i value and trust the trueness and accurateness kept of these stories.,as stories slightly change in books and historians.To hear this straight from elders handed down is absolutely fascinating.very privileged and grateful to have this shared to me
Thank you for your teachings. My husband is full blood. When he was on summer breaks from Ganado, he would be sheep herding with shi masani, up at beaver eye above hunters point. Please excuse my spelling. He is txo di cheeni and txa chii nii. We lived there for 12 years in Fort Defiance. I figured I have a drop or two of navajo blood since my blood mixer with the babies as they were born. Howard insists I am navajo. I think I was prolly one thrown off a cliff by the Hopi.. Lol. Please keep up the good work. It reinforces all the stories my shi Hosteen tells me. Beauty to you are yours.
That's beautiful. Thier is the tonal the matter the physical and then nagual which is in-between matter I have found my personal ray of light that connects me to everything. And love. This guy's energy is beautiful.
I so treasure your teachings…I’m a fifth generation native of the Grand junction area. Also lived in Alamosa near the Great Blanca At one time. I am Blessed to be from here, and have always had questions about the ancient Ones. Your wisdom is greatly valued. I really could live nowhere else, my spirit is Home here…Thank you so much, for filling in the blanks ❤️
It is always stored in the collective consciousness these things are never lost but it really is an awesome honour to learn your history and wisdoms. Wopila.
You are so peaceful. I love this about native Americans. I’m from Arizona. We have a big Navajo family in the state. I don’t like there anymore and I miss my home ☮️💕
Thanks for all your teachings. It was the missipi or so I believe historically as it is also called the Niles river, some tribes also came by ship from a few different directions.Thier is alot of historical significance that come from many of the tribes oral history but is ignored by so called historians despite the fact it can be found historically, But so too do they ignore historical truths for thier own story's which alot of times can be proven false, that's why they taught us history it literally means HIS STORY and for whatever reason most of is told by people who were never there, while ignoring the story's of the people who were there. All we can do I suppose is to make sure the information stays alive so that our actual history can at least be learned. May the creator of all, father of all bless you.
Thank you Professor Brown. You are a gem. Pardon. Just one thing. Dził Ashdła'ii are the mountains next to Dolores, Colorado. LaSal Mountain is separate and further away, west and more monthly situated. I'm Utah Diné.
I have no Navajo or indigenous blood in me. I am from a clan on another continent. I have felt connected to My creator since I was a little girl. I enjoy these teachings.
I am a Latter-day Saint and I find very many of the things you are teaching EXACTLY SIMILAR to the things we are taught, and if we apply ourselves to learn and understand our religion, the very same profound concepts that you elucidate so very well. Our immediate sources vary a little from yours but are ultimately exactly the same. The universe is the universe is the universe and was created by the same MAN OF HOLINESS. It seems that in this, our day, we are always learning but very seldom coming to or seeking after a knowledge of the Truth. As we do strive, we approach it a little more and understand and believe and trust it that much more. I am amazed at the similarities of what you teach to the essence and fundamentals of what we teach and believe........
There is truth in all cultures and a prophet has spoken to every people. Just in time for the world to understand this, there will come a false "ecumenical" movement, bringing all peoples religions together in the name of peace and safety but it will be a lie and will bring sudden destruction.
@@Mr.Pennington SECTION 77 Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, about March 1832. Joseph Smith’s history states, “In connection with the translation of the Scriptures, I received the following explanation of the Revelation of St. John.” 1-4, Beasts have spirits and will dwell in eternal felicity; 5-7, This earth has a temporal existence of 7,000 years; 8-10, Various angels restore the gospel and minister on earth; 11, The sealing of the 144,000; 12-14, Christ will come in the beginning of the seventh thousand years; 15, Two prophets will be raised up to the Jewish nation. 1 Q. What is the sea of glass spoken of by John, 4th chapter, and 6th verse of the Revelation? A. It is the earth, in its sanctified, immortal, and eternal state. 2 Q. What are we to understand by the four beasts, spoken of in the same verse? A. They are figurative expressions, used by the Revelator, John, in describing heaven, the paradise of God, the happiness of man, and of beasts, and of creeping things, and of the fowls of the air; that which is spiritual being in the likeness of that which is temporal; and that which is temporal in the likeness of that which is spiritual; the spirit of man in the likeness of his person, as also the spirit of the beast, and every other creature which God has created. 3 Q. Are the four beasts limited to individual beasts, or do they represent classes or orders? A. They are limited to four individual beasts, which were shown to John, to represent the glory of the classes of beings in their destined border or sphere of creation, in the enjoyment of their eternal felicity. 4 Q. What are we to understand by the eyes and wings, which the beasts had? A. Their eyes are a representation of light and knowledge, that is, they are full of knowledge; and their wings are a representation of power, to move, to act, etc. 5 Q. What are we to understand by the four and twenty elders, spoken of by John? A. We are to understand that these elders whom John saw, were elders who had been faithful in the work of the ministry and were dead; who belonged to the seven churches, and were then in the paradise of God. 6 Q. What are we to understand by the book which John saw, which was sealed on the back with seven seals? A. We are to understand that it contains the revealed will, mysteries, and the works of God; the hidden things of his economy concerning this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence. 7 Q. What are we to understand by the seven seals with which it was sealed? A. We are to understand that the first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the second also of the second thousand years, and so on until the seventh. 8 Q. What are we to understand by the four angels, spoken of in the 7th chapter and 1st verse of Revelation? A. We are to understand that they are four angels sent forth from God, to whom is given power over the four parts of the earth, to save life and to destroy; these are they who have the everlasting gospel to commit to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people; having power to shut up the heavens, to seal up unto life, or to cast down to the regions of darkness. 9 Q. What are we to understand by the angel ascending from the east, Revelation 7th chapter and 2nd verse? A. We are to understand that the angel ascending from the east is he to whom is given the seal of the living God over the twelve tribes of Israel; wherefore, he crieth unto the four angels having the everlasting gospel, saying: Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And, if you will receive it, this is Elias which was to come to gather together the tribes of Israel and restore all things. 10 Q. What time are the things spoken of in this chapter to be accomplished? A. They are to be accomplished in the sixth thousand years, or the opening of the sixth seal. 11 Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel-twelve thousand out of every tribe? A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests, ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn. 12 Q. What are we to understand by the sounding of the trumpets, mentioned in the 8th chapter of Revelation? A. We are to understand that as God made the world in six days, and on the seventh day he finished his work, and sanctified it, and also formed man out of the dust of the earth, even so, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years will the Lord God sanctify the earth, and complete the salvation of man, and judge all things, and shall redeem all things, except that which he hath not put into his power, when he shall have sealed all things, unto the end of all things; and the sounding of the trumpets of the seven angels are the preparing and finishing of his work, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years-the preparing of the way before the time of his coming. 13 Q. When are the things to be accomplished, which are written in the 9th chapter of Revelation? A. They are to be accomplished after the opening of the seventh seal, before the coming of Christ. 14 Q. What are we to understand by the little book which was eaten by John, as mentioned in the 10th chapter of Revelation? A. We are to understand that it was a mission, and an ordinance, for him to gather the tribes of Israel; behold, this is Elias, who, as it is written, must come and restore all things. 15 Q. What is to be understood by the two witnesses, in the eleventh chapter of Revelation? A. They are two prophets that are to be raised up to the Jewish nation in the last days, at the time of the restoration, and to prophesy to the Jews after they are gathered and have built the city of Jerusalem in the land of their fathers. If you search all this out with the footnotes, and study the footnotes carefully, more things will become apparent when understood in context. Follow this link, if you're interested: www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/77?lang=eng Understanding these kinds of things requires sincere, persistent desire, study and personal internal effort........rgds, fm
How many thousands of years did the ancestors of the Diné first come over? Is it a possibility the continental drift has something to do with the discrepancy between what anthropologists say (the nomadic East Asian/Siberian peoples coming from the north), and the verbal traditional stories of them coming from the east?
I saw a picture of my Great Grandmother as a child, @ this time it was only black & white. She was dark as me & had long black pony tails wrapped in like a white cloth. She did not smile 'marketing brought about by some corporation'. Considering the area we know today as the Ohio valley region from Mexico to Canada were 'Shawnee" ? along with others... Ty Elder.
I need help with finding out what tribe I’m from on my mother’s side.could you point me to the means?My mother was born in French New Mexico near Toas. We think she was Navajo. I had my dna done , I’m 37 percent Native American . Thank you
Either the universe was always here, or it came into being. If it was always here, that violates the Law of Causality. If it came into being, that violates the Laws of Conservation. According to natural laws, the universe can't be here. Therefore, scientifically, the universe MUST have a supernatural origin. God is greater than the laws he put in place for the universe to function.
Thank you listening to your history and culture has been helpful Question: you talk about people with 5fingers was there others with less pr more than 5? Did the Holy people have any dealings with the black race living near you
They should teach native culture in American schools in an expanded way and less of a gloss over to the forming of the country. But having left school over a decade ago I appreciate that I can watch this channel today.
Walley.. I really need some questions answered. I've lost both my grandparents, one in 1996 and other in 2018. I've recently discovered that I am a healer, but I am a bit confused about this. Please contact me.
the East, being Atlantis, talking pre-flood Earth now. In the Druid culture that shares many ideas with Navajo their ancestors came from the West from their home in Ireland.
Hi Mr. Brown. I have watching your videos for some time and I find them very spiritual in your teaching. I am concerned about the spot on your right side of your face. Have you had that looked at? I had one just like that and it was a form of skin cancer. Have that looked at sir before it becomes cancerous.
From my independent research, it is no doubt that you came from the east. They were definitely some type of holy people here making their impact on* not just you, but others as well. ❤
Grandfather, will you tell the story of the finding of tobacco plant and tell of its medicinal properties. I have experienced amongst friends and family their healing of asthma with the use of this plant smoked. As well, I have heard of problems with the use of the western allopatic prescription nicotine patches and chewing gums by those who attempt to quit the habit of smoking. It would seem that the problems are in the method of application. It seems the healing properties are in the inhalation of the smoke. Please, if there is one, tell us the story of tobacco. Its use has been banned in most places today and with this irrational hated of the uses of tobacco has come suffering and the most sound... noise...louder and louder with each prohibitive ordinance and rise in price-- non-smokers often purchase tobacco and give it to people wandering the streets with money. There something strangely magical that appears to be taking place with reference to the tobacco plant and its prohibition.
Nicotine and caffeine used in meds in the baby Nicu we were told a ob form of a pharmacy med caffeine was used to stimulate the heart Beats. If the patented duct not close after birth they used that. Baby was born 28 weeks and lived. When babies born the duct has to close to adapt to air breathing . If not babies look blue. A surgery can be done but the caffine is safer. Nicotine clamps down blood vessels . That why you avoid. It . Especially if you have high blood pressure .
Fascinating. If you’re still on here, please reply in regards to whether you have found out anything else about tobacco🙏🏼 …or anything to read, anywhere to see for ourselves Much love for sharing this, first time I’ve heard anything like this. Personal experience smoking tobacco: ‘straights’ - ready rolled cigarettes seem to be slightly more toxic and have had a few chest infections around/during times of smoking between 5-20 cigarettes a day… rolling tobacco; amber leaf, american spirit etc… seems cleaner though harsh on the throat/lungs, meaning you smoke less, plus these cigarettes last longer. ..Find that when I smoke for the sake of smoking it takes a toll on my chest; heart and lungs; still considering the possibility this could be some kind of psychosomatic effect in which due to our conditioning and my own conditioning of regarding tobacco as a killer of many lives, as if it had power to do so / pushing the blame from ourselves on to a plant… therefore my heart and lungs begin to feel heavy… anyways I’ve found when I smoke 1-2 cigarettes a day, most of the time mixed with around a 16th of a gram, my lungs/heart can feel very strong, again as far as I can perceive, this ‘strength’ correlates with a balanced mind, patience, good physical health etc… and most importantly participation with nature, family, people, books, film, music… and disruption of routines, have been very beneficial. Peace and love
Grandfather Do You Know Why The Dannette Came From The East,It Was That Of Spiritual Creation By The Great Spirit That Brought The Worlds into Existence That Life was Pure & Beautiful,& That Will Be The Dannette Will Return.
"For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth." Moses 3:4, Pearl of Great Price. The Much of what you believe is found and affirmed in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, and other Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Book of Mormon records the final battles of the Nephites between AD 300-400, the same time your people arrived where they are.
Good morning and salutations. My name is Vernon Shorty. Shi eh Nát'oh Dine'é nishłígo Dził’ taah Dine’é bashishchiin. Thus, in saying so, my teachings is quite different as far our origin story. My late grand father’s, the late Hot Chili Arizona and Lorenzo Tiis’ya’to proclaimed that we as Nát’toh Dine’é originated from Dookʼoʼoosłííd. It is said that we witnessed the arrival/emergence of other beings from the east. Curious as we were we sent an ambassador towards the smoke rising. When they returned, he described that they were almost alike. From our gish, tobacco pipe/pouch and appearance. So in saying that all five finger being came from the East, ( out of the highest form of respect) I disagree with you that all five fingered being came from the East. This is what I’m told and had been passed on to me by many of late elders. I thank you for your time and hearing me out. Have a good day.
If you do not know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord! Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You.
Recommend a book & teachings about "He Walked The America's". Jesus taught ppl to communicate with the Heavenly Father & when Jesus explained He would be leaving that He would send the Holy Spirit to be His followers instead of Himself, etc. There is much to be learned from others that didn't come under name of Christian yet had the Holy Spirit companion, etc. Whether Jesus also known as great white teacher/prophet, etc was in a glorified body or a body that became physical & left again is not explained. Being from the Order of Melchezedek once ascended could accomplish more with God the Father then ppl know about that came to America's as Christian's. The reason Jesus (Yesua & variations Hebrew & Aramaic; also was called by other names in other languages was referred to as great white -- was because at times He actually was in a great white light appearance). Jesus was seen this way a few times also in OT times & writings. 1 place in scripture is when he took a few apostles with & then met with Elijah, & others. The apostles wondered about setting up tents for them, etc & told & wrote of how The Presence & Appearance of changed & looked. There were at least 2 other times mentioned yet can't recall.
0:46 came from the East because they are apart of the 10 tribes that came over here during the time of Shalamanessar V the Assyrian King. 2 Esdras 13:40 Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of HOsea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land. 2 Esdras 13:41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and 👉🏽go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,👈🏽 2 Esdras 13:42 That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. 2 Esdras 13:43 And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river. 2 Esdras 13:44 For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over. 2 Esdras 13:45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth. 2 Esdras 13:46 Then dwelt they there until the latter time; and now when they shall begin to come, This is how Columbus knew to come over in 1492
No I am a Hebrew. Clearly you all never read an original 1611 KJV Bible or read lost tribes and promised lands that details the actual notes Columbus wrote and what he saw when he came over here or any of the books that detail the history of the 10 tribes and their descendants or you wouldn’t ask that. Yall must never heard of the Los Lunas decalogue stone with the Ten Commandments written in Samaritan style Hebrew thats in New Mexico either or the Tennessee stone, the Hopi stone, the Bat Creek stone, or any of the other stones the Native tribes left over otherwise i don’t necessarily think you would have asked those questions
The east? East leads to Israel... the holy people are the Israelites. There is a legend that king Solomon had sent emissaries to the American south west to mine for copper and precious stones and metals for the temple.
@@Vernay-1111 Because you bunch them up in a way that does not make sense to me. For example, I am speaking English, then I switch to Chinese, then I switch back to English, then I switch back to Chinese, etc..becomes annoying!
This is my first time to the channel....and appreciate hearing the original and translated words. I like all languages. Thanks for the response and have a good one...
Bless you for sharing your culture with us.
Thank you, again, Wally. So glad I found this channel.
Blessings for sharing your stories and Wisdom
i value and trust the trueness and accurateness kept of these stories.,as stories slightly change in books and historians.To hear this straight from elders handed down is absolutely fascinating.very privileged and grateful to have this shared to me
Thank you. Many are forgetting the traditional values and morals.
I consider myself very fortunate to have crossed paths with your words. I hold a special place in my heart for you and your people.
One of my favourite teachings this Wally.
Always meaningful but this feels special to me.
Thank you, Elder. 🙏🏼 Always a pleasurable and humbling experience. ☺️❤️
Yes always.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful culture, history and wisdom with us. I always look forward to listening to you.
Thank you for your teachings. My husband is full blood. When he was on summer breaks from Ganado, he would be sheep herding with shi masani, up at beaver eye above hunters point. Please excuse my spelling. He is txo di cheeni and txa chii nii. We lived there for 12 years in Fort Defiance. I figured I have a drop or two of navajo blood since my blood mixer with the babies as they were born. Howard insists I am navajo. I think I was prolly one thrown off a cliff by the Hopi.. Lol. Please keep up the good work. It reinforces all the stories my shi Hosteen tells me. Beauty to you are yours.
That's beautiful. Thier is the tonal the matter the physical and then nagual which is in-between matter I have found my personal ray of light that connects me to everything. And love. This guy's energy is beautiful.
I so treasure your teachings…I’m a fifth generation native of the Grand junction area. Also lived in Alamosa near the Great Blanca At one time. I am Blessed to be from here, and have always had questions about the ancient Ones. Your wisdom is greatly valued.
I really could live nowhere else, my spirit is Home here…Thank you so much, for filling in the blanks ❤️
Thank you so much for all you share with all of us✨🌎🌸🔥☀️
Thank you for sharing your culture with us. God bless you sir.
Thanks for your teachings that you pass down
This is beautiful! Thank you for helping us to make sure our culture isn’t lost.
It is always stored in the collective consciousness these things are never lost but it really is an awesome honour to learn your history and wisdoms.
great channel. thank you!
Thank you very much for sharing ! 🌺🍀🌸
Happy Friday!!! Thank You so much!..🐺🐢🐍🐴🐆🐈🐊🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🌞🐭🐦🙅
You are so peaceful. I love this about native Americans. I’m from Arizona. We have a big Navajo family in the state. I don’t like there anymore and I miss my home ☮️💕
Thank you for sharing 🌱🌱🌱❤
Love your channel!!!
Thank you for sharing this
Blessings be up in you and yours, Thankyou for sharing.
Love and Light Steve White hors.🙏🏼
Thank you for sharing your stories .
The sun rises from the east. Light equals Truth. Ponder your spirit and make it grow. You can take Wisdom with you but not gold.
Thank you very much 🙏
Thank you for your interesting stories.
Thank you.
Thanks for all your teachings. It was the missipi or so I believe historically as it is also called the Niles river, some tribes also came by ship from a few different directions.Thier is alot of historical significance that come from many of the tribes oral history but is ignored by so called historians despite the fact it can be found historically, But so too do they ignore historical truths for thier own story's which alot of times can be proven false, that's why they taught us history it literally means HIS STORY and for whatever reason most of is told by people who were never there, while ignoring the story's of the people who were there. All we can do I suppose is to make sure the information stays alive so that our actual history can at least be learned. May the creator of all, father of all bless you.
Thank you bro.love your stories respect.
Thank you for sharing wisdom 💯
Thank you Professor Brown. You are a gem. Pardon. Just one thing. Dził Ashdła'ii are the mountains next to Dolores, Colorado. LaSal Mountain is separate and further away, west and more monthly situated. I'm Utah Diné.
I have no Navajo or indigenous blood in me. I am from a clan on another continent. I have felt connected to My creator since I was a little girl. I enjoy these teachings.
Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks again for sharing this with us Colorado Silverback777 Stay Healthy.
Thanks again for your advice
You, Sir are an Earth ANGEL.
Thank you much gratitude for sharing
Such an awesome territory!
So much that should be said
So much that should be done
I would love to see a drawing or diagram of the spiral agriculture. It sounds very beautiful and I can't seem to find information about it anywhere
All this is such great history!
Squint Eastwood, sunrise entry EXIT way warm side of the house flower garden season😊
Thank you for your wisdom (and video of course :-))
Ya'teeh abi'nii Shi'kis'....👏
Where can I get a walking stick like yours
DJ Chancla www.navajotraditionalteachings.com
I am a Latter-day Saint and I find very many of the things you are teaching EXACTLY SIMILAR to the things we are taught, and if we apply ourselves to learn and understand our religion, the very same profound concepts that you elucidate so very well. Our immediate sources vary a little from yours but are ultimately exactly the same. The universe is the universe is the universe and was created by the same MAN OF HOLINESS. It seems that in this, our day, we are always learning but very seldom coming to or seeking after a knowledge of the Truth. As we do strive, we approach it a little more and understand and believe and trust it that much more. I am amazed at the similarities of what you teach to the essence and fundamentals of what we teach and believe........
There is truth in all cultures and a prophet has spoken to every people. Just in time for the world to understand this, there will come a false "ecumenical" movement, bringing all peoples religions together in the name of peace and safety but it will be a lie and will bring sudden destruction.
@@Mr.Pennington Very interesting.........
@@fredmetcalf what do mormons think of the the beasts of revelation 13?
@@Mr.Pennington SECTION 77
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, about March 1832. Joseph Smith’s history states, “In connection with the translation of the Scriptures, I received the following explanation of the Revelation of St. John.”
1-4, Beasts have spirits and will dwell in eternal felicity; 5-7, This earth has a temporal existence of 7,000 years; 8-10, Various angels restore the gospel and minister on earth; 11, The sealing of the 144,000; 12-14, Christ will come in the beginning of the seventh thousand years; 15, Two prophets will be raised up to the Jewish nation.
1 Q. What is the sea of glass spoken of by John, 4th chapter, and 6th verse of the Revelation?
A. It is the earth, in its sanctified, immortal, and eternal state.
2 Q. What are we to understand by the four beasts, spoken of in the same verse?
A. They are figurative expressions, used by the Revelator, John, in describing heaven, the paradise of God, the happiness of man, and of beasts, and of creeping things, and of the fowls of the air; that which is spiritual being in the likeness of that which is temporal; and that which is temporal in the likeness of that which is spiritual; the spirit of man in the likeness of his person, as also the spirit of the beast, and every other creature which God has created.
3 Q. Are the four beasts limited to individual beasts, or do they represent classes or orders?
A. They are limited to four individual beasts, which were shown to John, to represent the glory of the classes of beings in their destined border or sphere of creation, in the enjoyment of their eternal felicity.
4 Q. What are we to understand by the eyes and wings, which the beasts had?
A. Their eyes are a representation of light and knowledge, that is, they are full of knowledge; and their wings are a representation of power, to move, to act, etc.
5 Q. What are we to understand by the four and twenty elders, spoken of by John?
A. We are to understand that these elders whom John saw, were elders who had been faithful in the work of the ministry and were dead; who belonged to the seven churches, and were then in the paradise of God.
6 Q. What are we to understand by the book which John saw, which was sealed on the back with seven seals?
A. We are to understand that it contains the revealed will, mysteries, and the works of God; the hidden things of his economy concerning this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence.
7 Q. What are we to understand by the seven seals with which it was sealed?
A. We are to understand that the first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the second also of the second thousand years, and so on until the seventh.
8 Q. What are we to understand by the four angels, spoken of in the 7th chapter and 1st verse of Revelation?
A. We are to understand that they are four angels sent forth from God, to whom is given power over the four parts of the earth, to save life and to destroy; these are they who have the everlasting gospel to commit to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people; having power to shut up the heavens, to seal up unto life, or to cast down to the regions of darkness.
9 Q. What are we to understand by the angel ascending from the east, Revelation 7th chapter and 2nd verse?
A. We are to understand that the angel ascending from the east is he to whom is given the seal of the living God over the twelve tribes of Israel; wherefore, he crieth unto the four angels having the everlasting gospel, saying: Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And, if you will receive it, this is Elias which was to come to gather together the tribes of Israel and restore all things.
10 Q. What time are the things spoken of in this chapter to be accomplished?
A. They are to be accomplished in the sixth thousand years, or the opening of the sixth seal.
11 Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel-twelve thousand out of every tribe?
A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests, ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn.
12 Q. What are we to understand by the sounding of the trumpets, mentioned in the 8th chapter of Revelation?
A. We are to understand that as God made the world in six days, and on the seventh day he finished his work, and sanctified it, and also formed man out of the dust of the earth, even so, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years will the Lord God sanctify the earth, and complete the salvation of man, and judge all things, and shall redeem all things, except that which he hath not put into his power, when he shall have sealed all things, unto the end of all things; and the sounding of the trumpets of the seven angels are the preparing and finishing of his work, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years-the preparing of the way before the time of his coming.
13 Q. When are the things to be accomplished, which are written in the 9th chapter of Revelation?
A. They are to be accomplished after the opening of the seventh seal, before the coming of Christ.
14 Q. What are we to understand by the little book which was eaten by John, as mentioned in the 10th chapter of Revelation?
A. We are to understand that it was a mission, and an ordinance, for him to gather the tribes of Israel; behold, this is Elias, who, as it is written, must come and restore all things.
15 Q. What is to be understood by the two witnesses, in the eleventh chapter of Revelation?
A. They are two prophets that are to be raised up to the Jewish nation in the last days, at the time of the restoration, and to prophesy to the Jews after they are gathered and have built the city of Jerusalem in the land of their fathers.
If you search all this out with the footnotes, and study the footnotes carefully, more things will become apparent when understood in context. Follow this link, if you're interested:
Understanding these kinds of things requires sincere, persistent desire, study and personal internal effort........rgds, fm
How many thousands of years did the ancestors of the Diné first come over? Is it a possibility the continental drift has something to do with the discrepancy between what anthropologists say (the nomadic East Asian/Siberian peoples coming from the north), and the verbal traditional stories of them coming from the east?
I saw a picture of my Great Grandmother as a child, @ this time it was only black & white. She was dark as me & had long black pony tails wrapped in like a white cloth. She did not smile 'marketing brought about by some corporation'. Considering the area we know today as the Ohio valley region from Mexico to Canada were 'Shawnee" ? along with others... Ty Elder.
Thank you ❤️❤️
I need help with finding out what tribe I’m from on my mother’s side.could you point me to the means?My mother was born in French New Mexico near Toas. We think she was Navajo. I had my dna done , I’m 37 percent Native American . Thank you
Alice Martinez try pueblo.
Either the universe was always here, or it came into being. If it was always here, that violates the Law of Causality. If it came into being, that violates the Laws of Conservation.
According to natural laws, the universe can't be here.
Therefore, scientifically, the universe MUST have a supernatural origin.
God is greater than the laws he put in place for the universe to function.
Good descriptions, necklace river
Thank you listening to your history and culture has been helpful
Question: you talk about people with 5fingers was there others with less pr more than 5?
Did the Holy people have any dealings with the black race living near you
Stay your home open to the east for your friends and families return.
They should teach native culture in American schools in an expanded way and less of a gloss over to the forming of the country. But having left school over a decade ago I appreciate that I can watch this channel today.
Walley.. I really need some questions answered. I've lost both my grandparents, one in 1996 and other in 2018. I've recently discovered that I am a healer, but I am a bit confused about this. Please contact me.
Difference between spiritual mental mind over matter powerful, versus whatever whoever physically powerful through all materialism.
the East, being Atlantis, talking pre-flood Earth now. In the Druid culture that shares many ideas with Navajo their ancestors came from the West from their home in Ireland.
Talk About underneath us theres 7 different levels of land with 7 different civilizations and with 7 different languages
Hi Mr. Brown. I have watching your videos for some time and I find them very spiritual in your teaching. I am concerned about the spot on your right side of your face. Have you had that looked at? I had one just like that and it was a form of skin cancer. Have that looked at sir before it becomes cancerous.
From my independent research, it is no doubt that you came from the east. They were definitely some type of holy people here making their impact on* not just you, but others as well. ❤
Can u here the emotion in the story..?
I have a vision that soon indigenous brothers and sisters from Mexico and US will come together
Do you have to be Navajo to enter the fourth world?
Spirit is just another name for God, Mother Earth, life , fire water, earth and air is all Spirit
The widest water to the East is the Ocean.... Perhaps it is Far farther than one "Supposes ".. the journey from the East...
Grandfather, will you tell the story of the finding of tobacco plant and tell of its medicinal properties. I have experienced amongst friends and family their healing of asthma with the use of this plant smoked. As well, I have heard of problems with the use of the western allopatic prescription nicotine patches and chewing gums by those who attempt to quit the habit of smoking. It would seem that the problems are in the method of application. It seems the healing properties are in the inhalation of the smoke. Please, if there is one, tell us the story of tobacco. Its use has been banned in most places today and with this irrational hated of the uses of tobacco has come suffering and the most sound... noise...louder and louder with each prohibitive ordinance and rise in price-- non-smokers often purchase tobacco and give it to people wandering the streets with money. There something strangely magical that appears to be taking place with reference to the tobacco plant and its prohibition.
Nicotine and caffeine used in meds in the baby Nicu we were told a ob form of a pharmacy med caffeine was used to stimulate the heart Beats. If the patented duct not close after birth they used that. Baby was born 28 weeks and lived. When babies born the duct has to close to adapt to air breathing . If not babies look blue. A surgery can be done but the caffine is safer. Nicotine clamps down blood vessels . That why you avoid. It . Especially if you have high blood pressure .
I’ve forms of meds no smoke or eat in babies that I know of
Intervenses By vein
If you’re still on here, please reply in regards to whether you have found out anything else about tobacco🙏🏼
…or anything to read, anywhere to see for ourselves
Much love for sharing this, first time I’ve heard anything like this. Personal experience smoking tobacco: ‘straights’ - ready rolled cigarettes seem to be slightly more toxic and have had a few chest infections around/during times of smoking between 5-20 cigarettes a day… rolling tobacco; amber leaf, american spirit etc… seems cleaner though harsh on the throat/lungs, meaning you smoke less, plus these cigarettes last longer.
..Find that when I smoke for the sake of smoking it takes a toll on my chest; heart and lungs; still considering the possibility this could be some kind of psychosomatic effect in which due to our conditioning and my own conditioning of regarding tobacco as a killer of many lives, as if it had power to do so / pushing the blame from ourselves on to a plant… therefore my heart and lungs begin to feel heavy… anyways I’ve found when I smoke 1-2 cigarettes a day, most of the time mixed with around a 16th of a gram, my lungs/heart can feel very strong, again as far as I can perceive, this ‘strength’ correlates with a balanced mind, patience, good physical health etc… and most importantly participation with nature, family, people, books, film, music… and disruption of routines, have been very beneficial.
Peace and love
There were many dinosaurs in grand junction Colorado
The sun rises in the east
Grandfather Do You Know Why The Dannette Came From The East,It Was That Of Spiritual Creation By The Great Spirit That Brought The Worlds into Existence That Life was Pure & Beautiful,& That Will Be The Dannette Will Return.
"For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth."
Moses 3:4, Pearl of Great Price. The Much of what you believe is found and affirmed in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, and other Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Book of Mormon records the final battles of the Nephites between AD 300-400, the same time your people arrived where they are.
Good morning and salutations. My name is Vernon Shorty. Shi eh Nát'oh Dine'é nishłígo Dził’ taah Dine’é bashishchiin. Thus, in saying so, my teachings is quite different as far our origin story. My late grand father’s, the late Hot Chili Arizona and Lorenzo Tiis’ya’to proclaimed that we as Nát’toh Dine’é originated from Dookʼoʼoosłííd. It is said that we witnessed the arrival/emergence of other beings from the east. Curious as we were we sent an ambassador towards the smoke rising. When they returned, he described that they were almost alike. From our gish, tobacco pipe/pouch and appearance. So in saying that all five finger being came from the East, ( out of the highest form of respect) I disagree with you that all five fingered being came from the East. This is what I’m told and had been passed on to me by many of late elders. I thank you for your time and hearing me out. Have a good day.
We came across the Taachin’ii’s, from forth with, we greeted them as our closest relatives.
If you do not know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord! Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You.
Recommend a book & teachings about "He Walked The America's". Jesus taught ppl to communicate with the Heavenly Father & when Jesus explained He would be leaving that He would send the Holy Spirit to be His followers instead of Himself, etc. There is much to be learned from others that didn't come under name of Christian yet had the Holy Spirit companion, etc. Whether Jesus also known as great white teacher/prophet, etc was in a glorified body or a body that became physical & left again is not explained. Being from the Order of Melchezedek once ascended could accomplish more with God the Father then ppl know about that came to America's as Christian's. The reason Jesus (Yesua & variations Hebrew & Aramaic; also was called by other names in other languages was referred to as great white -- was because at times He actually was in a great white light appearance). Jesus was seen this way a few times also in OT times & writings. 1 place in scripture is when he took a few apostles with & then met with Elijah, & others. The apostles wondered about setting up tents for them, etc & told & wrote of how The Presence & Appearance of changed & looked. There were at least 2 other times mentioned yet can't recall.
creatures, so there were no other humans yu encountered? Yu were first to nomad here?
You got it.
o maybe the dutch ? tabaco
I wonder if the Holy People were the ancient Jews.
Sorry no.
@@EmorySage or Angels? Since they resemble human beings, but are Holy by nature.
below ground? Humans?
0:46 came from the East because they are apart of the 10 tribes that came over here during the time of Shalamanessar V the Assyrian King. 2 Esdras 13:40 Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of HOsea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land.
2 Esdras 13:41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and 👉🏽go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,👈🏽
2 Esdras 13:42 That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land.
2 Esdras 13:43 And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river.
2 Esdras 13:44 For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over.
2 Esdras 13:45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth.
2 Esdras 13:46 Then dwelt they there until the latter time; and now when they shall begin to come, This is how Columbus knew to come over in 1492
Come again? Lol
Are you Mormon? 🤣😂
No I am a Hebrew. Clearly you all never read an original 1611 KJV Bible or read lost tribes and promised lands that details the actual notes Columbus wrote and what he saw when he came over here or any of the books that detail the history of the 10 tribes and their descendants or you wouldn’t ask that. Yall must never heard of the Los Lunas decalogue stone with the Ten Commandments written in Samaritan style Hebrew thats in New Mexico either or the Tennessee stone, the Hopi stone, the Bat Creek stone, or any of the other stones the Native tribes left over otherwise i don’t necessarily think you would have asked those questions
The east? East leads to Israel... the holy people are the Israelites. There is a legend that king Solomon had sent emissaries to the American south west to mine for copper and precious stones and metals for the temple.
Navajo, Stop saying those ridiculous words.
@@Vernay-1111 Because you bunch them up in a way that does not make sense to me. For example, I am speaking English, then I switch to Chinese, then I switch back to English, then I switch back to Chinese, etc..becomes annoying!
This is my first time to the channel....and appreciate hearing the original and translated words. I like all languages. Thanks for the response and have a good one...
@@MyOsirius so?
Thank you.