we retired from snake breaking about 10 years ago, but one of the things we had noticed while still in the hobby was that higher incubation temperatures tended to throw more kinks. i live in las vegas and sometimes getting ur incubators cool enough is an issue if the ambient room temp is hotter then 85. heat spikes even for a day seemed to cause kinks. just a thought. love the work you do makes me miss seeing pippys every year.
That’s interesting. It would make sense that the store would be warmer than any of the back rooms due to the door opening and closing all day. Plus, this summer was _brutal_ even so far north (I keep forgetting that it’s not still summer for most of the country, lol. The heat index where I am right now is 109°. Definitely feels like summer, lol) so it certainly might’ve been warmer than usual.
i’m sorry but if you just read the first couple of words out of context of the video it looks like you’re crazy 😭 But that is very interesting, i hope Emily and Ed have or will see this
@@kimmiek0right?! Perhaps they have severe dyslexia or trouble with reading comprehension. Though, I have dyslexia and understood what he said perfectly
Happy retirement to Daisy and Darla! I’m sure they’re both in wonderful homes already. I remember being one of them in the adoptathon stream. I was so happy to see the note that the 2 kinked babies were able to eat and go to forever homes. Your videos are such a great mix of entertainment and education. I love them all.
You might be right that scaleless babies have less/slower developed egg teeth, since teeth and skin develop from the same embryological tissues. It's reasonable to think that genetic changes affecting one might affect the other.
Yeah that seems logical, but of course since normal babies do that sometimes, you'd have to compare large numbers in a controlled experiment to be sure. We may not know for sure for a long time.
That hide might be from the Bean Farm, I can't tell what size yours is exactly but it looks like it could be the smallest version of their front opening hides!
Do we really need to breed *scaless* snakes, though? It’s one thing if you’re taking them in to give them a better quality of life, but idk, it feels weird breeding them intentionally… Like, it’s great that they educate the public and vet potential adoptive homes, but I can see this backfiring where more uneducated people go out to buy the next scaleless, designer handbag snake (since we treat them like objects to collect, of course), knowing nothing about how they need to make sure the enclosure won’t lead to increased injury/discomfort for that type of snake, meanwhile supporting an already oversaturated market. Nothing against SD! I just feel weird about it lol.
@@PizzaCat42069so scaleless snakes from ratsnakes don't need specialized care because they all have belly scales. I think the one you are getting confused with are scaleless ball pythons, which have special needs due to increased sensitivity as well as zero belly scales causing more issues and increased risk for the snake to get hurt. As for breeding goes they do their dues diligence in ensuring every baby gets a home and there are TONS of people that keep reptiles so it's not like dogs and cats because most of the time reptiles will find a home hell even reptile shops have taken them in if a person can't keep them (I say this as a person who was going to go into the hobby before life stuff happened).
My snake is also a rat corn. I got her from a breeder when she was 9 years old. She's 13 years old now and I absolutely adore her. She is also a retired breeder. I decided to get her because she escaped the bin they had her in at the show and came right to me. I decided then and there that she was mine and bought her. She has been living out a very spoiled retirement and seems to be very happy.
Im literally a witch, you might want to consider it too; cause I think you have a familiar!! (Every religion has witches, christian witches, jewish witches, greek helenistic witches, even athiest witches who arent religious) Im not trying to convert you, all im saying is when life gives you lemon right? Plus at a certain point its just self care but ✨️magical✨️ aka personally bougie. Got a routine with your awesome snake? Boom, youre already doing a ritual! That sort of thing! Its never a dull day with a magical emotional support snake 🐍 blessed be💛💛💛
Just in case it’s never been mentioned I will let y’all know a secret to removing sharpie. Use expo marker. Put the expo marker over where you put the sharpie and then wipe it off with a paper towel and sharpie comes right off. Any remaining sharpie can be removed with rubbing alcohol. It doesn’t work for all surfaces though but works well on smooth plastics and glass.
Yay it's baby Wednesday's hatching video! She's a sassy little scaleless too. I'm so excited to see this! She's the one with the 3 jewels over her eyes 🥰
Glad to know those two babies with kinks are thriving! Also, always happy to see how responsible you guys are, choosing to retire the mom after those kinks, even though she still produced a lot of beautiful babies.
I don't personally like how scaleless snakes look, but I really love and appreciate how much love and appreciation they get from y'all =) Those black and white babies are sick! I really like the M/Wario baby
My theory with the scaleless taking longer to hatch is that the egg tooth is a modified scale, and since the scaleless gene seems to remove scales at random, sometimes the egg tooth is selected and then they can't hatch
egg tooth is an actual tooth in squamates (lizards and snakes). It is a modified scale in archosaurs (turtles, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds), but for snakes, its an actual tooth growing from the mandible
I am no expert what so ever but my thought was that since the babies don't have to develope scales they use less ressources and so stay longer since they still have food and so on right there
I know you probably won’t see this bc there are over 700 comments here, but I really want to tell you how you’ve impacted me. Especially these last few days. I’ve been watching all your wonderful hatching videos and the pure joy that y’all put in to the world is so incredible. The excitement and wonder you express when you see these babies is one of the purest, happiest things I’ve seen. Not only that but you also acknowledge the times when things don’t go as planned. I wish only good things for all of you. There is nothing more comforting to me right now than these videos. All love to you ❤
I love snake discovery I have been watchin for 5 years and always get exited when I see a new upload! the different kinds of morphs have expanded so much and the growth is amazing! from a basement breeder to having there own facility and having employs a zoo and a store and merch and rex is on display! love snake discovery!❤
You should start keeping statistics on how many scaleless pip naturally vs how many you cut. It would be interesting to see if there was actually a trend, hypothesis being that the scaleless gene effects the egg tooth development.
Yea! Another baby video! It's great to see how excited (new babies smell good) , concerned (want to help them get out of eggs) & delighted (about the scale vs. no scale ratio you had this clutch) you are about these wonderful reptiles. I've learned so much about snakes & how to take care of them because of Ed & Emily. Thank you for sharing & for caring about all of your creatures.
As of the first of this month (October), three years ago I made the decision to get a snake. I've got a garter and I'm waiting on my hognose. This love of snakes has been made possible because of you, Ed and Emily. Thank you!
I've never been scared of snakes but this channel has made me appreciate them even more. Today for the first time ever, I got to hold one cause I really didn't have a choice. A tiny baby garter snake had gotten into my basement while I was having work done on my house, so I had to catch him and put him outside. Super cute, super chill. Great experience.
I'm very happy to see the comments aren't littered with hate for them for not keeping their retirement breeders. They'd thrive with someone who have plenty of time to spend with them than with very busy Emily and Ed. They are doing what's best for them
It’s cute for sure! But (and don’t come at me because I honestly don’t know), is breeding scaleless snakes ethical? Again, idk how it works, but it seems like a lack of scales could make their lives more challenging in some ways?
@PizzaCat42069 Unfortunately, not a lot is known about possible negative health effects related to scalelessness in snakes because little research has been done. They don't outwardly appear to have any noticeable disabilities (like a spider morph's wobble) and are generally observed to be healthy, however they are more sensitive to temperature changes and can be more easily burned by heating elements, especially pads. This is why many breeders prefere scaleless rat snakes because they retain their belly scales. They are also more easily injured, especially by live prey. It's also worth noting that generational inbreeding, which gave rise to the "scaleless" morph, has a whole basket full of complications, but in this regard scaleless are really no different than any other morph- they've all been inbreed. As far as any expert knows, scaleless snakes are just as healthy as any high-end morph, just a little more sensitive.
Good on you for making the choice to retire the females not producing very well, may they live peacefully in retirement. Also I love that the kinked babies are doing well, I hope they continue to thrive!
It's so funny seeing those baby corns climbing up into the lip of the tub, I've got three young corns and they ALL like to climb up and hang out in the crevice below the lid of their enclosure
I love how baby ratcorns are already so much like the adult versions: Tiny little Houdinis, trying to escape from everything and squishing into all the corners 😂
17:40 - yayy, I appreciate the update on those two, it was worrying getting so close to the end of the video, so thank you for putting in that little text, and it's good news! Glad to hear it!
You should keep one of the peachy to blue ones if they are male as buck is also getting up in age. Happy retirement Daisy and Darla! You both are so pretty and made such healthy babies! We will miss yaaaa!!!
Emily, thank you for not giving up on the snakes that were "less than perfect". I'm glad you culled the one who was clearly suffering, and that the other two were given a chance at a good life. I wonder if there is a niche for snake chiropractors?
It would be fun to leave a camera in the egg bins near hatching, to find out what order they are born in. Also, seeing some of them hatch naturally would be awesome. :)
I just love watching your videos, the babies are the best! I’m personally terrified of snakes but watching you interact with them has helped me to not be quite so fearful.
Oh my goodness! I'd LOVE to have either Darla or Daisy! They'd be great ambassador animals for the educational programs I'm going to be doing in my area. I run my own small rescue/rehab/retirement home and have slowly been collecting animals with the right temperament and tolerance of handling to spread the love and knowledge of different reptile and small exotic animal species. I'll have to apply since Emily and Ed are currently shipping adoptable animals due to good weather conditions.🤘🏻❤️🔥
Loved the "Motorola" baby 🐍 such an special little dude. Feel bad for the 3 with kinks but so happy at least the two of them who have "less serious issues made it ❤
Happy retirement to Daisy and Darla! I hope you both have wonderful homes! I'm so happy to see that the two babies with kinks have been doing really well, and are soon to have been sent to their forever homes!
Absolutely gorgeous. You could name the one with the M on it Mando. 😅😂❤ love watching you guys. Can't wait to come see you guys soon. I'll be moving to Minnesota at the end of October. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hi Emily, and Ed. I am so glad that the two babies with the kinks were adopted. I am glad that you retired those two females. They will make good pts for someone. ❤🐍Cindy
The fact that one of the two scaleless that managed to get out of the egg by themselves was a low expression one might give more weight to the idea that the egg teeth of scaleless snakes either don't form properly or just don't form at all.
Hey, snake discovery! There were two of those really pretty peach to blue snakes, and I couldn't for the life of me find a morph or term for that coloration. Is there anything special that causes those colors? Are you going to keep those for breeding some really pretty snakes?
Great video..Played a drinking game with this video, took a shot everytime I heard the expression "aagguuaa", l am barely able to focus now, not even going to try standing !
@SnakeDiscovery OH EMILY you should know that you dont wanna come under a warm blanket, its warm and cozy and then out side is cold. So it just makes sense that naked snakes want warm egg too ^^
Does the scaleless gene affect the development of the eggtooth? If so, that might explain why they tend to be slower to hatch. Edit: Oh, Emily had the same thought, lol.
Ed: AWW look at the bowl full of noodles😊 Emily Crashing right after seeing bin of babies😂 I was laughing no jock for about 5mins just replaying Emily crashing😂😂😂 Also another print idea have a bowl of snake noodle with Ed saying that by on a poster (or something) Release my pretties... Emily quotes
🚨VERY IMPORTANT🚨 Those little black "hides" are them restaurant sugar packet containers that they have out on all the tables! I went on Amazon and typed in "Resturant Sugar Packet Holder" and a bunch of different kinds of colors, sizes and shapes came up!!! You could have your 60 in 2 days!! Lol I really hope you see this!!! Cute babies btw!! Thanks for sharing!! 😊😊
As she noticed the ones out I could hear in my head, the polite-looking little guy looking at her intently say, "yes, hello, we would like to hatch, please!" 😂😂
agreed. the development of scales is tied to the development of everything else. no coincidence that this clutch had more deformities than usual, with the scaled snakes having more success. not to mention the increased likelihood of injury and other difficulties related to scalelessness... imo no excuse for this. breeding for scalelessness is prioritizing aesthetics over welfare.
Aww-- wish I could adopt Darla. Darla was my mom's name, and my mom passed in 2020- she passed away just before her 58th birthday and I miss her tremendously. I hope this Darla goes to a loving, good home!!
I know you all usually just scratch out names on the tubs but if you want to remove sharpie off the surfaces, try hand sanitizer!! It's cheap and the alcohol breaks down the ink! ♥ Sorry to hear you have to retire some of your snakes but proud of you all for doing what is best to ethically breed healthy and viable babies! I love these little rat snakes because they have such cute and derpy little faces!! 🥰💕
Great update on the two baby rat snakes, who have a fight chance. Happy retirement to Darla and Daisy, I would love to hear how these baby rat snakes are doing in 3 or 4 months. Good luck ❤🇦🇺
Doesnt every egg have a 50% change to be scaled/scaleless? Which means its possible to have 100% or 0% scaled. When rolling a die its possible to roll a 1 10 times in a row.
I am the one who adopted the scaleless kinked ratcorn baby shown in this video
You better reply to this with how he’s doing after he’s all settled in with you!
Please give us updates!
Quasimodo is such a good name!
Thats awesome, Im so glad he found a great home and a great name! Thanks for the update!
That's awesome! I'm way happy to hear he's ok!
we retired from snake breaking about 10 years ago, but one of the things we had noticed while still in the hobby was that higher incubation temperatures tended to throw more kinks. i live in las vegas and sometimes getting ur incubators cool enough is an issue if the ambient room temp is hotter then 85. heat spikes even for a day seemed to cause kinks. just a thought. love the work you do makes me miss seeing pippys every year.
That’s interesting.
It would make sense that the store would be warmer than any of the back rooms due to the door opening and closing all day.
Plus, this summer was _brutal_ even so far north (I keep forgetting that it’s not still summer for most of the country, lol. The heat index where I am right now is 109°. Definitely feels like summer, lol) so it certainly might’ve been warmer than usual.
wow that's very interesting. I wonder if any other breeders have noticed this. thank you for the information
i’m sorry but if you just read the first couple of words out of context of the video it looks like you’re crazy 😭
But that is very interesting, i hope Emily and Ed have or will see this
@@kimmiek0right?! Perhaps they have severe dyslexia or trouble with reading comprehension. Though, I have dyslexia and understood what he said perfectly
@@kimmiek0I think they were referring to the "breaking" vs "breeding" typo and exaggerating their confusion for comedic effect
Happy retirement to Daisy and Darla! I’m sure they’re both in wonderful homes already. I remember being one of them in the adoptathon stream. I was so happy to see the note that the 2 kinked babies were able to eat and go to forever homes. Your videos are such a great mix of entertainment and education. I love them all.
I saw that little note, it made me happy to see. I love that the little scaleless had a derpy eye, it might not be healthy but it’s a charming quirk.
I’m also super glad that they could eat! As long as they aren’t suffering, extra care babies are no burden to a loving home.
Yay, they ate!
One of the adopters even posted in the chat.
@@TheChildofAuraRebornApparently he’s doing well at his new home. Is eating and has shed. His name is Quasimodo. His adopter posted in the comments.
You might be right that scaleless babies have less/slower developed egg teeth, since teeth and skin develop from the same embryological tissues. It's reasonable to think that genetic changes affecting one might affect the other.
Yeah that seems logical, but of course since normal babies do that sometimes, you'd have to compare large numbers in a controlled experiment to be sure. We may not know for sure for a long time.
That hide might be from the Bean Farm, I can't tell what size yours is exactly but it looks like it could be the smallest version of their front opening hides!
Upvote for visibility
Hopefully this comment goes up
No matter how many baby snakes you guys get.
You never sound any less excited for these than you were for the last group.
It's great.
And we’re all equally excited to see the babies and your excitement.
Do we really need to breed *scaless* snakes, though? It’s one thing if you’re taking them in to give them a better quality of life, but idk, it feels weird breeding them intentionally…
Like, it’s great that they educate the public and vet potential adoptive homes, but I can see this backfiring where more uneducated people go out to buy the next scaleless, designer handbag snake (since we treat them like objects to collect, of course), knowing nothing about how they need to make sure the enclosure won’t lead to increased injury/discomfort for that type of snake, meanwhile supporting an already oversaturated market.
Nothing against SD! I just feel weird about it lol.
@@PizzaCat42069I'm coming from that mindset too. I've seen what's happened with breeding dogs that have features incompatible with happy lives 😢
@@PizzaCat42069so scaleless snakes from ratsnakes don't need specialized care because they all have belly scales. I think the one you are getting confused with are scaleless ball pythons, which have special needs due to increased sensitivity as well as zero belly scales causing more issues and increased risk for the snake to get hurt.
As for breeding goes they do their dues diligence in ensuring every baby gets a home and there are TONS of people that keep reptiles so it's not like dogs and cats because most of the time reptiles will find a home hell even reptile shops have taken them in if a person can't keep them (I say this as a person who was going to go into the hobby before life stuff happened).
at the bad egg part, when you took it out the only thought in my mind was: way is its mouth that wide tho
My snake is also a rat corn. I got her from a breeder when she was 9 years old. She's 13 years old now and I absolutely adore her. She is also a retired breeder. I decided to get her because she escaped the bin they had her in at the show and came right to me. I decided then and there that she was mine and bought her. She has been living out a very spoiled retirement and seems to be very happy.
Adorable ❤
The snake had chosen you lol
Im literally a witch, you might want to consider it too; cause I think you have a familiar!! (Every religion has witches, christian witches, jewish witches, greek helenistic witches, even athiest witches who arent religious)
Im not trying to convert you, all im saying is when life gives you lemon right? Plus at a certain point its just self care but ✨️magical✨️ aka personally bougie. Got a routine with your awesome snake? Boom, youre already doing a ritual! That sort of thing! Its never a dull day with a magical emotional support snake 🐍 blessed be💛💛💛
Just in case it’s never been mentioned I will let y’all know a secret to removing sharpie. Use expo marker. Put the expo marker over where you put the sharpie and then wipe it off with a paper towel and sharpie comes right off. Any remaining sharpie can be removed with rubbing alcohol. It doesn’t work for all surfaces though but works well on smooth plastics and glass.
you can also scribble over it with new sharpie and it will come off much easier afterwards with rubbing alcohol!!
hand sanitizer can also remove permanent marker on some surfaces with a bit of elbow grease!
Hairspray works better than anything, been using it for 30 years. Don’t matter what brand, aerosol or pump, it works👍🏻
Or magic erasers!
Extra strength nail polish remover 👌🏼
*Petition for Emily and Ed to always put the babies in a bowl while cutting the eggs so we can see different bowls of noodles* ✋
They would escape
@@jyvaineorchids2255 They didn't with the ones in the video tho ✨
@@jyvaineorchids2255 They just need to do the same thing with the other ones with the two bowlsssssss duh! :D
Plus its freaking adorable ^^
*If Emily and Ed don't do this I will explode*
I hope Daisy and Darla find good forever homes. I like how responsible Emily and Ed are with their pets.
Yay it's baby Wednesday's hatching video! She's a sassy little scaleless too. I'm so excited to see this! She's the one with the 3 jewels over her eyes 🥰
She's adorable!
Thank you, Daisy and Darlah, for your wonderful babies over the years! May your retirement come with endless spoiling and many years of reptile bliss.
Glad to know those two babies with kinks are thriving! Also, always happy to see how responsible you guys are, choosing to retire the mom after those kinks, even though she still produced a lot of beautiful babies.
So happy to know that those 2 little kink babies will be adopted out to loving sweet homes! Hope their happy lives 😊
I love how one was named Quasimodo!
💚 8:55 I love when Emily glitches because she’s overly excited 😂 Emily you’re so darn cute 🥰
I don't personally like how scaleless snakes look, but I really love and appreciate how much love and appreciation they get from y'all =) Those black and white babies are sick! I really like the M/Wario baby
THANK YOU for the update on the two kinked babies! Happy to know they survived!
My theory with the scaleless taking longer to hatch is that the egg tooth is a modified scale, and since the scaleless gene seems to remove scales at random, sometimes the egg tooth is selected and then they can't hatch
Thankfully, these little guys were given a hatching hand.
egg tooth is an actual tooth in squamates (lizards and snakes). It is a modified scale in archosaurs (turtles, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds), but for snakes, its an actual tooth growing from the mandible
I am no expert what so ever but my thought was that since the babies don't have to develope scales they use less ressources and so stay longer since they still have food and so on right there
Happy Retirement Daisy and Darla! Such beautiful snakes all around. Glad those two kinkers are eating! Hopefully they too find very loving homes.
Daisy and Darla ar so beutiful. I want to pet them and the babies to.
I know you probably won’t see this bc there are over 700 comments here, but I really want to tell you how you’ve impacted me. Especially these last few days. I’ve been watching all your wonderful hatching videos and the pure joy that y’all put in to the world is so incredible. The excitement and wonder you express when you see these babies is one of the purest, happiest things I’ve seen. Not only that but you also acknowledge the times when things don’t go as planned. I wish only good things for all of you. There is nothing more comforting to me right now than these videos. All love to you ❤
i saw it
2:46 That jump cut to Emily standing there and Eds makeshift snake catcher bowls was so funny
I love snake discovery I have been watchin for 5 years and always get exited when I see a new upload! the different kinds of morphs have expanded so much and the growth is amazing! from a basement breeder to having there own facility and having employs a zoo and a store and merch and rex is on display! love snake discovery!❤
I get excited too!!!
You should start keeping statistics on how many scaleless pip naturally vs how many you cut. It would be interesting to see if there was actually a trend, hypothesis being that the scaleless gene effects the egg tooth development.
Yea! Another baby video! It's great to see how excited (new babies smell good) , concerned (want to help them get out of eggs) & delighted (about the scale vs. no scale ratio you had this clutch) you are about these wonderful reptiles. I've learned so much about snakes & how to take care of them because of Ed & Emily. Thank you for sharing & for caring about all of your creatures.
As of the first of this month (October), three years ago I made the decision to get a snake. I've got a garter and I'm waiting on my hognose. This love of snakes has been made possible because of you, Ed and Emily. Thank you!
I've never been scared of snakes but this channel has made me appreciate them even more. Today for the first time ever, I got to hold one cause I really didn't have a choice. A tiny baby garter snake had gotten into my basement while I was having work done on my house, so I had to catch him and put him outside. Super cute, super chill. Great experience.
Happy Retirement Daisy and Darla ❤ so happy the kinked babies are doing well
I'm very happy to see the comments aren't littered with hate for them for not keeping their retirement breeders. They'd thrive with someone who have plenty of time to spend with them than with very busy Emily and Ed. They are doing what's best for them
Man never clocked on a video faster.... Also love how emily always says "BaBIS" with a high voice
It’s cute for sure!
But (and don’t come at me because I honestly don’t know), is breeding scaleless snakes ethical? Again, idk how it works, but it seems like a lack of scales could make their lives more challenging in some ways?
@@PizzaCat42069yes, im prettttttyyyy sure
@PizzaCat42069 Unfortunately, not a lot is known about possible negative health effects related to scalelessness in snakes because little research has been done. They don't outwardly appear to have any noticeable disabilities (like a spider morph's wobble) and are generally observed to be healthy, however they are more sensitive to temperature changes and can be more easily burned by heating elements, especially pads. This is why many breeders prefere scaleless rat snakes because they retain their belly scales. They are also more easily injured, especially by live prey. It's also worth noting that generational inbreeding, which gave rise to the "scaleless" morph, has a whole basket full of complications, but in this regard scaleless are really no different than any other morph- they've all been inbreed. As far as any expert knows, scaleless snakes are just as healthy as any high-end morph, just a little more sensitive.
Happy retirement, girls! ❤ thank you for the new baby video, Emily and Ed. Lovely baby snakes, glad to see the kinky bbs (sorry) are doing okay.
The baby with the severe kink is doing amazingly in his new home, fyi! Eating great and being a little butthead ratcorn baby!
Hypothesis, the scaleless ones don't have as well of a developed egg tooth, so they usually stay in the egg untill you cut them.
You are one of the reasons I got into Snakes and reptiles. Your videos are so informative and fun I love them!!😄Sad about the babies with kinks tho.
Good on you for making the choice to retire the females not producing very well, may they live peacefully in retirement. Also I love that the kinked babies are doing well, I hope they continue to thrive!
But Ed, we can't see the babies in the bowls! Half the fun is watching the "joy noodles" squirming in the bin! Lol! This is a great video as always!
It's so funny seeing those baby corns climbing up into the lip of the tub, I've got three young corns and they ALL like to climb up and hang out in the crevice below the lid of their enclosure
The baby videos just keep coming!!!🎉 ahhh! So excited ❤
Happy Retirement Daisy and Darla!!! I hope you have happy life with your forever homes!!! Thank you for the baby noddles over the years!!
I love how baby ratcorns are already so much like the adult versions: Tiny little Houdinis, trying to escape from everything and squishing into all the corners 😂
17:40 - yayy, I appreciate the update on those two, it was worrying getting so close to the end of the video, so thank you for putting in that little text, and it's good news! Glad to hear it!
You should keep one of the peachy to blue ones if they are male as buck is also getting up in age.
Happy retirement Daisy and Darla! You both are so pretty and made such healthy babies! We will miss yaaaa!!!
Emily, thank you for not giving up on the snakes that were "less than perfect". I'm glad you culled the one who was clearly suffering, and that the other two were given a chance at a good life. I wonder if there is a niche for snake chiropractors?
So glad the 2 babies with kinks are thriving, sad that one didn’t thrive, but the clutch is awesome!!
I'd love to get an update on the blue scaleless once they're a bit older/after quite a few sheds to see if the blue tint stays.
It would be fun to leave a camera in the egg bins near hatching, to find out what order they are born in. Also, seeing some of them hatch naturally would be awesome. :)
I just love watching your videos, the babies are the best! I’m personally terrified of snakes but watching you interact with them has helped me to not be quite so fearful.
Ball Pythons are the best to get comfortable with. They're SO slow & lazy.
Aw I love that you're still making scaleless babies. They always look incredible and so soft! And such lovely sweet temperaments on all of them.
Oh my goodness! I'd LOVE to have either Darla or Daisy! They'd be great ambassador animals for the educational programs I'm going to be doing in my area. I run my own small rescue/rehab/retirement home and have slowly been collecting animals with the right temperament and tolerance of handling to spread the love and knowledge of different reptile and small exotic animal species. I'll have to apply since Emily and Ed are currently shipping adoptable animals due to good weather conditions.🤘🏻❤️🔥
I would love to see you guys do an educational video on kinks in snakes. But the health babiews are really cute.
So glad those two kinked babies that you guys were going to see how they ate ended up doing well!
Loved the "Motorola" baby 🐍 such an special little dude.
Feel bad for the 3 with kinks but so happy at least the two of them who have "less serious issues made it ❤
Happy retirement to Daisy and Darla! I hope you both have wonderful homes! I'm so happy to see that the two babies with kinks have been doing really well, and are soon to have been sent to their forever homes!
Absolutely gorgeous. You could name the one with the M on it Mando. 😅😂❤ love watching you guys. Can't wait to come see you guys soon. I'll be moving to Minnesota at the end of October. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yeah 3 million subscribers, congratulations. I always look forward to your videos. Thank you!
Yes! Scaleless rats are 100% my favourites! Been looking forward to this
9:22 Scales that look like jewels around the eyes.
Yaaaas!!! More babies 🤩🥰 I love your videos, but the baby season just makes me so happy 😊
Hi Emily, and Ed. I am so glad that the two babies with the kinks were adopted. I am glad that you retired those two females. They will make good pts for someone. ❤🐍Cindy
I'm so glad that the 2 kinked babies are eating.🥰
Happy retirement Daisy and Darla! I’m sure they’ll find wonderful homes❤
The fact that one of the two scaleless that managed to get out of the egg by themselves was a low expression one might give more weight to the idea that the egg teeth of scaleless snakes either don't form properly or just don't form at all.
Happy retiring days Daisy and Darla!!! Thank you for all those adorable baby videos we had thanks to you❤ it made life a bit easier to endure!
What adorable lil snaky faces 🥰 🐍 🤩
Happy retirement Daisy and Darla! So glad the two kinked babies found good homes and are doing well.
I love the babies. But i miss rex and allie and the others. Could we have an update?
And Onyxia
Happy retirement, Daisy and Darla! Such good old gals.
Hey, snake discovery! There were two of those really pretty peach to blue snakes, and I couldn't for the life of me find a morph or term for that coloration. Is there anything special that causes those colors? Are you going to keep those for breeding some really pretty snakes?
Great video..Played a drinking game with this video, took a shot everytime I heard the expression "aagguuaa", l am barely able to focus now, not even going to try standing !
Can't wait to see more baby snakes hatching!!! LUV ur videos❤❤
@SnakeDiscovery OH EMILY you should know that you dont wanna come under a warm blanket, its warm and cozy and then out side is cold. So it just makes sense that naked snakes want warm egg too ^^
Does the scaleless gene affect the development of the eggtooth? If so, that might explain why they tend to be slower to hatch.
Edit: Oh, Emily had the same thought, lol.
Happy retirement beautiful babies!!! They had such beautiful babies
Ed: AWW look at the bowl full of noodles😊
Emily Crashing right after seeing bin of babies😂
I was laughing no jock for about 5mins just replaying Emily crashing😂😂😂
Also another print idea have a bowl of snake noodle with Ed saying that by on a poster (or something)
Release my pretties... Emily quotes
YAYY another hatching vid!!! I love the babiessss
You could use Google lens to find those hides 16:37
🚨VERY IMPORTANT🚨 Those little black "hides" are them restaurant sugar packet containers that they have out on all the tables! I went on Amazon and typed in "Resturant Sugar Packet Holder" and a bunch of different kinds of colors, sizes and shapes came up!!! You could have your 60 in 2 days!! Lol I really hope you see this!!! Cute babies btw!! Thanks for sharing!! 😊😊
Wishing Daisy and Darla a very happy retirement. What beautiful girls who have worked hard to make so many beautiful babies.
I love you’re videos!
I used to watch them 24/7 when I was little
Same I love snakes
There's a Snake Discovery vid I've watched 13 times lol
As she noticed the ones out I could hear in my head, the polite-looking little guy looking at her intently say, "yes, hello, we would like to hatch, please!" 😂😂
Snakes are so cute 😍
Have to say I find the scaled ones, with the black and cream colouring (as far as I can see on video) are really pretty!
You could start a retirement island for the animals you have to retire but don't want to part with 😊
The blue scaleless looks like a raw and cooked prawn 😍
Hi Em and Ed,
Watching from Australia 🇦🇺
I love your hatching egg vids and they way they are a few month’s later
You’re the first comment congrats 🥳
@@mizzstrawberry_ ok
The scaleless baby who doesn't have the "jewels" around its eyes has a little mustache instead!! So cute 🥰
Breeding scaleless snakes is highly unethical
agreed. the development of scales is tied to the development of everything else. no coincidence that this clutch had more deformities than usual, with the scaled snakes having more success.
not to mention the increased likelihood of injury and other difficulties related to scalelessness... imo no excuse for this. breeding for scalelessness is prioritizing aesthetics over welfare.
This is an “old” video and I’ve missed watching you but now that my life went to Shizzles I needed comfort and remembered you guys
Aww-- wish I could adopt Darla. Darla was my mom's name, and my mom passed in 2020- she passed away just before her 58th birthday and I miss her tremendously. I hope this Darla goes to a loving, good home!!
I know you all usually just scratch out names on the tubs but if you want to remove sharpie off the surfaces, try hand sanitizer!! It's cheap and the alcohol breaks down the ink! ♥
Sorry to hear you have to retire some of your snakes but proud of you all for doing what is best to ethically breed healthy and viable babies!
I love these little rat snakes because they have such cute and derpy little faces!! 🥰💕
Great update on the two baby rat snakes, who have a fight chance. Happy retirement to Darla and Daisy, I would love to hear how these baby rat snakes are doing in 3 or 4 months. Good luck ❤🇦🇺
Doesnt every egg have a 50% change to be scaled/scaleless? Which means its possible to have 100% or 0% scaled. When rolling a die its possible to roll a 1 10 times in a row.
I just made a Snake Discovery bracelet! Congratulations on the scaless rat snakes!🐍
1:50 that snake has a Mario hat on!!! Or a Wario or Waluigi hat😂
Off topic, Emily's eyeliner is adorable! Such pretty babiess
The letter is obviously an "M" on the baby's head for *majestic* ❤
The one scaleless baby without the "eye jewels", the peachy one, has scale freckles! He's so cute 😭
Happy retirement to Daisy and Darla
Wow, some of those babies came out very purple/blue! So pretty!