Ive read your book keeping the brain in mind chapter 7 is the best chapter ive read in my life, of any book, life changing ^.^ anyway i am reading" no bad parts " a book on ifc by phd shwartz ... ive heard you on other videos saying, you dont believe theres little people inside a machine pressing buttons and levers ..... how come? It seems very logical to me , everything i am reading ? Best of regards ^.^ i consider you my teacher
Sounds great.
Ive read your book keeping the brain in mind chapter 7 is the best chapter ive read in my life, of any book, life changing ^.^ anyway i am reading" no bad parts " a book on ifc by phd shwartz ... ive heard you on other videos saying, you dont believe theres little people inside a machine pressing buttons and levers ..... how come? It seems very logical to me , everything i am reading ? Best of regards ^.^ i consider you my teacher
Benjamin libet's work on free wont's was written in 1999, ...... 25 years later does it still stand true?
Oh, I loved that fuckin' promo.
I'm signed up! But can't seem to find any recent details...schedule? Still 1-6pm EST both days? Logins/join links? Looking forward to the learning!
Yep. You’ll be getting an email with the zoom link and the recordings after. 1:00-6:00 EST both daze :)