You don't get it before when pink was a normal color for guys it was an affront to God but now that the tradition aligns with my personal belief it's just how the world was meant to be. 🫠
@@OneEyeShadow I know you're joking but I've heard tons of conservatives claim this is literally true. Not even in the context of trans people, I've heard them make this claim when justifying why women shouldn't have jobs and such.
@@DraconisWyrm thank you for saying that. I used to be very sensitive about the subject and kept it secret from most people until I got older. I'm grateful that I'm trans because otherwise my appearance would confuse tf out of people.
22:11 Funny story, I recently established care with a new doctor and her first words to me were "Can you explain what a young man in his thirties needs testoterone for?" And I was like, "Yeah, I'm trans." She went, "Ohhhhh, that makes sense," and then moved on. She didn't need to verify if I was actually trans because even at the doctor's office, it's not that big of a deal.
Same experience. It’s sometimes relevant information for the doctor, but usually not so much. My roomate is actuallu a cis man who has two harmless tumours in his brain that inhibits his testosterone production. He went through life up until 33 years old as a pre-pubertal guy who people constantly thought was a woman, until the tumours were discovered. Now he takes testosterone, like me, who is a trans man.
@@fromeveryting29 It's odd how, gender afffirmative care is perfectly normal and acceptable for men like your roommate, or men who are going bald, or guys who can't get it up, but when I, a biological woman
We had the cutest little white fluffy dog when I was a kid and my mom let my sister and I pick his collar and leash and we chose pink with little crystals. We thought he looked so fancy and adorable. People would stop her while she walked him to pet him and sometimes when they found out he was a boy the fact he had all pink accessories would send them into a rage. My mother was absolutely befuddled every time. "He's a dog" she would say. "He doesn't care." She didn't even think to mention that 2 little girls picked them out. Because it's fucking absurd to be so weird about a boy dog wearing pink. It's been ages and I can't forget the anger that, what, they were tricked into thinking he was a girl? He was emasculated by a pink collar? Weird as hell
Hell, I don't even care about the gender of a dog. They're all adorable and amazing, no matter if it's a male or a bitch. What the hell does it matter if you can't see it from the accessories? I can't see it without them either. And I'm not gonna look under every random dog I meet to check for the genitals before saying something about the dog. That's weird. I just ask if it's a male or a bitch, or I just say something and hope I get it right by chance or get corrected.
My male dogs favourite winter coat is a super fluffy bright pink dog hoodie, if I hold it up to him he immediately runs over to have me put it on and whenever I try to take it off him he runs away. He doesn’t react that way to any of his other coats and whenever my sister visits she always calls my giant, very strong dog a “sissy” because of his coat. Like sorry my dog has a good sense of style and isn’t rolling around in an ugly camo coat to prove his doggy manliness!
"Don't confuse people" is one of the more closeted statement. If you are comfortable with your own sexuality, you wouldn't be confused by other people's sexual expressions.
How insecure and fragile does one have to be to become "confused" simply by realizing people different than oneself might exist? Also telling in that people who are confident in the truthfulness of their beliefs are happy to subject them to challenge and scrutiny. Eager, even. Ever met an expert who wouldn't talk your ear off about their field if given half a chance?
@@michaelccozens I know several professors, individuals with doctorates, even just people with years of experience in their field, whom not only love talking others' ears off about their fields, but prefer the listener to pose questions and opinions--ESPECIALLY opposing (or downright incorrect in some cases) thoughts. It's just as you said about being happy to subject their beliefs to challenge and scrutiny. Those who are TRUE experts are overjoyed to debate their stance, to prove their position and help others form new opinions! Makes you wonder what it means, the fact that trans people tend to gather sources and facts, then hand them out like candy on Halloween, but transphobes usually result to petty insults and misgendering.
Also, the world is gonna be confusing no matter what you do, frankly. There is an exception to every rule. There are different people. There are different things. There are many different cultures, there are differences between people even outside of culture. It just reminds me of that dumbass bishop villain in the Castlevania anime that classifies chemistry as witchcraft because he wants to keep Wallachia a "simple" place. The world is based in a few simple rules, but there's a reason why physics isn't literally the only scientific field- it's that every single bit of the world that's at a scale perceptible to humans is emergent behaviour, taking those simple rules and spinning them into something FAR more complex. Chemistry, biology, psychology- you could never, in a human lifetime or even millennia, be able to arrive at any of those fields from just the basic, simple rules. Conservatism is inherently founded in top-down thinking, and refuses any reality that doesn't conform to its initial assumption. It ALL relies on simplicity- take literally anything Matt Walsh's made, with his classic "I'm not a scientist, but-" *proceeds to insist his gut instinct is right and every scientist dedicating their lives to their field is wrong* This is why I so heavily dislike deontologists, conservatives, priests that insist they have all the answers- top-down thinkers, all of them. It's a worldview that simply can never apply to a world this complex, that's been around this long, that is so big. No single law that works at a scale which applies to human society will explain the behaviour of every single human, without exception.
What that "The Office" clip didn't show you was when she was driving home, a fellow motorist was distracted by a boy wearing pink, had a stroke as a result of the mental strain and drove into a fertility clinic, killing thousands of potential human beings. So he's right, conforming to typical gender norms is a public safety issue.
this is from Peter Pan , around 1910 “(Fairies) live in nests on the tops of trees; and the mauve ones are boys and the white ones are girls, and the blue ones are just little sillies who are not sure what they are” Hope that helps
"My little boy said he's spiderman so I got him the halloween costume and encouraged him to get into acting so he might one day be the spiderman." That's all you gotta do bruv edit: this post popped off so i just gotta say kar'niss is the only attractive baldur's gate 3 character
@@reinhardt3090Explain to me how I'm cherry picking how I feel. Is it just me being biased in some way that makes me feel uncomfortable in my body multiple times a day, if not all day? And what is that bias that isn't just me being trans?
@@VitaeLibra What? I was just saying that there is medical research that supports both sides of the argument, these comments willfully ignore it and pretend that all medical research is on their side.
@@reinhardt3090 Because it is. There isn't anything to support the claims these bigots make. If there was they'd be clinging to it like hot chocolate but they're consistently being proven wrong. What "medical research" do you know of that supports the belief that "trans people shouldn't be allowed to transition actually"? If you know of any that trans people themselves are overlooking I'd very much love to see it. But the very fact that you think they're overlooking it is what's telling me you're biased. Not neutral. A neutral party would recognize that the trans community is open to learning about any dangers of transitioning because it's in the best interest to know about them. That's why they celebrate those who detransition and why they ask other trans people on the dangers of surgery. You not knowing that and assuming the very people who are taking the risks are just casually ignoring them is hard to interpret any other way than you falling just as hard for the bigotted lies being spread about trans people by those who know nothing about them. Furthermore, if you genuinely believed any of it you'd be trying to inform trans people about them. Not blocking their access to healthcare without discussing it with them because you believe you know better than them and need to make decisions for them. You're supporting people who aren't trans deciding for trans people that they're not allowed to make their oen choices and restricting their access to solutions which are proven to make them happier and you're doing it because "there's evidence on both sides of the argument"?!? I hope you understand why I define that as delusional
There’s also the fact that pink wasn’t considered a “girl color” until the 1950’s either Mamie Eisenhower. She wore it so damn much that it was associated with femininity and womanhood. Pink used to be masculine as fuck. It represented the faded blood of enemies and shit.
Personal experience with a family friend... their former son whose now trans was someone we all assumed was gay at a very very young age. At 8, we expected her to just go into that direction and nobody cared. It was around 16 she came out by force due to some online purchases she made on her dad's cc and their family learned to support her pretty quickly. From what she said to my ex-wife, she knew there was something "not right" about her when hormones started fighting with her interior feelings and perspective on life. So she was in the closet about it for at least 4-5 years in her youth. And two women I went to high school with now identify as he/him who we all assumed were either "tomboy" or just butch-lesbian were terrified of coming out until their late 20's and mid-30's, so there's definitely a gap in social acceptance allowing trans people to come out with that identity. I was ignorant 20 years ago to the reason why the fear to come out was so heavy until the bathroom bills then the "women in sports" crap came out from social conservatives proving they still exist to make other people's live suck.
30:20 The thing I love about "they/them" is that no matter how hard you try, it's hard coded into your brain and you cannot avoid using it by accident no matter how much you "oppose pronouns".
@@singlereedenjoyer Nope, and no amount of bullying will get the majority to accept your lies. You guys talk about empathy and acceptance but can't tolerate anyone who disagrees with you. You're frauds.
Ask a real trans transgender questions and you’ll get non biased answers: I’m 40yo transwoman, transitioned at 32, so I had 32years to confirm that I really needed that, but, I would have been able to say clearly that I wanted to be a transwoman at 14, from 14 to 31 I acted like what my environment wanted to see me as… I hope it can answer Vaush asked around minute 6
I love how the father brought up the gender colors being swapped in the past but then hand waved it away. Like they were 'wrong' and were proven to be opposite in 1920 or whenever.
i think he actually meant something else here this time, and vaush didn't get it he's saying that following gender norms is how you communicate to others what your sex is, and if you don't follow them as expected, that would be intentionally deceiving others you know, the classic thing where a guy freaks out about being attracted to a passing trans woman and feels lied to (the actual problem is that they think they get to make assumptions about someone's sex based on their presentation)
@@fghsgh I suppose? But at the same time, it shows that it's more of a ritual - birth colors that is - babies don't choose what colors they wear, the parents do.
@@fghsgh how did we get to the point where people be like person: *uses presentation to authentically communicate who they are* person who has no business in their pants: "you LIED to me!"
If Vaush didn't skip parts of it, it was a mix of "appearance helps people gender you correctly" and "appearance follows biology" with a weird implication that people discovered the biological truth of blue being a boy's color after getting it wrong before.
@lnplum 'appearance follows biology' is an insane take to hear from these people, given the amount of times I've seen them call black women men because they don't meet mainstream beauty standards
Its weird you know? Why is it that the second when conservatives attempt to engage in acedemia to justify some bigoted view they come up with something so baffling it makes you laugh? Like, dude thought spiderman is an argument against the identity argument or trans people in general. Can i identify as spawn or kenshiro because this guy wants to identify as someone who's serious on this topic?
@@jeremiahbarnes6313 Well, it didn't take me long to find your double standards. This thread was already nothing but grandstanding before I entered it. Why did you only complain about mine and not about your own and that of the person that replied to you?
The funny thing about comparing BIID to gender dysphoria: doctors agree that, although it may seem wrong to laypersons, the only treatment that actually works long term is _doing_ _the_ _surgeries_ . Yes, even amputation of that "healthy" arm. We can't change the person's brain, so we don't. There are very few cases of BIID to study as it's even rarer than gender dysphoria, but in literally every one where the patient was given the treatment they asked for, their distress was alleviated, and they didn't regret it. Shockingly, we should _believe_ _people_ about their needs.
@@finalcut612 It's kind of controversial. BIID is _extremely_ rare, like the number of known cases are in the low hundreds, so demonstrating which treatment is best is very difficult. Usually, amputations are only done in the most severe cases, in every instance this has been effective but the number of times this has even happened is so small that it's not a definitive conclusion.
@@finalcut612 There have only been a smattering of case reports, because it's so rare, but in every one I've read it's been effective. Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID): How Satisfied are Successful Wannabes, 2014, surveyed 21 such patients and found all of them had increased quality of life and no regret. Interestingly, many of the amputees did report phantom limb, which seems to contradict the brain-body map mismatch theory, as the brain presumably wouldn't register a phantom limb if it didn't have "record" of it being there to begin with.
@@finalcut612 Yes it is really affective, their are a few studies on it you can find, the one I found in looking to see if BID is an delusion a few minutes ago is from Pubmed published in 2023 that mentioned that amputation leads to alleviation of symptoms and the ability to "go back to work" (language directly used in the study) Their are a few other things they are trying to do, one way includes the, "rubber hand illusion" where despite patients not feeling like their hand belongs to them, the rubber hand illusion is still affective and they do feel like that limb belongs to them. Quite trippy if you ask me. Another way is trying to reconnect the limb and brain together through a few different exercises. (I'm completely blanking on what exactly it is.) And then they are trying to use VR/AR to simulate the leg not being there. There was one teeny tiny Swedish study that consisted of 2 patients, both were crying tears of joy after seeing themselves without the limb(s), both had a decrease of symptoms for a few days after the study, both said that the urge to cut off their own limbs didn't increase, and one said he felt more vindicated than ever in seeking out a surgeon who is willing to do the surgery to amputate the limb. Quite fascinating study, I would highly reccomend reading it. I think it is on frontiers?? Tbh it has been almost a year since I went down this rabbit hole, ngl. So this is all top of the head, and the one pubmed study from a few minutes ago.
as if "changing" it will make it any less healthy. id argue with how much of a tie the physical body and the mind have as far as health goes, someone whos immensely more happy would be HEALTHIER, regardless of whether or not theyre trans. almost feels like they just DO NOT CARE about whats going on up in the brain, and only give a crap about outward appearance, whether or not theyre giving money to the church, and whether or not they actually believe in god or not.
Circumcision also has the potential side effect of causing problems with pre-mature ejaculation later in life as well. There is literally no medical benefits to it either. It's solely about religion, or a preference for how it looks. Yet, that's ok to do to an infant.
These pastors are the worst, even from a Christian perspective. Using their place of power to punch down at people already suffering. Shame on them! Appreciate Vaush calling this out
I agree with you I'm autistic they say same things about people like me too I don't care what they say I'm perfect for the way God made me just like gay and trans people a perfect way God made them too as he makes everyone different in his image
Blue is biologically male and pink is biologically female because my budgies' nostrils are color coded and they were invented in the early 1900s by Big Ornithology.
They believe in a magical sky wizard and a virgin giving birth to the son of said magic sky wizard, who went on to die and come back to life, yet the concept of transitioning is delusional and insane lol.
Not to oversimplify... But that magic sky wizard that got born was simultaneously a completely different entity, while also still being the same magic sky wizard, and it sacrificed itself to itself because a blood sacrifice was the only way it could forgive us for being the way it made us so that it didn't have to punish us for that. Oh wait, oversimplified again... We're the way we are because the first guy he made did a thing he didn't understand why he wasn't supposed to do, and somehow all of us are responsible despite us not having had anything to do with the original incident.
@@AegixDrakan oversimplification, again. we are the way we are because the Big Man made us without the ability to know better _and_ created the ultimate liar _and and_ set the ultimate liar on the first woman who the first man was supposed to love and trust _and and and_ blames us all for it. i'm not dumb enough to claim to know enough to say there is nothing out there, but i can easily say there is no YHWH. it just doesn't add up unless YHWH is a lying cunt or a straight up lunatic. and if it is one of those options we should oppose it on basic morality alone, not worship it out of fear.
"what if we ruined millions of people's lives just to preserve the cleanliness of these arbitrary definitions" sums of conservatism pretty well actually
In fairness, saying Trump won in 2020 is absolutely a lie that leads to a difficult and expensive life for Guiliani et al. He even wore a dress while Trump performed a lewd act on him. Yet conservatives embrace that choice.
@@reinhardt3090and there's significantly more cases of people being genuine about it, what's the point here? I knew a kid who claimed to have Tourettes Syndrome so that he could shout slurs in public without being told off. People called him on his crap, not the girl with documented Tourettes Syndrome he'd always try and rope into his bs. Someone fakes being trans for some nefarious goal, its stupid to go after people who weren't the problematic faker
@@reinhardt3090So what about the documented cases of transphobes being caught admitting to their transphobia? Cause I can find you way more of those cases than you could ever hope to imply there are of people pretending to be trans
Valid. My anxiety stopped me from getting an appointment for my endometriosis operation. For four years. Next month it is finally time! Booya! They’re going to remove lots of material and put me on hormone blockers so it doesn’t come back. So… maybe try a new hairstyle, there are lots of women with short hair, and lots of men with long hair around. So that’s a babystep forward. Good luck. =)
@@ArDeeMee I love when people share their stories with anxiety disorders. I personally can hardly even talk unless i'm asking for very specific things. I basically only communicate like a human online through text.
The whole fruity kid thing messed me up. Ive always been flamboyant and my family would say i would grow up to be gay. Im a straight male and growing up i was getting sexually assaulted and their comments about me being gay made me think i was supposed to enjoy it.
As someone in the field of biology. These bozos have no idea what sex is and how it works. Simple/basic knowledge of why HRT has an effect in the first place is enough to negate their "arguments". And that negation is surface level compared to the unbelievable complexity behind every single phenotypic variation and the esogenous and exogenous factors influencing them, this is so complex that a single phenotypic range can be the focus of dozens of multi-year PhD programs. Biology is messy, those who cannot understand that simple fact should not be part of a serious conversation on the topic, especially when it comes to medical care and doubly so when they want to use their simplified, primitive idea of how they imagine biology works to impose laws that turn people's bodies into prisons.
It just pisses me off that people care so much about how other people want to identify. I used to use a giant barbie car for my Han Solo and Chewbacca action figures to use as the millennium falcon, back in the day no one cared but nowadays conservatives would freak out.
It pisses me off when I'm told that I'm endangering lives by not affirming some stranger and then gaslit with "why do you care". Er idk, maybe because you're shoving your tripe down everyone's throats? Leave people alone and most people won't care because believe it or not, a stranger's life isn't important to us.
@@frishter I know several trans people and have never come across this at all. I kind of wonder where you hang out that you are constantly confronted by strangers telling you to 'identify' them properly. I suspect your algorithm just feeds you this issue because you clicked on one once and now believe all the online tripe about how much trans people are 'demanding' . Considering how much physical violence is done to trans people, I'm kind of thinking unless you are actively seeking them out, they would be just as happy to be away from you as you them.
He craps on about Klinefelters syndrome being obviously men. As a XXY transwoman I challenge his whole premise on this. I live quite successfully as a woman in my day to day life without anyone knowing any difference. Looking and talking to me, you would never know.
"Transgender broken arm syndrome" is a real thing. When going in for a broken arm, when the doctors find out you're trans, they throw their hands in the air, blame HRT for the broken arm, and claim they cannot possibly treat the individual. The person then leaves with no treatment. I have experienced this, and while I was OK, many people have died from lack of treatment.
@@Metal_Sign-Friday_Patchouli You're going to have to restate that if you wan't a response. You can't tell if what is satire? There is exactly ZERO satire in my post. It's deadly serious.
@@ericapelz260 “Blame HRT for the broken arm, and claim they cannot possibly treat the individual.” If you are serious in this sort of example, I apologize. That must be traumatizing. That is such an illogical non-sequitur that if I wrote it in a book, I’d change it because it seems too unrealistic and an insult to the profession. It makes so little sense it seems like obvious satire to anyone who hasn’t experienced that world. I can’t find such events when I search (because it returns results of HRT prescription refusal instead.) I can believe it, but it is perhaps the second strangest thing I’ve ever heard.
Search for "Transgender Broken Arm Syndrome" it's the actual term. And yes, I was turned away from an imaging facility while experiencing serious abdominal pain because they couldn't figure out how to do a lower left abdominal ultrasound because I'm trans.
Haha that’s illegal. Doctors are legally required to save lives if they can. If they can’t save the life for one reason or another, multiple valid reasons must be proved in order for the doctor to not be reprimanded for not saving a life.
@@luigithesnickercringe pfp. Everyone knows true gigachads support and protect every single living person. You taint the community you try to side with.
So, I "wasn't a transgirl" growing up but I never felt like a boy. I observed the world around me and saw what the traditional girl wore, played with, and acted because I wanted to do what girls did to make me feel more like what I felt. Let me sister put make up on me, stealing my sister's clothes, just so I could feel normal.
Gender is like a sweater. For some of us, that sweater is very itchy or doesn't fit us quite right, putting on a different sweater sounded easier than it is. Everyone "expects' you to stay in the sweater they gave you from the start, and I mean you could live with it, it's only an itch. But it's irritating always they never go away, ignore it, ignore it, run from it. Maybe if you just layer another matching sweater over it, no good it's worse. You wouldn't want to appear as a stranger to your friends any family by changing to a whole different sweater, would you? The itching is maddening, at this point you'd rather die from exposure than where that damn itchy sweater your parents gave you the day they thought they knew you. Maybe it's time to change, maybe the sweater I've been eyeing my whole life and secretly wanting deep down is the better one despite my fear of no longer fitting in. You finally build the courage to go through with getting that special sweater, it's... its... it's like living a spring breeze for the first time ever. It fits perfectly and caresses your skin softly making you feel at peace. Is this how everyone else feels? I've lived in the dark for so long, this blinding sense of joy from a silly sweater is what happiness truly is. I don't see why anyone unhappy with their itchy sweater should be forced to always suffer in it. To deny the path to such true euphoria and joy is an evil of its own category.
@@Scratchy8644 You're a mf stereotype bozo. How did I describe sexism?? You know stereotypes can both be good and bad, what matters is how they are used.
@@Scratchy8644 You're a mf stereotype bozo. How did I describe sexism?? You know stereotypes can both be good and bad, what matters is how they are used.
@@Scratchy8644 huh? I didn't say anything about gender stereotypes. All I did was say how uncomfortable it is to wear and be something you feel you're not. So I don't know what could be considered sexist. So please elaborate your brain damage.
@@Prometheus1464 the sweater you are talking about, can you define it in detail? Try this and ask yourself : what makes a women a women or a men a men? Is it preferences? Social roles? Behaviors? The so called sweaters? Sexism happen when you define the gender of a person based on stereotypes rather than the actual biological sex. Remove the sweater instead of just putting another one. Just be yourself and accept your body. Its okay to like typically male stuff as a female or vice need to have a sweater that put you into a category or a box, and no need to re-assign your sex with dangerous and useless surgeries, no need to transform yourself into a male or nonbinary because you like boy toys and the color blue. Thinking that there is a sweater for each genders is putting people into different categories based on sex stereotypes. If a female says "I feel like a boy because I prefer boy stuff", she is assuming that liking boy stuff is what make you a boy, which is sexism.
Anyone who bases morality on fantasy (or the imagined desires of a magical, omnipotent deity) doesn’t exactly sit on high enough ground to claim that others are “basing morality on science fiction.” 😂
All morality is based on fantasy and that is a-ok. In an ideal world religious people should find communality with trans people because they are both idealists who seeks to overcome natural reality, but religious people are coopted into one dimensional thinkings due to their role of providing rules and rituals
My older sister remembers me saying I was a boy trapped in a girl's body at four. I was forcefully dissuaded from this notion when I was young because it wasn't acceptable back then. I was always told I was a "tom boy" and that was it. I'm finally transitioning now that I'm 36...
Biologist here. Can confirm we determine sex in drosophila depending on what toys they choose! Highly scientific stuff right there. Edited: corrected typo
@@DB-sy6xc haha, yes. Well done, it’s the Fruit fly. Little boring dumb-dumbs if you ask me, but their genetics are pretty well figured out so it’s easy to produce knock-outs. Also their mutants/genes have cute names sometimes.
@@UpsideDown853 there’s flies poking holes in my raspberries and blackberries and I looked it up and it was one of those. Drosophila suzukii. I think anyway. They’re tiny so it’s hard to see. That’s the only reason I heard of it. They destroy my stuff. lol I tried to figure out how to get rid of them but I give up. I just eat the fruit anyway as long as it ain’t too eat up with holes. I don’t like spraying pesticides. It’s probably okay to eat a few tiny baby flies.
14:20 I want to point out that street lights colors are _less_ arbitrary and _more biologically determined_ than pink and blue as gender colors. Red is a color that naturally stands out to us, we are biologically wired to understand it as a sign of danger (among other things). We culturally understand green as it's opposite (though that isn't quite accurate in color theory). Yellow is their middle point on the light spectrum. Meanwhile, pink and blue are entirely arbitrary, completely _culturally determined_ gender symbols.
I did a project on Klinefelter Syndrome and diversity of intersex people for a 7th grade science class. If a 12 year old can understand the nuance of sexes and educate his entire class about intersex people, an adult man can comprehend that there is more than male and female. (The project was years ago and there wasn't as much research on intersex people, so it was an interesting topic for me and I knew nobody else was going to do a project on it. I didn't chose it as part of an "agenda", but because it was a cool subject that people don't know much about.)
You actually think you understood that shit with nuance at 12? You had no life experience at all, you were just reading and parroting what others who did have an agenda had said.
@@reinhardt3090do you think intersex people don't actually exist or Can I claim that the quadratic formula is woke because I didn't understand it at age 12?
@@reinhardt3090And you aren't parroting people with an agenda because... you're an adult? So you have your own agenda? It's quite apparant how you never try to prove your own arguments in all your replies yet consistently cast doubt on everyone else's based on mere feelings
@@VitaeLibra The only part you are correct in is that I didn't try to prove my arguments, because I don't care and figured my comments would get auto deleted, which they did. Gotta love the artificial safe space comment sections that give you false views of reality.
@@jatsko3113 I never said intersex people don't exist, they are however not the same as trans people. Also I never used the word "woke" and never said that OP was wrong, just that they couldn't have had a truly nuanced and well researched view at the time.
Fun fact: the fact that traffic lights are red/green is NOT in fact arbitrary, red and green happen to be the colors the human eye is most sensitive to, and red is something we instinctively associate with danger for obvious evolutionary reasons.
some intersex people have both primary sex characteristics and go through both natural puberties. regardless, trans people are simply a normal part of the diverse human experience, and this is f***ing exhausting.
@@soniaess28 lmao. it's very true. some humans are born with a penis and a uterus. some people are born with a vagina and internalized testicles. lol. Sex is a binary distribution and very complex, informed by hormone signalling ... lmao
That response video was a so incoherent, each point is only barely strung together and nearly every argument boils down to quips that only work if you don't think about what they actually mean for half a second. I really don't understand how anyone could watch that stuff and enjoy it, it's only marginally better than videos from the Quartering.
When I was around kindergarten age maybe a little sooner, I took some scissors and tried to cut my balls off. I was going to do the penis but, my thinking as a little kid was where would the pee come out. So that is why I choose the other. Now, after the pain hit. I stopped. but I understand now, that I’m trans and always have been. So yes a 5 year old can know they are trans but not have the words to say it.
Yeah, and my biology professor says that transgender people exist, just getting a biologist to say “There are only two sexes” doesn’t help your argument because for every one you find, I can find another with the opposing statement.
For clarification, I don’t disagree with finding reputable people in the field. However, just getting someone who is a biologist to say something without any elaboration or evidence means next to literally nothing.
Unironically a case where deferring to broader authority via whatever large medical institutions is valid and not a fallacy. Especially because when conservatives try to trot out their equivalents, it's invariably one of a few partisan think-tanks you can discredit by finding that they also publish climate change denial or whatever because that's the level of detachment from reality they need to be.
Boston Children's Hospital is the one that Matt Walsh encouraged his fan base to threaten with bomb threats and so on. That could be why the video was taken down.
Sorry, i am an atheist but i cringe at matt dillahunty, he simply is unable to maintain a calm and clear conversation without screaming and shouting, and often gets stomped by serious philosophical arguments. Trent is the scum of catholicism, but at least he is able to argue in a rational way. That guy from Rationality Rules channel is a much better example of atheist.
@@gabri41200 Trent does not argue in a rational way. He can argue in a calm and collected manner but the rationality of his arguments is, by default, questionable.
@modtec1209 he does. His arguments generally follow an organized propositional form, which makes them much easier to attack. Rationally doesn't mean your argument holds, it only means they follow a rational line. His arguments obviously do not hold, but they are rational nonetheless.
@@gabri41200 I have no love for Catholicism or Trent, but why is Trent scum? Anything in particular (besides these bad anti-trans takes and your standard apologetics stuff)?
23:46 I want to point out that rather than attempting to go for the argument Vaush made, he went on about how he misspoke. This is the conservative argument version of *You're
3:40 I think what she might be referring to is that transgender people have been known to start feeling discomfort with the gender forced on them as young as toddler transgender boys who hated being dressed as a girl even when they were a toddler, and consistently communicated discomfort with everything like that forced on them (and it had to be forced on them). It didn't just start when they finally had the ability to say the words out loud. Remember that awesome Fox segment on the transgender boy from California, and what the Mom said about how he behaved as a toddler? I hope that's what this lady meant and just phrased it terribly. It's definitely ridiculous to say a toddler could literally *know* they are "transgender." Obviously no one can know that until they know the word "transgender." There's also some ambiguity with the verb "know." Maybe not the best word to use in this situation either, even though it's common for people to describe "feeling something is wrong" with "knowing something is wrong " At the very least, it's still important to acknowledge when someone started feeling that something is wrong, when it's fair to say they *knew* something was wrong, and then when they actually started knowing the correct words in order to accurately describe their feelings. IDK just my thoughts. 😅✌️
my points against him: plz look at the last one. it will blow your mind! 1. i know friends that have parents that are LGBT phobic and it makes my friends want to be trans/lesbian/bisexual or anything else. 2. there are religions old and new that men wear dresses and skirts and woman wear pants and shirts. dose that mean cross-dressing? are their religions wrong? 3. do the transphobic people around me made me want to transition? BUT THE BEST OF ALL: animals were shown to have LGBTQ traits. there were multiple lesbian and gay penguins dolphins and other animals and there are even types of fish and other animals that can transition between male to female! there was no influence from humans, just evolution. or as they say it: "god's creation"
@@luigithesnicker according to the bible and other religions who believe in god for example in the tora from the Jewish religion where they came from "In the image of God created him" witch means that god created humans in the image of god and Eve came from a piece of bone that god took from Adam (Adam is mail and Eve is female) and made Eve from him. he transitioned from the male part into a female part / parts. which is what we do when we transition with taking hormones and doing bottom surgery. and on top of that "gender" is not "sex" gender is the way of expressing your identity an not the biological body. GOD SAID THEY WILL NEVER BE BOTH SEXES BUT NEVER SAID WONT BE 1 2 OR EVEN 50 GENDERS. dose that prove it?
Its so funny when they bring doctors and identification into this. My Transfem friend was in the hospital. They didnt indentify her as "a biological male who is confused and takes pools of chamicals." She is "a transgender female, month 2 of CHRT" THIS tells the doctor ALL he needs to know.
Here's the thing about age. I *knew* when I was five. I did. I felt wrong. I didn't know why at first, but when I was five I figured out that I was a girl, and I told my parents. I instantly was beaten. My parents were eventually arrested for child abuse as well as other things, and I lived with my grandparents for a time. I told them, and they didn't beat me, but they verbally abused me. A couple years later I was living in a children's home. One of the caretakers noticed I was different, and directly asked. I thought I was safe and when I told them, I was emotionally manipulated and abused and told it was against God and all these other things. When I was adopted, I never even told my adopted parents. Every time I even thought about it, I stopped after they went on a homophobic rant. I wore a mask for nearly two decades, hating myself, spiraling into depression, feeling like I was just an anomaly in a flesh suit, so I stopped taking care of the suit. Until I finally had people around me that I felt safe with. I finally started to be able to transition, and I'm working on the damage that my neglect caused my body, but I can never repair the mental and emotional scars nor what puberty had done to me. All I'm saying is that, from experience, yeah, someone can know when they're five. And at five, different clothes and being allowed to grow my hair would have been enough. If I had been able to take puberty blockers once that started happening, that would have been great--and if for some reason I decided against it, just stop the blockers and let the hormones flow. People don't seem to realize the damage they can do mentally and emotionally to someone, and while not always it often can be a realization made young.
Id say gender discontent is me. I consummate tomboy who climbed trees, all my friends were guys, hated dresses and skirts blah blah blah. Not trans. My parents were great about said tomboy outlook. They wanted me to know they were happy with my choices and didn't try and force me into the girl box. They would say that they knew since I could roll around. And yet. I am not trans. Because that isn't what makes someone trans and acting like it is is completely disingenuous to trans people.
"Gender non-contendedness" is a damn mouthful. And I was pissed all the time as a little girl that my interests were constantly boy-locked and discouraged. I was happy being a girl, but "non-contended" with what limitations were slapped on my gender.
The fact that green is the universal color associated with calmness likely caused by the fact that areas with plants are safe areas with resources in them. Besides that I have nothing. No, this response that I am leaving to you isn't very serious.
"Friars aren't real" man no one tell the brothers of St Francis 😂 I had a Friar when I went to catholic school. He was an alright guy. Had the brown robes. Way more drippy than Jezuits.
I was taught by my parents to sit down and urinate. I spent 36 years believing that this was the masculine thing to do and just realize now that sitting while I pee actually means I’m trans.
I unsubscribed from Trent because of that video. Last year, I watched that incel to trans pipeline video and found out trans people weren't all caricatures and some were just normal people. My dysphoria immediately went from manageable (because I was justifying it by saying "Yeah, I'd rather be a woman, but I don't think I *am* a woman") to driving me to drink and suicidal ideation. Now I'm on estrogen. Life comes at you fast.
Isnt Androgen Insensivity Syndrome an intersex condition? Gender is not sex and is been shown to be significantly traumatizing to individuals who's parents and doctors made the decision without their consent. AIS folks being able to decide what to do with their bodies is inherently radical if you only believe in 2 sexes and genders. They know who they are when they know and should be able to make choices for their body when they're old enough just as everyone else should. I don't think that should be so hard for people to understand and agree with
I mean I was 4 refusing to wear dresses, and insisted on wearing the red power ranger costume because I didn’t wanna be dressed as a girl. I always hated girly hair cuts and always wanted short hair. My parents forced me to be girly. I was told I could be a tomboy in personality but I had to wear dresses and makeup and was told how bad trans people are. I came out this year. I’m 33. I have over a dozen unaliving attempts under my belt. Let kids be who they are.
16:10 I just noticed that the timestamp chapter on the bottom of the video says: "Data shows Transgender ideology is the cause of social pressure" - Isn't that guy's position supposed to be... the reverse of that?
It's funny having Kleinfelters hearing this guy say that people with it are obviously male. Before I transitioned people got pretty confused about what gender I was. Not been gendered male in several years though lol
I don't know much aboht Klienfelter's and am curious, would you say people with your condition generally adapt male idenies? Or is there a good mix of different identities? Do you think people with Klienfelter's are more likely to identify as trans or is there no correlation? I hope this isn't intrustive, but I haven't found much info about the condition online, and my biologist brain is very curious about human sex/gender in general.
@@apollofell3925 I don't think there's really any data on it. I would imagine most generally live as normal guys. You can have it your whole life and never know. I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't think my identity cleanly lines up with man or woman. It feels like there is perhaps a biological component to that? It's all a big knot of socialisation and repression too. I don't know how it works. Just that getting the right hormones for me made me feel so much better
@@apollofell3925 hmm, not sure if I forgot to reply or youtube ate the comment, but I think most are probably regular guys for the most part. It's probably an unexplored thing because identifying outside of strictly biology has only been a thing doctors would have cared about in recent years. Normally I think they think of people as being pieces of meat
Another reason comparing gender dysphoria to body integrity dysphoria is dumb is because the medically agreed best way to treat them is different, as they are different ailments. Body integrity dysphoria is treated with cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants, but since socially determined gender standards are a lot more arbitrary than the physical realities of being physically disabled or not, statistically the best way to treat gender dysphoria is with gender affirming care. You can’t really just “undo” gender dysphoria.
Ohhhmygod THIS WAS THE SAME PRIEST WHO SAYS THE BIBLE STATES PETS DONT GO TO HEAVEN. His entire comment section was catholics disagreeing with him lol I found him randomly watching NDE videos after we put down my sweet cat last month.. ugh
Catholic voters are split, pretty evenly, between Republican and Democrat. Whereas Evangelicals overwhelmingly vote Republican, plus they're easily the biggest religious bloc in America. So it makes sense that right-wing Catholics are pretty indistinguishable from Evangelicals.
The thing about pink being for girls, it is a very new thing. Red has long been considered a "masculine" color while blue was considered a "feminine" one (don't attack this is what other people thought a long time ago). Lighter shades of red and blue were used for boys and girls respectively. You can see this in portraits and other art going back literal centuries. The change to pink being for girls happened in the middle 20th century and has to do with mass marketing.
It's funny, cause i have heard this " A person with klinefelters syndrome is a man" Argument. But in reality, how would they know? What if there is a person with klinefelters syndrome, who identifies as a woman, non-binary, or a man? What we do then? Where do we go from there? 🤯 my mind is blown! 🤯 Well, we would consider them to be what ever they identify as. That simple.
There's an episode of House M.D. that deals with that, interestingly enough Girl's always been seen, treated, socialised, and understood as a woman. House insists she's really a man because of 'biology', completely dismissive to the social dimension of it all As in all cases: he may be correct on a medical level, but the human experience is more than pure medical observation. Something he only ever gleans when he's not in pain and able to admit his own vulnerabilities Edit: just realised I'm dumb and conflated it with CAIS. The point still stands but, in the words of Boeing, 'oopsie whoopsie, I did a fuccy wuccy'
32:38 Transability. Transability (which can also be referred to as being trans-able) is the term used to describe an able-bodied person's need to alter his or her body in order to develop a physical impairment or disability. This is influenced by personal decision and desire.
I want Catholics to explain the "gender confusion is as dangerous as traffic light confusion" equivalence. Also, I've seen Catholics refer to CAIS individuals as being a "tragedy of biology", but women too. Why isn't that seen as dangerous? Or is it?
catholic here! i… can’t explain it. someone questioning their gender identity or wanting to use different pronouns is, i’m pretty sure, much less “dangerous” than running a red light, especially when in the proper context of therapy and thorough evidence-based medical care. i don’t think it is an appropriate or fair comparison to both trans people and those who have been through traffic accidents. i’m also an intersex woman with xy chromosomes, and i don’t believe it’s a tragedy that i was born the way i was. i’m happy to be and live as a woman. i’m not a failed man or an incomplete woman. i’m just a woman, and i simply happen to be chromosomally male. honestly, it saddens me that there are those who consider my very existence a tragedy or a mistake.
'sboehorned with a trans diagnosis...' whaaaat? no, what happened in my case was that the psychologist told my parents to 'discourage any feminine behiviors you might notics' when i told them i felt like i was a girl around the age of 10. Keep in mind, however, this was the early 90's at the latest, maybe 1989 even. what happens today, in my state at least, is called 'informed consent' and the doctors do not diagnose you as transgender out of the blue, or even suggest it from what i understand. They only give such a diagnosis if the patient TELLS THEM THEY FEEL LIKE ANOTHER GENDER. Simple as that. I'm 43 now, and have been on HRT for nearly 2 years; since then, my depression has essentially vanished as have most of the other mental issues I used to struggloe with daily. It has saved my life, and i'm finally able to live as the person i am, and feel more comfortable in my own skin. I don't know how i managed to make it this far, i didn't even understand happiness until i could be open and identify as a woman. I would never go back, and at this point in my life some of the changes that have happened are permentnent, and my only regret was wasting so much time being afraid of how other people might see me.
Trent? Oh god.. this is gonna be rough cause he's so dumb and pretentious. Why did you have to remind me he exists? lmaoo edit: and the very first argument is 'my son is Spider-Man gender', nice, Trent, glad to see you are still as clever and as funny as you always were.. edit 2: "i've known since i was a little kid that i was X" is such a weird thing to attack people over cause when i was 5yo i knew i was straight cause there was this girl in my kindergarten who would often wear fishnets and who, according to my 5yo self, had really great legs, so i developed a crush on her. Does anyone think that Trent would hit me with "but how did you know?" ofc not, cause what i just said was "normal", but if instead i was talking about a guy, then all of a sudden, it would be "unnatural" obviously, right Trent?
I feel like that Swedish study’s question was a bit vague, I’m a cis gender female and if you asked me if I “wished to be the opposite sex” at age 14 I would have said yes, not because of any type of dysphoria but because I was a young girl, going through puberty who had just started experiencing a whole heap of unwanted sexualisation due to being a member of the female sex and I hated it.
27:23 Also them: “If a Christian baby came up to you and held its breath, and wouldn’t stop unless you repented for Atheism and accepted Jesus, would you come into Christianity, or would you let the baby die?”
The problem with the misrepresented study about gender discontentedness is an important and dangerous theme. The fact that most scientific papers are stuck behind a paywall and therefore inaccessible to the public makes it very easy to twist the abstract, which is an advertisement framed for academics packed with highly academic language that goes over the average person's head.
Trent Horn is a popular apologist... funny enough I'm seeing atheist debaters (IDW wannabes) that I used to respect now rubbing shoulders with the same theists I watched them dunk on in God debates.
Saying social norms stem from "biological reality" when referring to boys wearing blue and girls wearing pink is the funniest thing I've ever heard.
Boys like cars and girls like Barbies. That's just biology!
Especially when you look at the fact that those exact colors were reversed a few decades/centuries ago...
You don't get it before when pink was a normal color for guys it was an affront to God but now that the tradition aligns with my personal belief it's just how the world was meant to be. 🫠
No, at 15:00 the fascist is trying to say you can tell someone's genitals based on their clothes and that's important if you want to mate with them.
@@OneEyeShadow I know you're joking but I've heard tons of conservatives claim this is literally true. Not even in the context of trans people, I've heard them make this claim when justifying why women shouldn't have jobs and such.
\puts on a yellow shirt instead of pink or blue\
_I am subverting biology_
\puts on a white shirt
_I am God_
@@regulate.artificer_g23.mdctlskNow i got tomato sauce on my white shirt. I am now Satan.
AaaaAaAAAaaHhHhjHhhh! 😱
**Puts on a black shirt**
I am The Void
Green everything! 💚
I am trans female with XX male syndrome (Intersex) if I wasn't trans I'd just be a male that looks like an average cis female
Conservatives and terfs often dont understand or (especially in the latter case) flat out reject the concept of intersex people.
that's fuckin rad
@@DraconisWyrm thank you for saying that. I used to be very sensitive about the subject and kept it secret from most people until I got older. I'm grateful that I'm trans because otherwise my appearance would confuse tf out of people.
@@RoxanneBarbeloWell I hope you keep being your rad self without worry of having to be secretive about it.
@@RoxanneBarbelo I looked it up and still not sure I understand the biology of it 😁. Just happy that you have found your balance. 👍All the best.
why doesn't Vaush, the largest streamer, not simply eat the others?
perhaps they are saving it for subathon
Is he stupid?
He is full from eating Pigeon.
He allows them to grow larger and more powerful so he may gain more strength from devouring them later
Is this some vore kink?
22:11 Funny story, I recently established care with a new doctor and her first words to me were "Can you explain what a young man in his thirties needs testoterone for?" And I was like, "Yeah, I'm trans." She went, "Ohhhhh, that makes sense," and then moved on. She didn't need to verify if I was actually trans because even at the doctor's office, it's not that big of a deal.
Ideal social interaction. No fuzz, straight to the point.
So as a trans man, are you indeed a fan of Packers?
Same experience. It’s sometimes relevant information for the doctor, but usually not so much. My roomate is actuallu a cis man who has two harmless tumours in his brain that inhibits his testosterone production. He went through life up until 33 years old as a pre-pubertal guy who people constantly thought was a woman, until the tumours were discovered. Now he takes testosterone, like me, who is a trans man.
@@FelisImpurrator I'm more a baseball fan, go Giants! 😝
@@fromeveryting29 It's odd how, gender afffirmative care is perfectly normal and acceptable for men like your roommate, or men who are going bald, or guys who can't get it up, but when I, a biological woman
We had the cutest little white fluffy dog when I was a kid and my mom let my sister and I pick his collar and leash and we chose pink with little crystals. We thought he looked so fancy and adorable. People would stop her while she walked him to pet him and sometimes when they found out he was a boy the fact he had all pink accessories would send them into a rage. My mother was absolutely befuddled every time. "He's a dog" she would say. "He doesn't care." She didn't even think to mention that 2 little girls picked them out. Because it's fucking absurd to be so weird about a boy dog wearing pink. It's been ages and I can't forget the anger that, what, they were tricked into thinking he was a girl? He was emasculated by a pink collar? Weird as hell
clearly the people stopping to pet the dog were white women
Hell, I don't even care about the gender of a dog. They're all adorable and amazing, no matter if it's a male or a bitch.
What the hell does it matter if you can't see it from the accessories? I can't see it without them either. And I'm not gonna look under every random dog I meet to check for the genitals before saying something about the dog. That's weird. I just ask if it's a male or a bitch, or I just say something and hope I get it right by chance or get corrected.
your dog was biologically hardwired to wear a blue collar. Putting your dog in a pink collar will lead to a new DEI world order.
My male dogs favourite winter coat is a super fluffy bright pink dog hoodie, if I hold it up to him he immediately runs over to have me put it on and whenever I try to take it off him he runs away. He doesn’t react that way to any of his other coats and whenever my sister visits she always calls my giant, very strong dog a “sissy” because of his coat. Like sorry my dog has a good sense of style and isn’t rolling around in an ugly camo coat to prove his doggy manliness!
They probably wanted to fuck your dog I guess.
"Don't confuse people" is one of the more closeted statement. If you are comfortable with your own sexuality, you wouldn't be confused by other people's sexual expressions.
How insecure and fragile does one have to be to become "confused" simply by realizing people different than oneself might exist?
Also telling in that people who are confident in the truthfulness of their beliefs are happy to subject them to challenge and scrutiny. Eager, even. Ever met an expert who wouldn't talk your ear off about their field if given half a chance?
@@michaelccozens I know several professors, individuals with doctorates, even just people with years of experience in their field, whom not only love talking others' ears off about their fields, but prefer the listener to pose questions and opinions--ESPECIALLY opposing (or downright incorrect in some cases) thoughts. It's just as you said about being happy to subject their beliefs to challenge and scrutiny. Those who are TRUE experts are overjoyed to debate their stance, to prove their position and help others form new opinions!
Makes you wonder what it means, the fact that trans people tend to gather sources and facts, then hand them out like candy on Halloween, but transphobes usually result to petty insults and misgendering.
it's crazy how these people literally think that others literally don't have the right to _look a way that they don't fully understand._
Except being transexual is nothing to do with sexual expression. You can't talk about confusion then not know what your on about.
Also, the world is gonna be confusing no matter what you do, frankly. There is an exception to every rule. There are different people. There are different things. There are many different cultures, there are differences between people even outside of culture. It just reminds me of that dumbass bishop villain in the Castlevania anime that classifies chemistry as witchcraft because he wants to keep Wallachia a "simple" place.
The world is based in a few simple rules, but there's a reason why physics isn't literally the only scientific field- it's that every single bit of the world that's at a scale perceptible to humans is emergent behaviour, taking those simple rules and spinning them into something FAR more complex. Chemistry, biology, psychology- you could never, in a human lifetime or even millennia, be able to arrive at any of those fields from just the basic, simple rules.
Conservatism is inherently founded in top-down thinking, and refuses any reality that doesn't conform to its initial assumption. It ALL relies on simplicity- take literally anything Matt Walsh's made, with his classic "I'm not a scientist, but-" *proceeds to insist his gut instinct is right and every scientist dedicating their lives to their field is wrong*
This is why I so heavily dislike deontologists, conservatives, priests that insist they have all the answers- top-down thinkers, all of them. It's a worldview that simply can never apply to a world this complex, that's been around this long, that is so big. No single law that works at a scale which applies to human society will explain the behaviour of every single human, without exception.
What that "The Office" clip didn't show you was when she was driving home, a fellow motorist was distracted by a boy wearing pink, had a stroke as a result of the mental strain and drove into a fertility clinic, killing thousands of potential human beings. So he's right, conforming to typical gender norms is a public safety issue.
Ban cars I get you! It's all about public safety :D
@@StephenGangi Cars don't kill people, people kill people. Has a car ever driven itself into an IVT clinic? This is a mental health issue.
@@tristanneal9552 well its only a matter of time with self driving cars
@@ThecollectorpoggersAI Bill Clinton Deep Throat
@@Thecollectorpoggersi wanna see the episode of a show where a SDV sees a man in a dress or something and has a CPU crash 😂😂😂
Soo are you biologically nonbinary if you like purple???
You actually don't exist. 😔
Non-binary people are green. Duh!
this is from Peter Pan , around 1910
“(Fairies) live in nests on the tops of trees; and the mauve ones are boys and the white ones are girls, and the blue ones are just little sillies who are not sure what they are”
Hope that helps
@@hexum7 .....that actually made my day, thank you for sharing that
Huh, i like purple... guys am i an enby now?
Alright, in addition to conflating Gender with Sex, they now confuse Gender and Comic Book Suoperhero
Kinda telling when these admissions get conservatives to lowkey say that ‘being gay is a superpower’
The two genders, Marvel and DC
@@FelisImpurratorI guess that means independent comics are nonbinary?
@@tjenadonn6158 Yes.
@@FelisImpurratorI reject Western gender norms and embrace the one Japanese gender: Shonen Jump. Don't tell me Kodansha counts as another one.
"My little boy said he's spiderman so I got him the halloween costume and encouraged him to get into acting so he might one day be the spiderman." That's all you gotta do bruv
edit: this post popped off so i just gotta say kar'niss is the only attractive baldur's gate 3 character
It's genuinely wholesome!
I called my son Spider-Man for like an entire year until he turned 4 and started telling me he wasn't Spider-Man. He's a Saiyan now.
@@RJCain your son is based lol
My grandson was Iron Man until he started preschool where he was indoctrinated by liberal preschool professors and now he's Sonic the Hedge Hog.
@@charlesandrews2360 Just be thankful Sonic got to him before Skibidi toilet
Conservatives really be like “I know there are decades of medical research on this issue BUT what if your kid says he’s Spider-Man”
More like, "I refute the fact that there are decades of medical research on this issue because I don't accept to be wrong"
@@despaney or "there is medical research saying the exact opposite and you're cherry picking."
@@reinhardt3090Explain to me how I'm cherry picking how I feel. Is it just me being biased in some way that makes me feel uncomfortable in my body multiple times a day, if not all day? And what is that bias that isn't just me being trans?
@@VitaeLibra What? I was just saying that there is medical research that supports both sides of the argument, these comments willfully ignore it and pretend that all medical research is on their side.
@@reinhardt3090 Because it is. There isn't anything to support the claims these bigots make. If there was they'd be clinging to it like hot chocolate but they're consistently being proven wrong. What "medical research" do you know of that supports the belief that "trans people shouldn't be allowed to transition actually"? If you know of any that trans people themselves are overlooking I'd very much love to see it. But the very fact that you think they're overlooking it is what's telling me you're biased. Not neutral. A neutral party would recognize that the trans community is open to learning about any dangers of transitioning because it's in the best interest to know about them. That's why they celebrate those who detransition and why they ask other trans people on the dangers of surgery. You not knowing that and assuming the very people who are taking the risks are just casually ignoring them is hard to interpret any other way than you falling just as hard for the bigotted lies being spread about trans people by those who know nothing about them. Furthermore, if you genuinely believed any of it you'd be trying to inform trans people about them. Not blocking their access to healthcare without discussing it with them because you believe you know better than them and need to make decisions for them. You're supporting people who aren't trans deciding for trans people that they're not allowed to make their oen choices and restricting their access to solutions which are proven to make them happier and you're doing it because "there's evidence on both sides of the argument"?!? I hope you understand why I define that as delusional
There’s also the fact that pink wasn’t considered a “girl color” until the 1950’s either Mamie Eisenhower. She wore it so damn much that it was associated with femininity and womanhood. Pink used to be masculine as fuck. It represented the faded blood of enemies and shit.
Yeah man - Mamie Eisenhower. Just a guess based on her looks but maybe she liked the male pink color too much for a gender reason?
@@nicnic1981who are you
i thought it was cuz hitler used the pink triangle for gay guys and then suddenly conservatives were like I'M NOT GAY
also faded blood is brown. pink was chosen cuz it was 'red but softer' even tho that's not what pink looks like.
@@DraconisWyrm I'm the conscious of your conscience
I love the point about Europe because as we all know Europe is a monolith.
I kinda like the implied idea that whatever “europe” says is the truth
He's at Lvl. 4 f*sc*t. Once you get to Lvl. 10 you start spelling it "EVROPA"
I mean, we Germans can try that again...
@vertigo4236 or the french, or the austrians, or the spanish, or the itallians or.... (you get the point)
@@rowbot5555 well you didnt get the German World War joke it seems. But thats alright German humor is no laughing matter after all
Personal experience with a family friend... their former son whose now trans was someone we all assumed was gay at a very very young age. At 8, we expected her to just go into that direction and nobody cared. It was around 16 she came out by force due to some online purchases she made on her dad's cc and their family learned to support her pretty quickly. From what she said to my ex-wife, she knew there was something "not right" about her when hormones started fighting with her interior feelings and perspective on life. So she was in the closet about it for at least 4-5 years in her youth. And two women I went to high school with now identify as he/him who we all assumed were either "tomboy" or just butch-lesbian were terrified of coming out until their late 20's and mid-30's, so there's definitely a gap in social acceptance allowing trans people to come out with that identity. I was ignorant 20 years ago to the reason why the fear to come out was so heavy until the bathroom bills then the "women in sports" crap came out from social conservatives proving they still exist to make other people's live suck.
me as a kid: idk why i keep drawing OCs who are gender nonbinary or otherwise ambiguous or fluid. It Is A Mystery.
30:20 The thing I love about "they/them" is that no matter how hard you try, it's hard coded into your brain and you cannot avoid using it by accident no matter how much you "oppose pronouns".
yeah also singular they outdates singular you
Still not a gender.
@@frishter incorrect
@@singlereedenjoyer Nope, and no amount of bullying will get the majority to accept your lies. You guys talk about empathy and acceptance but can't tolerate anyone who disagrees with you. You're frauds.
@@frishtersure, that's technically right. "She" and "he" also aren't genders, they're gendered pronouns.
I shorten father by saying daddy.
Fatty can be short for father.
@PenguinEconomics-st2ws close:
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned ->
Sorry Daddy, I've been baaaad
But… thats the same amount of syllables🤨
@@TheCoctoryou multiply the syllables by 1/x, where x is how fun it is to say.
@@raz1572 it's also one less letter, less to type.
Ask a real trans transgender questions and you’ll get non biased answers: I’m 40yo transwoman, transitioned at 32, so I had 32years to confirm that I really needed that, but, I would have been able to say clearly that I wanted to be a transwoman at 14, from 14 to 31 I acted like what my environment wanted to see me as… I hope it can answer Vaush asked around minute 6
Yes thissss
A lot of parents say “it’s just a phase,”
to which I say, “exactly, let them have fun.”
Worst thing, kid figures out who they are.
We knew from the moment of birth he was gonna be a vaushite :(
AVAB - Assigned Vaushite At Birth
I love how the father brought up the gender colors being swapped in the past but then hand waved it away.
Like they were 'wrong' and were proven to be opposite in 1920 or whenever.
i think he actually meant something else here this time, and vaush didn't get it
he's saying that following gender norms is how you communicate to others what your sex is, and if you don't follow them as expected, that would be intentionally deceiving others
you know, the classic thing where a guy freaks out about being attracted to a passing trans woman and feels lied to
(the actual problem is that they think they get to make assumptions about someone's sex based on their presentation)
@@fghsgh I suppose? But at the same time, it shows that it's more of a ritual - birth colors that is - babies don't choose what colors they wear, the parents do.
how did we get to the point where people be like
person: *uses presentation to authentically communicate who they are*
person who has no business in their pants: "you LIED to me!"
If Vaush didn't skip parts of it, it was a mix of "appearance helps people gender you correctly" and "appearance follows biology" with a weird implication that people discovered the biological truth of blue being a boy's color after getting it wrong before.
@lnplum 'appearance follows biology' is an insane take to hear from these people, given the amount of times I've seen them call black women men because they don't meet mainstream beauty standards
Its weird you know? Why is it that the second when conservatives attempt to engage in acedemia to justify some bigoted view they come up with something so baffling it makes you laugh?
Like, dude thought spiderman is an argument against the identity argument or trans people in general. Can i identify as spawn or kenshiro because this guy wants to identify as someone who's serious on this topic?
I wish they would identify as intellectually honest.
@@apollofell3925 Your saying this in a Vaush comment section has made my irony detector explode.
@@omp199 Then you should probably get one that doesn't go off just by your proximity to it
@@omp199An argument would be nice instead of grandstanding.
@@jeremiahbarnes6313 Well, it didn't take me long to find your double standards. This thread was already nothing but grandstanding before I entered it. Why did you only complain about mine and not about your own and that of the person that replied to you?
The funny thing about comparing BIID to gender dysphoria: doctors agree that, although it may seem wrong to laypersons, the only treatment that actually works long term is _doing_ _the_ _surgeries_ . Yes, even amputation of that "healthy" arm. We can't change the person's brain, so we don't. There are very few cases of BIID to study as it's even rarer than gender dysphoria, but in literally every one where the patient was given the treatment they asked for, their distress was alleviated, and they didn't regret it.
Shockingly, we should _believe_ _people_ about their needs.
Do you have evidence that treating BIID that way is effective? I've always heard it the opposite way around.
@@finalcut612 It's kind of controversial. BIID is _extremely_ rare, like the number of known cases are in the low hundreds, so demonstrating which treatment is best is very difficult. Usually, amputations are only done in the most severe cases, in every instance this has been effective but the number of times this has even happened is so small that it's not a definitive conclusion.
@@fotnite_ Do you have a link to this? Sounds plausible
@@finalcut612 There have only been a smattering of case reports, because it's so rare, but in every one I've read it's been effective. Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID): How Satisfied are Successful Wannabes, 2014, surveyed 21 such patients and found all of them had increased quality of life and no regret. Interestingly, many of the amputees did report phantom limb, which seems to contradict the brain-body map mismatch theory, as the brain presumably wouldn't register a phantom limb if it didn't have "record" of it being there to begin with.
@@finalcut612 Yes it is really affective, their are a few studies on it you can find, the one I found in looking to see if BID is an delusion a few minutes ago is from Pubmed published in 2023 that mentioned that amputation leads to alleviation of symptoms and the ability to "go back to work" (language directly used in the study)
Their are a few other things they are trying to do, one way includes the, "rubber hand illusion" where despite patients not feeling like their hand belongs to them, the rubber hand illusion is still affective and they do feel like that limb belongs to them. Quite trippy if you ask me. Another way is trying to reconnect the limb and brain together through a few different exercises. (I'm completely blanking on what exactly it is.) And then they are trying to use VR/AR to simulate the leg not being there. There was one teeny tiny Swedish study that consisted of 2 patients, both were crying tears of joy after seeing themselves without the limb(s), both had a decrease of symptoms for a few days after the study, both said that the urge to cut off their own limbs didn't increase, and one said he felt more vindicated than ever in seeking out a surgeon who is willing to do the surgery to amputate the limb.
Quite fascinating study, I would highly reccomend reading it. I think it is on frontiers?? Tbh it has been almost a year since I went down this rabbit hole, ngl. So this is all top of the head, and the one pubmed study from a few minutes ago.
"People who believe their healthy body is wrong and needs to be changed", like with circumcision right?
as if "changing" it will make it any less healthy. id argue with how much of a tie the physical body and the mind have as far as health goes, someone whos immensely more happy would be HEALTHIER, regardless of whether or not theyre trans. almost feels like they just DO NOT CARE about whats going on up in the brain, and only give a crap about outward appearance, whether or not theyre giving money to the church, and whether or not they actually believe in god or not.
Difference is circumcision is usually done to a literal newborn, well before they can consent to what they want to eat let alone surgery
Circumcision also has the potential side effect of causing problems with pre-mature ejaculation later in life as well. There is literally no medical benefits to it either. It's solely about religion, or a preference for how it looks. Yet, that's ok to do to an infant.
These pastors are the worst, even from a Christian perspective. Using their place of power to punch down at people already suffering. Shame on them!
Appreciate Vaush calling this out
he's literally catholic bro at least use your brain for five seconds
I agree with you I'm autistic they say same things about people like me too I don't care what they say I'm perfect for the way God made me just like gay and trans people a perfect way God made them too as he makes everyone different in his image
Say safe out there a farewell may God and force and riddle of steel and warrior creed be with you always 🙏💪
trans people aren't suffering XD
@@Pikog777 or really why are they getting attacked and picked on from certain people for no reason
Subverting biology by accelerating when the light turns red and braking when it turns green.
subverting biology by using blue and yellow lights for the colourblind people
Red and green were the real colours for genders all along
@@rowbot5555So the two genders are Mario and Luigi
Aw the baby didn’t like what Vaush had to say.
they're gonna trans him
@@Ashe_and_DustGunna have a secret hoard of trans folk walking around him so he turns trans by osmosis
If they insist on „social infection“, let ´em HAVE it!
I bet that guy bought a Spider-Man costume and toys though for his boy
He’s a hypocrite
And the priest wears a dog collar when he isn't a dog.
A religious person that's a hypocrite? How rare!
I appreciate the blatant honesty of just saying "Some Guy"
Yeah I was quite amused to find out that I knew "that guy" pretty well 🫠
Blue is biologically male and pink is biologically female because my budgies' nostrils are color coded and they were invented in the early 1900s by Big Ornithology.
😂😂😂 great insight
My nostrils are pink! That’s why I’m a girl
my flesh is blue, i am a boy
Trans 🏳️⚧️ rights
Trans 🏳️⚧️ lefts 😤
support both 🏳️⚧️ trans rights & trans wrongs 🏳️⚧️
Trans nights! 🌙
Trans fights! 🏳️⚧️🥊
Trans wights!
They believe in a magical sky wizard and a virgin giving birth to the son of said magic sky wizard, who went on to die and come back to life, yet the concept of transitioning is delusional and insane lol.
ngl calling jesus a magical sky wizard makes jesus sound 100% cooler
Not to oversimplify... But that magic sky wizard that got born was simultaneously a completely different entity, while also still being the same magic sky wizard, and it sacrificed itself to itself because a blood sacrifice was the only way it could forgive us for being the way it made us so that it didn't have to punish us for that.
Oh wait, oversimplified again... We're the way we are because the first guy he made did a thing he didn't understand why he wasn't supposed to do, and somehow all of us are responsible despite us not having had anything to do with the original incident.
@@AegixDrakan Damn you're right lol
@@AegixDrakannot quite but ok.
@@AegixDrakan oversimplification, again. we are the way we are because the Big Man made us without the ability to know better _and_ created the ultimate liar _and and_ set the ultimate liar on the first woman who the first man was supposed to love and trust _and and and_ blames us all for it.
i'm not dumb enough to claim to know enough to say there is nothing out there, but i can easily say there is no YHWH. it just doesn't add up unless YHWH is a lying cunt or a straight up lunatic. and if it is one of those options we should oppose it on basic morality alone, not worship it out of fear.
"what if we ruined millions of people's lives just to preserve the cleanliness of these arbitrary definitions" sums of conservatism pretty well actually
So true
No one is lying about being trans. Why would they? It is a difficult, potentially expensive, life.
In fairness, saying Trump won in 2020 is absolutely a lie that leads to a difficult and expensive life for Guiliani et al. He even wore a dress while Trump performed a lewd act on him. Yet conservatives embrace that choice.
Except there are literally documented cases of people doing exactly that.
@@reinhardt3090and there's significantly more cases of people being genuine about it, what's the point here?
I knew a kid who claimed to have Tourettes Syndrome so that he could shout slurs in public without being told off. People called him on his crap, not the girl with documented Tourettes Syndrome he'd always try and rope into his bs. Someone fakes being trans for some nefarious goal, its stupid to go after people who weren't the problematic faker
@@reinhardt3090So what about the documented cases of transphobes being caught admitting to their transphobia? Cause I can find you way more of those cases than you could ever hope to imply there are of people pretending to be trans
@@cyber_rachel7427 They said "No one is lying about being trans" and I was pointing out how that statement is factually false.
Being German the abbreviation Fr. for "Father" Mike Schmitz is very funny.
(Fr. usually is short for "Frau" which means "woman")
Subverting nature by speaking German.
I have a terrible anxiety disorder
I wish someone would’ve forced me through my transition.
still need help holding pressure?
@@DraconisWyrm What does this mean?
I've been a trans egg all my life (I'm 58 now) purely because my anxiety has made me too afraid to come out.
My anxiety stopped me from getting an appointment for my endometriosis operation. For four years. Next month it is finally time! Booya! They’re going to remove lots of material and put me on hormone blockers so it doesn’t come back.
So… maybe try a new hairstyle, there are lots of women with short hair, and lots of men with long hair around. So that’s a babystep forward. Good luck. =)
@@ArDeeMee I love when people share their stories with anxiety disorders. I personally can hardly even talk unless i'm asking for very specific things. I basically only communicate like a human online through text.
The whole fruity kid thing messed me up. Ive always been flamboyant and my family would say i would grow up to be gay. Im a straight male and growing up i was getting sexually assaulted and their comments about me being gay made me think i was supposed to enjoy it.
I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you are ok.
That's horrible, I'm sorry :(
As someone in the field of biology.
These bozos have no idea what sex is and how it works. Simple/basic knowledge of why HRT has an effect in the first place is enough to negate their "arguments". And that negation is surface level compared to the unbelievable complexity behind every single phenotypic variation and the esogenous and exogenous factors influencing them, this is so complex that a single phenotypic range can be the focus of dozens of multi-year PhD programs.
Biology is messy, those who cannot understand that simple fact should not be part of a serious conversation on the topic, especially when it comes to medical care and doubly so when they want to use their simplified, primitive idea of how they imagine biology works to impose laws that turn people's bodies into prisons.
It just pisses me off that people care so much about how other people want to identify. I used to use a giant barbie car for my Han Solo and Chewbacca action figures to use as the millennium falcon, back in the day no one cared but nowadays conservatives would freak out.
Thats cultural appropriation!
It pisses me off when I'm told that I'm endangering lives by not affirming some stranger and then gaslit with "why do you care". Er idk, maybe because you're shoving your tripe down everyone's throats? Leave people alone and most people won't care because believe it or not, a stranger's life isn't important to us.
@@frishter I know several trans people and have never come across this at all. I kind of wonder where you hang out that you are constantly confronted by strangers telling you to 'identify' them properly.
I suspect your algorithm just feeds you this issue because you clicked on one once and now believe all the online tripe about how much trans people are 'demanding' .
Considering how much physical violence is done to trans people, I'm kind of thinking unless you are actively seeking them out, they would be just as happy to be away from you as you them.
They care because yall try to force people to play into your delusions and when they dont have the same belief as yall, yall to try cancel them lmao
@@lawfulgoodnun1646 Cancel them? You mean beat the shit out of them? Oh no, thats what happens in the reverse cases. Yall.
He craps on about Klinefelters syndrome being obviously men. As a XXY transwoman I challenge his whole premise on this. I live quite successfully as a woman in my day to day life without anyone knowing any difference.
Looking and talking to me, you would never know.
"Transgender broken arm syndrome" is a real thing. When going in for a broken arm, when the doctors find out you're trans, they throw their hands in the air, blame HRT for the broken arm, and claim they cannot possibly treat the individual. The person then leaves with no treatment.
I have experienced this, and while I was OK, many people have died from lack of treatment.
I can’t tell if satire
@@Metal_Sign-Friday_Patchouli You're going to have to restate that if you wan't a response. You can't tell if what is satire?
There is exactly ZERO satire in my post. It's deadly serious.
@@ericapelz260 “Blame HRT for the broken arm, and claim they cannot possibly treat the individual.”
If you are serious in this sort of example, I apologize. That must be traumatizing.
That is such an illogical non-sequitur that if I wrote it in a book, I’d change it because it seems too unrealistic and an insult to the profession.
It makes so little sense it seems like obvious satire to anyone who hasn’t experienced that world. I can’t find such events when I search (because it returns results of HRT prescription refusal instead.) I can believe it, but it is perhaps the second strangest thing I’ve ever heard.
Search for "Transgender Broken Arm Syndrome" it's the actual term.
And yes, I was turned away from an imaging facility while experiencing serious abdominal pain because they couldn't figure out how to do a lower left abdominal ultrasound because I'm trans.
Haha that’s illegal. Doctors are legally required to save lives if they can. If they can’t save the life for one reason or another, multiple valid reasons must be proved in order for the doctor to not be reprimanded for not saving a life.
My therapist remembered to call me “Nyx” instead of my dead name :3
Cringe therapist
@@luigithesnicker no! >:(
awesome therapist, that's amazing 🫶
@@luigithesnickercringe reply :3
@@luigithesnickercringe pfp. Everyone knows true gigachads support and protect every single living person. You taint the community you try to side with.
So, I "wasn't a transgirl" growing up but I never felt like a boy. I observed the world around me and saw what the traditional girl wore, played with, and acted because I wanted to do what girls did to make me feel more like what I felt. Let me sister put make up on me, stealing my sister's clothes, just so I could feel normal.
Gender is like a sweater. For some of us, that sweater is very itchy or doesn't fit us quite right, putting on a different sweater sounded easier than it is. Everyone "expects' you to stay in the sweater they gave you from the start, and I mean you could live with it, it's only an itch. But it's irritating always they never go away, ignore it, ignore it, run from it. Maybe if you just layer another matching sweater over it, no good it's worse. You wouldn't want to appear as a stranger to your friends any family by changing to a whole different sweater, would you? The itching is maddening, at this point you'd rather die from exposure than where that damn itchy sweater your parents gave you the day they thought they knew you. Maybe it's time to change, maybe the sweater I've been eyeing my whole life and secretly wanting deep down is the better one despite my fear of no longer fitting in. You finally build the courage to go through with getting that special sweater, it's... its... it's like living a spring breeze for the first time ever. It fits perfectly and caresses your skin softly making you feel at peace. Is this how everyone else feels? I've lived in the dark for so long, this blinding sense of joy from a silly sweater is what happiness truly is. I don't see why anyone unhappy with their itchy sweater should be forced to always suffer in it. To deny the path to such true euphoria and joy is an evil of its own category.
Yes you just described sexism congrats. The gender sweater is made from stereotypes.
@@Scratchy8644 You're a mf stereotype bozo. How did I describe sexism?? You know stereotypes can both be good and bad, what matters is how they are used.
@@Scratchy8644 You're a mf stereotype bozo. How did I describe sexism?? You know stereotypes can both be good and bad, what matters is how they are used.
@@Scratchy8644 huh? I didn't say anything about gender stereotypes. All I did was say how uncomfortable it is to wear and be something you feel you're not. So I don't know what could be considered sexist. So please elaborate your brain damage.
@@Prometheus1464 the sweater you are talking about, can you define it in detail? Try this and ask yourself : what makes a women a women or a men a men? Is it preferences? Social roles? Behaviors? The so called sweaters? Sexism happen when you define the gender of a person based on stereotypes rather than the actual biological sex. Remove the sweater instead of just putting another one. Just be yourself and accept your body. Its okay to like typically male stuff as a female or vice need to have a sweater that put you into a category or a box, and no need to re-assign your sex with dangerous and useless surgeries, no need to transform yourself into a male or nonbinary because you like boy toys and the color blue. Thinking that there is a sweater for each genders is putting people into different categories based on sex stereotypes. If a female says "I feel like a boy because I prefer boy stuff", she is assuming that liking boy stuff is what make you a boy, which is sexism.
Anyone who bases morality on fantasy (or the imagined desires of a magical, omnipotent deity) doesn’t exactly sit on high enough ground to claim that others are “basing morality on science fiction.” 😂
Honestly lmao ppl need to point that out more. At least you get to see a Trans person lol.
@@justcallmekai1554 And there is actual medical and historical evidence to support their validity.
And science ACTUALLY excludes religion!
All morality is based on fantasy and that is a-ok. In an ideal world religious people should find communality with trans people because they are both idealists who seeks to overcome natural reality, but religious people are coopted into one dimensional thinkings due to their role of providing rules and rituals
Do you believe we went to the moon?
My older sister remembers me saying I was a boy trapped in a girl's body at four. I was forcefully dissuaded from this notion when I was young because it wasn't acceptable back then. I was always told I was a "tom boy" and that was it. I'm finally transitioning now that I'm 36...
Biologist here. Can confirm we determine sex in drosophila depending on what toys they choose! Highly scientific stuff right there.
Edited: corrected typo
What’s that? The fly?
@@DB-sy6xc haha, yes. Well done, it’s the Fruit fly. Little boring dumb-dumbs if you ask me, but their genetics are pretty well figured out so it’s easy to produce knock-outs. Also their mutants/genes have cute names sometimes.
@@UpsideDown853 there’s flies poking holes in my raspberries and blackberries and I looked it up and it was one of those. Drosophila suzukii. I think anyway. They’re tiny so it’s hard to see. That’s the only reason I heard of it. They destroy my stuff. lol I tried to figure out how to get rid of them but I give up. I just eat the fruit anyway as long as it ain’t too eat up with holes. I don’t like spraying pesticides. It’s probably okay to eat a few tiny baby flies.
Have you ever found the drosophila avatar using this method?
14:20 I want to point out that street lights colors are _less_ arbitrary and _more biologically determined_ than pink and blue as gender colors.
Red is a color that naturally stands out to us, we are biologically wired to understand it as a sign of danger (among other things). We culturally understand green as it's opposite (though that isn't quite accurate in color theory). Yellow is their middle point on the light spectrum.
Meanwhile, pink and blue are entirely arbitrary, completely _culturally determined_ gender symbols.
There are no words to adequately express how illogical this priest is.
But there is an emoji: 🤦🏽♀️
I did a project on Klinefelter Syndrome and diversity of intersex people for a 7th grade science class. If a 12 year old can understand the nuance of sexes and educate his entire class about intersex people, an adult man can comprehend that there is more than male and female.
(The project was years ago and there wasn't as much research on intersex people, so it was an interesting topic for me and I knew nobody else was going to do a project on it. I didn't chose it as part of an "agenda", but because it was a cool subject that people don't know much about.)
You actually think you understood that shit with nuance at 12? You had no life experience at all, you were just reading and parroting what others who did have an agenda had said.
@@reinhardt3090do you think intersex people don't actually exist or
Can I claim that the quadratic formula is woke because I didn't understand it at age 12?
@@reinhardt3090And you aren't parroting people with an agenda because... you're an adult? So you have your own agenda? It's quite apparant how you never try to prove your own arguments in all your replies yet consistently cast doubt on everyone else's based on mere feelings
@@VitaeLibra The only part you are correct in is that I didn't try to prove my arguments, because I don't care and figured my comments would get auto deleted, which they did. Gotta love the artificial safe space comment sections that give you false views of reality.
@@jatsko3113 I never said intersex people don't exist, they are however not the same as trans people. Also I never used the word "woke" and never said that OP was wrong, just that they couldn't have had a truly nuanced and well researched view at the time.
Fun fact: the fact that traffic lights are red/green is NOT in fact arbitrary, red and green happen to be the colors the human eye is most sensitive to, and red is something we instinctively associate with danger for obvious evolutionary reasons.
1:00 ”What does Fr stand for?” Easy! Mr = Mister, therefore Fr = Fister
some intersex people have both primary sex characteristics and go through both natural puberties.
regardless, trans people are simply a normal part of the diverse human experience, and this is f***ing exhausting.
@@soniaess28 lmao. it's very true. some humans are born with a penis and a uterus. some people are born with a vagina and internalized testicles. lol. Sex is a binary distribution and very complex, informed by hormone signalling ... lmao
@@soniaess28it isn’t, hence you inability to provide an actual argument
That response video was a so incoherent, each point is only barely strung together and nearly every argument boils down to quips that only work if you don't think about what they actually mean for half a second. I really don't understand how anyone could watch that stuff and enjoy it, it's only marginally better than videos from the Quartering.
Some people don’t like to think much about things. Which is fair, because that’s probably why lefties tend to be sad
if you take the CIS out of Christ, you get HRT ✊😔
When I was around kindergarten age maybe a little sooner, I took some scissors and tried to cut my balls off. I was going to do the penis but, my thinking as a little kid was where would the pee come out. So that is why I choose the other. Now, after the pain hit. I stopped. but I understand now, that I’m trans and always have been. So yes a 5 year old can know they are trans but not have the words to say it.
Yeah, and my biology professor says that transgender people exist, just getting a biologist to say “There are only two sexes” doesn’t help your argument because for every one you find, I can find another with the opposing statement.
For clarification, I don’t disagree with finding reputable people in the field. However, just getting someone who is a biologist to say something without any elaboration or evidence means next to literally nothing.
Unironically a case where deferring to broader authority via whatever large medical institutions is valid and not a fallacy. Especially because when conservatives try to trot out their equivalents, it's invariably one of a few partisan think-tanks you can discredit by finding that they also publish climate change denial or whatever because that's the level of detachment from reality they need to be.
Even using purely physical characteristics there would be at least 3 since people with both sex organs exist.
Boston Children's Hospital is the one that Matt Walsh encouraged his fan base to threaten with bomb threats and so on. That could be why the video was taken down.
Trent is a joke. Seen him before when Matt Dillahunty wiped the floor with him.
This guy was both insufferable and incoherent right?
Sorry, i am an atheist but i cringe at matt dillahunty, he simply is unable to maintain a calm and clear conversation without screaming and shouting, and often gets stomped by serious philosophical arguments. Trent is the scum of catholicism, but at least he is able to argue in a rational way. That guy from Rationality Rules channel is a much better example of atheist.
@@gabri41200 Trent does not argue in a rational way. He can argue in a calm and collected manner but the rationality of his arguments is, by default, questionable.
@modtec1209 he does. His arguments generally follow an organized propositional form, which makes them much easier to attack. Rationally doesn't mean your argument holds, it only means they follow a rational line. His arguments obviously do not hold, but they are rational nonetheless.
I have no love for Catholicism or Trent, but why is Trent scum? Anything in particular (besides these bad anti-trans takes and your standard apologetics stuff)?
23:46 I want to point out that rather than attempting to go for the argument Vaush made, he went on about how he misspoke.
This is the conservative argument version of *You're
Because Vaush has no argument.
@@soniaess28 would you care to elaborate on that statement? i'm very interested to hear what you have to say here
@@x-3688 Vaush is an utter moron. I dispute virtually every claim he makes. He does not argue in good faith.
@@x-36883 months with no response from him. I think you called his bluff. Good.
3:40 I think what she might be referring to is that transgender people have been known to start feeling discomfort with the gender forced on them as young as toddler transgender boys who hated being dressed as a girl even when they were a toddler, and consistently communicated discomfort with everything like that forced on them (and it had to be forced on them). It didn't just start when they finally had the ability to say the words out loud. Remember that awesome Fox segment on the transgender boy from California, and what the Mom said about how he behaved as a toddler?
I hope that's what this lady meant and just phrased it terribly. It's definitely ridiculous to say a toddler could literally *know* they are "transgender." Obviously no one can know that until they know the word "transgender."
There's also some ambiguity with the verb "know." Maybe not the best word to use in this situation either, even though it's common for people to describe "feeling something is wrong" with "knowing something is wrong "
At the very least, it's still important to acknowledge when someone started feeling that something is wrong, when it's fair to say they *knew* something was wrong, and then when they actually started knowing the correct words in order to accurately describe their feelings.
IDK just my thoughts. 😅✌️
my points against him: plz look at the last one. it will blow your mind!
1. i know friends that have parents that are LGBT phobic and it makes my friends want to be trans/lesbian/bisexual or anything else.
2. there are religions old and new that men wear dresses and skirts and woman wear pants and shirts. dose that mean cross-dressing? are their religions wrong?
3. do the transphobic people around me made me want to transition? BUT THE BEST OF ALL: animals were shown to have LGBTQ traits. there were multiple lesbian and gay penguins dolphins and other animals and there are even types of fish and other animals that can transition between male to female! there was no influence from humans, just evolution. or as they say it: "god's creation"
Gay penguins are adorable, they adopt abandoned penguin chicks.
The animal fact may be true, but humans were never meant to be both genders at once or transit to the opposite
@@luigithesnicker Humans we’re never supposed to smoke weed and shoot others, what’s your point?
@@luigithesnicker according to the bible and other religions who believe in god for example in the tora from the Jewish religion where they came from "In the image of God created him" witch means that god created humans in the image of god and Eve came from a piece of bone that god took from Adam (Adam is mail and Eve is female) and made Eve from him. he transitioned from the male part into a female part / parts. which is what we do when we transition with taking hormones and doing bottom surgery. and on top of that "gender" is not "sex" gender is the way of expressing your identity an not the biological body. GOD SAID THEY WILL NEVER BE BOTH SEXES BUT NEVER SAID WONT BE 1 2 OR EVEN 50 GENDERS. dose that prove it?
@@theproudtransyuri Genesis 1:27 NKJV:
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
37:55 „You‘re just trying to TAXES me again!“
It took me a hot minute to parse that, holy sht. 😂
He is so close to getting it and then he misses it by a country mile
Like if he just thought for a second about gender and social constructs
Why do all conservatives sounds so pissed off and offended all the time. Collective of Karen's.
Bunch of snowflakes 😏
Its so funny when they bring doctors and identification into this. My Transfem friend was in the hospital. They didnt indentify her as "a biological male who is confused and takes pools of chamicals." She is "a transgender female, month 2 of CHRT" THIS tells the doctor ALL he needs to know.
Here's the thing about age. I *knew* when I was five. I did. I felt wrong. I didn't know why at first, but when I was five I figured out that I was a girl, and I told my parents. I instantly was beaten. My parents were eventually arrested for child abuse as well as other things, and I lived with my grandparents for a time. I told them, and they didn't beat me, but they verbally abused me. A couple years later I was living in a children's home. One of the caretakers noticed I was different, and directly asked. I thought I was safe and when I told them, I was emotionally manipulated and abused and told it was against God and all these other things. When I was adopted, I never even told my adopted parents. Every time I even thought about it, I stopped after they went on a homophobic rant. I wore a mask for nearly two decades, hating myself, spiraling into depression, feeling like I was just an anomaly in a flesh suit, so I stopped taking care of the suit. Until I finally had people around me that I felt safe with. I finally started to be able to transition, and I'm working on the damage that my neglect caused my body, but I can never repair the mental and emotional scars nor what puberty had done to me.
All I'm saying is that, from experience, yeah, someone can know when they're five. And at five, different clothes and being allowed to grow my hair would have been enough. If I had been able to take puberty blockers once that started happening, that would have been great--and if for some reason I decided against it, just stop the blockers and let the hormones flow. People don't seem to realize the damage they can do mentally and emotionally to someone, and while not always it often can be a realization made young.
Id say gender discontent is me. I consummate tomboy who climbed trees, all my friends were guys, hated dresses and skirts blah blah blah. Not trans. My parents were great about said tomboy outlook. They wanted me to know they were happy with my choices and didn't try and force me into the girl box. They would say that they knew since I could roll around. And yet. I am not trans. Because that isn't what makes someone trans and acting like it is is completely disingenuous to trans people.
"Gender non-contendedness" is a damn mouthful. And I was pissed all the time as a little girl that my interests were constantly boy-locked and discouraged. I was happy being a girl, but "non-contended" with what limitations were slapped on my gender.
My favorite color is green, what's the biological explanation for that?
The fact that green is the universal color associated with calmness likely caused by the fact that areas with plants are safe areas with resources in them. Besides that I have nothing. No, this response that I am leaving to you isn't very serious.
you have an abundance of bile (bile is green)
@@goldengears5355 I just really like Ben 10
That you smoke weed
Are you in love with Kermit and are hot for frogs?
"Friars aren't real" man no one tell the brothers of St Francis 😂
I had a Friar when I went to catholic school. He was an alright guy. Had the brown robes. Way more drippy than Jezuits.
There is a violent friar that assaults people in abortion protests.
As soon as he said “massive amounts of female hormones” he proved he doesn’t know shit.
I got rid of my female hormones now I only have boy hormones that carry guns and drive trucks and chew skoal
I was taught by my parents to sit down and urinate. I spent 36 years believing that this was the masculine thing to do and just realize now that sitting while I pee actually means I’m trans.
I unsubscribed from Trent because of that video. Last year, I watched that incel to trans pipeline video and found out trans people weren't all caricatures and some were just normal people. My dysphoria immediately went from manageable (because I was justifying it by saying "Yeah, I'd rather be a woman, but I don't think I *am* a woman") to driving me to drink and suicidal ideation. Now I'm on estrogen.
Life comes at you fast.
Isnt Androgen Insensivity Syndrome an intersex condition? Gender is not sex and is been shown to be significantly traumatizing to individuals who's parents and doctors made the decision without their consent. AIS folks being able to decide what to do with their bodies is inherently radical if you only believe in 2 sexes and genders. They know who they are when they know and should be able to make choices for their body when they're old enough just as everyone else should. I don't think that should be so hard for people to understand and agree with
I mean I was 4 refusing to wear dresses, and insisted on wearing the red power ranger costume because I didn’t wanna be dressed as a girl. I always hated girly hair cuts and always wanted short hair. My parents forced me to be girly. I was told I could be a tomboy in personality but I had to wear dresses and makeup and was told how bad trans people are. I came out this year. I’m 33. I have over a dozen unaliving attempts under my belt. Let kids be who they are.
16:10 I just noticed that the timestamp chapter on the bottom of the video says:
"Data shows Transgender ideology is the cause of social pressure"
- Isn't that guy's position supposed to be... the reverse of that?
It's funny having Kleinfelters hearing this guy say that people with it are obviously male. Before I transitioned people got pretty confused about what gender I was. Not been gendered male in several years though lol
I don't know much aboht Klienfelter's and am curious, would you say people with your condition generally adapt male idenies? Or is there a good mix of different identities? Do you think people with Klienfelter's are more likely to identify as trans or is there no correlation?
I hope this isn't intrustive, but I haven't found much info about the condition online, and my biologist brain is very curious about human sex/gender in general.
@@apollofell3925 I don't think there's really any data on it. I would imagine most generally live as normal guys. You can have it your whole life and never know.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't think my identity cleanly lines up with man or woman. It feels like there is perhaps a biological component to that? It's all a big knot of socialisation and repression too. I don't know how it works. Just that getting the right hormones for me made me feel so much better
@@apollofell3925 hmm, not sure if I forgot to reply or youtube ate the comment, but I think most are probably regular guys for the most part. It's probably an unexplored thing because identifying outside of strictly biology has only been a thing doctors would have cared about in recent years. Normally I think they think of people as being pieces of meat
Another reason comparing gender dysphoria to body integrity dysphoria is dumb is because the medically agreed best way to treat them is different, as they are different ailments. Body integrity dysphoria is treated with cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants, but since socially determined gender standards are a lot more arbitrary than the physical realities of being physically disabled or not, statistically the best way to treat gender dysphoria is with gender affirming care. You can’t really just “undo” gender dysphoria.
Wait, what do you mean you can't treat my bloody nose by giving me a rabies shot! they're both medical issues that deal with my body!
His entire comment section was catholics disagreeing with him lol
I found him randomly watching NDE videos after we put down my sweet cat last month.. ugh
Catholic voters are split, pretty evenly, between Republican and Democrat. Whereas Evangelicals overwhelmingly vote Republican, plus they're easily the biggest religious bloc in America. So it makes sense that right-wing Catholics are pretty indistinguishable from Evangelicals.
The thing about pink being for girls, it is a very new thing. Red has long been considered a "masculine" color while blue was considered a "feminine" one (don't attack this is what other people thought a long time ago). Lighter shades of red and blue were used for boys and girls respectively. You can see this in portraits and other art going back literal centuries. The change to pink being for girls happened in the middle 20th century and has to do with mass marketing.
It's funny, cause i have heard this " A person with klinefelters syndrome is a man" Argument.
But in reality, how would they know? What if there is a person with klinefelters syndrome, who identifies as a woman, non-binary, or a man? What we do then? Where do we go from there? 🤯 my mind is blown! 🤯
Well, we would consider them to be what ever they identify as. That simple.
There's an episode of House M.D. that deals with that, interestingly enough
Girl's always been seen, treated, socialised, and understood as a woman. House insists she's really a man because of 'biology', completely dismissive to the social dimension of it all
As in all cases: he may be correct on a medical level, but the human experience is more than pure medical observation. Something he only ever gleans when he's not in pain and able to admit his own vulnerabilities
Edit: just realised I'm dumb and conflated it with CAIS. The point still stands but, in the words of Boeing, 'oopsie whoopsie, I did a fuccy wuccy'
32:38 Transability. Transability (which can also be referred to as being trans-able) is the term used to describe an able-bodied person's need to alter his or her body in order to develop a physical impairment or disability. This is influenced by personal decision and desire.
trans and trains rights
Trans and trans accessories
Hell yeah!
I want Catholics to explain the "gender confusion is as dangerous as traffic light confusion" equivalence.
Also, I've seen Catholics refer to CAIS individuals as being a "tragedy of biology", but women too. Why isn't that seen as dangerous? Or is it?
catholic here!
i… can’t explain it. someone questioning their gender identity or wanting to use different pronouns is, i’m pretty sure, much less “dangerous” than running a red light, especially when in the proper context of therapy and thorough evidence-based medical care. i don’t think it is an appropriate or fair comparison to both trans people and those who have been through traffic accidents.
i’m also an intersex woman with xy chromosomes, and i don’t believe it’s a tragedy that i was born the way i was. i’m happy to be and live as a woman. i’m not a failed man or an incomplete woman. i’m just a woman, and i simply happen to be chromosomally male. honestly, it saddens me that there are those who consider my very existence a tragedy or a mistake.
'sboehorned with a trans diagnosis...' whaaaat? no, what happened in my case was that the psychologist told my parents to 'discourage any feminine behiviors you might notics' when i told them i felt like i was a girl around the age of 10.
Keep in mind, however, this was the early 90's at the latest, maybe 1989 even.
what happens today, in my state at least, is called 'informed consent' and the doctors do not diagnose you as transgender out of the blue, or even suggest it from what i understand. They only give such a diagnosis if the patient TELLS THEM THEY FEEL LIKE ANOTHER GENDER. Simple as that.
I'm 43 now, and have been on HRT for nearly 2 years; since then, my depression has essentially vanished as have most of the other mental issues I used to struggloe with daily. It has saved my life, and i'm finally able to live as the person i am, and feel more comfortable in my own skin.
I don't know how i managed to make it this far, i didn't even understand happiness until i could be open and identify as a woman. I would never go back, and at this point in my life some of the changes that have happened are permentnent, and my only regret was wasting so much time being afraid of how other people might see me.
We see you're a man. Stay out of women's spaces.
Trent? Oh god.. this is gonna be rough cause he's so dumb and pretentious. Why did you have to remind me he exists? lmaoo
edit: and the very first argument is 'my son is Spider-Man gender', nice, Trent, glad to see you are still as clever and as funny as you always were..
edit 2: "i've known since i was a little kid that i was X" is such a weird thing to attack people over cause when i was 5yo i knew i was straight cause there was this girl in my kindergarten who would often wear fishnets and who, according to my 5yo self, had really great legs, so i developed a crush on her. Does anyone think that Trent would hit me with "but how did you know?" ofc not, cause what i just said was "normal", but if instead i was talking about a guy, then all of a sudden, it would be "unnatural" obviously, right Trent?
Agree. Trent is an insufferable twat. I really wish Vaush would debate him & take his smugness down a few notches.
I regret serving this country and prey that Muslims default the pro-homosexual Jewish State. Christ is King.
Unsurprising, there was a ton of astroturfing on that original f(ucke)r mike video
I feel like that Swedish study’s question was a bit vague, I’m a cis gender female and if you asked me if I “wished to be the opposite sex” at age 14 I would have said yes, not because of any type of dysphoria but because I was a young girl, going through puberty who had just started experiencing a whole heap of unwanted sexualisation due to being a member of the female sex and I hated it.
The Vaush Pit, This is awesome! I subscribed because I want to see more!
one of the pits of all time
Second only to the Manletpit.
Also them: “If a Christian baby came up to you and held its breath, and wouldn’t stop unless you repented for Atheism and accepted Jesus, would you come into Christianity, or would you let the baby die?”
The problem with the misrepresented study about gender discontentedness is an important and dangerous theme. The fact that most scientific papers are stuck behind a paywall and therefore inaccessible to the public makes it very easy to twist the abstract, which is an advertisement framed for academics packed with highly academic language that goes over the average person's head.
Can't believe Mike Schmidt from fnaf became a Catholic priest
Trent Horn is a popular apologist... funny enough I'm seeing atheist debaters (IDW wannabes) that I used to respect now rubbing shoulders with the same theists I watched them dunk on in God debates.
Gamergate did irreparable damage with atheism to reactionary pipeline.
1:00 really disappointed in chat that no one said "fister" when Vaush asked what "Fr." meant.
"Catholicism is a European thing, not an American thing." Vonch casually forgets all of Latin America exists.
But where did it come from? Where is the Vatican?
You might want to sleep over that question.
There are tons of Catholics of all kinds in America, Vaush is just very ignorant.
Doesnt almost 20 precent of usa identify as catholics
@@OzinRoseCity answer 1: middle east
answer 2: Italy
Now a question for you,
How did Latin America become LATIN America? 🧐
Me going through my 3rd bottle of estrogen while watching this video: 22:00 🙀🍾
Be sure to get your daily intake of spinning around in a skirt!
skinny goes spinny brrr brrr
Sippin girljuice rn 😋🫡
So at what age do cis children know their gender?
Generally before seven
"And my son says he's spiderman"
"Geez! These guys only have one joke! Anyway, Catholics would know about abusing kids, am I right guys?"