The section about relatability reminds me of the quote by Angie Sijun Lou “Jessica has a forehead scar from the deep end of a pool. I ask Jessica what drowning feels like and she says not everything feels like something else.” It helps me remember that not every human experience can be explained or understood by someone who hasn’t also experienced it personally
What is so painful too about the body image situation is that she mentioned it is her first real relationship and has never experienced someone being obsessed with your completely soul and body. Everyone deserves to feel captivating and unmatched in whole beauty. So I think it would be crushing to settle at that early stage of exploring love connections
The weight loss comment from the boyfriend is so upsetting. I'm on the thin side, and I have this deep fear that if something changed with my hormones or lifestyle and I put on weight, that the affection of my partner would suddenly change. The thought that the only reason I was attractive was because I was thin, and that means I have to stay thin forever, is so anxiety inducing. How I love my partner is so removed from that, and I have to trust he feels the same, but there's this aspect of never truly knowing if it would change. As you said, bodies change with time, and the idea that in loving someone you're only 'signing up' for their body as it is right now is so frustrating and counterintuitive to how I feel about love and commitment. Completely with you on what you said about it.
I just heard the part about the girl who’s boyfriend told her she’s be hotter if she looked different. It’s so sad that people have to go through that and have partners who talk to them or even think about them in that way. I’ve been in my fair share of bad relationships and have been with people where I’ve felt so bad about myself. I can happily say that I am now in the best relationship I’ve ever been in with the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I gained and lost a total of 110 lbs recently and got diagnosed with cancer and lost all my hair and have felt the worst I’ve felt in my life. He has never once made me feel any less loved because of the way I look. He has reassured me time and time again that I’m beautiful to him always. No matter how much hair I have or how much weight I gain or loose. There are wonderful people out there, don’t be afraid to walk away from someone who doesn’t treat you right. You deserve so much more and it’s out there, I promise.
hi! im the one who submitted the tumblr post and omg the way my jaw DROPPED haha. as you said, such a full circle moment! glad i got to know more of the podcast lore
Im not convinced the boyfriend was being mean or cruel, I think he was being immature and shallow, probably also genuinely unempathetically oblivious to a womans experience with their body. I agree with everything else Maddie says though, physical is fleeting - be with someone who you love who absolutely loves you. My love for my partner would never change if they gained or lost weight and I know im not compatible with people whos love depends on my body / appearance. Its incredibly hurtful and discouraging to find out your loved one views you that way, I still have sore wounds from experiences similar to that. Its sad to say but its hard to find someone youre compatible with who loves you wholly with all the changes that may come...
You held great restraint in answering the first question. My heart breaks for the person who submitted that and my immediate response was DUMP HIM, but ofc everyone has their own feelings about these things. I just also, personally, could never recover from that in a relationship. There are some things you just can’t move on from once they’re said or done.
Like, not only would that be painful to me personally, but it also just shows such different morals, values, and general views on the world, like you said Maddie.
Tbh they clearly dont match in terms of ideals. Tbh it’s good he answered her question truthfully so at least she knows where they stand and I hope she finds somebody who does share the same view point as her
Ouuuf the losing weight submission really hit a nerve.. I dated someone who commented on my thick thighs, followed up by him telling me he normally dates skinny girls. It affected me (and STILL does) because up until that moment I truly loved every inch of my body, I consider myself pretty active and it did so much for me growing up, but it was this exact moment where my perception changed: I never even considered that I maybe shouldn't like my body and that people judge it. Does that make sense? I'm rambling but, I really feel for the gal who wrote in and truly hope she is able to eventually overcome that shitty comment and be at peace with herself. Not to speculate but she is probably SO beautiful lol. men can really suck
I had a boy sit next to me on the school bus (we had assigned seats) when I was a kid and he used to hit my thighs and say "wobbly thighs, wobbly thighs" which is definitely a factor in how I feel about them to this day. AND THE RUB OF IT IS HE FUVKIN FANCIED ME and this was him "pulling my pig tails".
On the shallow bf: I also think he might have wanted to voice this opinion before but knew it would make him sound like an asshole. So he initiated a conversation about preferences (bc I feel like this is not something that just comes up out of nowhere especially when your partner is not your usual type), so she would have that question and then he would be able to voice his opinions after she had to "pry" on it bc it was implied. If you're reading this; I've been in situations where I've thought "oh but he's so kind and wouldn't do this to purposely hurt me". Believe his actions, bc bad behaviour escalates when you allow it. And it's easy to allow it bc you expect your partner to have best intentions towards you. Whether it's subconsciously or consciously, he is not treating you kindly when he criticizes your body even if you asked. Ask if you would do this to him and if you want to hear similar criticisms about other parts of you once it comes up?
one of my and many people there's first concert post-covid was orla gartland and at the end of their set they played release me by agnes (carlsson) as the crowd was heading out. guess she's singing "i don't need the heartbreak" but i either misheard it or twisted it in my head to i don't believe in heartbreak, because i genuinely don't, think it's an off-framing of the sensation but the bittersweetness of that song really stuck to me. gorgeous pop song such a brilliant way to outro the concert, a heartstinger with such a joy to it.
I agree with what you said about relatability. I think there’s beauty in paying attention to and devoting our time to experiencing lives dissimilar to our own through art. It’s a beautiful thing to put yourself aside and prioritize someone else in that way
I was shocked to hear you describe almost the exact situation I am going through with a guy… I haven’t spoken to him in two months either and when you describe the feeling you have towards your friend as bittersweet I realize that is the feeling I was trying to name. As sad as I am that we will probably never talk again he brought a lot of joy into my life and I have no anger
“I would like to start calling sports uniforms, ‘recital outfits’” YES 👏 this is hysterical to me 😂 as a lesbian who grew up dancing and playing sports, I could not agree with you more 🌈
I'm sorry to break it anyone unaware, but if a man ever picks on your appearance - he's just settling for you and cares so little to think its ok to voice his opinions. This is exactly how I felt about my boyfriends, never ever have I cared about my partners' weight or anything if I was truly in love, but boy was I unhappy when the guy i "let him love me" got on a chubbier side. Or the guy in question is just an abuser and seeks to control the poor girl. Not sure which is worse. But what I know is that everyone deserves to be with someone who thinks highly of them. Please-please never let your partners tell you you are not good enough and mask it as honestly. I'd say get rid of such partners, but I actually have a case of guy straightening up after him getting a real pushback from me. Granted he was very young and dared to comment on my boobs being not big enough. Thanks God I was confident and mature enough to tell him that my boobs may be on the smaller side but I like them the way they are as well as many many many other guys standing in line behind him, so if I do not look like an absolute f***ing goddess to him I can easily get plenty of men to whom I do and he can go f*** himself. He ended up crying and begging me not to leave, telling me we should marry when I decided to stop it several months later. So my take is there's no downside to standing up for yourself, even if you don't quite feel it, cause at least you don't allow anyone to destroy your self-esteem. We as women get scrutinised enough by the society, no man should add to the load of low self-worth, body image issues and EDs we are already or at high risk of suffering.
I'm sat down with my post-dinner Girl Dinner of pretzels, grapes, sliced ham, mini eggs and three and a half pickles, ready to get angry about the shallow boyfriends of strangers. He's already given me major ick and I've not pressed play yet x
To the girlfriend whose body was commented on. I've struggled with body issues because I'm not curvy. Im talking no hips and my butt isnt perky and round. Its there but I dont got a wagon and thats all social media focuses on, especially when it comes to latin women like myself. I randomly cried one summer at the farmer's market with my now husband because i saw a woman with the "ideal" body type. I felt ugly for not filling my shorts the way she did. He never once commented on the way I looked until he daw it bothered me. Asked me what was wrong (we're sitting in the car ready to go home bc bro got his saturn peaches lol) and I told him excatly that. I feel less of a woman because I'm curvless. I'll never forget what he said to me. Something along the lines of: "Ive been with women before you who all looked different. I'm with you because i love who you are and the way you make me feel. No one else has ever come close to that. Looks fade, who cares I'm not letting you go because of it. You look amazing to me. There's no such thing as "ideal" because opinions differ. Someone might look at me and think im the ugliest guy in the world and it wouldn't matter because you make me feel the opposite. I hope you begin to feel the same or im not doing my job" he then asked me if he was doing something wrong or wasnt complimenting me enough. I felt horrible knowing that wasnt the case, social media made me believe I was built wrong. All the guys who comment the way your boyfriend did. Whether openly in comment sections or on shitty bro podcasts. I was wrong to believe my man thought the way they did. My heart would shatter if my lover directly said that to me because what he thinks holds so much weight. You deserve better
Maddie I read a book this week I think you’d lovvvveeee, Ace by Angela Chen, it reflects what the asexual experience reveals about society’s social scripts and implicit expectations of sex, romance, relationships, and consent. I think the way you talk about romance and sex is why I love your podcast even tho I’m aroace ❤ if you like the book Id love to hear your thoughts in a podcast episode
I definitely don’t relate to a lot of your content, but i love those parts! Overall i love the way you think/look at things, so when we differ on something i find it really interesting.
I took so much from this, thank you, especially about bring relatable, super interesting. And what you were saying about your friend. I believe when we learn to take things less personally, sometimes it is not just about us❤❤❤❤
i’m curious as to what your response would be to the rest of the shallow bf question; “is it always right to be truthful even though it may hurt your partner”. (not defending the scummy guy in any way, it’s just got me thinking).
i think my answer would vary hugely depending on context/what it was about there honestly! i’m all for being honest but when your opinion is straight up mean or doesn’t take your partners feelings into consideration, i would say you need to examine why you hold those opinions about someone you claim to love before sharing them and if they’re genuinely rooted in truth… or you’re just an ass hahahhaha
I reallllly wish we had male hormonal birth control. I’m grateful for female birth control and some of the liberation it has given us, but why should I need to mess with my hormones when I can only make a baby once a year and a man can make a theoretically infinite number 😢 the medical misogyny
It's kind of crazy to me to think that people would be upset in some way that they can't relate to 100% of someone's experiences... I completely agree that it's part of what makes it interesting to watch is to see the way someone else's experiences are different to yours. Wouldn't it be boring if we all thought the same thing and had the same experiences, and how would you even find stuff to talk about for an hour every week if that were the case lol xx
I think an unprompted question is 100% uncalled for and awful to say. But I don't think having that thought necessarily means that they don't think their partner is attractive as is. I lost weight recently from taking medication and I was super insecure about it and my partner reassured me that he also liked my new body. I asked if he liked it more or less and he admitted some things more some things less. But these aren't things he's just thinking about all the time. He's always told me how perfect my body is and how perfect I am and I could be in any shape and he'd still love me the same. At first I felt insecure because I felt like I was being nitpicked at but I think the same. If you were to tell me to nitpick, could I? Sure but would I just do it? No, I don't think of my partner that way, he is just the person I love. I can definitely understand why someone couldn't recover from that though. I wouldn't ask a question I don't want a brutal honest answer to but when I do get hurt by it, I see it as a good thing. Either it tells me it's not gonna work out or I can accept it. It's not gonna work out is a perfectly good reaction IMO
my two cents about repeatability - sometimes its a sauce put on mediocre content to make it digestible. There's no "me" in good conetnt. HAVING SAID THIS i have also unfollowed social media ppl on insta ( even though their posts were interesting ) bc they posted/complained about their privileged lives. Seing somone complain about a to-do list consisting of -get nails done -make thumbnail WILL make my eyes roll.
I was on the standard pill for a long time and I started getting migraines. No one ever screened me for migraines when talking about birth control but it turns out that my kind of migraine + standard pill = higher risk of stroke (really think someone should have asked me about it at some point). When I found out and mentioned it to my gyno they *immediately* switched me to the mini pill, which I like better anyway. And I don't have migraines anymore either, which is crazy. So I guess this is just a psa to take responsibility for your birth control and advocate for yourself if things feel weird.
They’re both in the wrong… she said she PUSHED him to answer her question and he stupidly told her yes. He’s shallow for sure, but she’s also immature for pushing for an answer she wouldn’t be able to handle. She even said herself, prior to that conversation, he never made her feel insecure about her body. He wasn’t nitpicking or being cruel. Both bf and gf have some growing up to do.
i feel like that’s an extremely personal decision and i don’t think people should feel pressured to “wait until they find someone special” unless they want to? i also think it’s weird bc their question was about pregnancy so you brought this up for what?
@@lunebug00 Of course it's her choice. She can have casual meaningless sex if she wants, but most women I know who have gone in that direction aren't nearly as happy as those who have not. I brought it up because I find it strange that people feel they have to get their virginity out of the way like it's something to be ashamed of when the opposite is true, or if they feel pressured to do so by their friends. She should feel proud that she's waited not made to feel like a freak over it.
@@dissidentfairy4264 i completely agree, i don’t think people should rush into having sex for the sake of getting it over with or whatever. i guess it just felt a little strange because that’s not what their question was about.
@@lunebug00 I think she actually did say something about her friends and how she was the only virgin in the group. I'd have to go back and listen again to be certain, but it made me feel that she was feeling some kind of pressure to lose her virginity which is the only reason I brought it up.
Random straight dude who has never met you reporting in!
love this haha it is a co-ed sleepover after all
i love representation!!!!
The section about relatability reminds me of the quote by Angie Sijun Lou “Jessica has a forehead scar from the deep end of a pool. I ask Jessica what drowning feels like and she says not everything feels like something else.” It helps me remember that not every human experience can be explained or understood by someone who hasn’t also experienced it personally
What is so painful too about the body image situation is that she mentioned it is her first real relationship and has never experienced someone being obsessed with your completely soul and body. Everyone deserves to feel captivating and unmatched in whole beauty. So I think it would be crushing to settle at that early stage of exploring love connections
The weight loss comment from the boyfriend is so upsetting. I'm on the thin side, and I have this deep fear that if something changed with my hormones or lifestyle and I put on weight, that the affection of my partner would suddenly change. The thought that the only reason I was attractive was because I was thin, and that means I have to stay thin forever, is so anxiety inducing. How I love my partner is so removed from that, and I have to trust he feels the same, but there's this aspect of never truly knowing if it would change. As you said, bodies change with time, and the idea that in loving someone you're only 'signing up' for their body as it is right now is so frustrating and counterintuitive to how I feel about love and commitment. Completely with you on what you said about it.
I just heard the part about the girl who’s boyfriend told her she’s be hotter if she looked different. It’s so sad that people have to go through that and have partners who talk to them or even think about them in that way. I’ve been in my fair share of bad relationships and have been with people where I’ve felt so bad about myself. I can happily say that I am now in the best relationship I’ve ever been in with the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I gained and lost a total of 110 lbs recently and got diagnosed with cancer and lost all my hair and have felt the worst I’ve felt in my life. He has never once made me feel any less loved because of the way I look. He has reassured me time and time again that I’m beautiful to him always. No matter how much hair I have or how much weight I gain or loose. There are wonderful people out there, don’t be afraid to walk away from someone who doesn’t treat you right. You deserve so much more and it’s out there, I promise.
hi! im the one who submitted the tumblr post and omg the way my jaw DROPPED haha. as you said, such a full circle moment! glad i got to know more of the podcast lore
Im not convinced the boyfriend was being mean or cruel, I think he was being immature and shallow, probably also genuinely unempathetically oblivious to a womans experience with their body. I agree with everything else Maddie says though, physical is fleeting - be with someone who you love who absolutely loves you. My love for my partner would never change if they gained or lost weight and I know im not compatible with people whos love depends on my body / appearance. Its incredibly hurtful and discouraging to find out your loved one views you that way, I still have sore wounds from experiences similar to that. Its sad to say but its hard to find someone youre compatible with who loves you wholly with all the changes that may come...
You held great restraint in answering the first question. My heart breaks for the person who submitted that and my immediate response was DUMP HIM, but ofc everyone has their own feelings about these things. I just also, personally, could never recover from that in a relationship. There are some things you just can’t move on from once they’re said or done.
Like, not only would that be painful to me personally, but it also just shows such different morals, values, and general views on the world, like you said Maddie.
Tbh they clearly dont match in terms of ideals. Tbh it’s good he answered her question truthfully so at least she knows where they stand and I hope she finds somebody who does share the same view point as her
Ouuuf the losing weight submission really hit a nerve.. I dated someone who commented on my thick thighs, followed up by him telling me he normally dates skinny girls. It affected me (and STILL does) because up until that moment I truly loved every inch of my body, I consider myself pretty active and it did so much for me growing up, but it was this exact moment where my perception changed: I never even considered that I maybe shouldn't like my body and that people judge it. Does that make sense? I'm rambling but, I really feel for the gal who wrote in and truly hope she is able to eventually overcome that shitty comment and be at peace with herself. Not to speculate but she is probably SO beautiful lol. men can really suck
I had a boy sit next to me on the school bus (we had assigned seats) when I was a kid and he used to hit my thighs and say "wobbly thighs, wobbly thighs" which is definitely a factor in how I feel about them to this day. AND THE RUB OF IT IS HE FUVKIN FANCIED ME and this was him "pulling my pig tails".
the nuvaring theory has me dying every time you bring it up LOL
The ‘shallow boyfriend’ submission broke my heart into a million pieces.
On the shallow bf: I also think he might have wanted to voice this opinion before but knew it would make him sound like an asshole. So he initiated a conversation about preferences (bc I feel like this is not something that just comes up out of nowhere especially when your partner is not your usual type), so she would have that question and then he would be able to voice his opinions after she had to "pry" on it bc it was implied. If you're reading this; I've been in situations where I've thought "oh but he's so kind and wouldn't do this to purposely hurt me". Believe his actions, bc bad behaviour escalates when you allow it. And it's easy to allow it bc you expect your partner to have best intentions towards you. Whether it's subconsciously or consciously, he is not treating you kindly when he criticizes your body even if you asked. Ask if you would do this to him and if you want to hear similar criticisms about other parts of you once it comes up?
Spot on
one of my and many people there's first concert post-covid was orla gartland and at the end of their set they played release me by agnes (carlsson) as the crowd was heading out. guess she's singing "i don't need the heartbreak" but i either misheard it or twisted it in my head to i don't believe in heartbreak, because i genuinely don't, think it's an off-framing of the sensation but the bittersweetness of that song really stuck to me. gorgeous pop song such a brilliant way to outro the concert, a heartstinger with such a joy to it.
I agree with what you said about relatability. I think there’s beauty in paying attention to and devoting our time to experiencing lives dissimilar to our own through art. It’s a beautiful thing to put yourself aside and prioritize someone else in that way
its the calling them slumber bags every time for me hahaha
I was shocked to hear you describe almost the exact situation I am going through with a guy… I haven’t spoken to him in two months either and when you describe the feeling you have towards your friend as bittersweet I realize that is the feeling I was trying to name. As sad as I am that we will probably never talk again he brought a lot of joy into my life and I have no anger
“I would like to start calling sports uniforms, ‘recital outfits’” YES 👏 this is hysterical to me 😂 as a lesbian who grew up dancing and playing sports, I could not agree with you more 🌈
I'm sorry to break it anyone unaware, but if a man ever picks on your appearance - he's just settling for you and cares so little to think its ok to voice his opinions. This is exactly how I felt about my boyfriends, never ever have I cared about my partners' weight or anything if I was truly in love, but boy was I unhappy when the guy i "let him love me" got on a chubbier side. Or the guy in question is just an abuser and seeks to control the poor girl. Not sure which is worse. But what I know is that everyone deserves to be with someone who thinks highly of them. Please-please never let your partners tell you you are not good enough and mask it as honestly. I'd say get rid of such partners, but I actually have a case of guy straightening up after him getting a real pushback from me. Granted he was very young and dared to comment on my boobs being not big enough. Thanks God I was confident and mature enough to tell him that my boobs may be on the smaller side but I like them the way they are as well as many many many other guys standing in line behind him, so if I do not look like an absolute f***ing goddess to him I can easily get plenty of men to whom I do and he can go f*** himself. He ended up crying and begging me not to leave, telling me we should marry when I decided to stop it several months later. So my take is there's no downside to standing up for yourself, even if you don't quite feel it, cause at least you don't allow anyone to destroy your self-esteem. We as women get scrutinised enough by the society, no man should add to the load of low self-worth, body image issues and EDs we are already or at high risk of suffering.
I'm sat down with my post-dinner Girl Dinner of pretzels, grapes, sliced ham, mini eggs and three and a half pickles, ready to get angry about the shallow boyfriends of strangers. He's already given me major ick and I've not pressed play yet x
"Why does he do that" by Lundy Bancroft is a must read for every woman
To the girlfriend whose body was commented on. I've struggled with body issues because I'm not curvy. Im talking no hips and my butt isnt perky and round. Its there but I dont got a wagon and thats all social media focuses on, especially when it comes to latin women like myself. I randomly cried one summer at the farmer's market with my now husband because i saw a woman with the "ideal" body type. I felt ugly for not filling my shorts the way she did. He never once commented on the way I looked until he daw it bothered me. Asked me what was wrong (we're sitting in the car ready to go home bc bro got his saturn peaches lol) and I told him excatly that. I feel less of a woman because I'm curvless. I'll never forget what he said to me. Something along the lines of: "Ive been with women before you who all looked different. I'm with you because i love who you are and the way you make me feel. No one else has ever come close to that. Looks fade, who cares I'm not letting you go because of it. You look amazing to me. There's no such thing as "ideal" because opinions differ. Someone might look at me and think im the ugliest guy in the world and it wouldn't matter because you make me feel the opposite. I hope you begin to feel the same or im not doing my job" he then asked me if he was doing something wrong or wasnt complimenting me enough. I felt horrible knowing that wasnt the case, social media made me believe I was built wrong. All the guys who comment the way your boyfriend did. Whether openly in comment sections or on shitty bro podcasts. I was wrong to believe my man thought the way they did. My heart would shatter if my lover directly said that to me because what he thinks holds so much weight. You deserve better
holy shit maddie this podcast is hitting today
Maddie I read a book this week I think you’d lovvvveeee, Ace by Angela Chen, it reflects what the asexual experience reveals about society’s social scripts and implicit expectations of sex, romance, relationships, and consent. I think the way you talk about romance and sex is why I love your podcast even tho I’m aroace ❤ if you like the book Id love to hear your thoughts in a podcast episode
I just heard about this book as I heard it on the sensual self podcast! Angela was a guest.
@@lem_moon oooo I’ll have to look up the pod epiosde
It's 56! I also recommend 65 and 72, made me feel really seen ❤
Love that book! ❤
I definitely don’t relate to a lot of your content, but i love those parts! Overall i love the way you think/look at things, so when we differ on something i find it really interesting.
Always feels like a cozy hangout w the older sister i always wanted
Simply starstruck that Maddie read my submission 😭💖
It's so beautiful to hear you reflect on your life and what you're going through Maddie
I took so much from this, thank you, especially about bring relatable, super interesting. And what you were saying about your friend. I believe when we learn to take things less personally, sometimes it is not just about us❤❤❤❤
i’m curious as to what your response would be to the rest of the shallow bf question; “is it always right to be truthful even though it may hurt your partner”. (not defending the scummy guy in any way, it’s just got me thinking).
i think my answer would vary hugely depending on context/what it was about there honestly! i’m all for being honest but when your opinion is straight up mean or doesn’t take your partners feelings into consideration, i would say you need to examine why you hold those opinions about someone you claim to love before sharing them and if they’re genuinely rooted in truth… or you’re just an ass hahahhaha
Omg 35:00 is what gets me pissed also , I feel very strongly about body shaming .
Thank you always being so vulnerable ❤ watching your pod gives me the same warm energy as chatting to a bestie ☺️
I hereby demand more organize/decorate my apartment with me content!!
I reallllly wish we had male hormonal birth control. I’m grateful for female birth control and some of the liberation it has given us, but why should I need to mess with my hormones when I can only make a baby once a year and a man can make a theoretically infinite number 😢 the medical misogyny
It's kind of crazy to me to think that people would be upset in some way that they can't relate to 100% of someone's experiences... I completely agree that it's part of what makes it interesting to watch is to see the way someone else's experiences are different to yours. Wouldn't it be boring if we all thought the same thing and had the same experiences, and how would you even find stuff to talk about for an hour every week if that were the case lol xx
I think an unprompted question is 100% uncalled for and awful to say. But I don't think having that thought necessarily means that they don't think their partner is attractive as is. I lost weight recently from taking medication and I was super insecure about it and my partner reassured me that he also liked my new body. I asked if he liked it more or less and he admitted some things more some things less. But these aren't things he's just thinking about all the time. He's always told me how perfect my body is and how perfect I am and I could be in any shape and he'd still love me the same. At first I felt insecure because I felt like I was being nitpicked at but I think the same. If you were to tell me to nitpick, could I? Sure but would I just do it? No, I don't think of my partner that way, he is just the person I love. I can definitely understand why someone couldn't recover from that though. I wouldn't ask a question I don't want a brutal honest answer to but when I do get hurt by it, I see it as a good thing. Either it tells me it's not gonna work out or I can accept it. It's not gonna work out is a perfectly good reaction IMO
perfect timing! i’m just about to eat dinner
The way you speak makes me feel
makes me feel what??
my two cents about repeatability - sometimes its a sauce put on mediocre content to make it digestible. There's no "me" in good conetnt. HAVING SAID THIS i have also unfollowed social media ppl on insta ( even though their posts were interesting ) bc they posted/complained about their privileged lives. Seing somone complain about a to-do list consisting of -get nails done -make thumbnail WILL make my eyes roll.
I was on the standard pill for a long time and I started getting migraines. No one ever screened me for migraines when talking about birth control but it turns out that my kind of migraine + standard pill = higher risk of stroke (really think someone should have asked me about it at some point). When I found out and mentioned it to my gyno they *immediately* switched me to the mini pill, which I like better anyway. And I don't have migraines anymore either, which is crazy. So I guess this is just a psa to take responsibility for your birth control and advocate for yourself if things feel weird.
The bf didn’t say he isn’t attracted to her tho
How is your accountability group set up? I love the idea!
Sperm can survive in ur uterus up to five days, so the egg doesn't have to already be there but ovulation needs to occur in the following days
i love when you start the podcast by offending 😇. coming in hot momma !!
I just saw Love Lies Bleeding and thought it was glorious
Housekeeping for Beginners! I saw Love Lies Bleeding a few weeks ago and was completely obsessed hahaha
Got here so fast ❤️
I was held at gun point 😟 and forced to watch a lakers game 😱
one of your non binary subscribers here :33 binge listening to your podcast episodes as a saturday treat haha
Bb fish goddess 💙🌊💙
Nah AFL uniforms. Their tiny short shorts and fitted tops
never clicked faster omg
They’re both in the wrong… she said she PUSHED him to answer her question and he stupidly told her yes. He’s shallow for sure, but she’s also immature for pushing for an answer she wouldn’t be able to handle. She even said herself, prior to that conversation, he never made her feel insecure about her body. He wasn’t nitpicking or being cruel. Both bf and gf have some growing up to do.
I would advise the 20-year-old virgin to wait until she meets someone special.
i feel like that’s an extremely personal decision and i don’t think people should feel pressured to “wait until they find someone special” unless they want to? i also think it’s weird bc their question was about pregnancy so you brought this up for what?
@@lunebug00 I was thinking the same thing
@@lunebug00 Of course it's her choice. She can have casual meaningless sex if she wants, but most women I know who have gone in that direction aren't nearly as happy as those who have not. I brought it up because I find it strange that people feel they have to get their virginity out of the way like it's something to be ashamed of when the opposite is true, or if they feel pressured to do so by their friends. She should feel proud that she's waited not made to feel like a freak over it.
@@dissidentfairy4264 i completely agree, i don’t think people should rush into having sex for the sake of getting it over with or whatever. i guess it just felt a little strange because that’s not what their question was about.
@@lunebug00 I think she actually did say something about her friends and how she was the only virgin in the group. I'd have to go back and listen again to be certain, but it made me feel that she was feeling some kind of pressure to lose her virginity which is the only reason I brought it up.