Here are some random history and prehistory facts: The mayans raised a rare species of bee that didn’t sting called maya bee. Cleopatra(an ancient Egyptian pharaoh) is closer to us than she is to the construction of the pyramids of Giza. Stonehenge is considered prehistoric because writing didn’t arrive at England at the time, even though it was built only 2000 years ago, this is because prehistory is any event or time before writing records of it. The dinosaurs have existed on this earth for 80 times longer than we have. The time from 252 to 66 million years ago is called the Mesozoic era, also called the age of the dinosaurs. The Cenozoic era is all the time from 66 million years ago to modern day, it’s considered the age of mammals. The oldest mammal was probably megazostrodon which lived in the late Triassic period about 200 million years ago. It took 20,000-30,000 workers and 20 years to build the great pyramid of Giza. You might’ve noticed that the pyramids looked like staircases-why? Well, its because it wasn’t originally like that, it originally had a layer of limestone layered over it making it white in the red sky but the limestone has since eroded.
Here are some random history and prehistory facts: The mayans raised a rare species of bee that didn’t sting called maya bee. Cleopatra(an ancient Egyptian pharaoh) is closer to us than she is to the construction of the pyramids of Giza. Stonehenge is considered prehistoric because writing didn’t arrive at England at the time, even though it was built only 2000 years ago, this is because prehistory is any event or time before writing records of it. The dinosaurs have existed on this earth for 80 times longer than we have. The time from 252 to 66 million years ago is called the Mesozoic era, also called the age of the dinosaurs. The Cenozoic era is all the time from 66 million years ago to modern day, it’s considered the age of mammals. The oldest mammal was probably megazostrodon which lived in the late Triassic period about 200 million years ago. It took 20,000-30,000 workers and 20 years to build the great pyramid of Giza. You might’ve noticed that the pyramids looked like staircases-why? Well, its because it wasn’t originally like that, it originally had a layer of limestone layered over it making it white in the red sky but the limestone has since eroded.