I would love it if you guys showed clips from the podcast when the cast had science arguments, and then have Sally respond to them with what the real answer is.
There was another example of the animal-learning-from-others discussion that I thought they would have brought up but didn't. I don't remember where but somewhere some poisonous toads got released into a region where crows live (the toads were not native). And the crows learned that if you peck the back of the toad, they get poisoned BUT if they flip the toad on its back and peck it's belly then you dodge it's poison! Now I'm not sure if it's more so that crows are just insanely intelligent animals and can "figure stuff out" or if they were actually learning from each other... hmmm.
Crows (and corvids in general) are incredibly intelligent and can even use tools which is a sign of higher intelligence in animals. So some of the crows would have learnt the method for toads themselves, and others would have learnt by mimicry :D
Crows have many many many examples of this. They're highly intelligent, and more importantly highly social. They teach each other all sorts of things, and have complex enough languages (with regional dialects, even) to describe items and concepts to each other and to future generations. There was a study where a group of people in Halloween masks pestered a group of crows, and over the course of a decade or so continued to interact with them. The crows learned to hate these people (only while they wore the masks), and even transmitted that hate to their young, who would see these masks for the first time after the previous generation was gone and know to hate them. It's incredible stuff. They'll also learn garbage truck roots, or drop hard-shelled nuts into roads for cars to run over and crack open.
Pretty sure I've heard of this sort of thing happening in Queensland, Australia. Cane toads being eaten by "crows" (Australian Raven being the correct name, Australians just call them crows).
If I may add something to the cold talk, humidity plays a HUGE part of it. The cold virus lives in cold environments because of the lower relative humidity. Lower humidity allows viruses and bacteria to thrive more than higher RH. I'm studying HVAC right now and I learned that the comfort RH of humans is in the 50-60% range. This is because in that range, many pollutants, viruses, bacteria, mold, etc. tend to have difficulty surviving as well as being comfortable to us. So, areas with higher relative humidity have longer life expectancies because viruses and bacteria have a harder time spreading.
I think steam is more used to open up the sinuses and hydrate your throat. I had to do steam treatments when I had breathing problems. But maybe this is a happy side effect!
rhiakolareny while that's true, hydration does not equal healing. the heat from steam makes it harder for cold viruses to reproduce and thus speeds up recovery ☺
Another thing about the cold water is the fact that most of one's body heat leaves through the head, hands, and the feet. This is because of the fact that the feel and head stay cooler than the rest of the body due to the fact that they are in close proximity to colder surfaces. Shoes are very bad insulators, meaning that they do poorly with the transferring of heat. The ground is on average much cooler than the air. This is why when you lay down on the grass during a hot day the earth will cool you off, since this is closest to the feet and shoes much of the body"s heat leaves through the feet. This can also be said for the head and hands, as the head and hands are very rarely covered. This allows for the air to cool your extremities much faster than the core of your body. Also your body itself prioritizes keeping your torso warm as the majority of one's vital organs reside there. Another reason why your head looses a ton of heat is due to sweat. Sweat is the bodies way of regulating temperature, and this is why when you come inside after a large workout you can feel lightheaded or more tired than when you were in the heat. This is due to both lactic acid buildup and the sudden change in temperature. That's why after a workout always first towel off before going into the cool environment.
I'm honestly a bit surprised that she didn't bring up orangutans and how they've learned how to spear fish from humans and have gone on to teach younger generations of orangutans how to do this as well.
Are there any diseases that trick the body to giving them a more favorable environment, such as causing a fever, which is normally used to make bacteria/viruses uncomfortable.
meerkats are awesome. ;) I've seen some in a zoo and they are so cool. Somehow the "cage" (made up of glass and wood) had tiny little gaps they they couldn't get through but they could put their paws through, so my brother reached and they were touching him, and then I did it because I saw they didn't hurt him (this was like 2 years ago lol). Chris was just plain wrong that time, ouch. Oh well. I would have guessed the same way he did. I would love get paid to do some of that stuff :P
Here is a question: In static electricity, one material loses electrons to turn a positively charged material into neutral. So what happens to the material that lost the electrons? Does it now become positive?
They both become neutral. For static electricity to exist the electrons must jump from a negative area to a positive area, however not all the electrons jump. Just enough electrons move to eliminate the difference. EX. If I have a rod with -10 charge due to electrons and a rod with +4 charge and bring them together the discharge will leave me with 2 rods with a -3 charge.
The closest I can find is "Johnson, C. & Eccles, R. (2005). Acute cooling of the feet and the onset of common cold symptoms. Family Practice, 22(6), 608-613. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmi072" Maybe Sally got it a bit wrong; the control was participants placing their feet in empty bowls... I only did a cursory search, though, so she may be referring to a different paper.
If you're getting sick because of a cold virus then yes it would shorten your recovery time but if the cause is a different sickness (most common sicknesses take place in the lungs and throat) then it wouldn't help you past temporarily flushing mucus from your nasal passages.
Okay, Rooster Teeth, enough running. When is Season 15 gonna be up on youtube? I don't have the money to buy a subscription on the RT Site and my parents ate tightwads. So how am I EVER gonna see Season 15?
No, I'm 17 and don't have a job. I LITERALLY don't have the money. I would gladly buy a membership because I worship the very space that the RT guys and gals occupy but I'M POOR AF YOU IGNORANT BOFOON
#spotofscience I was wondering if you had grown up without color and everything was black and white would you see color after being exposed to it even though you have never seen color?
(I know you aren't asking the commenters) Yes you would because your eyes only adjust how you see color in short term and can readjust quickly, however the closest example of this would be people living in desert or Savannah environments who very rarely see most grades of green and purple having become exposed to them and having no issue with seeing them.
7:44 I can't believe Sally didn't mention Ant-Aphid symbiosis here, no it's not a learned behavior, but still it has to do with ants. Also: Ravens (arguably the smartest bird) will study/watch humans who fish and ice-fish and wait for them to leave, then steal their catch. But if the human catches them doing it, and punishes them, they will remember the human face and not do it, but just to that person; they will still steal from others.
i would love to see gavin on the show, spouting his nonsense which we now know isnt always bullshit, chris following up with his normal people reasoning and end it with sally providing the right info
Thanks a lot :) But what about inside the space station where your not in a suit? It might be a lost question so you dont have to answere just putting it out there.
Hey spot of science my name is André Wanted to know since we dont know how to control gravety yet, could we make our bodys magnetic to be in space in-sted?
ones body parts could be outfitted to magnetize to certain surfaces but the rest of the body would still be floating around and organs and circulation would still experience 0-Gs. so, to answer your question... yes, if your only goal was to anchor, say, your feet to the floor of a ship, but no because it would not solve the resulting physiological problems of extensive space travel. ☺
Yeah, WEIRD is Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, Democratic. So mostly college/university students from the U.K., U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand and parts of continental Europe. It's a pretty major problem in Psychology, especially for social Psychology, because of the cultural differences between the East and West (for example).
It's round because gravity pulls all points together equally. It's an oblate spheroid because the Earth's rotation creates forces which oppose gravity, causing it to bulge more in the middle than at the poles.
Well thats it My ideer was getting cinda Metallic blod and Im not thinking of solid metal but small metallic cells so our bones and insids could get magneticed, a simulation of gravety on a space station. Would that be possible?
Why is chris totally wrong at the last question? He was at the right track. He basically said that being in a non-isolated environment (where the cold virus can be present) with an environment where it has negative effect on your immune system increases the change of catching the virus. For someone who is not a scientist this is extremely well done. Also, the first question was not understood and therefore not answered correctly. Usually, Sally starts these question of good my questioning the question. So here the question was: 'what do we understand for teaching? Is it genetically, self-taught or by the others?' Because there are different discoveries for each subject for different species.
Rooster Teeth, got an idea for a Rooster Teeth 2D animated parody miniseries for all of your fans out there call Barbarian Rebel Xtreme!!! about a group of highly-skilled future barbarian womans teaming up to take down a evil overpower barbarian queen and get everything back to the way it was and the leader of the group also have a lesbian relationship with a attractive Pamela Anderson barbarian. You can even make a prequel miniseries that explains everything so that way your fans with not be confused
What I mean is: When we are in space with no gravety our body gets weaker couse to the no resistent. So could we make our body magnetic to simulat gravety in space, so there would be no need for maintaning muselmass.
That's an interesting idea. Another one would be to have a rotating ship, which means you would be pulled to the edge by centripetal force. You can see this in 2001: A Space Odyssey, and theoretically it could replace gravity pretty well, as long as you were near the edges of the craft.
While boots and maybe gloves might work okay, there are quite a lot problems with actually making your body magnetic. Not only would absorbing enough ferrous material to be magnetic definitely poison you and cause large amounts of capillary /skin damage from the force the magnetism applied to them, you'd also cause damage to many of the computers and instruments that generally line the walls of spacecraft as densely as functionality allows. Rest in peace, Magnet-Man
While I don't mind Chris, I'd much rather have a different guy next to Sally that is as intelligent as her and actually answering the questions instead of guessing what he thinks the answer is.
I have to disagree with you. Chris's lack of knowledge is what makes this a show. It's great because you're learning but in RT style you're also laughing at and kind of with Chris. I wouldn't mind that guest rotating but you definitely need to keep that role or else the show becomes a simple short form Q&A podcast
why do people catcall and why do women get insulted if we are looking for mates and that is a surefire way to find someone who is interested in them. Do animals catcall?
Animals catcall because that is the only way the express interest. Human beings do not express interest by catcalling. No woman will ever respond positively to a catcall. Best case scenario she says thanks and keeps walking.
It would be a perfect method to find "a" mate, say if we bred like insects and had 100 babies per go and it didn't really matter how strong they were, if you want a decent mate you have to rely on other, more subtle, clues as to their fitness (fitness in this sense not necessarily meaning strength or virility, but could be anything deemed a desirable trait, such as compassion, responsibility, companionship, etc)
Also, bear in mind that not everything humans do is evolutionarily advantageous. I, for one, don't want kids, but by definition that can't (i think) be a genetic, evolutionary trait, because how would it ever get passed on?
I like how Chris always looks to Sally when he's saying his thoughts, as if he's looking for cues whether he's on the right track or not.
I would love it if you guys showed clips from the podcast when the cast had science arguments, and then have Sally respond to them with what the real answer is.
"It tastes fowl to birds" Sally is a pun-machine in the making
at the end of the season they should do a recap where they ask chris all the questions again and see if he learnt anything
A Spot of Science #10, in which we quite literally learn the Cold Truth...
Chris tries so hard not to touch knees with sally. Adorable
"Uhh... you know!"
"I *do* know, yes."
Sally is like "this is literally my area of expertise".
There was another example of the animal-learning-from-others discussion that I thought they would have brought up but didn't. I don't remember where but somewhere some poisonous toads got released into a region where crows live (the toads were not native). And the crows learned that if you peck the back of the toad, they get poisoned BUT if they flip the toad on its back and peck it's belly then you dodge it's poison! Now I'm not sure if it's more so that crows are just insanely intelligent animals and can "figure stuff out" or if they were actually learning from each other... hmmm.
Crows (and corvids in general) are incredibly intelligent and can even use tools which is a sign of higher intelligence in animals. So some of the crows would have learnt the method for toads themselves, and others would have learnt by mimicry :D
The crows learned to use giant scythes and chopped up the frogs with giant scythes.
cane toads
Crows have many many many examples of this. They're highly intelligent, and more importantly highly social. They teach each other all sorts of things, and have complex enough languages (with regional dialects, even) to describe items and concepts to each other and to future generations. There was a study where a group of people in Halloween masks pestered a group of crows, and over the course of a decade or so continued to interact with them. The crows learned to hate these people (only while they wore the masks), and even transmitted that hate to their young, who would see these masks for the first time after the previous generation was gone and know to hate them. It's incredible stuff. They'll also learn garbage truck roots, or drop hard-shelled nuts into roads for cars to run over and crack open.
Pretty sure I've heard of this sort of thing happening in Queensland, Australia. Cane toads being eaten by "crows" (Australian Raven being the correct name, Australians just call them crows).
I think it would be awesome to have Sally on an episode of Always Open.
i love this series.
"Blow us away Chris"
savage. love it.
Thanks for all the hard work you guys put into these videos for us :]
I really enjoy this show. Thanks RT crew!!
Ah, the make fun of Chris show.
Ladybird? Like King of the hill
Chris needs a new shirt.
I knew I was allergic to the cold. ;_; no one believed me
What I'm getting from your meerkat discussion is that Ruby is a mamma meerkat and Qrow is her child.
I'd love to see this kind of show but broadened a little, with experts from a wide variety of fields answering similar questions on their own topics.
If I may add something to the cold talk, humidity plays a HUGE part of it. The cold virus lives in cold environments because of the lower relative humidity. Lower humidity allows viruses and bacteria to thrive more than higher RH. I'm studying HVAC right now and I learned that the comfort RH of humans is in the 50-60% range. This is because in that range, many pollutants, viruses, bacteria, mold, etc. tend to have difficulty surviving as well as being comfortable to us. So, areas with higher relative humidity have longer life expectancies because viruses and bacteria have a harder time spreading.
I want one episode with Gavin trying to explain how high space is and why people like grape
Is this why steam helps get rid of it ?because steam is hot
The Godless-Nerd exactly!
I think steam is more used to open up the sinuses and hydrate your throat. I had to do steam treatments when I had breathing problems. But maybe this is a happy side effect!
rhiakolareny while that's true, hydration does not equal healing. the heat from steam makes it harder for cold viruses to reproduce and thus speeds up recovery ☺
I actually knew about the cold shutting down the immune system. I once used that knowledge to purposefully get sick to get out of a test.
6:58 - I think the bird mentioned should be Turdus iliacus, rather than the bird in the photo. I also think all the Turdus species have this ability
Another thing about the cold water is the fact that most of one's body heat leaves through the head, hands, and the feet. This is because of the fact that the feel and head stay cooler than the rest of the body due to the fact that they are in close proximity to colder surfaces. Shoes are very bad insulators, meaning that they do poorly with the transferring of heat. The ground is on average much cooler than the air. This is why when you lay down on the grass during a hot day the earth will cool you off, since this is closest to the feet and shoes much of the body"s heat leaves through the feet. This can also be said for the head and hands, as the head and hands are very rarely covered. This allows for the air to cool your extremities much faster than the core of your body. Also your body itself prioritizes keeping your torso warm as the majority of one's vital organs reside there. Another reason why your head looses a ton of heat is due to sweat. Sweat is the bodies way of regulating temperature, and this is why when you come inside after a large workout you can feel lightheaded or more tired than when you were in the heat. This is due to both lactic acid buildup and the sudden change in temperature. That's why after a workout always first towel off before going into the cool environment.
Interferon sounds like a robot that keeps getting in the way
So...Timon was a savage all this time. I thought he was just another animal that went wrong
I'm honestly a bit surprised that she didn't bring up orangutans and how they've learned how to spear fish from humans and have gone on to teach younger generations of orangutans how to do this as well.
Sally is brutal with her knowledge on Chris, and it's hilarious.
Are there any diseases that trick the body to giving them a more favorable environment, such as causing a fever, which is normally used to make bacteria/viruses uncomfortable.
so what was cut at the beginning?
meerkats are awesome. ;) I've seen some in a zoo and they are so cool. Somehow the "cage" (made up of glass and wood) had tiny little gaps they they couldn't get through but they could put their paws through, so my brother reached and they were touching him, and then I did it because I saw they didn't hurt him (this was like 2 years ago lol). Chris was just plain wrong that time, ouch. Oh well. I would have guessed the same way he did. I would love get paid to do some of that stuff :P
Here is a question: In static electricity, one material loses electrons to turn a positively charged material into neutral. So what happens to the material that lost the electrons? Does it now become positive?
They both become neutral. For static electricity to exist the electrons must jump from a negative area to a positive area, however not all the electrons jump. Just enough electrons move to eliminate the difference. EX. If I have a rod with -10 charge due to electrons and a rod with +4 charge and bring them together the discharge will leave me with 2 rods with a -3 charge.
but what about something like a doorknob, which was neutral in the first place?
Need a citation for the study mentioned at 12 mins
The closest I can find is "Johnson, C. & Eccles, R. (2005). Acute cooling of the feet and the onset of common cold symptoms. Family Practice, 22(6), 608-613. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmi072"
Maybe Sally got it a bit wrong; the control was participants placing their feet in empty bowls... I only did a cursory search, though, so she may be referring to a different paper.
God I love this show
Now i have more things to say when people inevitably bring up the weather and colds.
But does this mean, that when I feel like I'm about to get sick, I just need to warm up my nose? :D
If you're getting sick because of a cold virus then yes it would shorten your recovery time but if the cause is a different sickness (most common sicknesses take place in the lungs and throat) then it wouldn't help you past temporarily flushing mucus from your nasal passages.
this is like cathartic for me
Okay, Rooster Teeth, enough running. When is Season 15 gonna be up on youtube? I don't have the money to buy a subscription on the RT Site and my parents ate tightwads. So how am I EVER gonna see Season 15?
No, I'm 17 and don't have a job. I LITERALLY don't have the money. I would gladly buy a membership because I worship the very space that the RT guys and gals occupy but I'M POOR AF YOU IGNORANT BOFOON
I was wondering if you had grown up without color and everything was black and white would you see color after being exposed to it even though you have never seen color?
(I know you aren't asking the commenters) Yes you would because your eyes only adjust how you see color in short term and can readjust quickly, however the closest example of this would be people living in desert or Savannah environments who very rarely see most grades of green and purple having become exposed to them and having no issue with seeing them.
7:44 I can't believe Sally didn't mention Ant-Aphid symbiosis here, no it's not a learned behavior, but still it has to do with ants.
Also: Ravens (arguably the smartest bird) will study/watch humans who fish and ice-fish and wait for them to leave, then steal their catch. But if the human catches them doing it, and punishes them, they will remember the human face and not do it, but just to that person; they will still steal from others.
a spot of science also known as the 2017 roast of Chris demarais
Ad ends at 0:47.
Early squad where u at!!!
can bugs get sick like how we get a cold?
i would love to see gavin on the show, spouting his nonsense which we now know isnt always bullshit, chris following up with his normal people reasoning and end it with sally providing the right info
Thanks a lot :)
But what about inside the space station where your not in a suit?
It might be a lost question so you dont have to answere just putting it out there.
Sally is savage
Anyone else thought this was the RT podcast and click it instantly
13:34 nose hair dance lol
wish it was 30min episodes
I wonder if that's why ladybugs smell horrible when u kill one
Where's my RED VS BLUE. New episode it said it will come out on April 2nd it's April 3rd!!!!!!
Hey spot of science my name is André
Wanted to know since we dont know how to control gravety yet, could we make our bodys magnetic to be in space in-sted?
You'll have to be a bit more precise there. What do you mean with "to be in space"? And how does having a magnetic body help with that?
Also bear in mind, magnetism is simply the attraction to ferrous objects, not to mass in general.
ones body parts could be outfitted to magnetize to certain surfaces but the rest of the body would still be floating around and organs and circulation would still experience 0-Gs. so, to answer your question... yes, if your only goal was to anchor, say, your feet to the floor of a ship, but no because it would not solve the resulting physiological problems of extensive space travel. ☺
Am i the only one that's struggling to understand this conversation? 😂😂
"if you have any questions please send them to sciencespot@roosterteeth.com and we'll get to them"
Listen to your Gus overlord!
Yeah, WEIRD is Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, Democratic. So mostly college/university students from the U.K., U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand and parts of continental Europe. It's a pretty major problem in Psychology, especially for social Psychology, because of the cultural differences between the East and West (for example).
Wait, you're supposed to either ask Chris or Sally? I always thought the purpose was for Chris to "answer" the question then Sally responds to it
Is there a version of this video series without chris?
Why does Gus say "I've got another question" at the beginning. Cut that way?
Dreamworks How To Train A Meerkat To Eat A Scorpion.
i learned this in biology like weeks ago
I ate a ladybug when I was young. It sucked.
You know, like, you know? Right?
So Chris only has a closet full of blue-yellow stripe shirts.
I skip over Chris' "alternative facts" and go straight to Sally for actual facts.
Can Sally tell us why the earth is round? NOPE
It's round because gravity pulls all points together equally. It's an oblate spheroid because the Earth's rotation creates forces which oppose gravity, causing it to bulge more in the middle than at the poles.
Donkey Kong
Psh, the Earth is flat, duh
If rhino means nose and saurus means lizard then rhinosaurus means nose lizard? Oh but no that's not how you spell 🦏 rhinoceros? Still a question
IDK, maybe "ceros" has someth8ng to do with the horn?
Would an umbilical cord pop offa human baby if there was no other way to cut it?
So does she work there now?
They just tape a bunch of shows on the days she's in town.
What happened to Chris's hair on the side it looks like it was shaved or something
Poor Chris :(
anybody else think that Chris and Sally might end up dating
why is she so smart?
mice are inside, rats are outside. everyone knows that
I would not Think so
how come he wears the same shirt every episode
the last time i was this early , bernie still needed glasses
I think Chris is smarter than Gus.
the w in the WEIRD acronym stands for western, not white.
Well thats it
My ideer was getting cinda Metallic blod and Im not thinking of solid metal but small metallic cells so our bones and insids could get magneticed, a simulation of gravety on a space station. Would that be possible?
Why is chris totally wrong at the last question? He was at the right track. He basically said that being in a non-isolated environment (where the cold virus can be present) with an environment where it has negative effect on your immune system increases the change of catching the virus. For someone who is not a scientist this is extremely well done. Also, the first question was not understood and therefore not answered correctly. Usually, Sally starts these question of good my questioning the question. So here the question was: 'what do we understand for teaching? Is it genetically, self-taught or by the others?' Because there are different discoveries for each subject for different species.
Gus is wearing bacon socks. That is all.
Rooster Teeth, got an idea for a Rooster Teeth 2D animated parody miniseries for all of your fans out there call Barbarian Rebel Xtreme!!! about a group of highly-skilled future barbarian womans teaming up to take down a evil overpower barbarian queen and get everything back to the way it was and the leader of the group also have a lesbian relationship with a attractive Pamela Anderson barbarian. You can even make a prequel miniseries that explains everything so that way your fans with not be confused
I honestly think I'd rather have SoS just be Gus and Sally. Take Chris out and it's a great show.
Notification Squad!
Callum Walker YOOOOO
when is red vs blue coming out
What I mean is:
When we are in space with no gravety our body gets weaker couse to the no resistent.
So could we make our body magnetic to simulat gravety in space, so there would be no need for maintaning muselmass.
That's an interesting idea. Another one would be to have a rotating ship, which means you would be pulled to the edge by centripetal force. You can see this in 2001: A Space Odyssey, and theoretically it could replace gravity pretty well, as long as you were near the edges of the craft.
Luke Ramsay exactly
Also bear in mind, magnetism is simply the attraction to ferrous objects, not to mass in general.
true, and fair point
While boots and maybe gloves might work okay, there are quite a lot problems with actually making your body magnetic. Not only would absorbing enough ferrous material to be magnetic definitely poison you and cause large amounts of capillary /skin damage from the force the magnetism applied to them, you'd also cause damage to many of the computers and instruments that generally line the walls of spacecraft as densely as functionality allows. Rest in peace, Magnet-Man
why does Chris wear that same shirt every episode
Because they probably filmed all the same day.
But then Sally has had different outfits haha!
he's from a cartoon
While I don't mind Chris, I'd much rather have a different guy next to Sally that is as intelligent as her and actually answering the questions instead of guessing what he thinks the answer is.
I have to disagree with you. Chris's lack of knowledge is what makes this a show. It's great because you're learning but in RT style you're also laughing at and kind of with Chris. I wouldn't mind that guest rotating but you definitely need to keep that role or else the show becomes a simple short form Q&A podcast
Mike B Yeah I like having Chris on.
I'm scared of that idea. Two brits...the comments will go crazy. Joel...I'd enjoy that, but he's secretly smart.
I personally don't like Chris to me he's just take some time with stupid answers sometimes are funny but most time they're just in the way
Erick Sanchez i didnt know bout de site
why do people catcall and why do women get insulted if we are looking for mates and that is a surefire way to find someone who is interested in them. Do animals catcall?
Animals catcall because that is the only way the express interest. Human beings do not express interest by catcalling. No woman will ever respond positively to a catcall. Best case scenario she says thanks and keeps walking.
It would be a perfect method to find "a" mate, say if we bred like insects and had 100 babies per go and it didn't really matter how strong they were, if you want a decent mate you have to rely on other, more subtle, clues as to their fitness (fitness in this sense not necessarily meaning strength or virility, but could be anything deemed a desirable trait, such as compassion, responsibility, companionship, etc)
Also, bear in mind that not everything humans do is evolutionarily advantageous. I, for one, don't want kids, but by definition that can't (i think) be a genetic, evolutionary trait, because how would it ever get passed on?
Too bad this show isn't just Gus and Sally.
Likes fuel my ego
Im trying to reach blaine levels
good luck
J KB about as many likes as people like Blaine so far
Blaine is extremely insecure though, so that means you want as few likes as possible...
well congratulations, you made it at 15 likes.
Please get Chris off of this hahaha I'd rather have Gavin on this lol but I'd like to be on here too. Micro-bio major major 🙌🏽
Is it just me or is Sally getting more bully-ish by the episode?
Pedro Mascarenhas Belo its you
she is, it's not only you :\
where RWBY
lil lil And lee lee RWBY's over kiddo, it'll be out come October. Look forward to RWBY chibi though coming this may.