As I am buddhist I follow Buddha's teaching it's a way of life we don't believe in creator We don't believe in books We ourselves must walk the path do good ignore evil universe will take good care of you. Namo Buddha may you achieve buddhahood 📿🙏
Westerner wants clear cut definition of everything that is how their culture is. Everything should be certain in Western culture as far as religion is culture. There is God there will be messager there will be message in the form of book there will be a definite day for church there will be a priest etc. Eastern tradition is totally different.... This world is momentary and changing so these certainty does not matter.
I'm not an expert on Buddhism, but i have read quite a bit about it, as I find it to be a fascinating and beautiful religion/ philosophy. I think the problem here is that the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) have a very specific structure, which dictates how people within those religions conceptualize the world and their beliefs. Buddhism has a very different way of thinking and conceptualizing, and when one tries to understand Buddhism through the framework used by the Abrahamic religions, a lot gets lost in translation. in Abrahamic religions (and of course I'll be generalizing here), there is a deity who exists outside of time and space, and who is perfect is every way. this deity is an individual, with a personality, desires etc. Everything within time and space, including humans, is made by this deity for a particular purpose, and this deity rewards or punishes people based on whether they fulfill a very specific set of requirements he (and I use the word "he" because all three religions insist that their god is male) has for them (for example, you must go to church every week, or wear a particular garment, or perform a certain ritual). These requirements are usually communicated through a book (the bible, the Quran, the torah), which is believed to be the literal word of that deity. These religions also believe that people have "souls" which exist independently of their bodies, and that when they die, their soul will live on, either in a perfect place "eg heavan" or in a terrible place (hell). the Abrahamic religions are also faith based, in that they view faith as a virtue, and doubt as a sin. Buddhism on the other hand doesn't make any attempt to understand who created the universe, if any one did at all. it doesn't care why the universe exists, nor does it make attempts at understanding how it came to be. Buddhism sees this line of enquiry as a distraction from what is actually important, which is achieving nirvana, or a 'god state'. Nirvana doesn't mean that people can become deities like the Abrahamic god, with the ability to control and influence the physical realm. Rather Buddhism views the 'god state' as a state of complete peace and satisfaction, completely free of want, need and desire, which all contribute towards suffering. It is a state of enlightenment. The buddha isn't a god in the same way the Abrahamic Yahweh/ Allah is. He was a man who achieved enlightenment and sought to teach others how to do the same. Buddhism isn't faith based, or at least, not in the way Abrahamic religions are. followers are encouraged to question the buddhas teachings. they are encouraged to explore and experiment, to see for themselves whether the teachings work or don't. Jesse keeps trying to force Rev. Gyokei to explain Buddhism in Abrahamic terms. that's why this interview isn't working.
The fat smiling Buddha is Budai, a 10th century Chinese Buddhist monk. The Buddha who created Buddhism, is Siddhartha Gautama. He is the Buddha Buddhist are referring to when they say Buddha.
Over the years, I’ve met numerous Christians who rejected the authority, inspiration, and reliability of the Bible (mostly younger progressives). At the same time, I’ve met numerous Christians who idolized the Bible, making it the fourth member of the Trinity, a few millimeters above the Holy Spirit (mostly older fundamentalists). In reaction to this second group, some have jealously sought to protect the uniqueness of Jesus and distance themselves from bibliolatry by saying things like “Jesus is the Word of God and the Bible is not.” But is this statement true? And is such a notion necessary to debunk the idolization of Scripture? The Bible itself answers this question. Paul wrote that the Scriptures are God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). And according to Jesus, from Genesis all the way to the genuine leather, they reveal, glorify, and present Christ (John 5:39. Jesus: A Theography takes a deep dive into how this works). Jesus is God’s autobiography in human flesh. The Bible is God’s autobiography in written form. For this reason, from the earliest days of our faith, Jesus-followers have called Scripture the written Word of God while calling Jesus the living Word of God. Because Scripture is God breathed, the words of God are recorded therein. Thus the Scriptures have been called “God’s Word,” even by the biblical authors themselves. Some examples: Jesus Himself called the Scriptures “the Word of God” in Mark 7:13. If you read the context, in verses 6 - 12, Jesus quotes the Old Testament. And He calls those Old Testament quotes “the Word of God.” Jesus also used the phrase “the Word of God” to refer to the gospel that He preached, namely, the gospel of the kingdom (Luke 8:11, 21). In John 10:34-35, Jesus connects “the Word of God” with Scripture. Throughout the book of Acts, after Jesus ascended, “the Word of God” is spoken by humans, heard by humans, received by humans, and spread by humans. In Acts, the phrase “the Word of God“ mainly refers to the gospel of the kingdom, which is recorded in Scripture (Acts 4:31; 6:2, 7; 8:14; 13:5, 7, 46; 18:11). Paul spoke the Word of God to people and some received it (1 Thessalonians 2:13). The writer of Hebrews speaks about the elementary teachings of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 6:1). He then speaks of “the Word of God,” distinguishing it from the Holy Spirit (6:4). The Old Testament prophets use the phrase “Word of God” (1 Samuel 9:27; 1 Kings 12:22, etc.) many times to refer to a word that God has spoken (“the word of the Lord came to me”) and those words are recorded in Scripture. Therefore, it is NOT an error to say that the Scriptures are God’s Word because Jesus and the apostles did so. Of course, it IS an error to idolize the Bible and have it replace a living relationship with Christ. It’s also an error to say that the ONLY way God speaks to us is through the Bible. But every great Christian, past and present, who believed Scripture to be God’s Word also believed in a living relationship with Christ. And none of them worshipped the Bible. Again, the Scriptures themselves testify that they are God’s Word. Jesus is the INCARNATION of the Word of God, who has “come” to do God’s will as it is “written in the volume [scroll] of the Book” (Hebrews 10:7). Beyond all this, a simple exercise in logic - a word that has its origins in logos - tells us that the Scriptures are God’s Word. Jesus is called “the Word of God” throughout Scripture. ALL Scripture - every bit of it according to Jesus Himself - points to Him. Therefore, if Jesus is the Word and all Scripture reveals, displays, testifies, and witnesses to Jesus, then ergo, it’s not erroneous to say that the Scriptures contain, convey, and embody God’s Word. When God speaks, it’s Christ. And when God breathes, it’s Christ. That’s why all that the Father and the Spirit utter is Christ. Hence, the Scriptures are God’s Word
No, there is not a "God" above Buddha in Buddhist cosmology. Buddhists view the creator God like gnostics do, that he is a false god and corrupt, Buddha is above the creator God, which in an indic context would be Brahma, not the same as Jesus, but the closest approximation in dharmic terms.
As much as I want to talk to my dead family members, I've watched enough horror movies to know that they might not be your loved ones you're talking to.
Buddhism doesn't believe in God or Creator. God or Creator or Savior concept is rejected in Buddhism. I think the Japanese monk is just trying to be modest without directly rejecting that interviewer concept. The problem I see here is that, that interviewer is just ignorant about Buddhism or so much stuck with his God concept which is obstructing him to look at a different ideology in their own way.
Spiritual understanding with out Christ and the scriptures is a train wreck ! This brother is fun to listen you and seems like a kool brother...but wow his logic is all over the place. We must be born again !!
@@kirenfox6959 in order for your statement to be correct you would 1st have to know what I am talking about. Are you an educated person ? And even if you aren't I'm sure books got you this far ...and you prolly read from one today .... You speak as if you created yourself. Christ died for your flaws stop trying to create your own God ...your gonna die lost in your sins. CHRIST loves you more than you know ❤
@@kirenfox6959 Nope!! Wrong interpitation Kiren 🙈 Christ died for you because of what your earthly father Adam has done in you ....which was NO fault of Christ! Its like a parent that choses to live a horrible rebellious life style that sadly messed up their child in the process. But how great is it when that child is offered a better life under better parents ? That same child can now forget that pass life and grow with teaching and time to learn how to overcome the damaged caused by their previous parent . Your earthly father Adam, like that bad parent, has cursed your nature with good and evil which is also known as the nature of sin. So it is for that reason that Christ (long before the creation of man) saw the fall of man and made a decision to died for him ...why? 1st because the wages of sin is death and only the gift of God offers eternal life and 2nd ..because of His unconditional love towards us ❤......but the delemia Kiren.... is that your Adam like soul is getting in the way of true spiritual change . Your soul like everyon else's soul was cursed with the ability to do both good and evil at any given momment , which ultimately means are just not good enough to reach God God has to reach down for you!!! Christ came to save you so that you could have a second chance at reciving a new life which is a far better life than the one your earthly father Adam has left behind for you. Christ came to wash your soul free from the nature of Adam ....but just like a bar of soap ..... it will only work if you use it. Imperfect and self-righteous attempts at trying to wash our own souls will always leave behind a nasty stinch in the nostrils of a perfect God ....still by our own imperfect standards we continuously try and try 🤦 Kiren .....only a perfect Christ can wash your soul free from what Adam has caused in you. So choose Christ before its too late !! ❤🙏🏼 Isaiah 64:6 We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities are like the wind that takes us away.
@@kirenfox6959 Kiren I'm not sure what you mean by" why use symbolism"? In terms of stopping Adam from disobeying....🤔 To stop Adam would have meant stopping him from using his freewill. I'm a parent and I teach my kids to avoid disobedience all the time. I even warn them of the consequences just as God did for Adam.....but they still disobey .....why? Because they have freewill their not robots. So do I just go around stopping them everytime they want to do disobey ? Of course not ! That would be insane. I want them to obey because they want to . Freewill is one of our most important traits as human beings but unfortunately thanks to sin it has also become one of our worst. Try reading the lesson Christ taught about the Prodigal Son:, Luke 15: 11- 32 I would like to know your thoughts thoughts that ?
@@kirenfox6959 That would be true for us because we don't have the power to offer eternal life!.... Which means our understanding of life and freewill is limited to our 3lb brains. But if you are God and you tell your offspring not to do a,b, or c...because it will Kill You !!! ...and yet they decide to do it anyway then what is God to do? Before my children were born... I knew they were gonna be disobedient towards me.....but did that stop me from having them and loving them ? Of course not!!! I would rather have an imperfect freewilled child over a perfectly preprogramed one any day!! What you should be looking at Kiren is the love that God shows toward you inspite of your rebellion towards His principles. God still offers eternal life to us today inspite of our arrogant disrespectful ways toward Him ...which is truly the essence of what perfect love really is. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
@@kirenfox6959 So your logic is suggesting that God should just go around blocking humanity from doing wrong ? Or at least block the big sins but permit the small ones ? Wouldn't that be injustice? The size of the sin doesn't matter...sin is stil sin in the eyes of a perfect God. You and I sin naturally without even trying....yet God still allows you another chance to get it right by Him ... but you choose to exercise your freewill in rejection to that ! As far as miracles go and doctors saving lives..... those same sinful lives that the sinful doctors are saving will still face death in the end right ?? ... Why? .... because of a sin cursed nature !! . Now you know and I know that both sin and death suck right ?? !!! Anyone in their right mind would admit that it sucks!!! Well so does God which is why He sent Christ to offer us another chance beyond the grave which is the greatest miracle that the best doctors on earth could not offer ! This is why Christian doctors (who also save lives by the way ) have recognised the call to except salvation for their soul. So why would you make a blanket statement about offeneding doctors with God ?? That's very shallow of you to say to be honest. It seems you not only under estimate the power and principle of freewill you also under estimate the power and principles of what true love is.
@@chrissy1310 I might be in wrong, my friend, misidentifying It with Tao... As far as I know, it's like a simultaneous orgasm with your lover; you experience it but cannot express it with words.
@@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 that statement only means; *explanation of a thing is merely observation aka opinion regarding the thing being explained.* This means *facts aren't reality but instead; what people believe about reality.* Most people believe "facts are reality" because they can't see the difference between "belief" and *reality* aka *truth.* These same "people" claim; "truth is just a personal belief and facts are objective(useless intellectual term that means unquestionably true)."
@@linyenchin6773 Now, dare not to deny the existence of an objective truth beyond your limited perception, we as gregarious animals need a consensus on perception of reality or face chaos... Oh, wait... We're there. Besides, it took me a lifetime to be able to articulate that first sentence, and it wouldn't be possible without my lover.. she's the shrine of my heart.
@@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 truth is truth, only women and intellectuals(aka women in the bodies of men) "need" to "validate" truth as being its true self via worthless preface of useless terms like "objective," sane people know the only real meaning of the word objective is to serve as synonym for desire. *Your desire is your objective* and it is always subject to change for intent is mercurial flow of desire that defines all our relations~expressions.
@@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 we are not animals, our form is animal life. We are not that life but that which experiences that life, no; not the mind for mind is also mere experience~life, we are the spirit within that animal life. We are not our bodies~minds, only NPC push such superficial or depthless notions for they are devoid of true discernment, which is why they are mere intellectuals; script(ure) pushers.
Either he is being Humble or he is still in confusion about Buddhism perspective about creator "GOD". Because, most of zen Buddhism doesn't emphasize in philosophy there might be confusion . He said that it is like merging from me to God , that would be a Adwetya Vedantic philosophy of Hinduism not Buddhism.
Christianity is a personal state and direction of character progression. You confuse abusive control schemes of yo mama vanity as Christianity, it's ok; most "people" do the same.
@@linyenchin6773 - "Christianity is a personal state." Christianity is the "direction of character progression." First, everything is a personal state. Second, Christianity isn't a video game.
I think he did his best to translate the themes and meanings in bhuddism to answer Jesse's questions, as well as be mindful of cultural sensitivities.
Very cool to learn about other cultures and religions. Great conversation Jesse, thanks.
As I am buddhist I follow Buddha's teaching it's a way of life we don't believe in creator We don't believe in books We ourselves must walk the path do good ignore evil universe will take good care of you. Namo Buddha may you achieve buddhahood 📿🙏
The buddhadharma is beautiful, as are honest practitioners of Jesus dharma also.
That japanese dude be looking hella good wtf
“Be looking” isn’t even the way you say it, you idiots butcher this term every time you try and make a funny.
@@user-op2bh7rc9z "make a funny"
Was that intentional irony?
Congrats ok 300k subs !
I like this one!! You can’t compare the two but then again you can ! It’s so complex it’s interesting to listen too
One word. AMAZING
Westerner wants clear cut definition of everything that is how their culture is.
Everything should be certain in Western culture as far as religion is culture. There is God there will be messager there will be message in the form of book there will be a definite day for church there will be a priest etc.
Eastern tradition is totally different.... This world is momentary and changing so these certainty does not matter.
I'm not an expert on Buddhism, but i have read quite a bit about it, as I find it to be a fascinating and beautiful religion/ philosophy. I think the problem here is that the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) have a very specific structure, which dictates how people within those religions conceptualize the world and their beliefs. Buddhism has a very different way of thinking and conceptualizing, and when one tries to understand Buddhism through the framework used by the Abrahamic religions, a lot gets lost in translation.
in Abrahamic religions (and of course I'll be generalizing here), there is a deity who exists outside of time and space, and who is perfect is every way. this deity is an individual, with a personality, desires etc. Everything within time and space, including humans, is made by this deity for a particular purpose, and this deity rewards or punishes people based on whether they fulfill a very specific set of requirements he (and I use the word "he" because all three religions insist that their god is male) has for them (for example, you must go to church every week, or wear a particular garment, or perform a certain ritual). These requirements are usually communicated through a book (the bible, the Quran, the torah), which is believed to be the literal word of that deity. These religions also believe that people have "souls" which exist independently of their bodies, and that when they die, their soul will live on, either in a perfect place "eg heavan" or in a terrible place (hell). the Abrahamic religions are also faith based, in that they view faith as a virtue, and doubt as a sin.
Buddhism on the other hand doesn't make any attempt to understand who created the universe, if any one did at all. it doesn't care why the universe exists, nor does it make attempts at understanding how it came to be. Buddhism sees this line of enquiry as a distraction from what is actually important, which is achieving nirvana, or a 'god state'. Nirvana doesn't mean that people can become deities like the Abrahamic god, with the ability to control and influence the physical realm. Rather Buddhism views the 'god state' as a state of complete peace and satisfaction, completely free of want, need and desire, which all contribute towards suffering. It is a state of enlightenment. The buddha isn't a god in the same way the Abrahamic Yahweh/ Allah is. He was a man who achieved enlightenment and sought to teach others how to do the same. Buddhism isn't faith based, or at least, not in the way Abrahamic religions are. followers are encouraged to question the buddhas teachings. they are encouraged to explore and experiment, to see for themselves whether the teachings work or don't.
Jesse keeps trying to force Rev. Gyokei to explain Buddhism in Abrahamic terms. that's why this interview isn't working.
Did he teach Jesse how to throw the Kamehameha wave or the hadoken?
jesse should interview brad warner for a westerner's take on zen
What is a westerner take on zen?
@@joaquinms8600 check out Alan watts
The interviewer is so fixated on this idea of "GOD" it's pretty irritating, it's not the point......
The fat smiling Buddha is Budai, a 10th century Chinese Buddhist monk. The Buddha who created Buddhism, is Siddhartha Gautama. He is the Buddha Buddhist are referring to when they say Buddha.
Talking to the dead is easy as the dead habitually never talk over you.
Great conversation, Jesse. I wish the monk would have those answers more clear in his head in order to express them in a more concrete way.
Interesting , thank you
Jesse lee Peterson, you are phenomenal. Never change.
He seems like a nice person but he's still a BETA! You'll see. Watch the full video.
What's a beta?
@@elfword733 weak male
@@carloscastillo839 Ah ok, thanks!
Buddhists aren't concerned with the Western Alpha ideal. He has no need to embrace that concept.
When he said God is Truth, he was spot on.
He literally said the truth, yet doesn't believe in it. He was spot on, but sadly blinded.
Good video
Over the years, I’ve met numerous Christians who rejected the authority, inspiration, and reliability of the Bible (mostly younger progressives).
At the same time, I’ve met numerous Christians who idolized the Bible, making it the fourth member of the Trinity, a few millimeters above the Holy Spirit (mostly older fundamentalists).
In reaction to this second group, some have jealously sought to protect the uniqueness of Jesus and distance themselves from bibliolatry by saying things like “Jesus is the Word of God and the Bible is not.”
But is this statement true? And is such a notion necessary to debunk the idolization of Scripture?
The Bible itself answers this question.
Paul wrote that the Scriptures are God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). And according to Jesus, from Genesis all the way to the genuine leather, they reveal, glorify, and present Christ (John 5:39. Jesus: A Theography takes a deep dive into how this works).
Jesus is God’s autobiography in human flesh. The Bible is God’s autobiography in written form.
For this reason, from the earliest days of our faith, Jesus-followers have called Scripture the written Word of God while calling Jesus the living Word of God.
Because Scripture is God breathed, the words of God are recorded therein. Thus the Scriptures have been called “God’s Word,” even by the biblical authors themselves.
Some examples:
Jesus Himself called the Scriptures “the Word of God” in Mark 7:13.
If you read the context, in verses 6 - 12, Jesus quotes the Old Testament. And He calls those Old Testament quotes “the Word of God.”
Jesus also used the phrase “the Word of God” to refer to the gospel that He preached, namely, the gospel of the kingdom (Luke 8:11, 21).
In John 10:34-35, Jesus connects “the Word of God” with Scripture.
Throughout the book of Acts, after Jesus ascended, “the Word of God” is spoken by humans, heard by humans, received by humans, and spread by humans.
In Acts, the phrase “the Word of God“ mainly refers to the gospel of the kingdom, which is recorded in Scripture (Acts 4:31; 6:2, 7; 8:14; 13:5, 7, 46; 18:11).
Paul spoke the Word of God to people and some received it (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
The writer of Hebrews speaks about the elementary teachings of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 6:1). He then speaks of “the Word of God,” distinguishing it from the Holy Spirit (6:4).
The Old Testament prophets use the phrase “Word of God” (1 Samuel 9:27; 1 Kings 12:22, etc.) many times to refer to a word that God has spoken (“the word of the Lord came to me”) and those words are recorded in Scripture.
Therefore, it is NOT an error to say that the Scriptures are God’s Word because Jesus and the apostles did so.
Of course, it IS an error to idolize the Bible and have it replace a living relationship with Christ. It’s also an error to say that the ONLY way God speaks to us is through the Bible.
But every great Christian, past and present, who believed Scripture to be God’s Word also believed in a living relationship with Christ. And none of them worshipped the Bible.
Again, the Scriptures themselves testify that they are God’s Word.
Jesus is the INCARNATION of the Word of God, who has “come” to do God’s will as it is “written in the volume [scroll] of the Book” (Hebrews 10:7).
Beyond all this, a simple exercise in logic - a word that has its origins in logos - tells us that the Scriptures are God’s Word.
Jesus is called “the Word of God” throughout Scripture. ALL Scripture - every bit of it according to Jesus Himself - points to Him. Therefore, if Jesus is the Word and all Scripture reveals, displays, testifies, and witnesses to Jesus, then ergo, it’s not erroneous to say that the Scriptures contain, convey, and embody God’s Word.
When God speaks, it’s Christ. And when God breathes, it’s Christ. That’s why all that the Father and the Spirit utter is Christ. Hence, the Scriptures are God’s Word
No, there is not a "God" above Buddha in Buddhist cosmology. Buddhists view the creator God like gnostics do, that he is a false god and corrupt, Buddha is above the creator God, which in an indic context would be Brahma, not the same as Jesus, but the closest approximation in dharmic terms.
As much as I want to talk to my dead family members, I've watched enough horror movies to know that they might not be your loved ones you're talking to.
Buddhism doesn't believe in God or Creator. God or Creator or Savior concept is rejected in Buddhism. I think the Japanese monk is just trying to be modest without directly rejecting that interviewer concept. The problem I see here is that, that interviewer is just ignorant about Buddhism or so much stuck with his God concept which is obstructing him to look at a different ideology in their own way.
When I think of JLP, I think Buddhist!
This guest is Japanese, making him a son of Giant Robots 🤖
Gundam is in his Shinto kaizen that leads to perpetually rising zenkai...
I prefer zeon 😂
@@TexBC brother of Zatch Bell?
@@TexBC oh! The Principality of Zeon Zum Daikun, father of Casval Rem Daikun aka Char Aznable The Red Comet.
His drill is his soul?
He sounds like Lo Pan from "Big Trouble in Little China".... 80's movie lol
One of the GOAT movies.
Spiritual understanding with out Christ and the scriptures is a train wreck !
This brother is fun to listen you and seems like a kool brother...but wow his logic is all over the place. We must be born again !!
@@kirenfox6959 in order for your statement to be correct you would 1st have to know what I am talking about.
Are you an educated person ? And even if you aren't I'm sure books got you this far ...and you prolly read from one today .... You speak as if you created yourself. Christ died for your flaws stop trying to create your own God ...your gonna die lost in your sins. CHRIST loves you more than you know ❤
Nope!! Wrong interpitation Kiren 🙈
Christ died for you because of what your earthly father Adam has done in you ....which was NO fault of Christ!
Its like a parent that choses to live a horrible rebellious life style that sadly messed up their child in the process.
But how great is it when that child is offered a better life under better parents ? That same child can now forget that pass life and grow with teaching and time to learn how to overcome the damaged caused by their previous parent .
Your earthly father Adam, like that bad parent, has cursed your nature with good and evil which is also known as the nature of sin. So it is for that reason that Christ (long before the creation of man) saw the fall of man and made a decision to died for him ...why? 1st because the wages of sin is death and only the gift of God offers eternal life and 2nd ..because of His unconditional love towards us ❤......but the delemia Kiren.... is that your Adam like soul is getting in the way of true spiritual change . Your soul like everyon else's soul was cursed with the ability to do both good and evil at any given momment , which ultimately means are just not good enough to reach God God has to reach down for you!!!
Christ came to save you so that you could have a second chance at reciving a new life which is a far better life than the one your earthly father Adam has left behind for you.
Christ came to wash your soul free from the nature of Adam ....but just like a bar of soap ..... it will only work if you use it.
Imperfect and self-righteous attempts at trying to wash our own souls will always leave behind a nasty stinch in the nostrils of a perfect God ....still by our own imperfect standards we continuously try and try 🤦
Kiren .....only a perfect Christ can wash your soul free from what Adam has caused in you.
So choose Christ before its too late !! ❤🙏🏼
Isaiah 64:6
We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities are like the wind that takes us away.
Kiren I'm not sure what you mean by" why use symbolism"?
In terms of stopping Adam from disobeying....🤔 To stop Adam would have meant stopping him from using his freewill. I'm a parent and I teach my kids to avoid disobedience all the time. I even warn them of the consequences just as God did for Adam.....but they still disobey .....why? Because they have freewill their not robots.
So do I just go around stopping them everytime they want to do disobey ? Of course not ! That would be insane. I want them to obey because they want to .
Freewill is one of our most important traits as human beings but unfortunately thanks to sin it has also become one of our worst.
Try reading the lesson Christ taught about the Prodigal Son:,
Luke 15: 11- 32
I would like to know your thoughts thoughts that ?
That would be true for us because we don't have the power to offer eternal life!.... Which means our understanding of life and freewill is limited to our 3lb brains.
But if you are God and you tell your offspring not to do a,b, or c...because it will Kill You !!! ...and yet they decide to do it anyway then what is God to do? Before my children were born... I knew they were gonna be disobedient towards me.....but did that stop me from having them and loving them ? Of course not!!! I would rather have an imperfect freewilled child over a perfectly preprogramed one any day!!
What you should be looking at Kiren is the love that God shows toward you inspite of your rebellion towards His principles. God still offers eternal life to us today inspite of our arrogant disrespectful ways toward Him ...which is truly the essence of what perfect love really is.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
So your logic is suggesting that God should just go around blocking humanity from doing wrong ? Or at least block the big sins but permit the small ones ? Wouldn't that be injustice? The size of the sin doesn't matter...sin is stil sin in the eyes of a perfect God. You and I sin naturally without even trying....yet God still allows you another chance to get it right by Him ... but you choose to exercise your freewill in rejection to that !
As far as miracles go and doctors saving lives..... those same sinful lives that the sinful doctors are saving will still face death in the end right ?? ... Why? .... because of a sin cursed nature !! . Now you know and I know that both sin and death suck right ?? !!! Anyone in their right mind would admit that it sucks!!! Well so does God which is why He sent Christ to offer us another chance beyond the grave which is the greatest miracle that the best doctors on earth could not offer ! This is why Christian doctors (who also save lives by the way ) have recognised the call to except salvation for their soul. So why would you make a blanket statement about offeneding doctors with God ?? That's very shallow of you to say to be honest.
It seems you not only under estimate the power and principle of freewill you also under estimate the power and principles of what true love is.
If you can explain it, then it isn't anymore.
@@chrissy1310 I might be in wrong, my friend, misidentifying It with Tao... As far as I know, it's like a simultaneous orgasm with your lover; you experience it but cannot express it with words.
@@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 that statement only means; *explanation of a thing is merely observation aka opinion regarding the thing being explained.*
This means *facts aren't reality but instead; what people believe about reality.* Most people believe "facts are reality" because they can't see the difference between "belief" and *reality* aka *truth.* These same "people" claim; "truth is just a personal belief and facts are objective(useless intellectual term that means unquestionably true)."
@@linyenchin6773 Now, dare not to deny the existence of an objective truth beyond your limited perception, we as gregarious animals need a consensus on perception of reality or face chaos... Oh, wait... We're there.
Besides, it took me a lifetime to be able to articulate that first sentence, and it wouldn't be possible without my lover.. she's the shrine of my heart.
@@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 truth is truth, only women and intellectuals(aka women in the bodies of men) "need" to "validate" truth as being its true self via worthless preface of useless terms like "objective," sane people know the only real meaning of the word objective is to serve as synonym for desire.
*Your desire is your objective* and it is always subject to change for intent is mercurial flow of desire that defines all our relations~expressions.
@@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 we are not animals, our form is animal life. We are not that life but that which experiences that life, no; not the mind for mind is also mere experience~life, we are the spirit within that animal life.
We are not our bodies~minds, only NPC push such superficial or depthless notions for they are devoid of true discernment, which is why they are mere intellectuals; script(ure) pushers.
Either he is being Humble or he is still in confusion about Buddhism perspective about creator "GOD". Because, most of zen Buddhism doesn't emphasize in philosophy there might be confusion . He said that it is like merging from me to God , that would be a Adwetya Vedantic philosophy of Hinduism not Buddhism.
Industry plant I see 👀 🤔 😏 u
Yawn .....😴
He doesn't sound confident about this religion and I know why but I'll keep it to myself
Please, share with the class.
Hes trying to lay out the cultural elements as found in japan.
Why?? God??
Jesse is making up his relegion he is not Christian
Christianity is a personal state and direction of character progression.
You confuse abusive control schemes of yo mama vanity as Christianity, it's ok; most "people" do the same.
@@linyenchin6773 To be a Christian you must recognize the Holy Trinity
and the Christ is God.
Jesse has denied both.
@@Georgios1821 Jesse recognizes all three. God, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Are you new here?
No such thing as a Christianity, just followers of Christ aka Disciples of Christ
@@linyenchin6773 - "Christianity is a personal state."
Christianity is the "direction of character progression."
First, everything is a personal state. Second, Christianity isn't a video game.