cannot be lived, a life where one day the convert will wake up and ask: “Why have I been wasting my life?” Of course, the prophet Daniel Suelo would say, “You are not wasting your life, you are living your life freely.” Yea, you are living your life “freely” if you can find some “friends” who will let you “house sit” during the winter months like the great guru, Daniel Suelo, does. People, do not be deceived! Do not join Daniel Seulo’s, Moneyless Tribe, his group of disciples who, day by day, are becoming just as delusional as their leader, accepting his indoctrination. The Moneyless Tribe is Daniel Suelo’s cult. Daniel Suelo’s Moneyless Tribe is not like Occupy Wall Street which was trying to bring attention to outrageous CEO pay and the corruption in the banking system. No, Daniel Suelo’s Moneyless Tribe just wants to live outside of the system, the system of money. There is a problem, NO ONE can exists COMPLETELY outside the system of money. Daniel Suelo is really a Freegan, a person who does not want to live in our consumerism society, a person who wants to glean off of the leftovers, the kind of person Beatle Paul McCartney sung about. This is fine with me. Just tell the truth. Stop with your malarkey. Stop with your lies.

    Delbert Blanton
    Kokomo, Indiana

    • @Chimonger1
      @Chimonger1 8 років тому

      +Dimitry Raskolnikov You have very good points.
      But so you know...small children can and do have visions.
      One might need to ascertain why, discern if those are real or mental ills.
      But a good question might be, WHY was he still sleeping in a CRIB with BARS on it, at age 5 ?!
      Nothing's wrong with gleaning. But, if we actually achieved a society that no longer uses money or barter, there'd likely be no leftovers to glean.
      You are correct--he really should call his style "Freegan" .
      This world has far too many people desperate for solutions, seeking utopia, with no skills, no abilities to make it so..usually ends up with these misguided persons coming to harsh circumstances.

    • @BlantonDelbert
      @BlantonDelbert 8 років тому +1

      I don't remember that in the book, the part about him sleeping in his crib at age five. But, I believe you if you say it was in the book. I doubt that I ever read, "The Man Who Quit Money" again. It was an entertaining book, but not a book that deserves two readings. Plus, I can't get over the fact that Sundeen (the writer) knew Suelo before Sundeen decided to write the book. That removes any objectivity. Sundeen clearly was trying to write to a certain audience, an audience that sees this world as unfair, financially. I understand this. However, the irony of writing a book about a man (actually a friend, and a biographer can never be without bias when writing a friend's biography) who uses no money to make money (for Sundeen) is just TOO MUCH for me. Will never read another Sundeen book.

  • @nightman922
    @nightman922 12 років тому


  • @rafanel81
    @rafanel81 11 років тому

    speak louder :|