Exposing The Meaning of Lust

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • Lusting is a form of Wanting.
    Lusting is Not only meant in Sexual Terms.
    It is A Fiendish Desire. Did you know The Definition of Fiend is (( An evil spirit or Demon )) The Children of Israel wanted to eat and drink in The Wilderness like they did in Egypt. They said in Exodus Ch. 16 vs 3 - Would of been better if we had died by the hand of The LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots and when we did eat bread to the full. For ye have brought us forth in this wilderness to kill this whole assembly w/ Hunger.
    So, they would rather of been back in Egypt as Slaves only so they can eat to the full. What ashame.
    Just like Esau sold his Birthright for Food.
    We Need to Trust and Depend on our LORD GOD Alone. Wanting and Lusting after Something is The Evil thereof but We don't see it.
    So there you have it, Christmas is Explained.
    It is Lustful and has Nothing to do w/ CHRIST.
    That is why A Vision Board is Wicked as well.
    The Lust of The Eyes. The Desire To Have.
    The 10th Commandment is Thy shall Not Covet.
    Covet means to Desire - To Desire is Wanting & Lusting.
    Love Not The World,
    neither The Things that are in The World.
    If anyone Love The World, The Love of The Father is Not in him. For all that is in The World, The Lust of The Flesh - The Lust of The Eyes - And The Pride of Life, is Not of The Father but is of The World.
    And The World passes away and The Lust thereof, but he that does The Will of GOD abideth Forever
    1 John Ch. 2 vs 15 - 17
    My GOD shall Supply All Your Needs According to His Riches in Glory by CHRIST
    Philippians Ch. 4 vs 19
    Do we Not Believe GOD will Supply our Needs.
    The Thing is, We Want To Much!!!
    We Lust To Much!!! We're Never Satisfied.
    That's The Problem.
    Let us walk honestly as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and Wantingness, not in strife and envying. But put on THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the Lusts thereof
    Romans Ch. 13 vs 13 - 14
    Sorry, 2:00 in I meant to say The Children of Israel was not speaking in Leviticus.
    I also met The World's Church is Not GOD'S Church.
    How to Live & All We Need to Know is in The Holy Bible📖
    Obedience is the Key to Life 🔑
    Correction Department
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  • @MysteryNorth
    @MysteryNorth  4 місяці тому

    The Light of The Body is The EYE 👁️ "What is it that you see" & "Eye meaning Lust" we understand what The Eye means now in full Detail. EYE meaning LUST. The Light of The Body is The EYE, if thine EYE be Single, thy whole Body shall be Full of Light - Matthew Ch. 6 vs 21
    We draw in Light w/ The EYE.
    Heavenly Light or Dark Light.

  • @Les2045
    @Les2045 4 місяці тому


    • @MysteryNorth
      @MysteryNorth  4 місяці тому

      'AMEN ✨🕊️🙏 What A Great KING we have.

  • @MysteryNorth
    @MysteryNorth  4 місяці тому

    Matthew Ch. 6 vs 23 Reads, But If thine EYE 👁️ be Evil, thy whole Body shall be Full of Darkness. If The Light That is in thee be Darkness, How Great is That Darkness? Ppl Lusting w/ The EYE - Lusting Creates Darkness. The Light in their Body is Full of Darkness. This Exposes in Detail The Infamous All Seeing EYE. How can you Deny The Truth. Your Busted.