Can You Be Trans Without Dysphoria?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
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  • @IExpectedBSJustNotThisMuchBS
    @IExpectedBSJustNotThisMuchBS 2 роки тому +19

    Based on how society frames man/woman, I’ve always “felt” more like a man than a woman in a woman’s body and I’m perfectly happy with the body I got for this ride on the planet-I feel no body dysphoria. (I did experience dysphoria regarding my sense of gender until I made peace with it.) I identify as a woman (s/he) because most wouldn’t understand. However, I can barely remember the number of times that, as people have gotten to know me, that they tell me I am more like a man than a woman (despite my femme appearance)-from male friends to female partners. And so these people are also picking up on something even if it is only that they have been inculcated into what characteristics are more like a man than a woman.

    @ELIAHAVAH 2 роки тому +16

    Another example would be a trans person who is fully transitioned (whatever that means for them), and so does not experience dysphoria anymore. :)
    I personally think the definitions of gender dysphoria and euphoria are not super clear. Dysphoria is described as the discomfort associated with gender dissonance; euphoria is described as positive feelings associated with gender consonance. I therefore view dysphoria and euphoria as simply being nothing more than 2 opposite sides of the same coin: an absence of euphoria *is dysphoria,* however mild or tolerable; an absence of dysphoria *is euphoria,* a feeling of *comfort in your own skin* (and social role). Cis people experience euphoria every second of their lives, but are unconscious of it, due to never having experienced its absence; and I personally would argue that *every* trans person - even one who doesn't think they have dysphoria - *by definition* has dysphoria, if they are experiencing the absence of what would be a greater euphoria in a different gender expression. If it's “not me”, in the co-host's words, *that, in itself,* I personally would say is dysphoria, even if it is not clinically significant enough to warrant medical or social transition.
    But, I am just one trans person! And others may disagree with me.

    • @andrewhannaford2995
      @andrewhannaford2995 2 роки тому +1

      I’d have to disagree in that - at least from my own experience - you can definitely experience euphoria and dysphoria at the same time. Like the euphoria might overshadow the dysphoria for that moment of time but it’s not like it’s gone. From my own experience I can feel euphoria about someone gendering me correctly whilst still feeling *incredibly* shit about my body.

      @ELIAHAVAH 2 роки тому +2

      @@andrewhannaford2995 Well certainly! People can feel happy and sad about different things at the same time. But happy and sad are still opposites. You're feeling dysphoria about one thing, and euphoria about another. I didn't mean to imply they're like… static uniform states of being, lol. We can definitely feel a mix sometimes.
      I wish you increased euphoria and decreased dysphoria in life. 🙏

  • @JuxGD
    @JuxGD 5 місяців тому +3

    '"i don't hate it but i wish it was different"

    • @JuxGD
      @JuxGD 5 місяців тому

      uhhh i actually relate to this a little

  • @55tranquility
    @55tranquility 2 місяці тому

    I don't know if you guys don't know but this explanation is poor. The concept of 'I think I am something, so therefore I am it' present in identity politics particularly gender theory - is based in and comes out of post structural philosophy and its theory of knowledge and linguistics, which is foundational to intersectional theory. Writers whose works are often characterised as post-structuralist include Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Jean Baudrillard .
    These theorists questioned the soundness of ontology and demonstrated the emergence of 'Truth regimes'; and they developed new ways of thinking about difference and identity that are anti-essentialist rather than grounded or fixed a priori. In its most simplest terms 'things' only have a meaning because of language and language is developed from social relationships that have a binary of elite and oppressed - in the way classical Marxism describes bourgeois and proletarian class relations. So a tree is only a tree because of the word tree is used as a descriptor outside of the word there is the only the thing you see. They applied this to everything, including all knowledge and other academic disciplines. For them nothing has a fixed meaning - it can be anything, they dismiss objective facts and science and the entire enlightenment.
    Post structuralism is foundational to intersectional theory, also known as social justice theory or woke politics. Intersectional theory also takes many elements of the social theory of the Frankfurt Schools 20th century Marxist theory - which became critical theory, or critical social justice theory.
    Under or alongside Intersectional theory we also have critical race theory and gender theory also know as queer theory. All of which use the same philosophical framework of post structuralism and critical theory.
    The post structuralism of queer theory is simply the application of the anti essentialist use of the language instead fixed a priori of man and woman. This is why people within the queer or trans trend put forward gender identity absent of gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria itself requires an essentialist view of gender, ie the reason for medical and surgical interventions. Showing a belief that there is something more than words and the meaning attached to them that creates a person's gender, being physical body parts. A post structural view of a trans man for example would just describe breasts and genitalia as male breasts and male vulva as the descriptor is the only thing that matters. Henceforth queer theorist maintain a woman can have a penis, because it's simply a case of language, words and how they relate to a fixed set of ideas - these fixed ideas can be done away with.
    So those who choose to practically apply this philosophy or school of thought essentially are holding a metaphysical interpretation of gender to replace essential or material interpretations, ie biology, reproductive systems, chromosomes and hormones. This is the reason a person can be trans gender without gender dysphoria because they are choosing to understand themselves through post structuralist theory - whether they are aware of it or have picked up the precept through popular discourse.
    This is of course problematic and is the real reason behind the issues seen in what are called the culture wars. Although popularly positioned as an issue of acceptance in the same way as race and homosexuality in the civil rights movements alongside the women's movement - it isn't, race, sexuality and women's rights are all essentialist or fixed. The conflict is between theoretical interpretations of language and meaning; essential and materialist versus post structural. But it's quite a drag for the media to sensationalise this for clicks, short news broadcast coverage, and newspaper sales. It is also much easier to cover the issue in terms of gender dysphoria, this is a clash of understanding between mainstream society including politicians and the transgender movement, in which there is a section that dismisses those claiming gender dysphoria and particularly trans sexual who undergo surgery (truscum) because it validates essential views of sex and gender.
    So conflict arises because mainstream society does not hold post structural outlooks, one is then asked to accepts a trans individuals (non dysphoria) post structural or metaphysical understanding of their gender identity.
    There is also another problem that is met with silence by all sides but it is why we see little progress on the conflict that is in fact increasing. This is the growing understanding that the growth of the trans lobby which has had impacts on popular culture and society is not an issue of clinical or medical or even psychiatric in nature - but philosophical and political. When this is understood and revealed as a set of beliefs it actually reinforces criticism from say religious viewpoints and other political and primarily scientific interpretations.
    The objective rationale then has the upper hand because the scientific method requires evidential proof that can be repeated and scrutinised if one is inclined. The key criticisms of post structuralism being that it is idealist and apolitical and for lacking evaluative standards, it is no more than a theory or set of ideas.
    Intersectional theory and related critical theories rose in the 1990s with the social science departments of West Coast US universities and spread through academia in the West, largely because it was a new response to the age old Marxist question of why hasn't there been a global socialist revolution yet in the most advanced capitalist societies as Karl Marx predicted - it was an invigoration of Marxist social theory and analysis.
    As well as academia, or because of, intersectional theory and queer theory was picked up by organisations such as Gendered Intelligence around 2019 as well as Stonewall . These and other organisations began a thorough PR drive into institutions, media organisations, services including the police and NHS and formed links with government departments and oppositions. It is the perhaps questionable way these groups teach post structuralism in the form of queer theory and intersectional theory to HR departments and schools as fact rather than a branch of philosophy that has created the social environment and friction we see today. Due to what can be seen as intentional blurring of the framework behind their training materials and publications and discourse. One has the right to hold any philosophical view just as one has the right not to or hold alternatives or hold a rationalist view. The latter being one that has led to progressive liberal democracy and by any object measure resulted in the most fair, safe and progressive era of history (ie measures of child mortality, life expectancy, child poverty, race relations, education, housing, health care and medicine, transport and the arts and sciences) a not to say racism, sexism, homophobia doesn't exist - but not in terms of legislature and social acceptance, one simply has to have lived in the 1970s to have experienced the enormous strides achieved by activists of previous generations to see the enlightened present we now enjoy - but is not natural and only exists via consensus - unlike autocratic illiberal regimes of China or Russia for example.

  • @munaiverse7662
    @munaiverse7662 2 роки тому +10

    Euphoria is just as valid as dysphoria in my experience

    • @yosachaiko9969
      @yosachaiko9969 11 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, I'm unsure about myself because of the dysphoria thing. Its like not being too bothered by the female body, also my chest is smaller at least. But I remember 14 being the first time where its kinda silly, but I played a game with a cartoon guy and thought I wanted to look like him and liked the more flat looking appearance.
      At 16, I could've started T. But my Mom asked me if I was sure. I looked in a mirror and didn't feel too bothered. So I changed my mind. At almost 24 now and randomly felt annoyed about my chest and started looking into this trans stuff way more than I did back then. I'm in a experimental phase.
      What was interesting for me, is I watched a video of a trans guy saying their legs looked smaller or less wide. I noticed I got a small excited feeling. Then, I saw another video of a guy saying your legs won't really look less wide because of your hip bones I think. I had like a mini heart sinking feeling when he said that. So that was very interesting to notice the way I reacted.
      But because of so little actual experience of dysphoria, it feels like it doesn't make sense.

    • @munaiverse7662
      @munaiverse7662 11 місяців тому +1

      @@yosachaiko9969 I had the same thing where I could have started at 16 too, but was unsure ;-;
      You'll get through it, dw :)
      He's a good test, try doing something that makes you feel more masculine and see if you get euphoria from that. But do be warned, when you start to feel euphoria for the first time, a dysphoria snowball also starts. Good luck, my friends :D

  • @Kury777
    @Kury777 8 місяців тому +3

    I'm a trans guy but I don't mind being a girl irl but I still would prefer to be a guy.

    • @menash000
      @menash000 8 місяців тому

      theres nothing wrong with being cis! hope that helped

    • @Kury777
      @Kury777 8 місяців тому +4

      @@menash000 I'm not cis bro I just don't mind being a girl irl bc if I came out of the closet my whole life would change so that's why I prefer being a trans guy online so I can't hide who I am

    • @menash000
      @menash000 8 місяців тому

      @@Kury777 do you have dysphoria or not

    • @Soda_bomb1
      @Soda_bomb1 5 місяців тому


  • @gracemcdermott3078
    @gracemcdermott3078 Рік тому +2

    No you can't!

    • @Soda_bomb1
      @Soda_bomb1 5 місяців тому

      Actually you can

  • @burtreynoldz6308
    @burtreynoldz6308 2 роки тому +3

    Where is the science?

    • @SciGuys
      @SciGuys  2 роки тому +23

      In the full episode, this is a

    • @burtreynoldz6308
      @burtreynoldz6308 2 роки тому +3

      @@SciGuys oof. I'm not watching 5 more seconds of this, if this is whatvyou think science is.

      @ELIAHAVAH 2 роки тому +6

      @@burtreynoldz6308 Your loss, friend.

    • @titush.3195
      @titush.3195 2 роки тому +9

      @@burtreynoldz6308 So you don't care about the science

  • @tiaansteyn7836
    @tiaansteyn7836 2 роки тому +3

    I pity you