Jonathan Mayor i use a steel regularly, and every now and again I reset the blade with a device called “Any Sharp” which you can pick off eBay for £7. Deffo worth buying one, but the Any Sharp device takes off a bit of metal so I only use once every 4 months or so, and use a steel to keep it topped up. Razor sharp this way.
Very excited. First batch of beef is now “velveting” in the deep freeze. I’m going to try your stroganoff on Tuesday! Woohoo!
Jonathan Mayor it works, honestly. I thawed one of the packs I made from this vid and had it for my lunch at work and it was like soft as hell!
Feed With Steve Oh my goodness it totally does work! Stunning!
What sort of sharpener do you recommend?
Jonathan Mayor i use a steel regularly, and every now and again I reset the blade with a device called “Any Sharp” which you can pick off eBay for £7. Deffo worth buying one, but the Any Sharp device takes off a bit of metal so I only use once every 4 months or so, and use a steel to keep it topped up. Razor sharp this way.