The arcade wins but it is amazing how close the N64 version got with such limited memory. It is an amazing port and a game I am happy to have in my collection. This game has to have one of the best soundtracks ever!
@@jennahaze6835 Looking at the size limitations of the cartridge it is amazing how good the game was. Now a days, arcade game sizes are not much of a deal but back in the day, it was a huge limitation. Basically if you look at the arcade board it basically had a hard drive connected to it. I have the perfect arcade ports of KI and KI 2 on my Xbox One X but I still play and appreciate KI Gold on my N64.
@@LennyQUMFIFmmm....; because the N64 obviously gotta 64 bits and the Playstation 32, but the Playstation use CD, is rare because the Arcade gotta 32 bits too, why the game and the soundtrack is better on arcade? 🤔
I think it is worth noting that KI2 was on a 512MB HDD for 1995 and the N64 version was crammed into 8MB. You have no option but to cut back when faced with such low storage...Just pointing out the obvious. Nintendo never listened when all the developers said they needed CD for more space.
@@aj_gen_ace Also, Z buffering for 2D sprites was greatly affected with the chip manufacturing process. Nintendo realized their mistake too late, and so decided to not fix it.
Correct. When they gave Rareware unlimited power to make ΚΙ arcade, Rareware asked "unlimited" space (hdd). Then nintendo choose to release wimpy n64 with 4/8mb space (just double the snes). No lesson gained. They sell N64 and had storage and censorship problems at day one. And lose from a random gaming company like Sony (huge company but a nobody at gaming back then, all games with their logo were not good).
Both machine was actually very different. The arcade machine was actually quite weak with bad 3d capability. It was pretty much a super scaler with tons of memory (HDD). In the other hand the N64 was a lot more powerful in 3d but had a ridiculously low amount of memory. Same thing happened in the cruisn games.
@@iulianispas8634 it was their problem. Nintendo as always was too greede to pay royalty to Sony/philips. Its funny that because of that they lost not only money, but but lost leadership to Sony.
I never played the Arcade original until after playing the N64 version first. I really like the 3D backgrounds on the N64 but the Arcade does have more details. And there are alot of stuff censored or cut out on N64. Overall, Rare did a fine job of porting the game to N64. I have the entire KI games on my XBox One so I personally prefer to play them on XB1.
Though the arcade's stages were more detailed, the more static camera and lower res, more pixelated, blurrier pre-rendered look compared to the more crisp (but less detailed in both scope and textures) polygonal stages on the N64 with a more dynamic camera made me enjoy the N64's stages more. The character work was close enough (though the N64 was inferior in that regard in both detail and animation by a little bit). The thing that made the N64 version truly special was the number of options and the additional gameplay modes and other extras.
N64 had to compromised on sprite resolution due to the texture cache only being 4KB. You might even notice seams on sprites, and that is because they had to be rendered in pieces if that limit is to be circumvented.
Las opciones extras siempre han sido de consolas, los juegos arcade se hicieron para partidas rápidas y gastar muchas monedas.(No se hicieron para configurar a tu gusto).
I played both back in 2011. You really can't blame the N64 for having hardware limitations. It was barebones, but not a bad port. I like the Arcade version, though. Both are still solid.
Both look pretty good, I don't know why everyone thinks the N64 version's graphics look awful for 1996. However, the arcade wins for the nice jiggle physics during the character select!
Arcade: - Higher resolution sprites due to more memory capacity - More animation frames due to more memory capacity - Pre-rendered video due to more memory capacity N64 - Actual polygon backgrounds at 60fps If the N64 had been CD based, they would most likely have been able to do an arcade perfect port.
Yo nunca entendí como la gente se quejaba de los gráficos de la versión de N64, creo que en aquel tiempo no tenían ni idea del poder gráfico que era necesario para igualar los gráficos prerenderizados del arcade a tiempo real, RARE hizo muy buen trabajo para la época en hacerlos en 3D con tantas limitaciones y lograr que se percibieran muy semejantes.
KI Gold tiene escenarios 3D pero escenarios prácticamente, sin vida sin grandes efectos(sin elementos que en arcade KI 2 si tenían el cual hace agradable a la versión de KI2. Prefiero un juego con fondos llenos de vida prerenderizados que un escenario 3D sin vida.
@@consultorio9304 Yo los veo idénticos en cuanto a elementos y efectos, la única diferencia es que en KI 2 era una película renderizada por CGI y en N64 era gráficos 3D en tiempo real, que desde mi ver eran bastantes buenos para la época en que se creo.
Hands down KI Gold was and still is utter garbage. This was suppose to be the trigger game for the N64. Instead, we got this and a bunch of kiddie games. The only game on N64 worth was Goldeneye.
@@MalebolgiaXXX And conker Bad Fur day, and Mario Kart 64, Glover, F-Zero X, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Star Wars Episode 1: Racer, Turok Trilogy, Super Mario 64, Mario Party 2, Bomberman 64, Legend of Zelda games, Star Fox 64... You know there are a lot more games to mention but there are plenty of games to try you probably haven't heard.
Gold is better. Zooming makes it worth revisiting. Moving real backrounds, lots of extra content, OST even somehow is better on N64. It wins more than it loses. Was 100x closer to arcade than SNES version and that did well too.
Lo curioso del Port de N64 es que sí lo comparamos con el Port de Maze The Dark Age, el cuál tuvo mejores gráficos al estár completamente renderizado en 3D, da mucho de que pensar ya que el Port de Maze The Dark Age fue mucho más fiel al Arcade. Y ésto sólo me hace pensar que el Port de KI2 para la N64 pudo ser mejor.
A versão do N64 era mais legal somente nos cenários como por exemplo a girada de câmera e o zoom in/out, porém na versão Arcade fizeram um ótimo trabalho, acabou ficando mais semelhante ao KI1, fora a censura que também é de boa no Arcade kkkk, toda vez que ouço essa trilha da fase da Orchid me bate uma pura nostalgia dos anos 90, me lembra muito o auge da Euro dance, que de fato estava em alta nessa época rsrs!
You are not the first one to say that. But, KI 2 is better. It’s more about the fact that the combo system wasn’t compatible from one entry to the other. Its like hypothetically jumping from MK1 straight to MK3. Without the progression of MK2 those game are drastically different.
Só uma coisa que quase ninguém vê, a versão Arcade, embora bem melhor graficamente falando, mas não era renderizado com gráficos em 3D em tempo real (os gráficos da versão Arcade parecia mais ou menos na linha dos gráficos filmados de Eternal Champions do Sega CD só que em altíssima definição para a época), já a versão do Nintendo 64 foi renderizado em 3D completamente em tempo real, mas o resultado infelizmente não foi muito satisfatório.
I think the Sega CD game that best fits this would be Bram Stoker's Dracula or Mansion of the Hidden Souls that definitely used some type of advanced graphic, fmv tech to achieve a 3D look. Eternal Champions CD not so much, other than it used CG intros and outros which is something Tekken adopted.
Os gráficos foram renderizados ao estilo do Donkey Kong Country, mas acredito que o do N64 pareça feio porque ele envelheceu mal, usa polígonos e texturas de um console obsoleto.
The arcade version is obviously the winner, but it is still a very good translation. I remember in college everybody would get together and play at the arcade and play at the homes of different people. It was awesome, because the gameplay was perfect on the Nintendo 64, and Killer Instinct is a legendary games series that is one of the best fighting game series ever. Now all of us play on Xbox Live with the Xbox One version of Killer Instinct that is all of our favorite version ever.
Arcade doesn't kill it like part one's comparison holy shit. I know that one was on snes but Goddamn. I was amazed how not so different these two were. The N64 was definitely CLOSE. I applaud them.
I loved playing KI Gold on my 64. The developers of the game did an amazing job considering the limitations of the 64. Even the soundtrack was pretty good on an 8mb cartridge. The fact that it was a launch title (I think it came out 2 months after launch) makes it that much more impressive as we had just come from the SNES.
Vou falar como leigo, a versão do N64 até que se esforça, tem boa profundidade em muitos cenários, efeito zoom 'a lá Neo Geo'', bom controle (o do N64) bacana, mas perde em muitas coisas mais, texturas , temperatura das cores, intensidade das cores, efeitos em geral, cg's de vitória, som piorado, mas eu continuo gostando da versão de 64 pela nostalgia, pois tive um 64 e esse Cartucho, que me rendeu horas de diversão na época
I still remember my dad bought me KI Gold because he didnt know what to buy for me as a gift when he went overseas. I thought this games was a MK clone, boy i was wrong.
I always felt while Killer instinct Gold was a great game and Arcade home port.It was rushed in development. No denying the Arcade had more frames of animation and a lot more detail.Still the N64 was a solid arcade port.It was as close to the arcade you could get. If you look at mortal kombat 3 on snes and genesis those ports were hardly arcade perfect but still not bad ports considering they were both doing stuff they were not really designed for. Still for the time it was rare to see a game this close to the arcade at home.
I wonder if the N64 version could've been better if they had the expansion pak and the 64DD work in conjunction with the cartridge itself. Perhaps it wouldn't be arcade perfect but maybe we could've gotten something more impressive.
The "Ultra 64" arcade board was way more powerful than the actual Nintendo 64 hardware. It's not just about the storage. Ultra 64 had a more powerful processor, more ram, better sound chips etc.
I'd imagine the main limiting factor was the arcade machine (KI 1 and 2) used HDD's. KI 2 is ~512 MB. They had to fit that on a N64 cart, and around launch before the bigger carts were a option (the biggest N64 carts towards the end were 64 MB like RE 2, KI Gold was ~12 MB).
What i dnt understand is why cant some consoles be like the arcade?? What set them apart?? Iv always wonderd how the arcade versions always comes out more clear and better and on consoles is weaker??Playstation and neo geo were more to the arcade then any other my part
A versão do Nintendo 64 é boa, contudo é bem visível a perda de vários detalhes dos cenários e das animações das personagens após as batalhas. E isso aconteceu não porque o console não tinha capacidade, mas sim por causa da mídia utilizada pela Nintendo, ou seja, os cartuchos, pois, se eu não me engano, o cart tinha apenas 64 ou 128 megabits de memória. Dessa forma, se o cart fosse maior (o que encareceria o jogo ainda mais) ou se o Nintendo 64 utilizasse CD's (coisa que deveria ter acontecido), certeza que a versão doméstica seria uma conversão perfeita do Arcade, já que o Nintendo 64 era muito mais poderoso que os concorrentes da geração.
Liked more the arcade version, but missing the camera movement and the TJ Combo stage are my biggest complains, no more throwing your foes in front of a moving train, and the 3d effect that the camera gave looked nice. Anyways, the biggest lost was the voice that announced the combos, M M Monsteeeeeerrrrr combo...cutting a combo short just to hear the correspondent scream was a guilty pleasure
actually the n64 ver. is better I know that lack Of animation but looks sometimes better. the arcade ver. with the prerender background always looks like extremely pixelated especially in jagos and sabrewulf stage and the n64 looks more cleaner and has better audiovisuals and plays better than the arcade
N64 game looks better than I remember in this vid. I think it is actually pretty under rated on the N64. However, I remember hearing plans that it was originally going to be released on the SNES. Slap a Super FX 2 chip in that monster, and it would have been...... Killer........
Show, apesar da perda de quadros no super nes e menos pixels, alguns cenários do SNES parecem ser melhores, gostei do final do vídeo com o ultra. Massa!
Both are great! although each one with its own peculiarities... You enjoy the depth of detail in the Arcade version but also the clarity and cleanliness of the N64. What a time, everything was so great and stupendously original... ❤
Ambas versões são excelentes, mas Arcade sempre sempre imbatível Obs: Arcade já de cara consegue ser melhor quando os peitos da Maya e da Orchid balançam na versão Arcade e ficam estáticos no N64 HUEHAUEHUAHEUHAUEHUAE
I never got into Killer Instinct 2. The original to be was much better overall. The music in the original Arcade version was of CD 💿quality, & the animations seemed smoother. Saying that, with only 8-megabytes (64-megabits) of ROM space the developers did the impossible. Some of the animations were taken out along with all of the FMVs, & the characters are blurry for some reason… but it is impressive. I just wish Nintendo allowed Rare to use at a 32-megabyte (256-megabits) cartridge to really bring the arcade closer to home (64-megabyte would’ve been perfect). & I really wished they had released an N64 version of the original too.
I find it funny how people are pissed because the N64 graphics are not the same as the arcade graphics. I guess young people these days don't know how back in the 90s arcades were multiple thousand dollar custom made giant computers with massive hard drives to store all the data... Of course the N64 had to cut some corners in the presentation. PS1 and SS ports of arcades games (even 2D ones) were also very limited.
I often refer to Killer Instinct Gold as Killer Instinct 2 (same game different name), but some people get a little anal about that. It's an awesome game & I'm proud to have it in my personal Nintendo 64 collection. Also, Gargos is a way better boss than Eyedol in my opinion. The new characters like Maya, Kim Wu & Tusk are awesome as well.
They are very alike ......THATS ODD arcade suppose to be 5x time better possible 10x BUT this time nintendo64 is like making arcade only 1.5x better on KILLER INSTINK 2 hehehe i mean INSTINCT
While the stages are pre-render on Arcade and real time on N64, the gameplay is 1:1, so it's indeed a great port. The characters looks almost as good as the arcade counter part and the soundtrack is perfect on n64. Great port, and I really doubt any 10y old of that era, noticed at home the difference between the stages. People were mislead by magazines of that era, that were 90% concerned about graphics and none about other more important stuff, so they gave a low score to the port, and today, we see a lot of grown ups that remember that info and mistakenly judge the port as a bad port, while it's not. The Snes port lost much more in the translation of KI 1, but still a marvel to be in a 16bit console, and the Gameboy port is very impressive too, considering it's an 8bit portable console with a calculator type of screen.
Arcade but n64 have lots of options like velocity option,turn off guards and add ultimates and even unlomited power i think,the arcade you play and that's it,console even if it's low in graphics add more in gameplay stuff.
People that think the N64 was underpowered compared to the PSX and Saturn are joking themselves none of those systems could have come even close. Also the Arcade was one off hardware designed entirely to run very few games well and it ran off a HDD. Now if the N64 played Hard disks instead of cartridges it would have blown its competition away in every aspect including data capacity, but if you think it was expensive to buy a cartridge just image every game having its own harddisk. Would have been great to see those streaming backgrounds though come home.
it wasn't. n64 blew the competition out of the water. n64 in general looked better then psx. and saturn is never potentialized, sega wanted to develope with the sdk-2 kit wich could run a limited version of vf3 at 700 poligons per minute. just look up shenmue on saturn and you kunda feel that the saturn "could have" smoked the psx,wich wasn't all that great in graphics to start with. more saturn games i'm impressed with then psx games.
arjan snijder I often say Saturn and Playstation exchange blows. Playstation has way better 3D geometry potential than that of the Saturn. Saturn really is on par or better in all other cases as far as I know. So as long as you don't need beyond the systems Maximum number of polygons/triangles it should perform as well or better.
yeah at a point they said the saturn would crush the psx graphic wise, when vf3 was anounced for the saturn. sega devolpment kit2 was pushing over 700 polygons a secons for that scrapped game. if the saturn had lasted 1 more year it would have owned the psx graphically. saturn had it's moments in 3d games, but at the end of 97 devs knew how to work the architecture of the saturn and by beginning of 98 they had kits that could have killed psx with the 3d capabilitys. but the saturn had a way to rough start to gain momentum.
it is,but it could have been diffrent. yet there are still many cases where the sega saturn outshines the psx in the 3d departhment. vf2 and other fighters some games like thunderforce 5,panzer dragoon series. but more cases on psx because "offcourse" it had allot more support. just look up a demo of shenmue on sega saturn and witness how the saturn could have blown psx out of the water,it sadly never came to be due to poor marketing and bernie stolar.
Well the N64 version missing stuff like some animations, endings and due to how they went about the in game stages, the overall look came off more dated or ugly for some.
@@xboxclown8922 animations are missing because of storage, so the scenarios are 3D and not video file. Snes's version is the same way and everyone loves it. I imagine the biggest difference is in the expectation
Es verdad, pero si te das cuenta que para la versión SNES, se trabajo demasiado a pesar de la limitada capacidad de memoria, los mas notorio fue los Finales "Endings", en el snes se trato por hacer lo mejor posible por poner vídeos mientras que en la version GOLD N64 solo pusieron 2 fotos, sin movimiento, como que no trataron de esforzarse mas ahi... N64 tenia capacidad de reproducir vídeos aunque muy bajos, como se mostraron en Resident evil 2 y Starcraft 64...
@@EdgarIX Se gasto un millon de dolares en el desarrollo del port de RE2 a la N64 y salio mucho despues que KI Gold, no es comparable. KI Gold probablemente tenia un cartucho de mucho menos capacidad.
@@dejiko tu lo haz dicho, pero como no es posible haber intentado poner los personajes en movimiento así como fue en la versión SNES?? se supone que el port de N64 tenia ya mas capacidad y tecnología para reproducir dichas secuencias..., también como se muestran en Street Figther II para la snes...
Arcade ganhou! Porém nesta época era comum os ports para consoles serem inferiores, lembran-se do Street Fither e Final Fithg ? Nos Arcades era bem superiores do que nos consoles.. Eu nunca curti KI mas sempre respeitei! Comprei a versão do 64 em 2019 e não se acha essa fita barata! não sei o motivo...o jogo envelheceu mal... mas eita fita cara... A versão do KI 1 do Snes é ótima pelo que me lembro e pelo que vi no yutube. Como jogo não é só gráficos a jogabilidade do N64 é ótima e o som legal também! Canal está de parabéns!
The 2 main differences KI2 Arcade - Has Pre rendered backgrounds that have more going on and are a little better to look at, and the camera is static. KIGold N64 - Backgrounds don't have as much in them, but the camera moves, adding to the action. They are both so close to each other and each has something cool the other doesn't. I would say it's a tie, it boils down to those 2 things. The graphics are so close I don't see a difference. Scratch that, there are Victory Poses in both, but the Arcade is better. Arcade characters move in 3d, but N64 are static and look like those trees in Mario Kart that are flat like cardboard. Arcade wins!
Antes de tudo, parabéns pelo canal. Legal a opinião da galera... Sempre ouvi das pessoas que KI 2 era inferior ao primeiro. Acredito que na época (vivi a época dos dois nos arcades e consoles), o arcade do segundo jogo, era muito recheado de detalhes e isso assustou muitos jogadores. Nem se tinha máquina da 2 em bairros. Já o primeiro, era mais clean e tinha em vários botecos da vida. Isso ajudou a popularizar e familiarizar com a jogabilidade simples. O segundo é mais trabalhado... Estilisticamente mais exagerado. A primeira agradou mais a maioria... Mas eu acho a 2 fodona.
Comparto las mismas ideas de mis compañeros qué antes de mí ya opinaron; Siempre estaré de lado de las Arcades, puesto que aparte de esa gran emoción de adrenalina qué sólo tienen las arcades, su jugabilidad en el panel es incomparable al control de sobremesa, el sonido y los gráficos son aún por mayor a la trasferencia casera.
NINTENDO 64 pudo tener mas memoria si Nintendo sabia que su consola tendría menos memoria que las demas, tal ves se le haya ocurrido hacer un expansion pack pero de memoria, y no de gráficos
Es obio que el Arcade es mucho mejor... pero vamos de todas maneras Nintendo hiso muy buen trabajo en portar al n64 este juegazo tratándolo de hacer casi exactamente igual al arcade.. uno de mis grandes favoritos!!
~Hatsune Ranma~ De hecho el ki fue una probada de lo que iba a ser el N64 antes llamado Ultra64, en mi opinión el uno para snes es impresionante por el hecho de ser una consola de 16bits y la jugabilidad se mantiene igual a excepción de los fps pero aún así tiene mucho mérito.
Even in the nintendo 64 there was a loss of quality in the graphics and scenarios, the audio also had losses. In short, the games did not evolve from the arcade to the console, they went back a lot.
Tengo entendido y corrijanme si me equivoco pero la diferencia entre las dos versiones y que es notorio esta en los escenarios en arcade son como videos, mientras que en nintendo se diseñaron en 3d para no usar toda la rom
Arcade version takes it easily IMO. Killer Instinct 1 & 2 are both just better in the arcade versions (KI vs the SNES & KI2 vs the N64 respectively). But this was also a time when consoles weren't even in the same playing field as arcade games, to be fair.
Maybe hardware and also cartridge restrictions. Then again, for the latter there were some cartridges that maybe were more expensive to produce/buy but they could hold more data, like with Resident Evil 2, that used the 64MB cartridge, which is the biggest one.
***** In retrospective, the Ultra 64 (or the Nintendo 64 prototype) was going to be or was supposed to be as strong as the U64 machines. In reality I'm not sure, though KI used FMVs for most stages (With a really cool effect) and prerendered sprites in basically everything. The N64 shows off power in other stuff, like Rare 3D games and etc (In that it was more powerful than the PS1 or Saturn in the time, though either laziness of developers, cartridge space or time constraints some games didn't use the full power of the N64).
N64 was a faithful adaption of the Arcade game. That being said, the Arcade is loads upon loads better with sprite animation, sound quality, FMV cut scenes, and more realistic backgrounds.
This is the greatest fighting game of all time graphics and gameplay were way beyond its time. Nintendo buy rare games back please for the greater good
Rare planned to port this baby to the " Ultra 64" as they were calling it about a year before the console was released. Unfortunately, after all that anticipation, KI Gold is what we got: a watered down version.
Arcade games are always better old school games where you stand and play them 1000 times better. Because I'm old school baby!!!!!! Kids today don't even know what an arcade is.
A versäo arcade é muito superior visualmene. Os mapas poligonais, considerando o qão limitada a N64 era a nivel de numero de poligonos no ecrã e texturas, não resultou muito bem e choca os sprites das personagens, alem da falta de FMV, etc. É claro que estas arcades eram apenas uma estimativa daquilo que pensavam vir a ser possivel na N64, mas na verdade não há comparação possivel.
Both machine was actually very different. The arcade machine was actually quite weak with bad 3d capability. It was pretty much a super scaler with tons of memory (HDD). In the other hand the N64 was a lot more powerful in 3d but had a ridiculously low amount of memory. Same thing happened in the cruisn games.
64 looked and sounded a tad bit better. One major thing I noticed back in the day was the slightly rotating camera on the 64. It made fights more intense looking.
A RAREWARE estava Desenvolvendo a versão de Killer Instinct 2 para Super Nintendo e isso foi bastante Longo mais a (NINTENDO) decidiu priorizar o Console Nintendo 64 que não foi um sucésso garantido para a Empresa... Analisem a conversa de um funcionário do primeiro grupo formado da RAREWARE dando uma entrevista a uma revista de jogos eletrônicos da Europa chamada Euro Games onde o mesmo comenta o SUCESSO que foi a primeira versão de Killer Instinct para SNES e a continuação para o Killer Instinct 2 !!! Chris Tilston: foram 3,2 milhões de cartuchos vendidos.Isso foi algo que eles disseram que nunca poderíamos fazer comparando o jogo original do Arcade para o Console. Alguns garotos de Rare disseram que nunca poderiam ser cortados os detalhes. Tim disse, sim, nós podemos! Acabei tirando 80 por cento da animação. Era uma bastardização do Arcade. Mas se você não estivesse no Arcade, isso lhe daria uma oportunidade de provar o jogo em 16 Bits utilizando o Super Nintendo...Na verdade, tivemos o Killer Instinct 2 em desenvolvimento para o SNES. Isso foi um processo bastante longo. Havia mais quadros por segundo e parecia decente a movimentação dos personagens.Obviamente,o Nintendo 64 chegou e lançamos o Gold para o N64.
arcade version is just so much better. way more frames of animation, more detailed backgrounds/stages, better quality music, better effects, FMVs, etc etc etc n64 version aint bad, though. definitely closer to its arcade counterpart than SNES KI1.
It's always been considered that the N64's version to be a poor mans version of KI2, yet tbh, it wasn't that bad of a port at the time in the 90's imo. I remember paying £75/$100 on a import version back in 1997 at my local indie shop and still play it today, even though I've got the arcade port on Xb1 and PC emulation.
Nintendo should have just pre-rendered the backgrounds like the arcade and used the extra power to make the Sprites Arcade perfect. Then again the rendered backgrounds probably took up much more Ram than real time 3D.
It would not have been possible to include pre-rendered backgrounds due to cartridge limitations. That's the same reason the FMV also wasn't included on the cartridge version.
I would play KI Gold on ludicrous speed and would destroy people on it. Ludicrous speed, master difficulty. I played this game so much. On that speed, you wouldn't notice the issues with performance.
Hay algunas decisiones artísticas que hubieran favorecido mucho más a la versión N64 por ej: - Algunos dirán que la interfaz para elegir personajes se vé un poco más limpia pero para mí quedó pelada sin los textos de "push start to play" y los nombres de cada luchador... - Si bien no habían cinemáticas en los festejos se podía haber armado para los vencedores una figura gigante de varios sprites sin animación (excepto lugares puntual como el pelo) que vaya subiendo el scroll desde los pies hasta la cara del personaje. - Algunos escenarios como el de orchid me parece que la pifian con el ángulo de cámaras en la introducción (y es una tontería porque los escenarios son full 3d en tiempo real) también hay algunos detalles como el incendio en edificios de atrás y el de los fueguitos de la chimenea de SabreWulf que aunque sea con un par de bolas amarillas/naranjas los hubieran solucionado pero es probable que el hard o el devTeam ya no podían dar más de sí...
The N64 textures and lighting looked worse and there was some little censoring, but it looks to me that the game runs much smoother on N64 which is something screenshots can't feel but would probably feel much better gameplay wise
Tá ai um jogo que nao sei qual é o melhor versão. Tem coisa que é melhor no N64 do que no Arcade e vice-versa. No Nintendo 64 eu acho que é um bom jogo, mas na epoca esperava mais (ainda mais nas Demos da epoca, empolgava bastante... apesar que era mais enfeitado que burro de cigano os videos). Vou esperar o pessoal comentar melhor sobre isso...
+Rodrigo Ferreira a única coisa que sei é que KI1 >>> KI2/Gold :P, mas aí já não sei se o pessoal irá concordar, mas é o que sempre achei e continuo achando :P pois perdeu-se muito da essência/qualidade nesse KI2, no KI1 sempre consegui acertar mais combos aleatórios do que nesse KI2/Gold xD
+Canal Vc Decide Nisso eu estou com voce, Killer 1 é melhor. Mas nao que o Killer 2 esteja muito abaixo, só que como voce disse, perdeu a essencia. No Killer 2 voce pode até zerar o game com um personagem, mas nao tem vontade de zerar com os outros...
Okami™ Consigo imaginar esse jogo rodando no Super Nintendo xD, por sinal, chegaram até fazer uma versão para o Snes... para mais informações, veja o link abaixo :P
+Okami™ Posso estar falando merda, mas um que poderia rodar se comparar nos consoles da epoca era o Neo Geo (Sem ser o CD, seriam loadings infinitos). Agora se iria rodar bem ou nao ja são outros 500...
+Okami™ Segundo o Wikipedia, tinha 640kb ram principal o Neo Geo versão cartucho. Mas concordo com voce que consoles abaixo de 64 nao rodaria essa versão do KI2
Arcade is better. N64 really was terrible with textures and pre render graphics, but was awesome with 3d. But, make a great job in this console version. Worse than arcade, but great anyways for a home console.
N64 held reasonably well, but the arcade is clearly the superior one here, vastly more animation frames, more attractive stages and character resolution
Esse port ficou um pouco a baixo do quê eu esperava... eu não sei foi por causa da limitação do cartucho do N64 ou por conta de terem começado a produção no SNES ( segundo alguns sites, o KI2 era pra ter sido lançado no SNES ) até mesmo a tela de animação dos personagens ficou mais... ''parada/estática'' no N64 sei que o Arcade era muito poderoso mas acho que o port do N64 poderia ter ficado melhor, agora não entendo, por quê não mantiveram os cenários pré-renderizados no N64 ?
+Moon Sarito cenários pré-renderizados custumam ocupar bastante espaço, principalmente quando esses cenários são arquivos de videos ao invés de imagens estáticas ^^
8 років тому+4
Em questão de apresentação eu fico com o arcade... mas gameplay eu vou de n64
*"Available for your home in 1995 only on Nintendo, Ultra 64"*
I'm still holding on to hope for ultra 64. Ha
The arcade wins but it is amazing how close the N64 version got with such limited memory. It is an amazing port and a game I am happy to have in my collection. This game has to have one of the best soundtracks ever!
PSX definitely wouldn't be able to play this game.
Good thing rare suggested to use Workstation hardware
Nonsense killer instinct gold sucked it was missing a ton of stuff from the arcade
@@jennahaze6835 Looking at the size limitations of the cartridge it is amazing how good the game was. Now a days, arcade game sizes are not much of a deal but back in the day, it was a huge limitation. Basically if you look at the arcade board it basically had a hard drive connected to it. I have the perfect arcade ports of KI and KI 2 on my Xbox One X but I still play and appreciate KI Gold on my N64.
Gold had Elimination tournament mode. Automatic win.
@@LennyQUMFIFmmm....; because the N64 obviously gotta 64 bits and the Playstation 32, but the Playstation use CD, is rare because the Arcade gotta 32 bits too, why the game and the soundtrack is better on arcade? 🤔
I think it is worth noting that KI2 was on a 512MB HDD for 1995 and the N64 version was crammed into 8MB. You have no option but to cut back when faced with such low storage...Just pointing out the obvious. Nintendo never listened when all the developers said they needed CD for more space.
@@aj_gen_ace An that is why Nintendo is still way behind today lol
@@korvus1248 um no actually nintendo is number 2 in the gaming market
@@aj_gen_ace Also, Z buffering for 2D sprites was greatly affected with the chip manufacturing process. Nintendo realized their mistake too late, and so decided to not fix it.
Correct. When they gave Rareware unlimited power to make ΚΙ arcade, Rareware asked "unlimited" space (hdd). Then nintendo choose to release wimpy n64 with 4/8mb space (just double the snes). No lesson gained. They sell N64 and had storage and censorship problems at day one. And lose from a random gaming company like Sony (huge company but a nobody at gaming back then, all games with their logo were not good).
Both machine was actually very different. The arcade machine was actually quite weak with bad 3d capability. It was pretty much a super scaler with tons of memory (HDD). In the other hand the N64 was a lot more powerful in 3d but had a ridiculously low amount of memory. Same thing happened in the cruisn games.
Arcade had pre-rendered stages. Nintendo 64 was fully rendered in real-time.
Even though the graphics aren't as nice as midway for N64 The Gameplay Was Insane!!!
Yeah. And it looks like shit on N64
@@SketchTurnerZero N64 was a more powerful hardware then PS1 but limited of the rom cartridge space that was expensive
@@iulianispas8634 it was their problem. Nintendo as always was too greede to pay royalty to Sony/philips. Its funny that because of that they lost not only money, but but lost leadership to Sony.
@Your Mom's Creepy Uncle because is a water down version.
one of the finest fighting games ever made. wore my N64 out playing this
I never played the Arcade original until after playing the N64 version first. I really like the 3D backgrounds on the N64 but the Arcade does have more details. And there are alot of stuff censored or cut out on N64. Overall, Rare did a fine job of porting the game to N64.
I have the entire KI games on my XBox One so I personally prefer to play them on XB1.
Though the arcade's stages were more detailed, the more static camera and lower res, more pixelated, blurrier pre-rendered look compared to the more crisp (but less detailed in both scope and textures) polygonal stages on the N64 with a more dynamic camera made me enjoy the N64's stages more. The character work was close enough (though the N64 was inferior in that regard in both detail and animation by a little bit). The thing that made the N64 version truly special was the number of options and the additional gameplay modes and other extras.
N64 had to compromised on sprite resolution due to the texture cache only being 4KB. You might even notice seams on sprites, and that is because they had to be rendered in pieces if that limit is to be circumvented.
Las opciones extras siempre han sido de consolas, los juegos arcade se hicieron para partidas rápidas y gastar muchas monedas.(No se hicieron para configurar a tu gusto).
I played both back in 2011.
You really can't blame the N64 for having hardware limitations. It was barebones, but not a bad port. I like the Arcade version, though. Both are still solid.
Both look pretty good, I don't know why everyone thinks the N64 version's graphics look awful for 1996. However, the arcade wins for the nice jiggle physics during the character select!
Jac V is this game out for Xbox one or PlayStation 4?
There's a sequel for XBOne. But I don't think you can play the arcade game at home in any way shape or form.
Franco Elias If you get Rare Reply on xbox1 you can play KI2 (N64 version)
Xbox One because Rare works for Microsoft.
I ordered the new Killer Instinct combo editions on XBOX one I believe, which included both arcade ports of KI and KI2.
- Higher resolution sprites due to more memory capacity
- More animation frames due to more memory capacity
- Pre-rendered video due to more memory capacity
- Actual polygon backgrounds at 60fps
If the N64 had been CD based, they would most likely have been able to do an arcade perfect port.
Yo nunca entendí como la gente se quejaba de los gráficos de la versión de N64, creo que en aquel tiempo no tenían ni idea del poder gráfico que era necesario para igualar los gráficos prerenderizados del arcade a tiempo real, RARE hizo muy buen trabajo para la época en hacerlos en 3D con tantas limitaciones y lograr que se percibieran muy semejantes.
KI Gold tiene escenarios 3D pero escenarios prácticamente, sin vida sin grandes efectos(sin elementos que en arcade KI 2 si tenían el cual hace agradable a la versión de KI2.
Prefiero un juego con fondos llenos de vida prerenderizados que un escenario 3D sin vida.
@@consultorio9304 Yo los veo idénticos en cuanto a elementos y efectos, la única diferencia es que en KI 2 era una película renderizada por CGI y en N64 era gráficos 3D en tiempo real, que desde mi ver eran bastantes buenos para la época en que se creo.
It's a shame KI Gold wasn't made with the RAM cart in mind. That would have really put the N64 port over the top.
It would have cost more.
Quitarían clientes en los negocios arcade, el propósito casero es obtenerlo barato.
*Arcade version wins. I'd rather have smoother animations over a 3D background with less frames of animation.* ✅🙂
the arcade character select screen looks better on the arcade
Hands down KI Gold was and still is utter garbage. This was suppose to be the trigger game for the N64. Instead, we got this and a bunch of kiddie games. The only game on N64 worth was Goldeneye.
@@MalebolgiaXXX And conker Bad Fur day, and Mario Kart 64, Glover, F-Zero X, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Star Wars Episode 1: Racer, Turok Trilogy, Super Mario 64, Mario Party 2, Bomberman 64, Legend of Zelda games, Star Fox 64... You know there are a lot more games to mention but there are plenty of games to try you probably haven't heard.
Gold is better. Zooming makes it worth revisiting. Moving real backrounds, lots of extra content, OST even somehow is better on N64. It wins more than it loses. Was 100x closer to arcade than SNES version and that did well too.
it just doesn't look as clean as n64, now, with 2d you can do more stuff
I played ki gold before I ever knew there was KI2. Many many years later when I finally discovered ki2, gotta day I was blown away.
Lo curioso del Port de N64 es que sí lo comparamos con el Port de Maze The Dark Age, el cuál tuvo mejores gráficos al estár completamente renderizado en 3D, da mucho de que pensar ya que el Port de Maze The Dark Age fue mucho más fiel al Arcade. Y ésto sólo me hace pensar que el Port de KI2 para la N64 pudo ser mejor.
A versão do N64 era mais legal somente nos cenários como por exemplo a girada de câmera e o zoom in/out, porém na versão Arcade fizeram um ótimo trabalho, acabou ficando mais semelhante ao KI1, fora a censura que também é de boa no Arcade kkkk, toda vez que ouço essa trilha da fase da Orchid me bate uma pura nostalgia dos anos 90, me lembra muito o auge da Euro dance, que de fato estava em alta nessa época rsrs!
Killer instinct 1 arcade is visually better than killer instinct 2
You are not the first one to say that. But, KI 2 is better. It’s more about the fact that the combo system wasn’t compatible from one entry to the other. Its like hypothetically jumping from MK1 straight to MK3. Without the progression of MK2 those game are drastically different.
Estou adorando seu canal! Continue assim :)
+Yuna :)
Só uma coisa que quase ninguém vê, a versão Arcade, embora bem melhor graficamente falando, mas não era renderizado com gráficos em 3D em tempo real (os gráficos da versão Arcade parecia mais ou menos na linha dos gráficos filmados de Eternal Champions do Sega CD só que em altíssima definição para a época), já a versão do Nintendo 64 foi renderizado em 3D completamente em tempo real, mas o resultado infelizmente não foi muito satisfatório.
I think the Sega CD game that best fits this would be Bram Stoker's Dracula or Mansion of the Hidden Souls that definitely used some type of advanced graphic, fmv tech to achieve a 3D look. Eternal Champions CD not so much, other than it used CG intros and outros which is something Tekken adopted.
Os gráficos foram renderizados ao estilo do Donkey Kong Country, mas acredito que o do N64 pareça feio porque ele envelheceu mal, usa polígonos e texturas de um console obsoleto.
N64 ..killer instinct gold 60fps
I still wish they released the original killer instinct on the N64. I thought it was a better game.
Get a original XboX
The arcade version is obviously the winner, but it is still a very good translation. I remember in college everybody would get together and play at the arcade and play at the homes of different people. It was awesome, because the gameplay was perfect on the Nintendo 64, and Killer Instinct is a legendary games series that is one of the best fighting game series ever. Now all of us play on Xbox Live with the Xbox One version of Killer Instinct that is all of our favorite version ever.
Playing the original KI 1 arcade version must be awesome on Xbox One
@@shawnm1472 It is if you enjoyed that game. The nostalgia is fantastic.
@@michaelzoran I had the SNES version and I played it for years
Arcade doesn't kill it like part one's comparison holy shit. I know that one was on snes but Goddamn. I was amazed how not so different these two were. The N64 was definitely CLOSE. I applaud them.
Levando em conta as limitações do N64 acho que a conversão foi muito boa.
that's a surprisingly good arcade to console conversion there
Only issue was KI Gold handled like poo and had limited combos compared to the arcade.
KI Gold has more combo potencial than the arcade thats one of the things that they fix when they ported the game to the n64
N64 was amazing
I loved playing KI Gold on my 64. The developers of the game did an amazing job considering the limitations of the 64. Even the soundtrack was pretty good on an 8mb cartridge. The fact that it was a launch title (I think it came out 2 months after launch) makes it that much more impressive as we had just come from the SNES.
Love this game and the music.
Vou falar como leigo, a versão do N64 até que se esforça, tem boa profundidade em muitos cenários, efeito zoom 'a lá Neo Geo'', bom controle (o do N64) bacana, mas perde em muitas coisas mais, texturas , temperatura das cores, intensidade das cores, efeitos em geral, cg's de vitória, som piorado, mas eu continuo gostando da versão de 64 pela nostalgia, pois tive um 64 e esse Cartucho, que me rendeu horas de diversão na época
I still remember my dad bought me KI Gold because he didnt know what to buy for me as a gift when he went overseas. I thought this games was a MK clone, boy i was wrong.
I always felt while Killer instinct Gold was a great game and Arcade home port.It was rushed in development.
No denying the Arcade had more frames of animation and a lot more detail.Still the N64 was a solid arcade port.It was as close to the arcade you could get.
If you look at mortal kombat 3 on snes and genesis those ports were hardly arcade perfect but still not bad ports considering they were both doing stuff they were not really designed for.
Still for the time it was rare to see a game this close to the arcade at home.
I wonder if the N64 version could've been better if they had the expansion pak and the 64DD work in conjunction with the cartridge itself. Perhaps it wouldn't be arcade perfect but maybe we could've gotten something more impressive.
The "Ultra 64" arcade board was way more powerful than the actual Nintendo 64 hardware. It's not just about the storage. Ultra 64 had a more powerful processor, more ram, better sound chips etc.
No it wouldn't
I'd imagine the main limiting factor was the arcade machine (KI 1 and 2) used HDD's. KI 2 is ~512 MB. They had to fit that on a N64 cart, and around launch before the bigger carts were a option (the biggest N64 carts towards the end were 64 MB like RE 2, KI Gold was ~12 MB).
What i dnt understand is why cant some consoles be like the arcade?? What set them apart?? Iv always wonderd how the arcade versions always comes out more clear and better and on consoles is weaker??Playstation and neo geo were more to the arcade then any other my part
A versão do Nintendo 64 é boa, contudo é bem visível a perda de vários detalhes dos cenários e das animações das personagens após as batalhas. E isso aconteceu não porque o console não tinha capacidade, mas sim por causa da mídia utilizada pela Nintendo, ou seja, os cartuchos, pois, se eu não me engano, o cart tinha apenas 64 ou 128 megabits de memória. Dessa forma, se o cart fosse maior (o que encareceria o jogo ainda mais) ou se o Nintendo 64 utilizasse CD's (coisa que deveria ter acontecido), certeza que a versão doméstica seria uma conversão perfeita do Arcade, já que o Nintendo 64 era muito mais poderoso que os concorrentes da geração.
Mesmo que usasse CDs não teria como se equiparar ao arcade
0:30 - 0:54 My ears can't handle that greatness
Also N64 version is better since i never actually played the arcade version.
Liked more the arcade version, but missing the camera movement and the TJ Combo stage are my biggest complains, no more throwing your foes in front of a moving train, and the 3d effect that the camera gave looked nice. Anyways, the biggest lost was the voice that announced the combos, M M Monsteeeeeerrrrr combo...cutting a combo short just to hear the correspondent scream was a guilty pleasure
actually the n64 ver. is better I know that lack Of animation but looks sometimes better.
the arcade ver. with the prerender background always looks like extremely pixelated especially in jagos and sabrewulf stage and the n64 looks more cleaner and has better audiovisuals and plays better than the arcade
N64 game looks better than I remember in this vid. I think it is actually pretty under rated on the N64. However, I remember hearing plans that it was originally going to be released on the SNES. Slap a Super FX 2 chip in that monster, and it would have been...... Killer........
A Sega Saturn Arcade conversion could have been great
Show, apesar da perda de quadros no super nes e menos pixels, alguns cenários do SNES parecem ser melhores, gostei do final do vídeo com o ultra. Massa!
Both are great! although each one with its own peculiarities... You enjoy the depth of detail in the Arcade version but also the clarity and cleanliness of the N64. What a time, everything was so great and stupendously original... ❤
Ambas versões são excelentes, mas Arcade sempre sempre imbatível
Obs: Arcade já de cara consegue ser melhor quando os peitos da Maya e da Orchid balançam na versão Arcade e ficam estáticos no N64 HUEHAUEHUAHEUHAUEHUAE
arcade so começou ficar pra tras quando chegou o dreamcast fato
Boa kkkk...
I never got into Killer Instinct 2. The original to be was much better overall. The music in the original Arcade version was of CD 💿quality, & the animations seemed smoother.
Saying that, with only 8-megabytes (64-megabits) of ROM space the developers did the impossible. Some of the animations were taken out along with all of the FMVs, & the characters are blurry for some reason… but it is impressive.
I just wish Nintendo allowed Rare to use at a 32-megabyte (256-megabits) cartridge to really bring the arcade closer to home (64-megabyte would’ve been perfect). & I really wished they had released an N64 version of the original too.
I find it funny how people are pissed because the N64 graphics are not the same as the arcade graphics. I guess young people these days don't know how back in the 90s arcades were multiple thousand dollar custom made giant computers with massive hard drives to store all the data... Of course the N64 had to cut some corners in the presentation. PS1 and SS ports of arcades games (even 2D ones) were also very limited.
I often refer to Killer Instinct Gold as Killer Instinct 2 (same game different name), but some people get a little anal about that.
It's an awesome game & I'm proud to have it in my personal Nintendo 64 collection.
Also, Gargos is a way better boss than Eyedol in my opinion.
The new characters like Maya, Kim Wu & Tusk are awesome as well.
They are very alike ......THATS ODD arcade suppose to be 5x time better possible 10x
BUT this time nintendo64 is like making arcade only 1.5x better on KILLER INSTINK 2 hehehe i mean INSTINCT
While the stages are pre-render on Arcade and real time on N64, the gameplay is 1:1, so it's indeed a great port.
The characters looks almost as good as the arcade counter part and the soundtrack is perfect on n64.
Great port, and I really doubt any 10y old of that era, noticed at home the difference between the stages.
People were mislead by magazines of that era, that were 90% concerned about graphics and none about other more important stuff, so they gave a low score to the port, and today, we see a lot of grown ups that remember that info and mistakenly judge the port as a bad port, while it's not.
The Snes port lost much more in the translation of KI 1, but still a marvel to be in a 16bit console, and the Gameboy port is very impressive too, considering it's an 8bit portable console with a calculator type of screen.
Arcade but n64 have lots of options like velocity option,turn off guards and add ultimates and even unlomited power i think,the arcade you play and that's it,console even if it's low in graphics add more in gameplay stuff.
People that think the N64 was underpowered compared to the PSX and Saturn are joking themselves none of those systems could have come even close. Also the Arcade was one off hardware designed entirely to run very few games well and it ran off a HDD. Now if the N64 played Hard disks instead of cartridges it would have blown its competition away in every aspect including data capacity, but if you think it was expensive to buy a cartridge just image every game having its own harddisk. Would have been great to see those streaming backgrounds though come home.
it wasn't. n64 blew the competition out of the water. n64 in general looked better then psx. and saturn is never potentialized, sega wanted to develope with the sdk-2 kit wich could run a limited version of vf3 at 700 poligons per minute. just look up shenmue on saturn and you kunda feel that the saturn "could have" smoked the psx,wich wasn't all that great in graphics to start with. more saturn games i'm impressed with then psx games.
arjan snijder I often say Saturn and Playstation exchange blows. Playstation has way better 3D geometry potential than that of the Saturn. Saturn really is on par or better in all other cases as far as I know. So as long as you don't need beyond the systems Maximum number of polygons/triangles it should perform as well or better.
yeah at a point they said the saturn would crush the psx graphic wise, when vf3 was anounced for the saturn. sega devolpment kit2 was pushing over 700 polygons a secons for that scrapped game. if the saturn had lasted 1 more year it would have owned the psx graphically. saturn had it's moments in 3d games, but at the end of 97 devs knew how to work the architecture of the saturn and by beginning of 98 they had kits that could have killed psx with the 3d capabilitys. but the saturn had a way to rough start to gain momentum.
Nah, the Saturn is second best in 3D, just that they opted against multi-core and a Special FX Processor which significantly hindered the system.
it is,but it could have been diffrent. yet there are still many cases where the sega saturn outshines the psx in the 3d departhment. vf2 and other fighters some games like thunderforce 5,panzer dragoon series. but more cases on psx because "offcourse" it had allot more support. just look up a demo of shenmue on sega saturn and witness how the saturn could have blown psx out of the water,it sadly never came to be due to poor marketing and bernie stolar.
Man the N64 was ahead of gaming to be honest best console of all time.
why peoples hate 64 version? WHY? Is a good port
Well the N64 version missing stuff like some animations, endings and due to how they went about the in game stages, the overall look came off more dated or ugly for some.
@@xboxclown8922 animations are missing because of storage, so the scenarios are 3D and not video file. Snes's version is the same way and everyone loves it. I imagine the biggest difference is in the expectation
Bunch of cry babies that's why.
I played the shit out of it on N64 and it played as well as the original as the arcade.
no es tan drástica la diferencia como con el primero en arcade y super Nintendo
Es verdad, pero si te das cuenta que para la versión SNES, se trabajo demasiado a pesar de la limitada capacidad de memoria, los mas notorio fue los Finales "Endings", en el snes se trato por hacer lo mejor posible por poner vídeos mientras que en la version GOLD N64
solo pusieron 2 fotos, sin movimiento, como que no trataron de esforzarse mas ahi...
N64 tenia capacidad de reproducir vídeos aunque muy bajos, como se mostraron en Resident evil 2 y Starcraft 64...
@@EdgarIX Se gasto un millon de dolares en el desarrollo del port de RE2 a la N64 y salio mucho despues que KI Gold, no es comparable. KI Gold probablemente tenia un cartucho de mucho menos capacidad.
@@dejiko tu lo haz dicho, pero como no es posible haber intentado poner los personajes en movimiento así como fue en la versión SNES??
se supone que el port de N64 tenia ya mas capacidad y tecnología para reproducir dichas secuencias..., también como se muestran en Street Figther II para la snes...
@@EdgarIX Pues eso, lo lanzaron de apuro porque Nintendo necesitaba un juego para vender y rapido con la PS1 arrasando las ventas.
Personajes en movimiento como en Snes?
De cual fumaste?
Excelente port pro N64
Mas jogar o KI2 no arcade nos anos 90 era uma experiência incrível
im not going to lie but i prefer a lot the arcade version
SidekStepM you and me both
SidekStepM ...why would you lie?
better control,better quality image.
I love both of these versions but yeah, I think the arcade is superior.
Arcade ganhou!
Porém nesta época era comum os ports para consoles serem inferiores, lembran-se do Street Fither e Final Fithg ? Nos Arcades era bem superiores do que nos consoles..
Eu nunca curti KI mas sempre respeitei!
Comprei a versão do 64 em 2019 e não se acha essa fita barata! não sei o motivo...o jogo envelheceu mal... mas eita fita cara...
A versão do KI 1 do Snes é ótima pelo que me lembro e pelo que vi no yutube.
Como jogo não é só gráficos a jogabilidade do N64 é ótima e o som legal também!
Canal está de parabéns!
The 2 main differences
KI2 Arcade - Has Pre rendered backgrounds that have more going on and are a little better to look at, and the camera is static.
KIGold N64 - Backgrounds don't have as much in them, but the camera moves, adding to the action.
They are both so close to each other and each has something cool the other doesn't. I would say it's a tie, it boils down to those 2 things.
The graphics are so close I don't see a difference.
Scratch that, there are Victory Poses in both, but the Arcade is better. Arcade characters move in 3d, but N64 are static and look like those trees in Mario Kart that are flat like cardboard.
Arcade wins!
Antes de tudo, parabéns pelo canal. Legal a opinião da galera... Sempre ouvi das pessoas que KI 2 era inferior ao primeiro. Acredito que na época (vivi a época dos dois nos arcades e consoles), o arcade do segundo jogo, era muito recheado de detalhes e isso assustou muitos jogadores. Nem se tinha máquina da 2 em bairros. Já o primeiro, era mais clean e tinha em vários botecos da vida. Isso ajudou a popularizar e familiarizar com a jogabilidade simples. O segundo é mais trabalhado... Estilisticamente mais exagerado. A primeira agradou mais a maioria... Mas eu acho a 2 fodona.
Personally I prefer the original Killer Instinct.
a superioridade do n64 é visível com zoom, golpes e cenários rederenizados em tempo real
Comparto las mismas ideas de mis compañeros qué antes de mí ya opinaron;
Siempre estaré de lado de las Arcades, puesto que aparte de esa gran emoción de adrenalina qué sólo tienen las arcades, su jugabilidad en el panel es incomparable al control de sobremesa, el sonido y los gráficos son aún por mayor a la trasferencia casera.
NINTENDO 64 pudo tener mas memoria si Nintendo sabia que su consola tendría menos memoria que las demas, tal ves se le haya ocurrido hacer un expansion pack pero de memoria, y no de gráficos
Depenaram o jogo no N64, uma pena. Se bem que o 2, no geral, perde muito em diversão e qualidade pro primeiro.
@Movimento Jovens Pró Castidade tá serto então
Es obio que el Arcade es mucho mejor... pero vamos de todas maneras Nintendo hiso muy buen trabajo en portar al n64 este juegazo tratándolo de hacer casi exactamente igual al arcade.. uno de mis grandes favoritos!!
~Hatsune Ranma~ De hecho el ki fue una probada de lo que iba a ser el N64 antes llamado Ultra64, en mi opinión el uno para snes es impresionante por el hecho de ser una consola de 16bits y la jugabilidad se mantiene igual a excepción de los fps pero aún así tiene mucho mérito.
Wish I knew how to emulate arcade games on my ps4.
Even in the nintendo 64 there was a loss of quality in the graphics and scenarios, the audio also had losses. In short, the games did not evolve from the arcade to the console, they went back a lot.
Tengo entendido y corrijanme si me equivoco pero la diferencia entre las dos versiones y que es notorio esta en los escenarios en arcade son como videos, mientras que en nintendo se diseñaron en 3d para no usar toda la rom
Sabrewulf level makes me wish N64 used CD's...
Yep. That fire in the fireplace looks so bad though, and the low-polygon count and bland textures in the castle.
Arcade version takes it easily IMO. Killer Instinct 1 & 2 are both just better in the arcade versions (KI vs the SNES & KI2 vs the N64 respectively). But this was also a time when consoles weren't even in the same playing field as arcade games, to be fair.
Nice video!
Too many frames missing on character select screen and in game on N64
Due to hardware restrictions. The N64 just didn't live up to its name.
Maybe hardware and also cartridge restrictions. Then again, for the latter there were some cartridges that maybe were more expensive to produce/buy but they could hold more data, like with Resident Evil 2, that used the 64MB cartridge, which is the biggest one.
Differences are due the too small cartridge. As a system N64 was even stronger than Ultra 64 systems like Cruis`n USA or KI.
In retrospective, the Ultra 64 (or the Nintendo 64 prototype) was going to be or was supposed to be as strong as the U64 machines. In reality I'm not sure, though KI used FMVs for most stages (With a really cool effect) and prerendered sprites in basically everything. The N64 shows off power in other stuff, like Rare 3D games and etc (In that it was more powerful than the PS1 or Saturn in the time, though either laziness of developers, cartridge space or time constraints some games didn't use the full power of the N64).
cruizin usa ran/looked like shit on n64. why? that's not a cartridge issue.
N64 was a faithful adaption of the Arcade game. That being said, the Arcade is loads upon loads better with sprite animation, sound quality, FMV cut scenes, and more realistic backgrounds.
This is the greatest fighting game of all time graphics and gameplay were way beyond its time. Nintendo buy rare games back please for the greater good
The sprites are missing a bit of animation on the character select screen for Gold. Maya's breasts and Sabrewulf's mouth for example.
yes,the hair can show the cut in the sprites
VCDECIDE , , have you compared versions of "Akuji the Heartless" ???
The N64 was a powerful console for its time. I loved it then and I love it today.
Rare planned to port this baby to the " Ultra 64" as they were calling it about a year before the console was released. Unfortunately, after all that anticipation, KI Gold is what we got: a watered down version.
Arcade games are always better old school games where you stand and play them 1000 times better. Because I'm old school baby!!!!!! Kids today don't even know what an arcade is.
A versäo arcade é muito superior visualmene. Os mapas poligonais, considerando o qão limitada a N64 era a nivel de numero de poligonos no ecrã e texturas, não resultou muito bem e choca os sprites das personagens, alem da falta de FMV, etc.
É claro que estas arcades eram apenas uma estimativa daquilo que pensavam vir a ser possivel na N64, mas na verdade não há comparação possivel.
I loved both versions, and Still play Them a Lot. KI is a legend.
In arcade a normal person:WHAT IS THAT HITBOX
Both machine was actually very different. The arcade machine was actually quite weak with bad 3d capability. It was pretty much a super scaler with tons of memory (HDD). In the other hand the N64 was a lot more powerful in 3d but had a ridiculously low amount of memory. Same thing happened in the cruisn games.
Omg that Orchid theme 🔥 🔥
64 looked and sounded a tad bit better. One major thing I noticed back in the day was the slightly rotating camera on the 64. It made fights more intense looking.
The Arcade version looked and played much better.
Why are the voices so higher pitched on the N64? Jago's voice is so much deeper on the arcade.
A RAREWARE estava Desenvolvendo a versão de Killer Instinct 2 para Super Nintendo e isso foi bastante Longo mais a (NINTENDO) decidiu priorizar o Console Nintendo 64 que não foi um sucésso garantido para a Empresa... Analisem a conversa de um funcionário do primeiro grupo formado da RAREWARE dando uma entrevista a uma revista de jogos eletrônicos da Europa chamada Euro Games onde o mesmo comenta o SUCESSO que foi a primeira versão de Killer Instinct para SNES e a continuação para o Killer Instinct 2 !!!
Chris Tilston: foram 3,2 milhões de cartuchos vendidos.Isso foi algo que eles disseram que nunca poderíamos fazer comparando o jogo original do Arcade para o Console. Alguns garotos de Rare disseram que nunca poderiam ser cortados os detalhes. Tim disse, sim, nós podemos! Acabei tirando 80 por cento da animação. Era uma bastardização do Arcade. Mas se você não estivesse no Arcade, isso lhe daria uma oportunidade de provar o jogo em 16 Bits utilizando o Super Nintendo...Na verdade, tivemos o Killer Instinct 2 em desenvolvimento para o SNES. Isso foi um processo bastante longo. Havia mais quadros por segundo e parecia decente a movimentação dos personagens.Obviamente,o Nintendo 64 chegou e lançamos o Gold para o N64.
arcade version is just so much better.
way more frames of animation, more detailed backgrounds/stages, better quality music, better effects, FMVs, etc etc etc
n64 version aint bad, though. definitely closer to its arcade counterpart than SNES KI1.
It's always been considered that the N64's version to be a poor mans version of KI2, yet tbh, it wasn't that bad of a port at the time in the 90's imo.
I remember paying £75/$100 on a import version back in 1997 at my local indie shop and still play it today, even though I've got the arcade port on Xb1 and PC emulation.
I like KI Gold better. There's more then just what the Arcade offered.
arcade is te best version but the Nintendo port is very good version . what many are forgetting is the arcade version looks better on a arcade monitor
Arcade absolutly perfect
My Favourite Is Killer Instinct Gold For Nintendo 64
Nintendo should have just pre-rendered the backgrounds like the arcade and used the extra power to make the Sprites Arcade perfect. Then again the rendered backgrounds probably took up much more Ram than real time 3D.
It would not have been possible to include pre-rendered backgrounds due to cartridge limitations. That's the same reason the FMV also wasn't included on the cartridge version.
I would play KI Gold on ludicrous speed and would destroy people on it. Ludicrous speed, master difficulty. I played this game so much. On that speed, you wouldn't notice the issues with performance.
Hay algunas decisiones artísticas que hubieran favorecido mucho más a la versión N64 por ej:
- Algunos dirán que la interfaz para elegir personajes se vé un poco más limpia pero para mí quedó pelada sin los textos de "push start to play" y los nombres de cada luchador...
- Si bien no habían cinemáticas en los festejos se podía haber armado para los vencedores una figura gigante de varios sprites sin animación (excepto lugares puntual como el pelo) que vaya subiendo el scroll desde los pies hasta la cara del personaje.
- Algunos escenarios como el de orchid me parece que la pifian con el ángulo de cámaras en la introducción (y es una tontería porque los escenarios son full 3d en tiempo real) también hay algunos detalles como el incendio en edificios de atrás y el de los fueguitos de la chimenea de SabreWulf que aunque sea con un par de bolas amarillas/naranjas los hubieran solucionado pero es probable que el hard o el devTeam ya no podían dar más de sí...
Resumido el Nintendo 64 y y su hardware no daba la talla para el juego.
@@audiocajeme7275 mas que eso fue uno de los primeros juegos de la consola, por lo que no supieron sacarle el jugo como corresponde a la consola.
Then On Rare Replay They Put The N64 Version Intead Of The Arcade.
True, though you can get the arcade version separately on X1 at least.
I have both arcade games on my modded Xbox. ☺
The N64 textures and lighting looked worse and there was some little censoring, but it looks to me that the game runs much smoother on N64 which is something screenshots can't feel but would probably feel much better gameplay wise
Tá ai um jogo que nao sei qual é o melhor versão. Tem coisa que é melhor no N64 do que no Arcade e vice-versa.
No Nintendo 64 eu acho que é um bom jogo, mas na epoca esperava mais (ainda mais nas Demos da epoca, empolgava bastante... apesar que era mais enfeitado que burro de cigano os videos).
Vou esperar o pessoal comentar melhor sobre isso...
+Rodrigo Ferreira a única coisa que sei é que KI1 >>> KI2/Gold :P, mas aí já não sei se o pessoal irá concordar, mas é o que sempre achei e continuo achando :P pois perdeu-se muito da essência/qualidade nesse KI2, no KI1 sempre consegui acertar mais combos aleatórios do que nesse KI2/Gold xD
+Canal Vc Decide Nisso eu estou com voce, Killer 1 é melhor. Mas nao que o Killer 2 esteja muito abaixo, só que como voce disse, perdeu a essencia. No Killer 2 voce pode até zerar o game com um personagem, mas nao tem vontade de zerar com os outros...
Okami™ Consigo imaginar esse jogo rodando no Super Nintendo xD, por sinal, chegaram até fazer uma versão para o Snes... para mais informações, veja o link abaixo :P
+Okami™ Posso estar falando merda, mas um que poderia rodar se comparar nos consoles da epoca era o Neo Geo (Sem ser o CD, seriam loadings infinitos). Agora se iria rodar bem ou nao ja são outros 500...
+Okami™ Segundo o Wikipedia, tinha 640kb ram principal o Neo Geo versão cartucho. Mas concordo com voce que consoles abaixo de 64 nao rodaria essa versão do KI2
Arcade is better. N64 really was terrible with textures and pre render graphics, but was awesome with 3d. But, make a great job in this console version. Worse than arcade, but great anyways for a home console.
N64 held reasonably well, but the arcade is clearly the superior one here, vastly more animation frames, more attractive stages and character resolution
Esse port ficou um pouco a baixo do quê eu esperava... eu não sei foi por causa da limitação do cartucho do N64 ou por conta de terem começado a produção no SNES ( segundo alguns sites, o KI2 era pra ter sido lançado no SNES ) até mesmo a tela de animação dos personagens ficou mais... ''parada/estática'' no N64 sei que o Arcade era muito poderoso mas acho que o port do N64 poderia ter ficado melhor, agora não entendo, por quê não mantiveram os cenários pré-renderizados no N64 ?
+Moon Sarito cenários pré-renderizados custumam ocupar bastante espaço, principalmente quando esses cenários são arquivos de videos ao invés de imagens estáticas ^^
Em questão de apresentação eu fico com o arcade...
mas gameplay eu vou de n64
porque retrô? Tio Paçoca eu também prefiro o do Nintendo 64 acho melhor de joga por mais q seja mais reduzido graficamente .
the arcade one wins but it is not because of the graphics like most people think. it is actually the controls are miles better