Chainsawman: A man MADE of Chainsaws

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
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  • @bassman9261995
    @bassman9261995 11 місяців тому +156

    “You can’t use a chainsaw to clear your debt”
    That sounds like a creativity problem

    • @PanAndScanBuddy
      @PanAndScanBuddy 11 місяців тому +12

      It very much depends on whether you want to be hunted down for being a chainsaw super killer as you destroy the people who control all of your debt like Samson breaking the pillars of the very building he's in killing everyone and himself.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому

      You can't use one, cuz you not only need to get creative with those you owe the debt to, but also to the system that upholds their power over you. The blade will simply get gunked up with blood and viscera. You need many chainsaws. This is a metaphor for unionization

    • @beardedemperor
      @beardedemperor 11 місяців тому +11

      ​@@PanAndScanBuddy this, too, is solvable with enough chainsaws.

    • @searchingfororion
      @searchingfororion 11 місяців тому +2

      This thread brought to you by Project Mayhem. Do *you* know Tyler Durden?

    • @ClockFink
      @ClockFink 4 місяці тому +1

      I mean as Denji notes, he arguably does just that… he doesn’t owe anyone any money after he hacks the yakuza all to death.
      Which yeah, that step was arguably unnecessary since they’d already became zombie and zombies aren’t skilled at usury… but in some alternate scenario where he became the chainsaw man and killed them all while they were still living humans, it’d be equally resolved.
      Katana-Man may want revenge, but even he doesn’t seem to have a financial ledger to wave in Denji’s face.

  • @docseamonster3491
    @docseamonster3491 11 місяців тому +149

    Power is a cat the way Denji is a dog. And thus she is the current standard bearer for anime catgirls.

    • @GreysonMacAllister
      @GreysonMacAllister 11 місяців тому +12

      This is the best take I've seen all week lmao

    • @Neon_Ghost1
      @Neon_Ghost1 11 місяців тому +7

      holy shit good catch! Didn't even occur to me haha

    • @timothymclean
      @timothymclean 11 місяців тому +11

      The difference is that Power's _literal_ cat doesn't have a symbiotic relationship that gives her power.
      Well, there's another difference, but it's a big spoiler.
      Denji's dog "dies" before he does, Power dies before her cat.

    • @Waterseeker_
      @Waterseeker_ 11 місяців тому +13

      @@timothymclean Depends on how you read it. Power would literally not be alive if not for how caring for the cat gave her purpose and identity. In that sense it gives her all her power.

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 11 місяців тому +1

      @@timothymclean More like Denji's relationship is as a human was to a devil dog whereas Power's relationship is as a devil to a a human cat... or maybe a 'not-devil' cat.

  • @bofdm
    @bofdm 11 місяців тому +295

    So if Puchita *did* take over Denji's body to seek revenge, would that qualify as a reverse John Wick?

  • @alaw4581
    @alaw4581 11 місяців тому +61

    Makima has proven to be the epitome of you are not immune to propaganda

    • @airplanes_aren.t_real
      @airplanes_aren.t_real 10 місяців тому +2

      It's kind of funny that she would probably be more powerful in this world if she just had an onlyfans

  • @broopara
    @broopara 11 місяців тому +193

    One of my favorite things about Denji is his relationship with intimacy. He's had such a miserable life that one of the simple pleasures he wants most is to hold a girl who cares about him. He doesn't actually know how that works, though, he doesn't understand how to get it past basic carnality.
    He follows Makima in part because he doesn't have a choice and in part because she implied she might sleep with him if he does well enough. He's told he doesn't have any convictions or goals and decides on the spot that his primary aim is to touch boobs.
    All throughout it though, every time he's given what he thinks he wants, he feels unfulfilled (and/or disgusted in the case of Himeno). He's disappointed when Power lets him cop a feel but he doesn't get why (it's because putting your hand on an uninterested coworker's chest is not the same thing as love and affection).
    I tend to despise how horny characters are written in anime and manga, there's too little consent for my taste a lot of the time. I appreciate the depth Fujimoto put into Denji and his feelings and the way the female characters around him interact with him - a lesser author would've had him trip hands-first onto Power's tits and spend the next fifteen minutes ranting about the glory of boobs or some shit.
    Also the chainsaws. The chainsaws are pretty good, too.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +38

      Denji's stunted ability to seek long-term goals is a social commentary on the current generation who are living in such dire economic straits that they can't afford to do things like save up for home ownership, family planning, etc. I think the way that he's written makes it super believable that he'd end up that way, but some of the social commentary gets muddled by the fact that everyone who's abused him and stunted his growth has been an objectively evil individual person with a face and a name who just so happens to control an organization. I think it's only in part 2 that commentary on larger systems actually gets to be a bit more obvious, like Fujimoto wasn't satisfied with people not getting that Denji's supposed to be, like, the end game of the trajectory that zoomers are on. Like if you take all of these to the extreme: the debasement that they're put through by slave driver workers and increasingly authoritarian school systems, the utter hopelessness of their futures on a dying planet, the increased degree of influence over their minds they see companies and governments trying to exert on them, you get Denji, a guy who can't see into the future very far, who lives a hair's width away from death, and who's focused only on like, the first two tiers of Mazlow's hierarchy of needs, tops. And I think his growth arc is supposed to show how, even if "kids these days" manage to get out of the hole they're trapped in by the generations who came before them and the systems of oppression that rule our society, they're not even equipped to properly navigate a world where they can afford to live in more than just the present moment, to look more than a day or two into the future. I just freaking love Denji so much, Fujimoto created such a great character. He's like how Spider-Man was supposed to be relatable when Superman wasn't, but updated for this modern world where even Peter Parker's lifestyle seems not that bad overall: he's no millionaire and he still has to risk his life and face mixed opinions from the public about his existence, and he's lost people he cares about and has to deal with a guilty conscience, but at the end of the day, he has a good side hustle, a loving wife, and doesn't even have the government holding a gun to his head. Denji's got none of that, and that makes him relatable to teenagers and 20-somethings today. Perfect character writing for the modern age. Love it!

    • @Peasham
      @Peasham 11 місяців тому +11

      I'd likewise argue that Denji forces himself into acting horny despite not really being particularly horny at all as a commentary on society's insistence that it's normal for teenage men to be horny, as his goal is a normal life. One of the biggest tells that he isn't actually horny is actually near the beginning of the story, where he just.. completely forgets his deal with Power, he wasn't performing his perceived social obligation naturally or on his own, but only in front of others. However, he can't lie to himself to the extent that he feels fulfilled with performing his perceived social role, which is why he feels unfulfilled, it's not something he actually wants.

    • @broopara
      @broopara 11 місяців тому +6

      @@Peasham That's a good point! I'd say he thinks this is how a teenage boy is supposed to seek the intimacy he actually wants. In the first chapter when he's telling Pochita the dream he hopes to have when he sleeps, he wants a girl to kiss him and play video games with him and hold him in her arms. He yearns for affection but only knows how to seek it out through sex because that's what he's been led to believe he's *supposed* to want.

    • @frog6054
      @frog6054 11 місяців тому +8

      Agreed, Fujimoto is great at writing relatable protagonist. Asa from chainsaw man part 2 is also relatable for me, even more than Denji because of hard it is for her to maintain a relationship. I hope Fujimoto give a happy ending for Denji and Asa...

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 11 місяців тому +1

      I came away with the same conclusion. I don't have an issue with characters being depicted as horny this way. In a lot of ways it's writing him accurate of his age, which is something a lot of shonen protagonists aren't. They usually have the energy of a 15 year old and the life experience and personal growth of a 35 year old. However, while I have no direct issue at Denji, I didn't like how the narrative sometimes chooses to objectify the female characters the same way Denji does, or at least the way he pretends he does. It kind of betrays that whole thing when there's gratuitous scenes of fondling and intimacy with very generous camera angles, especially in regards to some very questionable scenes where Denji's age of being 16 suddenly becomes too relevant. I know there's an interpretation of "growing up too soon", and what being a kid in a grown-up world with grown-up problems looks like, but I don't think it's handled very delicately, and it really just seems like fan-service, and the way it brushes it under the rug immediately is genuinely not OK imo. I feel like most see it as not a big problem because it's an older female colleague with our younger male protagonist through whom we're experiencing the story, and all it takes is recontextualizing the situation to know why it's pretty bad on the author's side. I haven't read the manga so this could be extra scenes added in the anime, but in that case... why?

  • @0meAcat1
    @0meAcat1 11 місяців тому +383

    The strength of the devil is proportionate to the fear of the public. Such a simple worldbuilding note that became the most incisive political comment ive seen in a show. The gun devil drew strength from ceaseless media coverage, panic went into the crowd and became a dark god

    • @Ponera-Sama
      @Ponera-Sama 11 місяців тому +33

      I have made two Chainsaw Man OC's throughout the manga's runtime (not that I had the chance to use them for anything). One of them is a Hybrid whose Devil is the fear of new technology, which in 1997 would be things like cell phones and the internet and today would be stuff like AI art. A pretty fun character but less so related to this fear factor aspect.
      The second OC lives and breathes this part of the lore. She is the Witch Devil, the Magic Devil, the Devil who represents the fear of something that almost no one in the modern world even believes exists. In her prime, some 500 years ago, she was a Kaiju, a monstrosity laying waste to kingdoms, basically the Gun Devil of the middle ages and even less controllable. Today she is a pale, fading shadow of her former self, having regressed to being as vulnerable physically and mentally as a child and not even understanding she's a Devil, instead calling herself a "Magical Girl" - But the one thing she still remembers is that she's living on borrowed time and has resigned to her fate a long time ago.
      -Apologies if the mere mention of the word "OC" makes you cringe, by the way. I would have put a trigger warning at the beginning, but apparently some people are triggered by trigger warnings, so I didn't.-

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +16

      It's such a great and straightforward idea for a power system. I don't think I've seen any other work of media use the idea of "fear makes him stronger" to that degree, to the degree that it literally influences the entire world and is an omnipresent factor in even ordinary people's day-to-day lives. Like yeah there have been slasher villains who grew stronger out of fear but they were just guys at the end of the day, not humongous demons that could grow to the size of a small island, travel at mach 10 or even teleport, defy all known laws of aviation, etc. etc., and they were just one bad guy in the slasher flick, not a countless stream of essentially-immortal blights who could only, at best, be confined in their weaker cases, or be temporarily killed until they respawned somewhere else. It's just such a great conceit for a horror-action series!! And it plays super well into the higher themes of the work that act as social commentary on late-stage capitalism, bureaucracy, the growing general collective feeling of the slow, painful end of the world looming on the horizon, etc. etc. Like, not to spoil stuff, but the fact that the gun devil isn't even the strongest devil, even though guns are the main implements of millions upon millions of murders every year worldwide, and that the stronger devils are what they are, says a whole lot about society!! (Peter Griffin pic goes here)

    • @CollinBuckman
      @CollinBuckman 11 місяців тому +25

      it also makes the world extremely bleak if you think about it, because devil powers are in a feedback loop where the stronger they get, the more terrifying they are, which in turn makes them stronger.

    • @stm7810
      @stm7810 11 місяців тому

      The trans women devel has destroyed britain.
      this is an anti terf comment to be clear, unfou nded fear can also work, like chainsaws are scary despite rarely being used on humans.

    • @eugeneramirez8753
      @eugeneramirez8753 11 місяців тому +18

      The appearance of the Darkness Devil later on in the manga is one of my favorite things in comics ever, up there with a handful of pages from Uzumaki.

  • @MysteryDisc
    @MysteryDisc 11 місяців тому +40

    The only character capable of rivalling Power's popularity is...Kobeni's car

  • @MrPooleish
    @MrPooleish 11 місяців тому +93

    Chainsaw Man was the only thing people would talk about for months. I finally sat down to read some to see if it was worth the hype. I read 95 chapters in two days. Then Chainsaw Man was the only thing I wanted to talk about.

    • @sonicx2218
      @sonicx2218 11 місяців тому +14

      Same lol. I stayed up til like 4am reading and work the next day SUCKED and all I could think about was finishing pt 1.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +11

      Saaame, though this happened to me well before the anime was announced. All my friends seemed to have gotten into it at the same time and just wouldn't stop talking about it, so I decided to read it and had the exact same experience as you. It's such a fantastic manga. I won't pretend I'm so well-read in the art of manga that I can claim to rank it among the best of all time, but it *is* the best manga I've ever read out of hundreds of series (maybe even over a thousand, I lost track.) The big caveat is that I haven't read Berserk yet (dragging my feet on it, I know) and I hear that's *even better*, but if "almost as good as Berserk" is the worst someone can say about it, then it's probably pretty damn good!

    • @eliasgorman829
      @eliasgorman829 11 місяців тому +3

      ​@@drewbabelmao fr tho Berserk is totally your Jame if you enjoyed the thoughtfulness of CM's character arcs.
      NEW TREND: really fucking good writing UNLOCKED!

    • @frog6054
      @frog6054 11 місяців тому +5

      Yeah, I thought chainsaw man was one of those overhyped Shonen anime but after reading all the chapters, including part 2, it's quickly became my favorite manga of all time. Relatable characters, epic, funny, chaotic, conspiracy, it's just have everything!

    • @dc19lima
      @dc19lima 11 місяців тому

      I thought it would be Halloween

  • @marianodebian
    @marianodebian 11 місяців тому +49

    - A man, made of chainsaw.
    - Okok that sounds rad but we need a main enemy that is also interesting
    - I know.. a man, made of katanas!

    • @Necrapocalypse
      @Necrapocalypse 11 місяців тому +22

      Don't forget the overarching threat, the man made of guns.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +13

      @@Necrapocalypse Or the gaslighting, gatekeeping girlbosses (several of them! The author's barely disguised fetish, etc.!

    • @WeedgokuBonerhitler
      @WeedgokuBonerhitler 11 місяців тому +17

      @@drewbabe Please, give Fujimoto *some* credit! He doesn't disguise it.

    • @timothymclean
      @timothymclean 11 місяців тому +10

      Katana Man looks like Denji's equal and opposite rival, so it's pretty funny how irrelevant he ends up being in the face of stronger, more thematically-relevant devils.

    • @frog6054
      @frog6054 11 місяців тому +5

      Yeah, I just realized chainsaw man doesn't really have the "rival trope" or even main villain up until the last arc.

  • @BobLogical
    @BobLogical 11 місяців тому +41

    Making me go insane that it'll be at least a billion years before Quanxi gets animated. I can't handle it.

    • @distractedrogue6472
      @distractedrogue6472 11 місяців тому +3

      I need the Sapphic fiend harem now

    • @timothymclean
      @timothymclean 9 місяців тому +1

      It'll be even longer before we get Asa Mitaka animated. Quanxi fans can at least enjoy a bit of schaudenfreude at the expense of part 2 fans.

    • @thewingedporpoise
      @thewingedporpoise 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@timothymclean oh my God I just realized the fish monologue will be animated

  • @BrittishAnger
    @BrittishAnger 11 місяців тому +22

    Had me at "Guy Made of Chainsaws"

  • @AxelHunterTwitch
    @AxelHunterTwitch 11 місяців тому +145

    I’ve moved in with a family with three kids, and I made a home theater to bond with them. I make preshows with old cartoons, educational snippets and comedy bits for fun. I’ve used a lot of your videos for horror preshows to help articulate to them the breadth of what horror is and can be, and hopefully get them more into horror and your videos. Hoped you’d appreciate knowing that.

    • @tambrabonds950
      @tambrabonds950 11 місяців тому +5

      That's so neat! I never thought of doing preshows before a movie night

    • @tazandalsoalastname
      @tazandalsoalastname 11 місяців тому +6

      Can you please be my dad/mom? 🥺

    • @DarlingMissDarling
      @DarlingMissDarling 11 місяців тому +7

      MANNnnn... This is the most wholesome comment I've seen in forever!

    • @niteowl9491
      @niteowl9491 11 місяців тому +8

      dude that is such a cute idea! love that

    • @milk_bath
      @milk_bath 11 місяців тому

      Please do not expose kids to horror. I hope you are least getting consent from their parents/guardians.

  • @ven5646
    @ven5646 11 місяців тому +43

    Mildred has a wonderful capacity to "spoil" major components of a series for me in a way that makes me all the more curious. Thanking them for being the reason I watched baby oopsie and now this too I guess!!

    • @paulsmart4672
      @paulsmart4672 11 місяців тому +3

      Once, on a stream I think, he said he read Hyperion because someone spoiled "a really spooky thing that a spooky guy does" and yeah it was a spoiler, but its okay because he didn't even know he wanted to read it until someone gave him that spoiler.
      And I think there's a certain sensibility to that.

    • @thisrandomdude_
      @thisrandomdude_ 10 місяців тому

      ​@@paulsmart4672Super Eyepatch Wolf has a really interesting video essay about spoilers that's along the same lines, I'd highly recommend checking it out!

  • @Sugugus_421
    @Sugugus_421 11 місяців тому +33

    9:58 I'm OBSESSED with this version of the story that will never exist.
    A devil, living in the body of the only friend he ever had, learning to live with other humans (exactly like Denji is in the real show), trying his best to live his life to the fullest, to honour and fullfil every dream Denji ever had and that he couldn't achieve because he died poor, miserable and afraid ?
    Denji forever haunting the narrative because human!Pochita couldn't look in the mirror without seeing the face of the one person he wished was still here to enjoy this new life of (relative) luxury with him ? And at the same time, thinking that maybe, in a way, he is ? That maybe deep within this reanimated body there lies some remnant of the person that Denji was ? That by inhabiting his corpse, Pochita allows him, at least symbolically, to live out all the experience he yearned for ?
    And also Pochita having to learn and undestand humans, while only ever really knowing Denji, who was always kind and selfless towards him ? And how maybe that would lead him to always look for the good in all the people he meets, like Aki, Power and the other hunters ? How none of them would really measure up to the memory of his former friend at first but then in time, they would start to warm up to each others and he would find in them what he once found in Denji ?
    I don't know. This is probably 100x more sappy that the real CSM storyline. And it's not the story Fujimoto wanted to tell but I wish I could get a glance at the alternate universe where he did.

    • @Rumiiroomie
      @Rumiiroomie 11 місяців тому +3

      I had that exact glance you're talking about. We paused the first episode [popcorn, bathroom, something like that] right AFTER his blood slipped into Pochita's mouth but BEFORE the second reveal of Pochita becoming his heart. I remember being really pumped by the episode so far, being super happy we had a whole season to go, and idly daydreaming about the devil who's about to go out into the world as a human. Exactly like you described.
      Then we unpaused. Still one of my favourite shows of all time, but I'll mourn what I briefly thought it was.

    • @LupineShadowOmega
      @LupineShadowOmega 11 місяців тому +7

      I mean, we sort of have that. Sure its played for laughs, but after a certain thing happens, Denji's will is broken and with it his pact. So for that short time we have Pochita doing that, or at least he tries. Which is why it is played for laughs. A Devil isn't human, some of them take on more human shapes or interact enough with humans to be able to effectively fake it till they make it so to speak, but all of them. Even the ones best at it...aren't human. They don't really have human reactions, they don't really have human thought processes, so mostly its guess work or study on their part. And that is the joke. Pochita isn't very good at the guess work.

    • @Sugugus_421
      @Sugugus_421 11 місяців тому

      ​@@LupineShadowOmega Yes, the way devils work and their psychology would have to be very different for the story to play out like I describe. But it's interesting that Pochita "comes back" later in the story. I was definitely under the impression that he had died in order to save Denji. Even Denji himself speaks about him like he's gone for good, if I recall the show correctly

    • @290naz
      @290naz 11 місяців тому +1

      @@Sugugus_421He did thought Pochita was gone but then Makima just straight up says that Pochita is still there in his chest just chilling in the second episode of the anime.

  • @Anarchomancer
    @Anarchomancer 11 місяців тому +105

    Chainsaw Man, pardon my pun, effin rips! The harrowing yet bittersweet conclusion of part 1 left me to appreciate one of the best codemnations of beauracracy and control in fiction.

    • @Anarchomancer
      @Anarchomancer 11 місяців тому +15

      Also every female character is precious and I would die defending every one. Except Makima.

    • @kazioification
      @kazioification 11 місяців тому +10

      @@Anarchomancer Except Makima.

    • @shannonolivas9524
      @shannonolivas9524 11 місяців тому +5

      Reflecting on themes of this manga helped me to appreciate other people's fear of "control". I never feared the government taking control of my life, I don't think that's realistic, I think other forces (market forces) are more apt to control our lives in less direct (perhaps more insidious) ways. But I can see better now how terrifying a lack of control (as a concept) can be. There is probably a component of fear of certain mental illnesses or dementia that is tied to a loss of control. To not have control over one's own life, your fate, or one's own body... yes, that is terrifying.

    • @kazioification
      @kazioification 11 місяців тому +5

      @@shannonolivas9524 "To not have control over one's own life, your fate, or one's own body" - well, yes, terrifying is one word for it, certainly. But you can also call it being poor and neurodivergent in late capitalism. Greetings from a poor, neurodivergent person, living in late capitalism.

    • @frog6054
      @frog6054 11 місяців тому +5

      Chainsaw man part 1 has the best ending/final arc in any manga ever! It's bittersweet, epic, sad, chaotic, unpredictable and just overall awesome. I hope part 2 can deliver the same epicness as well.

  • @toppersundquist
    @toppersundquist 11 місяців тому +24

    My youngest two kids made me watch Chainsaw Man, and I am eternally grateful to them.

  • @jrtrew3391
    @jrtrew3391 11 місяців тому +42

    A live action would be a great place to work in some wet puppetry.

    • @GhengisJohn
      @GhengisJohn 11 місяців тому +5

      Exactly what I was thinking man. It's a nice bonus that a live action version would require just... so many wet puppets.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +3

      It would be impossible to do a live action adaptation without heavy use of CG, and once studios get addicted to CG, they forget the art of the wet puppet. Unfortunately, I think a live action Chainsaw Man adaptation would be entirely devoid of wet puppets... but I think a fanmade short film that just shows, like, idk, what the fight with the Tomato Devil would have looked like if they had animated it, would be an excellent opportunity for a nice, juicy, beefsteak wet puppet.

    • @holocoffin
      @holocoffin 11 місяців тому +2

      The slimiest puppets even.

    • @raindancejam9466
      @raindancejam9466 11 місяців тому

      I-i don't get it

    • @timothymclean
      @timothymclean 9 місяців тому +1

      Someone on Tumblr made a lot of posts about a hypothetical Muppet adaptation of Chainsaw Man. I don't remember if you're allowed to post arbitrary links in UA-cam comments, but if you are the next comment should have one.

  • @99wattr89
    @99wattr89 10 місяців тому +5

    Damn, Mildred, really putting me on blast from minute one for not thinking that 'replace anatomical features with blades and commit acts of violence' is a good enough basis for a story.

  • @nave365
    @nave365 11 місяців тому +12

    there is a man made of chainsaws and he kills a man made of katanas by kicking him in the balls
    this manga is so deep and profound it actually helped me allot with my own feelings of self-worth and the inadequacy i wasn't even fully conscious of sitting in a pit within my soul it helped me finally say to myself yes I am a person and I don't need permission to say that
    then the chainsaw man he ride the shark man like a horsie and stab another man made of stuff with the chainsaw he has for a arm

  • @elite-aleet
    @elite-aleet 11 місяців тому +29

    I found myself surprisingly captivated by it one day while my husband had it on DESPITE him being made of chainsaws and now I'm looking forward to the next season.

    • @HarrisBoe
      @HarrisBoe 10 місяців тому +1

      As someone who has read the manga, season 2 is going to MESS YOU UP. You have no idea how twisted this story gets.

  • @matthewwhiting6191
    @matthewwhiting6191 11 місяців тому +8

    chainsaw man to me is a story about loss, and taught me how valuable (and how very full of blood), my friends are

  • @redroC171
    @redroC171 11 місяців тому +12

    love the bit of Main Video Mildred continuing to ramble on about the Chainsawed Man while Credits Mildred and Bobby Duke read off the Patrons, because I too cannot shut up about the series when I start going on about it

  • @THeKallOfCtulu
    @THeKallOfCtulu 11 місяців тому +42

    Fujimoto is a truly generational talent. He just gets it

    • @PanAndScanBuddy
      @PanAndScanBuddy 11 місяців тому +4

      I heard him describe seeing other people's art, manga professionals, as so much better that he felt like they had cheated, because he is self taught.
      And boy does my heart break for him because I fuckin love Chainsaw Man.

    • @THeKallOfCtulu
      @THeKallOfCtulu 11 місяців тому +4

      @@PanAndScanBuddy he went to some classes for illustration, but it was a portrait drawing class, rather than manga illustration. So he's not entirely self taught but his training is so unorthodox that basically all of his paneling and layout sense is self taught. Which I think you can see in how extremely reminiscent of like, film storyboards his layouts are.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +5

      I wish the guy didn't have to stick to the weekly shounen jump schedule. He's said publicly that deadlines force him to produce stuff he's not happy with. I know he's kind of a perfectionist inside, despite the fact that his art skills are self-taught and he hasn't made time to refine them, but rather just kind of relies on his intuitive understanding of composition and how to use line strokes properly, so he'll probably never be truly happy with his own work. But you can kinda tell that if he was given 2 weeks per chapter instead of 1, the man would be able to make every single chapter bang instead of just, like, 90% of them.

    • @THeKallOfCtulu
      @THeKallOfCtulu 11 місяців тому +5

      @@drewbabe thankfully part 2 has been on a semi biweekly schedule. Seems like they're letting him take 2 weeks between chapters whenever he feels like he needs to.

    • @eliasgorman829
      @eliasgorman829 11 місяців тому +3

      ​@@THeKallOfCtuludude should be able to singlehandedly spread better working conditions in manga just on the basis of his character work. Chainsaw man WILL make you cry and like it.

  • @Malicious_Hero
    @Malicious_Hero 11 місяців тому +7

    Fun fact: Fujimoto has said that he based Power on Cartman from South Park. There is a reason that Power is the worst.
    But also, Power is the best.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +11

      replace all the hate speech from Cartman with just being an actual demon and you get a character who is unironically less of a bad person

  • @twistysunshine
    @twistysunshine 11 місяців тому +36

    Okay now THIS could get me into this show! Before I was simply eh. I prefer non fighting anime and Manga, but I LOVE good character work. Thank u for a good synopsis!

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +5

      Every fight in the manga is about adding characterization or world building, primarily the former. So even though it is an action manga where I'd say more than half the chapters take place with some sort of violent conflict either front and center or happening in the background while dialogue occurs, it really is all in service of telling a story about the people taking part in it. I can't talk too much about it without spoiling stuff, but characters' fighting styles speak to their motivations (like, the characters who use contracts that put themselves more in harm's way speaking to how driven they are for their goals or how they prioritize others over themselves) and to their upbringing/background (like, how disciplined or skillful they are when fighting speaking to their dedication to their goals/job, or how reckless Denji is speaking to how he's been so used to pain and suffering making him not shy away from more of it.) It's really fantastic. I highly recommend if you watch the anime first you do it with subs since the dub cast isn't a perfect fit, but even moreso, I recommend the manga, as it's overall a better media experience and, with a few exceptions, is better at doing the character work even though you can't hear their voices. But definitely watch the anime after reading the manga anyway, cuz the voice acting is a great supplement to the characterization!

    • @irecordwithaphone1856
      @irecordwithaphone1856 10 місяців тому

      It is an incredibly character driven story, but you might not get that impression at first

  • @FowlFolk
    @FowlFolk 11 місяців тому +4

    Wait wait wait. Are you 100% sure that I can't use a chainsaw to clear my debts? Because I would argue that you're not using enough chainsaw.

  • @jiyangli9779
    @jiyangli9779 11 місяців тому +4

    i loved 'goodbye eri' but i never finished the first episode of 'chainsawman', i should get back to it

  • @traytonvanderecken3311
    @traytonvanderecken3311 11 місяців тому +17

    I would love to see a heavy metal album with Chainsaw Man on the front cover.

  • @WhoIsRaphaelLeraux
    @WhoIsRaphaelLeraux 11 місяців тому +20

    This is easily the best explaination of Chainsaw Man that I've seen. I already expected to enjoy this video based solely off the strength of how great your videos usually are, but this was even better than I expected.

  • @MangetsuSAMURAI
    @MangetsuSAMURAI 11 місяців тому +7

    Once I got over the HORRIFIC VIOLENCE and BODY HORROR, Chainsawman is probably the best anime/manga I've ingested in the last fifteen years. Everything Mildo said was correct. Deep character development, bombastic action, stupifyingly fluid animation, a man made out of chainsaws, etc.
    Go watch it. Go watch it, then after that go read the manga. The high school arc that takes place after the main government arc is insane.

  • @davidbinkley4575
    @davidbinkley4575 11 місяців тому +11

    Hell yeah, Slimo covering one of the best contemporary anime out there. Nice.

  • @jessel9626
    @jessel9626 11 місяців тому +39

    Oh boy, I love stories about groups of friends that grow closer together. I hope that Power and Chainsawman fall in love and have bloody chainsaw babies and nothing bad happens to them.

  • @WrenMcNally
    @WrenMcNally 11 місяців тому +4

    Scardey Cats talking about one of my favorite animes? HELL YEAH!

  • @witchfynder_finder
    @witchfynder_finder 11 місяців тому +17

    God, I remember when I finished reading the first part of the mango and I had to just kinda sit there for a while. Here I was at the end of a journey of incredible violence full of some of the dopest monster designs I'd ever seen who largely seemed to exist only to get fucking destroyed by a man made of chainsaws and yet when I looked back on the comic, the parts that I remembered, the parts that stuck with me, were the downtime scenes. The slow burn of Denji and Power learning to care about each other, to love each other, not in a romantic way, but in a way somehow purer than that. A story about devils and men made of chainsaws was somehow the most human story I had ever read.
    If you haven't, yet, please. Read Chainsaw Man. Or watch it, I haven't seen the anime yet but I'm sure it's also fantastic. It has Denji and Power doing a funny little dance. Just don't miss out on this.

  • @street-zombie
    @street-zombie 11 місяців тому +8

    I was going to say that I love this deep analysis that opened my eyes to major themes in an anime I already loved, but...I didn't realize Power was a corpse possessed by a devil. She was already my favorite character and she ust got so many bonus points. I find her love for her cat a redeemable quality, and her adorable friendship with Denji. I, of course, mean no disrespect to the badass Violence Fiend
    Also I think it's really funny when they're at the restaurant and Denji's like "I can't read any of these Kanji" (relatable as a native English speaker) and Power's like "GIVE ME ALL THE SASHIMI AND KARAAGE IT'S ALL MINE and everyone says "wow she's so well-behaved"

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +3

      they do kind of just quickly explain what fiends are in a single scene in a single chapter, so it's understandable that you missed that detail. but yeah, makes you wonder, if those are dead bodies then isn't the breast groping scene technically necrophilia? 😆it is explained that they have, like, warm bodies and a pulse, though, so maybe not. FWIW, since you missed that bit, you should also know that fiends are weaker than their devil forms. I don't know if they explained why devils even bother to become fiends in the first place though, tbh. they don't seem to care about fitting into human society all that much, so looking kinda like a human doesn't seem worth the vulnerability. maybe I missed an explicit or implicit explanation, idk. and one more detail is that Denji is not a fiend, he's a new type of existence... but I think they explained that more extensively in the anime and manga both, so you probably didn't miss that, but hey, I'm sharing just in case, since you're a fan and I bet you'd like to know more of the lore, so I wanna fill in any gaps I can!

    • @290naz
      @290naz 11 місяців тому +2

      @@drewbabeI'd say the reason why some Devil want to become Fiends is because they don't want to lose themselves. Because devils in Chainsaw man don't permanently die when they get killed(Excluding special circumstances). They get respawned back in hell as a new iteration of themselves, losing whatever personality that they have in the past version.
      My other theory is that these devils don't want to go back to hell because the place is terrifying and they rather become fiends then deal with whatever primal fear and other strong devils that hasn't died yet in hell.

  • @javsandarts
    @javsandarts 11 місяців тому +5

    This made me realize I would love to see you do a video about Dorohedoro

  • @Quantarum
    @Quantarum 11 місяців тому +25

    I was blown away by the anime and immediately tore into the manga and it wrecked me, the sense of loss and the desire for things one cannot have were very relatable.
    One caveat; Public Safety pays very well, look at Kobeni's massive apartment, it's the money that lures them in.

    • @furbyacolyte5604
      @furbyacolyte5604 11 місяців тому +2

      wait, did we ever see kobeni's apartment? doesn't she live with her family and use her salary to support them?

    • @TheAshenCouncil
      @TheAshenCouncil 11 місяців тому +6

      @@furbyacolyte5604 I assume they meant Himeno's apartment and got names mixed up.
      Himeno's apartment WAS pretty nice.

    • @makeagamer
      @makeagamer 11 місяців тому

      I don’t think we see where Kobeni lives. Are you thinking of Aki, Himeni, or Makima’s apartments?

    • @Quantarum
      @Quantarum 11 місяців тому +1

      I meant Himeno's.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому

      Yeah one thing that's mentioned in the manga several times is that there are private devil hunters who don't get paid as well but they go private because they aren't obligated to do their job or die trying. I guess you could kind of think about it as a commentary on government authoritarianism or something, but my understanding is that Japanese civil servant type jobs aren't worse than working for private companies, so I'm not sure if it's meant to be commentary in and of itself, but rather it's more of a manifestation of the influence of those who control the department. Not sure! It's fun to think about though.

  • @paulsmart4672
    @paulsmart4672 11 місяців тому +4

    Man, that scene where Aki seems totally unaffected and fine, but then he tries to light a cigarette...

  • @tno1990
    @tno1990 11 місяців тому +7

    Also the opening and ending songs are a bangers, and the animation is amazing

  • @Michaela_ZC
    @Michaela_ZC 11 місяців тому +3

    You're telling me a Chain saw this man?

  • @BigBadBalrog
    @BigBadBalrog 11 місяців тому +6

    There was a hole in the wall local music venue in my city that was run by this nice little old man who went by Chainsaw

  • @varnull6120
    @varnull6120 11 місяців тому +4

    Interesting thing I found out today (coincidence is a strange thing) - the romanian word for chainsaw comes from the russian word for friendship, written drujbă in romanian

  • @AmandaTroutman
    @AmandaTroutman 11 місяців тому +4

    Makima is horrifying... Truly remarkably terrifying

  • @cassandralyris4918
    @cassandralyris4918 11 місяців тому +5

    Oh hells yeah. Now I hope you cover Dorohedoro next.
    As for manga, it's technically "mahngah", but anyone who bitches about someone saying "maynga" at this point should just be ignored.

  • @nathanaelwaters2509
    @nathanaelwaters2509 11 місяців тому +2

    I cant believe how much a manga about a guy made of chainsaws means to me personality

  • @katy8161
    @katy8161 11 місяців тому +8

    You have singlehandedly made me want to watch Chainsaw Man.

    • @katy8161
      @katy8161 11 місяців тому +3

      I'm reporting back, having watched all 12 episodes and subsequently bought the first 11 volumes of the manga to arrive at my house posthaste:
      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA heck. it's so good. thank you for the rec. heck

  • @steveharrison76
    @steveharrison76 11 місяців тому +8

    Weirdly, this is the first manga that really make me want to watch (I’m middle aged).
    I say “weirdly”, but… he’s made of chainsaws, give me a break.

    • @PanAndScanBuddy
      @PanAndScanBuddy 11 місяців тому +2

      I highly recommend the upcoming Delicious In Dungeon.
      It starts with "Delving into a dungeon requires a lot of food, but your rations have diminishing returns because they get so heavy if you keep going deep" then "What if we ate the monsters of the dungeon" then "Wait the dungeon has an ecosystem in delicate balance" and just springboards so beautifully from there into even more amazing stuff.

    • @steveharrison76
      @steveharrison76 11 місяців тому

      @@PanAndScanBuddy this?
      This is the second one. Today has been a good day.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +1

      @@steveharrison76 I just want to second the recommendation of Delicious In Dungeon (aka Dungeon Meshi.) I went in expecting a whimsical take on a frankly overdone fantasy RPG setting, but I got something that's honestly right up there with The Hobbit in terms of actually amazing high fantasy fiction with a story filled with both lighthearted whimsy but also unsettling darkness. It's not, like, "entire Tolkeinverse" levels of complex lore-wise, it feels more like the way that The Hobbit was as a standalone work, before The Lord of the Rings complicated and somewhat retconned it. It's so good! The manga is great, and the upcoming anime looks like it's going to be beautiful!

  • @FluxChanneler
    @FluxChanneler 11 місяців тому +8

    Denji and Power are my two perfect idiot children, and I would do anything to protect them.

  • @AdamMooreGameDev
    @AdamMooreGameDev 11 місяців тому +4

    Chainsaws can solve a surprising number of your problems.

  • @EJ-jc2oj
    @EJ-jc2oj 11 місяців тому +3

    I didnt even finish watching the video before diving into this and i have no regrets

  • @botanahazard6456
    @botanahazard6456 11 місяців тому +3

    Y'see I'd be on board, but tell me Mildred is there a man made of chainsaws?

  • @Rebazar
    @Rebazar 11 місяців тому +3

    Also your outfit in this video has a big "superhero secret identity" vibe to it and I'm digging it

  • @ilikebirds7748
    @ilikebirds7748 11 місяців тому +3

    You've convinced me to watch this show. Though, im ashamed "man made of chainsaws" wasnt enough for me in the first place

  • @paulsmart4672
    @paulsmart4672 11 місяців тому +3

    Makima is fucking terrifying even before she starts doing spooky shit.

  • @keylimesatellite2835
    @keylimesatellite2835 11 місяців тому +4

    I started this because Guy Made of Chainsaws and stayed to be emotionally destroyed

  • @papabungle
    @papabungle 11 місяців тому +4

    I'm glad to see you covering my favorite ongoing thing right now

  • @turbaecarissimus9752
    @turbaecarissimus9752 11 місяців тому +4

    This was an awesome way to tell the story without too many spoilers, nice

  • @a.p.2356
    @a.p.2356 9 місяців тому +3

    "You can't use a chainsaw to clear your debt, or fight your depression, or manage grief."
    Pff, not with that kinda attitude you can't.

  • @gibs7320
    @gibs7320 10 місяців тому +1

    fucking love this vid so much. the comparison of denji selling his body parts and the public safety sacrificing their bodies to devils finally made that theme click in my mind. its so brilliant

  • @shaunbrowne9870
    @shaunbrowne9870 11 місяців тому +4

    Yes, yes, that's all well and good. But is there a man made of chainsaws in it, by any chance?

  • @jimballard1186
    @jimballard1186 10 місяців тому +4

    I am very upset UA-cam didn't let me know about this video.

  • @WeaponizedStrumpet
    @WeaponizedStrumpet 11 місяців тому +1

    If you can't solve your problems with chainsaws
    You're simply not using enough chainsaws.

  • @NunyaBiznessss
    @NunyaBiznessss 11 місяців тому +6

    God I love this story. Great video dude.

  • @bluestar9997
    @bluestar9997 11 місяців тому +3

    I did not expect Chainsaw man to come up on this channel, but I love that it did!

  • @eljn0323
    @eljn0323 11 місяців тому +4

    ok ok im convinced I'll watch the fuckin chainsaw dude violence hour

  • @sonicx2218
    @sonicx2218 11 місяців тому +5

    Thanks for covering this one! Chainsaw man was probably my fav manga of the past few years and the anime was really stellar as well. So excited for where it'll go.

  • @garykent7642
    @garykent7642 10 місяців тому +1

    Geoff at Mother's Basement recommended this channel and God, if this isn't the perfect video to summarize Chainsawman, I don't know what is!

  • @THATGuy5654
    @THATGuy5654 11 місяців тому +4

    I do love the way you handled the conclusion. I don't think I've seen anyone else do that before. I mean, the main reason to start a UA-cam channel is to be able to talk without having anyone talk over you!

  • @jamesrule1338
    @jamesrule1338 11 місяців тому +11

    This video raises an important question: Why haven't I watched Chainsawman?

    • @MrJstorm4
      @MrJstorm4 11 місяців тому

      Because you're still on parole from horny jail!

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +1

      Your comment was from 9 days ago. Hopefully you have rectified this dilemma by now! Or if you haven't watched it, you've at least (or rather, even better) read it!

    • @gwen9939
      @gwen9939 11 місяців тому +1

      My reason was pretty simple. I heard the adaption didn't live up to the insane hype. After having watched the adaption I can honestly say they were all off their rockers. I understand that the source material is probably even better as from what I can tell about how much fans seem to love Fujimoto and his work, but I'm just not good at mangas or comics. Can't do 'em, can't appreciate them very well. I need the pictures to move and have sound, I don't know why. Thankfully, the chainsaw man adaption is excellent.

    • @Arda-kf8nd
      @Arda-kf8nd 10 місяців тому

      @@gwen9939the adaptation was great im glad u enjoyed it and I can’t wait for season 2

  • @Necrapocalypse
    @Necrapocalypse 11 місяців тому +21

    I'm glad to see you getting into horror anime. I love Chainsawman and all* works by the author.
    *Fire Punch is complicated.

    • @Ponera-Sama
      @Ponera-Sama 11 місяців тому

      Do you know about his literal My Hero Academia death fic?

    • @Necrapocalypse
      @Necrapocalypse 11 місяців тому

      @@Ponera-Sama No I do not

    • @Ponera-Sama
      @Ponera-Sama 11 місяців тому +2

      @@Necrapocalypse I don't remember if Fujimoto wrote it before or after Chainsaw Man started, but one of his manga is called "Goodbye Eri".

    • @Necrapocalypse
      @Necrapocalypse 11 місяців тому

      @@Ponera-Sama Okay this is kinda funny but that's about a completely different Eri. It's about a kid who gets a smartphone for his birthday and makes a film about his dying mother for school. He gives it a... controversial ending that everyone hates except this girl he meets, Eri. Anyway go read it it's awesome, short, and I believe freely available?
      Edit: Just a free preview now. I mean, legally.

    • @KosmosUzuki999
      @KosmosUzuki999 11 місяців тому +4

      Goodbye Eri is not about MHA, come on

  • @apollousabowofthegoddess511
    @apollousabowofthegoddess511 11 місяців тому +2

    I don't know anything about this, but I find those handles on his head very cute 😋

  • @JigglyCox
    @JigglyCox 10 місяців тому +1

    You really sold this - watched the whole season this weekend!

  • @euansmith3699
    @euansmith3699 11 місяців тому +3

    "... this show is a comedy, by the way." 😅😅😅

  • @gabe_ed
    @gabe_ed 11 місяців тому +3

    I love you so much
    Chainsaw Man is GREAT
    I have nothing else to say

  • @gdroid2838
    @gdroid2838 11 місяців тому +5

    I need to go watch Chainsaw Man, again now. I hope you're happy! Also, you're 100% right about Power. She is best girl/devil. And yes, you absolutely should not give Makima what she wants and yes, everyone watching/reading this 100% will anyways. I hate her with every fibre of my being but I love her.

    • @PanAndScanBuddy
      @PanAndScanBuddy 11 місяців тому +1

      It has to be complicated after THAT episode that introduced Katana man. Oh boy. Oh shit.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому

      I know that I would be unable to physically or mentally resist Makima but it's not through any fault of my own, and I think the same can be said for most people. Except the people who unironically bark in the comments of fan art of her. They're... a lost cause.

    • @chaossmith3864
      @chaossmith3864 11 місяців тому

      ​@@drewbabeI feel really stupid but I'm not sure what that last part even means.
      But nah I don't much care for her.

  • @aaronh.2496
    @aaronh.2496 11 місяців тому

    Mildread’s videos give me so much joy.

  • @docseamonster3491
    @docseamonster3491 9 місяців тому

    The incredulous "dogs are slaves" gets me every time

  • @King-Bubel
    @King-Bubel 11 місяців тому +5

    Glad to see you talking about this series, it’s one of my favorites out there!

  • @de1998
    @de1998 11 місяців тому +7

    So, is there a chance you’re gonna talk about Dorohedoro next?

    • @friend_xtra
      @friend_xtra 11 місяців тому

      i need more seasons

  • @CatHasOpinions734
    @CatHasOpinions734 11 місяців тому +4

    See, I'm glad I didn't listen to the bit about going for a walk, because "MAN + CHAINSAWS = AWESOME" is not all that compelling to me, but tell me "an especially tragic variant of Wholesome Shonen Protagonist goes through even more tragedy and has to absorb the life of Supportive Magical Mentor Pet," I am much more intrigued.

  • @drewbabe
    @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +3

    Btw if you're wondering about the pronunciation of "manga", it is closer to "mahngah" and speaking with an american/canadian accent and pronouncing it that way wouldn't raise anyone's eyebrows. Pronouncing it like mango will, and actually it's kind of an old internet joke to call it "mango" instead 😆You can always just like, put this stuff into google translate and see what their machine voice says and go with that, if you want! Though I bet it helps engagement to have people like me commenting this stuff 😉

  • @adude8673
    @adude8673 10 місяців тому +2

    Great video, but i cant get passed those glasses.

  • @cleahpatra
    @cleahpatra 11 місяців тому +2

    Amazing video and commentary - I just love Aki so much, he just makes me want to cryyyyy

  • @KazikoWhite
    @KazikoWhite 11 місяців тому +2

    Okay I'm 11 minutes in and I'm willingly not going to finish this video because I'm already sold on watching the show so brb.

  • @anarchion2141
    @anarchion2141 11 місяців тому +2

    Sooo ... this man ... what's his deal? Is he made of chainsaws or what?

  • @yuukovukovich9996
    @yuukovukovich9996 11 місяців тому +1

    Hell yeah! Chainsaw Man is my favorite series right now and it's great to see Mildred hyping it up

  • @trishasaoirse1511
    @trishasaoirse1511 11 місяців тому +4

    I have yet to see Chainsaw Man, but i simply must ask: is there a creepy dentist teeth devil? Or perhaps an existentially horrifying and isolated black hole devil? Mayhaps is the clown devil the most horrifying thing ever witnessed by mortal eyes? I simply must know!

    • @pyroguy1104
      @pyroguy1104 11 місяців тому +3

      There isn’t a black hole Devil that I’m aware of, but there actually is a Darkness Devil, who shows up in one of the most iconic scenes in the series. It’s what’s called a “primal fear” Devil, which are considered the most powerful devils in the world of the series. The way it’s portrayed is genuinely fucking terrifying yet simultaneously fucking GORGEOUS.

    • @kennybrightwell1877
      @kennybrightwell1877 11 місяців тому

      Only America has fear/distrust of clowns as a cultural signifier. Most other countries are pro-clown/clown ambivalent. To the point that some cultures, like Japan, are confused by the phenomenon in the states.
      Darkness devil rips though. And War Devil seems pretty scary too.

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +1

      It's like the old apple catchphrase, "There's a devil for that." There's a devil for literally everything some human has ever feared at some point. But you just don't see them all at once cuz that would be an unbounded amount of drawing to do. I think there's something close to a clown devil, and like the other commenter said, there's a darkness devil. If you combine darkness devil with falling devil you basically have black hole devil, right? That's basically how it works, I think :)

    • @irecordwithaphone1856
      @irecordwithaphone1856 10 місяців тому

      There are some pretty existential devils beyond just things like Spiders or Chainsaws

  • @friend_xtra
    @friend_xtra 11 місяців тому +2

    having watched the first episode a while back and deciding to nope out, i don't know if this will convince me to give it another shot. but you did make it a lot more interesting to me. i can only take so much shonen.

    • @phi-blue
      @phi-blue 11 місяців тому +1

      Without giving away spoilers, CSM is a shonen but I think it's also in its own way a criticism of shonen. In most shonen, the day Denji gets recruited would be where he's on his way to a perfect life, but CSM carefully undoes that to show that the people he thought he was protecting, the stability he thought he had, etc is not what it seems. I could gush more but I don't want to give it away haha

    • @Peasham
      @Peasham 11 місяців тому +3

      This ain't a battle Shonen, there's no semblance of a training arc or even particularly complex fights, It's literally only classified as such because it's serialized in Shonen Jump.

    • @friend_xtra
      @friend_xtra 11 місяців тому

      @@Peasham are there fights where the next opponent is stronger than the last opponent?

  • @AngDevigne
    @AngDevigne 11 місяців тому +1

    I feel like I've watched every Chainsaw Man video on the internet, and this is the best one, period. Your narration is everything. Thank you for creating!

  • @AthosJosue
    @AthosJosue 11 місяців тому +1

    The world mythology of CM sounds similar to American gods, I need to make time to see it

  • @andy9306
    @andy9306 11 місяців тому +1

    This is outrageous. Best girl is very obviously Bream

  • @commonhurricanebeast
    @commonhurricanebeast 10 місяців тому +1

    I tried to convince my sibling to watch chainsaw man last year with no avail. So instead I said "watch this video, it's pretty good, it explains why I like the series, I will never bother you about chainsaw man again". She's still absolutely devastated about pochita... I made a mistake.

  • @ConvincingPeople
    @ConvincingPeople 11 місяців тому +5

    Chainsaw Man is an absolutely incredible manga and I really hope we get to see more of it adapted to animation. A lot of people have been weirdly negative about the anime, and while I can understand some of the complaints, I could hardly disagree more. Here's looking forward to seeing Guangxi and her lesbian fiend polycule in motion.

    • @irecordwithaphone1856
      @irecordwithaphone1856 10 місяців тому

      I think people's opinions will really change if they ever make a season 2 covering some of the best arcs

  • @evangonzalez2245
    @evangonzalez2245 6 місяців тому +1

    I did not think I was gonna like this review, I was WRONG. Well reasoned, incredibly thorough overview, excellent wit/humor.
    Hats off to you, I'll be looking for more of your videos 🫡👏

  • @DoctorDissonance
    @DoctorDissonance 11 місяців тому +5

    Your best girl takes are Beam erasure, and i will have none of it! (For real tho, great vid on one of my fave pieces of art)

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +1

      Beam is (essentially) spoilers for anime-onlys right now, so I appreciate Mildred holding back on revealing the actual best girl.

  • @eclipserepeater2466
    @eclipserepeater2466 11 місяців тому +1

    half man half chainsaw all sick as hell

  • @waxknucklebearingjuice5592
    @waxknucklebearingjuice5592 11 місяців тому +1

    I waited alllll day at work till i got home to get real high before watching this. I mean i got high at work of course , but i did wait to watch this.

  • @serpentsaurus7969
    @serpentsaurus7969 11 місяців тому

    I saw a single picture of the chainsaw man and thought it looked too silly for me, but this video made me want to seek it out. Thank you!

  • @just2watch1clip
    @just2watch1clip 11 місяців тому +2

    So then it's not about a man who saw chains, but a man made of chainsaws... Even better!

    • @drewbabe
      @drewbabe 11 місяців тому +1

      Boy meets girl is out, Chain saw man is in

    • @just2watch1clip
      @just2watch1clip 11 місяців тому

      @@drewbabe Brilliant

  • @MarsHottentot
    @MarsHottentot 11 місяців тому +2

    Yo, we're both rocking our WET PUPPETS t-shirts!!