Islam 102

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @katiemcdonald3562
    @katiemcdonald3562 Рік тому +2

    You are right! I’ve been waiting❤

  • @Kayak764
    @Kayak764 Рік тому +1

    Even though I have to back it up and listen again every once in a while to absorb the info, I love learning about this subject because I will know what the heck is going on now when people are talking about Sunnis and Shiites. And do I even need to capitalize these I don't know??

  • @nmkzf
    @nmkzf Рік тому

    Prophet Mohamad had three sons but they died in their early first ~5 year of age I Kasem , Abdullah & Ibrahim.
    Qasim ibn Muhammad: He was the first son of Prophet Muhammad from his first wife, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid. Qasim died at a young age, before the Prophet received his prophethood.
    Abdullah ibn Muhammad: Also known as "Tahir" or "Tayyib," Abdullah was the second son of Prophet Muhammad and Khadijah. Unfortunately, he also passed away in infancy.
    Ibrahim ibn Muhammad: Ibrahim was the third son of Prophet Muhammad, but he was born to his later wife, Maria al-Qibtiyya. He survived for a short period before he died in infancy as well.

  • @kameranomiro7411
    @kameranomiro7411 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much Julie for your courage and enthusiasm for learning and pursuing knowledge and wisdom regardless of where you grasp it.
    Being a Muslim myself, I closely followed the discussion and I agree with most of the points you raised. However, I would like to address a couple of things.
    Firstly, Islam is a comprehensive religion that cannot be reduced to just its legal and sociopolitical aspects. The theological, spiritual, intellectual, and philosophical dimensions of Islam are equally important and constitute its core essence.
    Secondly, with regard to inheritance shares between men and women, it is important to conduct further research as the issue is not as simple as it seems. While in one case a man may be entitled to twice the share of his sister, there are over thirty cases where a woman's share is actually greater than that of a man.
    Thirdly, it is imperative to note that neither the Quran nor the prophetic traditions permit the physical abuse of women under any circumstances. In fact, such actions are considered a violation of Allah's commands. Additionally, when referring to the fourth chapter of the Quran, it is crucial not to interpret the word "hit" literally, as in Arabic it often means separation or divorce. This is evident in other verses of the Quran where the word "hit" is used to refer to separation rather than physical abuse.
    Finally, It is worth noting that the youngest wife of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon Him) was nineteen years old. The narrative claiming that the age of marriage is nine years old is completely false and lacks authenticity according to historical and academic investigations. It is only Wahhabism and extremists who encourage such an interpretation for sake of their sexual desires and narrow understanding of humanistic dimensions of religion. For those who have access to Arabic sources, there are numerous arguments that rebuke the idea of a nine-year-old marriage, as it goes against the principles of the religion and the Quran.
    Best regards

  • @kameranomiro7411
    @kameranomiro7411 Рік тому

    “I love learning”. This is the most precious slogan one may make.
    For better understanding the core essence of Islam and its spiritual, intellectual, tradition and future discussions I suggest reading the following books written by Sayyed Hossein Nasr:
    1. The Heart of Islam
    2. The Garden of Truth
    3. Islamic Art and Spirituality

  • @kameranomiro7411
    @kameranomiro7411 Рік тому

    “Learning is cool”.

  • @ahmadeltahan1167
    @ahmadeltahan1167 6 місяців тому

    we need Islam 103 please.

  • @vinay33310
    @vinay33310 Рік тому +1

    such a beautiful and intelligent girl

  • @Numya_Numa
    @Numya_Numa Рік тому +2

    17:32 also i dont think conquered is the right word, he traveled to madina because the people who didnt believe in the prophet (peace be upon him) treated him badly and to the point where they killed some of the prophets (peace me upon him) companions (may allah be pleased with them), so the prophet (peace be upon him) traveled to madina to live there more peacfuly, and the people of madina welcomed him wholeheartedly (you can look the welcoming nashid they said when the prophet arrived titled "Welcoming Song for Prophet Muhammad(pbuh))"...they were happy.

  • @Numya_Numa
    @Numya_Numa Рік тому

    25:40 we dont need equality, because equality just makes standards and a base line, but islam gives equity, every one gets their fair share

    • @Numya_Numa
      @Numya_Numa Рік тому

      for example, you give a mom with 2 children 200$ in spending, and you have a mom with 6 children, equality would give them both 200$, but equity would give is diffrent, it would mean the 2nd mom would get 600$ since she has more children (sorry if i dont get the point across clearly)

    • @scotttovey
      @scotttovey Рік тому

      You should not use the word equity because people have decided that equity means something other than what it actually means.
      It is better to say; Any fool knows that a mother with 6 mouths to feed needs more food than a mother with 2 mouths to feed.
      It's about both truth and practical reality which many religionists, regardless of the religion, refuse to acknowledge and comprehend. In so doing they fail to do the one thing that most religions command us to do; have love and compassion on those in need.

    • @Numya_Numa
      @Numya_Numa Рік тому

      @@scotttovey 🤓☝

  • @Numya_Numa
    @Numya_Numa Рік тому +1

    Great video!! but i have something to add
    i am a muslim so let me tell you something, there is no such thing as sunni muslim and shia' muslim, you can read the whole quran and not find a single word about being two types of muslim. a muslim is a person who abides by the quran and hadiths , and abide by allahs rules and respects the prophet(peace be upon him) and his all of his companions

  • @nmkzf
    @nmkzf Рік тому

    Many miss information of Islam, Mohamad has never conquered Madia (Yethrib).
    Has not established a Khalifate.
    What you called Khalifet were merely Family rules: Omayad, Abbasi, Othmani, Saudi are not Islamic way of rulers it is a family governed geography state. Othmanis never claimed to be a Khlifet they are called Sultanate.
    ISIS is US made (Officially acknowledged by Clinton, Trump) to initiate Civil wars in any regime that oppose US hegemony.
    Correction Iran was a majority Islamic "sunni state" that majority had recently,in the 16th century, converted to shia Islam, it still has some ~17% 13 Millions (out of 85M) Shia Muslims of various ethnicity.

  • @vmasing1965
    @vmasing1965 Рік тому

    "Shady parts" of New Testament? O rly? Care to elaborate?
    Also, bringing out inequality between men and women as a reason for radicalism? Really? This is simply ridiculous...
    Yes, the jihad is praised throughout the Qur'an, while New Testament is the direct opposite. Jesus says to Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane to put away his sword because _who draws the sword will die by the sword._ That's pacifism, not holy war.
    Qur'an describes in great detail how hard it was for the poor Mohammed to personally chop off the heads of all the adult males in the Jewish tribe he had conquered. He was offered help but he heroically executed more than hundred men all by himself. He spent entire day doing that and it says he was really tired by the end.
    Every believer, as we know, is strongly advised to follow his example.
    THAT is the reason why there's so much "radicalism" in Islam. It's a miracle there isn't more, actually. You don't need any historical grievances, the foundational text defines the religion. Obviously.
    People in the western cultures are always trying to outdo each other in whitewashing and excusing Islam. Meaning, telling yourself and others nice convenient lies about it. And, it's all the same song and dance here also. Culture of liars and cowards, it will not end well for us...

  • @Numya_Numa
    @Numya_Numa Рік тому

    21:51 also the flag says "la elaha ella allah"(there is no god exept for allah) "muhammad rasol allah" (muhammad is his messenger)
    and not "allah'hu akbar"(allah is the greatest)