checking in here. I've just met someone. Over a year ago my ex of 10 years moved out. I'm starting to take the next steps in my life. Here's to walking the corridors of time together, folks. Stay healthy, and talk to people.
"This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief." - Rumi
i think that wind turbine is pointless in that island when there is no wires coming to the mainland, electricity cant travel distances like that in magnetic field
I mean, how have they not topped it? No other game has ever even come close. Did they copyright the tech system? Because it is just SOOOOO good. Maybe it's just my nostalgia, but even playing it again today feels amazing.
Chrono trigger is so fucking bad lmao, this has to be the most overrated videogame ever.. Gameplay with decent mechanics that is ruined by awful balance and the dumbest difficulty slider in history with an extremely boring and badly executed story full of bland characters that stop having any dialogue as soon as their chapters end. Game's just ass, even as far as JRPGs go, and that's saying something. Good OST tho.
Check point: Depression is no longer on the mind. Everyday now has joy to be had. The kids have gotten stronger, smarter, and better in everyway. You found the best friends you were looking for. You can finally say "life is good." And mean it. You did it. You are everything you dreamed of 15 years ago. The weight is lost and you are in shape. You can run a marathon. You inspire others and you dont know why. Being a family man is harder than you expected. But you have a family again, and your old pals. Life is good. Keep chasing it my friends. Love all of you.
Checkpoint 2024: Lifes been rough , only 22 and both parents gone, but despite all this im still pushing on , got a job and a Girlfriend who i love. No matter what future me keep on pushing, the grass is always either Greener or weirder on the other side :)
hey, just dropping by to say well done! and to remind you that there's more to you than a job and a girlfriend. Both of those are great! But your next step should be considering what those bring. Keep pushing. And always try to be pushing "uphill", and not to just maintain. Good luck! "Its the struggle for the future that fills the void in a mans heart"
Strange irony that a doomed civilisation living its final days has the chillest track in the entire game. You did that doomed civilisation more justice than it ever had with this remix. Amazing work.
It got doomed precisely because they were too chill with everything, and didn't think "wait, we're doing fine in every way, why do we need more power/cash/machinery/conflict/anything?". It has happened to every big civilization from the dawn of time.
@@enriquejoseantequerasanche6180 Ehhh I think a lot of big civilizations start to crumble because of long term issues that don't go addressed, or because they're on the wrong end of a geopolitical shift and cannot/will not adapt. Rome's a good example of the former (lack of formal succession, among other things), the Ottomans a good example of the latter (discovery of the Americas made them increasingly irrelevant). It's been a long time since I've played Chrono Trigger but doesn't most of Zeal's magic come from Lavos? That would make them an example of the former - they were playing with fire the entire time but either couldn't or wouldn't stop.
@ Colddirector Basically, every single civilization out there, or at least every state out there eventually collapses because of the way, it’s built and develops. There’s always some sort of flaw which becomes unbearable when the conditions that enabled it’s flourishing changed to instead emphasize the flaw. Rome was dependent upon a plunder economy, and when it just got too big for contemporary movement and communications, he could either split or consolidate, and decided to consolidate, which meant no more ponder, which meant eventually all the money ended up with the rich Romans, and not in the hands of the economy and the state.
This reminds me of being fascinated with the Chrono Trigger OST back in the 90s when I first found my way to the internet. Downloaded MIDI files from random unknown sources across the world wide web, loaded them by floppy disc into synthesizers and adjusted the MIDI voices. "It's like a player-pinao!"
Midi is awesome, one of the best file extensions. You could transform any audio today to midi, and use that midi to make whatever you want with the melody, even transforming that polished midi melody to a real instrument using AI. I love midi!
Discovering MIDI files was insane for me. Songs on Napster would have to download overnight, MIDI songs downloaded in a couple of seconds at most. That was insane to me. And I could open it up in software that came with windows for some reason and change all of the instruments to steal drums. Woah.
Same. I'm fascinated with the whole Chrono Trigger OST, this music is magical. I have the entire official soundtracks playlists and other versions of them on Spotify and I listen to them all the time. Such an amazing game! I've given Chrono Cross a chance, so now I'm playing it to see how it goes, the music is also pretty beautiful and sometimes reminds me of Chrono Trigger :)
I have listened to the full 10 hours. I start and stopped without rewinding. It never missed a beat. It loops perfectly. The waves are calming, I can confirm it was 100000% worth! Thank you.
Checkpoint: This has been the best thing that ever happened to me, Chrono Trigger is the closest thing I can call (my) comfort game. I'm truly grateful I came across this game :)
Chrono Trigger is one of my comfort games too, because of all the endgame quests bringing closure and peace of mind to characters. Oh, and the pic story and the music too, of course
"I disagree. It's a very good game, but I think EarthBound is the best rpg ever." "EarthBound sucks!" "You know something?! YOU SUCK." I miss the mid 90's.
Checkpoint: Brokest i've ever been in my life but I feel like all of my experiences have gathered around me like little puzzle pieces. I'm not sure what the final thing will look like but at least all of the pieces are finally gathered. I guess I'll have to wait and see how my life will look once they're all arranged but I'm so ready for a "new" life...Hope all of your dreams come true whoever's reading this and if you're going through it, keep going!
@Steak_Nachos The fact that you realize that there is a picture that is being built with the puzzle pieces is, in itself, a huge step forward. Keep going. That picture will become clearer over time and you owe it to yourself to find out how amazing it actually is.
“Life is like music for its own sake. We are living in an eternal now, and when we listen to music we are not listening to the past, we are not listening to the future, we are listening to an expanded present.” ― Alan Watts
Check point: Started to push myself to become a better med student so that I will become better doctor after graduate. Clinical year has been rough but hey medicine is not easy
Never heard of this song before and never played Chrono Trigger before, but this does have the same kind of vibe as the old save zone of yore. So... I graduated with my bachelor's degree a month ago. Money's tight - lost my work study job at the same time I got my degree. Didn't get the scholarship that would've gotten me my master's. It's definitely rough, but I landed an interview for a job over in Boston - one that pays well and one that should allow me to move on up in the world. Save up for a few months, finally move out closer to the job, get established, and maybe then look into a masters abroad - hell of a lot cheaper. I'm scared of being in freefall - but I've already come this far. I won't let all the effort I and my past self put in go to waste. Tell me how it is in a year, future me.
I'd love to hear from you in a year. I've got a similar story to tell - I'm ahead in time from you, phd phase, almost failing bad, but pushing foward, open to the possibility of not making it. But I'll let the details for the future, maybe - because, really, they're not what matters. Only the fact that your're on your journey matters. Good luck. And play the game!
Beautiful. I remember when I was younger and first played ChronoTrigger. Those days were so easy. Now I have kids of my own and I'm trying to support them and help them have those easy days too. Seeing what makes them excited brings a little bit of that feeling back for me too. Its not easy now, but its worth it.
Stopping by. Just finished up exams, fresh into summer. Passed all classes by skin of my teeth, but have a lot of cool stuff lined up and a new job. got a plan to whip myself back into shape, and some friends to hit the gym with. Gonna be a good summer we turning this into the new internet save point
Since people say this is a new checkpoint maybe I should save here too. Anyways checkpoint : Today was one of the best days of my life, I have been through a lot of bad stuff but it seems the old saying of "First you should know yourself" really can help with a lot of things.
Checkpoint: I have gotten completely distracted by things that don't matter in life. I've been chasing money and "Success" but forgot about my own mental health. Despite my life being good I find myself more depressed than ever, going to start therapy and meditation. Trying to enjoy more side adventures and think less of the main quest. I love making music with all my heart and I will never stop until I die.
I understand what you are saying but we have to hange the POV here. Focusing on money and work was the side quest, now that you are Focusing on mental health and friends/family again you are back on the main quest
I've had the privilege of being able to walk a decent path and smelling the flowers along the way. I hope you find a path as good or better than mine, life can get worse but it also definitely can get better. I hope you enjoy the rest of your journey in happiness.
I'm curious how/why you chose the name evolgenius. Honest inquiry here, please answer if you are up for it. I'm mostly curious why you spelled "evil" the way you did (evol).
Just started off an internship at a company which I hope to work for in the next year. My relationship i've had for the last year is going amazing and I believe I've really found the one. I plan to propose within the next year and work my ass off at this new job to forge a life for the two of us. It's not going to be easy but I stare confidently into the horizon of life in a way I never have before. My confidence has grown immensely since my teen years, and I know God is always with me.
It is good to think into the future and have a roadmap 20 or 30 years ahead. I am like that. I spend more time thinking about my next step and how will I get there. My wife, on the other hand, lives the present. She enjoys today, not tomorrow. I've discovered that we make an awesome perfectly balanced team.
I didn't grow up playing Chronotrigger since we were dirt poor and my entire childhood was one awful misery. Every day I begged and wished to grow to up as soon as I could, so that I could escape my childhood. As an adult, I have finally come around to afford games and enjoy my life but I missed an entire important part of a humans life - childlike freedom and joy When I finally found Chronotrigger as an adult, the game has helped me heal a big part of my lost/missed time of being a kid. I couldn't think of a more fitting songtitle for this masterpiece. This song has reached through time to replace my missed childhood and heal my inner child. I am in a much better place now in my life, I have found peace - Chronotriggrr is now forever a part of me.
Checkpoint: Feeling depressed for not being able to do my job well enough, since I'm not able to solve my problem... Hopefully my advisor will understand. At the same time feeling grateful to be given the opportunity and to have come so far. This difficult time will pass... Good luck to anyone out there who's hardworking on their research and banging their head for being stuck. You got this!
ever get the feeling that you live in the Kingdom of Zeal IRL? Everyone so enthralled with "Magic" and the wonders it can create that no one stopped to ask, should we? It's a lesson I learned as a 12 year old playing this game for the first time and the nostalgia this music provokes is more powerful now as it ever was.
I can see my Golden Sun team from The Lost Age visit this place in Chrono Trigger with this music. My imagination ran wild for 10 hours, as I saw 2 seasons of episodes full of excitement, adventure, wonder, psynergy, unleashes, and tactics meld together against Chrono Trigger's Magic, Techniques, style, puzzles, monsters, and encounters. Seeing my characters built from my decisions in both games - Golden Sun and Chrono Trigger, meet each other and reacting to one another was a spatial experience. Their interactions made my heart melt, my tears ducts flow, and my nostalgia inhibitors unable to stop the feelings. There was companionship, heartbreak, loss, wins, held together by scripted sequences that I couldn't - as a player, watcher, maybe even dreamer - prevent. The island rises and falls... and at the end, was a conclusion to it all, a somewhat bitter one that also gives a glimmer of hope for me and my characters that I guided throughout their "games". It was an plethora of feeling - an experience. One I never wrote down or recorded. One I'll never experience ever again. I'll see glimpses here and there, but time feels as if its better to flow rather to be captured. My extreme thanks and gratitude goes to you, Dr. Primiri (Zevin)
Nobuo Uematsu is one of the greatest video game composers ever, with Chrono Trigger being one of my all time favorite games. This is awesome, worth your 100 gb
Checkpoint: The last checkpoint I had I was 200lbs and I am now 176! Sciatic nerve pain has caused my indoor dwelling lifestyle to change! I now take game osts and vaporwave and walk for 1-2 hours around my park on the way to work. My leg feels better, I look better, and a confident voice in me takes control. Downside is i've lost touch with games, comics, anime, etc.. Nerd in me is still there, but disconnecting from a monitor and taking music out into the world I recommend you give it a try sometime!
You find yourself walking into a green pasture, the slight turbulence of the ground below sways in a sort of pattern. In the distance some small islands float by. "Lost in the corridor of time" someone seems to be yelling from across the field. Old man: Hi there, you find yourself in the corridor of time. Rest your weary head traveler. ....
Checkpoint: The last 9 months have been absolute hell. Moved states for a dream job that is anything but, I feel like I am actively dying. Stress, depression, and fatigue are redefined for me on a near daily if not hourly basis. Endless, bottomless fatigue. Another 3 months before I can leave. What I wouldn't do for a ride in the Epoch right about now...
This type of frustration happens a lot, especially when we associate dreams with people or jobs. There are no "dream jobs." There are dreams and jobs and people who help us achieve them. Focus on experiences, meeting people and places. But never lose your freedom!
Been there bruh. One year felt like a lifetime. Every night I wished that I could just sleep away the remaining months. 10 years on from that now and every single year has been better than the last. Focus on all the things you'll get to do once those 3 months are up. Heck you're already down to two and a half!
hey man, read Sensei of Shambala. It's not gonna solve your problems, but will give you the right perspective to look at things which sometimes is more important when you don't have control over external events
UA-cam knows me too well. It's recommending me 10 hour videos because it knows I enjoy them. Also thank you for your sacrifice of 100GB. I know how precious HD space is.
Checkpoint: Just finished my first year of teaching. It was incredibly challenging, but I love my students and I’m so proud of my graduating seniors. Some of them are truly talented and I can’t wait to see what they do next. But for now, I’m so tired, and I will sleep. Stay strong, comrades.
Checkpoint: It's been a year since I moved away from my hometown. Finally started working in the career that I studied for college. Been feeling homesick since I basically moved somewhere I know no one. But I've getting out of my comfort zone to go to events like concerts and community events. Hopefully soon I can find a group to call my friends and a significant other.
Checkpoint: After 8+ years on working on it, completely failed my life goal. I've been trying to move on. Currently grinding on 3D & programming to get some kind of job. Social life is inexistent due to that struggle. Was hesitating to save, but I definitely don't want to lose this 3D / drawing knowledge I got for the last few years. Wishing the best for whoever reads that. Even if things feel useless, life very often finds a way to make them worthwhile so don't give up.
I've felt that way before, and I've come to realise that the moment you feel lost is actually a good sign, because you become aware of what you want and don't want in life, anger and frustration should become fuel for new goals. People stuck in lifeless routine, feeling stuck but not knowing why and not trying anything to get out are in a far worst place than people who can state out loud "I'm looking for a way out". I'm praying for your success my friend. You might find a new door you didn't even knew about. Your dedication for 3D and programming will not go unnoticed, even if you don't get a job out of it, you've learned how far you're willing to go and how much you're capable of learning new skills.
@@heloisep8600 Thank you! x3 It's true that when you feel lost, you do gain more clarity and insight for what's important in your life! So far I'm following the 3D/Art path, I'll see what I get out of it :3 Wishing you too the best for your own path too!
The first time I played this game it was like I was transported to a realm of magic and mystery. No other game has given me the same experience since. The music is perfectly in tune with the story. Truly divine inspiration.
I think my life is inching in a better direction slowly. Lately I’m happy and healthier than I’ve been in a long time. My crohn’s is either close to or in remission. I’m feeling increasingly isolated. I have a few friends who mean a lot to me so I’m thankful for that but I feel alone a lot of the time and it’s difficult to feel that way. I hope everyone can hug their loved ones, share food, listen to music, sing, dance, and smile together!
fellow digestion issue sufferer here. i hope you are doing well and your crohns is better. i feel isolated too, especially with my body like this. i know how hard it can be. keep going my friend :)
Entering save file. I've been working at my security job for a little over a year now, our old manager is retiring so fingers crossed the new guy will work out. Having my significant other as a coworker has been interesting. One of my younger brothers is working with my dad, hoping my other brother gets a job soon so he can start supporting himself.
Checkpoint: I have never heard of this channel, or this track, or even this game for that matter but I am shmoovin. I recently quit one job and moved into another better one with good pay and greater opportunity. I feel blessed in this season of my life, and am continually reminded that God is walking with me even when it seems I've become numbed by worldly distractions. Music truly is a beautiful thing, thanks for posting!
Thanks for making this! Funny how I can just work all day and have this as background music and somehow it doesn't get old or annoying. Of course it is from possibly the greatest RPG game ever but I am 5 hours through and it is just a nice melody to work to. Props to the original creator of this masterpiece.
@@dr.primerlikesyou LOL When you have your own merchandising company, run 3 online stores, have a wife, a dog and a child on the way, I look for breaks every day. Mainly for the GYM. Hope to hear more great music from you in the future. Have a Blessed Day my friend and thanks again for clearing your HD space for this.
Content creators like you should be revered as saints for work like this. Small random things like this video or me walking through a grocery store, whistling a theme from some JRPG only to have someone point it out is what makes having grown up in the 90s so special to me
Checkpoint: couple of days after the one year anniversary of giving up my left leg -- voluntary below knee amputation due to a medical condition that fused my ankle and had been gradually grinding it further and further out of place for nearly fifteen years. I feel more whole than I have since my teenage years, am largely independent again, and finally feel more comfortable wearing my prosthetic than I do wobbling around in my crutches. Should have had this done ten years ago, but lost my job and medical coverage right before the surgery. Fought with depression for over a year, followed close by my mother coming down with cancer, and then the good ol' pandemic. I feel like I've been in stasis for nearly half my life, always waiting for the next domino to be lined up or to fall over so I can move forward with my life... and it's finally here. Ironically, now I'm not sure what to do.
Seriously, i'm two hours in and absolutely baffled of how much this melody enables me to focus on my tasks. Also i'm waiting for it to become monotonous and repetitive but it just doesnt :D
Simply majestic. A spell to soothe the soul and calm the spirit. A new point of view opens itself in front of us. Damn... I love Chrono Trigger. Thanks for your hard work.
You know, I don't know if I've ever left a comment before, but I want you to know that I thank you for making this. This has saved me so many sleepless nights and bad thoughts that I come here for comfort and now use this as my new sleep haven. It's just so calming, so welcoming... I could get lost here for hours, and have been lost here for hours. There are days where I just make this the music of my room for a day, and use it to influence my dreams into things that I genuinely enjoy. Once again, thank you so much for making this. I wish you the best of days and that your day only gets better from here.
@@dr.primerlikesyou I feel personally attacked. LMAO haha. I, honest to God, have taken a break from LoL since coming across this video. So you are rehabilitating some of us.
Checkpoint made! Now that I am working in my favorite Japanese restaurant, I can say that I am back on track in life. I don’t care on how little the place is, the yakisoba is great, the overall atmosphere is fitting, and the employees over there are friendly. I am glad that I am working there now, but now I must think what makes a good bank account.
sure, what the heck I'll bite... My partner of 6 years broke up with me. It was pretty clean and we are still on good terms, but I am obviously going to have to move out of her house soon. Luckily I have a job at a sleepaway camp this summer, so that will give me some time away to process. My future is more uncertain than it has been in many years, and I am a little bit terrified. Oddly enough though, I also feel kinda hopeful... My life up to this point has felt aimless, maybe this is the kick I needed to help me figure out what I really want. eh... who knows Game Saved! Continue Playing? >Yes No
@@KainsAddiction Better graphics, padded out play times, MTX for years, safe samey features because they have to make LITERALLY all the money. No modern games are dystopian and soul less. Between Microshaft closing down sucessful studios launching sucessful games, sony forcing PSN down our throats at every turn, EA trying to include ads into games you pay for, ubisoft wanting to proselytize us into accepting not owing our games. Tons of good indie games for sure, but not alot that stacks up to the clasics.
@svenstevenson2245 Naw. Dude you don't game. I mean wtf. You're just touting the tired old buzzwords like MiCrOTraNActIoNs, dude like 3% of games have them. Either you dont game or you choose to play sh1tty games. And before you pretend that I'm some kid, Ive been gaming since 1985. I played Chrono Trigger ON RELEASE, purchased for 79.99 (equivalent to like $130 today). Spare me your crying.
@@KainsAddiction You're 40+ years old UsEd StrAnGe CaPItaliZatIONS in a post. The mirror. Use one. Imagine saying "You don't game" to someone in front of you, to make a point...about that other person, and not yourself. Just imagine that.
I hope everybody is taking steps to improve your lives, even in the smallest of ways. And if you're stuck for some reason or another, know that every one of us has been there, is there, or will be there one day. Find people to trust and let them help you.
Checkpoint: While I don't wanna wish to talk about this much, I thought why not add to the bunch of strangers sharing their own personal stories. I'm basically at a crossroad not knowing what to do with my life, I've been jobless for the good past of the year, so I picked up programming to at least learn something productive, but I don't know where I'll go with that either. My partner wants to move in with me, but I desire to be self-sustaining first before that, which might clash with their own wishes. At the very least heavy depression is out of the window for the time being, hopefully to not return that soon. Anyways, that was basically my short checkpoint, pass on, adventurer!
@@dr.primerlikesyou I studied English philology in university, aiming to be a teacher, but I couldn't foresee the struggle, so I gave up the first year. I think I have a trauma since that time, and prefer private education.
Checkpoint. Still messing her but life´s quitly smiling these days, hope everyone here be good and in peace, hope for more days like this, hope for see her again once more time.
Internet Checkpoint, July 2024: Birthday's this week, 17th, and I don't have a lot to do. I'm not surd what will come of the future, and sometimes I fall into worry about if I'm doing things wrong. I don't want to work on things I'm not passionate about, and I'm trying to pinpoint what that is again with a long project I've been working on. I feel like I'm close. But I recover from the worries, and I go do something I enjoy. I might learn something in this limited time I have. Maybe learn keyboard, or develop new worlds and artstyles. Or go outside, lmao. Not a lot to do out there, but maybe I'm looking with closed eyes. Either way, I'm cautiously hopeful. Thanks to anyone who bothered reading, and have a good time where, when, and whoever you are. :D
Checkpoint: Went through a breakup a few days ago, I plan on focusing on myself and becoming the best version of myself. I am wagering on my strength and endurance. Let's do it!
Checkpoint - August 9, 2024. 25 Years Old. A year ago today, I was general manager at the business I worked at. The store was struggling and with no help I reached a super low point, lost my first girlfriend, and got to the point where I was super exhausted and stopped caring. One year later, I'm at a lower position and making less money, but I'm noticably doing better enough that the people around me comment on it. I'm eating better, got a gym routine, have a dedicated day for spending time with friends, and am actively enjoying my hobbies again. Sometimes I'll hit moments where I'm in that headspace again, but those are getting fewer and fewer as I keep going. In life you'll have those lows that make you want to stop going, but the important thing is to push through and reach new heights.
There are so many issues with life, I want to fix them but obviously I'm only human. I want what's best for people but MAN are they actual jerks sometimes, my friends tell me I'm certain ways because I was raised Christian (something to do with "being stuck in your ways"), but even then I want to believe I am a nice person by heart. I just wish I could get over my social anxiety. Wish me luck out there, I'm never mentally prepared for anything (I tell myself) but I keep pushing forward regardless.
Joshua 1:9 "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Prayers and blessings, friend.
LV 26 Accountnant Back from my vacation! The sun starts to rise earlier, thank goodness! I gonna try to take care more of my health to have more energy to work. Still, I don't know how to get on rythym to exercise myself.
Checkpoint; I have many goals but would like to do it one at a time. I will come back each time I do. Have a great day everyone. This sound somehow can make me focus. Thanks, Dr Primer.
Check in: After a year and a half of sleeping in, I actually woke up earlier today. I’m a little spaced out but proud of myself and excited to keep it going. I feel it’s a big step in growing things forward.
This is the first time I've found a checkpoint naturally. 16 years ago I started my channel as a reason to exist and get out of bed because life sucks. I gave myself the quest of playing every game from my childhood consoles, and as of now I am almost exactly 90% finished with this quest, over 4000 played, only around 480 to go. A couple more years of streams and the one thing in my life I could control will have been accomplished at least, for better or worse. Life still sucks, but at least I have a legacy.
@ZetaPlays A purpose is critical to a mans survival. Without one, we all drift aimlessly and wither away slowly. When your purpose becomes bigger than yourself, you'll suddenly realize that you're thriving. Godspeed my friend!
I want to live here. High over the clouds, wind on my face, sun on my skin, above all worries and strife, free to dream and and exist without the pressure of the unending negotiation of what I want vs. what I am capable of doing....
Checkpoint: I'm 23 right now, i've spent most of my life behind a monitor playing video games, and right now, for the past couple of years, that kind of lifestyle has been catching up with me, health-wise, socially-wise, money-wise, everything. I'm only lucky to be alive and living more or less normally because of my supporting mom. I'm battling anxiety for the second time after curing it once, and i have a whole bucket full of other random health issues. I have no friends in real life, i have no job, and i cant get most jobs due to the current situation in my country. This has been making me really depressed and anxious. But i'm striding on, i hope there's something for me in the future, but for now i'm focusing on the present.
Remember to take small steps; don't force yourself to do something you aren't ready for. It took years to get to the point you are in, do not expect to escape in mere weeks. I was in the same situation as you, more or less, and for the past year I have been slowly scraping my way out. The best thing you can do to start is find reasons to leave the house. If you live in a rural area, you are lucky, you can walk through nature. Even if it is only a nature walk once a week, it can help to combat anxiety and agoraphobia. Once I was able to do this comfortably, I found it easier to make eye contact and smile at people walking by, I didn't need to spend 10 minutes psyching myself up to hand the cashier at a store money anymore. If you can get to this point, you might be ready to get a job, but start small. Do not force yourself to work full time to start, I would suggest getting a very part time job (maybe 3 days a week) to begin. The true purpose is to let yourself get used to being around people again, the autonomy afforded by having your own money is only a bonus. You have people who are willing to support you through this, don't squander it. The most important piece of advice I can give is to respect yourself. Forgive yourself for making mistakes the same way you would forgive a close friend. Allow yourself to rest before you crash and lose all your progress. And absolutely do not surround yourself with people who have given up. Try to make friends with people who still have the will to move forward. Sorry for writing an essay, I just spent so long making mistakes that I feel like I need to tell people this whenever I see someone in the same situation I was
First of all please acknowledge your current situation without lying to yourself, feel bad for you and only you, think about it and release everything, go and cry until you get tired of it. Feeling bad is good for you, thinking positively when it is not is what drives people to madness and depression. Trust me, I have been like that before and crying non-stop was the release I was looking for, your mind will be thankful at you for that and it will start releasing hormones that will make you do the things you never imagine to do. Acceptance is always the first step and life is longer than you think, you'll get more chances so be ready.
You are amazingly wonderful for this. From one more random Joe-shmo just trying to get through life...thank you. I've been playing this immediately when I get home from work and just letting it ride for the full ten. Different game, but still a quote that comes to mind... "Doc, I feel strange when I listen to this music. I feel something warm inside." Fei ~ Xenogears
Checkpoint 2024: I feel like every day goes by faster, I don't even do the things I like to do as much as I would like and work has taken up most of my free time. Every time I lie in my bed I think about what I'm looking for in my life? What would I like to achieve? What would I like to become? It's like I'm just wasting my time little by little and it continues like an endless spiral, I hope I can fix things before I become just another worker who just survives and doesn't live
Checkpoint[10Jun2024]: Working to the chillest music I've heard in a long time, weather is gray (as always in the UK XD). After a long instability period, child - teen - early adult phases, my life and psyche is finally falling in place. Family situation is a working progress but career is looking nicely, social life is great and just met someone who I'm slowly falling in love with. I finally have the strength and confidence to welcome change instead of feeling terrified by it. Learnt that I can't nor shouldn't try to control everything around me, going with the flow doesn't always lead towards the end of the cliff.
I declare this the new internet save zone
Nu: but a what cost?
As long as the youtube servers remain intact, we can make it work
Save point music at it's finest
Seconded: New Internet Save Zone.
checking in here. I've just met someone. Over a year ago my ex of 10 years moved out. I'm starting to take the next steps in my life. Here's to walking the corridors of time together, folks. Stay healthy, and talk to people.
Looks like I'm sleeping for 10 hours tonight
Have a good sleep!
You'll wake up a Nu person 😴😲
@@zivzulander Underrated comment 😁
10 hours? I bet that's just a minute - in a Corridor of Time and space.
RIP Akira Toriyama... If they ever remake this game it will not be the same without you! 😭
His "art" was hideous. Thank goodness the pixellation of 90s games spared our eyes of the full imagery.
one of the greatest and most influential artists of our era!
This looks and sounds so damn familiar is this Chrono Trigger?
@natmarelnam4871 Did you not even read their name?
@@MeanOldLadyHe is an iconic artist lmao. He inspired thousands of artist with his own art. Your opinion is wrong
"This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief." - Rumi
Bravo !
It's funny you say that because I feel like I've seen this art while dreaming at night or daydreaming.
i think that wind turbine is pointless in that island when there is no wires coming to the mainland, electricity cant travel distances like that in magnetic field
@@ketsi3079 The talking frog with a magic sword always kind of bothered me personally. How is that supposed to be believable?
That hits
Chrono Trigger will always be the GOAT JRPG, amazing story and 12000 BC music is seared into my brain forever
Boss fight song number 2. When you heard that you knew you were in for a rough fight. That Black Tyranno fight oof
Play a sad one, Joe!
I mean, how have they not topped it? No other game has ever even come close. Did they copyright the tech system? Because it is just SOOOOO good. Maybe it's just my nostalgia, but even playing it again today feels amazing.
Chrono trigger is so fucking bad lmao, this has to be the most overrated videogame ever..
Gameplay with decent mechanics that is ruined by awful balance and the dumbest difficulty slider in history with an extremely boring and badly executed story full of bland characters that stop having any dialogue as soon as their chapters end.
Game's just ass, even as far as JRPGs go, and that's saying something.
Good OST tho.
@@therealwillsmith As a token of gratitude, the troll-king has assigned you to a bigger bridge to guard. And an extra bucket for all the salt.
Check point:
Depression is no longer on the mind. Everyday now has joy to be had. The kids have gotten stronger, smarter, and better in everyway. You found the best friends you were looking for.
You can finally say "life is good." And mean it. You did it. You are everything you dreamed of 15 years ago. The weight is lost and you are in shape. You can run a marathon. You inspire others and you dont know why. Being a family man is harder than you expected. But you have a family again, and your old pals.
Life is good. Keep chasing it my friends. Love all of you.
Good on ya!
Happy to know that you're good stranger, I hope you keep getting better. Love ya
No thank you.
My son is dead.
No checkpoints
No save zones.
i really appreciate people that comment stuff like this!
@@wolfbones666 Damn :(
Checkpoint 2024:
Lifes been rough , only 22 and both parents gone, but despite all this im still pushing on , got a job and a Girlfriend who i love.
No matter what future me keep on pushing, the grass is always either Greener or weirder on the other side :)
hey, just dropping by to say well done! and to remind you that there's more to you than a job and a girlfriend. Both of those are great! But your next step should be considering what those bring.
Keep pushing. And always try to be pushing "uphill", and not to just maintain.
Good luck!
"Its the struggle for the future that fills the void in a mans heart"
@@microcosms2420 ❤️ thank yous
I'm very sorry for your loss... Keep at it! I'm glad you have fuel to keep going on! Wishing the best for you 🙏
You're strong. Really strong, especially to have gone through that at your age. Keep that in mind, even on bad days.
@@aubreyyoung4610 ❤️ thanks , i needed to hear that, tysm
The checkpoint is eternal.
like counter at 420, I don't know if I should break this art
But at what price?
Strange irony that a doomed civilisation living its final days has the chillest track in the entire game.
You did that doomed civilisation more justice than it ever had with this remix. Amazing work.
It's funny how civilization collapse share similar patterns, even in video games
[looks uncomfortably at TWRP and Skyhill albums]
It got doomed precisely because they were too chill with everything, and didn't think "wait, we're doing fine in every way, why do we need more power/cash/machinery/conflict/anything?". It has happened to every big civilization from the dawn of time.
@@enriquejoseantequerasanche6180 Ehhh I think a lot of big civilizations start to crumble because of long term issues that don't go addressed, or because they're on the wrong end of a geopolitical shift and cannot/will not adapt. Rome's a good example of the former (lack of formal succession, among other things), the Ottomans a good example of the latter (discovery of the Americas made them increasingly irrelevant).
It's been a long time since I've played Chrono Trigger but doesn't most of Zeal's magic come from Lavos? That would make them an example of the former - they were playing with fire the entire time but either couldn't or wouldn't stop.
@ Colddirector
Basically, every single civilization out there, or at least every state out there eventually collapses because of the way, it’s built and develops. There’s always some sort of flaw which becomes unbearable when the conditions that enabled it’s flourishing changed to instead emphasize the flaw.
Rome was dependent upon a plunder economy, and when it just got too big for contemporary movement and communications, he could either split or consolidate, and decided to consolidate, which meant no more ponder, which meant eventually all the money ended up with the rich Romans, and not in the hands of the economy and the state.
10 hours of productivity? Man, I can't even manage 10 SECONDS of it lmao. I appreciate you being so hopeful for me though.
Don't give up, brother! If this piece and the words of your unknown brothers manage to increase your productivity by 1 second, then we succeeded
This. This is the vibe of all vibes. Let this become a new internet checkpoint please
This reminds me of being fascinated with the Chrono Trigger OST back in the 90s when I first found my way to the internet. Downloaded MIDI files from random unknown sources across the world wide web, loaded them by floppy disc into synthesizers and adjusted the MIDI voices. "It's like a player-pinao!"
I immediately felt Chrono Trigger OST vibes from this amazing tune!
@Mattybot3000 that would probably be because this is a cover of a song from the chrono trigger ost. But who knows, it could be anything.
Midi is awesome, one of the best file extensions. You could transform any audio today to midi, and use that midi to make whatever you want with the melody, even transforming that polished midi melody to a real instrument using AI. I love midi!
Discovering MIDI files was insane for me. Songs on Napster would have to download overnight, MIDI songs downloaded in a couple of seconds at most. That was insane to me. And I could open it up in software that came with windows for some reason and change all of the instruments to steal drums. Woah.
Same. I'm fascinated with the whole Chrono Trigger OST, this music is magical. I have the entire official soundtracks playlists and other versions of them on Spotify and I listen to them all the time.
Such an amazing game!
I've given Chrono Cross a chance, so now I'm playing it to see how it goes, the music is also pretty beautiful and sometimes reminds me of Chrono Trigger :)
I have listened to the full 10 hours. I start and stopped without rewinding. It never missed a beat. It loops perfectly. The waves are calming, I can confirm it was 100000% worth! Thank you.
Thanks! Remember to take breaks and touch grass 👍
@@dr.primerlikesyou Grass is poison.
@@user-iy7lk7ig4h grass is potion
@@dr.primerlikesyou or touch grass while listening?
This has been the best thing that ever happened to me, Chrono Trigger is the closest thing I can call (my) comfort game.
I'm truly grateful I came across this game :)
Jesus loves you
Chrono Trigger is one of my comfort games too, because of all the endgame quests bringing closure and peace of mind to characters.
Oh, and the pic story and the music too, of course
"I disagree. It's a very good game, but I think EarthBound is the best rpg ever."
"EarthBound sucks!"
"You know something?! YOU SUCK."
I miss the mid 90's.
Checkpoint: Brokest i've ever been in my life but I feel like all of my experiences have gathered around me like little puzzle pieces. I'm not sure what the final thing will look like but at least all of the pieces are finally gathered. I guess I'll have to wait and see how my life will look once they're all arranged but I'm so ready for a "new" life...Hope all of your dreams come true whoever's reading this and if you're going through it, keep going!
Jesus loves you
I'm in the same exact place in life. I hope things have started to coalesce for you! Wishing your dreams become reality before your eyes. 😊
@Steak_Nachos The fact that you realize that there is a picture that is being built with the puzzle pieces is, in itself, a huge step forward. Keep going. That picture will become clearer over time and you owe it to yourself to find out how amazing it actually is.
Good luck to you, Steak_Nachos.
“Life is like music for its own sake. We are living in an eternal now, and when we listen to music we are not listening to the past, we are not listening to the future, we are listening to an expanded present.”
― Alan Watts
Check point:
Started to push myself to become a better med student so that I will become better doctor after graduate. Clinical year has been rough but hey medicine is not easy
Jesus loves you
Never heard of this song before and never played Chrono Trigger before, but this does have the same kind of vibe as the old save zone of yore. So...
I graduated with my bachelor's degree a month ago. Money's tight - lost my work study job at the same time I got my degree. Didn't get the scholarship that would've gotten me my master's. It's definitely rough, but I landed an interview for a job over in Boston - one that pays well and one that should allow me to move on up in the world. Save up for a few months, finally move out closer to the job, get established, and maybe then look into a masters abroad - hell of a lot cheaper.
I'm scared of being in freefall - but I've already come this far. I won't let all the effort I and my past self put in go to waste. Tell me how it is in a year, future me.
I hope to hear how well it goes in a year.
Damn, look at that! You got your bachelors! Youve already come far so keep going
Youve got this dude
I'd love to hear from you in a year. I've got a similar story to tell - I'm ahead in time from you, phd phase, almost failing bad, but pushing foward, open to the possibility of not making it. But I'll let the details for the future, maybe - because, really, they're not what matters. Only the fact that your're on your journey matters. Good luck. And play the game!
You took the leap of faith, now hit the ground running and don't stop. You've got this.
Beautiful. I remember when I was younger and first played ChronoTrigger. Those days were so easy. Now I have kids of my own and I'm trying to support them and help them have those easy days too. Seeing what makes them excited brings a little bit of that feeling back for me too. Its not easy now, but its worth it.
I completely agree.
Stopping by. Just finished up exams, fresh into summer. Passed all classes by skin of my teeth, but have a lot of cool stuff lined up and a new job. got a plan to whip myself back into shape, and some friends to hit the gym with. Gonna be a good summer
we turning this into the new internet save point
Bro you make my day. Thinking that everyone is going to do it.
we will win life guys, don't abandon!
@wankmk2 Keep that kind of motivation, always.
Dammit now Summer is over ;( I wish it would be Summer all year long. East coast winters are just so brutal.
Considering the recent news, this seems a fitting song.
What happened in the news?
@@dr.primerlikesyou Akira Toryama (hope I spelled his name right) passed away a few days ago.
@@jacobdagun3670 may he rest in peace.
Sound like something I’d play in the background while exploring tall grass plains and or the hyperbolic time chamber
"time" chamber - I see what you did there
Yes 🥹❤️
The hype ebola rhyme chamber
Since people say this is a new checkpoint maybe I should save here too.
Anyways checkpoint : Today was one of the best days of my life, I have been through a lot of bad stuff but it seems the old saying of "First you should know yourself" really can help with a lot of things.
Jesus loves you
I have gotten completely distracted by things that don't matter in life. I've been chasing money and "Success" but forgot about my own mental health. Despite my life being good I find myself more depressed than ever, going to start therapy and meditation. Trying to enjoy more side adventures and think less of the main quest. I love making music with all my heart and I will never stop until I die.
I understand what you are saying but we have to hange the POV here. Focusing on money and work was the side quest, now that you are Focusing on mental health and friends/family again you are back on the main quest
@@atem-l6545yo that's the best response to that comment 💯
I've had the privilege of being able to walk a decent path and smelling the flowers along the way. I hope you find a path as good or better than mine, life can get worse but it also definitely can get better. I hope you enjoy the rest of your journey in happiness.
The wiseman gets to the goal without wondering how and why
Jesus loves you
Am I butterfly dreaming I'm a man? Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume what you see and feel is real!
salvia divinorum
I'm curious how/why you chose the name evolgenius. Honest inquiry here, please answer if you are up for it. I'm mostly curious why you spelled "evil" the way you did (evol).
@@MavisReconBecause of Evol Intent, duh! /j
@@MavisReconDon’t worry about it. You’re not ready for the ancient mysteries to be revealed to you.
Just started off an internship at a company which I hope to work for in the next year. My relationship i've had for the last year is going amazing and I believe I've really found the one. I plan to propose within the next year and work my ass off at this new job to forge a life for the two of us. It's not going to be easy but I stare confidently into the horizon of life in a way I never have before. My confidence has grown immensely since my teen years, and I know God is always with me.
It is good to think into the future and have a roadmap 20 or 30 years ahead. I am like that. I spend more time thinking about my next step and how will I get there. My wife, on the other hand, lives the present. She enjoys today, not tomorrow. I've discovered that we make an awesome perfectly balanced team.
Jesus loves you
That's great bud. Good luck and God bless you.
An acoustic guitar version of a Chrono Trigger song.
How lovely. :)
Super chill thank you for sacrificing your hard drive
The render was quite hard on my drive yes
"Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man... Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume that what you see and feel is real!"
I didn't grow up playing Chronotrigger since we were dirt poor and my entire childhood was one awful misery.
Every day I begged and wished to grow to up as soon as I could, so that I could escape my childhood.
As an adult, I have finally come around to afford games and enjoy my life but I missed an entire important part of a humans life - childlike freedom and joy
When I finally found Chronotrigger as an adult, the game has helped me heal a big part of my lost/missed time of being a kid.
I couldn't think of a more fitting songtitle for this masterpiece.
This song has reached through time to replace my missed childhood and heal my inner child.
I am in a much better place now in my life, I have found peace - Chronotriggrr is now forever a part of me.
@@NbMaster-np7fg What a beautiful story. We all deserve to have our earliest scars soften and heal over time.
glad you are enjoying life brother, i hope it only gets better
counterstrike is a really amazing game, its available on stream! hope u saved up enough to own a PC to grab a download in your lifetime.
Second that, Counterstrike 1.6 and Starcraft Broodwar ❤❤❤❤❤
Feeling depressed for not being able to do my job well enough, since I'm not able to solve my problem... Hopefully my advisor will understand. At the same time feeling grateful to be given the opportunity and to have come so far. This difficult time will pass... Good luck to anyone out there who's hardworking on their research and banging their head for being stuck. You got this!
ty for this.
Jesus loves you
Stay away from the SSRI's brother
Same here, it indeed is a struggle
ever get the feeling that you live in the Kingdom of Zeal IRL? Everyone so enthralled with "Magic" and the wonders it can create that no one stopped to ask, should we? It's a lesson I learned as a 12 year old playing this game for the first time and the nostalgia this music provokes is more powerful now as it ever was.
Very interesting parallel indeed, wonder what the modern day Lavos equivalent will be
All life begins with Nu, and all life ends with Nu...
This is the truth!
This is my belief!
...At least for now.
'The Mystery of life' Vol. 841 Ch. 26
funny thing. the center lavos bit does resemble a nu in some ways. at least the hands and feet... and nu are a part of lavos's dna...
All things move towards two things: Crab, or Nu.
It's a play on Mu, which means essentially the same in Japanese but also hints towards Lemuria, the motherland (a.k.a. the lost kingdom of Zeal)
Realized if you read it actually it's All life begins within you ( with Nu) and all life ends within you.
@@gDiscovery95 would be pretty deep if intentional lol
My dude! You listened to the voice of The Internet, and you *did it*. Countless nameless wraiths thank you for your service.
Haha I love this comment!
Looks like ten hours of it is back on the menu, boys
We are so back
I can see my Golden Sun team from The Lost Age visit this place in Chrono Trigger with this music.
My imagination ran wild for 10 hours, as I saw 2 seasons of episodes full of excitement, adventure, wonder, psynergy, unleashes, and tactics meld together against Chrono Trigger's Magic, Techniques, style, puzzles, monsters, and encounters.
Seeing my characters built from my decisions in both games - Golden Sun and Chrono Trigger, meet each other and reacting to one another was a spatial experience. Their interactions made my heart melt, my tears ducts flow, and my nostalgia inhibitors unable to stop the feelings. There was companionship, heartbreak, loss, wins, held together by scripted sequences that I couldn't - as a player, watcher, maybe even dreamer - prevent. The island rises and falls... and at the end, was a conclusion to it all, a somewhat bitter one that also gives a glimmer of hope for me and my characters that I guided throughout their "games".
It was an plethora of feeling - an experience.
One I never wrote down or recorded. One I'll never experience ever again. I'll see glimpses here and there, but time feels as if its better to flow rather to be captured.
My extreme thanks and gratitude goes to you, Dr. Primiri (Zevin)
Holy moly. He did it boys. WE HAVE ACHIEVED HEAVEN. Time to put it on constant loop. Thank you good sir. The wait was worth it.
Nobuo Uematsu is one of the greatest video game composers ever, with Chrono Trigger being one of my all time favorite games. This is awesome, worth your 100 gb
You sir, are a watch time genius. When people work to this jam for hours as lo-fi background, you are gonna clean up =)
The last checkpoint I had I was 200lbs and I am now 176! Sciatic nerve pain has caused my indoor dwelling lifestyle to change! I now take game osts and vaporwave and walk for 1-2 hours around my park on the way to work. My leg feels better, I look better, and a confident voice in me takes control. Downside is i've lost touch with games, comics, anime, etc.. Nerd in me is still there, but disconnecting from a monitor and taking music out into the world I recommend you give it a try sometime!
You find yourself walking into a green pasture, the slight turbulence of the ground below sways in a sort of pattern. In the distance some small islands float by. "Lost in the corridor of time" someone seems to be yelling from across the field.
Old man: Hi there, you find yourself in the corridor of time. Rest your weary head traveler.
The last 9 months have been absolute hell. Moved states for a dream job that is anything but, I feel like I am actively dying. Stress, depression, and fatigue are redefined for me on a near daily if not hourly basis. Endless, bottomless fatigue. Another 3 months before I can leave. What I wouldn't do for a ride in the Epoch right about now...
I'm sorry to hear this, but please keep pushing on and don't give up.
This type of frustration happens a lot, especially when we associate dreams with people or jobs. There are no "dream jobs." There are dreams and jobs and people who help us achieve them. Focus on experiences, meeting people and places. But never lose your freedom!
Been there bruh. One year felt like a lifetime. Every night I wished that I could just sleep away the remaining months. 10 years on from that now and every single year has been better than the last. Focus on all the things you'll get to do once those 3 months are up. Heck you're already down to two and a half!
hey man, read Sensei of Shambala. It's not gonna solve your problems, but will give you the right perspective to look at things which sometimes is more important when you don't have control over external events
Jesus loves you
UA-cam knows me too well. It's recommending me 10 hour videos because it knows I enjoy them. Also thank you for your sacrifice of 100GB. I know how precious HD space is.
Checkpoint: Just finished my first year of teaching. It was incredibly challenging, but I love my students and I’m so proud of my graduating seniors. Some of them are truly talented and I can’t wait to see what they do next. But for now, I’m so tired, and I will sleep. Stay strong, comrades.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything?
@@My_Names_Not_Nigel he just felt like letting it out. Let him be, why be rude.
thank you for your service
@@My_Names_Not_Nigel It is the point of these checkpoint videos.
Jesus loves you
YOOOOOO!!!! I am so happy that you dropped it today! I will have a good night of sleep.
Haha yes!!! Have a great sleep and hope you enjoy the result of my 100GB rendering!
It's been a year since I moved away from my hometown. Finally started working in the career that I studied for college. Been feeling homesick since I basically moved somewhere I know no one. But I've getting out of my comfort zone to go to events like concerts and community events. Hopefully soon I can find a group to call my friends and a significant other.
After 8+ years on working on it, completely failed my life goal. I've been trying to move on. Currently grinding on 3D & programming to get some kind of job. Social life is inexistent due to that struggle.
Was hesitating to save, but I definitely don't want to lose this 3D / drawing knowledge I got for the last few years.
Wishing the best for whoever reads that. Even if things feel useless, life very often finds a way to make them worthwhile so don't give up.
So sorry to hear about that. I wish you the best for your future fellow traveller
I've felt that way before, and I've come to realise that the moment you feel lost is actually a good sign, because you become aware of what you want and don't want in life, anger and frustration should become fuel for new goals. People stuck in lifeless routine, feeling stuck but not knowing why and not trying anything to get out are in a far worst place than people who can state out loud "I'm looking for a way out".
I'm praying for your success my friend. You might find a new door you didn't even knew about. Your dedication for 3D and programming will not go unnoticed, even if you don't get a job out of it, you've learned how far you're willing to go and how much you're capable of learning new skills.
@@heloisep8600 Thank you! x3 It's true that when you feel lost, you do gain more clarity and insight for what's important in your life! So far I'm following the 3D/Art path, I'll see what I get out of it :3 Wishing you too the best for your own path too!
@@GunnerKitten Thank you! I'm fighting for it! Wishing for the best for you too!
You can probably start a youtube channel on the side while coding during the day
The first time I played this game it was like I was transported to a realm of magic and mystery. No other game has given me the same experience since. The music is perfectly in tune with the story. Truly divine inspiration.
I think my life is inching in a better direction slowly. Lately I’m happy and healthier than I’ve been in a long time. My crohn’s is either close to or in remission. I’m feeling increasingly isolated. I have a few friends who mean a lot to me so I’m thankful for that but I feel alone a lot of the time and it’s difficult to feel that way.
I hope everyone can hug their loved ones, share food, listen to music, sing, dance, and smile together!
fellow digestion issue sufferer here. i hope you are doing well and your crohns is better. i feel isolated too, especially with my body like this. i know how hard it can be. keep going my friend :)
Jesus loves you
"This is the eternal kingdom of Zeal, where dreams can come true. But at what price?"
-Doreen, Chrono Trigger
Entering save file.
I've been working at my security job for a little over a year now, our old manager is retiring so fingers crossed the new guy will work out. Having my significant other as a coworker has been interesting. One of my younger brothers is working with my dad, hoping my other brother gets a job soon so he can start supporting himself.
I have never heard of this channel, or this track, or even this game for that matter but I am shmoovin. I recently quit one job and moved into another better one with good pay and greater opportunity. I feel blessed in this season of my life, and am continually reminded that God is walking with me even when it seems I've become numbed by worldly distractions. Music truly is a beautiful thing, thanks for posting!
Thanks for making this! Funny how I can just work all day and have this as background music and somehow it doesn't get old or annoying. Of course it is from possibly the greatest RPG game ever but I am 5 hours through and it is just a nice melody to work to. Props to the original creator of this masterpiece.
Good to hear! Remember to take breaks
@@dr.primerlikesyou LOL When you have your own merchandising company, run 3 online stores, have a wife, a dog and a child on the way, I look for breaks every day. Mainly for the GYM. Hope to hear more great music from you in the future. Have a Blessed Day my friend and thanks again for clearing your HD space for this.
Content creators like you should be revered as saints for work like this.
Small random things like this video or me walking through a grocery store, whistling a theme from some JRPG only to have someone point it out is what makes having grown up in the 90s so special to me
Checkpoint: couple of days after the one year anniversary of giving up my left leg -- voluntary below knee amputation due to a medical condition that fused my ankle and had been gradually grinding it further and further out of place for nearly fifteen years. I feel more whole than I have since my teenage years, am largely independent again, and finally feel more comfortable wearing my prosthetic than I do wobbling around in my crutches. Should have had this done ten years ago, but lost my job and medical coverage right before the surgery. Fought with depression for over a year, followed close by my mother coming down with cancer, and then the good ol' pandemic. I feel like I've been in stasis for nearly half my life, always waiting for the next domino to be lined up or to fall over so I can move forward with my life... and it's finally here.
Ironically, now I'm not sure what to do.
Now you walk, friend. You walk forward.
I feel for you. It's been pretty similar for me.
Jesus loves you
Seriously, i'm two hours in and absolutely baffled of how much this melody enables me to focus on my tasks. Also i'm waiting for it to become monotonous and repetitive but it just doesnt :D
Simply majestic. A spell to soothe the soul and calm the spirit. A new point of view opens itself in front of us.
Damn... I love Chrono Trigger. Thanks for your hard work.
Thank you! I think the original creator deserves more credit tbh.
You know, I don't know if I've ever left a comment before, but I want you to know that I thank you for making this. This has saved me so many sleepless nights and bad thoughts that I come here for comfort and now use this as my new sleep haven.
It's just so calming, so welcoming... I could get lost here for hours, and have been lost here for hours. There are days where I just make this the music of my room for a day, and use it to influence my dreams into things that I genuinely enjoy.
Once again, thank you so much for making this. I wish you the best of days and that your day only gets better from here.
I'd love this if I could, rather than a like. This is awesome. Too the 100+ GB of storage wiped, your sacrifice was not in vain.🧡
Uninstalled league of legends for this, pretty worth ngl 😎
@@dr.primerlikesyou I feel personally attacked. LMAO haha. I, honest to God, have taken a break from LoL since coming across this video. So you are rehabilitating some of us.
Wooohhhh!!! This is bookmarked FOR SURE!!! I will be editing on that link for a good while, thanks!!!
Checkpoint: found out what I want from life :) onwards and upwards!
Jesus loves you
I can get why this is precious. I get nostalgia from a game I haven't played or heard. The music is calming and a bit mysterious.
False; i didn't ask for it, i don't even know you... THANK YOU SO MUCH ANYWAYS!!!! 🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳 Going directly to my playlist!!
Checkpoint made!
Now that I am working in my favorite Japanese restaurant, I can say that I am back on track in life. I don’t care on how little the place is, the yakisoba is great, the overall atmosphere is fitting, and the employees over there are friendly.
I am glad that I am working there now, but now I must think what makes a good bank account.
sure, what the heck I'll bite...
My partner of 6 years broke up with me. It was pretty clean and we are still on good terms, but I am obviously going to have to move out of her house soon. Luckily I have a job at a sleepaway camp this summer, so that will give me some time away to process. My future is more uncertain than it has been in many years, and I am a little bit terrified. Oddly enough though, I also feel kinda hopeful... My life up to this point has felt aimless, maybe this is the kick I needed to help me figure out what I really want.
eh... who knows
Game Saved!
Continue Playing?
>Yes No
There is something incredible about this artstyle
Chrono Trigger is just perfect, I just want to play it again after listening to it
good old time, when video games weren't a cess pool . . .
thanks for this music.
Games are better than they've ever been. You either don't game or just spent all your time online.
@@KainsAddiction Better graphics, padded out play times, MTX for years, safe samey features because they have to make LITERALLY all the money.
No modern games are dystopian and soul less. Between Microshaft closing down sucessful studios launching sucessful games, sony forcing PSN down our throats at every turn, EA trying to include ads into games you pay for, ubisoft wanting to proselytize us into accepting not owing our games.
Tons of good indie games for sure, but not alot that stacks up to the clasics.
@svenstevenson2245 Naw. Dude you don't game. I mean wtf. You're just touting the tired old buzzwords like MiCrOTraNActIoNs, dude like 3% of games have them. Either you dont game or you choose to play sh1tty games. And before you pretend that I'm some kid, Ive been gaming since 1985. I played Chrono Trigger ON RELEASE, purchased for 79.99 (equivalent to like $130 today). Spare me your crying.
@@KainsAddictionyou purchased chrono trigger on release for $80?
@@KainsAddiction You're 40+ years old UsEd StrAnGe CaPItaliZatIONS in a post. The mirror. Use one. Imagine saying "You don't game" to someone in front of you, to make a point...about that other person, and not yourself. Just imagine that.
I hope everybody is taking steps to improve your lives, even in the smallest of ways. And if you're stuck for some reason or another, know that every one of us has been there, is there, or will be there one day. Find people to trust and let them help you.
I love Chronotrigger
“To bring back lost loved ones, It's what everyone wants...”
-Gaspar, Chrono Trigger
"Crono must be proud... to have friends like you..."
Checkpoint: While I don't wanna wish to talk about this much, I thought why not add to the bunch of strangers sharing their own personal stories. I'm basically at a crossroad not knowing what to do with my life, I've been jobless for the good past of the year, so I picked up programming to at least learn something productive, but I don't know where I'll go with that either. My partner wants to move in with me, but I desire to be self-sustaining first before that, which might clash with their own wishes. At the very least heavy depression is out of the window for the time being, hopefully to not return that soon. Anyways, that was basically my short checkpoint, pass on, adventurer!
Have you considered going to school for a masters degree? There are plenty of that online as well
@@dr.primerlikesyou I studied English philology in university, aiming to be a teacher, but I couldn't foresee the struggle, so I gave up the first year. I think I have a trauma since that time, and prefer private education.
Checkpoint. Still messing her but life´s quitly smiling these days, hope everyone here be good and in peace, hope for more days like this, hope for see her again once more time.
Internet Checkpoint, July 2024:
Birthday's this week, 17th, and I don't have a lot to do. I'm not surd what will come of the future, and sometimes I fall into worry about if I'm doing things wrong. I don't want to work on things I'm not passionate about, and I'm trying to pinpoint what that is again with a long project I've been working on. I feel like I'm close. But I recover from the worries, and I go do something I enjoy.
I might learn something in this limited time I have. Maybe learn keyboard, or develop new worlds and artstyles. Or go outside, lmao. Not a lot to do out there, but maybe I'm looking with closed eyes.
Either way, I'm cautiously hopeful. Thanks to anyone who bothered reading, and have a good time where, when, and whoever you are.
There is a saying that says: "not enjoying the present because of the anxiety of what's to come"
Jesus loves you
first time i listened through a full 10h video without sleeping and im still not tired of this song and cover!
Went through a breakup a few days ago, I plan on focusing on myself and becoming the best version of myself. I am wagering on my strength and endurance. Let's do it!
I'm rooting for you ✊️
Jesus loves you
You'll never be happy until you like yourself
muy relajante, es una hermosa composición... No puedo describir toda la tranquilidad y nostalgia que me hace sentir
Blessed night. Always good to see you making more content.
Checkpoint - August 9, 2024. 25 Years Old.
A year ago today, I was general manager at the business I worked at. The store was struggling and with no help I reached a super low point, lost my first girlfriend, and got to the point where I was super exhausted and stopped caring. One year later, I'm at a lower position and making less money, but I'm noticably doing better enough that the people around me comment on it. I'm eating better, got a gym routine, have a dedicated day for spending time with friends, and am actively enjoying my hobbies again. Sometimes I'll hit moments where I'm in that headspace again, but those are getting fewer and fewer as I keep going.
In life you'll have those lows that make you want to stop going, but the important thing is to push through and reach new heights.
Jesus loves you
There are so many issues with life, I want to fix them but obviously I'm only human. I want what's best for people but MAN are they actual jerks sometimes, my friends tell me I'm certain ways because I was raised Christian (something to do with "being stuck in your ways"), but even then I want to believe I am a nice person by heart. I just wish I could get over my social anxiety.
Wish me luck out there, I'm never mentally prepared for anything (I tell myself) but I keep pushing forward regardless.
Joshua 1:9 "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
Prayers and blessings, friend.
LV 26 Accountnant
Back from my vacation!
The sun starts to rise earlier, thank goodness!
I gonna try to take care more of my health to have more energy to work.
Still, I don't know how to get on rythym to exercise myself.
Savepoint: Keep failing due to skill issue. Lets try this again, Time to get good. Failure is just another chance to learn. And I'll never give up!🌞
Skill is gained through experience, my friend. Keep at it! What do you do?
Jesus loves you no matter what
@@mmorphy4258 Jesus Christ loves you too
Sounds like you need to play New Threat 2.0, good luck
I have many goals but would like to do it one at a time. I will come back each time I do. Have a great day everyone. This sound somehow can make me focus. Thanks, Dr Primer.
Check in: After a year and a half of sleeping in, I actually woke up earlier today. I’m a little spaced out but proud of myself and excited to keep it going. I feel it’s a big step in growing things forward.
This is the first time I've found a checkpoint naturally. 16 years ago I started my channel as a reason to exist and get out of bed because life sucks. I gave myself the quest of playing every game from my childhood consoles, and as of now I am almost exactly 90% finished with this quest, over 4000 played, only around 480 to go. A couple more years of streams and the one thing in my life I could control will have been accomplished at least, for better or worse. Life still sucks, but at least I have a legacy.
Trying to experience as many games before I croak is something that keeps me going in life... I wish you well on your quest.
@ZetaPlays A purpose is critical to a mans survival. Without one, we all drift aimlessly and wither away slowly. When your purpose becomes bigger than yourself, you'll suddenly realize that you're thriving. Godspeed my friend!
I want to live here. High over the clouds, wind on my face, sun on my skin, above all worries and strife, free to dream and and exist without the pressure of the unending negotiation of what I want vs. what I am capable of doing....
Regarding your description : Yes my friend, it was worth it.
Thank you :)
I'm guessing you have a thing for windmills/turbines but the thought of wind power on Zeal is hilarious.
Check point:
Life is so good know. After those many years. I spent last year looking for this save point, just to have it randomly recommended again.
Finally, an era ends, but a new age has just begun it's story.
This has so many different vibes that fish up nostalgic memories for me.. love it thank you ❤
I did not ask for this, but I am happy someone did
The floating island, the birds and waterfall. What a vibe
Somehow reminds me of Wind Waker with these airy wind instruments. Excellent remix, excellent instrument choice, thank you.
I have no idea how I got here. I am staying here for a long time, though.
I'm 23 right now, i've spent most of my life behind a monitor playing video games, and right now, for the past couple of years, that kind of lifestyle has been catching up with me, health-wise, socially-wise, money-wise, everything. I'm only lucky to be alive and living more or less normally because of my supporting mom. I'm battling anxiety for the second time after curing it once, and i have a whole bucket full of other random health issues. I have no friends in real life, i have no job, and i cant get most jobs due to the current situation in my country. This has been making me really depressed and anxious. But i'm striding on, i hope there's something for me in the future, but for now i'm focusing on the present.
Remember to take small steps; don't force yourself to do something you aren't ready for. It took years to get to the point you are in, do not expect to escape in mere weeks. I was in the same situation as you, more or less, and for the past year I have been slowly scraping my way out. The best thing you can do to start is find reasons to leave the house. If you live in a rural area, you are lucky, you can walk through nature. Even if it is only a nature walk once a week, it can help to combat anxiety and agoraphobia. Once I was able to do this comfortably, I found it easier to make eye contact and smile at people walking by, I didn't need to spend 10 minutes psyching myself up to hand the cashier at a store money anymore. If you can get to this point, you might be ready to get a job, but start small. Do not force yourself to work full time to start, I would suggest getting a very part time job (maybe 3 days a week) to begin. The true purpose is to let yourself get used to being around people again, the autonomy afforded by having your own money is only a bonus. You have people who are willing to support you through this, don't squander it.
The most important piece of advice I can give is to respect yourself. Forgive yourself for making mistakes the same way you would forgive a close friend. Allow yourself to rest before you crash and lose all your progress. And absolutely do not surround yourself with people who have given up. Try to make friends with people who still have the will to move forward.
Sorry for writing an essay, I just spent so long making mistakes that I feel like I need to tell people this whenever I see someone in the same situation I was
@@jerssh thank you friend, i'll remember your advice
First of all please acknowledge your current situation without lying to yourself, feel bad for you and only you, think about it and release everything, go and cry until you get tired of it. Feeling bad is good for you, thinking positively when it is not is what drives people to madness and depression. Trust me, I have been like that before and crying non-stop was the release I was looking for, your mind will be thankful at you for that and it will start releasing hormones that will make you do the things you never imagine to do.
Acceptance is always the first step and life is longer than you think, you'll get more chances so be ready.
Jesus loves you
Play more video games
You are amazingly wonderful for this. From one more random Joe-shmo just trying to get through life...thank you. I've been playing this immediately when I get home from work and just letting it ride for the full ten. Different game, but still a quote that comes to mind...
"Doc, I feel strange when I listen to this music. I feel something warm inside." Fei ~ Xenogears
Checkpoint 2024:
I feel like every day goes by faster, I don't even do the things I like to do as much as I would like and work has taken up most of my free time. Every time I lie in my bed I think about what I'm looking for in my life? What would I like to achieve? What would I like to become? It's like I'm just wasting my time little by little and it continues like an endless spiral, I hope I can fix things before I become just another worker who just survives and doesn't live
Jesus loves you
Idk why or how I got here but here I am enjoying myself.
i always wanted more from this part of the game, more parts to explore, and so on, it was just so good! love the animation work!
Checkpoint[10Jun2024]: Working to the chillest music I've heard in a long time, weather is gray (as always in the UK XD). After a long instability period, child - teen - early adult phases, my life and psyche is finally falling in place. Family situation is a working progress but career is looking nicely, social life is great and just met someone who I'm slowly falling in love with. I finally have the strength and confidence to welcome change instead of feeling terrified by it. Learnt that I can't nor shouldn't try to control everything around me, going with the flow doesn't always lead towards the end of the cliff.