Great job brother. Watching you continue to allow God to use you bolsters my faith and commitment to follow Him into the unknown. God has and will continue to use you to reach the hearts of many men. ⚔️
My notes: Rise and eat bacon wrapped bacon… 3 types of law: 1) moral - character of God - steal, murder, adultery 2) judicial - how we run courts - eye for an eye and how you dole out justice 3) ceremonial law - diet, feast, just things God decide but not moral. Still a sin not to because God said so. Why this change from God? Ceremonial laws no longer necessary. Jesus said he was not abolishing these laws but fulfilling. He was bringing in freedom. Pulling back the ceremonial laws helps us meet people where they are at and bring people to Jesus. The whole law is fulfilled in one word, love thy neighbor as thyself. Love Jesus love neighbor. Don’t be burdened by all the rules. Your salvation isn’t Jesus Blood + ceremonial laws. It’s only the first. We have been forgiven of sin already. Works don’t save a Christian. A Christian does good works. It can be dangerous to live with that freedom. You have to fight the sin and try to be better. Because you love Jesus. It’s not a license to sin.
Great message and opportunity to come down and visit Grace City Church and learn from John. Awesome lesson and reminder, for me at least, we should limit our judgements to our own God guided stewardships. The message encouraged the words written in Matthew 7: 1-12. I laughed too about the bacon business if preaching did not work out. As a visitor first time, I think the ministry of teaching is pretty solid for you John. I also chuckled as I make a BBQ, Bacon, Bundle that'll put you in a bacon coma, so now I know its just not me with those crazy tastes. Blessings too you all and if I ever get down your way again during your service times I will stop in.
As you talked about all the foods that Jewish people can’t eat, I thought about all the awesome desserts that I couldn’t eat as a kid because I was allergic to milk.
People have become unwilling to critically think and read the whole Book. As such, they must rely on the teachings of others, which are often muddied waters or traditions of men, not God's Word established firmly in the Heavens forever. This vision is defined 3 times. Peter defines the meaning for us. Eating is not part of any of his explanations. The Nations are now included in the promise of Abraham's Covenant and given the bridal engagement gift of the Holy Spirit as a seal of the redemption. That's it. When Heaven and Earth are melted and broken, then the Law will be done. Not before. Jesus said it, the prophets say it more than once, Moses relayed it to the people. Consistency. I love John and his ability to bring people to repentance, his passion, and his love for Christ, but given this scripture passage, the eating whatever we wish part was a clean miss of the target. Genesis 9 would have been the best argument for His stance, regarding the giving of all land animals for eating. That was before the Law was given. As for the believing Gentile Nations being welcomed into God's family, John nailed it. Some things were suspended when the Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 by nature of not being possible to fully obey, just as they were in Daniel's day. This should have pointed the Jewish people to Atonement in Christ and not the shadow picture of slaughtering lambs. They knew that without blood, there was no remission if sins, yet they had no mechanism remaining to offer that blood. So, either they remained in their sins, or they had to realize that reconciliation was found in something else that occured around 30 A.D. However, Christ reinstates these suspended things. They are not "gone" or "replaced." They are awaiting full embodiment. That will include some changes (For example, not all of Aaron's line may be priest due to DISOBEDIENCE; only Zadok's lineage may continue) Go read these for yourself. Its not hard. Might take you an hour, tops. See if I am lying or speaking in line with the Word. That's what counts, not what someone teaches. What does God say? Isa 66:23 - And it shall come to pass That from one New Moon to another, And from one Sabbath to another, All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the LORD. (After Second Coming) Ezekiel Chapters 44,46,46,47 ( Reinstatement of Law during Millennial Reign) Zechariah 14. (After Second Coming) There are so many more, but I'm a pipe fitter, not your pastor, and my lunch break is over. Blessings in the Name of the Master, Y'eshua. Read the whole Word and believe it. Walk humbly in it.
A little extra info regarding when Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. There are two Greek words for love here, which are used. Phileo, from which we get Philadelphia. It's a fondness, warm affection or brotherly love. The 2nd word is Agapao. This word is often used when speaking of Gods love. The first two times Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, its Agapao, to which Peter responds, both times, with Phileo. The third time Jesus asks, Peter do you Phileo me? And Peter again responds with Phileo. I have thought much about this text, though I cannot say with certainty why Jesus chose these words for love. I do however think one possibility is that Peters denial of Christ comes after he said he'd die for Jesus; a love Christ gives to us. Obviously Peter failed at this love at this point, he did not Agapao Jesus. Jesus is maybe one, reminding Peter of that which has humbled him. But also, by Jesus placing His trust in Peter to care for His sheep, and Jesus meeting, so to speak, Peter where he is; only able to Phileo, and in light of Jesus warning that he would deny Him, Jesus is encouraging and reminding Peter that His grace is sufficient, that he lives by the Word of Christ.
It seems that it speaks to a level of devotion. Christ quite blatantly agape’s us- He’s demonstrated His undying love for us, despite our utterly unlovable condition. Peter’s refusal to return that level of commitment by choosing to love Him as a brother but not to go all the way for Christ can be seen as falling short of Christ’s own. But, what amazes me is that Christ in essence is willing to meet Peter- and by extension, us- where we are, by asking Peter to love Him like a brother, even if it’s not the perfect Love of agape. It’s enough for Him to work with and bring us into His fulfillment.
@@ab5olut3zero95 I wouldn't say it's enough for Him to work with, because it isn't enough. Anything less than perfection is a violation of the thrice holy Gods justice. It's perfection, or judgement. I think what Scripture would say is what was need for Christ to work with, is perfect obedience to the Law, in thought, word, and deed, a true righteousness. And this is in fact what Christ did, and so, His obedience becomes our obedience by imputation, by Christs righteousness being credited to us, credited to our bank account, as it were, putting in our account, the infinite, perfect righteousness of Christ. For those in Christ, we are now, holy and blameless in His sight. This is what allows God to remain just and holy, and accept falling short of the Law, in this case, loving God with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. We are clothed in Christs righteousness, and so, while that brotherly love is not enough, in fact, on its own, it's sin (when directed to God), Christs agape love for the Father, is now our agape love for the Father, by imputation. " the one who does not work, but believes upon Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness."
Today is Saturday/Shabbat the sabbath and for Christianity to change the day that Yah set apart for us to spend time with Him is completely disrespectful and a spit in Yahs face. Yeshua said I and The Father are one/echad and Yah dose not change
The 4th commandment is pretty specific about what day to Sabbath. ““Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work..” Exodus 20:8-9 It’s not biblical to say we just get to pick a day that works best for us. There’s no keeping it holy if that’s the case. God is the one who blessed it. Not man blessing it by picking whatever day we want. If the day don’t matter God would have specified multiple times throughout scripture.
@@kroach2653 the original translation is sabbaths not Sabbath. Also note how it is not capitalized. In this context sabbaths refers to the levitical ceremonial sabbaths as described in Leviticus 25:8. Such as every seven years or months, etc. This is what Paul is referring to in Colossians. It was in reference to the ceremonial laws that were fulfilled in Christ. The seventh day Sabbath Commandment still stands and sure it’s not man’s place to judge, but it’s God’s and he will judge us by his law “if you love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15
@@bloodontherisers3919 Show me what translation you are calling the "original" textus receptus? Codex siniaticus. Either way the pluralizing of the word sabbath makes no difference.
@@kroach2653 Yes, the original Greek translation of the word is plural but just look in KJV or NKJV. if you don’t want to acknowledge that it doesn’t matter. The context shows that Paul is referring to the hand written law of Moses that was “Against us” in Colossians 2:14. “Shadow of things to come” in verse 16 is in reference to the sacrificial laws of Moses, that pointed to the coming of Christ, and his sacrifice. Hebrews 10:1 references this. And Deuteronomy 31:26 shows us that the law of Moses was the law that was “against us” that Paul refers so. The seventh-day Sabbath is the 4th commandment, written by the hand of God, and is in the ark of the covenant, not on the side of the ark, where the law of Moses was kept with the ceremonial and sacrificial “sabbaths” laws. I’m just trying to point out God‘s word. the Bible answers itself when you cross reference it with itself. Glory to God. And may God bless you!
Act 10 is about people i love your sermons pastor John but this is one that you have very wrong and blasphemy is putting Yah's name on your BS so i am praying for the scales to be lifted off you and your congregations eyes are lifted COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE LEST YOU PARTAKE OF HER SINS AND RECIEVE OF HER PRAGUES
John is such a good pastor. However, I am not going to give 10% of my income to the church unless the government cuts my taxes. I paid 33,000 to the government last year in taxes. I’d have to give the church another $9,000 if it’s 10% where is the money for my family?
acts is not about eating pork or the dietary law... Paul confirms this at the end of the chapter... to take these verses and try to make them out to say we can now break God's laws are evil.. @@Ryan_222
Peter would be appalled at your interpretation of the vision. He knew what it meant, and he clearly explained that in verse 28. The vision was about people, not food. Prayers for healing of the great spiritual blindness of “the church”. Stop aiming at the lowest place in the kingdom! Leave your lawlessness!
Acts 10:28 - "God has shown me that I should not call any man defiled or unclean." Peter knew God wasn't telling him to eat a BLT. Rather, God was expanding the apostles' understanding of who was included in the kingdom. This scripture also destroys the common Christian interpretation of Mark 7. If Yeshua put pork on the menu that day, Peter must have been absent and none of the other disciples let him know. They must have eaten their bacon behind Peter's back!!! As to Colossians 2, Paul is countering the arguments of the gnostics, who viewed the physical world as evil. As Peter warned in 2 Peter 2:16, Paul's words have been twisted to promote lawlessness. I suggest you do a study of God's view of lawless men. As Paul wrote, the Law is good, when used properly. Blessings, brother!@@Ryan_222
People have become unwilling to critically think and read the whole Book. As such, they must rely on the teachings of others, which are often muddied waters or traditions of men, not God's Word established firmly in the Heavens forever. The vision is defined 3 times. The Nations are now included in the promise of Abraham's Covenant and given the bridal engagement gift of the Holy Spirit as a seal. That's it. When Heaven and Earth are melted and broken, the Law will be done. Not before. I love John and his ability to bring people to repentance, but given this scripture passage, this was a clean miss of the target. Some things were suspended when the Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70, just as they were in Daniel's day. This should point the Jewish people to Atonement in Christ and not the shadow picture of a lamb. However, Christ reinstates these things. They are not "gone" or "replaced." They are awaiting full embodiment. That will include some changes (Not all of Aaron's line may be priest, only Zadok's lineage, for example) Isa 66:23 - And it shall come to pass That from one New Moon to another, And from one Sabbath to another, All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the LORD. (After Second Coming) Ezekiel 44,46,46,47 ( Reinstatement of Law during Millennial Reign) Zechariah 14. (After Second Coming) There are so many more, but I'm a pipe fitter, not your pastor, and my lunch break is over. Blessings in the Name of the Master, Y'eshua. Read the whole Word and believe it. Walk humbly in it.
But when I saw that they were not being straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas (Peter) in front of everyone, “If you, being a Jew, live [as you have been living] like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how is it that you are [now virtually] forcing the Gentiles to live like Jews [if they want to eat with you]? Galatians 2:14 Peter clearly ate not kosher, to say that God didn't allow Peter to eat things like pork is to entirely ignore what is said. You say it is about gentiles? YES! But why did God use food if not because He is ALSO specifically allowing Jews to eat what they please. It's silly. What laws are we required to observe? Is is not to Love God most and our fellow man as ourselves? The kosher laws were designed to keep the Jews separated so they didn't accept gentile gods and practices. Are Christian Jews not to spread the gospel then? New wine must be put into new wine skins, the new way of salvation, the law of grave through the cross cannot be combined with the law of works according to the law of sin and death. But those who have tasted the old wine often say, the old is better and have no desire for the new wine.
@danhightower9500 I think you're missing the point. It isn't about 1 man talking. It's a community of people coming together to give praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. A perfect example is when this particular pastor says in his sermons "I'm not saying these things to you, I'm in the trenches with you shoulder to shoulder." It's stuff like that, that shows how genuine and truthful he is. If he's in a building, on the street, or in an airplane, he'd be more than happy to talk with you about Jesus, pray with you, and spread the word. Remember, Jesus wanted the apostles to go out and build his church (not a building) but didn't want it to stop with them. This pastor is doing his part to continue to build that church and he's reaching people in person and online. Thousands of people. It's pretty amazing actually.
@@back-countrymayhem4472 Messiah didn't intend on having "pastors" at all. he's misrepresenting the Word if he's saying we can eat pigs. YaHUaH didn't create pigs for consumption.
@@danhightower9500 Matthew 15:11-20 New King James Version Matthew 15 11 Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.” 12 Then His disciples came and said to Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?” 13 But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. 14 Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.” 15 Then Peter answered and said to Him, “Explain this parable to us.” 16 So Jesus said, “Are you also still without understanding? 17 Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? 18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. 20 These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”
Thank you for another sermon. I've started using these to wake up to and it's helped tremendously. Praise the lord 🙌
Loved the sermon!
Always look forward to hear John preach!
Thank you John
Thanks Grace City Rome!
Thanks John
Great job brother. Watching you continue to allow God to use you bolsters my faith and commitment to follow Him into the unknown. God has and will continue to use you to reach the hearts of many men. ⚔️
And You will be called least in the kingdom. Shalom
My notes:
Rise and eat bacon wrapped bacon…
3 types of law:
1) moral - character of God - steal, murder, adultery
2) judicial - how we run courts - eye for an eye and how you dole out justice
3) ceremonial law - diet, feast, just things God decide but not moral. Still a sin not to because God said so.
Why this change from God? Ceremonial laws no longer necessary. Jesus said he was not abolishing these laws but fulfilling. He was bringing in freedom.
Pulling back the ceremonial laws helps us meet people where they are at and bring people to Jesus.
The whole law is fulfilled in one word, love thy neighbor as thyself. Love Jesus love neighbor.
Don’t be burdened by all the rules.
Your salvation isn’t Jesus Blood + ceremonial laws. It’s only the first. We have been forgiven of sin already.
Works don’t save a Christian. A Christian does good works.
It can be dangerous to live with that freedom.
You have to fight the sin and try to be better. Because you love Jesus. It’s not a license to sin.
Great message and opportunity to come down and visit Grace City Church and learn from John. Awesome lesson and reminder, for me at least, we should limit our judgements to our own God guided stewardships. The message encouraged the words written in Matthew 7: 1-12. I laughed too about the bacon business if preaching did not work out. As a visitor first time, I think the ministry of teaching is pretty solid for you John. I also chuckled as I make a BBQ, Bacon, Bundle that'll put you in a bacon coma, so now I know its just not me with those crazy tastes. Blessings too you all and if I ever get down your way again during your service times I will stop in.
As you talked about all the foods that Jewish people can’t eat, I thought about all the awesome desserts that I couldn’t eat as a kid because I was allergic to milk.
Good catch Pastor John! Gotta agree with the stance on bacon! #bacon #Jesus #commentforthealgorithm
People have become unwilling to critically think and read the whole Book. As such, they must rely on the teachings of others, which are often muddied waters or traditions of men, not God's Word established firmly in the Heavens forever.
This vision is defined 3 times. Peter defines the meaning for us. Eating is not part of any of his explanations. The Nations are now included in the promise of Abraham's Covenant and given the bridal engagement gift of the Holy Spirit as a seal of the redemption.
That's it.
When Heaven and Earth are melted and broken, then the Law will be done. Not before. Jesus said it, the prophets say it more than once, Moses relayed it to the people. Consistency.
I love John and his ability to bring people to repentance, his passion, and his love for Christ, but given this scripture passage, the eating whatever we wish part was a clean miss of the target. Genesis 9 would have been the best argument for His stance, regarding the giving of all land animals for eating. That was before the Law was given.
As for the believing Gentile Nations being welcomed into God's family, John nailed it.
Some things were suspended when the Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 by nature of not being possible to fully obey, just as they were in Daniel's day. This should have pointed the Jewish people to Atonement in Christ and not the shadow picture of slaughtering lambs. They knew that without blood, there was no remission if sins, yet they had no mechanism remaining to offer that blood. So, either they remained in their sins, or they had to realize that reconciliation was found in something else that occured around 30 A.D.
However, Christ reinstates these suspended things. They are not "gone" or "replaced." They are awaiting full embodiment. That will include some changes (For example, not all of Aaron's line may be priest due to DISOBEDIENCE; only Zadok's lineage may continue)
Go read these for yourself. Its not hard. Might take you an hour, tops. See if I am lying or speaking in line with the Word. That's what counts, not what someone teaches. What does God say?
Isa 66:23 - And it shall come to pass
That from one New Moon to another,
And from one Sabbath to another,
All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the LORD. (After Second Coming)
Ezekiel Chapters 44,46,46,47 ( Reinstatement of Law during Millennial Reign)
Zechariah 14. (After Second Coming)
There are so many more, but I'm a pipe fitter, not your pastor, and my lunch break is over.
Blessings in the Name of the Master, Y'eshua.
Read the whole Word and believe it. Walk humbly in it.
A little extra info regarding when Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. There are two Greek words for love here, which are used. Phileo, from which we get Philadelphia. It's a fondness, warm affection or brotherly love. The 2nd word is Agapao. This word is often used when speaking of Gods love. The first two times Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, its Agapao, to which Peter responds, both times, with Phileo. The third time Jesus asks, Peter do you Phileo me? And Peter again responds with Phileo.
I have thought much about this text, though I cannot say with certainty why Jesus chose these words for love. I do however think one possibility is that Peters denial of Christ comes after he said he'd die for Jesus; a love Christ gives to us. Obviously Peter failed at this love at this point, he did not Agapao Jesus. Jesus is maybe one, reminding Peter of that which has humbled him. But also, by Jesus placing His trust in Peter to care for His sheep, and Jesus meeting, so to speak, Peter where he is; only able to Phileo, and in light of Jesus warning that he would deny Him, Jesus is encouraging and reminding Peter that His grace is sufficient, that he lives by the Word of Christ.
It seems that it speaks to a level of devotion. Christ quite blatantly agape’s us- He’s demonstrated His undying love for us, despite our utterly unlovable condition. Peter’s refusal to return that level of commitment by choosing to love Him as a brother but not to go all the way for Christ can be seen as falling short of Christ’s own. But, what amazes me is that Christ in essence is willing to meet Peter- and by extension, us- where we are, by asking Peter to love Him like a brother, even if it’s not the perfect Love of agape. It’s enough for Him to work with and bring us into His fulfillment.
@@ab5olut3zero95 I wouldn't say it's enough for Him to work with, because it isn't enough. Anything less than perfection is a violation of the thrice holy Gods justice. It's perfection, or judgement. I think what Scripture would say is what was need for Christ to work with, is perfect obedience to the Law, in thought, word, and deed, a true righteousness. And this is in fact what Christ did, and so, His obedience becomes our obedience by imputation, by Christs righteousness being credited to us, credited to our bank account, as it were, putting in our account, the infinite, perfect righteousness of Christ. For those in Christ, we are now, holy and blameless in His sight. This is what allows God to remain just and holy, and accept falling short of the Law, in this case, loving God with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. We are clothed in Christs righteousness, and so, while that brotherly love is not enough, in fact, on its own, it's sin (when directed to God), Christs agape love for the Father, is now our agape love for the Father, by imputation. " the one who does not work, but believes upon Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness."
How can you not click on a title like that!!
Today is Saturday/Shabbat the sabbath and for Christianity to change the day that Yah set apart for us to spend time with Him is completely disrespectful and a spit in Yahs face. Yeshua said I and The Father are one/echad and Yah dose not change
Lol! "The path to bacon is through Jesus alone" True and funny.
I generally love John's sermons. He just cant seem to get this one right.
How so?
The 4th commandment is pretty specific about what day to Sabbath. ““Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work..” Exodus 20:8-9
It’s not biblical to say we just get to pick a day that works best for us. There’s no keeping it holy if that’s the case. God is the one who blessed it. Not man blessing it by picking whatever day we want. If the day don’t matter God would have specified multiple times throughout scripture.
*God would *not have specified multiple times throughout scripture
Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.
Go on though.
@@kroach2653 the original translation is sabbaths not Sabbath. Also note how it is not capitalized. In this context sabbaths refers to the levitical ceremonial sabbaths as described in Leviticus 25:8. Such as every seven years or months, etc. This is what Paul is referring to in Colossians. It was in reference to the ceremonial laws that were fulfilled in Christ. The seventh day Sabbath Commandment still stands and sure it’s not man’s place to judge, but it’s God’s and he will judge us by his law
“if you love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15
@@bloodontherisers3919 Show me what translation you are calling the "original" textus receptus? Codex siniaticus. Either way the pluralizing of the word sabbath makes no difference.
@@kroach2653 Yes, the original Greek translation of the word is plural but just look in KJV or NKJV. if you don’t want to acknowledge that it doesn’t matter. The context shows that Paul is referring to the hand written law of Moses that was “Against us” in Colossians 2:14. “Shadow of things to come” in verse 16 is in reference to the sacrificial laws of Moses, that pointed to the coming of Christ, and his sacrifice. Hebrews 10:1 references this. And Deuteronomy 31:26 shows us that the law of Moses was the law that was “against us” that Paul refers so.
The seventh-day Sabbath is the 4th commandment, written by the hand of God, and is in the ark of the covenant, not on the side of the ark, where the law of Moses was kept with the ceremonial and sacrificial “sabbaths” laws.
I’m just trying to point out God‘s word. the Bible answers itself when you cross reference it with itself. Glory to God. And may God bless you!
Act 10 is about people i love your sermons pastor John but this is one that you have very wrong and blasphemy is putting Yah's name on your BS so i am praying for the scales to be lifted off you and your congregations eyes are lifted COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE LEST YOU PARTAKE OF HER SINS AND RECIEVE OF HER PRAGUES
On the 8th day God created bacon, and it was the most good. Sorry if you consider it irreverent, but I think it's funny!
He made that right about the time He invented sweet tea and beer.
John is such a good pastor. However, I am not going to give 10% of my income to the church unless the government cuts my taxes. I paid 33,000 to the government last year in taxes. I’d have to give the church another $9,000 if it’s 10% where is the money for my family?
Explain your reply please. How so?
acts is not about eating pork or the dietary law... Paul confirms this at the end of the chapter... to take these verses and try to make them out to say we can now break God's laws are evil.. @@Ryan_222
Yeah, how so?
Inquiring minds want to know my brother?
Peter would be appalled at your interpretation of the vision. He knew what it meant, and he clearly explained that in verse 28. The vision was about people, not food. Prayers for healing of the great spiritual blindness of “the church”. Stop aiming at the lowest place in the kingdom! Leave your lawlessness!
Verse 28 of what book? Acts? In Colossians chapter 2, verse 16 it specifically says what Pastor John is referring to.
Acts 10:28 - "God has shown me that I should not call any man defiled or unclean." Peter knew God wasn't telling him to eat a BLT. Rather, God was expanding the apostles' understanding of who was included in the kingdom. This scripture also destroys the common Christian interpretation of Mark 7. If Yeshua put pork on the menu that day, Peter must have been absent and none of the other disciples let him know. They must have eaten their bacon behind Peter's back!!! As to Colossians 2, Paul is countering the arguments of the gnostics, who viewed the physical world as evil. As Peter warned in 2 Peter 2:16, Paul's words have been twisted to promote lawlessness. I suggest you do a study of God's view of lawless men. As Paul wrote, the Law is good, when used properly. Blessings, brother!@@Ryan_222
@@Ryan_222 colossians 2:16 doesn't say we can eat unclean animals.
People have become unwilling to critically think and read the whole Book. As such, they must rely on the teachings of others, which are often muddied waters or traditions of men, not God's Word established firmly in the Heavens forever.
The vision is defined 3 times. The Nations are now included in the promise of Abraham's Covenant and given the bridal engagement gift of the Holy Spirit as a seal.
That's it.
When Heaven and Earth are melted and broken, the Law will be done. Not before.
I love John and his ability to bring people to repentance, but given this scripture passage, this was a clean miss of the target.
Some things were suspended when the Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70, just as they were in Daniel's day. This should point the Jewish people to Atonement in Christ and not the shadow picture of a lamb. However, Christ reinstates these things. They are not "gone" or "replaced." They are awaiting full embodiment. That will include some changes (Not all of Aaron's line may be priest, only Zadok's lineage, for example)
Isa 66:23 - And it shall come to pass
That from one New Moon to another,
And from one Sabbath to another,
All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the LORD. (After Second Coming)
Ezekiel 44,46,46,47 ( Reinstatement of Law during Millennial Reign)
Zechariah 14. (After Second Coming)
There are so many more, but I'm a pipe fitter, not your pastor, and my lunch break is over.
Blessings in the Name of the Master, Y'eshua.
Read the whole Word and believe it. Walk humbly in it.
But when I saw that they were not being straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas (Peter) in front of everyone, “If you, being a Jew, live [as you have been living] like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how is it that you are [now virtually] forcing the Gentiles to live like Jews [if they want to eat with you]?
Galatians 2:14
Peter clearly ate not kosher, to say that God didn't allow Peter to eat things like pork is to entirely ignore what is said. You say it is about gentiles? YES! But why did God use food if not because He is ALSO specifically allowing Jews to eat what they please. It's silly.
What laws are we required to observe? Is is not to Love God most and our fellow man as ourselves? The kosher laws were designed to keep the Jews separated so they didn't accept gentile gods and practices. Are Christian Jews not to spread the gospel then?
New wine must be put into new wine skins, the new way of salvation, the law of grave through the cross cannot be combined with the law of works according to the law of sin and death. But those who have tasted the old wine often say, the old is better and have no desire for the new wine.
Your theological tappdancing is imprecive but very wrong
Dont listen to pastors.
Good thing it's the word of God we're listening to thru this man then.
@@back-countrymayhem4472 no its not. Unclean animals aren't clean.
Messiah did not tell us to go to a building to listen one man talk.
@danhightower9500 I think you're missing the point. It isn't about 1 man talking. It's a community of people coming together to give praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. A perfect example is when this particular pastor says in his sermons "I'm not saying these things to you, I'm in the trenches with you shoulder to shoulder." It's stuff like that, that shows how genuine and truthful he is. If he's in a building, on the street, or in an airplane, he'd be more than happy to talk with you about Jesus, pray with you, and spread the word. Remember, Jesus wanted the apostles to go out and build his church (not a building) but didn't want it to stop with them. This pastor is doing his part to continue to build that church and he's reaching people in person and online. Thousands of people. It's pretty amazing actually.
@@back-countrymayhem4472 Messiah didn't intend on having "pastors" at all.
he's misrepresenting the Word if he's saying we can eat pigs. YaHUaH didn't create pigs for consumption.
Matthew 15:11-20
New King James Version
Matthew 15
11 Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”
12 Then His disciples came and said to Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?”
13 But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. 14 Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.”
15 Then Peter answered and said to Him, “Explain this parable to us.”
16 So Jesus said, “Are you also still without understanding? 17 Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? 18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. 20 These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”