Living Alone Isn't All Bad... at Least it Makes You Feel Rich!

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @melanieohara6941
    @melanieohara6941 5 років тому +45

    At age 70, I have learned to be my own best friend. I give myself a hug, make a cup of tea, count my blessings, and get on with the life I have left. I am so blessed to be in my home state of Wyoming. yey!🙋🏼‍♀️🏔🌠

  • @paulinedrewery3759
    @paulinedrewery3759 5 років тому +11

    I have been married and divorced twice and I absolutely love living on my own with my little dog.We walk miles and meet many dog walkers and I love having my grandchildren to stay.I don,t have to cook if I don,t feel like it, no football on the TV ,no running around after a man.It,s great.Don,t want another one!

  • @rockthevote398
    @rockthevote398 5 років тому +24

    I live alone and wouldn't have it any other way. My world is mine and nobody else has a say. When I divorced my now ex-husband I was stressed but I did it. My life has improved every single day since then.

  • @lynns.1855
    @lynns.1855 5 років тому +98

    Its a great take on living alone. I've always enjoyed my own company. I was married for years, and when we got divorced I was lonely. Thank goodness I didn't let my loneliness overwhelm me. I discovered how much peace you have without someone there trying to control your every action. I love being on my own.

    • @angieelia6943
      @angieelia6943 5 років тому +10

      I so agree with you. The first few months was really hard, but in the end. I say...what took me so long? You are a strong woman Lynn , don't forget that!

    • @SherlockianTrekkie
      @SherlockianTrekkie 5 років тому +11

      You ladies whom have went through divorce and are flourishing through the storms. . .You Rock! Keep on flourishing and making your life your own again.

    • @scruffy281
      @scruffy281 4 роки тому +4

      Amen to that.❤️

  • @EllensAbundantLifeonLess
    @EllensAbundantLifeonLess 5 років тому +42

    I absolutely love living alone! Your free of everyone else's limitations of how things "should" be. The only expectations are your own. Even financial limitations can be a fun game and your money goes where you want. I've been married and divorced twice and enjoyed certain aspects of marriage, but given a choice, living alone wins out hands down. I love the UA-cam community of older women! Great video!

    • @scruffy281
      @scruffy281 4 роки тому +6

      Me to. My choice also. Living alone rocks.

  • @carolbohn5900
    @carolbohn5900 5 років тому +21

    I love this video Margaret. It was inspiring and comforting. I have lived alone for five years, after my husband left and we divorced. About the same time, my youngest child left home. From a house
    full of kids, pets and a husband, it was a huge shock to be alone. My first thought when I got home late in the evening was no one was waiting up for me, and no one knew where I was. Over time,
    I began to realize I didn't need someone to be there. I now feel my life is full and I thoroughly enjoy my "alone" time.....time to drink tea or wine, time to read, time to watch a movie, and the freedom to see friends when I want. I agree it is a very rich life. It's very important not to stay home too much though, to get outside, to see friends and to have balance. Equally important to take care of yourself with diet, exercise, sleep and not being too hard on yourself. What started out as something I hated has actually become quite freeing and enjoyable!

  • @maryhoward7813
    @maryhoward7813 5 років тому +5

    Great video......I am 80 years old, living in Central America with my 6 rescue animals, and LOVE my life. I was married , had children, etc, and it was great for that time. but my animals keep me entertained, and busy now, I cook for them, and I am an artist, have my studio to be creative.
    I sleep whenever I want, I eat whenever I want, and I travel whenever I want. I am surrounded by tropical flowers and fruit trees. I feel so blessed. I have become much stronger in my old age.

  • @gloriastroedecke2717
    @gloriastroedecke2717 5 років тому +32

    I really enjoy living alone. I find it funny and sad that there are people that do not understand that. I have always enjoyed my own company.

    • @dorothypollard9326
      @dorothypollard9326 5 років тому +2

      I was married twice. I live alone now a d am friends with both exhusband and their wives and children. They were both very good providers. My kids r raised a d I have struggled all my life. I feel I am Just where I am meant to be. Living with myself. Thankyou Lord.

    • @scruffy281
      @scruffy281 4 роки тому +5

      I agree. For so many years I just thought that I was just weird because I just loved being alone so much.I love my own company. I don't mind being with people FOR A TIME, but I cherish my alone time. I love to read, and paint, and draw and a lot of things that don't tolerate interruption that well. I am in my happy place in solitude. It's funny because when I am with people I have a great time and am very extroverted when place in social situations I just don't seek them.

  • @deborahdawes6975
    @deborahdawes6975 5 років тому +25

    Living alone, being independent is the biggest luxury I can think of. From age 10 or 11 I would daydream of having my own apartment! The noise of my family's home just assaulted me, and it probably wasn't as noisy as other homes with five children. After college I always lived alone even if it meant a tiny, dodgy apartment. I married at 36 and we'll soon celebrate 30 years. We are now retired and have some shared interests but many independent ones. I get up hours before my husband so I have silence. We take trips together but I also LOVE to travel alone. I absolutely love it when he goes to stay with friends and I'm home alone. I'm very glad I met my husband but also glad I have always been my own best friend. No kids, no pets. I kind of chafe when women say we are all nurturers and always put others first. We are not all anything.

    • @roflized
      @roflized 3 роки тому +1

      I know somebody else like you, who is happily married but also likes her free time when husband goes away, and likes her own company.

  • @natalialopes719
    @natalialopes719 5 років тому +45

    Living alone is not something that I would have chosen, but it's what my life has turned out to be. I am making the best of it there are freedoms that I enjoy. The only thing that I miss are my three children that have moved on and moved away. I see them on holidays but I missed the daily interaction of having them around.

  • @deonuacid
    @deonuacid 5 років тому +18

    After my divorce I moved to a small town to start my very much needed healing process. After 10 years I have to say I am happier than ever. I enjoy my life, enjoy being alone.

  • @Analyticalinadream
    @Analyticalinadream 5 років тому +10

    I spent 18 years living with my parents, 6 years living in dorm like situations, 7 years living with a best friend. 10 years living by myself, 14 years living with my husband, and now 2 years living with my teenage daughter. Living with my daughter is great, but knowing she will head off to college in a few years, I've thought about this. The happiest I was in a living situation was living with my best friend. We could both be independent, but we were there for each other when we needed someone. The worst was living with a husband. I felt obligated all the time to think about him when making decisions, and it seems he never even considered my needs. Personally, my dream of retirement (and I'm only a few years away) is a Golden Girl TV show situation. I would absolutely love to share a house with a few other women to do things with and have space to be alone. Seems like the best of all worlds. And, if we could travel sometimes together--all the better.

  • @patriciarussell7487
    @patriciarussell7487 5 років тому +40

    I'm making my way,day by day,! Happy to design small garden,cooking,and making myself happy!🌼🌻🌺🥀

  • @shirleybreslow6941
    @shirleybreslow6941 5 років тому +17

    After 20 years widowed, I find great peace in living alone.

  • @annetravel5935
    @annetravel5935 5 років тому +5

    I have never been happier than I am now--single, 52 year old moving to Vietnam.

  • @luciamixon8119
    @luciamixon8119 5 років тому +18

    I'm 56, single, and never married. I would like to meet a friend but currently caretaking of my mom on weekends. Hope soon. In the meantime, I love being in my apartment. It's my santuary after work. Watching UA-cam on my new 43 inch tv helps me relax.

    • @kayladavies5168
      @kayladavies5168 5 років тому +4

      Wonderful of you and that you have the time with your mom. I look back on my mom’s last few years and wish I had spent more time with her.

  • @pepper1188
    @pepper1188 5 років тому +7

    No greater joy than a silent home imho. I live living alone!

  • @nataliemeyer9356
    @nataliemeyer9356 5 років тому +10

    Thank you for this video. I'm a widow now for 12 years after a wonderful 34 years with my husband. I'm sad that he is gone ,but I'm ok living alone with my dog. I tried online dating and I just don't want to get married again. Money is tight, but I like my independence. Thank you for telling women it's ok to be alone and enjoy their lives doing whatever makes them happy! Being alone is not the same as being lonely.

  • @jeanhanscomb2269
    @jeanhanscomb2269 4 роки тому +3

    Hi Margarita. I’m widowed for 8 months. I am the queen. I do
    what I want,eat what I want whenever i want to. I do not have the weight of his illness in my heart I only have to take care of me There’s more to say but freedom feels good 😊😊😊

  • @maryjoan4128
    @maryjoan4128 5 років тому +30

    You're so correct Margaret.Time is a blessing indeed. I was on my own first at 55. Now at 62 I just love that I dont have to run out at 7 a.m. every morning.. But its important to be healthy and nuture healthy friendships too. Great job, thanks for this.

  • @VermontFan1
    @VermontFan1 5 років тому +15

    I love being the queen of my little castle! And I’m so very fortunate to have my grown sons and my only grandchild nearby -within walking distance of one of them! And I’m also very fortunate to have a fabulous relationship with my wasband! We were married for 23 years, and together for a few before we married. He’ll still replace my toilet, install a new kitchen floor ... you get the idea. So, I’m very fulfilled in retirement. And having all the time in the world to make my jewelry (my passion) and have friends for tea (or lunch or dinner) and go out any day of the week. It’s all quite wonderful, actually. I never feel lonely. And I’m a hugger so if anyone needs a hug .... just ask. 😊

  • @crazydiamond4565
    @crazydiamond4565 5 років тому +48

    And the toilet seat is always down! 😂😜🤣

  • @lindadupuis1531
    @lindadupuis1531 5 років тому +13

    I started dating my husband when I was 15 and married him at 18. We were married for 22 yrs. I was in a couple relationships after that but when my last one ended I was devastated. Thought we would be together to the end but that wasn’t his plan although he said that until 2 months before he up and left with no warning. I have been alone ever since. Haven’t even dated except for a few coffee dates that left me wanting to poke my eyes out. I am growing to like being my own boss and don’t think I’d ever want to share my home with anyone anymore. There are still times I get depressed about being alone mostly for travelling, which I love. I’ve been alone for over seven years and was a couple for over 40. It’s time for me to call the shots, move where I want to, etc.

    • @roflized
      @roflized 3 роки тому +2

      If you enjoy your own company, it's easy to travel on your own as a woman these days. Tables are set for one quite often, and people are more used to seeing women on their own. As long as you are confident to dine by yourself. If you're a private person, choose a hotel, where you can blend in more, rather than a B & B. Life's short. You only live once. I've been on holiday 4 times on my own (in my own country) and can recommend it. I got great satisfaction from the freedom of being in lovely surroundings and breathing in fresh country air.
      It's peaceful, and a great idea if you like walking in the country, and visiting parks, gardens, stately houses, galleries etc.

  • @jengus1951
    @jengus1951 5 років тому +11

    Have been alone for 30 years now. I like it! I do have lonely moments but overall I know this is best for me.

  • @lemonarry
    @lemonarry 5 років тому +7

    Your talk is a therapy. Thank you.

  • @belindamorris3495
    @belindamorris3495 5 років тому +23

    I have been alone since I was 50 when I divorced, I was married for 22 years and raise two kids. It never bothered me being alone in fact I kind a liked it being able to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. But lately for the past year I’ve been starting to feel lonely I don’t know why. It seems like I’m very emotional I just start crying for no reasonI think about my mother a lot and she’s been dead for 13 years. I’m having a lot of regret about things in my life I keep looking back, i’ve never done that before. I keep wondering how my life ended up like it has why this and why that. I don’t want to say anymore because it would just sound like a sob story and I’m not like that. I am grateful for The little that I do have I have a roof over my head and I have food to eat and cloths to wear I have a car and a little part-time job. Some of it could be that for the past year I haven’t been feeling good just been having a lot of physical aches and pain‘s like everybody else and sometimes it gets to me and I know I’m getting older and I guess I don’t like it. I hope I can get over these feelings and move on. Anyway I didn’t mean to rant I just felt like I had to put this out there. I guess I need a hug☺️

    • @narelleworks8448
      @narelleworks8448 5 років тому +2

      Belinda Morris sending you a big HUG 💛

    • @margaritaabue6711
      @margaritaabue6711 5 років тому +2

      Hooo my dejar, close your eyes and feel my warmest 🤗 hugs for U!!! Cheers!!!!!

    • @barbann9708
      @barbann9708 4 роки тому +1

      Belinda Morris Sending a big hug your way.

    • @dianadarling5213
      @dianadarling5213 3 роки тому +1

      Bear Hugs Belinda🧸!

    • @cmenefee612
      @cmenefee612 2 роки тому +1


  • @OlderWomenRock
    @OlderWomenRock 5 років тому +10

    Thanks such a good perspective . Can’t put a price on freedom .
    It is awesome to have the privilege to able to do whatever you please .
    In honesty it’s why I doubt I could live with a man again .

  • @sylviafenech4547
    @sylviafenech4547 5 років тому +14

    Love living alone it is a luxurious. 👩🏻‍🌾

  • @judiegeorge4978
    @judiegeorge4978 5 років тому +6

    Hi 😍 I have been living alone for 5 years and these last 6 months or more I have come to love it. Finally I’ve become relaxed and happy in my own company. 😊

  • @GwenMotoGirl
    @GwenMotoGirl 3 роки тому +2

    I just went through a rough break-up and I’m done with being coupled for a long time. These videos are reminding me of what I’d forgotten. I’m very lucky in that I love my own company, so this is also helping me get through the emotions. Thank you.

  • @liabeachy
    @liabeachy 4 роки тому +4

    I like the space and freedom of it but I feel the loneliness at night mostly and sometimes if I hear a noise I get scared . It’s been 8 years alone but I don’t have close friends so it’s hard . Ive tried but it’s a small beach town . I don’t miss the having to put the toilet seat down or have to put my bra on haha . Pros and cons . Blessings to all here 😊

  • @kayladavies5168
    @kayladavies5168 5 років тому +6

    One winter evening on the University of New Mexico campus as I was walking back from class, the five o’clock church bells began ringing. With that sound came an overwhelming awareness that I was so glad not to be having to cook dinner for anyone. That was actually a moment of deep intuitive knowing that my nineteen year old self could not recognize. Had she done so I would have educated myself for a creative career that would have supported me financially throughout my life because the autonomy of living alone is truly my preference and most supportive of my authentic self. I would still choose to have my beautiful daughter but using a sperm donor rather than a husband. I did decide at 47 that I had done a lot of growth as a person and that I could do more in a partnership. Possibly true, financially a blessing, but I am still happiest alone. Studies have shown that the happiest older people are married men and single women!

    • @liabeachy
      @liabeachy 4 роки тому +2

      Kayla Davies married men and single woman ☺️ ironic

  • @constance4065
    @constance4065 5 років тому +15

    Margaret you look so pretty in red! And your skin looks Great!! Whatever you’re doing, keep it up! Thanks for doing this video. I live by myself & it gets so lonely at times...

  • @martha4136
    @martha4136 5 років тому +27

    Great thoughts, love the positive thinking on living alone. Thank you,

  • @ssumner9757
    @ssumner9757 5 років тому +6

    I lost my hubby in 1999 & dearly loved him, but since being alone, I have made my peace with making my own choices. I am enjoying being me!

  • @angieelia6943
    @angieelia6943 5 років тому +8

    I love being on my own. I had a very rough patch for a while getting used to it all. I realized I had never been alone. It was scary, but I got through it ,. And now,,,,,,,,,,everything you have said Margaret is so true. I have never been richer. Thank you my sweet lady friend!

  • @lisaa6099
    @lisaa6099 5 років тому +9

    I don’t currently live alone but I did for years and years and years. I miss aspects of it.
    There are many upsides to living alone. Its great making your own choices and decisions.
    You can do what you want when you want and that is AMAZING.

  • @lisasargent2841
    @lisasargent2841 5 років тому +2

    I'm starting to listen to your channel. You are so sweet & encouraging. I live alone but had a 30 year marriage, one daughter. He is an alcoholic who purchased of all things a bar. I'm not a big drinker so it just was a chaotic mess so I divorced him because he said he would never give up the alcohol.
    I worded 32 yrs full time & have a small pension. I feel like I gave him my youth & beauty. I'm 65 yrs. old & retired. I don't mind living alone & would actually enjoy it but I have no car as it was old & died. I trusted him which I have now learned was a huge mistake. It was necessary for me to take out bankruptcy he would not & would not get a job so the courts didn't go after him.
    Our house of 26 years was foreclosed on which was like a death in the family. Another major set back. I now live in a 2 bedroom apt. My 37 year old daughter is pain pill addict with a 4 year old little boy who is my only grandson. I have done all I can to help her get clean & sober but to no avail. She will not let me be a part of her life because she knows I know what she has become!! Therefore, she holds my 4 yr. old grandson whose name is Odin, hostage so I never get a chance to even see. Drugs really do change peoples thought process, & their personalities. I pray to the our Lord every night just to keep her alive & my grandsons safety is my numbrer one priority when he has to be around her so called druggy friends. I'm of course by my self constantly.
    I find it almost impossible to live a happy contented life. I sincerely want to have my golden years be golden. I'm scared because I'm extremely depressed but I have a psychiatrists who only prescribes my meds & but doesn't talk with me about my issues. Just hands out the drugs. I have to pay extra to see a licensed therapist that will talk/listen to me. I need friends who have mayb gone through similar

    • @lisasargent2841
      @lisasargent2841 5 років тому

      maybe gone through similar experiences. Sorry text is so very long! Thank you.

    • @suzyq8544
      @suzyq8544 4 роки тому

      I would love to talk to you I’m 65 and will be alone soon. My partner died October and I feel lost.

  • @suzannederringer1607
    @suzannederringer1607 5 років тому +22

    Totally agree. I'm a natural Solitary and should never have married in the first place -at 22. Put it down to hormones and naivete. Love living alone!
    Karen Blixen wrote in one of her Essays that women living alone - or with other women - eat much lighter and more varied meals than when they're preparing meals for a husband.

    • @cathyredman2444
      @cathyredman2444 5 років тому +4

      I need a hug today. Thanks for your words of wisdom

    • @dawnstonerock884
      @dawnstonerock884 5 років тому +2

      Suzanne Derringer great point!

    • @dawnstonerock884
      @dawnstonerock884 5 років тому +2

      Cathy Redman here is a hug from El Paso!!🎁 it’s gift wrapped too!

    • @narelleworks8448
      @narelleworks8448 5 років тому +1

      Cathy Redman sending a big HUG 💛

  • @jeanieedmonds3339
    @jeanieedmonds3339 5 років тому +6

    I've been alone for 7 years but until I listened to you in this video, I'm not sure I've thought of it this way. Sure a great video, I shared with my sister. But it was so true.

  • @069rosemarie
    @069rosemarie 5 років тому +20

    Good morning Margaret and hugs to all my sixty and me sisters.I love my independence.I married @18 had 3 children @24 was married almost 50 years when he passed.Molly(my dog) andI love our own company.We were cat people and always wanted a dog ,sold my house and move to our summer condo on the beach.There is something going on all winter and summer.long.or stay in my pj 🙋🏼‍♀️🐶⭕️❌

  • @cathyjamieson9390
    @cathyjamieson9390 5 років тому +12

    Thanks for putting such a positive spin on living alone, I really need this reminder some days!

  • @lowkeekin7561
    @lowkeekin7561 5 років тому +5

    Your video popped up in my recommendation I'm 47 .
    I've been on my own for 4 years I live in a one-bedroom apartment... I sometimes leave to go be with my mother who my sister takes care of because she's needing help with things and when I come home I'm by myself and it's been like that for a very long time ... I'm getting over the lonely stage it is extremely hard nowadays to find anybody to trust to spend your time with (a man )
    But I've learned to accept it if it happens it happens if it don't it won't, there are countless reasons why being alone is a good thing no cleaning up after a man no arguing sleep when you want to get up when you want to leave when you want to it just goes on and on the list is endless... my grandmother was a very special woman my grandfather worked very hard to take care of his family which was my mother and her siblings
    My mother and her mother always dressed so well my mother grew up in the 40s and 50s.. I wish things today were not so complicated as they are
    some days I walk around my apartment feeling like a spoiled princess.. but I'm broke and I don't dress like a princess LOL.
    I blame it on my family genes.
    I need to get a life and fun things to do... I love your video and by the way I live in the states and I sit quite often and sip tea. 🍵🍩 I love it. Never cared for coffee at all.😝 from what I know I have German French and Indian blood, just saying.....
    thank you for your video 💗
    I need a friend.

  • @memedavis4228
    @memedavis4228 5 років тому +10

    Your vlog today, is the perfect explanation of, why one of my children is never going to get married. The happiness of being single far out weighs the happiness & challenges of married life. I always ask,...but what about when you get old and need help? The answer I get is.. no problem , I'll hire the help I need, if and when I need it.

    • @narelleworks8448
      @narelleworks8448 5 років тому +3

      What a refreshing view of what life can be. We married with such preconceptions and preconditions that I certainly wasn't aware of until it was over. Living alone isn't a prison sentence. Growing old alone can be a joy to plan for and embrace. I just wish I had had that belief growing up. I probably would have still got married but I hope I would have made a better partner than I was. 💛

  • @vickismith5630
    @vickismith5630 5 років тому +5

    I’m living by myself now for the first time ever and loving it. I did shift work for many years while I had three young adult children living at home and it’s so great to come home and find everything exactly where I left it, with no mess. There are a few negatives of course but the positives far outweigh these

  • @marlenemeek9030
    @marlenemeek9030 5 років тому +3 my mid sixties I found my sensual side or perhaps a better way to put it is I rediscovered it. I was a single parent for many years and although there were many men in my life, to protect my children, the men friends I allowed in we're not there to support that part of myself so much as the more practical side of things (ie. car repairs, travel partners, good listeners, etc.) After my children were launched, I returned to graduate school and entered into a second career which laid the groundwork for a good retirement which I am now enjoying. I do agree that living alone should be appreciated as a time to return to who you really are and what you may have pushed away due to the necessities of life: work, needs of our children, societies' expectations, etc. I lived alone from age 65-70 and during those five years, thanks to our local Art Association and local Senior Center, was able to reconnect with a dream of becoming an artist. Just this last May, I gave an art show and it was an amazing experience. My friends all showed up to support me and I felt so happy to have realized a dream that meant much to me. I met my second husband through my art and he has been a wonderfully supportive part of my journey. I think the most valuable thing about living alone those five years was the discovery of online Social Networking! Young artists from all over the world are sharing videos of their methods and materials. I have always wished to someday return to art school but when I discovered what was a available online, I could teach myself! We are living in wonderful times! Thank you for all that you are doing to help Seniors who need encouragement and, yes, love.

  • @lizaroberts9167
    @lizaroberts9167 5 років тому +2

    Hi Margaret - I love your videos! I have lived alone all of my adult life and love it! I enjoy being with family and friends but have also always cherished my alone beloved Nigel (my little dog - a West Highland Terrier) was with me for 14 years (he passed away last year) and he was the only one who has ever shared my space...and I loved every minute of it!

  • @roseb.7104
    @roseb.7104 5 років тому +5

    Good Morning MARGARET, Thank you for this Inspiring video, Yes, I MISS MY HUSBAND Very Much, but I have to get adjusted to this life, I never lived alone, but I pray everyday for God to help me , I stay busy. Thank you

  • @nancyciampa3485
    @nancyciampa3485 5 років тому +7 your necklace! I'm okay with living alone. I feel a sense of freedom and peace.

  • @marietaylor5174
    @marietaylor5174 5 років тому +5

    Living alone is definitely a luxury!

  • @shirleywynnychenko2741
    @shirleywynnychenko2741 5 років тому +10

    Hi Margaret, u look so lovely today, matching lipstick with out fit and also your teacup, your topic was wonderful ,, I love living alone,for the reasons lisa article said, you r your own boss, u dont answer to anyone, and come and go ws a free bird, I dont feel lonely, I try and keep myself busy, money doesnt bring you happiness, peace of mind is what u need no price on that, and also your sanity, and well being is more important that a thick wallet,......😎😍😘😚🤗thanks for uplifting my day,special,lovely lady, shirley fr penticton xxxoo🤗🤗🤗🤗😘

  • @marystilwell9312
    @marystilwell9312 5 років тому +6

    Good Morning Margaret! Here in NW Arkansas, the sun is shining, the temps are warm and it will be a lovely day for a walk! After a long winter of illnesses, I am finally feeling good in mind, spirit and body and eager to get out an enjoy life!!! I am usually a positive optimistic person but did feel frustrated with one health issue after another and BOY, I could have used a hug or two! But, now thats the past and I am moving on into today!! Love that blouse! One of my fav’s that you wear!! Growing up, I loved to drink hot tea! I do love my morning coffee but afternoon and evenings are tea time for me and you are right, there never has been a bad tea!! My mother use to say, I must have a lot of English in me for wanting to drink tea all the time! Well, it turns out, after a DNA test I do! 64%! I often laugh when I think about that comment my Mother made. I have lived alone for the last 6 years. I told my friend recently, when she asked how I liked living alone and I told her that since I was 18, I had someone around me that needed care, attention and had demands, be it children or husband. NOW, for the first time since then, I am free to do as I please! I am an independent person by nature. But, I also tend to push aside my needs and wants for others and have that “care taker” gene too, so living with others stifles the true me! When I live alone, I feel more able to say No, to be that independent person. I do not have to feel disappointment or let down by others. If something goes wrong or I make a bad decision, only I am to blame and I am responsible to fix it! I do not have to depend on someone else to do it or to have to fix their problems! It is a wonderful feeling to be only responsible for yourself! I do have several grandchildren that I stay involved with and am lucky that most of my children live near me. People say to me, get out and do things, you need more friends and a social life! I say, no, not really! I am totally happy by myself! I do have a couple of dear friends and enjoy my time with them. And I am human and do get lonely at times but, the trade off for having someone you have to consider in almost every instance certainly is a negative and I enjoy only having to consult Me, Myself and I in my decisions!! Great article!! As we grow older, we are led to believe we have to slow down. But, in reality, thats when we actually can become what we want to be when we grow up! What ever that may be! Have a beautiful day! Spring is peeping through here in the Ozarks and new life is appearing everywhere! Perfect time for beginning a new phase in our own lives! Peace & Love!!❤️

  • @barbniantic
    @barbniantic 5 років тому +4

    I am not a fan of cooking. When I was younger and had a family and worked I remember saying "After I retire and am alone I will not that I am there my primary lunch and dinner are salads with some sort of protein....I love it!

  • @kathys.8686
    @kathys.8686 5 років тому +9

    Thank you for another excellent video! I also live alone, have for many years, and very much enjoy it. I think it would be a very difficult adjustment for me to co-habitate with another person 24/7. Don't get me wrong. I love people and socializing with them; I just need my own space. I also just returned from traveling solo in Mexico for two weeks - loved that as well! I met other solo travelers and talked to some interesting people I would otherwise not have, had I had a travel partner with me. It was honestly one of the best travel experiences I've ever had!

  • @epd0126
    @epd0126 5 років тому +7

    yes!!! this is my life and i love it and i know im blessed and im so appreciative and grateful

  • @annahorton650
    @annahorton650 5 років тому +4

    I never thought I'd enjoy living alone after years of marriage but I'm doing it. I actually love it and I agree with all you said. I'm doing life my way. If I want people around, I can do that. If not, I enjoy that too. I don't mind doing activities alone. I do miss my dear friend that I loved doing crafts and thrifting. Have not found another person that enjoyed it like her but it's ok. Made me appreciate our wonderful friendship. Thank you.

  • @anita_postcards
    @anita_postcards 5 років тому +9

    I've had many years of both situations and, as with most things in life, there are pluses and minuses; however, I hope we all strive to work on those minuses! This is a very good post, Margaret - so many good points!
    I hope everyone will judge their own lives and situations and let others do the same for themselves.

  • @demimeaux
    @demimeaux 4 роки тому +2

    You make me feel so happy after a long sad day 😔thank you...

  • @johannetrickey5015
    @johannetrickey5015 5 років тому +8

    This is a wonderful clip. Thank you so much. I have been by myself for 22 years but was working and busy. Now being retired, I ...ho well, your clip arrived just in time. Thank you, I always liked being independent but being retired highlighted some aspects that I was dealing with that needed to be addressed. Thank you.

    • @patriciarussell7487
      @patriciarussell7487 5 років тому +4

      johanne trickey We get so busy in our working years,like robots.Then we get to suddenly change that.But soon,we get lonely now ,or say..What now? The health things pop up,and demand our focus.🌼🌻🌺

  • @pixie8361
    @pixie8361 5 років тому +17

    Love your necklace! 💗

  • @patwright8691
    @patwright8691 8 місяців тому

    This is perfect - glad I found it! I was lonely at first after my divorce because I had been married for 36 years - so this was something I had never experienced as I went from my parents home to my married home. I have been on my own now for 10 years and the last few years have been the best - I've discovered myself and didn't realize I had lost part of my identity - trying to be someone for someone else and not feeling I could truly be me. I love all you said - I like being the master of my own destiny, make my own decisions, don't answer to someone else! I have many married friends and I often envy their relationships, but have heard from many now that they envy my lifestyle! Who knew!!

  • @barbann9708
    @barbann9708 4 роки тому +1

    I've always said I am a loner by choice. I love meeting with people and can talk your ear off but I always enjoy returning to my comfy nest alone. I do feel free. And when I need help I ask for it. I also have a deep faith. I feel like God is watching over me to help whenever I need it. That is really comforting .

    • @yoyrekas7339
      @yoyrekas7339 2 роки тому

      fIrst time on my own age 67. Trying to rediscover myself, a bit scary have lost love ones like everyone else, In solitude we can pay attention to ourselves. Hope to do some voluntary work meet people, The very things we dread can be those which form a richer pattern on our lives Joy Darwin Australia lots of hugs to everyone thank you Margaret take care🧡🧡🧡❤️😀😀 we made this far, there is always something to live for....

  • @Toadyhead
    @Toadyhead 5 років тому +2

    I have been married for close to 25 yrs and after hearing some of the lifestyle benefits of being alone, I am reaffirmed in my belief of how lucky I am. I do all the things that were described as something that you can do when you live alone. I eat what I want when I want, I wear whatever I want for a given occasion, I have time to pursue my interests. I have always felt free to live my life and part of that is that I adore my husband. So doing things for him are really fun for me. We help each other when we see that help is needed and trust each other with our lives. I get a huge kick out of him. We have a similar sense of humor and value the same kinds of things. I get a cold chill at the thought of being without him.

    • @wandai.7038
      @wandai.7038 2 роки тому

      You are truly blessed with having the best of both worlds! Well done 👍🤗

  • @homehelpheart7440
    @homehelpheart7440 5 років тому +4

    New subscriber! Your title pulled me in as I have lived alone for many years. I am actually saddened by how many people, not just women, are so uncomfortable being by themselves that they will get into or stay in relationships that aren't working just so they don't have to be "alone." I know there are people who feel sorry for me, but that comes from their own headspace of fear, not mine. I am perfectly happy living alone! I even go out to eat alone, though usually at lunch oh, and I have been known many times to go to the movies by myself.
    Women in particular need to divorce themselves of this notion that self care and loving oneself and doing the best for oneself is selfish comic evil or whatever negative sticker you want to put on it. As long as you aren't denying the people in your life what they need to survive, there is absolutely nothing selfish about taking time to just enjoy being you. More people need to really be alone and get used to who they are as a person instead of as a mom, as a daughter, as a sister, as a wife, as a friend, Etc. Thanks for your video!

    • @sixtyandme
      @sixtyandme  5 років тому

      Thanks Sheri for joining the conversation! You can check out all our channels at :-)

  • @angelh3917
    @angelh3917 5 років тому +8

    Would love a hug 💚

    • @sixtyandme
      @sixtyandme  5 років тому

      sending extra hugs Angel - hope you are ok!

  • @janmcmichael1715
    @janmcmichael1715 4 роки тому +1

    I go both ways..I like some parts being alone..don't have to be quiet , I can listen to the radio or watch on TV what I want..ect..but I don't want to do repairs or yardwork by myself..or sit and talk only to my dog.. I think it is different for me because I live in another state from where i grew up. Although I have friends ..I just didn't think it would be this hard..

  • @renegadetherapist5664
    @renegadetherapist5664 5 років тому +3

    You are a wonderful lady. I just turned 64........when the hell did THAT happen? LOL Anyway, you are so inspirational. I have basically lived alone after being married for 16 yrs, and even the divorce was in 1993 (I think) lol Had a couple of relationships but I've always been very independently minded anyway so I never married again. We say a lot we have no one to "control us" but sometimes it's not control, it's that urge we have to be mothers and nurses.........we feel we HAVE to do for them or put them first and it feels like we're being controlled. We our own minds. Right now it's me and my Pomeranian and my Sheltie. Best companions in the world. I enjoy my own company and to be able to do what I want when I want, and I've been like this for a long time. Sometimes at family gatherings I feel a bit lonely....seems like everyone is a couple but me. But it passes quickly....Like when I get to leave and get in my car and turn on the music when I've had enough "family time" : ) Lonely is different than being alone and I am seldom lonely. I sing and dance around the honest, we all do!! And if you don't you need to start!
    I like your take on it, feeling rich, then I feel like a billionaire in that respect! I recently subscribed and am looking forward to more of your videos, you are an inspiration to all of us "sixties"...and beyond !

    • @sixtyandme
      @sixtyandme  5 років тому

      Thanks so much for your enthusiasm - love your passion for life!

  • @jerseystotler3615
    @jerseystotler3615 5 років тому +1

    I have been on my own about 6 months. In the beginning it was rough but now I have come to enjoy it so much. I do have my fur babies who give me so much love I love the independence I was married at 18 and most of my adult life to 3 different men I am now 62 and can do what I want the first time in years

  • @deloresmendoza7674
    @deloresmendoza7674 5 років тому +3

    I am retired now at 62, lol I was not going to wait till 65 or 67. I live with my partner of going on 12yrs. he is 3yrs younger than me so he is still working and makes descend money. I have 5 grown children that live in Tx., where I am from. I live here Ga., And hope to go back in a couple yrs. I visit them every 6 months. I miss them dearly. I don't think I could live alone. TFS! (My time& alone time is when he is at work!!!)

  • @diannajohnston2791
    @diannajohnston2791 5 років тому +25

    What is the make up you have landed on because it is great. Please list Thank you

  • @plw7930
    @plw7930 5 років тому +3

    Love your chin length hair and the colours you are wearing. You look great Margaret!

    • @sixtyandme
      @sixtyandme  5 років тому

      Thanks Lynn - have a lovely day!

  • @monalisa233
    @monalisa233 5 років тому +2

    I was divorced and still had kids at home for a few years. After that I moved closer to my job as an empty nester but being in MY own home was good. First time I ever lived by myself. My mom had died a year earlier and I felt very lonely at first. Now I am fine and love my space. But then I found a new man in my life that was unexpected after a long time alone. He now lives with me but it has been a nice surprise. Maybe we have both learned how to be alone and together. We don't smother each other but it's nice to have someone share my life.

  • @stylist1262
    @stylist1262 Рік тому

    I’m living alone with my little dog I feel the way you explain I can do what ever I want I feel free and it feels good I haven’t live alone since over 30 years I was afraid at first when I moved into my apartment after selling my home due to divorce At 62 I enjoy my space❤️

  • @sherylw4910
    @sherylw4910 5 років тому +1

    Hi! I just turned 60 and had a crying jag that day. I guess it’s just acceptance that I’m not young anymore. I’ve had 2 marriages and one engagement-all to bullies. I prefer being alone after that mess but I still like a man’s attention. I have 5 grown children and 9 grandchildren that I adore. But being alone with my 2 cats is heaven for me.

    • @narelleworks8448
      @narelleworks8448 5 років тому

      Sheryl W sending a big HUG to save for that rainy day. 💛

  • @Anastasia91000
    @Anastasia91000 5 років тому +1

    I have lived alone for many years since our divorce. I absolutely love it. I love not feeling rushed if I'm coming home late from work or the gym. I do miss having male muscle handy for the heavier tasks however my best friend is a male who lives in a city 1 hr. Drive away so I do get some help with things if I really need it. Love to mix quirky good items together and eat them. Things I would never serve to others..💖

  • @patriciagrant6687
    @patriciagrant6687 4 роки тому +1

    You are so right, in fact I think I will get up and eat a chocolate chip cookie at 3:28, in the morning 💜👍😊💐

  • @juanitamccray2118
    @juanitamccray2118 5 років тому +1

    I have been alone most of my life because with my three kids and work just had"nt had time to get too lonely. Now that they are out the house and alone, I feel good. I get to enjoy a lot of things I missed in life. I travel on a bus trip 1 time a year and enjoy meeting new friends and looking forward to the trip.

  • @teresitaabad2962
    @teresitaabad2962 4 роки тому +1

    Yay! I can totally relate to this. This is so true for me. I love this! All of you women out there who know how great it feels to live alone. I feel lucky that I am one.

  • @houndmother2398
    @houndmother2398 9 місяців тому

    I'm almost 65, single and have lived alone since I was 33. I have to admit I'm getting tired of it. It would be nice to have someone else around.

  • @excambo
    @excambo Рік тому

    Yes,i alone, and rich. Will not change for anyother life

  • @avrittm1
    @avrittm1 5 років тому +4

    Such good advice, thank you.

  • @patriciasmiderle9181
    @patriciasmiderle9181 5 років тому +2

    Thank you for the great video. It's really inspiring and makes me feel better about my life.
    Margaret, I appreciate you.

    • @sixtyandme
      @sixtyandme  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Patricia. Have a lovely weekend!

  • @Nessoffiles
    @Nessoffiles 2 роки тому

    I love living alone, with three cats that is.😊 I got divorced in 2015 we parted friends and I have never looked back. I read this book "Living Alone & Loving it by Barbara Feldon universally known as Agent 99 from Get Smart. It's a good read. I have always been considered a 'loner' and I travelled alone long before the divorce. I do like my friends too but I am never lonely with my own company. I found your site a few years ago - I love it. I got a bit busy in-between so slacked off but I am back now. I also have your inspirational cards. Thank you Margaret.

  • @renaesutton3145
    @renaesutton3145 2 роки тому

    I had this realization years ago when I got divorced - LONG before I turned 60 - have felt absolutely free ever since LOL. Sure struggled a bit raising 2 boys (always got child support but never quite enough) but once they were grown and out of the house - I felt the total freedom of NOT having to answer, check in or inform ANYONE of what I was doing or explain myself to anyone! Now that I am 60 and looking forward to retirement - I have big plans to continue to do what I want to do - doing all on MY terms. What a wonderful feeling!

  • @dianegrace.
    @dianegrace. 5 років тому +1

    You are so special - lost my college sweetheart of 50 years! Watching your videos brings me joy! I'm 72 - xx

    • @sixtyandme
      @sixtyandme  5 років тому

      So sorry Diane - sending extra hugs! xx

  • @susansheets8903
    @susansheets8903 5 років тому +7

    "I never met a tea that wasn't good for you" lol

  • @lulubaniqued6883
    @lulubaniqued6883 5 років тому +1

    You look fabulous!!
    Your hairstyle and the lipstick looks so nice on you!

  • @gypsy1588
    @gypsy1588 5 років тому +2

    This pretty much sums up my life, which I so love. Great video.

  • @sandrarowlands4212
    @sandrarowlands4212 5 років тому +3

    Thankyou , this is particularly helpful to me right now. your an absolute gem.

  • @jackiefenner8051
    @jackiefenner8051 3 роки тому

    I need a hug! Feeling alone- what else is new! Actually been living alone since 2007, been in wrong relationships n just left a 5 year wrong relationship. Anyway, I do have positives, job, apartment, car, 2 grandchildren. Living alone at 60 and I wonder if I’ll ever find the right partner, and yes more money would be great of course! I need a hug! 🤗
    (I think it’s working alone full time remote 5 days a week) I do go for walks n gym but still alone type activities. In any case, thanks Margaret for this video! 😊

  • @knellwal
    @knellwal 3 роки тому

    I never feel lonely when I’m alone but I feel lonely a LOT with my (soon to be ex) husband. Yay for upcoming freedom!!!

  • @jeanne819
    @jeanne819 3 роки тому

    Beautiful Margaret ! Thank you for this uplifting video

  • @caninecoach2223
    @caninecoach2223 4 роки тому +1

    Love your videos and you are so beautiful inside and out and THOSE NECKLACES !!!! Gorgeous! just discovered your channel last night and was totally mezmorized ...I could listen to you all day! Just the words and delivery I need ! I was married three widowed and living alone with my handsome dog Sonny..He is the love of my life and we love living and my boy . I find I am very protective of our home and routine that we have and I am not willing to let any human interfere with it in anyway. I do feel rich! Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @paulavukonich7679
    @paulavukonich7679 4 роки тому

    I was able to pack an overnight bag and hit the road on a moment's notice when I was single. Now with a partner, I am back to coordinating everthing. Both have advantages and benefits, but freedom is a bit rough to surrender. So pleased I have found this site. God bless.

  • @vessyioannou259
    @vessyioannou259 5 років тому +2

    I love this video.

  • @klairef983
    @klairef983 Рік тому +1

    I need a Hug...Thank you ....Sending Hugs to you too 🤗🤗🥰

  • @donnascott5125
    @donnascott5125 4 роки тому

    Enjoy your videos! Just got to this one. You look just beautiful in your red and black plaid. Love that necklace. I'm in my 70's and love this time in my life just retired, have a wonderful man in my life. We both have are own space and time for ourselves. With respect for each others needs and wants it has worked for us for the past 17 years. I feel very blessed.

  • @barbiemanifesting
    @barbiemanifesting 5 років тому +1

    I love your attitude! I aspire to be like you in more ways, you are such an inspiration!

  • @gazalakhan8113
    @gazalakhan8113 4 роки тому

    Good one...btw dark colors really suit you. Like red, perhaps midnight blue, violet etc....

  • @Angelonly
    @Angelonly 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Margaret... and by the way, I need a hug. xo