8 Reasons Why God Won’t Answer Your Prayers

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @MarcTheMessenger
    @MarcTheMessenger  Рік тому +231

    Beware of fake profiles of me in the comments! It’s not me I don’t have telegram or WhatsApp and won’t ask you to text me. And since you are reading this I hope you liked the video 😆

    • @jeanalix93aj
      @jeanalix93aj Рік тому +3

      😂 I fell for it but I'm not hacked

    • @tlc6365
      @tlc6365 Рік тому +1

      @MarcTheMessenger, Thank you kindly Sir, for much clarity. New sub here, seeking Truth of who Father God is and who Jesus Christ is as well. I have a very important Question to ask in regards to spiritual demonic attachments! Does that go for people receiving a rip donor’s body part that help’s a living person’s livelihood? Do the donors spirits pass on through such medical operations given to the person accepting the donors part?

    • @yonimora9284
      @yonimora9284 Рік тому

      @@tlc6365 no problem

    • @yonimora9284
      @yonimora9284 Рік тому +1

      @THE CONFEDERATE CHRISTIAN no more abortions! 😃 Trump 2030 baby 😃

    • @tannerhowells9909
      @tannerhowells9909 Рік тому +2

      @@tlc6365 wow, I have been seeking along the lines. I have someone close waiting for a liver. He drank to much to long and is heard hearted. So I just pray for his heart to soften so he can come to Jesus rather than pray for a heart.
      But never would I have thought about receiving the donors demons.
      I wonder if it's a salvation issue to begin with? Idk?

  • @davidjaas5704
    @davidjaas5704 Рік тому +46

    God gives us a "Not yet". Dreams delayed are not dreams denied.

  • @beautifulmystery
    @beautifulmystery Рік тому +114

    God has answered my prayers so many times.. one time I prayed at work for some money to pay my bills and literally found over $2000 that day!

    • @beautifulmystery
      @beautifulmystery Рік тому +13

      @@BelieveInJesusChrist. lol you weren't there so you don't know what went down... I also was crying and praying for my brother to get outta jail..a few days later my big bro was calling me asking to pick him up and we had no clue when he was getting out... what has God done for you since you are so eager to reply

    • @Nomadsland83
      @Nomadsland83 Рік тому +2

      How you found it? I've heard this story from another person but how come I don't find any when I really need it??

    • @yonimora9284
      @yonimora9284 Рік тому +3

      @@beautifulmystery tell him girly!

    • @Nomadsland83
      @Nomadsland83 Рік тому

      @@BelieveInJesusChrist. Dude did you know that star belongs to moloch/Remphan?? It symbolizes 666. Not a star of David.

    • @beautifulmystery
      @beautifulmystery Рік тому +1

      @@yonimora9284 😊💜👑

  • @jarrettthe20-yearrecoverin35
    @jarrettthe20-yearrecoverin35 Рік тому +50

    As a person who’s lost all family + friends .. and has been homeless 3 times .. twice in the past 2 years .. I think God answers our prayers directly + indirectly. ( but your ❤️ must be pure )

    • @eternalselph
      @eternalselph Рік тому +4


    • @awakenedlight144
      @awakenedlight144 Рік тому

      The Great Awakening and Prophecy
      Revealed the Two Witnesses, Olive Trees.
      Discover the deeper meaning of the Menorah
      Discover what it means to keep Covenant
      Another Exodus this time Babylon

    • @jarrettthe20-yearrecoverin35
      @jarrettthe20-yearrecoverin35 Рік тому +4

      @@SunnyWithNoChanceOfRain Much appreciated. But I think that ship has sailed. I think God wants me to be alone and live righteously. This 🌎 is evil .. and I stand/speak for truth. In life .. and death. 🙏🏾💪🏾

    • @1766584
      @1766584 Рік тому

      @@SunnyWithNoChanceOfRain in Jesus mighty name

  • @latasha3472
    @latasha3472 Рік тому +28

    God answer mines…before my sister died of breast cancer and was told she had weeks left I prayed to GOD if it’s his will please take my sister home on Easter therefore she wouldn’t walk alone. April 12, 2009 Easter Sunday my sister left her physical body and when the doctor said it wasn’t much that could be done about my cancer metastasized everywhere once again I asked my Lord for time with my family that was 6 and a half years ago. If you’re pure in your request he will grant them.

    • @TheFightingSheep
      @TheFightingSheep Рік тому

      That wasn't a prayer, and God is not your errand boy, to service your silly superstitious whims.

    • @latasha3472
      @latasha3472 Рік тому +1

      I should also mention I had a big prayers warriors prayer for me and GOD sent my soul back. This is my testimony!

    • @michaelandrews4783
      @michaelandrews4783 Рік тому +1

      why not pray for her to be cured instead?

  • @ebonykairu2718
    @ebonykairu2718 Рік тому +28

    Rejection is protection....🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @CC-tj9xe
    @CC-tj9xe Рік тому +39

    Number Two: Unconfessed Sin. Thank you for speaking about this Marc. In my own life, once I finally humbled myself and asked God genuinely for forgiveness of all my sins, this is when I started to realize my blessings. Amen.

  • @E.K.1969
    @E.K.1969 Рік тому +36

    When I really need him , for real burdens, he has ALWAYS come through. Praise God almighty. He knows what you need before you do. Have a blessed day.

    • @rubbingisracing6951
      @rubbingisracing6951 6 місяців тому

      And for me he doesn't and u are no better than I am so I say bs

    • @rickspalding3047
      @rickspalding3047 Місяць тому

      Yeah I don't get it. The more I research as a christian, God has preferences for some over others. Why? I've been trying to figure that one out. his love sure isn't the same equilibrium for everyone. But lovers of christ would disagree. Some incontinence here. I don't know this channel owner but what he said about prayer is not true according to some pastors. You can keep praying for the same thing. This gentleman says no.

  • @binkyfaith
    @binkyfaith Рік тому +11

    M God hasn’t failed me yet. I’m still holding onto faith 👏🏿🙏🏿

  • @MrLeroyJacob
    @MrLeroyJacob Рік тому +13

    Many times, God answers our prayers, and we don't even realize it.
    God answers prayers in his perfect timing!
    I prayed to God for a new job... Then Corona came and I got laid off! I didn't realize it at the time... Never asked God why, even while fightingto get unemployment... now I have a new job with more flexible hours And I'm loving it!
    Thank you God!

    • @Big-xo9le
      @Big-xo9le Рік тому

      Amen brother🙏 your statement is so true

    • @rubbingisracing6951
      @rubbingisracing6951 6 місяців тому

      If u didn't realize it then u didn't need it

  • @chosenforadivinepurpose5422
    @chosenforadivinepurpose5422 Рік тому +18

    May God give us the grace to forgive those who offended us, it is in forgiving others that we are forgiven 🙏

    • @idonthaveaname42
      @idonthaveaname42 Рік тому +1

      @john dowe death is a gift in this wicked world

    • @idonthaveaname42
      @idonthaveaname42 Рік тому +2

      @john dowe we wanted a real world. Thats the only way to make it real. To truly respect free will. The more he gets involved, the less free we are and the less free we are, the less real we are.

  • @mennis1966
    @mennis1966 Рік тому +2

    God said he will never leave or forsake us and he won't

  • @Honmura17
    @Honmura17 Рік тому +14

    I try not to ask for materialistic things in my prays. It's usually for protection, strength and understanding for me and my family.

    • @MrEvans557
      @MrEvans557 Рік тому +6

      Would you tell your kids not to ask you for material things? God is a loving Father. He wants to give you things. He even tells us to seek the KINGDOM FIRST and all His righteousness and all these THINGS will be added to us (Matthew 6:33). Also study the israelites and all the wealth they had that God gave them. We just have to make sure our HEARTS are right before God. Some people will never receive "things" from God because of PRIDE. I use to be like that. Not anymore. I go to Him for everything. But more importantly I pray for the CHARACTER to handle it. God Bless.
      “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
      Matthew 7:7‭-‬11 NKJV

    • @believeinthelordjesuschris4679
      @believeinthelordjesuschris4679 Рік тому +2

      When I pray every night I pray for forgiveness I repent and ask god to correct my prayer’s because I know I don’t pray good. I ask god for forgiveness and I declare Jesus is lord and I accept Jesus into my heart as my lord and savior I confess my sins as in sins that I know I have committed knowingly and unknowingly throughout my life. I don’t ask for money or fame or wealth I just ask for forgiveness of my sins and to protect my family to open their hearts to god and Jesus. I could care less about bourses card money etc. I started to focus on reading my Bible and praying Every day. And I hope god isn’t rejecting my prayers but I will believe in gods timing and his plans.

  • @yonimora9284
    @yonimora9284 Рік тому +6

    James 1:7-8 says that the doubter “must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” When we go on autopilot during prayer and merely recite words while thinking about something else, we lack faith.

  • @reubenrinaldi7091
    @reubenrinaldi7091 Рік тому +3

    I am suffering from a traumatic brain injury. I have prayed, begged, cried, screamed and pleaded with God. All I ask him for is to heal me; to restore me to health. He can use me for whatever purpose he has planned. I don't understand and I am hanging on by a thread. I don't hear or feel him. I am mentally unstable because of the pain and suffering. I beg like a dog. I've given up so much and given so much over to God. I speak the word, read the word, I am in constant prayer. I pray without ceasing all throughout the day. I go through unbearable pain and all I want is for God to heal me. I need his grace. I need his love. I need his healing and I am desperate. I am as desperate as anyone can be. My life is in shambles man. I am living with severe symptoms and it brings about reactions mentally in my brain. I am very scared. All I want is to escape this pain and God is not answering me. I have been facing this issue for years and now I'm at a point where God needs to heal me or my life could be in jeopardy. I was even on a road to recovery and life was getting better, but it all came crashing down and I'm losing hope. He says that he is my healer. His word says so much, but I feel nothing. I pray so much and I cannot hear a thing. He is Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. He's supposed to heal me, to love me. I am tired of the basic answers, like this is some kind of a test. I can't pray or beg any harder. I live everyday in suffering and I still hold onto my faith. I don't know what to do. All I want is Jesus to embrace me and tell me he loves me. I want him to touch my head with his perfect hands and heal me on the spot. I want him to give me my freedom. I refuse to believe that suffering from this injury is suffering for Christ. Jesus didn't go around giving the gospel just with words. He healed every where he went. He didn't tell the blind or the sick, or the lame the good news and then just leave them as they were. He healed. He's supposed to take this sickness. When I come to christ he's supposed to give me peace and rest and joy. He gives light. I am crying out in the darkest pit of despair. I just want him to answer me. I want him to save me before it's too late.

    • @reubenrinaldi7091
      @reubenrinaldi7091 Рік тому +2

      @@ildacruz3750 I have a hyperbaric chamber in the comfort of my own home right outside my bedroom

    • @thisandthat65
      @thisandthat65 6 місяців тому +1

      I pray that you are doing and feeling better.

    • @elani9624
      @elani9624 21 день тому

      @@reubenrinaldi7091praying for you. how are you now?

  • @YSG202
    @YSG202 Рік тому +4

    God has answered me with "not yet" to many thing, recently. It is hard to remember that is just His way of protecting us, especially during the season of waiting when we feel as though we need it *now*. Thank you for reminding us all what it means when things don't work out, or when He has us wait. God bless.

  • @danmcgregor3406
    @danmcgregor3406 Рік тому +17

    Just started properly reading all the prophets and all of the book of revelations , what an eye opener 👀, also come on UA-cam and listen to your videos , you speak so much sense and break down the points in bible perfectly 🙏

  • @bee67371
    @bee67371 Рік тому +4

    God's answer to our prayer can also be a NO or a WAIT. He said his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts.That's why he is still worthy of all our praise and worship in good times and hard times alike. God works in mysterious ways. Ways we don't even understand that's why we must trust God at all times.

  • @jojodavis2856
    @jojodavis2856 Рік тому +4

    I had to learn the woman I wanted didn't want GOD i've learn rejection was my protection..

  • @stavroulam7363
    @stavroulam7363 Рік тому +11

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby daughter. 🌺 Sending you and your new family Agape love from Greece. God bless you for the bright light of spiritual truth that you humbly shine on people that are in need for God's word. Amen🕯️☦️💟

    • @AverageJoe20
      @AverageJoe20 Рік тому

      Is he married ? Never seen his wife

  • @spicysausage2853
    @spicysausage2853 Рік тому +4

    I used to pray for money things of the flesh, now all I pray for is forgiveness of sins, mercy, and the holy Spirit

    • @DomeShaker
      @DomeShaker Рік тому +3

      i think we should say Holy Spirit with capitals :)

    • @Experienced81
      @Experienced81 Рік тому +2

      I also pray for God will to be done even if it's beyond my understanding. Whatever it is, I have complete faith in God's will because He is righteous. Bless you. Shalom ❤️🕊️📖

  • @kingdomhealing1992
    @kingdomhealing1992 Рік тому +2

    I believe even God’s silence is an answer. Patience and wait. Conditioning of the Faith!!!

  • @joaquinsandoval7156
    @joaquinsandoval7156 Рік тому +6

    I’m not perfect but if God wants to bless me then let it be if He doesn’t then let it be as well, I do as much as I can do. Maybe not enough for Him but I try.

  • @tshepisomodikwane5946
    @tshepisomodikwane5946 Рік тому +6

    Hi Mark I hope you are doing well.
    I have a prayer request. I am struggling with my journey to fully living for Christ. I am struggling with obedience and keeping the commands. Please pray for me to fully devote my life to Him.

  • @jojodavis2856
    @jojodavis2856 Рік тому +5

    I've been praying 🙏 and asking GOD for some things asking over and over I've learned to get out of that and start believing..

  • @JPRiss512
    @JPRiss512 Рік тому +9

    Thank you Marc, your messages are helpful, May God continue to pour out his Spirit on you🥰🙏🏾

  • @kimmyfresh3269
    @kimmyfresh3269 Рік тому +2

    Marc tell your mother a viewer said to tell her “Thank You” I thank her for giving birth to you. You are truly, truly a beautiful human being who I love and Respect so much. To see a young black man who’s delighted and I mean Delighted to share and spread GOD’S message is truly a blessing to all of us. Marc you have wisdom of a very wise old man and you make your viewers understand in the most simplest way , what is expected from our Heavenly Father thru our Lord JESUS CHRIST . Thank our Heavenly Father for you. So please tell your mom “Thank you “ for giving birth to you and as always GOD bless you and your new family thru our LORD JESUS CHRIST … Amen 🙏

  • @ryanhoward2199
    @ryanhoward2199 Рік тому +2

    I got angry at God yesterday and I said things I didn't mean. I feel terrible and it's because I'm selfish and I just don't understand. I lost everything in the past four months and I don't know why. I lost my wife, I lost my home , my job , and my car. I blamed God and it's not his fault. If God doesn't hear sinners then he won't hear me. I believe in Him dearly from the bottom of my heart. I'm lost and I don't know what to do at this point. Please help I need some fellowship.

  • @moneylinda
    @moneylinda Рік тому +6

    Amen 🙏🏽🙌🏽 Hallelujah Praise God Thank You Jesus 👏🏽♥️💯

  • @alissaapplebey5859
    @alissaapplebey5859 Рік тому +1

    A few years ago, I saw a complete stranger's post on social media about the plan to commit suicide. It absolutely terrified me even though I've never met this person. All of the comments were begging her not to do it, but it seemed like they weren't working. So I turned to the only thing I knew could help this girl. I prayed as hard as I could to God and begged him to not let this person end her life. About 2 days later, there was an update from the OP's mother thanking everyone for their love, and that OP would be taking a break from social media for a while until she's better. After I saw this, I smiled and internally thanked God for answering my prayers.
    God will answer your prayers if they align in His will and if it is for selflessness reasons. Father, thank you again so much for not allowing this child of yours who was a complete stranger to me take her own life. Thank You for hearing my prayers and pleas to You those few years ago. Only You could have saved this teenage girl's life, no one else could have done it. I pray for You to keep this girl free from her demons. I pray this in Your Son Jesus's name, Amen 🙏

  • @vRepentance
    @vRepentance Рік тому +1

    Let's goo another fire video Thank you Lord for using this man as a vessel

  • @rvredean
    @rvredean Рік тому +14


  • @berni9977
    @berni9977 Рік тому +1

    SIR I may sound crazy but GOD always answers my prayers..I dont mean like i pray to be rich or unrealistic requirements. He guides me and as I stated he DOES and has on numerous occasions after praying answered me...💞🙏🙏🙏

  • @elizabethsmith4655
    @elizabethsmith4655 Рік тому +3

    Before we get on our knees and pray God knows 🙏 what you asking for before you ask of him 🙏 and don't ask God over and over again

  • @MeMissLady
    @MeMissLady Рік тому +4

    Thank you for sharing this. Your words touched my heart and gave me peace. I'm in a season of waiting to be found and I was getting a little discouraged. Glory be to the Most High God for using you to speak to me🙏🏾

  • @tydickson4021
    @tydickson4021 Рік тому +3

    Thank you I catch myself praying for the same thing a lot, faith is the thing I struggle with the most but your videos are awesome and help a ton

  • @RhondaR4
    @RhondaR4 Рік тому +5

    Peace and blessings brother in CHRIST! Thank you! I thank GOD for you! I need this!

  • @jamesmcallister9645
    @jamesmcallister9645 Рік тому +2

    As Jesus says in the parable of the persistent widow, always pray and dont give up.
    But more importantly Jesus also says to stop doubting and believe, trust in God trust also in me .
    Glory to God.

  • @donnamariesmith9821
    @donnamariesmith9821 Рік тому +4

    Shabbat Shalom!

  • @iampstylesss
    @iampstylesss Рік тому +18

    I love getting these notifications! I enjoy getting work done while listening to your videos. Even the old ones. 🙌🏾🙌🏾 always going back to rewatch them. Appreciate your determination & consistency! 🤍

  • @Slimbrodie67
    @Slimbrodie67 Рік тому +1

    Facts G, we think rejection is a bad thing, truth be told its a good thing for us.

  • @2inspire4life7
    @2inspire4life7 Рік тому +8

    Another great video you have shared my dear brethren.
    Happy Sabbath to all.
    Keep the faith.
    Be blessed!

  • @bricekeeton1078
    @bricekeeton1078 Рік тому +3

    Marc thank you for everything you do I believe the lord is calling me for a purpose and tasks please keep me in your prayers that I will over come the flesh and will be set a part and I will be set on the right path god has for me god bless

  • @Soulmuxic
    @Soulmuxic Рік тому +6

    God bless 🙏🙏

  • @royaltm3420
    @royaltm3420 Рік тому

    Beautiful!! Thank u! Only one thing, Bible has a few examples about being persistent in our requests to The Most High God. Luke 18, Luke 11, Ephesians 6, Matt 15, James 5, etc

  • @rustedbrass7935
    @rustedbrass7935 Рік тому +1

    I being praying hard to forgive and praying for the lost ones out there

  • @ruthpatterson2426
    @ruthpatterson2426 Рік тому +5

    I so needed to hear this! My heart is broken from backstabbing. I tried so hard with this person. I will always pray for him but I know this was revealed because he wasn't ready to go where the Father is taking my daughter and I. Infact he could hinder our progress and processes to be there for the body of Christ, who need shelter in the tim÷ of trouble. We pray for you daily brother. In fact my daughter has met a lovely young man that has counseled with you, August, and I'm so happy. She has vowed to the Father she would not date unless he is sent from him. It has been 3yrs and he is the first man she is even giving time to. Makes my heart so happy! We are in San Jose right now and is driving up to visit with her. I wanted all of us to meet up with you and your family because you and your videos have helped us all, If God willing!

  • @tessa4595
    @tessa4595 Рік тому +2

    God is really showing me things now . God bless everyone here today 🙏

  • @Mimi89_7
    @Mimi89_7 Рік тому +2

    He helped me I stared praying hard asking GOD And the universe to help my mother blood pressure go down to 143/70 and it did it was high like 166/88 because she was sick with covid after I said my prayer 🙏🏾 it went down and stayed down GOD Is love and he will be with you through everything have faith 💜

    • @elani9624
      @elani9624 21 день тому

      please do not pray to the universe. God showed me to not go to his creation but to go to him.

  • @sanelak2390
    @sanelak2390 Рік тому +3

    Thank you Marc. May you have a blessed day. 🙏🕊️🙏

  • @nikasmith206
    @nikasmith206 Рік тому +3

    God bless you. Thank you for the video brother!

  • @p0pt03
    @p0pt03 Рік тому +5

    Thank you Marc for your continuous works. This video shed light on my prayers 🙏🏼

  • @mraancrum
    @mraancrum Рік тому +5

    Peace and Blessings brethren, thank you for todays content and word. It was needed in order to eliminate the anxiety of getting a new job. I trust GODS process with me. Much love & respect to you and yours Marc

  • @divinatchibambe2295
    @divinatchibambe2295 Рік тому +2

    Number 5: family conflict
    Thank you for that.. Gods been putting convictions within me to meet my brother and to fix things even though things between us has always been abit complicated. We have agreed to meet tomorrow please keep me in your prayers 🙏🏽

  • @ebonykairu2718
    @ebonykairu2718 Рік тому +4

    God bless You Marc!

  • @noobegirl
    @noobegirl 8 днів тому +1

    5:40 I constantly pray that my father gets delivered from pride and alcoholism. I pray that God meets him with the same grace he met me but it's been months now and no change. One day he said out of the blue that he is fat and that he'll buy a drug test and stop drinking if I stop playing video games and I agreed. I thought God finally answered but no.. The next day he drinked 4 liters of beer first thing in the morning and continued on to say how he is a flawless perfect human being. It felt like God had pranked me. Is God not answering my prayers because I have built up resentment towards him because of his continuous sin?

  • @derrickcynthia74
    @derrickcynthia74 Рік тому +4

    Yes And Amen Thank You MarcTheMessenger For All That You Do For The Kingdom 👑 Through The Teaching Of Abba Father God Word. God Bless You Family And Ministry In The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ Shalom 🌺🌹🌺🌹

  • @MindBodyStorm
    @MindBodyStorm Рік тому +1

    Reason #9) The person praying didn't recognize themselves to be/have (now) what they were praying for

  • @ladyravenmonet
    @ladyravenmonet Рік тому +20

    Thank you Yahweh for sending this message across my path. I pray the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Yeshua) over this message and that it gets delivered to who really needs to hear it. I am in a season of waiting and patience as hard as it is Yahweh will work it out.

    • @abo199876
      @abo199876 Рік тому

      Yahuah.. not Yahweh

    • @blesschina7115
      @blesschina7115 Рік тому +1

      I'm in a waiting period also so I learn patience cause our time is not God's time .

    • @ladyravenmonet
      @ladyravenmonet Рік тому

      @@blesschina7115 I can relate. This Monday I received not so good news I have been back and forth with this person always doing the right thing we are in court and said why are they succeeding with lies and manipulation. I just felt so worn out it’s been going on 3.5 years. After the news had to just pray still praise Yah and repeatedly read and listen psalm 37 daily. HE is working and I just need to be patient and trust that HE is working. Next court date is Jan 6 and then Trial.

    • @ladyravenmonet
      @ladyravenmonet Рік тому

      @Nirvana still in a waiting season but I can see the season changing. While waiting I have truly transformed as I am not the same person when I started this waiting season.

  • @brittanyr402
    @brittanyr402 Рік тому +3

    Question: when you repent and ask God for forgiveness, do you name the sin (if you know what it is), or can you just simply ask God to forgive all sins, known and unknown?

    • @Gifted179
      @Gifted179 Рік тому +1

      I ask God for forgiveness of my unseen sins like it or not there’s unseen sins we all do ,and I also name my sins before God so I know I have confess my sins to him naming them one by one .

    • @brittanyr402
      @brittanyr402 Рік тому

      @@Gifted179 thank you! I wasn’t sure if by me not naming the sins, they’d be forgiving or not.

    • @Experienced81
      @Experienced81 Рік тому +1

      I might say a specific sin especially if I'm burdened by it. Then I always ask forgiveness of my sin knowing and unknowing. Bless you. Shalom ❤️📖🕊️🕊️

    • @brittanyr402
      @brittanyr402 Рік тому +1

      @@Experienced81 thank you for that!

    • @biancabrown5996
      @biancabrown5996 Рік тому

      When I pray for forgiveness I mainly state the sin eg pride. And the unknown sins I ask Yah to reveal it to me.

  • @mauricedenardturnerbrown6975
    @mauricedenardturnerbrown6975 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Marc messenger for telling the truth 😇✝️🙏

  • @jeanalix93aj
    @jeanalix93aj Рік тому +2

    Accuracy 🎯🎯🎯 God bless you fam

  • @lisaduran47
    @lisaduran47 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Jesus for your faithful love . God bless you all ❤️🙏

  • @MikeyJ432
    @MikeyJ432 Рік тому +1

    Great lesson Marc!!! Thank you bro! Always coming with the knowledge. I definitely prayed for some things that was gonna keep me further from God and now I realize after what he blocked me from. I’m so grateful! Gods grace and love is undeniable and we all have time to get right before it’s too late! We can repent and be forgiven just make the decision and stick to it ! God bless!

  • @siyabongancube4103
    @siyabongancube4103 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for bringing up the awareness I now have a better understanding, May God continue to Bless you. Please pray for me 🙏

  • @emmarciana_
    @emmarciana_ Рік тому +4

    Peace and Blessings Marc. This was a very helpful message and will definitely be applying to my prayer life.

  • @jayrevelator3139
    @jayrevelator3139 Рік тому +2

    Thank you Mark All Praises to The Most High!

  • @jessoftherocks
    @jessoftherocks Рік тому +3

    Thank you for this message again Marc. Its coming through.

  • @CoachShanique
    @CoachShanique Рік тому +1

    A lot of creators are making shorter videos but I love them lengthy thank you so much 😊

  • @gabriellamichka
    @gabriellamichka Рік тому

    Thank you for the messages! Don't forget that women are watching your videos too! You mentioned "as a man, as a husband", but we are here too! 🙏

  • @lenorasharpe4175
    @lenorasharpe4175 Рік тому +1

    Thanks ❤thanks ❤

  • @eshy2703
    @eshy2703 Рік тому +1

    9 Reasons Why God Is Not Answering Your Prayers:
    1. Wrong Motives (James 4:3)
    2. Unconfessed Sins (Isaiah 59:2)(John 9:31)
    3. Pride (James 4:6)
    4. Doubt (James 1:5-7)
    5. Family Conflict (1Peter 3:7)
    6. Wrong Timing (Isaiah 55:8-9)
    7. Never Ask (Matthew 7:11) (James 4:2)
    8. Patience (Galatians 5:22-23)
    9. Protection

  • @s.hicks7213
    @s.hicks7213 Рік тому

    Many times people will twist their prayers in a way that they try and cloak what they ask for in “concern” or “just being worried and wanting the best” for someone but they have evil intentions behind what they are asking for-but the kicker is is that they try to cover it up with thinking they know what’s best for themselves or loved ones. They try to fool themselves by lying and gaslighting themselves and they even try to gaslight God when praying. It’s like they think Jesus can’t tell the difference, it’s crazy!

  • @jerseyloyalty8914
    @jerseyloyalty8914 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for this video I always learn a lot from your videos. I’ve read the Bible twice from beginning to end I’m on the book of Enoch now and a lot of things starting to make since and with God helping you to help us with these video is also teaching and helping me to understand things a lot better thank you

  • @pinkbetty7
    @pinkbetty7 Рік тому +1

    I understand that you shouldn't pray over and over again about the same thing but I am miserable at my current job. I've prayed fasted and asked God to move me to another position. I've applied to a lot of jobs within my current company and outside the company and have gotten no where. It's been a few years now since I've been looking. I'm a single mom so I can't just quit. The only thing I can think of is that I deserve the treatment I'm getting at my job. Everyone else is moving on and elevating but I'm stuck. I don't know why God won't move me. I'm begging the Lord at this point and still nothing. I don't know what to do.

  • @dalilaponcemartinez5773
    @dalilaponcemartinez5773 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for always helping your brothers and sisters grow. God bless you

  • @drewmills4015
    @drewmills4015 Рік тому +1

    Amen brother, Amen 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 All Praises to the Most High Yahuah, our almighty Father

  • @shannonrenis8063
    @shannonrenis8063 Рік тому +1

    My oldest son has nonverbal autism, and I've made mistakes I've confessed on. But nothing I pray about the healing everything we are attacked more and more. And my son is about to go to a home soon and it's breaking my heart so much. The aggression is horrible the pain of having to do this. What did I do wrong.

  • @childofgodtrisha8929
    @childofgodtrisha8929 Рік тому +2

    I'm going through so much by breaking generational curses and finding out what all covenants I've made knowingly of unknowingly. I was wondering if you know of common examples today that we unknowingly "come in agreement" with a witch or warlock, or how accepting gifts, money or kisses and hugs can make us enter into a covenant with them? I've breaking off the ones from my past but want to make sure I don't repeat the same mistake. I can't find any info online about ways we enter covenants.

  • @cosmicchange660
    @cosmicchange660 Рік тому +2

    god answers all my prayers amen

  • @ebonykairu2718
    @ebonykairu2718 Рік тому +1

    I feel that I was in the will of God...but pride and iniquity was a problem..I feel like pride with me and iniquity with the man I was with

  • @sliceoflazania
    @sliceoflazania Рік тому +1

    Mark 11:23-24💤

  • @rvredean
    @rvredean Рік тому +3


  • @Ninazealifill
    @Ninazealifill Рік тому +2

    1 Corinthians 2:12-16 - Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

  • @Prophethezeki
    @Prophethezeki Рік тому +1

    Thank you Marcthemessenger. God bless you. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @margiechism
    @margiechism Рік тому +1

    We need to answer [h]im ■ God is full of questions; you need to listen.

  • @travisk.mccray8407
    @travisk.mccray8407 Рік тому +2

    AMEN GLORY HALLELUJAH Yes Indeed Big Facts My Brother Marc, Thank You 🙌💯😎🔝👑🌟#️⃣1️⃣💪🙏😇🆙️

  • @josemolina6698
    @josemolina6698 Рік тому +2

    Amen Praise God Praise Jesus Christ Amen ✨️ amen ✨️ Thank you for this message Brother Amen ✨️ 🙏 👏 🙌

  • @al3318
    @al3318 Рік тому +1

    I was literally thinking about this just before I saw your video, thank you for this

  • @seeker2219
    @seeker2219 Рік тому +4

    Peace and blessings.
    I wish i knew about your channel sooner.
    You are a well of wisdom and a blessing, thank you once again.
    Praise be to the most high!

  • @skylercomptonMargo
    @skylercomptonMargo Рік тому

    I believe God answers prayers , and he has for me,but the most important prayer to me, fervently prayed since highschool, God has kept from me. a Wife. And it has caused issues in my life and now a 28 year old turning 29, I feel shame in front of others being single and gross judgment of myself. I dont know and i just can shake my head in a dark sadness saying I dont know whats going on..

  • @coctimusprime1872
    @coctimusprime1872 Рік тому

    grew up in a mixture of a few diff religions..... ive been praying and trying everything selfless i can ... i honestly dont want anything for myself i want nothing i need nothing i dont care where i am and so on...... now i have a Woman and she has 3 kids ive been with them for 6 years now just trying to give them a decent life but at times i feel theres nothing i can do and mentally im stuck theres nothing i can do and when i start to try to get better i find myself just not caring anymore and want to just get out of this realm already im done here nothing at all makes me feel almost anything the things i feel at times are sad that i cant get this to stop and angry like a roid rage .... no other emotions again this makes me wonder at times are some of us supposed to just be done as soon as we start

  • @grandinquizitor7412
    @grandinquizitor7412 Рік тому +5

    🙏🏿 I definitely learned a lot. Thank you, Marc.

  • @Mr.Obongo
    @Mr.Obongo Рік тому

    I don’t want or need riches, I desire a more simple happy life with a wife and kids and going on trips together, that’s what I wish for the most. Sadly the trajectory of my life is that of a hopeless drug addict in an environment that has never understood me and that I can never understand. I wish the Lord had a plan for my life like he does for so many others.

  • @nhlanhladhlamini2636
    @nhlanhladhlamini2636 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for this video brother marc. The 4th reason is the one that reasonated with me the most. I need to stop having dought in myself and my creator and have 1000% faith in him.

  • @younglegend2k
    @younglegend2k Рік тому +1

    Classic 💪🏾I like this one I felt like this was on timing ima rewatch it later on God willing

  • @Impactttfulblogger
    @Impactttfulblogger Рік тому +1

    That job and relationship wisdom I needed to hear thanks again Brethren ahch All Glory to God

  • @rubygrijalva392
    @rubygrijalva392 Рік тому +3

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with repeating prayers. Whenever I feel weak I ask God to give me
    Strength. There’s nothing wrong with repeating that.

    • @helenahall4893
      @helenahall4893 Рік тому +2

      @Ruby Grijalva, there is nothing wrong with asking for certain things until it comes to pass. He misquoted Mathew 6:7. That passage referred to how the pagans would repeat certain prayers sounding like babbling. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, where it talks about praying without ceasing. Remember, context is everything. Trying to interpret something goes far more than reading one line or one verse. “Study the word to show yourself approved unto God” 2 Timothy 2:15. God bless you.

  • @geraldjacquez7066
    @geraldjacquez7066 Рік тому +2

    God bless you and your family Marc. This is a great message to from you, by the most high. Glory!

  • @matthewweeks319
    @matthewweeks319 7 місяців тому

    This what the Bible says about prayering:
    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV
    Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.