Great Combos for D&D 5e

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • A shorter video today where I just go through some of the great combinations for D&D 5e.
    Here's a quick list of what I cover:
    Wolf Totem Barbarian + ally with GWM or Crit Specialist
    Crusader’s Mantle + summoning+animated objects
    Grapple or the sentinel feat + Damage when you end your turn next to affects like a flaming sphere
    Hex (targeting Dex or Strength) to affect a creature’s ability to leave a web or break a grapple. Wrathful smite for long term frightened condition that eats up actions.
    Devil’s Sight + Darkness
    Flame Arrow + Swift Quiver or Action Surge
    Heroism + Barbarian Rage
    Fire Shield with a melee Recklessly attacking Raging Bear Totem Barbarian
    Heroism on a Lockdown Character to provide round by round temp HP
    Simulacrum to cast another Simulacrum (on you) (using 8th level slot), rinse and repeat
    now cast multiple wishes. Simulacrums to cast risky wishes
    Slow plus Web or Evard’s to make that initial saving throw difficult (disadvantage on dex saves), or line them up for a fireball
    Bane to weaken saving throws, then a combat ender like Hypnotic Pattern. Bane and Slow will mean d4+2 penalty to dex saves
    Spirit guardians plus Difficult Terrain, prone conditions.
    Polymorph + Disintegrate
    Mounted Combatant + Shield Master + Enlarge/Reduce
    Spike Growth or other “when the creature enters the area” affects (black tentacles, web, grease) + forced movement like Thunderous Smite, Shield Master, Open hand Monk or Repelling Blast.
    Repelling Blast + Grasp of Hadar - push into spikes, pull back out so someone else can push you back in.
    Glyph of Warding + Demiplane
    Shapechange + Find Steed (Bards)
    Battlemaster + Commander’s Strike to allow a Rogue another sneak attack, If Rogue is fighter/Rogue can use Riposte for a 3rd sneak attack
    Fighter with Mounted Combatant mounts Shape Changed druid with Sentinel. Enemy attacks druid, Fighter uses mounted combatant to have them attack Fighter and Druid gets Sentinel attack


  • @RPGabe
    @RPGabe 5 років тому +398

    Great combo for 5e - subscribing to Treantmonk plus having the notification bell enabled

    • @aethon0563
      @aethon0563 5 років тому +28

      This particular build is banned at my DM's table. It's too OP.

    • @NicholasTehGeekay
      @NicholasTehGeekay 5 років тому +15

      The real trick is to Simulacrum chain with Wish so you can keep subscribing

    • @titanbarrett6837
      @titanbarrett6837 3 роки тому

      I guess im randomly asking but does anyone know of a way to get back into an instagram account..?
      I was stupid lost my password. I appreciate any help you can give me

    • @rodrigoluka453
      @rodrigoluka453 3 роки тому

      @Titan Barrett instablaster ;)

    • @tsukinoke7379
      @tsukinoke7379 2 роки тому +2

      You could take the “like the video” feat as well

  • @NathanRoseDesign
    @NathanRoseDesign 5 років тому +130

    Heat metal + banishment. Heat metal has no range limit and you don't have to see the target. So it's 20d8 free fire damage in the next minute as long as both casters can hold their concentrations. Use it on a strong knight or armoured enemy. Both casters would also still have their actions on next rounds to fend of other enemies.

  • @jamesoakes4842
    @jamesoakes4842 4 роки тому +75

    For stealthy parties: Comprehend Languages + Minor Illusion. Listen to the guards/npcs and use Minor Illusion to silent translate by creating subtitles on the wall for everyone else.

    • @GrassPokeKing
      @GrassPokeKing 3 роки тому +3

      _M'Gann’s Automatic Translation_

  • @keeganmbg6999
    @keeganmbg6999 5 років тому +22

    Just a suggestion, this is an easy combination that any Evocation Wizard can pull off. Sickening Radiance+Scuplt spells, now you can let your allies be unaffected by Exhaustion and the Damage, whilst your enemies are stuck there. You have a Sentiel Fighter on your team and it’s only a matter of time until they die guaranteed.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  5 років тому +12

      Sickening radiance plus lockdown is very effective indeed, especially against an enemy with a daunting number of HP.

    • @stuartlaws9977
      @stuartlaws9977 4 роки тому +2

      I use Erupting Earth and let my party dance around the enemy like Legolas on a snow drift

  • @dominicl5862
    @dominicl5862 5 років тому +36

    Wanna know the best combo in the game: Pick wizard class at lvl 1 then play till lvl 20.
    just kidding, but seriously a wizard with downtime and access to money (pretty easy for a wizard)
    Like you said demiplane with a bunch of glyphs of warding. Just imagine having a wall of full buffs, haste, greater invis, shadow blade, Magic weapon, whaterver.
    Also since a lvl 17 wizard gets one wish a day, just spend one of them casting find greater steed just to have one. Then you can both shapechange into ancient white dragons and bladesong at the same time. Kinda requires some dm leancy but still raw. Wizard is the best seriously

  • @Buddhalover500
    @Buddhalover500 5 років тому +56

    In a recent Errata, the Polymorph + Disintegrate no longer works, as the creature must now remain with zero hp. Same with Wild Shapes. Great video, love seeing these combos.

    • @goatmeal5241
      @goatmeal5241 5 років тому +2

      I believe that Power Word Kill works though---they clarified that Wild-shaped druids can die outright from it before reverting, so the same would apply to polymorphed victims.
      Edit: link--

    • @dustinsmith2021
      @dustinsmith2021 5 років тому +1

      Fuck the errata.

    • @jordanflutes
      @jordanflutes 5 років тому +1

      In addition to David's link regarding Power Word Kill, here is the link to clarify with Polymorph and Wildshape, confirming Disintegrate doesn't outright kill as it used to (wasn't intended that way):

    • @FuelDropforthewin
      @FuelDropforthewin 4 роки тому +10

      Cheap but cheerful variant: Polymorph target elf into non-elf with low hp. Cast sleep. point and laugh.

    • @nastube4052
      @nastube4052 3 роки тому

      @@goatmeal5241 Yea, PWK will, as well as Divine Word if they are less than certain hp. Just polymorph into something few hp and Divine Word it.

  • @seb8523
    @seb8523 5 років тому +49

    A fun combination is being a Barbarian/Rogue multiclass, specifically Reckless Attack + Sneak Attack. Sneak Attack states that you need to attack with a Finesse Weapon, and Reckless Attack only applies to Strength attacks. But Sneak Attack doesn't specify you need to attack with Dexterity ; only that the weapon has the Finesse property. So you CAN use both by using a Finesse Weapon, but with Strength. But that's not all!
    Rogue gives you Expertise. Take Expertise in Athletism. Then get to Barbarian lvl 5 to get your second attack. You can now rage and use your first attack to Shove the ennemy prone - since Rage gives you advantage on Strength checks, between that and the Expertise it's HIGHLY unlikely the enemy will make the opposed checks (at character level 6, the earliest you can do that, that's a +9 with advantage to beat, assuming you took a feat with your first ASI - how many creatures at that level can beat that?). So now the enemy is prone, and with your second attack, you now have advantage and can deal your Sneak Attack damage without even using Reckless Attack.
    Let's take this a step further - add the Sentinel feat. Now the enemies can't even get away from you, and if they try you can Sneak Attack them more..
    And another thing : take the Thief subclass with your Rogue levels. Now, on every turn (except the first one, because your bonus action will go to Rage), you can use Cunning Action to apply poison to your weapon, or to throw Acid or Alchemist Fire.
    Basically, depending on how many ressources you're willing to expand, you've got lots of options, and all of them are effective.

  • @tscoff
    @tscoff 5 років тому +27

    Circle of the Moon Druid with Mage Armor. It replaces the natural armor of its targets if the natural armor class is less than 13 and the giant crayfish and earth elemental are two of a very short list of Moon Druid wild shape options with a natural AC of 13 or higher. It’s a great synergy, especially at lower levels.

  • @wilwood796
    @wilwood796 5 років тому +20

    Spirit Guardians also combos well if the cleric is able to reliably hop away from the enemy and the enemy doesn't have any ranged capabilities. There is a cleric in my game who is constantly taking the dodge action and just acting as a passive tank allowing spiritual weapon and spirit guardians to do the work.
    This leads to some enemies unable to reliably attack him without the spirit guardians spike of damage against them unless they have their entire movement to wade through the 15 ft aura. Plus he's a cleric, so his AC is incredibly high for a lot of the weaker enemies this grinds through.
    As for my favorite combinations, I'm a big fan of Action Surge bypassing the leveled spellcasting restrictions.
    I also am trying to toy with making a tank-y dwarven monk who utilizes the dwarven feat from Xanathar's (can't remember the name) to reliably heal himself with the dodge action, and pairing it with the monk's patient defense to take the dodge action as a bonus action. I would think that this character would be more use in trying to force creatures to attack him, so I have been trying to think of what to pair with this monk so that it simply doesn't become an ignored target.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  5 років тому +7

      Love that Cleric's tactic. The Dodge action is often forgotten, but a great option if you are concentrating on something effective.

  • @RokuroCarisu
    @RokuroCarisu 5 років тому +28

    Magic Circle + Leomund's Tiny Hut.
    Might as well call it Leomund's Impregnable Fortress.

    • @smbakeresq
      @smbakeresq 5 років тому +3

      A small one with Leomunds is move earth to dig a hole, out leomunds in it, and then cover it up with move earth. Otherwise the Intelligent creatures who see it know what it is and then can do things to counter the players.

  • @M0ebius
    @M0ebius 5 років тому +17

    Combos my party use a lot but wasn’t mentioned in the video:
    Hypnotic Pattern + Aura of Devotion: Eliminates friendly fire, spam spam spam away.
    Plant Growth + Eldritch Blast|Repelling Blast: Huge AOE that reduces creatures to a quarter speed, and then you just kite them while pushing them back.
    Haste + Hold Action|Sneak Attack: With Haste, Rogue holds his normal attack with an off-turn trigger while attacking with the Haste weapon attack - boom, double the sneak attack damage. Arcane Tricksters can Hold Action a Booming Blade instead.
    Dragon’s Breath + Flying Familiars: Familiar fly 20ft into the air and breath the cone straight down - now you have an easy to aim 3x3 AOE every single turn. Preferrably the familiar is an Imp, but Owls will do as well.

    • @Similacrest
      @Similacrest 5 років тому +1

      My favorite familiar for the Dragon Breath is the Hawk. A decent AC in case someone does try to shoot it, but also 60ft speed.

    • @M0ebius
      @M0ebius 5 років тому

      ShareDVI Good call, if specifically for this purpose.

    • @smbakeresq
      @smbakeresq 5 років тому +1

      ShareDVI dragons breathe is mostly useful to prevent regeneration on creatures. Fire stops almost all regeneration.

    • @DrAndrewJBlack
      @DrAndrewJBlack 3 роки тому

      Love the Familiar one

  • @WildVii
    @WildVii 5 років тому +5

    Another combo involving Polymorph is to combo it with Power Word Kill. The designers clarified that even though the creature will revert form, the spell kills the creature. So even after it reverts it’ll be dead. The example was made in the context of a Wildshaping druid being hit by PWK.

  • @adrastos8401
    @adrastos8401 5 років тому +4

    I recently found a loophole that is more broken/as broken as the infinite simulacrum (but takes a lot longer and would never work in a campaign). The DM guide says monsters can have character levels. so at level 20 you True Polymorph into a Balor with 1 level of wizard, level back up to 20 now you are cr 29 or so, True polymorph into a Ancient Red/Gold with one level of wizard, level up to 20 again this makes you more than cr 30, you True Polymorph into a Tarrasque with 1 level of wizard (have a headband of intellect ready and make sure to specify one that can talk so you can cast verbal spells). Then go 13 wizard/ 7 arcane trickster and you are basically unkillable, have access to 8th level spells, and you can still use the Glyph of Warding trick to cast and make 5 attacks. You end up with 5 attacks and 3 spells a round, over 950 hp, huge defensive boosts, and because your proficiency bonus is +14 your spell save is nearly unbeatable, and you have a +30 to stealth (What are those loud groundshaking noises, ehh must be nothing) and +30 to athletics.

  • @sovelis7727
    @sovelis7727 5 років тому +12

    Everyone always talks about how good the bear totem barbarian is, but wolf totem seems insanely good paired with many other characters.

    • @M0ebius
      @M0ebius 5 років тому +7

      Fun for teammates, kind of boring for the player.

  • @pauluknuis
    @pauluknuis 5 років тому +99

    i have a good idea for a video. how about bard spell combos with magical secrets.

    • @jeffridgeway7474
      @jeffridgeway7474 5 років тому +7

      paul uknuis yes! Do this one please!

    • @badbovine7427
      @badbovine7427 5 років тому +5

      Yeah I'd love to see that...

    • @Mewobiba
      @Mewobiba 3 роки тому +1

      A very simple synergy for Bards is with Counterspelling. Due to JoaT, noone except Abjurers can counterspell as well as a Bard.

    • @frobosh
      @frobosh Рік тому

      @@Mewobiba Not to mention Glibness.

  • @NicholasTehGeekay
    @NicholasTehGeekay 5 років тому +10

    On the note of Commander's Strike, Order Cleric has an absurd synergy with a rogue. You can cast all sorts of spells, heals, buffs, utility and the rogue gets free damage out of an already favourable exchange

  • @smile-tl9in
    @smile-tl9in 5 років тому +7

    contigency or glyph of warding can instantaneously cast a spell with a long casting time. Spells like private sanctum who blocks teleportation. This combo is the only way to get a dimmentional anchor-like effect....And it allows no saving throws.

    • @Similacrest
      @Similacrest 5 років тому

      Be a cleric. Fill glyphs with Magic Circle and Planar Binding. Summon a creature (e.g. Planar Ally). Cast Bane, Bestow Curse for that Charisma save debuff

    • @mickthelick5788
      @mickthelick5788 4 роки тому

      Contingency spell specifys that the contingency spell must have a casting time of one action.

    • @smile-tl9in
      @smile-tl9in 4 роки тому

      @@mickthelick5788 ah shit

  • @jmass4207
    @jmass4207 5 років тому +38

    I haven’t seen mnetioned plant growth layered with any spell that causes difficult terrain. They stack because they aren’t the same effect.

    • @MyBacktrail
      @MyBacktrail 3 роки тому +1

      Spike Growth would be a good second spell.

    • @insertphrasehere15
      @insertphrasehere15 3 роки тому

      @@MyBacktrail If you layer it with Spirit Guardians their speed is divided by 1/8th. Note that unless they have 40 ft movement speed this means that they can't even move one square. (DM will probably allow a minimum of one square, but officially it would be rounded down to zero.

    • @MsDestroyer900
      @MsDestroyer900 2 роки тому

      @@insertphrasehere15 they could dash to get additional movement. And Mobile feat makes you ignore difficult terrain if you dash. They would still be affected by spirit guardians however.

    • @CerealNommer
      @CerealNommer 2 роки тому

      Plant Growth doesn't cause difficult terrain so Mobile doesn't help. Spirit Guardians is one of the few spells that actually causes half-speed but it doesn't cost more movement; RAW as soon as they get out of Spirit Guardians their speed goes back to normal. Difficult terrain doesn't cost double movement, it costs one additional foot of movement per foot moved. (1+1 = 1x2) != (N+1 = Nx2) Plant Growth + difficult terrain = 5 feet cost per foot moved. Plant Growth + Spirit Guardians = 4 feet cost per foot moved while speed is halved.

  • @Ciberbuster
    @Ciberbuster 5 років тому +31

    You can drastically improve de mounted combatant/sentinel combo: made the mount a barbarian centaur and the rider a cleric of a small race. Now the combo includes a reckless barbarian without the problem of receiving attacks, the sentinel from the barbarian locks enemies into the spirit guardians area, the cleric brings great support and the barbarian can give it all with GWM.

    • @TheFirstLanx
      @TheFirstLanx 5 років тому +1

      Possibiliies dawning....
      So many possibilities!

    • @ChristnThms
      @ChristnThms 5 років тому +7

      Most of the time, when I hear somebody suggest the "player riding another player" bit, both are melee. I never think this is a good idea, due to independent initiatives. The 2 will most likely never get their turns consecutively, and thus have a very hard time coordinating their attacks. In this case though, I LOVE it. Putting a caster as the rider makes his placement far more flexible, and centering a Spirit Guardians spell on top of a Barbarian seems like the most delicious feast ever!
      Love it!!

    • @seb8523
      @seb8523 5 років тому +11

      Make the Barbarian an Ancestral Guardian on top of that so that his main target also gets Disadvantage when it tries to attack the Cleric. Plus it fits the Spirit Guardian theme.

    • @Ciberbuster
      @Ciberbuster 5 років тому

      @@seb8523 Awesome!

    • @themagescorner
      @themagescorner 5 років тому

      I DM for a party where instead of the cleric, he is a halfling long death monk, his idea is to redirect attacks to the centaur, and with temp hp and eventually ki points to never die is a pretty strong combo. However, the weakness in this rider build is fighting things with aoe, breaths, etc as they will mostly be together.

  • @Koopa86
    @Koopa86 5 років тому +41

    Polearm master combined with Sentinel. Opportunity attack when someone comes into your field of attack (10 ft) then the rest of their movement is disabled. Leaving them 10 feet away. Too far to attack for most 5 ft ranged melee weapons

    • @dennisjordan5917
      @dennisjordan5917 4 роки тому +5

      This is my favorite. Then on your turn you can hit them with both ends of your pole arm and back up 5 feet to do it all over again.

    • @AEtherimp
      @AEtherimp 4 роки тому +6

      Take it a step further and put both feats on a Battlemaster Fighter. You come in my range? You get attacked, I use Trip attack for extra damage and make you go prone. Your speed is set to 0, you are prone, I move forward, get advantage on my attacks, then move out of your range again. You leave my range? Same thing. You attack me and miss? Opportunity attack, speed set to 0, I get attacks at advantage on you, move away from you and rinse-repeat. I don't want you in my range? I push attack you. You attack someone next to me? I react.

  • @migueldelmazo5244
    @migueldelmazo5244 5 років тому +16

    I like to dip rogue 2 with barbarian. Since grappling reduces your speed by half, it's nice to have bonus action dash to empower dragging foes around the battlefield (ie through spiked growth or over to the lava pit).
    Tier 2 barbarians move at 40 ft/round and with bonus action dash they can move 120 ft/round using action, bonus action and movement. That means 60 ft of dragging 2 grappled bad guys around (24d4 through spiked growth if your DM let's you hold them in the growth area while you skirt the perimeter).
    If you have to travel through the spiked growth, it further reduces your speed by half, so it's *only* 12d4 to 2 enemies while you take half damage and get advantages on strength checks (ie grapple) from raging.
    Barbarians aren't just for Polearm master and Great weapon master. Maybe we can call it a "god barbarian". Optibarians?

    • @narrawa2650
      @narrawa2650 5 років тому +3

      Another thing is that reckless attack give you your sneak attack

    • @seb8523
      @seb8523 5 років тому +4

      And don't forget that Rogue gives you Expertise, which you can use on Athletism to make Grappling even easier. Between that and Rage... Yeah, there are few things you won't be able to grapple.

    • @seb8523
      @seb8523 5 років тому

      @Crazy Crab - Tiny caveat with that one : you're still limited to a Finesse weapon (though you don't have to use Dexterity).

    • @TheZombieOfDrake
      @TheZombieOfDrake 5 років тому +1

      Barbarian/Rogues also make excellent Shield Masters, for the same reasons as grappling (Expertise and Advantage to knock people prone? Yes please!). I usually prefer to go to 3 rogue, to get swashbuckler.

    • @seb8523
      @seb8523 5 років тому +1

      The downside to this is that, RAW, you can't use a bonus action "during" an action ; so the Shield Master-s shove must be done AFTER your attack. So usually by the time your turn comes up again the enemy is back on its feet, meaning you won't benefit from it yourself.
      I do agree with taking a Rogue subclass, but why Swashbuckler specifically? The most interesting thing about it is the additional ways to trigger Sneak Attack, but with Reckless Attack and Shoving you're not lacking in that aspect.

  • @smile-tl9in
    @smile-tl9in 5 років тому +7

    simply using a familliar to give advantage with the help action is good. A familliar or an unseen servant can hold a torch to use pyrotechnics on

  • @jamesoakes4842
    @jamesoakes4842 4 роки тому +1

    A high level combo: Cloudkill and Forcecage. If the enemy fits in the 10ft cube, has no way to magically escape, and isn't immune to acid, they're essentially done. Assuming they make every single saving throw for 10 minutes and nothing but 1's are rolled for damage, they still would take 200 damage. However, if we're being more realistic with the rolls and assuming average, that number is more like 1100 damage. Again, assuming they make all the saves.
    Bonus: A two level dip in Fighter for Action Surge let's you do this in one turn. Have fun!

  • @FuelDropforthewin
    @FuelDropforthewin 4 роки тому +7

    Barbarian rage with Armor of Agathys. Get hit, the enemy takes damage as long as you have temp HP.
    Combine with Damage Resistance.

  • @claywebster7265
    @claywebster7265 4 роки тому +1

    Rary's Telepathic Bond + Find Familar + Invisibility. Use a cat as a familiar since it has an Int of 3 and can be a target of Rary's. Cats have +3 perception and +4 stealth, can climb and move fast. They also have advantage on perception checks involving smell. Cast Invisibility on the familiar and bump that stealth up real high. The bond and invisibility both last one hour. The telepathic bond means that the familiar's distance isn't limited to normal 100' and communication can be shared across the party. What you get is a great scout for an hour for the cost of a second level spell and two rituals.
    You can also use Misty Step with your familiar if it is somehow on the other side of a door or something, you can see through its eyes and step to the other side of the door. But there is the 30' limitation which seems to be tied to the caster and not the viewer's eyes.

  • @psusac
    @psusac 4 роки тому +2

    Had a wizard and a warlock in the same group - Web + Hunger of Hadar: Restrains them inside the area and does damage each round and while people can get out, they move so slowly that even a large group will trickle out over a long period of time.

  • @BlackTempleGaurdian
    @BlackTempleGaurdian 5 років тому +15

    On Simulacrum: Spell slots might not refresh, but Sorcery Points and Mystic Arcana do.

    • @hunterlilleyun
      @hunterlilleyun 3 роки тому

      RAW yes, but as crawford himself pointed out RAI they would not. But then again I've been one to ignore either so go nuts

  • @JayneCobb88
    @JayneCobb88 3 роки тому +1

    I prefer combos you can pull off solo. 2 people makes them better but I want some assured synergy
    Shadow Sorcerer
    - Bonus Action Hound of Ill omen giving target disadvantage on saves
    - Cast Hold Person on same target.
    - Hound gets advantage + free crits, Target is rooted in place so the disadvantage is maintained.
    - Freedom of Movement on self
    - Plant Growth (1st combo)
    - Add spike growth (2nd combo)
    - Thorn Whip (3rd combo)
    Abjuration Wizard + 2 levels Warlock
    - Arcane Shield is up, has its own hit points
    - Max cast Armor of Agathys, temp hit points
    - Enemies hit your arcane shield first, Armor of Agathys Damage still pops
    - Recharge your arcane shield with Armor of Shadows
    - Add Fire Shield for extra insult
    - Bane (concentration)
    - up cast Blindness (not concentration)
    Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
    - Quicken Mind Sliver target
    - step next to target
    - Dissonant Whispers
    - Battle Caster either Mind Sliver again to set up a cycle of Dissonant Whispers each round but without having to quicken, or hammer them with a more powerful single target spell
    Cheesy but Strict RAW
    1 level of cleric, then access to animate objects
    - cast sanctuary on self
    - animate objects, forego 1st round of creatures’ attacks
    - go to town. Spell was already cast and only affected friendlies which you created. The constructs (creatures) deal the damage, not you
    Any Sorcerer
    - Subtle cast your wizard disabling spell, win the spell duel without being counterspelled
    Arcane Casters
    - Otiluke's Resilient Sphere a medium sized creature
    - Mold Earth to dig a 10’ pit
    - Roll the creature in, burry alive and add more soil on top for good measure.
    Be and Elf
    - Disguise self to steal a lock of target’s hair
    - Cast Dream to prevent restful 8hr rest
    - Meditate for 4 hours
    - Cast Dream again
    - Repeat until target dies of exhaustion
    - Forcecage, version with the bars open
    - Sickening Radiance
    - Twin Enemies Abound
    - Seeming on EVERYONE
    - Run away
    Sorcerer + 2nd Caster
    - 2nd caster gives sorcerer greater invisibility
    - Sorcerer gets the drop on the enemies
    - Twin cast enemies abound
    Aberrant Mind Sorcerer or Dual Class or Wizard with Fey Touched feat
    - Animate Objects
    - Dissonant Whispers
    Wizard, Bard or Aberrant Sorcerer
    - Get a creature to low health
    - Upcast Sleep
    - While unconsciousness, cast Geas
    Requires 2 casters
    - 1 casts greater invisibility on 2
    - 2 gets to 30’, minor illusion a small 6” dirt hill
    - 2 casts delayed blast fireball into the dirt hill
    - 2 backs away and waits for the best time to nuke
    It’s stupid niche but it worked once

  • @KrakenSlayer47
    @KrakenSlayer47 5 років тому +3

    In one game we were up against a giant frog monster. The Bard cast Bane the first round and Blindness/Deafness the second. The 2 Rogues then proceeded to kite it with impunity. Awesome spell combo

    • @andrewh5212
      @andrewh5212 2 роки тому

      Aren't they both concentration spells?

  • @gordonexperience4859
    @gordonexperience4859 5 років тому +8

    Blink plus Greater Invisibility or Haste is amazing

  • @CondemnedGuy
    @CondemnedGuy 4 роки тому +6

    That Simulacrum cheese is why I changed the ruling of the spell. You can only have one Simulacrum at a time, and a simulcarum can't cast Simulacrum

  • @Aequilix
    @Aequilix 5 років тому +24

    Nice video. It's an important topic to discuss. A lot of optimization guides or forums only analyze things in a bubble when that's not the reality of D&D.
    Wolf Totem Barb/Rogue was a great, unintentional combo I had with a buddy in a small campaign.
    And then combos that DO get overhyped like darkness/devil sight usually don't mention how it can be an awful boon to your team.
    Solo optimizing is nicr, but group combos/synergy feel a lot more rewarding and fun.

    • @Soestinight
      @Soestinight 5 років тому +4

      I think one of the biggest mistakes with Warlock Dk/DS is they put darkness on the enemies.
      Instead they should be dropping it on themselves. Doing it away from the party, but close enough other members can use it for concealment as needed.
      It grants the advantage without hindering allies. If they are a hex blade its a little harder

    • @M0ebius
      @M0ebius 5 років тому

      If Darkness really gets to be an issue I suppose you can always cast it inside an opaque latern type construct and use the free object interaction on it for greater control. But to be honest most of the time it has no effect on martial types because the advantage to attacking a blind target and the disadvantage to being blinded cancel out. It only really matters for caster types who needs visible targets.

    • @Aequilix
      @Aequilix 5 років тому +1

      S0est That's one way to roll with it of course. I should reiterate I don't think its a bad combo. But its a combo that has the potential to do more harm to the party as a whole if you aren't smart/careful about how you use it.

    • @Aequilix
      @Aequilix 5 років тому +1

      M0ebius Some dm's rule that a little differently. Two enemies being blinded. Narratively, to me and DM's I've played with, it makes more sense both things should just be rolling at disadvantage regardless of what bonus they'd be getting for hitting a blinded target because they are, well, blind. One of those cases where the RAW are kinda weird honestly.
      And then if you wanna be even more technical things like Opportunity Attacks go out the window because you can't 'see' the target.
      The lantern thing is one way to do it as well. Depends on your build though. Probably won't fly if you wear a shield in your offhand.
      I don't think its a bad synergy/combo but I summed up my thoughts on it in my reply to another user. It works, can be good, but can be easy to mess up if you aren't careful. It also does use up an invocation slot, a spell known, and concentration.

    • @Soestinight
      @Soestinight 5 років тому

      @@Aequilix apologies, didn't mean to imply you thought it was a bad combo.
      More meant to lay it out as advice for anyone reading.

  • @williammeek4078
    @williammeek4078 3 роки тому

    Battlemaster Archer
    Sharp shooter (among other benefits) can choose to take a -5 to hit for +10 damage.
    Precision Attack. Roll a superiority die to your attack role.
    Basically allows you to just add +10 to damage at the expense of a superiority die.
    Both are by choice. If the enemy is hard to hit, you can not take the penalty or extra damage. If they are easy to hit, you don’t need to expend the superiority die. The really nice thing is you decide to use the superiority die roll AFTER it is determined wether or not you would hit, but before any effects are applied.
    This makes the Battlemaster Archer able to ramp up damage when needed or conserve abilities when able.

  • @claywebster7265
    @claywebster7265 4 роки тому +1

    I like Grease+Slow especially if they're unwise and engaged in combat. Slow reduces Dex saving throws by 2 and it's speed is halved. (And of course lots of action minimization.) Grease is difficult terrain which eats up twice as much movement for that area and is a Dex saving throw. If they fall prone then they need to use half their movement just to stand up. This is a little odd and we play it as subtraction of movement instead of division. RAW make me think it could be a base move of 30 reduced down to 15 because of Slow and then half that to stand from Prone leaving 7.5 move left. But that would mean that a Slowed creature is actually able to stand quicker from Prone than a non-Slowed creature. So we play it as subtractive. e.g.- Brute has 30 move but is Slowed and Prone. Brute stands up and exhausts all their movement. Either way the two spells play very well together and end up with repeated slips and a very controlled field.

  • @M0ebius
    @M0ebius 5 років тому +3

    A few Hexblade only combos:
    Hex Warrior|Pact of the Blade + Elven Accuracy + GWM - the only way to combine Elven Accuracy with Great Weapon Master feat.
    Hex Warrior|Max Charisma + Paladin|Sacred Weapon + Hand Crossbow|Sharp Shooter - completely eliminates the Sharp Shooter penalties. You can add this to an Fighter 11+ shell and be a Heavy Armored sniper with 4 Sharp Shooter attacks per round.
    Eldritch Blast + Crossbow Expert + Eldritch Knight|WarMagic - gets your EK up to five attacks, buffed with Hex/Hexblade’s Curse. Not strictly speaking Hexblade only, but better with Hex Warrior.

  • @oldsoul3539
    @oldsoul3539 5 років тому +2

    My personal favorite combo for any caster my group calls a quick draw caster build. War Caster + Polearm Master + Staff/(Polearm weapon with reach if martial weapon proficiency) + The most powerful 1 action single target spell you have. Together the first hostile creature moving within range of you provokes an opportunity attack in the form of casting any one action spell that targets only one creature. Regardless of initiative the first creature to get close gets blasted before it can do anything, and you can do this every single turn so long as an enemy moves to provoke it. Figure out a system to get something like flaming sphere involved that incentivizes enemy movement to upgrade this to Super-combo.

    • @PAPP0NE
      @PAPP0NE 5 років тому

      Sadly you can't use the OA from Polearm Master to cast spells with War Caster, you need to actually attack, a shame really because it's a very cool idea.

    • @oldsoul3539
      @oldsoul3539 5 років тому

      @@PAPP0NE I checked it again and no, Warcaster says "you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity attack."

  • @nature337
    @nature337 3 роки тому +1

    Glyph of Warding requires the spell to have a harmful effect. "When you cast this spell, you inscribe a glyph that harms other creatures, either upon a surface...." So you can have a pocket wall of fireballs and slow spells, but you cannot have a pocket wall full of buffs.

  • @insertphrasehere15
    @insertphrasehere15 3 роки тому

    Wildhunt Shifter + Barbarian Reckless attack.
    While shifted, you can attack recklessly all you want, and nobody you can see within 30 ft of you can get advantage back. You also get a nice pile of temp HP when you shift.
    Wildhunt didn't have good stat boosts for Barb prior to Tashas, so this was overlooked for a long time, but it's now avaiable thanks to stat changes.

  • @futurecaredesign
    @futurecaredesign 11 місяців тому

    A great combo I thought of some time ago when fighting Vecna or some other kind of spellcaster: Hex their Intelligence!
    Now they make spellcasting ability checks with disadvantage when trying to counterspell you. Unless they use a higher level slot to simply shut it down all together, which is great because now they are missing a 7th level slot.

  • @gregoryfloriolli9031
    @gregoryfloriolli9031 5 років тому +7

    Sickening Radiance and Wall of Force.

    • @scarletterose1303
      @scarletterose1303 4 роки тому +3

      Ah the gold ol' radiation chamber combo
      Have to make 95 con saves or die.
      If you think the enemy can teleport substitute Forcecage for Wall of Force.
      Fun fact: the 20-foot cage version of forcecage does not block spells or other attacks, so you can counterspell their attempts to leave, my character has done this to kill a pc with the hand of vecna due to them attacking her (adopted) child in the party.

  • @colorfulcat1494
    @colorfulcat1494 4 роки тому +1

    You could be a 18 level wizard, and 2 level fighter, use scatter in order to group up the enemies, then action surge, and then forcecage.

  • @robertsilvermyst7325
    @robertsilvermyst7325 2 роки тому

    One combo I use quite often as a Sorcadin is Shadow Blade + Divine Smite. Shadow Blade gives you advantage when the enemy is in dim light or darkness, and my character not only has basic Dark vision, but also Blind Fighting style for 10 ft Blindsight. Currently he is Lv 8 Vengeance Paladin/Lv 5 Aberrant Mind Sorcerer, so he has up to 5th level spell slots, and a whopping +14 Con save with his aura, Resilient Constitution, Cloak of Protection and Stone of Good Luck. Casting the blade at 5th level, I do 4d8 psychic damage per hit, which is a type very rarely resisted. Add a 4th level Smite to that on a crit, and we're talking 4d8+32 psychic (our table runs max on weapon crit damage) + 10d8 radiant. This weapon spell is super reliable, and in the cases where we are not in darkness/dim light, I can Channel Divinity and invoke my Vow of Emnity to gain advantage on all attacks against the biggest threat on the field.

  • @badbovine7427
    @badbovine7427 5 років тому +3

    I personally like the Bard only combo Glibness + Counter Spell effect. Never fail to destroy an enemy caster! Even if you aren't high enough level to get glibness, Jack of All Trades + lore bard's Peerless Skill at 14th lvl means a very good chance of a counter spell, even against a 9th level spell! For my gnome bard, Sniffy (aka. Real Ripper. Long story....), this combo killed!
    Just make sure you have a buddy spell caster who also has counter spell, to counter the enemy's attempt to counter spell YOUR counter spell......... :)

    • @Similacrest
      @Similacrest 5 років тому

      Chris has mentioned in his bard builds video that it has an action of setup, an 8th level slot which is a very valuable resource, and you would probably succeed on the check with Jack of All Trades + whatever anyway

    • @jamesm783
      @jamesm783 5 років тому +1

      Sorcerers can use Enhance Ability to get advantage on their Charisma checks, which would apply here

    • @badbovine7427
      @badbovine7427 5 років тому


    • @badbovine7427
      @badbovine7427 5 років тому

      Oh yeah! I forgot about that one;) Neat idea

  • @dadadajasper
    @dadadajasper 5 років тому +2

    The Spike Growth - forced movement recently (as in last week) happened in our game.
    That spell ended up dealing 64d4 damage.. it was an absolute slaughterfest. :)

    • @gilgoofthegrove5072
      @gilgoofthegrove5072 3 роки тому

      I like doin spike growth and plant growth because they have different wording for the effects, so they stack, and then as a druid standing in the middle of it judt thorn whipping and forcefully dragging them through the thorns. If any DM rules against the stacking, spike growth + thorn whip is good enough!

  • @philneilson8123
    @philneilson8123 4 роки тому +1

    Good stuff, but they will already have disadvantage on checks from wrathful smite cuz of the frightened condition. Which is why it's one of my favorite spells, it inheritnly gives disadvantage on the thing required to break it's effect, and if that wasn't enough, to even try to break it, it requires their action to do so. Sooo freaking good for a level one spell!

  • @JuckiCZ
    @JuckiCZ 2 роки тому

    Rogue has a lot of options.
    Any Rogue with Haste can have 2 sneak attacks per round (without help from others - and Arcane Trickster can even cast Haste himself). Just use your Action to Ready attack right after your round ends and use ction from Haste for attack on your turn. This way, you do 2 attacks, in different turns, both before anyone who plays right after you.
    Another great option is medium sized Rogue, who is mounted by another character of small size (the best option is Kobolt here). Rogue takes Sentinel, Kobolt Mounted Combatant. So Rogue does only sneak attacks in melee (there is always his friend 5ft from that enemy), Kobolt has always advantage (the same reason) and Kobolt can force enemy to attack him instead of Rogue, which means Rogue can do opportunity attacks that qualify for Sneak attack almost every round.
    Similar combination is Kobolt Beastmaster with Wolf mount - they both give the other Pack Tactics.
    Great combo is also Ancestral Guardian with Mobile feat. The best results are with Half-Orc, GWM Feat, Piercer Feat, Pike and 3 levels of Champion. This Barbarian attacks 2 times, with advantage, DMG is 1d10+10+STR, 19% to crit with each, which gives him third attack (same when he kills enemy), crit DMG is 4d10+10+STR (6d10 at high levels) and then he just runs out of this enemie's reach (movement 50 ft should be enough). That enemy not only receives huge DMG, but he now also has disadvantage on all attacks against everyone else than this Barbarian (who he cannot attack thanks to distance), this enemy also does 1/2 dmg only and that damage can be prevented by Barbarian (from lvl 6). If you combine this with other character that has Sentinel, that enemy is in trouble :-D.

  • @4Shaman
    @4Shaman 4 роки тому

    This inspired me to combine several of these combos into a disgusting duo.
    A moon druid with Sentinel and two levels of barbarian who concentrates on conjure animals (8 wolves/velociraptors, 16 in 5th level) as he turns into a Giant Lizard, Giant Constrictor Snake, Quetzalcoatlus or Giant Scorpion. When he loses concentration on the animals, he is either free to rage, or - if he so chooses - he can exit his wild shape, conjure another 16 velociraptors
    Mounted by:
    An Ancients Paladin with lance and mounted combatant feat (a Vuman could take dual wielder feat and wield two lances for meme value, but also to get six attempts at triggering a critical divine smite) and concentrates on crusader's mantle (to give a 1d4 to himself, his mount and all the 16 wolves/velociraptors with pack tactics.)

  • @MrSlutzkin
    @MrSlutzkin 5 років тому +4

    Disintegrate was errata'ed to no longer easily kill moon druids and polymorphed enemies. It only kills you if you are LEFT with 0 hp
    Edit: Source -

    • @jakubguziur7522
      @jakubguziur7522 3 роки тому

      Now you have to wait for Power Word Kill to do that, which players will rarely get as campaigns usually don't last to such late level, but BBEG wizard without polymorph and PWK is not that Big and Bad.

  • @kendrajade6688
    @kendrajade6688 5 років тому +4

    The fear condition already makes that Wisdom check from Wrathful Smite disadvantage.

    • @chrisw3024
      @chrisw3024 5 років тому

      Kendra Jade correct (frightened)

    • @chrisvelo2595
      @chrisvelo2595 5 років тому

      Had to look this one up and you're right thats awesome now we can just stack a bane spell to make them fail constantly

    • @kendrajade6688
      @kendrajade6688 5 років тому

      @@chrisvelo2595 Well, spell effects don't stack, but if you had a Lore Bard friend with cutting words that would work.

  • @harjutapa
    @harjutapa 3 роки тому

    My personal favorite combo, not especially POWERFUL but very useful for non-combat stuff:
    Warlock, Mask of Many Faces and Friends. It's just hilarious to piss someone off and then just be able to be someone else.

  • @johnl340
    @johnl340 5 років тому

    Learned this from the guys at Nerdarchy. Sickening Radiance + Bane, then have friends slow or hold the monsters in the Sickening Radiance area (sleet storm!). If you can keep monsters in the area for 6 rounds most will be dead.

    • @nastube4052
      @nastube4052 3 роки тому

      or force cage them and use sickening radiance.. then simply wait for them to outright die from too much exhaustion.

  • @85LuthoR
    @85LuthoR 5 років тому +6

    I used the Sentinel (feat) + Silence (spell) with my Gloom Stalker Ranger when fighting against spellcasters. It was fun and fitted well thematically with the character.
    One combo that I like is Shocking Grasp + Find Familiar. Use the familiar to deliver the shocking grasp and you can take away the enemy's reaction from a safe distance. Not powerful, but handy.
    A lore bard could choose Revivify (6th level) and Contingency (14th level) as magical secrets. Pretty good spells on their own and a lifesaver when combined. Actually, any bard could take those spells. I just feel there are better options than Revivify at 10.

  • @Thatoneassclown
    @Thatoneassclown 2 роки тому

    Any class that has access to the Shield spell but has limited slots (especially at low level), like a 1/3 caster or Warlock + a full caster who has the Shield spell and can scribe spell scrolls of Shield. Or any number of other 1st level spells that have static benefits that aren't effected by 1st level spell scrolls having terrible attack/save values. As long as the scroll user compensates the Wizard (for example) for time and materials spent, it's a win-win-win - the user gets an incredible deal on a spell scroll, the Wizard gets a guaranteed customer, and the party benefits from one or more of their members being way more survivable than before.

  • @jadedtrekkie
    @jadedtrekkie 2 роки тому

    Another great one in the same vein as spike growth is mental prison + repelling blast on warlock - mental prison is basically already the best 6th level warlock spell and this is even better

  • @andreistoian3152
    @andreistoian3152 5 років тому +7

    To build on the 2 player mounted combo, which I think is the strongest low level combo you can do in the game: Have the rider be a hexblade warlock with devil sight, have the druid turn into a spider which has blindsense 10 ft. Have the warlock cast Darkness on his weapon and march together fighting with advantage at lvl 3, Bonus points if the rider is a thiefling for Free Darkness. You can even have the druid take 1 lvl in cleric or even better 2 PALADIN levels for shield of faith on the rider, bumping his AC (and both their ACs essentially) to insane levels, Ridiculously strong combo for low level campaigns and I think it scales OK even afterwards, druid could hit with smites from their animal form to keep up with scaling

  • @nastube4052
    @nastube4052 3 роки тому

    Spirit Shroud (3rd) + Scorching Ray and/or eldritch blast. Since these spells use separate attack rolls for each ray (as opposed to MM), you would do damage with each ray from the spirit shroud as long as they are within 10 feet. If both are cast at high levels.. casting shroud on 7 or 8 gives 3d8 extra for every attackroll within 10 ft, and using your 9th would add 4d8 for every attack roll. Casting Scorching Ray at 8th gives 6 additional rays. So let's say ray at 8th and shourd at 9th.. which I think does more damage. That's 2d6+4d8 per ray, for 9 total rays, or an average damage of around 225 (standard deviation of 15). That's to any target within 10 ft, assuming you hit all rays. Spirit Shroud at 9th, plus eldritch blast would do 1d10+4d8 for each hit (x4).. as long as you maintain concentration. You could also quicken the eldritch blast AND cast scorching ray (sorlock) to do BOTH..or: 18d6+36d8+4d10+16d8+5 (cha mod) for the price of an 8th, 9th, and sorc point. (319 avg dmg +/- 19).. and as long as you maintain concentration the only thing that changes is the number of scorching rays as you have to use smaller slots, to keep doing it. Even when you are mostly spent you could shroud at lower levels and eldritch blast. If you need to aoe, you could also wade into trouble and cast Arms of Hadar with Ghost.. doing 2d6 damage (+upcast) plus whatever from shroud to everything within 10 feet of you, then misty step away..

  • @faselfasel2864
    @faselfasel2864 2 роки тому

    I would allow the wish/simulacrum combo once, after the simulacrum has made a copy of the original characters spellbook (because even though it has the stats and everything, it is an illusion and not a clone, so it has to copy spellbooks like every other wizard, who wants to use someone elses spells. The moment the first simulacrum would cast simulacrum again, mystras avatar would show up and tell the caster that humanity hasn't learned ANYTHING from Karsus's Folly and proceed to pelter the offender into submission and have that individual be send straight to Carceri, where the guy would get to chill in a magical prison with 1000 mock illusion copies of himself and those'd be his only interaction until someone frees him from there.

  • @SelwynClydeAlojipan
    @SelwynClydeAlojipan 3 роки тому

    A Raging and Recklessly Attacking Barbarian that has been given the Protection from Evil and Good Spell by a Cleric or Bard. The ProtEv&Gd spell gives certain specified creatures Disadvantage when attacking the Barbarian thus negating the Advantage the Barbarian gives to his enemies after a Reckless Attack (it becomes a single d20 attack roll).

  • @fourbumpsandasquare
    @fourbumpsandasquare 5 років тому +2

    Haven't thought of many of these! Nice video.
    I don't think you can get three sneak attacks in a round however, due to you only getting one reaction until the start of your next turn.

    • @M0ebius
      @M0ebius 5 років тому

      It’s two sneak attacks per round, one with Attack Action on your turn one with Reaction on opponent’s turn.

    • @binolombardi
      @binolombardi 5 років тому +2

      High level play.
      Thief subclass gets 2 full turns at level 17. Thief has sentinel feat. After initiative is rolled, a goon run up and attacks ally next to thief. Reaction attack. Thief’s first turn, attacks same goon if alive. Next turn, another goon runs up attacks ally next to thief. Reaction again since thief turn refreshed reaction. -10 from thief’s initiative, thief gets entirely new turn. Attacks potentially same 2nd goon. Next good foolishly attacks ally next to rogue within 5ft.
      Thief subclass can potentially get 5 sneak attacks in 1st round
      17 Scout can consistently sneak 2-3 times a round, just has to be against different creatures on actual turn.
      Haste makes all this much easier.

    • @fourbumpsandasquare
      @fourbumpsandasquare 5 років тому

      @@binolombardi Good point

  • @losthero3606
    @losthero3606 2 роки тому

    Like the greater steed shapechange combo their is an earlier one with greater steed, Tenser's Transformation, gives advantage of Str. and Con. allows mount to wield weapons that deal 2d12 per attack and 50 temp. HP while you do the exact same thing

  • @Centaur255
    @Centaur255 3 роки тому

    The Spiked Growth combos are very good - also pairs well with Thorn Whip as you can pull the target through the spikes toward you.
    Bonus points if you have a Nature Cleric in the party to cast Grasping Vine to pull the target 20ft backwards to reset them back to their starting point.

  • @dragoknight589
    @dragoknight589 2 роки тому

    About that Hex+Wrathful Smite combo, remember that the frightened creature already has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls if the source of its fear (you) is within line of sight. This gives the creature disadvantage on the wisdom check to end the condition, too.

  • @Xubose
    @Xubose 3 роки тому

    That mounted fighter riding sentinel moon druid is saucy!!

  • @binolombardi
    @binolombardi 5 років тому +3

    Sentinel is good for a rogue, specially a battle master dip with riposte. Sentinel works with well with mirror image too.
    Mirror image takes away the ability to precisely choose the target of an attack. If the enemy rolls your image, the image isn’t you so you get to use sentinel.

    • @M0ebius
      @M0ebius 5 років тому

      Mirror Image + Sentinel is legit, but Riposte doesn’t really interact with Sentinel.

    • @binolombardi
      @binolombardi 5 років тому +3

      Another niche build I’ve made is rogue scout with a dip in fighter battle master and cross bow expert. This could be a versatile build but in particular I use the net in conjunction with a hand crossbow. The feat takes away disadvantage when throwing the net at close range. The net then restrains what it hits. Advantage is attained by the rest of the party, at least for one round. Also since using your action to cast the net on the enemy is used with one hand, you can attack as a bonus action with your hand crossbow. Your hand is now free to reload as well. Superiority die can be used to boost accuracy of the net, frighten the enemy to give disadvantage on the strength check, or trip a target that might be fleeing or flying. This is the only way I have found to try to utilize the net in a marginally effective way.
      Crossbow expert and the net synergies well with the rogue since it gives a bonus attack. The net works well with the rogue because it’s damage relies on sneak die and not the extra attack feature that nets ruin.

    • @binolombardi
      @binolombardi 5 років тому +1

      It doesn’t interact, but it does give the enemy a reason to hesitate on attacking you.
      If the enemy is next to you and chooses to attack you and hits, you can reaction half the damage.
      If the enemy is next to you and attacks you and misses, you can strike them as a reaction perhaps getting sneak die on a different turn and a d8 superiority.
      If the enemy is next to you and attempts to attack anything, including open air, a familiar, an ally, you get a sentinel reaction attack.
      The strength of the build comes from the fact that although this is a lot of different reactions, they are all mutually exclusive and cannot overlap one another. Maximize the chance for you to use your reaction.

    • @binolombardi
      @binolombardi 5 років тому

      Another build. 14 dex Mastermind 3 for the awesome change to help action. Divine sorcerer for sanctuary. Medium armor master feat for a shield and breastplate for 19 ac. Pick up aid spell and inspiring leader. Cast aid beginning of the day, stacks with inspiring leader, cast invisibility on self as action, use help action as bonus. Next round use action to help and cast sanctuary on self as bonus. 3rd round use both action and bonus action to help. All from range. Can sub invisibility for haste on ally higher levels. Subtle spell, quicken, or extend work well as metamagic for the aid buff.

    • @M0ebius
      @M0ebius 5 років тому

      Bobby Baker I get it, it’s just not a combo. But I agree, Riposte is a very strong maneuver on a Rogue, especially if you start Fighter 1 for shield proficiency and Defense fighting style to really pump that AC.

  • @smile-tl9in
    @smile-tl9in 5 років тому +3

    we only have one 8th level spell slot, so if we cast simulacrum, it is used, which meand our copy do not have the 8th level slot to use simulacrum on us. They can cast the wish tough, and they have a copy of our stuff, which means our staves, wich means free retributive strike.

    • @timeforsuchaword
      @timeforsuchaword 5 років тому +2

      simulacrum is a 7th level spell, which a pure caster has 2 of at level 20, but they could just copy the original caster after a long rest instead of themselves. Simulacrum does not copy equipment and the wish spell can only make non-magical items up to 25,000 gp in value.

    • @aethon0563
      @aethon0563 5 років тому +2

      A simulacrum can't recharge spell slots.

    • @timeforsuchaword
      @timeforsuchaword 5 років тому

      @@aethon0563 The wizard takes the rest before the simulacrum copies the wizard.

    • @LordMorin
      @LordMorin 5 років тому

      @@timeforsuchaword Whether using the Simulacrum spell or the Wish spell, the spell is used before the Simulacrum actually comes into existance. So which ever slot(s) were used, the Simulacrum would not have access to them. IMO

    • @timeforsuchaword
      @timeforsuchaword 5 років тому

      ​@@LordMorin The idea is that the simulacrum makes a copy of the wizard, who took a rest and now has full spell slots, instead of a copy of itself.

  • @kapnkerf2532
    @kapnkerf2532 3 роки тому

    Also, Order domain cleric Voice of Authority can give rouge another sneak attack. It's like a buddy cop film. The straight-laced detective pairing up with the guy on the wrong side of the law to fight crime.

  • @chadbrochill19
    @chadbrochill19 4 роки тому +1

    Rogue + sentinel feat nets you a sneak attack. Many people seem to overlook this interaction.

  • @alejandrogomezdelmoralguer3502
    @alejandrogomezdelmoralguer3502 3 роки тому

    Thread necromancy! Just one note: wrathful smite doesn’t need hex as long as the smiter is within line of sight. The frightened condition imposes disadvantage on checks all by itself.

  • @philosopherhobbs
    @philosopherhobbs 4 роки тому

    Nice, I really like this kind of video. If you think of other combos, please make another vid. Unique class combinations would be great too. I've been theory-crafting a 3 or 6 level Barbarian: Bear Totem Warrior with a 14 or so level Druid of the spores. It's a bit MAD but resistance to basically every damage + lots of temp HP, Animate Dead works with Rage, and creating immobile-undead at the front lines seems like it might work.

  • @legithopecrew
    @legithopecrew 5 років тому +9

    The simulacrum loop hasn't been changed by errata or rulings but in adventure league it isn't allowed.
    The most recent errata does remove the ability to use disintegrate with polymorph though you can still use any other spell that does this (power word kill for instance).

    • @jordanflutes
      @jordanflutes 5 років тому +2

      Here are the links for anyone wondering:

    • @Klaital1
      @Klaital1 5 років тому +1

      I can't really see any DM allowing the simulacrum loop though.

    • @legithopecrew
      @legithopecrew 5 років тому

      @@Klaital1 RAW it works, if your Dm doesn't play RAW then so be it. As a career dm id allow it. Simulacrum are expensive and create a presence in the world. Not only that but the rp of creating a bunch of copies of the PC (but brainless and obedient) can be fun too imo.

    • @legithopecrew
      @legithopecrew 5 років тому

      @@jordanflutes thank you!

    • @Klaital1
      @Klaital1 5 років тому

      @@legithopecrew Except they effectively don't cost you anything in the situation he described because you can just have every now and then one of them cast the Wish for 25000 gold which is one of the standard options for Wish, which gives you back cost for 8 simulacrums.

  • @ecmpinho
    @ecmpinho 3 роки тому

    Best combo ever: Hexblade lvl 2 / Abjurer lvl x
    Armor of Agathys + Darkness | Devil's Sight | Reppeling Blast + Arcane Ward
    (with a whip + shield)
    - At first round, Hexblade's Curse as bonus action, Darkness as action, move against the mob like a crazy barbarian (from now on, you receive a proficiency bonus to dmg, even for each magic missile or eldrich blast cast)
    - To scape Darkness's area, there is a great chance the enemy will force attack of oportunity from you (Whip + Proficiency (Hexblade curse) + your dex (or cha)
    - He attacks you with disadvantage, you'll always attack with advantage
    - If he hits you, arcane ward + armor of agathys will make him suffer, but not you
    - Second round, cast Hex as a bonus action to make it even funnier while you run in the enemy's direction as a crazy psicopath
    - Booming Blade to stop him to run away in close distance if he is running away
    - If he is fast, Eldrich Blast with Repelling Blast to bring him back
    - Cheers

  • @maxim1482
    @maxim1482 5 років тому

    Mirror Image + Sentinel on an Arcane Trickster is amazing, because Mirror Image can trigger Sentinel, and any off-turn attack that a Rogue makes basically doubles their damage for the round from the extra Sneak Attack.

  • @WexMajor82
    @WexMajor82 3 роки тому

    The rogue can also sneak attack someone ho got hit by Dissonant Whisper.
    Since the target would use his reaction to move, it would cause an attack of opportunity from the rogue (and anyone else nearby really).
    That's how we killed someone who we weren't supposed to. surrounded by the party, failed his save, got hit by 4 AOO.

  • @KatanaKamisama
    @KatanaKamisama 4 роки тому

    Thought up a pretty decent combo: Dwarf for Dwarven Fortitude Feat + Warlock Pact of the Chain: Gift of the Ever Living Ones invocation + Periapt of Wound Closure. Feat lets you use a hit die when you take the dodge action, Invocation sets your heal to max while your familiar is within 100 ft, and Periapt doubles the value of Hit Die healing. For those times when you're out of health pots, and don't want to die.

  • @chadbrochill19
    @chadbrochill19 4 роки тому +1

    Spirit guardians + sanctuary + dodge action. Saw this combo take out two Elemental Evil strongholds after someone failed some key rolls.

  • @FarothFuin
    @FarothFuin 4 роки тому +1

    1 turn includes 1 reaction, so sneak attack cant be used as reaction if it was used as an action
    Command and riposte are reaction(1 each turn) after your turn in initiative

    • @nastube4052
      @nastube4052 3 роки тому

      You can use sneak attack every turn, not until your next turn. On your turn, and on anyone elses turn you can use sneak attack. Attacking on someone elses turn requires a reaction, usually. Commander's Strike can give the fighter a chance to have the rogue do another sneak attack. They could also get the second sneak attack on an opportunity attack, or sentinel reaction attack. Either way, the best rogue damage maximizes the ability to sneak attack twice instead of once.

  • @ericpeterson8732
    @ericpeterson8732 4 роки тому

    armor of agathys and abjuration wizard arcane ward. cast abjuration spells to replenish your ward so the armor stays on longer and deals the full amount of damage with every blow that hits.

  • @nastube4052
    @nastube4052 3 роки тому

    I mentioned this in another video, but Flaming sphere with spiked growth is extremely deadly. They either stay in the fire, or very slowly walk out taking all the piercing dmg from spikes. Both are ranged spells as well, so it can deal with distant threats. We had hobgoblins raining us with arrows, and used this.. the ones that fled, died, so the others stayed, and burned too much, deciding to flee, and diing as well from the spikes.

  • @godminnette2
    @godminnette2 3 роки тому

    Another great combo: air elemental moon druid, especially with longstrider, stacked with literally any way to increase a creature's size or effective size for grappling, combined with athletics proficiency. You can move your full movement when grappling a medium creature as you are now huge, and drag them through the spike growth you set up before wildshaping. With longstrider, that's 100ft for an air elemental, which is 40d4 damage. You, the air elemental, can stay out of the spike growth while doing this, flying from above.

  • @gyletre675
    @gyletre675 Рік тому +1

    8:41 combine it with plant growth as well, and they will need 16 feet of movement to move a single foot. That means they cannot leave their square unless they have at least 80 feet of movement. xD

    • @gyletre675
      @gyletre675 Рік тому +1

      and 160 if they start their turn while prone

  • @GildedTongues
    @GildedTongues 5 років тому

    That Shapechange + Find Steed combo is absolutely dirty, good catch. I think it works by RAW, but I would probably have to rule that the steed is limited to its own CR in my own games.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  5 років тому

      Yeah, it's a bit of a trick with wording, since the wording of Shapechange clearly wasn't considering share spells. As a DM, I would likely rule the same way you would.

  • @kaiyamazaki1684
    @kaiyamazaki1684 4 роки тому

    If you want a particularly devious combo for a Trickster Cleric, Invoke Duplicity, Disguise Self and Find Familiar are insanely effective as they allow you to assume someone else's form, create an illusion of yourself in disguise and then use your Familiar's senses to remotely control the Illusion from Invoke Duplicity while casting spells through it remotely. It's a combo you can pull off at level 2 that can add layers of strategy to any kind of scenario. Though you'll need Magic Initiate if you're trying to pull this off lol

  • @craigpuckett9662
    @craigpuckett9662 5 років тому +1

    Swashbuckler Rogue lvl 9 Panache with Great Old One Warlock lvl 1 ability Awakened Mind. Awakened Mind gives you access to every language even the languages that a player can’t speak. You now only need to be within 30 feet of anything you are trying to persuade and for it to understand a language.

  • @mclark347
    @mclark347 5 років тому

    Theurgy Wizard choosing the Grave Domain allows you to use Bane and Divine Arcana to both increase the save DC of your spells and also reduce the targets' save rolls, making sure to stick an important spell, and only requires a level 2 character. Or use Divine Arcana *with* Bane itself to give it a better chance of working, then all your subsequent spells also have a better chance of working.

  • @tpete096
    @tpete096 5 років тому +1

    Just about to start a campaign with with a 4th lvl wizard illusionist. The combo I'm super excited for is the combination of the actor feat and disguise self spell. I also took invisibility and minor illusion to aid in the set up (misty step too, but I don't have room for it and invisibility at the same time). What I like the most about this combo is that it's an out of combat combo that can really have a drastic effect on the game. I can't wait to make some authoritative figure turn around come back into the room and change their mind. Edit: The thing I like the most about this is that it takes a sub par feat and spell and makes them potentially really good (we'll see, I haven't tried it yet and it's probably pretty situational but I'll milk it for all it's worth).

    • @KoksikPL
      @KoksikPL 5 років тому

      I have a similar setup on a sorcerer with a subtle spell suggestion on top of that to avoid the "why are you changing mystic mid conversation?" to avoid suspicion with a sneaky use of a spellcasting focus, thus turning it into a Jedi mind trick rather than a spell people would react to.

    • @majorfokker658
      @majorfokker658 5 років тому

      Done this many times with the entertainer background instead of the feat. Sometimes the issue is getting to hear the person speak prior to you trying to act as that person.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  5 років тому

      I did a Great Old One Warlock in a campaign that used that combo.

    • @tpete096
      @tpete096 5 років тому

      @@KoksikPL Yeah it makes more sense on a sorcerer because they use charisma, I just really want to play an illusionist.

    • @normal6483
      @normal6483 4 роки тому

      If you *really* want to make it work, throw in a mundane disguise that you wear under the real one. That way if the illusion fails, it isn't your real identity that faces the consequences!
      I've got a Fiend Tome Warlock with Mask of Many Faces, Actor Feat, Prodigy Feat (for Deception expertise), and Master of Disguise Feat. Also the Charlatan Background.
      I now have advantage on Deception checks to impersonate people, expertise on Deception and the Disguise Kit, can cast Disguise Self at will, can perfectly imitate anyone's voice and handwriting, and I can improve checks with Guidance and Dark One's Own Luck for +1d4 and +1d10. And a mundane disguise lasts all day, so you can blow Dark One's Own Luck on it and then short rest in the morning to get it back at no cost.
      Seriously, the amount of abilities you can put into impersonation is crazy bonkers good, and you can rewrite the gameworld with all this stuff at your disposal.

  • @loganhesse413
    @loganhesse413 5 років тому +3

    Can confirm crusader's mantle + druid + bard will mow down anything.

  • @ChristnThms
    @ChristnThms 5 років тому

    For a class tank build that doesn't already have a good bonus action built in, Shieldmaster is already a valuable feat. Putting two (or more) of these characters side by side can become a very effective "PC wall." Putting these PCs on mounts that are Large (or larger) makes that a significant wall.
    Similar in effect, but with a very different mechanism, putting multiple Ancestral Barbarians next to each other would make a pretty good wall. With the cliché PAM/Sentinel combo, this gets even better.
    Now, because cheese is best served with more cheese... A Sorcerer with the Twinned Spell metamagic casts Enlarge/Reduce on 2 of these "wall" tanks, making them doubly effective. In an indoor setting, this could very well block an entire room for the enemy.

  • @fero_zetta
    @fero_zetta 3 роки тому

    Bag of Holding + Glyph of Warding + Enlarge/Reduce.
    You can now inscribe the Glyphs in a book inside the bag of holding, with this, you'll be able to carry the glyphs without breaking them, allowing you to have, let's say, 10 Enlarge/Reduce ready to activate in secuence once you say: "It's time to Megamorph!". You grow to 1024 times your size. You can grab anything and yeet it out of Earth's orbi when you reach 9th level as an artificer...
    The only drawback is the money (2000gp per object launched into space) and that the reach of any spell in the glyph book is reduced by 5 feet, to account the distance the spell has to cross to reach the exterior of the bag.
    Math Time!:
    Improvised Thrown weapon max range: 60ft.
    Times 1024: 61440ft.
    In meters: 18726.912 meters.
    Divided by 6 (The maximum time it takes to throw something): 3121.152 meters per second.
    In kilometers per second: 3.121152.
    3.12152 km/s is greater than 2.38 km/s... That second number is earth's escape velocity.

  • @nastube4052
    @nastube4052 3 роки тому

    Bane combined with hold person gives all melee attacks as crits. This can be one of the most powerful combos for taking out a single target if your party has some heavy melee. A GW fighter or paladin can really unload a TON of damage in this way.

  • @ryanpeters3812
    @ryanpeters3812 3 роки тому

    I just found this video, but my favorite is Scourge Aasimar and Storm Herald Barbarian. The Radiant Consumption plus Tundra temp hp. You hurt the enemy, and though it hurts your allies, you prevent it (at early levels. Late game this doesn't work). It's good with a Bladesinger or other squishy frontliner.

  • @Briandnlo4
    @Briandnlo4 2 роки тому

    A fun, simple one for low-level play: A one-level dip into Sorcerer gives a Rogue Tides of Chaos as another way to land Sneak Attack.

  • @fpanch0
    @fpanch0 5 років тому +6

    Not really a combo but: using dissonant whisper on an enemy that is in range of three or more allies is amazing

    • @matthewpownall1196
      @matthewpownall1196 5 років тому

      But you could combo it with booming blade on the enemy who is forced to move. This also works with spike growth and command works with booming blade in this regard as well.

    • @TheMinions25
      @TheMinions25 5 років тому +1

      Matthew Pownall Keep in mind Booming Blade will not trigger until the creature moves of their own will. Dissonant Whispers won't cause them to take damage when the move from the spell, but if they turn to run or run back into the fight on their turn they take the thunder damage.

    • @NathanRoseDesign
      @NathanRoseDesign 5 років тому +1

      @TheMinions25 thats not true. What they mean by not moving on you free will is not getting pushed around with things like repelling blast or the push action.
      Dissonant wispers and other frighten effects are considered free will, becouse they are running themselves (they don't choose the fleeing, but they DO decide how to put 1 feet in front of the other).

    • @WexMajor82
      @WexMajor82 4 роки тому

      Oneshotted a boss with that.
      Fighter, paladin and rogue in melee with their mounts (paladin, ring of spell storing).
      I cast Dissonant whisper, he gets 3 mount's attacks, 1 standard attack, one smite, one backstab. Oh, also the psychic damage.
      Boss fell on the first round, the mooks ran away at the display.

  • @davecorriveau4057
    @davecorriveau4057 2 роки тому

    A classic: Spiritual Weapon with Toll the Dead. At low-level, it's gold!

  • @victim8u
    @victim8u 5 років тому

    Hound of Ill Omen and ANY save is an obvious one. I also really like Sorlock subtly casting hex to debuff a particular contested roll. Smite cheese with multi attack and either offhand attack or polearm master. My recent favorite has been elf/half elf gloomstalker and elven accuracy with any multi attack/crossbow/sharpshooter nonsense; stand in darkness and roll 3 dice per each attack etc.

  • @willjcus
    @willjcus 2 роки тому

    Hexblade Warlock wielding a Glaive for a 10ft reach. Have the feat polearm master to trigger opportunity attacks when an enemy gets within 10ft of you and have the war caster feat to turn that O/A into an eldritch blast with repelling blast to knock them back 10, 20, 30 feet or more. Or you could end it with a booming blade, hitting them at 10ft range. If they only have a 5ft melee range booming blade gets them again either in DMG or movement.
    I've been searching for a build that does this but I haven't found one. I do this on my warlock but wanted to see others takes on it too.

  • @herrkrabbe148
    @herrkrabbe148 3 роки тому

    12:52 Further way to make this combo better: if the battle master throws a net as an attack, now the target is restrained. and since commander's strike isn't an attack but rather that you forgoe an attack, you can still use it after throwing a net, which means that the rogue gets sneak attack from advantage.

  • @ryanbritt4459
    @ryanbritt4459 3 роки тому +1

    Ray of frost sickening radiance equals death to all in six turns

  • @LordMorin
    @LordMorin 5 років тому

    Simulacrum / Wish combo
    I believe that the duplicate is created of you (if you are the target) as you are at the time of the casting. In which case, the duplicate would not have any spell casting slots you have already used (including the slot to cast Simulacrum and/or Wish.
    This is the way I see it and the ruling have used the 1 time it has come up in my various campaigns to date. It should be noted, that since I started playing/DM'ing D&D in 1981, I have never allowed any player to start with a character above 5th level. :)
    Glyph of Warding & Demiplane
    I ran the Lost LAboratory of Kwalish for an Eberron-based group. The Abjuration Wizard of the party asked for one of the Baubles from Kwalish as his reward from Kwalish. Due to the background I was using for Eberron, Kwalish was happy to be free from his imprisonment in the Power Armor and agreed. The Wizard has been making great use of this combo with this item. He has been spending muck of his extra gold setting up Glyphs of Warding with various spells. In my opinion, my letting him have a Bauble was a mistake, but he wasn't overly misusing it. He had things Like Teleportation Circle pre-prepared. Still it was a great place to use in combo iwth Glyph of Warding.

    • @TreantmonksTemple
      @TreantmonksTemple  5 років тому

      With the Simulacrum combo, the idea is the wizard uses a 7th level slot to create the Simulacrum (which is now missing a 7th level slot), then it uses an 8th level slot to create another Simulacrum of the Wizard (who still has the 8th level slot) then repeat. Doesn't work if the Wizard uses wish for the Simulacrum.

  • @ThirtytwoJ
    @ThirtytwoJ 2 місяці тому

    Mold earth for a hole under the enemy, flaming sphere dropped on top. Works best with a nice boar.

  • @darkblade190
    @darkblade190 4 роки тому

    Warlock/Cleric using spirit guardians and Grasp of Hadar and Lance of Lethargy to proc spirit guardians multiple times per round and wreck their movement. Enemies take spirit guardian damage first time they enter the space, and when they start their turn there. Their turn, they start in the circle of pain, take damage. On your turn you run away so they are no longer in spirit guardians, then grasp of hadar them into it, pulling them 10ft (and reducing their movement) making them take damage again, and halving their speed.