Everything is possible ! But i any case, GRP is not and MMO or so, to milk € from players... anyways, could work only if someone connects GRP Client to the server EMULATOR... and make it P2P "Pay to Play" to keep servers alive. And one more thing is, most players have already payed 10-20 € only for the GRP game copy. So, now is the following question. Is it illegal to use GRP client to connect to private server ? Feel free to comment... Maybe will get hands on it...
How are you playing ?
Soon TM. www.shadowsofsoldiers.com
@@ghostreconphantoms4ever594 seems no :(
We can play at this game in 2017???!!
how i play this game?on site?
Everything is possible ! But i any case, GRP is not and MMO or so, to milk € from players... anyways, could work only if someone connects GRP Client to the server EMULATOR... and make it P2P "Pay to Play" to keep servers alive. And one more thing is, most players have already payed 10-20 € only for the GRP game copy. So, now is the following question. Is it illegal to use GRP client to connect to private server ? Feel free to comment... Maybe will get hands on it...
Killed me = Hacker
what? gameplay 2017?
Soon TM. www.shadowsofsoldiers.com
What is that?
Oh, game website?
Yes, the game, SHADOWS OF SOLDIERS. Website under construction