I heard the acoustic Northern Lights and the Faroe National Anthem then I heard By The Light Of The Northern Star and went home and binged Týr starting with this song.... fun fact this song is also done by a woman and her son...I love her song Lifeblood.
My first Tyr song. It helped me overcome my depression from dropping in law school back in 2010. Now, I'm on my 3rd of being a lawyer. Thank you, Tyr. Thank you glittering heath!
First ever Tyr song when I was a toddler my dad would open Myspace & this song would play & I'd run across the house begging him to let it play "Play the Viking song Daddy!!" Still one of my favorites it really helped calm me down when I'm having anxiety. I just grab some hot tea & sit & relax while listening. Tyr you've been a huge part of my musical life
Will you now listen Whilst I will sing. About the rich kings That I will now speak of Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath Hundings sons at war, They did damage there Poison was in the sword, They carried against me Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath Fafnir is the name of the dragon That lies on the Glittering Heath Regin is a good blacksmith, To few is he faithful Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He was on the fields of play, Rages amongst men He tears up large oak trunks, He maims some to Hell Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath On the eastern side under the mound Where heroes grow in numbers Dark is this sad day Down in mould to go Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath A man stepped forward upon the field No one knew him He had a wide hat on his head, And a Finnish bow in his hand Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath A man stepped forward upon the field Raging with his sword He had one eye And trouser legs were buttoned Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath The dragon has slithered of the gold, It is rumoured widely Sigfried seats himself on Greyfells back, He prepares himself to ride Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
Such a good song and band - Well produced and well written viking metal with a progressive element (time signature changes) and beautiful vocal harmonies - on top of that from a small country of Faroe Islands and the Faroe language.
Still an exceptional song after all these years and it's never gonna change. Super catchy melody, the folk vibe that I could use more in folk metal. No idea wtf they're singing about but I'm sure I love it, great bop.
Keep the old customs alive, I say. Remember where and what you came from. I'm Irish, and I study and learn about Old Irish history and culture so that I can understand and respect my ancestors and their beliefs. Gaelic and Norse culture are the two most interesting to me, and are hugely underrated in how advanced they were for being regarded as "barbarian" cultures.
Irish and Norse had different languages, but culturally they were very similar. Today, I think that Irish folk music is the last echo of the old tradition that used to be common for the whole of northern Europe.
What I admire most about Vikings, is they take their freedom. They don't expect it to be granted to them!! These guys, TYR exemplify this persona. Gets me fired up for war for freedom!!
The Eric the Red album’s probably celebrating its 20th anniversary this year (2023)! MY GOD!!!!! 🤘🎸🗡️ 2003: First being released 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008: 5th Anniversary 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013: 10th Anniversary 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018: 15th Anniversary 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023: 20th Anniversary
Love every album Tyr has released. One of my favorite bands. It is a true shame that the music cannot be enjoyed without the arguements. Seier eller død as some of my ancestors might say.
It's got everything to do with our ancestry and its preservation in both genetic and cultural form, which this music is all about. If you don't like it, then piss off to rootless mystery meat New York, niðing.
@@swevixeh lol you stupid fzucks has no idea that the vikings also sttled together with muslim people of north africa and had mixed-raced kids. shit how stupid can someone be, educate yourself you spinless fuck
People seem to think that this song is about how Sigurd/Siegfried slew the evil dragon Fafnir. But in reality this is a song about carrying gold off the moor. There's an older variant of this song written down in Randers 1822 that is 132 verses long and telling the full story.
The beginning flute-like guitar and drums and drone music is cosmic! It made all the hair on my body stand up, like electricity or the threat of imminent war.
not enough room to give you the exact lyrics but it is about a few different things like the title Regin the blacksmith and Sigfried the man who slew Fafnir the dragon under the world tree it gets really deep into lore not many people understand
seeing and listening to tyr videos and music make me wish i was in midevial times. look at how my body is built im like built to be a barbarian or a viking i just wish times were still like this sometimes
It's quite impossible to understand, but when you read the lyrics you can see this language is not that far from english. Gold, heat, wrath... very similar words with different pronounce.
Viljið tær nú lýða á Meðan eg man kvøða Um teir ríku kongarnar Sum eg vil nú um røða Grani bar gullið av heiði Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði Sjúrður vá á orminum Grani bar gullið av heiði Hundings synir í randargný Teir skaðan gørdu har Eitur var í svørinum Teir bóru móti mær Grani bar gullið av heiði Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði Sjúrður vá á orminum Grani bar gullið av heiði Fávnir eitur ormurin Á Glitrarheiði liggur Regin er ein góður smiður Fáum er hann dyggur Grani bar gullið av heiði Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði Sjúrður vá á orminum Grani bar gullið av heiði Hann var sær á leikvøllum Imillum manna herjar Rívur upp eikikelvi stór Hann lemjir summar til heljar Grani bar gullið av heiði Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði Sjúrður vá á orminum Grani bar gullið av heiði Eystantil undri heyginum Ið dreingir eyka tal Dimmur er hesin dapri dagur Niður í mold at fara Grani bar gullið av heiði Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði Sjúrður vá á orminum Grani bar gullið av heiði Har kom maður á vøllin fram Eingin ið hann kendi Síðan hatt á høvdi bar Og finskan boga í hendi Grani bar gullið av heiði Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði Sjúrður vá á orminum Grani bar gullið av heiði Har kom maður á vøllin fram Hann vá við eggjateini Eyga hevði hann eitt í heysi Knept var brók at beini Grani bar gullið av heiði Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði Sjúrður vá á orminum Grani bar gullið av heiði Ormurin er skriðin av gullinum Tað man frættast víða Sjúrður setist á Granar bak Hann býr seg til at ríða Grani bar gullið av heiði Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði Sjúrður vá á orminum Grani bar gullið av heiði.
Being magyar I can´t really voice an opinion on the norse language discussion going on here. Alas, I don´t even want to. What I want to do is endorse this epic song. I remember watching Tyr perform live at W:O:A 2010 on one of the smallest stages they had there, spending all of the concert standing beside a dude from Iceland who, I shit you not, was at least 2,10m. A blueprint Berserker if there ever was one. SKOL, to Tyr, to Iceland, to european and nordic heritage!
This is Vikings and Slavs Festival in Wolin one of the biggest in the world, Poland. Near actuall site of Viking settelment of Jomsborg. www.jomsborg-vineta.com/ Sadly no english version.
Faroe Software I'm pretty sure Faroe islands are still in Europe tough, and wesleyfilms was talking about europe not EU. Also though this song is Faroese and sung in your language it was made by Swedish band (EU member) and pictures are taken in Poland (also EU member).
I don't underdstand anything word within this song, but I can feel this power. I think about Lagertha when I am listening this song. Powerful vikings song? I am sory for my abstract think
Will you now listen whilst I will sing. About the rich kings that I will now speak of Greyfell carried the gold from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold from the heath Hundings sons at war they did damage there Poison was in the sword they carried against me Fafnir is the name of the dragon that lies on the Glittering Heath Regin is a good blacksmith to few is he faithfull He was on fields of play rages amongst men Tears up large oak trunks he maims some to Hel On the easten side under the mound where heroes grow in numbers Dark is this sad day down in the mould to go A man stepped forward upon the field Noone knew him He had a wide hat on his head and a Finnish bow in his hand A man stepped forward upon the field raging with his sword He had one eye and his trouser legs were buttoned The dragon has slithered of the gold it is rumoured widely Sigfried seats himself on Greyfells back he prepares himself to ride Greyfell carried the gold from the heath He swung his sword in wrath Sigfried defeated the dragon Greyfell carried the gold from the heath
My ancestors are from Daneland, Götaland, and the Netherlands. My entire family consists of large people, both height and girth, except for me :( I am the only one that is under 200 lbs, and unable to grow a full beard... DAMNIT ALL!
I am the high priest of a mixed coven here on the west coast of canada. We have worshipper's of Odin and Balder and Frigg and they love the fact i have found music the truly calls out to their souls.
The ancient Norse still speak through their Saga's to those whom still refuse to let the AEsir died in the hearts and minds of their desendants no matter how much the blood has thinned over the ages. Proud Pagan
this language is called faroese and is spoken on the faroe islands, and yes it is hard to learn if you arent from germany or island which is closest i can think of any other language
The only thing savage about vikings is how they fought. The Romans called them savages in the same way that SJW''s call all white people racist, just a way to unite the people against a common enemy
Klára Vozáriková So one day, the members of Tyr went "Hey, let's make a typical rock album and conquer America! What do you mean, we're supposed to be a viking band?"
The vid was turned at the Viking Festival of Wolin/Jomsborg,in Poland, where i've been many times. Last summer, i went there again, and guess what song i was listening to on my MP3 ?...haha Tyr of course ;)
If I may interrupt the nonsense, I would just like to comment that the Faroe Islands certainly produces some fantastic talent. I'm a huge fan of Eivor Palsdottir, but she gets little to no exposure in the US. Unbelievable talent and beauty. Maybe the reincarnation of Freyor! Sorry, but I am also American who appreciates the music of the Faroese.
+Geir Broden well there are a lot of people -mainly political left winger- who think as long as you wear a hammer round your neck or are interested in Vikings you are automatically right wing or even racist. Unfortunately some nazis like to wear stuff like a thorhammer, so it's sometimes a hard fight to tell those people you're not racist 😓
What i meant with that statement was that most people today use that word to refer someone who lived at that time. Its alot more easier to say that than to say "Ancient Scandinavians". I know who Leif Eriksson was, he is mostly famous for being an explorer and sea-farer. Vikings were the sea raiders/pirates who went on a raid/conquest in foreign lands at that time. Most sources say that.
Because Sweden actively practiced eugenics until deep in the seventies. That's why their women are so hot. They looked at Hitler and thought 'hey we can do better than that'.
I like how you write this Emokid, i must say you have much knowledge. I wish to say what you to, but it has already been said. By you. ;) Måtte du hä ðn bra dag! =) Cheers from Norway. Hail Odin!
What the fuck? Why are there so many comments about race and "preservation"? Like just enjoy the fucking music and go elsewhere if you want to voice your opinions!
@cilibinarii for the umpteenth time today, Viking means to raid, thus when they are not raiding, they are called Danes, or Norse, or Sverige, depending upon origin.
This was my first ever TYR song and still one of my favorites!
Battle of Wolin - Slavonics vs Nords (but in baltic sea is not mattert)
I heard the acoustic Northern Lights and the Faroe National Anthem then I heard By The Light Of The Northern Star and went home and binged Týr starting with this song.... fun fact this song is also done by a woman and her son...I love her song Lifeblood.
The last good Tyr video
Same here!
I found them on Spotify for 10-12 years ago. It was for 10 year old me a very magic experience!
My first Tyr song. It helped me overcome my depression from dropping in law school back in 2010. Now, I'm on my 3rd of being a lawyer. Thank you, Tyr. Thank you glittering heath!
Strength bro! Whats the Norse god of justice?
@@user-ng9gd4vl9s Tyr!
@@noelallenbose972 i thought tyr was War? Sounds about right though
@@user-ng9gd4vl9s also war. Forseti is also a god of justice. Some Norse gods tend to overlap roles.
@@noelallenbose972 aye multi tasking 😆
First ever Tyr song when I was a toddler my dad would open Myspace & this song would play & I'd run across the house begging him to let it play "Play the Viking song Daddy!!"
Still one of my favorites it really helped calm me down when I'm having anxiety. I just grab some hot tea & sit & relax while listening. Tyr you've been a huge part of my musical life
Why didn't I have a dad like that? My dad played Steely Dan and Madonna
@@Tom_Quixotei feel the same my dad it doesn't even listen Madonna at least lol
i got gosebumps just by listening to the intro guitar solo
I got goosebumps listening to this again since all the way from my childhood
Your skin probably melted when the song got going.
I know mine did.
Will you now listen
Whilst I will sing.
About the rich kings
That I will now speak of
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
Hundings sons at war,
They did damage there
Poison was in the sword,
They carried against me
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
Fafnir is the name of the dragon
That lies on the Glittering Heath
Regin is a good blacksmith,
To few is he faithful
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He was on the fields of play,
Rages amongst men
He tears up large oak trunks,
He maims some to Hell
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
On the eastern side under the mound
Where heroes grow in numbers
Dark is this sad day
Down in mould to go
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
A man stepped forward upon the field
No one knew him
He had a wide hat on his head,
And a Finnish bow in his hand
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
A man stepped forward upon the field
Raging with his sword
He had one eye
And trouser legs were buttoned
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
The dragon has slithered of the gold,
It is rumoured widely
Sigfried seats himself on Greyfells back,
He prepares himself to ride
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold away from the heath
This must of took many minutes! I Respect you
Such a good song and band - Well produced and well written viking metal with a progressive element (time signature changes) and beautiful vocal harmonies - on top of that from a small country of Faroe Islands and the Faroe language.
Still an exceptional song after all these years and it's never gonna change. Super catchy melody, the folk vibe that I could use more in folk metal. No idea wtf they're singing about but I'm sure I love it, great bop.
Try googling " Regin Smidur" + lyrics. Its about a guy named Regin Smidur and his gold.
Here's what they're singing about ua-cam.com/video/Owano-xXxjA/v-deo.htmlfeature=shared
This song is so awesome. I've heard it a million times and I'll here it a million more and it will never get old!
1000 000 × 6.09= 6090000min=101500h=4229days= 11,5years. Lie!!!
Keep the old customs alive, I say. Remember where and what you came from. I'm Irish, and I study and learn about Old Irish history and culture so that I can understand and respect my ancestors and their beliefs. Gaelic and Norse culture are the two most interesting to me, and are hugely underrated in how advanced they were for being regarded as "barbarian" cultures.
Faroe islanders have gelic and celtic dna in ther blood
Irish and Norse had different languages, but culturally they were very similar. Today, I think that Irish folk music is the last echo of the old tradition that used to be common for the whole of northern Europe.
What I admire most about Vikings, is they take their freedom. They don't expect it to be granted to them!!
These guys, TYR exemplify this persona.
Gets me fired up for war for freedom!!
They paid the iron price.
You're listening to ᛏᚢᚱ performing their song ᚱᛁᚴᛁᚾ:ᛋᛘᛁᚦᚢᚱ which is a metalized version of Sigurdskvadet. Enjoy! :3
Been over ten years since i heard this, love it
I totally love this group, I could listen to them all day everyday even though I don't understand a lot of their songs
The Eric the Red album’s probably celebrating its 20th anniversary this year (2023)! MY GOD!!!!! 🤘🎸🗡️
2003: First being released
2008: 5th Anniversary
2013: 10th Anniversary
2018: 15th Anniversary
2023: 20th Anniversary
Saw them last night in NYC. They played this song. The backing vocals gave me the chills and the instruments were so tight! Awesome.
Love every album Tyr has released. One of my favorite bands. It is a true shame that the music cannot be enjoyed without the arguements.
Seier eller død as some of my ancestors might say.
this is the most hospitable conversation i have ever seen on youtube, ever. clear vikings bring out the best in us.
Come on chaps, this is all about Siegried killng Fafnir the dragon. Isn't that good enough for you? I mean, a dragon! How many of those do you see?
as an American I assumed Europe was infested with dragons and Benny Hills.
vaping Otter
Dragons, yes of course. Benny Hills? I thought we gave all of those to you. Don't tell me you sent some back.
+vaping Otter America is infested with thouswands of kfc's and the fattest people i've ever seen.
+donepearce St George killed dragons too, haha
he dosnt need a song hahah
First time I've heard this song and I think the video makes it perfect, the song itself is amazing but I love the editing on this old sepia video lol
Viking music, ahhhh!
Go War!
Let our lives End!!
Let us Live.
The history is beautiful!
I can't wait to see these guys again, hopefully they will get more than a 30 minute set and play some older stuff.
This song makes me grow a beard, long hair and ship me and my friends over the atlantic to Iceland etc.👌👌
this aint iceland
@@mammatin7209 I know that they're from Faroe Islands, but Iceland is my favourite of the nordic Counties
How do you like Solstafir (the band) then?
One of their bests and one of the bests!
very sad that this awesome music has got so many comments about racism and what not, nothing to do with the music
It's got everything to do with our ancestry and its preservation in both genetic and cultural form, which this music is all about.
If you don't like it, then piss off to rootless mystery meat New York, niðing.
Racism is what the men want to be but never have the balls to be.
"Racism" is natural among all living organisms.
@@swevixeh lol you stupid fzucks has no idea that the vikings also sttled together with muslim people of north africa and had mixed-raced kids. shit how stupid can someone be, educate yourself you spinless fuck
@@Jackhand100 lol i bet you got bullied in school pretty hard and you never had friends. racism is just as stupid and ugly as you
4:35 that speed up of tempo give me chills every time. Great song
0:26 token Scandinavian queen/mistress
I bought this album on a whim when it first came out, I wasn't disappointed
Týr ..... Rocks!
One of the best metal songs ever!
I have seen them live ... It was really amazing!
People seem to think that this song is about how Sigurd/Siegfried slew the evil dragon Fafnir. But in reality this is a song about carrying gold off the moor.
There's an older variant of this song written down in Randers 1822 that is 132 verses long and telling the full story.
The beginning flute-like guitar and drums and drone music is cosmic! It made all the hair on my body stand up, like electricity or the threat of imminent war.
7 lat szukałam tej piosenki. Fenomenalna :)
bestes Lied
they are all awesome in live (I saw them two days ago, my neck is dead dude..)
and Tyr was fuckin' awesome =D I love them
Hail from france
This was the first song I heard from Tyr. I remember when my dad used to play it on the TV a lot and that’s how I found out about them.
Never gets old.
not enough room to give you the exact lyrics
but it is about a few different things
like the title Regin the blacksmith
and Sigfried the man who slew Fafnir the dragon under the world tree
it gets really deep into lore not many people understand
Faroese rock music, Ohaa!
I like that you keep thouse Traditional things in Farose Islands .
This song makes me imagine wars and some epic ferocious battles! 🤘🎸🗡️
Your son sounds like the best son a metalhead could hope for. XD
He has +30 respect from me.
seeing and listening to tyr videos and music make me wish i was in midevial times. look at how my body is built im like built to be a barbarian or a viking i just wish times were still like this sometimes
It's quite impossible to understand, but when you read the lyrics you can see this language is not that far from english. Gold, heat, wrath... very similar words with different pronounce.
Yeah that's because its both germanic languages and old Norse (from which Faroese comes from) influenced English a lot during danelaw time
Viljið tær nú lýða á
Meðan eg man kvøða
Um teir ríku kongarnar
Sum eg vil nú um røða
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði
Sjúrður vá á orminum
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Hundings synir í randargný
Teir skaðan gørdu har
Eitur var í svørinum
Teir bóru móti mær
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði
Sjúrður vá á orminum
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Fávnir eitur ormurin
Á Glitrarheiði liggur
Regin er ein góður smiður
Fáum er hann dyggur
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði
Sjúrður vá á orminum
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Hann var sær á leikvøllum
Imillum manna herjar
Rívur upp eikikelvi stór
Hann lemjir summar til heljar
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði
Sjúrður vá á orminum
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Eystantil undri heyginum
Ið dreingir eyka tal
Dimmur er hesin dapri dagur
Niður í mold at fara
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði
Sjúrður vá á orminum
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Har kom maður á vøllin fram
Eingin ið hann kendi
Síðan hatt á høvdi bar
Og finskan boga í hendi
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði
Sjúrður vá á orminum
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Har kom maður á vøllin fram
Hann vá við eggjateini
Eyga hevði hann eitt í heysi
Knept var brók at beini
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði
Sjúrður vá á orminum
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Ormurin er skriðin av gullinum
Tað man frættast víða
Sjúrður setist á Granar bak
Hann býr seg til at ríða
Grani bar gullið av heiði
Brá hann sinum brandi av reiði
Sjúrður vá á orminum
Grani bar gullið av heiði.
Love this song, shut up to all the people trying to bring race into everything. Just go away and let people enjoy metal.
thank you for this im sick of reading stupid commens about religion and stuff
Then don't look at the comments moron. Take your own advice and go away from the comment section.
Enjoy your "non-contextual" metal, porn and drugs and block out reality the way you thralls usually do. The freeborn will never adapt to you, kräk.
That was a beautiful way to put it.
Hail and respect from a Norwegian. Well, I'm American, but by blood I'm Norwegian!
That guitar solo is still monstrous
Being magyar I can´t really voice an opinion on the norse language discussion going on here. Alas, I don´t even want to. What I want to do is endorse this epic song. I remember watching Tyr perform live at W:O:A 2010 on one of the smallest stages they had there, spending all of the concert standing beside a dude from Iceland who, I shit you not, was at least 2,10m. A blueprint Berserker if there ever was one. SKOL, to Tyr, to Iceland, to european and nordic heritage!
Europe has the best LARPs/re enactments, hands down.
This is Vikings and Slavs Festival in Wolin one of the biggest in the world, Poland. Near actuall site of Viking settelment of Jomsborg. www.jomsborg-vineta.com/ Sadly no english version.
Hello :p
We are not a real part of EU!
Faroe Software I'm pretty sure Faroe islands are still in Europe tough, and wesleyfilms was talking about europe not EU. Also though this song is Faroese and sung in your language it was made by Swedish band (EU member) and pictures are taken in Poland (also EU member).
WolfKenneth Faroe Islands are not part of the Europe is just lying in the zone we are not part of any regions we are only owned by Denmark
Привет мой 2008. Тогда увлекался Скандинавией, занимался фехтованием на мечах. Но через все это время пронес текст этой песни))
I don't underdstand anything word within this song, but I can feel this power. I think about Lagertha when I am listening this song. Powerful vikings song? I am sory for my abstract think
Hi, you can search this song and translate to your language :). Skåll!!!!
Will you now listen
whilst I will sing.
About the rich kings
that I will now speak of
Greyfell carried the gold from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold from the heath
Hundings sons at war
they did damage there
Poison was in the sword
they carried against me
Fafnir is the name of the dragon
that lies on the Glittering Heath
Regin is a good blacksmith
to few is he faithfull
He was on fields of play
rages amongst men
Tears up large oak trunks
he maims some to Hel
On the easten side under the mound
where heroes grow in numbers
Dark is this sad day
down in the mould to go
A man stepped forward upon the field
Noone knew him
He had a wide hat on his head
and a Finnish bow in his hand
A man stepped forward upon the field
raging with his sword
He had one eye
and his trouser legs were buttoned
The dragon has slithered of the gold
it is rumoured widely
Sigfried seats himself on Greyfells back
he prepares himself to ride
Greyfell carried the gold from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold from the heath
SKÅL hold the horn high!!!
Rob Wentz skol!!!!
Don't miss a chance to see these guys live. Amazing.
My ancestors are from Daneland, Götaland, and the Netherlands. My entire family consists of large people, both height and girth, except for me :( I am the only one that is under 200 lbs, and unable to grow a full beard... DAMNIT ALL!
I wish they'd teach us more about vikings
dude same
ross Wtf. I drew this in Paint
Bob Ross they won’t because they’re scared we would pick our axes up to raid like the ancients
Teach yourself.
I m not a big fan of metal music ( except Metallica and van Halen), but THIS SONG AND VIDEO is a very nice piece of the music.
thaks for the sharing!
3:17 man down by shield i believe
I am the high priest of a mixed coven here on the west coast of canada. We have worshipper's of Odin and Balder and Frigg and they love the fact i have found music the truly calls out to their souls.
I can't understand any single word :) But it's amazing!
На 02:29 Паль Елецкий - организатор "Русборга", самого большого феста по викингам в России
Fantastic video...
Jeg elsker tyr. Især disse dejlige, norrøne sange! Godt gået drenge:)
best song !
shiina [anon] do u even understand Them
The ancient Norse still speak through their Saga's to those whom still refuse to let the AEsir died in the hearts and minds of their desendants no matter how much the blood has thinned over the ages.
Proud Pagan
2:08 Varg Vikernes?
this language is called faroese and is spoken on the faroe islands, and yes it is hard to learn if you arent from germany or island which is closest i can think of any other language
i want to learn more about vikings i, told my teachers and they made fun of me. -.
Liam Culpepper Vikings had the most interesting culture, they were savages but were the very first to find North America
Savages is a term used by people who are scared and ignorant of foreign cultures.
The only thing savage about vikings is how they fought. The Romans called them savages in the same way that SJW''s call all white people racist, just a way to unite the people against a common enemy
Pillage there home's till there's nothing left
@@GrimmsHouseofHorror savage fighters yeah... But very honorable and kind in social situations.
Excellent job! Thank you Faroe Islands!
i want to know these lyrics in english... i know i can easily find them but im WAY too lazy and drunk to hah
Please someone save these old video. I'm sure they could be remastered, audio and video.
Jeg støtte Tyr!
That is actually very well put, respect to you sir.
150 thumbs down? Loki....
5/5 the beginning was so awesome. I wish the whole song was slow and powerful like that.
I love this song and tyr of course..
but last album was big disappointment
Agreed, Eric the Red was the best album they ever did in my opinion, still blast it every week or so.
The Aftermath Leif Erickson's father was Eric the red and Leif Erickson is in my family so that's pretty great
Klára Vozáriková So one day, the members of Tyr went "Hey, let's make a typical rock album and conquer America! What do you mean, we're supposed to be a viking band?"
The vid was turned at the Viking Festival of Wolin/Jomsborg,in Poland, where i've been many times. Last summer, i went there again, and guess what song i was listening to on my MP3 ?...haha Tyr of course ;)
Ахуенная тема - збс зашло! Не понял ни слова, но энергетика что надо
Thanks to this song, I just turned the tides around in a game of Go. I was at the losing end.
5:24 Draw me like one of the french girls.
I can't describe my urge to larp and return to old gods of my ancestors
Tyr er konge!
Is that tyr is king? My Faroese isn't so great.
+Gabe Grothaus It is not Faroese it is Norwegian if I am not mistaking. But yes it means Tyr is king.
@@simunjorgensen3576 tyr is faroese
@@simunjorgensen3576 Also tyr is a the god of war in
If I may interrupt the nonsense, I would just like to comment that the Faroe Islands certainly produces some fantastic talent. I'm a huge fan of Eivor Palsdottir, but she gets little to no exposure in the US. Unbelievable talent and beauty. Maybe the reincarnation of Freyor! Sorry, but I am also American who appreciates the music of the Faroese.
This music video is so bad and I fucking love it
@lonewolfM16 That is true, i think i put it a bit bluntly, i didnt really mean corage, but mire line strength, sorry if i have offended you
the original dovakiin hymn
Awesome sound! Very powerful!!
Am I the only non racist pagan?? I think every culture in our world is great and incredible, why can't all of the other people see this?
+Gabe Grothaus No, you aren't the only one. Here is an other, and I fully agree what you said
No, you're not alone. In fact I think most pagans aren't racist, racists can't be real pagan 😉
I'm glad to hear I am not the only one! :D
Why the heck would u be a racist just cause u are a pagan??
+Geir Broden well there are a lot of people -mainly political left winger- who think as long as you wear a hammer round your neck or are interested in Vikings you are automatically right wing or even racist. Unfortunately some nazis like to wear stuff like a thorhammer, so it's sometimes a hard fight to tell those people you're not racist 😓
What i meant with that statement was that most people today use that word to refer someone who lived at that time. Its alot more easier to say that than to say "Ancient Scandinavians". I know who Leif Eriksson was, he is mostly famous for being an explorer and sea-farer. Vikings were the sea raiders/pirates who went on a raid/conquest in foreign lands at that time. Most sources say that.
well said. also, why are Norse women so hot?
because the Vikings didn't take the ugly ones. they left them for the British.
our ancestors had a more just legal system. modern society choice the politics ridden roman lefal system over our ancestors true democratic lifrstyle
As were mine.
Because Sweden actively practiced eugenics until deep in the seventies. That's why their women are so hot. They looked at Hitler and thought 'hey we can do better than that'.
If you happen to know I'm related to Hervor. Remember her?
I just officially found my childhood
Like 2019
Facundo Luque it’s 2020 now
I have been listing to some of the song's and the only one I think there go over the other is this one it's the best of them all
2017 too!
maybe 2018 too
Yeeeh, 2018
I like how you write this Emokid, i must say you have much knowledge. I wish to say what you to, but it has already been said. By you. ;) Måtte du hä ðn bra dag! =) Cheers from Norway. Hail Odin!
What the fuck? Why are there so many comments about race and "preservation"? Like just enjoy the fucking music and go elsewhere if you want to voice your opinions!
@cilibinarii for the umpteenth time today, Viking means to raid, thus when they are not raiding, they are called Danes, or Norse, or Sverige, depending upon origin.
smite anyone?
is the song in smite?
+Spooky no tyr is aan charachter in smite
oh nice
+Guus Verhaar cool what about the christain jesus? is he in smite? he should bd
smite is only way kids are learning about nordic gods... they should ban smite and tell kids to read books just like people before smite
Eventhough this is not as professional as their newer videos it's great nevertheless! TYR always do an excellent job!