The best advice I ever hear (probably from reddit) was that your boundaries can only be enforced by you. If your boundaries are cheating, you can't force your partner not to cheat. But if your partner cheats you can enforce your boundary and leave. That's how I live my life regarding boundaries
@@elizabethconley4996 the example never states that the person is okay with cheating, what?? this example means that, while other people might be able to stay in a relationship after cheating, this person WILL leave if they get cheated on.
@@isak7753 I'm not saying it was. I'm just saying I've met people who are 100% ok with cheating, but the second their partner even looks at another person there's a problem.
@@elizabethconley4996 it's because they don't fully want them but they don't want anyone else to have you either. It happens ALOT, best examples are: guy asks for open relationship, turns out not that many ppl are interested in him. Whereas his lady is getting a ton of attention from other men. All of a sudden the guy wants you more and doesn't want anyone else to have you. Your right, those ones will cheat on you constantly and then trip out on you for even looking in someone else's direction. It's almost like a toddler that only wants a toy to keep it from others but doesn't actually wanna play with it. Also I'm sorry if there's any typos or whatever, I did talk to text. I'm in between appts, hope that makes sense
I was tearing up hearing about the first story. The poor dogs were probably in pain, and so so scared. PLUS they’re rescues, so they may have past trauma . Those poor baby angels.
I think the "no birthday" story is a good example on how generational traumas can be born. Cause like, with no one allowed birthdays, it may have started in solidarity with one generational group of family members, but then it effects other generations and gets passed down. Passing down a trauma for others to carry, when they probably dont even know the brother/reason for said trauma/tradition. And a good example on how some traditions arent good ones nor healthy for families.
YES! This is exactly how it starts. I can understand waiting a year or 2 before doing these types of celebrations again but saying you can never celebrate a birthday EVER?! That's creating so many more issues around what should be a happy time and turning it into a traumatic event. Babies may not remember everything but once a child is in school and sees classmates doing birthday celebrations, the conversation of "How come I don't get to celebrate my birthday?" at home will be more than awkward.
I agree. Banning birthdays just because it’s the day he died isn’t a healthy way to grieve. What if the cause of death was drowning or car accident. Would they never get into a vehicle or a bath ever again?
@@Musicalsfangirl100% agree. It’s an unhealthy way of grieving and will inevitably lead to social isolation when the daughter gets into school, and maybe even some resentment towards the uncle that she’s never met. It’s insane to make all birthdays a somber affair because of a tragedy.
No longer celebrating birthdays is such a stupid way to remember someone’s memory. you should celebrate even more and harder to show your loved ones how much you love them while they are still alive!
I swear, "the original" co-hosts like Lauren, Alejandra, Jerry and Justin, as well like Matt and Amy, are THE BEST co-hosts that were on the show. As much as I liked some guests, but the family is just the best!!!
Every episode with Lauren I am reminded of how much I love Lauren. She articulates things so well and seems like an absolute ride-or-die best friend. What an awesome human being 🥺
The problem is when people aren’t operating in good faith. For example, I know a lot of people who don’t like the word cis. They claim it invalidates them. So, I ask them “What adjective should I use instead when discussing the differences between trans women and _____ women.” And they’ll say “normal women” or “nothing, we’re just women and you’re not. You’re a trans woman.” It just makes me feel like for them to feel “validation” they have to exclude me.
@@freya-g3vyeah exactly. People who get upset by the word cis are almost always just transphobic and that has nothing to do with their own validation. Also I really hope Morgan knows she isn’t “invalidating” any women when she says people who give birth. That statement *includes* those women. And it also includes trans and nonbinary people who are able to/do give birth. They’re not being left out or having their experiences as women invalidated unless they’re just transphobic and believe *only* women can give birth. This is absolutely different than the people assuming this man was misogynistic.
@@freya-g3vI agree. I think morgan’s example was poor because when people feel invalidated by terms like “birthing person” or whatever, they often are just being transphobic.
The panic on the boat story reminded me of another Reddit story (TBH I’m not sure if they have done this so listen to too many Reddit podcasts). In the story the father, OP, came home to his son, having broken his arm and the wife freaking out about it. She wasn’t doing anything to comfort the son, was not calling anyone ambulances, just panicking. So OP had to take his son to the hospital and the wife refused to come and continued to panic at home. They left, she called her sister to calm her self down, but didn’t try to come to the hospital or even go pick up their other child who was at school, so OP had to leave the hospital without his son, who is begging for him to stay, to pick up the other child and when he gets home, she still on the couch talking to her sister. He lays into her about her being useless in a high stress situation where their children are on the line. OP’s wife is what the guy in today’s episode’s story fears, and this is another example on how at a certain point you need to conquer that panic and anxiety if not for yourself for the others around you.
My Mom was someone who would panic in emergencies, she managed to raise 5 children while my father traveled for months on end. It sucks, but this isn't something that could be fixed by someone telling them they need to do better, stress just mentally shut her down and then she would panic. We found ways to adapt to an unsolvable problem. The OP in that story needs to decide if this is someone he wants to partner with and if he does they need to create a plan for stuff triggering a panic response.
Hmm that’s what happens if marry with useless person. They have to set the radical and realistic expectations that their partners are useless, they’re alone dealing with the issues.
That's exactly what I was thinking, how is this woman going to react when she has a child and something bad happens, such as a broken arm? Will she be able to get proper help or will she freak out screaming and crying, unable to comfort or help said child in any way? That would be my fear and I assume it is the OP's fear as well.
The second they said they went out of the house I knew she was going to steal the dogs. 😯 Stealing someone’s dogs will ruin the “vibe” of your wedding. I’m so glad the puppers are okay.
@@greenginger6668 you do paint a picture, Ginger! But srsly this story was NUTS! If you care about the dogs enough to STEAL them for your wedding, how can you not care about their health AT ALL? I know, I know, she is clearly one if those HORRIBLE people who see animals and pets as just OBJECTS and props. I know people like that exist and I STILL CAN'T WRAP MY MIND AROUND IT! So glad she got arrested. 😂😹😹🐕 Now that we know the pups were okay, One of the best arrest stories I ever heard! 🐕😹💞
@@JW-vd4il I am glad she got arrested and it sounds like the OP isn’t dropping charges (I wouldn’t either, she needs to learn her lesson). If someone did this with my cats I’d actually get violent ha. They are my children and I cannot even fathom what my reaction would be.
@@JW-vd4il I only say it because I’ve seen it, I work in vet med. Some dogs and cats will lick and chew at their incisions until they are completely reopened and then they will continue to do so until there’s no fixing it… there’s a reason cones are required at all times after surgery and it’s a good thing they got there when they did. I hope they sue the 💩 out of them for the vet bills because all of them should have their incisions checked and cleaned after this, I’m so glad they’re ok.
It’s so terrible how some people see animals as objects or a prop for their wedding. I can’t imagine how scary it is for someone to have their dogs stolen especially when they’re healing from surgery. I’ve luckily never had to deal with that. She deserved to be arrested. I felt immense relief when they got to the end of the story and the dogs were okay, after an emergency vet visit.
It would have been hilarious if OP or OP’s husband stayed home alone with the dogs and got a nice picture of the bridezilla’s reaction as she tried to kidnap the dogs.
Me too!! 😂 But I’m kinda skeptical that this is a true story. It just seems sooooo outrageous and absurd to be true. lol I genuinely hope for the sake of those dogs that it’s not a real scenario. 😭 But man! To be a fly on the wall during that whole thing if it was real. 😂😂😂
As someone who struggled with major anxiety and panic for years to my detriment, it really did take my partner telling me point blank “fucking do better” to make me get my head on straight. He was raised very survivalistic and has amazing instincts and I know in an emergency he could save me HIMSELF. But I panicked over small things and he told me outright one day that he worried I wouldn’t be able to handle an emergency and worried what would happen if HE was the one needing help. That was a wake up call and I worked on my reactions and mindset. It’s a few years later now and I’m no longer panicking, crying, catastrophizing when things go wrong. I keep my head on straight and work on finding solutions the second things go wrong. I have a mindset of “I am going to survive and that’s what’s important, I just need to find a way through this.” And it has honestly been the best thing anyone ever did for me. Sometimes you need someone to shake you up and push you to work on things in yourself so you can survive.
Thank you for your perspective! As the one in the relationship that is more level-headed in “survival” situations I’ve had a similar conversation with my partner. It’s interesting hearing so many takes. While I’m confident in how we’ve processed moments where my partner could’ve reacted better or I could’ve expressed my needs for cooperation better, I do worry sometimes that I’m demanding too much from someone with 100% valid anxiety. I guess the story hit a bit close to home for me and made me question how much/when pushing someone is a good thing. Glad to hear different voices on it!!
Great reply - anxiety and stress is beyond control, but it's very possible to learn skills and strategies to practice. I'm good in almost every emergency situation - but I panic in water when I can't see the bottom (fine on a boat or even a pool noodle) and it has taken practice to find a way to manage. In this case and many others, it's not the emergency but someone panicking that takes it from a manageable situation to a calamitous one. If you can't help, at least do nothing to hinder.
That's also assuming it's exclusively anxiety. BPD and other personality disorders aren't as simple as changing a mindset. You need intense therapy for years before many changes. Granted she's the ah definitely but a wake-up call doesn't work for everyone or everything. what she needs to do is move out of the way and freak on her own, not accuse him and be a pain, doesn't mean he gets to call her reaction embarrassing. Cause as someone with BPD that's all I would focus on over the criticism. So imo he ruined his point to get a random jab off at her. rejection sensitivity is so much worse than anxiety for me. so while he's not tah she's not just going to flip a switch cause he said something. Also what works for you will not work for everyone if not potentially anyone else as mental health is not that simple.
This first story has me SO LIVIDDD!! I am physically hot with anger typing this right now. Nobody fucks with my animals period. I'd do the same exact thing.
Same! Omg, I was so shocked and actually shouted out loud listening to this. I would like to think I would have done the same thing, by calling the police and pressing changes, but I feel like I'd also show up at the wedding with a bat looking to take out a leg of hers and to get my dogs back!
The second story had my jaw on the floor! My partner and me are both studying to be mechanics and live with our parents, so spending a lot of money on dates is not possible for us. Instead of not going on dates at all, we go on rock picking dates, picnics and go to car meets. Love doesn’t need money to grow
The birthday one, if they continue with not celebrating everyone’s birthdays, it will cause generational trauma. I love Lauren’s idea of having a little celebration for the brother.
@@sarabrothern2442 yes, I think this is so strange. People usually go the other way where birthdays (especially the birthday of the one that passed) are celebrated even harder. Very odd
This! I could understand the family's approach for a couple years, but forever? for everyone? Even if you want to keep the seriousness of it, you could spend every birthday morning at his grave to include/honor him and then have whatever celebration you feel comfortable with later. And with compromise, op's kid will grow up thinking their dad cares about their birth while their mom doesn't. It's all just so sad, but I hate to think that if I die my family would "honor" me by bottling up their own joy
Birthday are about celebrating life. By stopping to for this reason for the all family, feels to me that death have won 🤷 If I were the dad, I would honnestly sit down my wife to tell her that if she refuse to celebrate the LIFE of our daughter, maybe I made a mistake having children with her. My dad died when I was 16, and my cousin is born the exact same day. yeah, it's not my favorite day of the year but I celebrate my cousin because he is alive and we need to celebrate him.
for the third story: i was raised by a women who reacts VERY emotionally to every minor situation, let alone a terrible one. it can be very damaging to be raised by someone like this if they can’t learn to manage it. for example, i cracked my head open when i was 3 and my mom could not handle the sight of it and all she did was scream, so my 9 yr old sister had to call our neighbor to take me to the emergency room. i definitely see OPs pov about it but if she learned to manage it, she can be a good partner!
The family that does not celebrate birthdays and then get upset if someone does gives me such a cultish vibe. Prohibiting something that brings fun and joy is a very weird way to pay tribute to a loved one that passed idk it's like trying to perpetuate and extend the misery of that loss. edit: Laureeeen watch mamma mia it's so fun!
I’m so curious if OP had been the one to have passed, would the family also stop celebrating birthdays? Also how long has it been since he passed? It gives me golden child vibes
@@clairesmallwood2953 omg i thought so too!! didn't want to get into that territory because it is a delicate issue, but it definitely crossed my mind 😳
It’s just so odd how can you take away everyone’s birthday because someone was lost on thier birthday surely you would appreciate birthdays more, maybe he died traumatically celebrating his birthday.
For the birthday story - Something I've said before and will say again is that your grief doesn't get to cancel other's joy. Canceling all birthdays forever because of the loss isn't okay
I literally just recently broke up with someone because I asked to go on more dates and he told me I was “asking for the world from him” so that second story hit kinda hard 😭
I'm glad you left, you deserve better. I disagree with Morgan that you need to go out for dates (energy limiting illnesses can make that an issue but a romantic dinner with candles at home can be a date) but asking someone to prioritise spending time with in an intentional way is never asking too much, let alone "asking the world". His response shows he doesn't value you or your feelings, he can go f**k himself. Someone else will value you & be happy to show you that they do, they won't invalidate your feelings when you share them.
Man can y’all make a compilation of all the amazing quotes y’all just drop!! Like from Alejandra “If you find yourself always being the bigger person why are you spending so much time and energy on such small people” and now Lauren’s “decide who you want to hurt” damn
LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU ALL ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I was nervous about this episode lolol if it seems like I got a little too tipsy towards the end… it’s because I did 😅😅
Morgan, fr NEVER worry about eps being late or anything!!!! We all LOVE YOU so so much! Take all the time you need & feel free to take a break to take care of your fam whenever you need! I think your other listeners will agree that our biggest concern is YOUR WELLBEING! ❤
Morgan’s crying, now I’m crying, we’re all crying 😭😭 girl I’m so sorry you’re going through that right now. You’re an incredible human and I’m sending you and your family all of the love, healing, positivity and incredible vibes all around. 🫶
Absolutely enraged by the first one. However, the idea by Morgan around 2 min mark about getting a dog that is up for adoption to be a ring bearer is the sweetest idea ever 😭😭
unfortunately the girl in the 4th story is delusional, he is absolutely still leading the "best friend" on. someone who respects their relationship would not continue to be that close with someone who's clearly still trying to push a romantic relationship. she's gotta get out of there lmao
I once dated a guy who was close to a girl, he saw her as one of the dudes. She lived in another state so I wasn’t worried. I came to find out they spent ALOT of time talking, voice chats, txts, emails etc. I let him know, even tho you see her as one of the guys I think she has a crush on you. After reading some of their msgs, it was obvious!! But he was so stupid he didn’t see it 🙄. She was disappointed he started seeing someone instead of being happy. She kept mentioning moving to his state even tho he ignored that topic, she kept bringing it up. They used to fall asleep on the phone often & she was upset they weren’t doing that anymore. Not once did he try to set boundaries. I honestly believe these guys enjoy the attention
On story 2 I disagree slightly that you need to leave the house to have a date, if you have energy limiting illnesses that can be really difficult to do. You can have dates at home where you dress up & set the table nicely with candles & get takeaway. That's a date & you didn't leave the house. A date is about intentionally spending time together.
This! My partner and I are both autistic and have limited energy for going out, and they work 2-10.30pm so it makes it kinda hard on weekdays anyway, but we've had several movie dates in the house
I don’t think that story applies to your situation but that’s understandable in your situation. It just seems like that guy wanted to do nothing for his girlfriend and was combative when she asked for the most minor effort. He wasn’t offering at home dates - he offered nothing other than pushback.
For the boat story it totally makes sense that he wants her to have some kind of self-preservation skills because imagine her being out alone with their future children and something happened, would she just panic and scream?
I completely agree. I'm only imagining this girl doing nothing but yelling for 15 minutes. Not only is it not helpful to the people trying to fix it but she is useless. I get it if she does that every once in awhile but every time there's danger!!
I agree. When things happen but I'm with my husband it's just "Shut up and do as I say" because he usually knows what to do and we just don't have time to be nice and polite in bad TIME SENSITIVE situations, he'll apologize for being rude when situation is over. Like when I was doing some deep cleaning and suddenly my hands were burning. "My-my hands are burning" my hands were empty and he'd seem me handling chemicals earlier so he immediately instructed me as he went to fetch what he needed. If I'm alone when something happens I usually deal with it quietly and then fall to pieces as soon as I'm safe. Wailing for 15 minutes straight is just so absurd to me, especially when she'd been instructed on what to do. I get that when you panic you don't think but she seems like such a danger to herself and others if she can't find a way to stay calm.
Totally agree!!! Even if you’re internally freaking out you HAVE to remain calm around your children when something happens or they will absolutely freak out and possibly even traumatize them. I made that mistake in the moment when my almost 2 year old at the time had his first seizure..he collapsed to the floor and he started bawling, he immediately went stiff and was stuck that way with his wrists turned in and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head and then he went completely unconscious while I was on the phone with 911 and started turning purple.. I was bawling and top level panicking. I didn’t know what was happening because I never saw someone have a seizure before so I thought I was losing my son. My 7 year old was home sick from school that day and she saw the whole thing unfold and seeing me at my top level panic made her absolutely panic too. She’s traumatized by the situation and for MONTHS had a hard time at school because she was afraid her baby brother would have another seizure when she wasn’t there and was afraid he would pass away(because when he went unconscious I was crying while patting his cheeks and loudly saying “baby wake up wake up please don’t die, god please help him come back” and I think that put it in her head that he was going to “die” again if he had another. She still has to talk to a counselor about her brothers seizures and he had his first one late November 2022. When he had his 2nd seizure I remained MUCH more calm because I saw how badly it effected big sis. You just have to stay calm even when it’s hard to, you have to learn how to reel it in. It’s hard but it’s possible!
I was willing to give her a pass because I personally hate boats and I’d puke and would 100% bawl in that situation lmao. But knowing that she’s been on boats multiple times before and that she lashed out that it was “his fault”… that’s wayyy too much. Imagine that she had actually died because she was so chaotic and fell off or something (lol sorry) but he’d have to live the rest of his life with knowing she directly blamed him for her death. Like girly, we don’t do that to our partner lol.
The story about the woman who lost her 17 year old brother hits so close to home. My brother passed two and a half years ago at the same age. I completely agree that by not celebrating his birthday it’s erasing him and not honoring his memory. Every year since my brother’s death we’ve held a special memorial service at the cemetery for him. We release balloons and blow bubbles and say a few words in his memory. Then we have a meal as a family and a cake in his honor. It’s a sad day, but also a special day to honor his life and reminisce about all the happy memories we have of him. It’s how we stay connected to his memory. I’m currently pregnant with my first child and my mom would never wish for me to not celebrate my child’s birthday. I know she finds birthdays hard without him but wouldn’t want to take the joy of their day away. Even on others birthdays she will bring a photo of my brother so he can be in the photos with us. I hope that this family is able to remember her brother in a positive way and find a way to honor his memory. It’s hard and I really feel for them.
It took me until you guys talking about that first story and about "a date doesn't have to be going out to dinner, it can be ...." to realize that my husband takes me on breakfast dates dang near every saturday morning, and I feel like I owe him an apology. It started almost 10 years ago, when we started going out for "tasty coffee drinks", and breakfast, which we would then bring home and eat while watching a show together and just chatting about stuff. now, when we can't do it because one of us has to work, my whole week feels thrown off. He's super agoraphobic and introverted, and going out to restaurants has never been a thing he's comfortable doing, not to mention we spent the first 5 or so years of our marriage living paycheck to paycheck, where going out on dates that could get pretty expensive, just wasn't an option. Damn. Ya'll.
For the fiancé freakout story, I don’t think either op or the girl are aholes exactly. I do think OP made a very poor choice in bringing it up on the car ride home from the incident. If she was freaking out as hard as he is describing for 15 minutes straight her body is still trying to sort through all the chemical responses she experienced. If he had waited until the next day after she had slept and was in a calmer state and focused on safety instead of being embarrassed,it seems like there’s a real chance this could have had a positive outcome.
I hadn't thought about that aspect, but I think you're completely correct. I don't think he is the AH for saying it, but he definitely should have waited.
I think OP’s point is that she is stressing everyone else out while they are trying to find a solution. Also what if when they have Kids OP isnt there and something happens? Does he always need to fear that his Wife will panic and not keep his children safe?
@@fionaayala1841 a point he failed to make by focusing on it being “embarrassing” and a point he may have actually been able to communicate had he waited to talk about it. It’s not that op doesn’t have any valid concerns, it’s that they picked a bad time and way to express them.
Donor conceived kid here ! I’m 37 and didn’t find out I had 7 additional donor siblings until about 5ish years ago. Jewish med students apparently were sought after in the early 80s to donate for cash or the chance to climb the professional ladder. Anyway, my “diblings”We are all about the same age and all live within an hour of each other. One of my donor siblings is a twin..and his twin has a different donor father . In the 80s they would mix a sperm together . I also have a twin brother who refuses to test . And that’s ok at this point , it would kill me a bit inside if he wasn’t my full twin sibling .i could write a whole book on this topic. The ethics of it are super controversial but emotionally , I’ve accepted it . At this point in my life this has become more of a Nancy Drew task for me. When I dive into the research of it, it’s a rabbit hole so I have to pace myself and plan that part out a bit more than one would anticipate .
THE LAST STORY! I’ve traveled to many countries and in many countries in South East Asia as well as Latin American countries. The white button down shirt is a common uniform for MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL !!! Struggling people in developing countries rarely attend university, the people who do, typically have a lot of family financial support and would be less likely to enter that arrangement.
Thanks Morgan for that beginning speech. I’ve been missing home a lot and honestly I feel o bad cause I haven’t made it home in three years. My grandma isn’t doing well and hearing your words of passion to not miss out broke me. Thank you for that push. I’m also from MN so it’s great knowing you’re from there.
Morgan, honey, please take the time to grieve that you need. Yes, it’s part of life, but that doesn’t make it any easier or less heart breaking. Don’t feel like you need to apologize to us for having a moment on screen or for taking a bit to get an episode to us. You so obviously care for all of us and it’s the least we can do to be understanding.
I’ve been the only calm person in an emergency situation before and the only traumatic part of that for me was the frantic people screaming at me asking why I wasn’t freaking out too
I'm used to being the Level Headed person because I'm the oldest of several children amongst my Step-Dad and Girlfriend Hook Ups(Can you tell why they divorced?). I take on the leader role when need be, and my boyfriend for the most part is level headed. Until it's about me. I get a papercut and he's just about fainting over how much blood I could have possibly lost. It was cute the first few times, but now it's like I'm stuck saving myself in my own situations now😮💨
Same with me. My parents/family were always panicking and usually I am the only one who is thinking straight in emergency situations even among the friends. It is hard af. All responsibilities are in one second on you, you need yo make all decisions by yourself and it could be matter of life or dead. Also plan A is never enough so on spot You need at least have plan A and B or even C sometimes. And it is a lot harder if in the same time you need to calm down all people around you. I was once injured and needed to take care of myself because no one else could :(
@@MeJimi45maybe you could talk to him about it It's very sweet he worries about you, but maybe mentioning that you would be worried if you actually needed help, could he handle it? What if you really are not in the condition of taking charge, and you need him to be there Communicating this type of worry is very important I didn't struggle in that sense because my boyfriend has been amazing with dealing with my health issues He's loving but firm and ready to handle things accordingly But as a person who always gets stuck consoling people every time I need help I had to let him know I needed him to be my person Because I'm so used to everyone else making my problems about them that I really needed him not to be one to had me ignoring my pain to console him because I am in pain I'm rambling, English is my second language so maybe I'm not making myself clear I'm sorry I just wanted to tell you I know how it feels And that you deserve the reassurance that if you need help you will get help And don't need to be worried when you can't take charge You deserve the same care you give
I’ve unfortunately been in traumatic situations enough that I’m the one who freezes and checks until I’m out of the situation. I’m a very small woman so I’ve been harassed, stalked, and had to defend myself from attackers. Being the calm one in situations isn’t as easy as people think because the screaming doesn’t stop just because you are calm. Your body is on edge and everything is way too clear.
PLEASE GET YOU BODIES CHECKED!! I just lost my best friend last week of 25 years at 39 years old to ovarian cancer that went into remission and spread two years later because the check ups starting getting fewer and far between. Life happens but stop and get the check ups! I’m so sorry for the diagnosis with Morgan’s family. Wishing you all the healing energy through such a difficult time.
Story 3 - as someone who falls apart during intense situations, I think OP is NTA. When I was a kid, our house was falling apart. One night, the ceiling starts leaking and my mum starts screaming at me to turn the electric in the kitchen off. I was 7 and had no clue how to do it. At the time, I was panicking, sure, but my mum dramatically yelling only made things worse. I can't imagine the wife yelling and crying helped anyone. I do think it was a legitimate fear response, but the 'it's your fault I'm going to die' was theratrics.
Like he is voicing genuine concerns. Like if and when they have kids, essentially if there is an emergency it will be up to him and just him to protect everyone. And that's not fair.
Agreed. When I was 9, my dad had a seizure right in front of me. I didn't know what seizures were, and this wasn't something expected because he'd only ever had one two years prior while at work (which I didn't know about). I freaked out and stood like a deer in headlights while my mom was screaming at me to call 911, as she was holding my dad up so he wouldn't choke on his tongue (my mom is well-versed because my pop-pop, her father, is epileptic as well, but again I'd never seen him have a seizure). I was taking too long because I kept freaking out and losing my cool, so instead I had to run to the neighbors for help while my mom tried to manage 911 AND my dad. Something in me snapped and I managed to do that, but I will never forget how I froze that day. Since then, I've promised myself never to be so frozen in crisis like that, because freezing up at the wrong moment could mean the worst. Ironically, I had to use that skill just last night when I went anaphylactic (I have a tree nut allergy). If I just panicked that I was dying, I wouldn't be able to type this today. Instead, I called 911 and was rushed to the ER in an ambulance, where I was monitored for a few hours and then sent home with my mom driving me. OP was right, wailing and crying-- while a natural response-- won't solve anything. It is better to try and stay calm while fixing the situation, then panic later.
I love when lauren cohosts! She’s so well spoken and I love her takes and how she considers so many different perspectives when she gives her thoughts ❤
YES bring Lauren back. Bring back all our favorite friends. Also-glad Lauren is safe from the scammer. That story was horrifying. And I’m glad Morgan got to go home and see her mother’s husband. What a sad thing that’s happened to them. It’s honestly just heartbreaking. May they have peace in the coming days.
Having a boundary includes enforcing it too. You cant just say: i set a firm boundary! But then ignore it, when the boundary gets pushed over. So her ignoring the friend crawling into bed with them was not really enforcing her boundarys
My dad just passed away from colon cancer March 13th. Life is incredibly unfair and it was a horrible thing to go through. But I appreciate how much you guys have pushed for colon screenings. My 2 siblings and I all plan on getting ours done this year as a precaution. I'm so sorry Morgan that your having to through this as well. Big hugs ❤
im so sorry for your loss. My own dad just started treatments for colon cancer, earlier this year he had part of the colon removed. 2 years ago i lost my mom to lung cancer. life just sucks sometimes. i hope all the best for you and your family.
You are such a strong kind human being! I been listening to your podcast only a few months now. I can relate so so so much. My mother has stage 4 colon cancer. She’s so young and was diagnosed at 49. it is so important to spread awareness on early screening. I commend you thank you so much!
About the girl freaking out story: I don't know what her life was like, but I've come to find that most people who have never dealt with trauma tend to freak out in hard situations because they've never been through something like it. I have a friend who grew up well off and never really had experiences that made her fearful, so she would freak out in situations that did call for it. Everyone has different life experiences and that will drastically effect how we respond to trauma. Sometimes people who are numb to trauma have a hard time understanding why people are freaking out.
My experience is the opposite. My friends with the most trauma are the worst at solving problems. They get stun-locked and panicky. But they also haven’t addressed any of their trauma, so that could play a factor.
I do agree but you can't always tell especially if they're stronger involved you can't always control reactions in the instant. What she did made it harder but he could have also handled it better to buy like taking her hand like baby it's okay if we got this just breathe. And then when he talked to her after instead of making her feel like crap this is horrible I don't trust you he could have been like what happened there I understand you were scared. He could have helped her to mitigate those things and future first seacoast suggested therapy. Like he gets her reaction was unhelpful and what she said blaming him was not okay. At the same time he could have also handled it better
In the birthday party story, OP has to confront her family, she should not have lied to them about it and she needs to face those consequences like a grownup. But her husband purposefully posted pictures so they would find out and be forced to "get over it" as he said. He did this after they agreed that they would have a secret celebration, which also shows that he went behind her back as well and I think her being upset when she found out is to be expected. I'm conflicted, because I don't think he should have done it that way, but he could also be at his wits end, so he just posted the pics so that his wife's family would stop insisting that they don't celebrate birthdays. Cautiously, I would say everyone sucks and I hope they can celebrate birthdays like normal in the future.
I was surprised no one said that. She should confront her family and they are unreasonable. But putting that aside for a second, they could celebrate upcoming birthdays with his whole family if they kept the secret. Until he deliberately broke the peace with his wife's family. What did he think "secret" meant?
THANK YOU! I’ve been looking for someone else to say something about this!! How are we completely glossing over the fact that the husband went behind OP’s back after agreeing to keeping it a secret??? Then doing it Intentionally to make them “get over it” is so malicious. I agree with what most people are saying about the whole “not celebrating anyone’s birthday” and how weird that is…but this is a good first step in the right direction for OP, and for the husband to just go behind her back like that is honestly fucked up imo
@@alysonnataliavasquezsolano8066I’ve literally been saying this since I’ve heard this story…wtf did you think OP meant when she said “secret”? Like whaaaat???
this intro got me crying at work at 7 am. Y’all convinced me to take a trip I’ve been debating! I’m sorry Morgan for what you’ve been going through; sending so much love to you and your family 🤍
story 4# omg i relate so much, this exact situation has happened to me. my Then boyfriend broke up with his previous girlfriend, so she swallowed a bunch of pills (suic*ide attempt) ended up in the hospital for self harm too, and did a bunch of other awful stuff to guilt trap him, all sorts of emotional manipulation that you can think of, he felt guilty so he fell for her trap, cuddled her to sleep together every other day for a whole month and hid it from me. they were exes and he still accepted to go on many dates with her and even bought her a birthday cake because he claims he felt pity for her lol, he never did anything for me because in his eyes i was self-sufficient. He got angry when I broke with him (after 3 months together) after finding out he was lying to me saying he was always tired and sleeping early because he was playing soccer with the boys which made me suspicious because he was in med school and very serious about studies. The girl in story 4 should break up with him ASAP, if your boyfriend is afraid/refusing to put boundaries around their exes/people they have been intimate with for the sake of your relationship then he doesn't respect the girl he's now with at all.
Story about the girl freaking out during dangerous situation: I was always confused as to why people people scream when scared until I had a traumatic experience and developed PTSD. It’s like your body is always ready to respond and sometimes the response is to just scream. I react over the top now when I used to be cool as a cucumber. If someone enters a room without me FULLY expecting it, I literally scream when that reaction has never been a thing for me before. Makes me wonder if she has ptsd and can’t control how she responds when she’s frightened.
The intro made me cry Morgan!! Such a good reminder to live life to the fullest and to spend time with your loved ones, really a beautiful sentiment ❤ sending prayers to your stepdad
i have worked in vetmed specifically shelter medicine for years now and i wanted to say thank you for kindness you showed towards shelter animals during the first story 💖 reading it in the first place was awesome promo as many people don’t think of shelters when seeking purebred dogs BUT the senior dog wedding guest idea is adorable and would not only be great for advertising the older guys but an awesome way to get them some much needed fresh air 💘
Morgan’s advocacy for therapy is so refreshing ❤ Personally I loved this episode, I loved the grey area I think it was sooooo interesting! Thank you guys for being awesome
I had to stop the car cause I did not expect to bawl like this at the beginning of the episode. Lots of love to you and your family, Morgan ♥️ I’m sorry you’re all going through this, treasure the moments you get ❤️🩹
Two things: For the second story about the Brazillian Wax, it is SOOO easy to date without spending lots of money or being extra. My girlfriend and I live about 90 minutes apart and we're both working a lot for not much money while also studying. If you want to make time for someone, you'll do it! We'll dress up for no reason and go on walks in new places, make food together at home, do our nails together, plan things we wanna do in the future together, or play co op games on our switches. ALL of these are basically free, but its about being intentional about our time together. When we cant get together in person, we'll watch a show or movie online in tandem, facetime while we do random stuff, or just be intentional about texting more often. FFS, we'll even work on homework together or one of us will make the others powerpoint look pretty while the other does the actual work. its just about knowing that you're doing something with/for each other. Maybe it's just because I'm a lesbian, but I do NOT comprehend why these women date absolutely awful dudes!!! And then about the no birthday story, I saw that on reddit right when it was posted and I said almost exactly what Lauren said. Why do they have to turn birthdays into these evil awful days, when they could choose to honor this child on EVERY birthday. light an extra candle for him at every birthday. Have a birthday party for him every year where you can donate to people who were in bad car wrecks, instead of the money they'd gift for the birthday. They're doing more to erase him memory and make people resent him, than actually honoring him
My mother is getting open heart surgery today so I've been listening to this in the hospital to help calm me down. So glad you uploaded a longer episode and such a good episode 🥰🥰🥰🥰
When I did survival training for offshore helicopters, they purposely fail people who panic - we understand it can be a normal response, but it has a cost!
My dad passed on my cousin's birthday. When I found out, I hadn't called her yet and my only thought was I still needed to tell her happy birthday. No one should ever treat a birthday like it's a burden. My friend's grandmother passed on her birthday and they'd never really celebrated her birthday in general bc it was so close to christmas but after that they just stopped celebrating it altogether. It infuriates me that a person can think they have any right to take away a day from someone bc something bad happened. I get it, death and grief sucks, but if the only think you take from a death is the grief and you can't remember the good things, you aren't remembering that person with kindness and you are certainly not treating the living person who shares that day with any kindness.
Morgan! My grandmother passed away at the beginning of this month after a long cancer battle and what you said about we take what we get and we keep going is something that I’ve been thinking about a lot. It’s been really hard and I really resonate with everything you said in the intro and despite all of it- the sun shines and the flowers grow and live keeps going and we were so fortunate to know and love these people! And for everyone watching, TAKE THE TRIP! go visit your loved ones every chance you have, especially as you get older and move into adulthood or as your career and lives develop. Make the time
10:54 first story! 17:40 top comments of 1st story 24:42 2nd story 35:50 3rd story 45:05 until 1:04:00 top comments (many of them!) from 3rd story 1:06:43 4th story 1:19:30 comments 4th story 1:27:38 5th story 1:41:05 comments 5th story 1:49:43 6th story
As a donor conceived kid (my parents are lesbian) i have thought about it my whole life. It has somewhat effected me, but mostly when ut comes to things like medical history that idk at all. Id say my main problem is curiosity and possible medical problems id not know about, but aside from that not much. Ion wanna discredit anyone else’s experience, especially bc i do have parents who love me ig. But im sure there can be different dynamics that may be effected by being donor conceived.
Aside from the medical aspect if you had heterosexual parents do you think you still would have thought about it your whole life? Not trying to offend in anyway genuinely asking because I may have to get a donor when I have kids one day and just curious how that may affect them.
@@charaboston1566 I probably still would have to be honest. Its hard to say for sure since I’m not in that situation. Though it probably comes up a lot more in my life since people usually ask about it as soon as they know my parents are lesbian.
I'm also a donor-conceived kid but with hetero parents. My family has a tricky past & complicated dynamic. Ever since Mom told me the truth, we've gotten closer (deep conversations about pregnancy and her experiences). I also see my dad as my adoptive father. I still intend to take a 23 & me at one point in the future though. Honestly, I view my reality as an unchangeable fact. Besides, if I'm alive, it must be for a reason, right? Note: only speaking from my experience with no intention to be offensive. Also, I'm not from the US. @charaboston1566 Since you asked about hetero background, I hope my reply can help a little.
Morgan, please take the time you need for yourself. The people who really value you and your show want you to be healthy and happy first and foremost! Wishing you nothing but the best and prayers for your mom and stepdad ❤️
My bf at the time was changing my oil in my car. The tire jack failed with him under it and my car landed on him! I had to ACT immediately. I lifted the car as much as I could by the wheel well so he could turn his head then I had to get in my car and drive it off of him. I saved his life and turns out this caused him to need heart surgery. Saved his life 100% I was a fucking wreck but I did what I had to in the moment. I didn’t freak out it until AFTER I got the car off of him. Paramedics were trying to get me to calm down but they didn’t understand how long I held all that in for until they got there. That’s what I told them and they finally understood why I was so worked up. A few weren’t helpful but there was two that were incredible. Made me feel better that I saved him but he wasn’t out of the dark yet. Rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital and stayed with him for over a week in the hospital.
With the boat story, I also figured that out when I was a teenager. My dog had a seizure in the middle of the night, and I ran into my parents’ room to find my mom bent over the bed about to faint and my dad on the floor crying over the dog. I asked what happened and I said, “okay, let’s call the emergency vet and find out what to do.” I ended up becoming her main caretaker for the rest of her life, about 4 years, in which she suffered from seizures for a week every month. I now live with my parents and do the vetting for our current animals. They’re just bad at dealing with important medical things.
I love Lauren on the pod so much to the point I am going back to old episodes just to find ones with her in it. Also I wish you guys would all just speak your minds/ opinions and not care what people say because I like when you guys are yourself. I hope y’all are happy and the pods never end! ❤️
I just lost my mom a month ago to cancer. I turn 30 in a few weeks.. My son loved his grandma so much. We all miss her. It's hard. I'm so sorry for you.
i started to cry when she spoke about cancer i lost my 12 year old cousin to cancer last month just hearing her try not to cry broke me. i hope you step father gets better
I'm a woman and in some bad situations I can be a leader and others I get out the way, sometimes useless or sometimes ready for directions. I do not ever want to be around *any adult* who will scream things like, "We're all going to die!" for 15 minutes.
Donors can consent to be contacted - at least in my country. My friend used a donor and she and her son are also in touch with other families who conceived using the same donor so they know his half-siblings
Regarding the bikini wax story- Morgan bringing up the man getting turned on being in the room during a wax is legitimately true! I used to work at a med spa and men used to ask to come in the rooms while their GF would get laser hair removal on their Brazilian area all the time. For context, it’s very painful and it seemed weird the men wanted to come in. The nurses were all attractive females as well, so it just seemed very off. The other camp of men that would come in were getting laser hair removal THEMSELVES in the nether regions. It was common knowledge that the men would get turned on by making the women feel uncomfortable. They would pull stuff like standing full naked with a semi erection instead of putting on the robe and laying on the bed, saying inappropriate comments during the treatment. It got to the point where we wouldn’t perform that service on men anymore
My sister had to ban one male client from their spa. She considered banning all new male clients unless they have a reference. Not sure if she did or not.
Side note: I bought a laser hair removal package last year and was fully prepared for it to be painful because that’s all I’ve heard. But it’s not at allllll and I’m an absolute baby when it comes to pain 😂 Makes me think they aren’t doing it correctly lol
that is so awful!!! that is totally sexual harassment and honestly that could be really traumatizing! No one should have to feel unsafe in their job, but a fear of flashing will certainly do that.
@@Cosplayandcoffee Well, a lot of times they’ll use a 755 wavelength on lighter skin types and it doesn’t hurt at all! But at deeper wavelengths like 1064 it hurts soooo bad. If you have light and fine hair you’re a good candidate for 755, they also have cold air blowers now on the end of laser that make it so much less painful. This was way back in the day in like 2008 lol. You can only kill 10-12% of the hair each treatment and it usually take 8-10 treatments. Ask your nurse which wavelength the laser is.
@@lizstolte2634 The male owner of the spa used to force the nurses to do treatments on creepy men. I was the manager and I went against his wishes and banned men all together. He was purely focused on money Sadly, and I had to appeal to him and say that he would probably get sued for forcing them to do something they were uncomfortable with and he finally relented. Even sadder, I was related to this person.
I lost my grandfather to stage 4 esophageal cancer about 10 years ago. Cancer is a horrible thing and I’m so sorry you’re all having to go through this. Sending love and light to all of you. Enjoy the time you guys get to spend together, because those memories will help in the future. 💜 and OF COURSE we’re going to be just fine if you have to delay videos or something. We adore you.
About the last story. That kid is going to post on reddit in 15 years "AITA for cutting off my mom after I found out she exploited people to have children?" Or "AITA for being upset with my mom for giving me/any little sibling, a genetic condition because she wasn't safe when she got pregnant?" I'm calling it right now OP is going to be crying to everyone in 12 years about how her son moved out as soon as possible and never visits. You cannot tell me someone who thinks like her is going to be a good parent
Talking about the story of that love triangle: I can just smell the stentch of narcissism and gaslighting thousands of miles away. I was that same naive and talking in the same words when I was gaslit with a few of my ex’es at her age. I hope she sees this comment. Best of luck to her ❤
As someone deathly afraid of boats, and who has had a panic attack on the side of a mountain while hiking, i can relate. But I am the person who has taken care of family members in medical emergencies and helped find a friend a lawyer in a DWI situation. Feelings are valid shaming someone based on generalizing how you assume someone would react in an emergency isn't fair or accurate. Also, shes not an EMT, firefighter, or first responder. Let her be scared and tell her your feelings, but don't let your emotions cloud the fact that her emotions are also valid. He was scared, she was scared.
Story two - I’m pretty sure the boyfriend doesn’t have a wax kink, he’s just pulling away from her because pubic hair turns him off and thinks this is a solution.
I'm just going to say it... Having listened to the pod a lot, I know Morgan prefers hairlessness and she probably can't imagine it being a problem that his preference is a Brazilian... But it certainly could be a problem in many situations, especially if that partner is coersive or extorting sex/attention for hairlessness.
That one lady in that last story... my god. "I'm glad to have a son who will forever love me." The delusions parents entertain themselves with. You are not automatically entitled to your child's eternal love, even if you *think* you're doing everything perfectly. Hope she doesn't have to learn that the hard way, if or when he has a falling out with her over something. They already have potential beef over who his dad is. Never mind dealing with any other parts of his personality or identity. Beyond that, she sounds like she's objectified that kid to high hell, bragging about him like he's a fancy new car that she got for 1K.
The best advice I ever hear (probably from reddit) was that your boundaries can only be enforced by you. If your boundaries are cheating, you can't force your partner not to cheat. But if your partner cheats you can enforce your boundary and leave. That's how I live my life regarding boundaries
Not only that but it isn't fair if in your example you are ok worth chatting but not on with your partner cheating
@@elizabethconley4996 the example never states that the person is okay with cheating, what?? this example means that, while other people might be able to stay in a relationship after cheating, this person WILL leave if they get cheated on.
@@isak7753 I'm not saying it was. I'm just saying I've met people who are 100% ok with cheating, but the second their partner even looks at another person there's a problem.
@@elizabethconley4996 it's because they don't fully want them but they don't want anyone else to have you either. It happens ALOT, best examples are: guy asks for open relationship, turns out not that many ppl are interested in him. Whereas his lady is getting a ton of attention from other men. All of a sudden the guy wants you more and doesn't want anyone else to have you. Your right, those ones will cheat on you constantly and then trip out on you for even looking in someone else's direction. It's almost like a toddler that only wants a toy to keep it from others but doesn't actually wanna play with it.
Also I'm sorry if there's any typos or whatever, I did talk to text. I'm in between appts, hope that makes sense
@@angelabarnes1675 it makes sense. I genuinely can't tell u how many times I've heard this, and every time it clicks again
I was tearing up hearing about the first story. The poor dogs were probably in pain, and so so scared. PLUS they’re rescues, so they may have past trauma . Those poor baby angels.
plus one was like bleeding out THE DOG COULD HAVE DIED TO
Also, the cones are very important, dogs have eaten their own insides without them before.
Straight to jail
I think the "no birthday" story is a good example on how generational traumas can be born. Cause like, with no one allowed birthdays, it may have started in solidarity with one generational group of family members, but then it effects other generations and gets passed down. Passing down a trauma for others to carry, when they probably dont even know the brother/reason for said trauma/tradition. And a good example on how some traditions arent good ones nor healthy for families.
YES! This is exactly how it starts. I can understand waiting a year or 2 before doing these types of celebrations again but saying you can never celebrate a birthday EVER?!
That's creating so many more issues around what should be a happy time and turning it into a traumatic event. Babies may not remember everything but once a child is in school and sees classmates doing birthday celebrations, the conversation of "How come I don't get to celebrate my birthday?" at home will be more than awkward.
I agree. Banning birthdays just because it’s the day he died isn’t a healthy way to grieve. What if the cause of death was drowning or car accident. Would they never get into a vehicle or a bath ever again?
@@Musicalsfangirl100% agree. It’s an unhealthy way of grieving and will inevitably lead to social isolation when the daughter gets into school, and maybe even some resentment towards the uncle that she’s never met. It’s insane to make all birthdays a somber affair because of a tragedy.
I completely agree!
No longer celebrating birthdays is such a stupid way to remember someone’s memory. you should celebrate even more and harder to show your loved ones how much you love them while they are still alive!
I swear, "the original" co-hosts like Lauren, Alejandra, Jerry and Justin, as well like Matt and Amy, are THE BEST co-hosts that were on the show. As much as I liked some guests, but the family is just the best!!!
Agreed! The vibes are always different when it's a guest much prefer the og's
truth!! the afualo sisters and sarah schauer are the only guests i've ever liked lmao
@@rats_in_a_PACK those are the only guests i’ve enjoyed too, tbh
I liked greyson and the sisters too!
I liked Uncle Jimmy :))
Every episode with Lauren I am reminded of how much I love Lauren. She articulates things so well and seems like an absolute ride-or-die best friend. What an awesome human being 🥺
Wow I love you
We all need a Lauren 🥰
Lauren is adorable I love her
I’m new to this podcast but I genuinely like her!!!!
I love when Lauren cries with Morgan. It's so sweet. She is soo empathetic 🥺💙💙
They always make me cry. She is such a great friend.
"don't invalidate people while trying to create a space for yourself" is one of the best things I've ever heard.
The problem is when people aren’t operating in good faith.
For example, I know a lot of people who don’t like the word cis. They claim it invalidates them. So, I ask them “What adjective should I use instead when discussing the differences between trans women and _____ women.” And they’ll say “normal women” or “nothing, we’re just women and you’re not. You’re a trans woman.” It just makes me feel like for them to feel “validation” they have to exclude me.
@@freya-g3vyeah exactly. People who get upset by the word cis are almost always just transphobic and that has nothing to do with their own validation. Also I really hope Morgan knows she isn’t “invalidating” any women when she says people who give birth. That statement *includes* those women. And it also includes trans and nonbinary people who are able to/do give birth. They’re not being left out or having their experiences as women invalidated unless they’re just transphobic and believe *only* women can give birth. This is absolutely different than the people assuming this man was misogynistic.
@@freya-g3vI agree. I think morgan’s example was poor because when people feel invalidated by terms like “birthing person” or whatever, they often are just being transphobic.
The panic on the boat story reminded me of another Reddit story (TBH I’m not sure if they have done this so listen to too many Reddit podcasts). In the story the father, OP, came home to his son, having broken his arm and the wife freaking out about it. She wasn’t doing anything to comfort the son, was not calling anyone ambulances, just panicking. So OP had to take his son to the hospital and the wife refused to come and continued to panic at home. They left, she called her sister to calm her self down, but didn’t try to come to the hospital or even go pick up their other child who was at school, so OP had to leave the hospital without his son, who is begging for him to stay, to pick up the other child and when he gets home, she still on the couch talking to her sister. He lays into her about her being useless in a high stress situation where their children are on the line. OP’s wife is what the guy in today’s episode’s story fears, and this is another example on how at a certain point you need to conquer that panic and anxiety if not for yourself for the others around you.
My Mom was someone who would panic in emergencies, she managed to raise 5 children while my father traveled for months on end. It sucks, but this isn't something that could be fixed by someone telling them they need to do better, stress just mentally shut her down and then she would panic. We found ways to adapt to an unsolvable problem. The OP in that story needs to decide if this is someone he wants to partner with and if he does they need to create a plan for stuff triggering a panic response.
Hmm that’s what happens if marry with useless person.
They have to set the radical and realistic expectations that their partners are useless, they’re alone dealing with the issues.
That's exactly what I was thinking, how is this woman going to react when she has a child and something bad happens, such as a broken arm? Will she be able to get proper help or will she freak out screaming and crying, unable to comfort or help said child in any way? That would be my fear and I assume it is the OP's fear as well.
The second they said they went out of the house I knew she was going to steal the dogs. 😯 Stealing someone’s dogs will ruin the “vibe” of your wedding. I’m so glad the puppers are okay.
Also they took the cones off, leading to reopening stitches. If stealing dogs won’t ruin your wedding, a dog eating her own intestines will.
@@greenginger6668 you do paint a picture, Ginger!
But srsly this story was NUTS! If you care about the dogs enough to STEAL them for your wedding, how can you not care about their health AT ALL?
I know, I know, she is clearly one if those HORRIBLE people who see animals and pets as just OBJECTS and props. I know people like that exist and I STILL CAN'T WRAP MY MIND AROUND IT!
So glad she got arrested. 😂😹😹🐕 Now that we know the pups were okay, One of the best arrest stories I ever heard! 🐕😹💞
@@JW-vd4il I am glad she got arrested and it sounds like the OP isn’t dropping charges (I wouldn’t either, she needs to learn her lesson). If someone did this with my cats I’d actually get violent ha. They are my children and I cannot even fathom what my reaction would be.
@@JW-vd4il I only say it because I’ve seen it, I work in vet med. Some dogs and cats will lick and chew at their incisions until they are completely reopened and then they will continue to do so until there’s no fixing it… there’s a reason cones are required at all times after surgery and it’s a good thing they got there when they did. I hope they sue the 💩 out of them for the vet bills because all of them should have their incisions checked and cleaned after this, I’m so glad they’re ok.
It’s so terrible how some people see animals as objects or a prop for their wedding. I can’t imagine how scary it is for someone to have their dogs stolen especially when they’re healing from surgery. I’ve luckily never had to deal with that. She deserved to be arrested. I felt immense relief when they got to the end of the story and the dogs were okay, after an emergency vet visit.
For the first story: I’d pay good money to see that absolute disaster of a human be arrested on her WEDDING DAY 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Exactly; just to watch her from breaking in to getting ready at the wedding and everyone freaking out 😂😂
It would have been hilarious if OP or OP’s husband stayed home alone with the dogs and got a nice picture of the bridezilla’s reaction as she tried to kidnap the dogs.
Same. Wish it was filmed and put on yt
same lmao
Me too!! 😂 But I’m kinda skeptical that this is a true story. It just seems sooooo outrageous and absurd to be true. lol I genuinely hope for the sake of those dogs that it’s not a real scenario. 😭 But man! To be a fly on the wall during that whole thing if it was real. 😂😂😂
As someone who struggled with major anxiety and panic for years to my detriment, it really did take my partner telling me point blank “fucking do better” to make me get my head on straight. He was raised very survivalistic and has amazing instincts and I know in an emergency he could save me HIMSELF. But I panicked over small things and he told me outright one day that he worried I wouldn’t be able to handle an emergency and worried what would happen if HE was the one needing help. That was a wake up call and I worked on my reactions and mindset. It’s a few years later now and I’m no longer panicking, crying, catastrophizing when things go wrong. I keep my head on straight and work on finding solutions the second things go wrong. I have a mindset of “I am going to survive and that’s what’s important, I just need to find a way through this.” And it has honestly been the best thing anyone ever did for me. Sometimes you need someone to shake you up and push you to work on things in yourself so you can survive.
What an incredible story! I completely agree!! Sometimes coddling is what I WANT for anxiety but sometimes tough love is what I NEED!
People typically think the fear response is fight or flight but there is also freeze and fawn.
Thank you for your perspective! As the one in the relationship that is more level-headed in “survival” situations I’ve had a similar conversation with my partner. It’s interesting hearing so many takes. While I’m confident in how we’ve processed moments where my partner could’ve reacted better or I could’ve expressed my needs for cooperation better, I do worry sometimes that I’m demanding too much from someone with 100% valid anxiety. I guess the story hit a bit close to home for me and made me question how much/when pushing someone is a good thing. Glad to hear different voices on it!!
Great reply - anxiety and stress is beyond control, but it's very possible to learn skills and strategies to practice. I'm good in almost every emergency situation - but I panic in water when I can't see the bottom (fine on a boat or even a pool noodle) and it has taken practice to find a way to manage.
In this case and many others, it's not the emergency but someone panicking that takes it from a manageable situation to a calamitous one. If you can't help, at least do nothing to hinder.
That's also assuming it's exclusively anxiety. BPD and other personality disorders aren't as simple as changing a mindset. You need intense therapy for years before many changes. Granted she's the ah definitely but a wake-up call doesn't work for everyone or everything. what she needs to do is move out of the way and freak on her own, not accuse him and be a pain, doesn't mean he gets to call her reaction embarrassing. Cause as someone with BPD that's all I would focus on over the criticism. So imo he ruined his point to get a random jab off at her. rejection sensitivity is so much worse than anxiety for me. so while he's not tah she's not just going to flip a switch cause he said something. Also what works for you will not work for everyone if not potentially anyone else as mental health is not that simple.
This first story has me SO LIVIDDD!! I am physically hot with anger typing this right now. Nobody fucks with my animals period. I'd do the same exact thing.
I'd end someone if they stole my cat
It made me sick to my stomach. Specially knowing that the baby’s stitches came off!!!
Same! Omg, I was so shocked and actually shouted out loud listening to this. I would like to think I would have done the same thing, by calling the police and pressing changes, but I feel like I'd also show up at the wedding with a bat looking to take out a leg of hers and to get my dogs back!
Ngl. If someone stole my cats and mishandled them, I will probably go to jail when I find them. Idgaf. Those are MY BABIES
The second story had my jaw on the floor! My partner and me are both studying to be mechanics and live with our parents, so spending a lot of money on dates is not possible for us. Instead of not going on dates at all, we go on rock picking dates, picnics and go to car meets. Love doesn’t need money to grow
The birthday one, if they continue with not celebrating everyone’s birthdays, it will cause generational trauma. I love Lauren’s idea of having a little celebration for the brother.
Yes! And they are letting someone who has already passed rule their lives. That’s fucked up. And I bet the brother wouldn’t even want that for them.
@@sarabrothern2442 yes, I think this is so strange. People usually go the other way where birthdays (especially the birthday of the one that passed) are celebrated even harder. Very odd
Oh yes!! Like the Disney movie coco vibe they had simmer thing but the movie it was music not birthdays
This! I could understand the family's approach for a couple years, but forever? for everyone? Even if you want to keep the seriousness of it, you could spend every birthday morning at his grave to include/honor him and then have whatever celebration you feel comfortable with later. And with compromise, op's kid will grow up thinking their dad cares about their birth while their mom doesn't. It's all just so sad, but I hate to think that if I die my family would "honor" me by bottling up their own joy
Birthday are about celebrating life. By stopping to for this reason for the all family, feels to me that death have won 🤷
If I were the dad, I would honnestly sit down my wife to tell her that if she refuse to celebrate the LIFE of our daughter, maybe I made a mistake having children with her.
My dad died when I was 16, and my cousin is born the exact same day. yeah, it's not my favorite day of the year but I celebrate my cousin because he is alive and we need to celebrate him.
for the third story: i was raised by a women who reacts VERY emotionally to every minor situation, let alone a terrible one. it can be very damaging to be raised by someone like this if they can’t learn to manage it. for example, i cracked my head open when i was 3 and my mom could not handle the sight of it and all she did was scream, so my 9 yr old sister had to call our neighbor to take me to the emergency room. i definitely see OPs pov about it but if she learned to manage it, she can be a good partner!
The family that does not celebrate birthdays and then get upset if someone does gives me such a cultish vibe. Prohibiting something that brings fun and joy is a very weird way to pay tribute to a loved one that passed idk it's like trying to perpetuate and extend the misery of that loss.
edit: Laureeeen watch mamma mia it's so fun!
I’m so curious if OP had been the one to have passed, would the family also stop celebrating birthdays? Also how long has it been since he passed? It gives me golden child vibes
@@clairesmallwood2953 omg i thought so too!! didn't want to get into that territory because it is a delicate issue, but it definitely crossed my mind 😳
It’s just so odd how can you take away everyone’s birthday because someone was lost on thier birthday surely you would appreciate birthdays more, maybe he died traumatically celebrating his birthday.
It's giving Encanto/We Dont Talk About Bruno 😅
For the birthday story - Something I've said before and will say again is that your grief doesn't get to cancel other's joy. Canceling all birthdays forever because of the loss isn't okay
I literally just recently broke up with someone because I asked to go on more dates and he told me I was “asking for the world from him” so that second story hit kinda hard 😭
good for you for actually leaving though, that’s so hard. you deserve to go where you’re appreciated. ❤️🩹
I'm glad you left, you deserve better. I disagree with Morgan that you need to go out for dates (energy limiting illnesses can make that an issue but a romantic dinner with candles at home can be a date) but asking someone to prioritise spending time with in an intentional way is never asking too much, let alone "asking the world". His response shows he doesn't value you or your feelings, he can go f**k himself. Someone else will value you & be happy to show you that they do, they won't invalidate your feelings when you share them.
Awwwh girl I’m so sorry, you deserve someone that doesn’t see treating you right like a chore
so proud of you for leaving, you deserves so much better
Man can y’all make a compilation of all the amazing quotes y’all just drop!! Like from Alejandra “If you find yourself always being the bigger person why are you spending so much time and energy on such small people” and now Lauren’s “decide who you want to hurt” damn
LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU ALL ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I was nervous about this episode lolol if it seems like I got a little too tipsy towards the end… it’s because I did 😅😅
we love you tipsy too 😂🖤
@@kitteegrande5998 hahahaha 🙏❤️😅
I kind of like when you guys are a little tipsy, it feels like wine night with friends 🤣❤️
Never be nervous icon
@@Allyrees02 🥹🥹💕💕
Morgan, fr NEVER worry about eps being late or anything!!!! We all LOVE YOU so so much! Take all the time you need & feel free to take a break to take care of your fam whenever you need! I think your other listeners will agree that our biggest concern is YOUR WELLBEING! ❤
Agreeeeed. We all love you Morgz ❤️
I 2nd that
Absolutely this. X
Agreed!!! ❤❤❤
Yesss we agree ❤❤
"Abso-fuCKIN-LUTELY NOT!!" My new favorite Lauren moment! 😆😆
Morgan’s crying, now I’m crying, we’re all crying 😭😭 girl I’m so sorry you’re going through that right now. You’re an incredible human and I’m sending you and your family all of the love, healing, positivity and incredible vibes all around. 🫶
Absolutely enraged by the first one. However, the idea by Morgan around 2 min mark about getting a dog that is up for adoption to be a ring bearer is the sweetest idea ever 😭😭
unfortunately the girl in the 4th story is delusional, he is absolutely still leading the "best friend" on. someone who respects their relationship would not continue to be that close with someone who's clearly still trying to push a romantic relationship. she's gotta get out of there lmao
I once dated a guy who was close to a girl, he saw her as one of the dudes. She lived in another state so I wasn’t worried. I came to find out they spent ALOT of time talking, voice chats, txts, emails etc. I let him know, even tho you see her as one of the guys I think she has a crush on you. After reading some of their msgs, it was obvious!! But he was so stupid he didn’t see it 🙄. She was disappointed he started seeing someone instead of being happy. She kept mentioning moving to his state even tho he ignored that topic, she kept bringing it up. They used to fall asleep on the phone often & she was upset they weren’t doing that anymore. Not once did he try to set boundaries. I honestly believe these guys enjoy the attention
On story 2 I disagree slightly that you need to leave the house to have a date, if you have energy limiting illnesses that can be really difficult to do. You can have dates at home where you dress up & set the table nicely with candles & get takeaway. That's a date & you didn't leave the house. A date is about intentionally spending time together.
This! My partner and I are both autistic and have limited energy for going out, and they work 2-10.30pm so it makes it kinda hard on weekdays anyway, but we've had several movie dates in the house
I don’t think that story applies to your situation but that’s understandable in your situation. It just seems like that guy wanted to do nothing for his girlfriend and was combative when she asked for the most minor effort. He wasn’t offering at home dates - he offered nothing other than pushback.
For the boat story it totally makes sense that he wants her to have some kind of self-preservation skills because imagine her being out alone with their future children and something happened, would she just panic and scream?
I completely agree. I'm only imagining this girl doing nothing but yelling for 15 minutes. Not only is it not helpful to the people trying to fix it but she is useless. I get it if she does that every once in awhile but every time there's danger!!
I agree. When things happen but I'm with my husband it's just "Shut up and do as I say" because he usually knows what to do and we just don't have time to be nice and polite in bad TIME SENSITIVE situations, he'll apologize for being rude when situation is over. Like when I was doing some deep cleaning and suddenly my hands were burning. "My-my hands are burning" my hands were empty and he'd seem me handling chemicals earlier so he immediately instructed me as he went to fetch what he needed. If I'm alone when something happens I usually deal with it quietly and then fall to pieces as soon as I'm safe. Wailing for 15 minutes straight is just so absurd to me, especially when she'd been instructed on what to do. I get that when you panic you don't think but she seems like such a danger to herself and others if she can't find a way to stay calm.
Totally agree!!! Even if you’re internally freaking out you HAVE to remain calm around your children when something happens or they will absolutely freak out and possibly even traumatize them.
I made that mistake in the moment when my almost 2 year old at the time had his first seizure..he collapsed to the floor and he started bawling, he immediately went stiff and was stuck that way with his wrists turned in and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head and then he went completely unconscious while I was on the phone with 911 and started turning purple.. I was bawling and top level panicking. I didn’t know what was happening because I never saw someone have a seizure before so I thought I was losing my son.
My 7 year old was home sick from school that day and she saw the whole thing unfold and seeing me at my top level panic made her absolutely panic too. She’s traumatized by the situation and for MONTHS had a hard time at school because she was afraid her baby brother would have another seizure when she wasn’t there and was afraid he would pass away(because when he went unconscious I was crying while patting his cheeks and loudly saying “baby wake up wake up please don’t die, god please help him come back” and I think that put it in her head that he was going to “die” again if he had another. She still has to talk to a counselor about her brothers seizures and he had his first one late November 2022.
When he had his 2nd seizure I remained MUCH more calm because I saw how badly it effected big sis. You just have to stay calm even when it’s hard to, you have to learn how to reel it in. It’s hard but it’s possible!
Also idk I would kind of be embarrassed too if everyone was collective and it’s just one person screaming for 15 minutes straight without helping
I was willing to give her a pass because I personally hate boats and I’d puke and would 100% bawl in that situation lmao. But knowing that she’s been on boats multiple times before and that she lashed out that it was “his fault”… that’s wayyy too much. Imagine that she had actually died because she was so chaotic and fell off or something (lol sorry) but he’d have to live the rest of his life with knowing she directly blamed him for her death. Like girly, we don’t do that to our partner lol.
The story about the woman who lost her 17 year old brother hits so close to home. My brother passed two and a half years ago at the same age. I completely agree that by not celebrating his birthday it’s erasing him and not honoring his memory. Every year since my brother’s death we’ve held a special memorial service at the cemetery for him. We release balloons and blow bubbles and say a few words in his memory. Then we have a meal as a family and a cake in his honor. It’s a sad day, but also a special day to honor his life and reminisce about all the happy memories we have of him. It’s how we stay connected to his memory. I’m currently pregnant with my first child and my mom would never wish for me to not celebrate my child’s birthday. I know she finds birthdays hard without him but wouldn’t want to take the joy of their day away. Even on others birthdays she will bring a photo of my brother so he can be in the photos with us. I hope that this family is able to remember her brother in a positive way and find a way to honor his memory. It’s hard and I really feel for them.
Morgan getting drunk and calling people dumb 🤣
i absolutely love morgan and lauren’s takes in this video!! especially the girl “friend” sleeping with the boyfriend holy cow!!
It took me until you guys talking about that first story and about "a date doesn't have to be going out to dinner, it can be ...." to realize that my husband takes me on breakfast dates dang near every saturday morning, and I feel like I owe him an apology. It started almost 10 years ago, when we started going out for "tasty coffee drinks", and breakfast, which we would then bring home and eat while watching a show together and just chatting about stuff. now, when we can't do it because one of us has to work, my whole week feels thrown off. He's super agoraphobic and introverted, and going out to restaurants has never been a thing he's comfortable doing, not to mention we spent the first 5 or so years of our marriage living paycheck to paycheck, where going out on dates that could get pretty expensive, just wasn't an option. Damn. Ya'll.
For the fiancé freakout story, I don’t think either op or the girl are aholes exactly. I do think OP made a very poor choice in bringing it up on the car ride home from the incident. If she was freaking out as hard as he is describing for 15 minutes straight her body is still trying to sort through all the chemical responses she experienced. If he had waited until the next day after she had slept and was in a calmer state and focused on safety instead of being embarrassed,it seems like there’s a real chance this could have had a positive outcome.
agreed! they’re both probably having an adrenaline crash. worst time to bring anything up literally ever. and, he seems to be too self centered imo
I hadn't thought about that aspect, but I think you're completely correct. I don't think he is the AH for saying it, but he definitely should have waited.
I think OP’s point is that she is stressing everyone else out while they are trying to find a solution. Also what if when they have Kids OP isnt there and something happens? Does he always need to fear that his Wife will panic and not keep his children safe?
@@fionaayala1841 a point he failed to make by focusing on it being “embarrassing” and a point he may have actually been able to communicate had he waited to talk about it. It’s not that op doesn’t have any valid concerns, it’s that they picked a bad time and way to express them.
Donor conceived kid here ! I’m 37 and didn’t find out I had 7 additional donor siblings until about 5ish years ago. Jewish med students apparently were sought after in the early 80s to donate for cash or the chance to climb the professional ladder. Anyway, my “diblings”We are all about the same age and all live within an hour of each other. One of my donor siblings is a twin..and his twin has a different donor father . In the 80s they would mix a sperm together . I also have a twin brother who refuses to test . And that’s ok at this point , it would kill me a bit inside if he wasn’t my full twin sibling .i could write a whole book on this topic. The ethics of it are super controversial but emotionally , I’ve accepted it . At this point in my life this has become more of a Nancy Drew task for me. When I dive into the research of it, it’s a rabbit hole so I have to pace myself and plan that part out a bit more than one would anticipate .
Thank you so much for sharing ❤️ that must have been so hard finding out so late!
I’m a donor conceived kid too! Do you know why your parent/parents chose this route?
THE LAST STORY! I’ve traveled to many countries and in many countries in South East Asia as well as Latin American countries. The white button down shirt is a common uniform for MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL !!!
Struggling people in developing countries rarely attend university, the people who do, typically have a lot of family financial support and would be less likely to enter that arrangement.
This was my first thought. It was probably a minor 🥴
with the birthday episode. all I can say is that, just because someone died doesn’t mean we have to stop living. Especially forcing everyone to
Thanks Morgan for that beginning speech. I’ve been missing home a lot and honestly I feel o bad cause I haven’t made it home in three years. My grandma isn’t doing well and hearing your words of passion to not miss out broke me. Thank you for that push. I’m also from MN so it’s great knowing you’re from there.
Morgan, honey, please take the time to grieve that you need. Yes, it’s part of life, but that doesn’t make it any easier or less heart breaking. Don’t feel like you need to apologize to us for having a moment on screen or for taking a bit to get an episode to us. You so obviously care for all of us and it’s the least we can do to be understanding.
lauren's my favorite co-host, i relate to her ideas a lot❤️
That’s amazing thank you for sharing ☺️
Can you tell me Lauren’s full name so i can search her Instagram
I’ve been the only calm person in an emergency situation before and the only traumatic part of that for me was the frantic people screaming at me asking why I wasn’t freaking out too
I'm used to being the Level Headed person because I'm the oldest of several children amongst my Step-Dad and Girlfriend Hook Ups(Can you tell why they divorced?). I take on the leader role when need be, and my boyfriend for the most part is level headed. Until it's about me. I get a papercut and he's just about fainting over how much blood I could have possibly lost. It was cute the first few times, but now it's like I'm stuck saving myself in my own situations now😮💨
Same with me. My parents/family were always panicking and usually I am the only one who is thinking straight in emergency situations even among the friends. It is hard af. All responsibilities are in one second on you, you need yo make all decisions by yourself and it could be matter of life or dead. Also plan A is never enough so on spot You need at least have plan A and B or even C sometimes. And it is a lot harder if in the same time you need to calm down all people around you. I was once injured and needed to take care of myself because no one else could :(
@@MeJimi45maybe you could talk to him about it
It's very sweet he worries about you, but maybe mentioning that you would be worried if you actually needed help, could he handle it? What if you really are not in the condition of taking charge, and you need him to be there
Communicating this type of worry is very important
I didn't struggle in that sense because my boyfriend has been amazing with dealing with my health issues
He's loving but firm and ready to handle things accordingly
But as a person who always gets stuck consoling people every time I need help
I had to let him know I needed him to be my person
Because I'm so used to everyone else making my problems about them that I really needed him not to be one to had me ignoring my pain to console him because I am in pain
I'm rambling, English is my second language so maybe I'm not making myself clear I'm sorry
I just wanted to tell you I know how it feels
And that you deserve the reassurance that if you need help you will get help
And don't need to be worried when you can't take charge
You deserve the same care you give
I’ve unfortunately been in traumatic situations enough that I’m the one who freezes and checks until I’m out of the situation. I’m a very small woman so I’ve been harassed, stalked, and had to defend myself from attackers. Being the calm one in situations isn’t as easy as people think because the screaming doesn’t stop just because you are calm. Your body is on edge and everything is way too clear.
PLEASE GET YOU BODIES CHECKED!! I just lost my best friend last week of 25 years at 39 years old to ovarian cancer that went into remission and spread two years later because the check ups starting getting fewer and far between. Life happens but stop and get the check ups! I’m so sorry for the diagnosis with Morgan’s family. Wishing you all the healing energy through such a difficult time.
Morgan: “I’m drunk”
Also Morgan: *proceeds to say the most intelligent profound things”
GIRL 💀💀💀🤍🤍🤍
Story 3 - as someone who falls apart during intense situations, I think OP is NTA. When I was a kid, our house was falling apart. One night, the ceiling starts leaking and my mum starts screaming at me to turn the electric in the kitchen off. I was 7 and had no clue how to do it. At the time, I was panicking, sure, but my mum dramatically yelling only made things worse. I can't imagine the wife yelling and crying helped anyone. I do think it was a legitimate fear response, but the 'it's your fault I'm going to die' was theratrics.
tbf you were 7, she's not, and blaming someone who was trying to help, also didn't make it better
Like he is voicing genuine concerns. Like if and when they have kids, essentially if there is an emergency it will be up to him and just him to protect everyone. And that's not fair.
Agreed. When I was 9, my dad had a seizure right in front of me. I didn't know what seizures were, and this wasn't something expected because he'd only ever had one two years prior while at work (which I didn't know about). I freaked out and stood like a deer in headlights while my mom was screaming at me to call 911, as she was holding my dad up so he wouldn't choke on his tongue (my mom is well-versed because my pop-pop, her father, is epileptic as well, but again I'd never seen him have a seizure). I was taking too long because I kept freaking out and losing my cool, so instead I had to run to the neighbors for help while my mom tried to manage 911 AND my dad. Something in me snapped and I managed to do that, but I will never forget how I froze that day. Since then, I've promised myself never to be so frozen in crisis like that, because freezing up at the wrong moment could mean the worst.
Ironically, I had to use that skill just last night when I went anaphylactic (I have a tree nut allergy). If I just panicked that I was dying, I wouldn't be able to type this today. Instead, I called 911 and was rushed to the ER in an ambulance, where I was monitored for a few hours and then sent home with my mom driving me.
OP was right, wailing and crying-- while a natural response-- won't solve anything. It is better to try and stay calm while fixing the situation, then panic later.
I love when lauren cohosts! She’s so well spoken and I love her takes and how she considers so many different perspectives when she gives her thoughts ❤
YES bring Lauren back. Bring back all our favorite friends. Also-glad Lauren is safe from the scammer. That story was horrifying. And I’m glad Morgan got to go home and see her mother’s husband. What a sad thing that’s happened to them. It’s honestly just heartbreaking. May they have peace in the coming days.
Having a boundary includes enforcing it too. You cant just say: i set a firm boundary! But then ignore it, when the boundary gets pushed over. So her ignoring the friend crawling into bed with them was not really enforcing her boundarys
My dad just passed away from colon cancer March 13th. Life is incredibly unfair and it was a horrible thing to go through. But I appreciate how much you guys have pushed for colon screenings. My 2 siblings and I all plan on getting ours done this year as a precaution. I'm so sorry Morgan that your having to through this as well. Big hugs ❤
I’m so sorry for your loss 🤍 life just is UGHGHGH sometimes. so glad you and your siblings are getting screened.
im so sorry for your loss. My own dad just started treatments for colon cancer, earlier this year he had part of the colon removed. 2 years ago i lost my mom to lung cancer. life just sucks sometimes. i hope all the best for you and your family.
You are such a strong kind human being! I been listening to your podcast only a few months now. I can relate so so so much. My mother has stage 4 colon cancer. She’s so young and was diagnosed at 49. it is so important to spread awareness on early screening. I commend you thank you so much!
7 in the morning and I’m crying in the club 🥺 my heart goes out to you and your family Morgan, I am so sorry for everything you are going through
7am? What club you crying at, Berghain? ;)
Morgan just blinking and listening while Lauren pops-off has me in tears 😭😂
About the girl freaking out story: I don't know what her life was like, but I've come to find that most people who have never dealt with trauma tend to freak out in hard situations because they've never been through something like it. I have a friend who grew up well off and never really had experiences that made her fearful, so she would freak out in situations that did call for it. Everyone has different life experiences and that will drastically effect how we respond to trauma. Sometimes people who are numb to trauma have a hard time understanding why people are freaking out.
I agree to an extent but I've gone through a lot of shit and I can't say in all honesty what I would do in ALL emergency situations.
My experience is the opposite. My friends with the most trauma are the worst at solving problems. They get stun-locked and panicky. But they also haven’t addressed any of their trauma, so that could play a factor.
I do agree but you can't always tell especially if they're stronger involved you can't always control reactions in the instant. What she did made it harder but he could have also handled it better to buy like taking her hand like baby it's okay if we got this just breathe. And then when he talked to her after instead of making her feel like crap this is horrible I don't trust you he could have been like what happened there I understand you were scared. He could have helped her to mitigate those things and future first seacoast suggested therapy. Like he gets her reaction was unhelpful and what she said blaming him was not okay. At the same time he could have also handled it better
People who go through traumatic experience tend to gain hipervigilance a sort of we can smell the smoke before we see the fire.
That story about the boyfriend and best friend. I never would have thought that. Omg. My jaw dropped
In the birthday party story, OP has to confront her family, she should not have lied to them about it and she needs to face those consequences like a grownup. But her husband purposefully posted pictures so they would find out and be forced to "get over it" as he said. He did this after they agreed that they would have a secret celebration, which also shows that he went behind her back as well and I think her being upset when she found out is to be expected. I'm conflicted, because I don't think he should have done it that way, but he could also be at his wits end, so he just posted the pics so that his wife's family would stop insisting that they don't celebrate birthdays. Cautiously, I would say everyone sucks and I hope they can celebrate birthdays like normal in the future.
This is a good take. I think both are a-holes.
I was surprised no one said that. She should confront her family and they are unreasonable.
But putting that aside for a second, they could celebrate upcoming birthdays with his whole family if they kept the secret. Until he deliberately broke the peace with his wife's family. What did he think "secret" meant?
He could’ve sent the pictures to his family, rather then posting them to avoid the wife’s family getting mad at her
THANK YOU! I’ve been looking for someone else to say something about this!! How are we completely glossing over the fact that the husband went behind OP’s back after agreeing to keeping it a secret??? Then doing it Intentionally to make them “get over it” is so malicious. I agree with what most people are saying about the whole “not celebrating anyone’s birthday” and how weird that is…but this is a good first step in the right direction for OP, and for the husband to just go behind her back like that is honestly fucked up imo
@@alysonnataliavasquezsolano8066I’ve literally been saying this since I’ve heard this story…wtf did you think OP meant when she said “secret”? Like whaaaat???
You give so much comfort to your listeners and you deserve the comfort and support. May your family share love during this very difficult time.
this intro got me crying at work at 7 am. Y’all convinced me to take a trip I’ve been debating! I’m sorry Morgan for what you’ve been going through; sending so much love to you and your family 🤍
story 4# omg i relate so much, this exact situation has happened to me. my Then boyfriend broke up with his previous girlfriend, so she swallowed a bunch of pills (suic*ide attempt) ended up in the hospital for self harm too, and did a bunch of other awful stuff to guilt trap him, all sorts of emotional manipulation that you can think of, he felt guilty so he fell for her trap, cuddled her to sleep together every other day for a whole month and hid it from me. they were exes and he still accepted to go on many dates with her and even bought her a birthday cake because he claims he felt pity for her lol, he never did anything for me because in his eyes i was self-sufficient. He got angry when I broke with him (after 3 months together) after finding out he was lying to me saying he was always tired and sleeping early because he was playing soccer with the boys which made me suspicious because he was in med school and very serious about studies.
The girl in story 4 should break up with him ASAP, if your boyfriend is afraid/refusing to put boundaries around their exes/people they have been intimate with for the sake of your relationship then he doesn't respect the girl he's now with at all.
Story about the girl freaking out during dangerous situation: I was always confused as to why people people scream when scared until I had a traumatic experience and developed PTSD. It’s like your body is always ready to respond and sometimes the response is to just scream. I react over the top now when I used to be cool as a cucumber. If someone enters a room without me FULLY expecting it, I literally scream when that reaction has never been a thing for me before. Makes me wonder if she has ptsd and can’t control how she responds when she’s frightened.
The intro made me cry Morgan!! Such a good reminder to live life to the fullest and to spend time with your loved ones, really a beautiful sentiment ❤ sending prayers to your stepdad
i have worked in vetmed specifically shelter medicine for years now and i wanted to say thank you for kindness you showed towards shelter animals during the first story 💖 reading it in the first place was awesome promo as many people don’t think of shelters when seeking purebred dogs BUT the senior dog wedding guest idea is adorable and would not only be great for advertising the older guys but an awesome way to get them some much needed fresh air 💘
Morgan’s advocacy for therapy is so refreshing ❤
Personally I loved this episode, I loved the grey area I think it was sooooo interesting! Thank you guys for being awesome
“Sorry for the word mishaps.. I’m a little drunk “
Favorite moment .
Missed you Morgan!!❤❤❤
I had to stop the car cause I did not expect to bawl like this at the beginning of the episode. Lots of love to you and your family, Morgan ♥️ I’m sorry you’re all going through this, treasure the moments you get ❤️🩹
Two things:
For the second story about the Brazillian Wax, it is SOOO easy to date without spending lots of money or being extra. My girlfriend and I live about 90 minutes apart and we're both working a lot for not much money while also studying. If you want to make time for someone, you'll do it! We'll dress up for no reason and go on walks in new places, make food together at home, do our nails together, plan things we wanna do in the future together, or play co op games on our switches. ALL of these are basically free, but its about being intentional about our time together. When we cant get together in person, we'll watch a show or movie online in tandem, facetime while we do random stuff, or just be intentional about texting more often. FFS, we'll even work on homework together or one of us will make the others powerpoint look pretty while the other does the actual work. its just about knowing that you're doing something with/for each other. Maybe it's just because I'm a lesbian, but I do NOT comprehend why these women date absolutely awful dudes!!!
And then about the no birthday story, I saw that on reddit right when it was posted and I said almost exactly what Lauren said. Why do they have to turn birthdays into these evil awful days, when they could choose to honor this child on EVERY birthday. light an extra candle for him at every birthday. Have a birthday party for him every year where you can donate to people who were in bad car wrecks, instead of the money they'd gift for the birthday. They're doing more to erase him memory and make people resent him, than actually honoring him
My mother is getting open heart surgery today so I've been listening to this in the hospital to help calm me down. So glad you uploaded a longer episode and such a good episode 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hope it went well! 🩵 I remember being in the hospital when my dad had his. Sending you guys strength! 💓
Early post AND it’s a Lauren episode??? We have truly been blessed by the THT Gods this week 🙏🏻
Yes! I opened UA-cam and was like “Yes!!! I can start the day with THT!!” 😂
You’re the best ☺️☺️☺️
Lauren: “I’ve never watched Mama Mia”
Morgan: I took that personally
😂😂 love you two! Keep up the great work! 👏
When I did survival training for offshore helicopters, they purposely fail people who panic - we understand it can be a normal response, but it has a cost!
My dad passed on my cousin's birthday. When I found out, I hadn't called her yet and my only thought was I still needed to tell her happy birthday. No one should ever treat a birthday like it's a burden. My friend's grandmother passed on her birthday and they'd never really celebrated her birthday in general bc it was so close to christmas but after that they just stopped celebrating it altogether. It infuriates me that a person can think they have any right to take away a day from someone bc something bad happened. I get it, death and grief sucks, but if the only think you take from a death is the grief and you can't remember the good things, you aren't remembering that person with kindness and you are certainly not treating the living person who shares that day with any kindness.
literally loved lauren’s energy in this episode idk why but i like spicy “angry” lauren reactions 😂
Morgan! My grandmother passed away at the beginning of this month after a long cancer battle and what you said about we take what we get and we keep going is something that I’ve been thinking about a lot. It’s been really hard and I really resonate with everything you said in the intro and despite all of it- the sun shines and the flowers grow and live keeps going and we were so fortunate to know and love these people! And for everyone watching, TAKE THE TRIP! go visit your loved ones every chance you have, especially as you get older and move into adulthood or as your career and lives develop. Make the time
10:54 first story!
17:40 top comments of 1st story
24:42 2nd story
35:50 3rd story
45:05 until 1:04:00 top comments (many of them!) from 3rd story
1:06:43 4th story
1:19:30 comments 4th story
1:27:38 5th story
1:41:05 comments 5th story
1:49:43 6th story
Thank you for your service ❤️
Yes a breakdown is a gift esp w/the (great but) long ones. Sometimes u gotta cut thru the GF chats cuz time is short (unfortunately). So TYVM
Thank you
Thank you
As a donor conceived kid (my parents are lesbian) i have thought about it my whole life. It has somewhat effected me, but mostly when ut comes to things like medical history that idk at all. Id say my main problem is curiosity and possible medical problems id not know about, but aside from that not much. Ion wanna discredit anyone else’s experience, especially bc i do have parents who love me ig. But im sure there can be different dynamics that may be effected by being donor conceived.
I’m a donor conceived kid with lesbian moms as well! It’s nice to know there are others like us out there haha
Aside from the medical aspect if you had heterosexual parents do you think you still would have thought about it your whole life? Not trying to offend in anyway genuinely asking because I may have to get a donor when I have kids one day and just curious how that may affect them.
@@charaboston1566 I probably still would have to be honest. Its hard to say for sure since I’m not in that situation. Though it probably comes up a lot more in my life since people usually ask about it as soon as they know my parents are lesbian.
I'm also a donor-conceived kid but with hetero parents. My family has a tricky past & complicated dynamic. Ever since Mom told me the truth, we've gotten closer (deep conversations about pregnancy and her experiences). I also see my dad as my adoptive father. I still intend to take a 23 & me at one point in the future though. Honestly, I view my reality as an unchangeable fact. Besides, if I'm alive, it must be for a reason, right?
Note: only speaking from my experience with no intention to be offensive. Also, I'm not from the US.
@charaboston1566 Since you asked about hetero background, I hope my reply can help a little.
I love so much when Lauren is on ❤️❤️ she has such reasonable and understanding takes, always seems to be on the ball
Thank you so much 🥹🥹❤️❤️
“… so, what was her question?” LMFAO 😂 my thoughts exactly. Love you both!
10:54 - story 1
24:40 - story 2
35:50 - story 3
1:06:47 - story 4
1:27:39 - story 5
1:50:00 - story 6
I wonder why they stopped putting time stamps in their videos
thank you fr
@@Feliciatanktop they come later on, not when they upload right away
@@Alissaxboyle yea after someone comments them & does the work for them lol😊
Last story " He will love me for ever" until he says where is my dad
Morgan, please take the time you need for yourself. The people who really value you and your show want you to be healthy and happy first and foremost! Wishing you nothing but the best and prayers for your mom and stepdad ❤️
My bf at the time was changing my oil in my car. The tire jack failed with him under it and my car landed on him! I had to ACT immediately. I lifted the car as much as I could by the wheel well so he could turn his head then I had to get in my car and drive it off of him. I saved his life and turns out this caused him to need heart surgery. Saved his life 100% I was a fucking wreck but I did what I had to in the moment. I didn’t freak out it until AFTER I got the car off of him. Paramedics were trying to get me to calm down but they didn’t understand how long I held all that in for until they got there. That’s what I told them and they finally understood why I was so worked up. A few weren’t helpful but there was two that were incredible. Made me feel better that I saved him but he wasn’t out of the dark yet. Rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital and stayed with him for over a week in the hospital.
With the boat story, I also figured that out when I was a teenager. My dog had a seizure in the middle of the night, and I ran into my parents’ room to find my mom bent over the bed about to faint and my dad on the floor crying over the dog. I asked what happened and I said, “okay, let’s call the emergency vet and find out what to do.” I ended up becoming her main caretaker for the rest of her life, about 4 years, in which she suffered from seizures for a week every month. I now live with my parents and do the vetting for our current animals. They’re just bad at dealing with important medical things.
I love Lauren on the pod so much to the point I am going back to old episodes just to find ones with her in it. Also I wish you guys would all just speak your minds/ opinions and not care what people say because I like when you guys are yourself. I hope y’all are happy and the pods never end! ❤️
Morgan: “I love poop stories, they’re funny sorry guysssss”
Also Morgan: “Dog Poop 🙅🏼♀️🤮”
“This is prostitution. But not like happy prostitution where you wear a condom” - LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morgan's drunk indignation is a mood.
Hahaha I love you
I just lost my mom a month ago to cancer. I turn 30 in a few weeks.. My son loved his grandma so much. We all miss her. It's hard. I'm so sorry for you.
I am so sorry for your loss 🤍 so so hard. Hope you’re hanging in there the best you can.
I lost my best friend unexpectedly a month ago. She was 32. Loss is hard. Sorry for your loss as well.
i started to cry when she spoke about cancer i lost my 12 year old cousin to cancer last month just hearing her try not to cry broke me. i hope you step father gets better
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family is beginning to heal and are grieving in healthy ways. Praying for you and your family ❤
as a non-binary person i just wanted to say i appreciate all the effort you guys do to try and be inclusive ❤️
Having Lauren back has been a breath of fresh air!
I'm a woman and in some bad situations I can be a leader and others I get out the way, sometimes useless or sometimes ready for directions.
I do not ever want to be around *any adult* who will scream things like, "We're all going to die!" for 15 minutes.
Donors can consent to be contacted - at least in my country. My friend used a donor and she and her son are also in touch with other families who conceived using the same donor so they know his half-siblings
Regarding the bikini wax story- Morgan bringing up the man getting turned on being in the room during a wax is legitimately true!
I used to work at a med spa and men used to ask to come in the rooms while their GF would get laser hair removal on their Brazilian area all the time. For context, it’s very painful and it seemed weird the men wanted to come in. The nurses were all attractive females as well, so it just seemed very off.
The other camp of men that would come in were getting laser hair removal THEMSELVES in the nether regions. It was common knowledge that the men would get turned on by making the women feel uncomfortable. They would pull stuff like standing full naked with a semi erection instead of putting on the robe and laying on the bed, saying inappropriate comments during the treatment. It got to the point where we wouldn’t perform that service on men anymore
My sister had to ban one male client from their spa. She considered banning all new male clients unless they have a reference. Not sure if she did or not.
Side note: I bought a laser hair removal package last year and was fully prepared for it to be painful because that’s all I’ve heard. But it’s not at allllll and I’m an absolute baby when it comes to pain 😂 Makes me think they aren’t doing it correctly lol
that is so awful!!! that is totally sexual harassment and honestly that could be really traumatizing! No one should have to feel unsafe in their job, but a fear of flashing will certainly do that.
@@Cosplayandcoffee Well, a lot of times they’ll use a 755 wavelength on lighter skin types and it doesn’t hurt at all! But at deeper wavelengths like 1064 it hurts soooo bad. If you have light and fine hair you’re a good candidate for 755, they also have cold air blowers now on the end of laser that make it so much less painful. This was way back in the day in like 2008 lol. You can only kill 10-12% of the hair each treatment and it usually take 8-10 treatments. Ask your nurse which wavelength the laser is.
@@lizstolte2634 The male owner of the spa used to force the nurses to do treatments on creepy men. I was the manager and I went against his wishes and banned men all together. He was purely focused on money Sadly, and I had to appeal to him and say that he would probably get sued for forcing them to do something they were uncomfortable with and he finally relented. Even sadder, I was related to this person.
I lost my grandfather to stage 4 esophageal cancer about 10 years ago. Cancer is a horrible thing and I’m so sorry you’re all having to go through this. Sending love and light to all of you. Enjoy the time you guys get to spend together, because those memories will help in the future. 💜 and OF COURSE we’re going to be just fine if you have to delay videos or something. We adore you.
After the first two stories I just thought “crazy people doing crazy shit” 😂😂
Morgan and her idea of the senior dog from the shelter is making me cryyyy! What a great idea! and so sweet! !!
I’ve been having an awful week:( but hearing this podcast always brightens my day!
About the last story. That kid is going to post on reddit in 15 years "AITA for cutting off my mom after I found out she exploited people to have children?" Or "AITA for being upset with my mom for giving me/any little sibling, a genetic condition because she wasn't safe when she got pregnant?" I'm calling it right now OP is going to be crying to everyone in 12 years about how her son moved out as soon as possible and never visits. You cannot tell me someone who thinks like her is going to be a good parent
Lauren and Morgan episodes always hit!
Every time its a Lauren or Alejandra episode I get so giddy!! I saw this while at work and just lit up for the rest of the shift!
Talking about the story of that love triangle: I can just smell the stentch of narcissism and gaslighting thousands of miles away. I was that same naive and talking in the same words when I was gaslit with a few of my ex’es at her age. I hope she sees this comment. Best of luck to her ❤
As someone deathly afraid of boats, and who has had a panic attack on the side of a mountain while hiking, i can relate. But I am the person who has taken care of family members in medical emergencies and helped find a friend a lawyer in a DWI situation.
Feelings are valid shaming someone based on generalizing how you assume someone would react in an emergency isn't fair or accurate.
Also, shes not an EMT, firefighter, or first responder. Let her be scared and tell her your feelings, but don't let your emotions cloud the fact that her emotions are also valid. He was scared, she was scared.
Story two - I’m pretty sure the boyfriend doesn’t have a wax kink, he’s just pulling away from her because pubic hair turns him off and thinks this is a solution.
I agree. I don't think it's that deep
I'm just going to say it... Having listened to the pod a lot, I know Morgan prefers hairlessness and she probably can't imagine it being a problem that his preference is a Brazilian... But it certainly could be a problem in many situations, especially if that partner is coersive or extorting sex/attention for hairlessness.
That one lady in that last story... my god. "I'm glad to have a son who will forever love me."
The delusions parents entertain themselves with. You are not automatically entitled to your child's eternal love, even if you *think* you're doing everything perfectly. Hope she doesn't have to learn that the hard way, if or when he has a falling out with her over something. They already have potential beef over who his dad is. Never mind dealing with any other parts of his personality or identity. Beyond that, she sounds like she's objectified that kid to high hell, bragging about him like he's a fancy new car that she got for 1K.