fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
this doc got some beautiful visuals. also having will smith and the guys from the space station as talkers. wow really amazing. i know this vid doesn't answer questions and it shouldn't, i believe that's why people dislike the video, they are confused at how to interpret. I love how some of the things that have been mention allow you to interpret and think more about it. great job !
Came for Will Smith, stayed for Chris Hadfield. This show is an absolute masterpiece. Watched when the full series was on Netflix. Really made me grasp how insanely unique this planet is. Or at least in our lifetime we'll have access to. Highly recommend watching the whole series.
Yea Chis Hadfield playing Ground control to Major Tom on a Canadian made guitar in space was by far the coolest thing any of my fellow Canadians ever did IMO :-) Peace
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
@@rustyshadow7 maybe it's a reference to intelligent life capable of space travel and whotnot , unless you believe in fairies from far flung Fupiter , Furanus , Fenus , Fars or even the Foon.....
This was Awesome! Will was great as well! Now if only the majority of this world would realize the beauty of this wonderful planet and stop focussing on our differences, we'd learn even more about it.
i have filmed ufos on a military thermal rifle scope, have made contact and have it on film, also have caught a picture of them on my deer camera after being followed into the woods at 4 am by a ufo ufo hunter joey franko
i have filmed ufos on a military thermal rifle scope, have made contact and have it on film, also have caught a picture of them on my deer camera after being followed into the woods at 4 am by a ufo ufo hunter joey franko
@@JoeyFranko ; I will check it out, thanks for the information, sounds incredible. I have a photograph of what could be an alien changing shape, serious. Thanks again!
Proof? Without any proof there is a big question about it. Without any proof it's nothing more than speculation, conjecture, theories, and wishful thinking.
Dude... I guess you need to go back and watch the doc again. There is no guarantee that just because other planets might have life that it's any more than microbial life. Which would not be the same thing that we have on this planet.
There are things that human mind cannot comprehend the level of complexity is infinite, we do questions about how and why we are here but, we are in a level of only understanding the planet when we live .
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
every planet in our solar system, is inhabited.... of course super advanced, by comparison.... modern humans, 1st ancestor the Baachi arrived from Venus, 40/50k yrs ago... during the pre-adamite period....
Do you realize how special that makes us? It's mind boggling that all we care about is money and material things, when all we need is food and shelter. 👍
Agree! Since life evolved from non living materials. Then everything is life! Matter evolved into life. So... matter is just a non evolved form of life!
@@Nawaf- @Kinley Penjor What you all are saying is a logical absurdity, life cannot be non-life and non-life cannot be life, it's either one or the other. Can either of you give me one example out of the billions (or even trillions) of living things on earth that came from a non-living thing, just one? Every living thing I see came from another living thing, prove me wrong.
@S. M. Do you believe that the universe has a mind? If the universe came to be 10 to 20 billion years ago, at what point did the universe's mind come to be, and how?
@S. M. Conjecture is neither proof nor science. "Biogenesis" CAN be proven and is therefore a scientific FACT. > It (the universe's mind) was always there since the beginning.< So before the universe was i.e. before the big bang, there was no such thing as a mind?
2 aliens are talking in outer space, looking down on Earth. It seems the inhabitants of planet Earth have created nuclear technology and missiles" says one alien are they showing signs of intelligence?" asks the other I dont think so. They seem to be aiming at themselves
When I saw the first, famous Blue Marble image of Earth from space, I burst into tears. I was 8 or 9 years old and it was the first time that wondrous beauty struck me in the guts, but not the last. There was also an amazing sense of true recognition or homecoming, like someone who couldn’t see well when seeing loved ones properly for the first time, ever, through new glasses.
How can you stare at an electronic screen while tripping? I've tried but I can't do it.... Artificial things freak me out in that state of mind. I need to be outside, away from civilization, or safely curled up in bed exploring inner space.
@Science Revolution they are moving up and down because there is nothing to stop them from moving . And all those cargo ships are still in space they did not disappear
If I'd never seen a camel before, I'd still recognize that it's a mammal from Earth. An alien from another planet might be so vastly different from living creatures in our world that you wouldn't even see them as a living creature but just as something abstract and shocking to the senses.
I like to imagine that our sence of smell is somewhat overdeveloped compared to other space fairing species and that when we meet aliens it will be a constant struggle not to gag on their pheremones, you know when we arent accidentally inhaling half a gaseous beings body. Given the rarity of intellegence on earth id suspect that abstract aliens are less common than creatures with apendages for gripping things, eyes for seeing and a big ol brain for thinking, but it also seems likley that at least some civilisations would be so incomprehensivley different from our own that we wouldent even know it was a civilisation, what would gaseous technology look like, would we even notice or just call it a strange storm and move on, food for thaught.
Θα δημοσιεύσο ένα άρθρο πού λέγετε, ο νόμος του νευτονα η αλλιώς η μισή αλήθεια του νόμου περί βαρύτητας πού δεν αποκαλύψαν,.. Ένα καιρό είχα πι ότι το μιλώ ωριμάζει λόγω βάρητητας όμως μετά από κάποια χρόνια κατάλαβα ότι το μήλο θα μπορέσει ώριμα να ζήσει δλδ ωριμάσει, μετά πού έσπασα το κοδικο τής ελληνικής γλώσσας κατάλαβα πώς η φράση φυσιολογικό άλιος Σημαίνει τα λόγια τής φύσης είναι καλά δλδ φύση ο λόγια καλά . Οπότε αν ένα μιλώ ωριμάζει λόγω τής βαρύτητας τότε, τότε σκέφτηκα και κατάλαβα πώς ήταν αυτό που πάντα έψαχνα .. Οπότε πήρα ένα μεγάλο μπωλ και το γέμισα με νερό και μέσα στο νερό έβαλα ένα άλλο μπωλ αλλά μικρότερο, και έβαλα σε αυτό το The ρο μπωλ ένα μήλο που παράλληλα έβαλα και ένα άλλο μιλώ τής ίδιας κοπής Προφανώς γιανα δο τή διαφορά αργότερα , ότι το νερό μείονι την βαρύτηκι σου έλξη, και χαλαρώνεις πιο Πόλι, οπός παράδειγμα στη θάλασσα, οπότε ο νόμος είναι ο εξής που βγήκε, όσο πιο αδινατος στην ίδια σου συνήθιζμενι μάζα τόσο πιο μικρότερη καταπόνηση στην ίδια σου μάζα, . Ύστερα πέρασε ένας μήνας και αυτό που αντίκρισα υταν εντελώς τρομαχτικό αλά προβλεπόμενο, ηδα πος το μήλο που ήταν στο μπωλ με νερω είχε παραμένει σε καλλίτερη κατάσταση από ότι το άλλο που ήταν δίπλα του χωρίς νανε σε κάποιο μπωλ ,. Πιστεύω κατάλαβατε το αυτονόητο.. Ότι αν κύμαστε σε στρώμα νερού τα βράδια Τότε θα παραμείνετε περισσότερο νέοι Και θα διπλάσιαστι η διναμις σας εάν βέβαια γυμνάζεστε. Παράδειγμα όπως ένας υπέρβαρος χάση Πόλα κιλά, ύστερα θα νοιώσει πιο δηνατως και θα είναι πιω δινατος .. Βέβαια επειδή ζούμε σε μία τεχνολογική εποχή μπόρεσα να φτιάξω ένα μηχάνημα αντιβαριτικο το οποίο αν μπεις μέσα θα υπάρχει απολύτως κενό θα εωρισε Οπότε δεν θα καταπόνητε το σομα καθόλου Και θα έχει καλείτερο αποτέλεσμα ο νόμος του βάρους η ωριμάζω... Αυτή είναι η αλήθεια Που πρέπει νάτο ξέρουν όλη γιατί σας αξίζει .. Βέβαια το μηχάνημα δεν έχει δημιουργηθεί Διότι δεν υπάρχουν τα κατάλληλα εφόδια Εγώ σάς το κοινοποιώ αυτό Και αν κάποιος ενδιαφέρεται μπορούμε να σινεργαστουμε και να το υλοποίησουμε το σύστημα που το ονόμασα κράτος...εάν έχετε δύ την ταινία tzon Karter το θα καταλάβετε πος περίπου θα είναι η δίναμι σας.. Κοινοποίηστε το να μάθουν όλη την αλήθεια..5u
The fact that they call Mother Earth the “rock” is testimony to the fact that are yet to see earth as great mother of creation, and living being of great intelligence
That is exactly the reason why he got that amount of money When you drop beliefs around money, you just do what you are supposed to do, and when you do what you were made to do, chances are that you will become great at it (this is your talent) hence manifestating great loads of money.
Astronomy/cosmology, Alien, Science Fiction and Will Smith, Evolution were the things i loved since i am 5 years old ..( will smith after jiggy wiggy song) And thank you national geography mashing all these together with brilliant videography..and the best presenter to talk about it..
This is the best thing I ever saw in my life and thank you very much for such a nice experience. Dear Will, you and your friends are amazing people and I wish I can spend my whole life surrounded by people like you.
@@ALVACHY yea it’s free because it’s all fake propaganda lol I know a actor naught and he’s getting payed huge money to lie he admits this to a few and is torn now because he found God he wants to come out but says they will kill him immediately
Well, I suspect that the only comparisons we could make are with life here on Earth. One may have to wait more time than one could currently afford to answer your question in depth.
Narration is soo good. that helps to enjoy the film. That is why it is important to choose the right voices for the important documentaries like this one, or messages that you want to deliver into billions! W.Smith is super professional of what he does. Great actor. Great narrator and i hear he is an amazing human being too! Mae Jamison's narration is so clear and she puts a heart to each word that you can listen to her endlessly! Great job for them all for making this film. Its super important! Спасибо!
@@johnf.1969 Will hasnt changed, he is still Will. He is a good person that sadly made a huge error. He has been squeaky clean for his entire life & career, he understands that kids look up to him, that is why he stayed so squeaky clean for so long. He has never been known to be negative towards anyone, never acted better than anybody else. He isnt violent or disrespectful - this "slap" was completely totally out of character for him, and now he is paying the price. That right there should tell you something.💔 Unbeknownst to everyone, there's a very serious, traumatic underlying issue going on that has taken a huge toll on him (& ones very close to him (it is not about Jadas hair falling out, or their marriage, either.) In time, it will all come to light. Give him a break, though. He is only human. If Chris can forgive him, so can we. Remember this comment☮💟 ☯
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
@@Flashisgreatfr : Yeah, we all start out that way and end up dead. Nonsense is everywhere and constantly attacking us. You're just the latest example I've seen in the last minute.
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
Anyone who believes gas planets form in a vacuum is not very smart. Anyone who thinks they can see things millions of miles away is not very smart. Here is the actual definition of gas pressure The pressure of a gas is the force that the gas exerts on the walls of its container. Anyone who thinks the air we breathe does not need containment is not very smart.
Life of what sort is the question. If you expect it to be tech capable life, then you're probably not being very realistic. On the other hand, if you're ok with that life being mostly microbes, then you're probably more aligned with reality.
“…if there are more than one stars, (more than one) planets, (more than one) solar systems, (more than one) gas giants, (more than one) black holes, (more than one) galaxies, therefore, there should be more than one life hosting planet like earth out there in this vast universe.”
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
Θα δημοσιεύσο ένα άρθρο πού λέγετε, ο νόμος του νευτονα η αλλιώς η μισή αλήθεια του νόμου περί βαρύτητας πού δεν αποκαλύψαν,.. Ένα καιρό είχα πι ότι το μιλώ ωριμάζει λόγω βάρητητας όμως μετά από κάποια χρόνια κατάλαβα ότι το μήλο θα μπορέσει ώριμα να ζήσει δλδ ωριμάσει, μετά πού έσπασα το κοδικο τής ελληνικής γλώσσας κατάλαβα πώς η φράση φυσιολογικό άλιος Σημαίνει τα λόγια τής φύσης είναι καλά δλδ φύση ο λόγια καλά . Οπότε αν ένα μιλώ ωριμάζει λόγω τής βαρύτητας τότε, τότε σκέφτηκα και κατάλαβα πώς ήταν αυτό που πάντα έψαχνα .. Οπότε πήρα ένα μεγάλο μπωλ και το γέμισα με νερό και μέσα στο νερό έβαλα ένα άλλο μπωλ αλλά μικρότερο, και έβαλα σε αυτό το The ρο μπωλ ένα μήλο που παράλληλα έβαλα και ένα άλλο μιλώ τής ίδιας κοπής Προφανώς γιανα δο τή διαφορά αργότερα , ότι το νερό μείονι την βαρύτηκι σου έλξη, και χαλαρώνεις πιο Πόλι, οπός παράδειγμα στη θάλασσα, οπότε ο νόμος είναι ο εξής που βγήκε, όσο πιο αδινατος στην ίδια σου συνήθιζμενι μάζα τόσο πιο μικρότερη καταπόνηση στην ίδια σου μάζα, . Ύστερα πέρασε ένας μήνας και αυτό που αντίκρισα υταν εντελώς τρομαχτικό αλά προβλεπόμενο, ηδα πος το μήλο που ήταν στο μπωλ με νερω είχε παραμένει σε καλλίτερη κατάσταση από ότι το άλλο που ήταν δίπλα του χωρίς νανε σε κάποιο μπωλ ,. Πιστεύω κατάλαβατε το αυτονόητο.. Ότι αν κύμαστε σε στρώμα νερού τα βράδια Τότε θα παραμείνετε περισσότερο νέοι Και θα διπλάσιαστι η διναμις σας εάν βέβαια γυμνάζεστε. Παράδειγμα όπως ένας υπέρβαρος χάση Πόλα κιλά, ύστερα θα νοιώσει πιο δηνατως και θα είναι πιω δινατος .. Βέβαια επειδή ζούμε σε μία τεχνολογική εποχή μπόρεσα να φτιάξω ένα μηχάνημα αντιβαριτικο το οποίο αν μπεις μέσα θα υπάρχει απολύτως κενό θα εωρισε Οπότε δεν θα καταπόνητε το σομα καθόλου Και θα έχει καλείτερο αποτέλεσμα ο νόμος του βάρους η ωριμάζω... Αυτή είναι η αλήθεια Που πρέπει νάτο ξέρουν όλη γιατί σας αξίζει .. Βέβαια το μηχάνημα δεν έχει δημιουργηθεί Διότι δεν υπάρχουν τα κατάλληλα εφόδια Εγώ σάς το κοινοποιώ αυτό Και αν κάποιος ενδιαφέρεται μπορούμε να σινεργαστουμε και να το υλοποίησουμε το σύστημα που το ονόμασα κράτος...εάν έχετε δύ την ταινία tzon Karter το θα καταλάβετε πος περίπου θα είναι η δίναμι σας.. Κοινοποίηστε το να μάθουν όλη την αλήθεια..jj
Ah good old PG13 but hilarious Will Smith! Remember "kick punch punch welcome to earth!"? I laughed when I saw he was narrating just because of that part in Independence Day. 🤭
As to the WW2 ship and plane graveyard in Micronesia, all I could think about was the umpteen gallons of fuel each carried before sinking and being shot down. That pollution may still be slow releasing. I know that's not the focus of this quite well presented doc, but that doesn't mean I'm any less concerned. I hope international organizations have come together to remediate whatever they could. It's such a beautiful part of our world.
If there is anything out there, Will Smith is gonna make it crash, open its hatch, punch it in the face, and smoke a cigar while dragging the creature in his parachute back to Area 51.
Believe me they are here already, probably been here since the beginning. I have seen several UFOs. One craft went thru a wormhole craft, another as large as San Francisco with hundreds of vehicles watching a mooncraft chasing after it as the saucer crashed, 2 almost ran into each other by Sacramento Executive airport a friend was with me it looked like a large golfball floating about 50 feet off the ground with a fog around them! It was amazing but cannot say I saw any ETs except in my dreams.
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
Great program thank you. I learned so much when I read "Allies of Humanity" about life in the universe. It connects the dots and answers so many questions about "life out there"
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
@@hamishford5486 So you made up your entire world experience and belief system completely out of your own head, with absolutely no outside influences from other people and books? I don't think so.
@@captain2055 thanks cap, that had already crossed my mind. I was just thinking about how CUMBERSOME small screws would be with those heavily padded gloves they wear in space.
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
Interested do you know you don’t have to invest $15,000 once to start enjoying your money, as the capital get bigger and the income growth faster and directly to your account , or don’t you know about forests trade?
@@user-mq9lx9im3x you're so brainwashed you wouldn't hear them and why would they we've already been warned the next time angels show they're faces it's gonna be destruction
@@Milo19970 I didn't post it to entertain you. What a strange thing to say that my comment is so unoriginal you felt the need to post an even more unoriginal meaningless comment. I mean do you truly think ANYONE gives a f if you are entertained or not?
“I’m going to tell you about the most amazing place” west Philadelphia born and raised on a playground is where I spent most of my days with a telescope
Beautiful movie about beautiful "strange rock". I never could understand why people are so curious about possible lives far away while so many living creatures are nearby us. And why people want to meet aliens while they can't manage to live in peace with another people who are just slightly different?
People are interested in alien existence because it would be great under many issues., like science and space travel, but also to have the possibility to watch with your own eyes a creature from another planet... Another technology... Really fascinating. Don't you think so?
Me at 10 watching this remembering stuff that I learnt in biology class.I wonder why I felt bored learning this but this documentary made it so clear and awesome.Better NATGEO lecture videos could be played in science class.
Money is also a form of energy mr. smith. We take our livetime and physical energy to convert it into money. Energy is, as i would say, not restricted to the realms of physics, chemistry or biology. It is anything we pick up and use to grow. In hight as much as in personal status. It is always a process of conversion since energy cannot be produced or destroyed.
I would say money is more like movement. It makes things go up and down, but hunger is a constant. So things gotta die. I would say though with money you do eat a lot better food. 😁 📡👽🇺🇸 RUN!!!
@Mr. T The sheer fact that both matter and energy can act as both matter and energy depending on the perception of the observer is probably the simplest way to explain it if we overlook many of our senses and the way we individually perceive reality. Its easy to explain the universe if we look at just the physical only to a point, and then big gaps start to occur because the laws the govern the laws of newtonian physics are bigger than our understanding, while perceiving them from inside the bubble that is life. Think of it this way, we did not invent mathematics, we discovered them, and regardless of whether our constant is based on us having 10 figures or 8 or 7 the ratios and proportions interact in the same ways, yet in different ways depending on the chosen constant of perception. A big step in understanding of reality is in quantum physics where unlike with newtonian physics, where the base theory is that energy and matter existed before awareness. Is the theory that awareness existed before energy and matter. This changes the whole perspective and new patterns and laws start to appear which can easily be overlooked because every individual has a different perception of reality, even if we look at our physical senses and how some people may hear from 35 to 17k with a resonant boost around 900hz, whilst another individual may hear from 21hz to 18k with a resonant boost of 1050hz, etc we start to view that every individual has a completely different point of view on reality, thus the outcomes of their existence are completely different and build upon the reality in different directions, thus the laws that govern conciseness and perception vary as well. By understanding and placing value on perception, we open new doors to understanding the fundamental structure of reality. I am trying to explain something way beyond the limitation of written language but am hoping that you are getting the picture.
I wish we could look at the sun without getting eye damage, it’s like a gem that’s being illuminated through a million fractals, I could look at it all day every day
Buy a cheap refractor for less than 50 bucks and then get a solar filter for another 20 or so, thats how i watched the 2017 eclipse. Looked just like nasa channel..
i dont know about the post before me, seems rather convenient... what i will say is that it is looking less and less likely that travel between the stars is even possible for a long time there has been the idea that the 'aliens' were already here
@@ProfessorToadstool of course they're already here they're trap here just like us they're fallen angels they were dammed here nothing can get in or out
our eating skills are epic =our killing skils are epic=our hunting skills are epic=our growing skills are epic=our consumption skills are epic= we are epic creatures
When knowledge became your entertainment, you'll feel happy and usefull at the same time
The complexity of life is unimaginable
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
i.e. -- proof of Creator.
@@cfneal1459 Ahahahahaha cmon grow up
@@cfneal1459 you are proof of the creator
@@Flashisgreatfr the pig : a human x boar experiment gone wrong then cooked , then bred
Will Smith slapped this one out the park 👏🏼
@@s.f.morris7331 did Will Smith let it go?
It was One Strange Chris Rock
this doc got some beautiful visuals. also having will smith and the guys from the space station as talkers. wow really amazing. i know this vid doesn't answer questions and it shouldn't, i believe that's why people dislike the video, they are confused at how to interpret. I love how some of the things that have been mention allow you to interpret and think more about it. great job !
ufo hunter joey franko i have filmed ufos with a thermal rifle scope, made contact with on on film, also caught them on my deer camera
yeah this is intended more as an awe inspirer
@@JoeyFranko I think you're on the wrong channel. This isn't the History Channel. Also, I don't believe you for a second.
@@JoeyFranko “I really don’t care, do you?” ~ Melania Trump
Came for Will Smith, stayed for Chris Hadfield.
This show is an absolute masterpiece. Watched when the full series was on Netflix. Really made me grasp how insanely unique this planet is. Or at least in our lifetime we'll have access to. Highly recommend watching the whole series.
I dont like this will smit
came for the aliens, stayed for Will Smith 😂
Yea Chis Hadfield playing Ground control to Major Tom on a Canadian made guitar in space was by far the coolest thing any of my fellow Canadians ever did IMO :-) Peace
With 70% of our oxygen gone,, we aint evolving anymore, we are devolving
@@cheechychongz7124 Keep it down will ya? I'm trying to hear the fat lady sing.
No joke one of the most educational documentaries I’ve seen in a long time
I feel lucky that UA-cam algorithm suggested me this!!
I love watching National Geographic!
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
“The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us .” Bill Waterson
So I guess that's also the surest sign that elves and fairies and leprechauns exist.
@@rustyshadow7 maybe it's a reference to intelligent life capable of space travel and whotnot , unless you believe in fairies from far flung Fupiter , Furanus , Fenus , Fars or even the Foon.....
Very unny. Say, can you spare another _?
@@rustyshadow7 Similarly , same similar similarity is familiar familiarity ....
Give that to English students 🤪
Mr.Will smack you silly Smith is very good at his job and I still like him. 😅❤❤
Hi Jenny how are you?
This was Awesome! Will was great as well! Now if only the majority of this world would realize the beauty of this wonderful planet and stop focussing on our differences, we'd learn even more about it.
i have filmed ufos on a military thermal rifle scope, have made contact and have it on film, also have caught a picture of them on my deer camera after being followed into the woods at 4 am by a ufo ufo hunter joey franko
And perhaps save it.
But we're mostly greedy, so we won't.
@@JoeyFranko please shaere this !!!!!
I agree
Outstanding photography. You have to stand in awe of these men and women who take these shots, just breathtaking.
Thank you NatGeo. Amongst all the craziness in today's world, especially the hate and wrath, this is refreshing
This is the best documentary series I’ve ever watched.
Everyone should watch this incredible series
i have filmed ufos on a military thermal rifle scope, have made contact and have it on film, also have caught a picture of them on my deer camera after being followed into the woods at 4 am by a ufo ufo hunter joey franko
@@JoeyFranko ; I will check it out, thanks for the information, sounds incredible. I have a photograph of what could be an alien changing shape, serious. Thanks again!
you are black. right? i agree .its good.
@@JoeyFranko I’ve also seen something I can’t explain!!!! 👍🏻🏴✌️
If it happened on Earth, then it happened, happens and will happen in other places. There is no questions about this.
Very simple but straight to the point answer
Proof? Without any proof there is a big question about it. Without any proof it's nothing more than speculation, conjecture, theories, and wishful thinking.
Dude... I guess you need to go back and watch the doc again. There is no guarantee that just because other planets might have life that it's any more than microbial life. Which would not be the same thing that we have on this planet.
@@brucemacmillan7128 Because out of billions of trillions of planets, we are the only ones to have intelligent life...OK, I'm good with that "dude"
@@mikecee3058 before newton, wasn't there gravity on earth?
There are things that human mind cannot comprehend the level of complexity is infinite, we do questions about how and why we are here but, we are in a level of only understanding the planet when we live .
Deep 💯
Kudos to all the people who produced this awesome documentry
I believe life on earth is clear prove that there is variety of different life out there.
I believe it too. If we were able to form then who knows what can be out in the universe other than us.
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
Yes yes % ❤🙂❤
every planet in our solar system, is inhabited....
of course super advanced, by comparison....
modern humans,
1st ancestor the Baachi arrived from Venus, 40/50k yrs ago... during the pre-adamite period....
yes - life on earth the diversity of it the multi species of it is not a one off.
Do you realize how special that makes us? It's mind boggling that all we care about is money and material things, when all we need is food and shelter. 👍
I need Jesus
Glow Worm just blew my mind!
that thing creeped me tf right out!
This is a living cosmos. Everything is life.
Agree! Since life evolved from non living materials. Then everything is life! Matter evolved into life. So... matter is just a non evolved form of life!
@@benton_g99 if so, then why is Nat Geo. using will smith to deliver a nature channel?
@Kinley Penjor
What you all are saying is a logical absurdity, life cannot be non-life and non-life cannot be life, it's either one or the other. Can either of you give me one example out of the billions (or even trillions) of living things on earth that came from a non-living thing, just one? Every living thing I see came from another living thing, prove me wrong.
@S. M.
Do you believe that the universe has a mind? If the universe came to be 10 to 20 billion years ago, at what point did the universe's mind come to be, and how?
@S. M.
Conjecture is neither proof nor science. "Biogenesis" CAN be proven and is therefore a scientific FACT.
> It (the universe's mind) was always there since the beginning.<
So before the universe was i.e. before the big bang, there was no such thing as a mind?
Will Smith PLEASE narrate more documentary like this! You have the perfect voice and carisma
"Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."
Dr. Mike? 😂
But it is alive. So it is a bit different from electrical power plant , that we call powerhouse.
The nature and outer space stock shoot Nat Geo have is nothing but pure perfection. The best of what human can record.
@chocolatedoog1984 hello
Will Smith one strange rock is he going to slap this rock to lmao 🤣😂😂
I fell asleep for about an hour. When I woke up I found this on. It’s amazing.
Exact same thing happened to me
Amazingly stupid lies🤣🤣
I am trying to fall asleep with this bs, it helps I guess
@@A113Witness y would he be lying abt this clown
2 aliens are talking in outer space, looking down on Earth.
It seems the inhabitants of planet Earth have created nuclear technology and missiles"
says one alien
are they showing signs of intelligence?" asks the other
I dont think so. They seem to be aiming at themselves
Why did I read that in pewdiepies voice
I was watching this at school and my math teacher walks in and goes "aliens"
When I saw the first, famous Blue Marble image of Earth from space, I burst into tears. I was 8 or 9 years old and it was the first time that wondrous beauty struck me in the guts, but not the last. There was also an amazing sense of true recognition or homecoming, like someone who couldn’t see well when seeing loved ones properly for the first time, ever, through new glasses.
This show is made to watch whilst tripping balls. Makes you really appreciate how amazing our world really is and how everything is connected.
Thats why I never walk around when I watch. A gift and a curse I tell ya
@@msabedra1 😂
@Science Revolution sadly your right..& if this is a massive lie..what else??
How can you stare at an electronic screen while tripping? I've tried but I can't do it.... Artificial things freak me out in that state of mind. I need to be outside, away from civilization, or safely curled up in bed exploring inner space.
@Science Revolution they are moving up and down because there is nothing to stop them from moving . And all those cargo ships are still in space they did not disappear
Watching documentary in UA-cam without spending a penny is a ✨GIFT✨
“Chinese bamboo is very strong!” - Jackie Chan
😆 Hahaha.
Right !!!
"French Fries are made from potatoes." - Coco Ramos
Bro that’s Chris Tucker lol 😂
@@mikefigure Farley*
I'm done watching political stuffs so I searched for aliens and this is what I got. Great!
Thank you for watching 👍
Same bs every where
It's the calling
Funny thing is space doesn’t exist.
he wants to slap all the aliens
Don’t look in there Will, it’s another UA-cam rewind!
Thats hot.
If I'd never seen a camel before, I'd still recognize that it's a mammal from Earth. An alien from another planet might be so vastly different from living creatures in our world that you wouldn't even see them as a living creature but just as something abstract and shocking to the senses.
I like to imagine that our sence of smell is somewhat overdeveloped compared to other space fairing species and that when we meet aliens it will be a constant struggle not to gag on their pheremones, you know when we arent accidentally inhaling half a gaseous beings body.
Given the rarity of intellegence on earth id suspect that abstract aliens are less common than creatures with apendages for gripping things, eyes for seeing and a big ol brain for thinking, but it also seems likley that at least some civilisations would be so incomprehensivley different from our own that we wouldent even know it was a civilisation, what would gaseous technology look like, would we even notice or just call it a strange storm and move on, food for thaught.
Form is slave to function. Carbon based life on the other planets may not be so strange when you considered that life favor practicality..
Perhaps a better example would be a deep sea crinoid?
A thing i believe we cant even imagine
Θα δημοσιεύσο ένα άρθρο πού λέγετε, ο νόμος του νευτονα η αλλιώς η μισή αλήθεια του νόμου περί βαρύτητας πού δεν αποκαλύψαν,.. Ένα καιρό είχα πι ότι το μιλώ ωριμάζει λόγω βάρητητας όμως μετά από κάποια χρόνια κατάλαβα ότι το μήλο θα μπορέσει ώριμα να ζήσει δλδ ωριμάσει, μετά πού έσπασα το κοδικο τής ελληνικής γλώσσας κατάλαβα πώς η φράση φυσιολογικό άλιος Σημαίνει τα λόγια τής φύσης είναι καλά δλδ φύση ο λόγια καλά
. Οπότε αν ένα μιλώ ωριμάζει λόγω τής βαρύτητας τότε, τότε σκέφτηκα και κατάλαβα πώς ήταν αυτό που πάντα έψαχνα ..
Οπότε πήρα ένα μεγάλο μπωλ και το γέμισα με νερό και μέσα στο νερό έβαλα ένα άλλο μπωλ αλλά μικρότερο, και έβαλα σε αυτό το The ρο μπωλ ένα μήλο που παράλληλα έβαλα και ένα άλλο μιλώ τής ίδιας κοπής
Προφανώς γιανα δο τή διαφορά αργότερα
, ότι το νερό μείονι την βαρύτηκι σου έλξη, και χαλαρώνεις πιο Πόλι, οπός παράδειγμα στη θάλασσα, οπότε ο νόμος είναι ο εξής που βγήκε, όσο πιο αδινατος στην ίδια σου συνήθιζμενι μάζα τόσο πιο μικρότερη καταπόνηση στην ίδια σου μάζα,
. Ύστερα πέρασε ένας μήνας και αυτό που αντίκρισα υταν εντελώς τρομαχτικό αλά προβλεπόμενο, ηδα πος το μήλο που ήταν στο μπωλ με νερω είχε παραμένει σε καλλίτερη κατάσταση από ότι το άλλο που ήταν δίπλα του χωρίς νανε σε κάποιο μπωλ
,. Πιστεύω κατάλαβατε το αυτονόητο..
Ότι αν κύμαστε σε στρώμα νερού τα βράδια
Τότε θα παραμείνετε περισσότερο νέοι
Και θα διπλάσιαστι η διναμις σας εάν βέβαια γυμνάζεστε. Παράδειγμα όπως ένας υπέρβαρος χάση Πόλα κιλά, ύστερα θα νοιώσει πιο δηνατως και θα είναι πιω δινατος
.. Βέβαια επειδή ζούμε σε μία τεχνολογική εποχή μπόρεσα να φτιάξω ένα μηχάνημα αντιβαριτικο το οποίο αν μπεις μέσα θα υπάρχει απολύτως κενό θα εωρισε
Οπότε δεν θα καταπόνητε το σομα καθόλου
Και θα έχει καλείτερο αποτέλεσμα ο νόμος του βάρους η ωριμάζω... Αυτή είναι η αλήθεια
Που πρέπει νάτο ξέρουν όλη γιατί σας αξίζει
.. Βέβαια το μηχάνημα δεν έχει δημιουργηθεί
Διότι δεν υπάρχουν τα κατάλληλα εφόδια
Εγώ σάς το κοινοποιώ αυτό
Και αν κάποιος ενδιαφέρεται μπορούμε να σινεργαστουμε και να το υλοποίησουμε το σύστημα που το ονόμασα κράτος...εάν έχετε δύ την ταινία tzon Karter το θα καταλάβετε πος περίπου θα είναι η δίναμι σας.. Κοινοποίηστε το να μάθουν όλη την αλήθεια..5u
The fact that they call Mother Earth the “rock” is testimony to the fact that are yet to see earth as great mother of creation, and living being of great intelligence
- None of this would be possible, without the aid of the sun, & the moon. =), js
Bout time Big Will. Haven't seen you in a while. You should do more narrations.
Ye he is definitely a natural document talking guy!! Very interesting chap 👍❤️👽
Yep. We need a new one when Morgan Freeman retires. :D
"money doesn't make the world go 'round" said the 350 millionaire.
@Merk now, now, let's not be greedy.
349 million is enough. 🤣🤣🤣
That is exactly the reason why he got that amount of money
When you drop beliefs around money, you just do what you are supposed to do, and when you do what you were made to do, chances are that you will become great at it (this is your talent) hence manifestating great loads of money.
@@bennyriley101 the desire to control is
This was awesome. The more I learn in this life, the more it ties into energy.
The very meaning of life boils down to energy. Life is so awesome and unique. Its just amazing
Astronomy/cosmology, Alien, Science Fiction and Will Smith, Evolution were the things i loved since i am 5 years old ..( will smith after jiggy wiggy song) And thank you national geography mashing all these together with brilliant videography..and the best presenter to talk about it..
This is the best thing I ever saw in my life and thank you very much for such a nice experience.
Dear Will, you and your friends are amazing people and I wish I can spend my whole life surrounded by people like you.
Yes, this is definitely one of the better recommendations from UA-cam.
Yahhhhhhhh- will smith
@@JoeyFranko all while being on acid
@@Ejaz100 to stupid to watch
@@JoeyFranko uh ok
0:15 it hits you.. like I hit Chris Rock
Can't Imagine It's Free.... Thank you National Geographic
@Charles Badstones cant find it there, name?
Its free because God created us. Not like these stupid ppl say and we didnt evolve
Because its propaganda, earth is not a spinning ball, probably flat
@@ALVACHY yea it’s free because it’s all fake propaganda lol I know a actor naught and he’s getting payed huge money to lie he admits this to a few and is torn now because he found God he wants to come out but says they will kill him immediately
@@baddfiishbear2349 who's the actor that you know????Mickey mouse???????
We are the aliens.. in comparison to other beings in the universe 🍸
Well, I suspect that the only comparisons we could make are with life here on Earth. One may have to wait more time than one could currently afford to answer your question in depth.
So? We sit and wait? :-)
Everyone on diff planets are alien to eachother
Been saying this for years
Incredible documentary! Having celebrities narrate it really makes it alot better. Scripted or not it's a good twist
He is also a practitioner of spritual nature
Keep in mind that some of them shot alien ships down.
@@teleespantoso LOL
Omg Waitomo Caves I remember going there on a school trip when I was a kid 😍🤞🏽❤️
This is the most infomercial documentary I've ever seen!
Narration is soo good. that helps to enjoy the film. That is why it is important to choose the right voices for the important documentaries like this one, or messages that you want to deliver into billions! W.Smith is super professional of what he does. Great actor. Great narrator and i hear he is an amazing human being too! Mae Jamison's narration is so clear and she puts a heart to each word that you can listen to her endlessly! Great job for them all for making this film. Its super important! Спасибо!
I said tha same ting
**if you are a true seeker of,, all knowledge... Check out the Baha'i faith,,, whose PROPHET stated,,,, THERE IS LIFE ALL THROUGH OUR UNIVERSE....**
He looks better they then running around firing guns.
Not so amazing anymore
@@johnf.1969 Will hasnt changed, he is still Will. He is a good person that sadly made a huge error.
He has been squeaky clean for his entire life & career, he understands that kids look up to him, that is why he stayed so squeaky clean for so long. He has never been known to be negative towards anyone, never acted better than anybody else.
He isnt violent or disrespectful - this "slap" was completely totally out of character for him, and now he is paying the price. That right there should tell you something.💔
Unbeknownst to everyone, there's a very serious, traumatic underlying issue going on that has taken a huge toll on him (& ones very close to him (it is not about Jadas hair falling out, or their marriage, either.)
In time, it will all come to light. Give him a break, though. He is only human. If Chris can forgive him, so can we.
Remember this comment☮💟 ☯
We have much more in common with each other than divides us
@@aj-qj4lt indeed…
@The supreme Burrito Pot, kettle.
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
Ya!!..everyone hates everyone!!! Pretty common.
@@Flashisgreatfr : Yeah, we all start out that way and end up dead. Nonsense is everywhere and constantly attacking us. You're just the latest example I've seen in the last minute.
Thank you for free streaming this kind of video.
I cant wait till that new G.I. Jane comes out. LMAO !!!
So NatGeo decides to release a documentary about aliens a day before the Pentagon releases the UFO news🤔🔥
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
Life is like learning a musical instrument you have to master your instrument in order for people to listen to what you have for them to hear
It hits you..... Hahahahaha
Anyone who thinks that life is exclusive to the planet Earth, isn't that bright of a person.
Anyone who believes gas planets form in a vacuum is not very smart. Anyone who thinks they can see things millions of miles away is not very smart. Here is the actual definition of gas pressure The pressure of a gas is the force that the gas exerts on the walls of its container. Anyone who thinks the air we breathe does not need containment is not very smart.
They just don’t have the faith you have.
Says who?
Life of what sort is the question. If you expect it to be tech capable life, then you're probably not being very realistic. On the other hand, if you're ok with that life being mostly microbes, then you're probably more aligned with reality.
And the comments by people on your thread , prove you correct Sir .
“…if there are more than one stars, (more than one) planets, (more than one) solar systems, (more than one) gas giants, (more than one) black holes, (more than one) galaxies, therefore, there should be more than one life hosting planet like earth out there in this vast universe.”
Will Smith put a dampener on it. To state that no one is looking back at us is closed minded.
This is very nice. I watched it with my grade school kids. They loved it. Thank you so much
"It's the circle of lunch"....good line, Will Smith..hehehe!
whoa a full documentary!! thank you
i just said same thing haha didnt even look at next comment,. but yes,. thanks
I love it
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
This is just an episode from a whole series actually
Watching the mug of Will Smith appear so suddenly felt like a slap in the face!
Lol I can't watch him after what he did
That Hong Kong family is truly heartbreaking 💔
Θα δημοσιεύσο ένα άρθρο πού λέγετε, ο νόμος του νευτονα η αλλιώς η μισή αλήθεια του νόμου περί βαρύτητας πού δεν αποκαλύψαν,.. Ένα καιρό είχα πι ότι το μιλώ ωριμάζει λόγω βάρητητας όμως μετά από κάποια χρόνια κατάλαβα ότι το μήλο θα μπορέσει ώριμα να ζήσει δλδ ωριμάσει, μετά πού έσπασα το κοδικο τής ελληνικής γλώσσας κατάλαβα πώς η φράση φυσιολογικό άλιος Σημαίνει τα λόγια τής φύσης είναι καλά δλδ φύση ο λόγια καλά
. Οπότε αν ένα μιλώ ωριμάζει λόγω τής βαρύτητας τότε, τότε σκέφτηκα και κατάλαβα πώς ήταν αυτό που πάντα έψαχνα ..
Οπότε πήρα ένα μεγάλο μπωλ και το γέμισα με νερό και μέσα στο νερό έβαλα ένα άλλο μπωλ αλλά μικρότερο, και έβαλα σε αυτό το The ρο μπωλ ένα μήλο που παράλληλα έβαλα και ένα άλλο μιλώ τής ίδιας κοπής
Προφανώς γιανα δο τή διαφορά αργότερα
, ότι το νερό μείονι την βαρύτηκι σου έλξη, και χαλαρώνεις πιο Πόλι, οπός παράδειγμα στη θάλασσα, οπότε ο νόμος είναι ο εξής που βγήκε, όσο πιο αδινατος στην ίδια σου συνήθιζμενι μάζα τόσο πιο μικρότερη καταπόνηση στην ίδια σου μάζα,
. Ύστερα πέρασε ένας μήνας και αυτό που αντίκρισα υταν εντελώς τρομαχτικό αλά προβλεπόμενο, ηδα πος το μήλο που ήταν στο μπωλ με νερω είχε παραμένει σε καλλίτερη κατάσταση από ότι το άλλο που ήταν δίπλα του χωρίς νανε σε κάποιο μπωλ
,. Πιστεύω κατάλαβατε το αυτονόητο..
Ότι αν κύμαστε σε στρώμα νερού τα βράδια
Τότε θα παραμείνετε περισσότερο νέοι
Και θα διπλάσιαστι η διναμις σας εάν βέβαια γυμνάζεστε. Παράδειγμα όπως ένας υπέρβαρος χάση Πόλα κιλά, ύστερα θα νοιώσει πιο δηνατως και θα είναι πιω δινατος
.. Βέβαια επειδή ζούμε σε μία τεχνολογική εποχή μπόρεσα να φτιάξω ένα μηχάνημα αντιβαριτικο το οποίο αν μπεις μέσα θα υπάρχει απολύτως κενό θα εωρισε
Οπότε δεν θα καταπόνητε το σομα καθόλου
Και θα έχει καλείτερο αποτέλεσμα ο νόμος του βάρους η ωριμάζω... Αυτή είναι η αλήθεια
Που πρέπει νάτο ξέρουν όλη γιατί σας αξίζει
.. Βέβαια το μηχάνημα δεν έχει δημιουργηθεί
Διότι δεν υπάρχουν τα κατάλληλα εφόδια
Εγώ σάς το κοινοποιώ αυτό
Και αν κάποιος ενδιαφέρεται μπορούμε να σινεργαστουμε και να το υλοποίησουμε το σύστημα που το ονόμασα κράτος...εάν έχετε δύ την ταινία tzon Karter το θα καταλάβετε πος περίπου θα είναι η δίναμι σας.. Κοινοποίηστε το να μάθουν όλη την αλήθεια..jj
Ah good old PG13 but hilarious Will Smith! Remember "kick punch punch welcome to earth!"?
I laughed when I saw he was narrating just because of that part in Independence Day. 🤭
As to the WW2 ship and plane graveyard in Micronesia, all I could think about was the umpteen gallons of fuel each carried before sinking and being shot down. That pollution may still be slow releasing. I know that's not the focus of this quite well presented doc, but that doesn't mean I'm any less concerned. I hope international organizations have come together to remediate whatever they could. It's such a beautiful part of our world.
If there is anything out there, Will Smith is gonna make it crash, open its hatch, punch it in the face, and smoke a cigar while dragging the creature in his parachute back to Area 51.
Only in the Movies!
welcome to earth
*Will Smith*
Life comes in all shapes and forms and sizes ! Don’t be afraid to discover what’s new there’s a whole universe to explore maybe even multiverses
Believe me they are here already, probably been here since the beginning. I have seen several UFOs. One craft went thru a wormhole craft, another as large as San Francisco with hundreds of vehicles watching a mooncraft chasing after it as the saucer crashed, 2 almost ran into each other by Sacramento Executive airport a friend was with me it looked like a large golfball floating about 50 feet off the ground with a fog around them! It was amazing but cannot say I saw any ETs except in my dreams.
Imagine if the very first vertebrate to walk on land, just got casually thrown back into the water by a time traveling alien.
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
awesome sauce 🤣🤣🤣
Great program thank you. I learned so much when I read "Allies of Humanity" about life in the universe. It connects the dots and answers so many questions about "life out there"
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
Yet another awesome documentary. Nat Geo never disappoints.
Stop believing all you hear and read.
@@hamishford5486 So you made up your entire world experience and belief system completely out of your own head, with absolutely no outside influences from other people and books?
I don't think so.
Most realistic view on alien life and I am here for it
Life is one single unity ,
All connected.
We are all star stuff
It's amazing that these astronauts built such an enormous station in zero gravity. I trip on the fact of floating screws, nuts and bolts.
in zero gravity its much easier to build something. You can lift heavy equipments easily since there is no force of gravity acting against you.
@@captain2055 thanks cap, that had already crossed my mind. I was just thinking about how CUMBERSOME small screws would be with those heavily padded gloves they wear in space.
@@captain2055 thanks for that info. I was really thinking about how CUMBERSOME small screws would be with the padded gloves the astronauts wear.
So nobody is gonna talk about the goats in the tree?
Imagine if we were the the aliens and them we call "Aliens" are actually humans.
but what is a human then? if we invented that word
We are the aliens. I mean technically
@@ciar.rodriguez4954 Perhaps vice-versa?
I can give a thousand reasons I love Nat Geo.
fun fact: did you know that more people die from pigs than from sharks?! i will post regular vids like this so make sure to subscribe!! btw i'm a kid!!!!!!
list them
Interested do you know you don’t have to invest $15,000 once to start enjoying your money, as the capital get bigger and the income growth faster and directly to your account , or don’t you know about forests trade?
Go for it then mate say your 1000 reasons.
This Documentary Slaps !!! hehehe.
They're trying to warm us up for when the aliens come next month.
You mean demons space is fake we are the only ones besides the angels and demons
@@jjjordan8278 sheesh
@@jjjordan8278 so why dont angles make contact with humans
@@user-mq9lx9im3x they do.
@@user-mq9lx9im3x you're so brainwashed you wouldn't hear them and why would they we've already been warned the next time angels show they're faces it's gonna be destruction
“I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here.”
― Arthur C. Clarke
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
- Arthur C. Clarke - 1973
Ughh how original.... (Not)
@@Milo19970 I didn't post it to entertain you. What a strange thing to say that my comment is so unoriginal you felt the need to post an even more unoriginal meaningless comment. I mean do you truly think ANYONE gives a f if you are entertained or not?
“I’m going to tell you about the most amazing place” west Philadelphia born and raised on a playground is where I spent most of my days with a telescope
the name of the episode should be "Energy'------ Aliens also need it
I know right
Yep lol
Facts 😂
"The greatest mystery in the universe, could be right between our ears"
Sorry just bored
Who knew that not long after will Smith talked about rocks on a video he would slap one on stage.
Beautiful movie about beautiful "strange rock". I never could understand why people are so curious about possible lives far away while so many living creatures are nearby us. And why people want to meet aliens while they can't manage to live in peace with another people who are just slightly different?
People are interested in alien existence because it would be great under many issues., like science and space travel, but also to have the possibility to watch with your own eyes a creature from another planet... Another technology... Really fascinating. Don't you think so?
A little thing called curiosity, programed into humans, has something to do with it, maybe.
Thats why the other aliens dont want Any contact with the planet of wrath🤷🏼♂️
It blows my tiny human brain that we and everything in the known universe is created from decaying stars over the course of billions of years
All we know is just a star dust.
I absolutely love the brilliant Mae Jemison and of course Will Smith 🥰 I truly enjoyed this video ☺️
Hope you are fine
There are more ads in this documentary than there is planets with life in this universe
UA-cam Vanced can helped
Me at 10 watching this remembering stuff that I learnt in biology class.I wonder why I felt bored learning this but this documentary made it so clear and awesome.Better NATGEO lecture videos could be played in science class.
ufo hunter joey franko i have filmed ufos with a thermal rifle scope, made contact with on on film, also caught them on my deer camera
fren: what is the meaning of life
me: we having chiken for dinner"
fren:im asking the life not dinner??!!
Money is also a form of energy mr. smith. We take our livetime and physical energy to convert it into money. Energy is, as i would say, not restricted to the realms of physics, chemistry or biology. It is anything we pick up and use to grow. In hight as much as in personal status. It is always a process of conversion since energy cannot be produced or destroyed.
I would say money is more like movement. It makes things go up and down, but hunger is a constant. So things gotta die. I would say though with money you do eat a lot better food. 😁 📡👽🇺🇸 RUN!!!
@@charlesincharge.5161 he y in
Space is a big place I’m sure there’s lots of other planets with life on it we just don’t have the technology to travel that far yet
indeeed broo
I believe that as well
We have the technology already
@@legiongaming6340 yeah that’s why we visited so many other planets besides the moon
@@canadaeast8358 Do you know Warp Drive ?
I had a dream will smith was an alien so I’m just here now lol
National Geographic just set the new level EPIC documentary.
You forgot to add consciousness to the mix, this completely changes the odds :)
@Mr. T The sheer fact that both matter and energy can act as both matter and energy depending on the perception of the observer is probably the simplest way to explain it if we overlook many of our senses and the way we individually perceive reality.
Its easy to explain the universe if we look at just the physical only to a point, and then big gaps start to occur because the laws the govern the laws of newtonian physics are bigger than our understanding, while perceiving them from inside the bubble that is life.
Think of it this way, we did not invent mathematics, we discovered them, and regardless of whether our constant is based on us having 10 figures or 8 or 7 the ratios and proportions interact in the same ways, yet in different ways depending on the chosen constant of perception.
A big step in understanding of reality is in quantum physics where unlike with newtonian physics, where the base theory is that energy and matter existed before awareness. Is the theory that awareness existed before energy and matter.
This changes the whole perspective and new patterns and laws start to appear which can easily be overlooked because every individual has a different perception of reality, even if we look at our physical senses and how some people may hear from 35 to 17k with a resonant boost around 900hz, whilst another individual may hear from 21hz to 18k with a resonant boost of 1050hz, etc we start to view that every individual has a completely different point of view on reality, thus the outcomes of their existence are completely different and build upon the reality in different directions, thus the laws that govern conciseness and perception vary as well.
By understanding and placing value on perception, we open new doors to understanding the fundamental structure of reality.
I am trying to explain something way beyond the limitation of written language but am hoping that you are getting the picture.
@@mihail-bogdanyanov So I'm guessing your epistemological position is post-positivist. That's a simpler way to put it.
Are insects conscious?
A 42 minute poem about hugging trees. Ancient aliens is more a documentary than this.
The camera angles are more interesting than the theory
You know it
@@earlmcraw5606 think of how they manage to do all tho shots
I wish we could look at the sun without getting eye damage, it’s like a gem that’s being illuminated through a million fractals, I could look at it all day every day
Get solar eclipse glasses or a welding mask, you can get them online fairly cheap, make sure they're strong enough to look at the sun.
Buy a cheap refractor for less than 50 bucks and then get a solar filter for another 20 or so, thats how i watched the 2017 eclipse. Looked just like nasa channel..
@@benton_g99 True. 😏
You should do a video of you staring at the sun, then upload it on YT.
@@benton_g99 You can get blind.
The most incredible documentary ever! A true masterpiece!
Life is present everywhere on earth..millions of species…it is difficult to believe it would not exist elsewhere…it is part of this universe I think…
The only universe that exist is here on earth there's nothing out there all lies
i dont know about the post before me, seems rather convenient...
what i will say is that it is looking less and less likely that travel between the stars is even possible
for a long time there has been the idea that the 'aliens' were already here
@@ProfessorToadstool of course they're already here they're trap here just like us they're fallen angels they were dammed here nothing can get in or out
do aliens exist? yes they do !!! the fact that we are here should say enough
our eating skills are epic =our killing skils are epic=our hunting skills are epic=our growing skills are epic=our consumption skills are epic= we are epic creatures
@@carlosdelvalle9100 may be Will Smith is his favorite actor.
I don’t like it.
@The supreme Burrito why?
@Sardo Numspa why?