I’m thinking of the ZX16D with the extendable tracks and all attachments. I have a Hightop H20 and it has room for improvement my next machine will be from you guys. Would love this one as well I have over 15 years operating equipment and these look like quality especially with the parts availability. If you ever want to sponsor someone hit me up lol. Keep it coming!
I’m thinking of the ZX16D with the extendable tracks and all attachments. I have a Hightop H20 and it has room for improvement my next machine will be from you guys. Would love this one as well I have over 15 years operating equipment and these look like quality especially with the parts availability. If you ever want to sponsor someone hit me up lol. Keep it coming!
can you run a mulching head on it?
I wish I could try this machine out I’m in West Virginia
Are you guys designing a full-size skid steer? Would totally be interested in one of those.
You will see it soon, keep following us this month....