Usually I listen to a Cledus song once, go "That was somewhat amusing" and then move on to something else, but I actually find myself playing this one on repeat. Maybe I just relate to the whole getting old and your whole body falls apart on you thing. I'm probably about midway between Cledus and his daughter in age so I'm not really sure if this video makes me feel old or young.
Cledus dropping bars!!
I am 65 and all this is true ! How come nobody told me it was going to be this bad !
If I live another 20 years, I'll be 58...I can see this being me in 20 years
Love the “Every Light in the House is Blown” reference!
Kicking it old school 😂 good stuff 👍🏼
Cledus still got it man
cledus dude...i was bout in tears i was laughing so hard
Thanks again for including the students at Collins Career Technical Center!
Love it Sr. God blessed you 🙏😘💯
This is great 👍
That’s so funny! Loved it!
Usually I listen to a Cledus song once, go "That was somewhat amusing" and then move on to something else, but I actually find myself playing this one on repeat. Maybe I just relate to the whole getting old and your whole body falls apart on you thing. I'm probably about midway between Cledus and his daughter in age so I'm not really sure if this video makes me feel old or young.
They did a good job on your video. It's sounds like us now
Old age sux I'm living it 🙀⁉️ I refuse it OORAH ‼️
Very funny video. Cledus's daughter looks like a beautiful young version of Gwyneth Paltrow!
Word to your her XD im dead
This reminds me of if Shania was mine every light in the house is blown and did I shave my back for this
Great entertainment!
I had an accident the other day at Wal-Mart. Take it from me you can't trust a fart. lol
Yo you need a producer?
Cledus T raps better some wannabe Country Rappers!
Baby Boomer theme song
the ohio flag💀
i use to be a fan. I hate this country turning to rap. Not a fan now