Geetsly's have you given the canon audio drama Dooku Jedi lost a listen (or its script that got released on hardcover a read)? I think it has an outright vision of order 66
Geetsly Rex didn't kill Pong Krell Clone Trooper Dogma did. As Rex was unable to kill a Jedi general at the time even though Pong Krell systematically killed his brothers and turned Dogma against his own brothers.
@@barnabassebesteny1490 Kreia philosophy: "See through the eyes of the Exile." Stray nether to the Dark side or to the Light side. In some ways, both corrupt.
I think he would have prevent Order 66 in my opinion. Plus Anakin would've been a completely different person to the one we see the movies l and lll. Including the Clone Wars.
I don't think so, but it is nice to think that he could. The problems with the Jedi Order (specifically the Council) were present from their introduction in The Phantom Menace. They aren't going to change on their own just because Anakin entered the order. That being said, change would be possible, but a lot would have to happen. Qui-Gon would have to survive Naboo. If he does, then he would have become Anakin's teacher while Obi-Wan would essentially be Knighted and turned loose. Qui-Gon would definitely be a more lax teacher than Obi-Wan, and definitely more exploratory. Anakin would have been introduced to a far more varied education than the rigid framework the Temple offered. Think Uncle Iroh and Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. That's Qui-Gon and Anakin except the latter pair get along a little better because Anakin at nine years old isn't quite the little ball of angst, pain, and rage that Zuko was, and having Qui-Gon around to carefully mold and shape Anakin would definitely go a long way to softening him up and helping Anakin mature. He'd be a very different man in Episode II- more chill and much less awkward and creepy. He and Padme would have a much easier path to falling in love because Qui-Gon would ship them so hard. Come Episode III, and Anakin would absolutely not fall to the Dark Side despite the horrors of the Clone Wars. It's easier to resist if Qui-Gon is still alive because Anakin would be going to him and not Palpatine, but even if Qui-Gon is dead, Anakin's in a much more stable place in his heart, mind, and soul that he'd be fine. In the post-war Jedi Order, Anakin would absolutely be made a Master and would be charging hard as a voice for change, with Obi-Wan Kenobi there to back him up.
@@SamaritanPrime I 💯% agree with your statement. Although it is possible that even a single person can change whole world in reality. Then a Jedi could very well do the same thing as well, it's been proven time and again in "legends." By fixing all it flaws, for example, cut tries with the Republic and putting there focus on the lower and mid regions of the galaxy. And the lower level districts of Coruscant and Nar shaddaa.
@@SamaritanPrime Also Qui-Gon would have to prevent the "attack of the Clone" and "Clone Wars" from ever happening in the first place. Because the young and old Jedi alike will only be succumb to the dark side in a very unhealthy way, due to war and tragedy having effects on them mentally and physically by the beginning and middle of the "Revenge of the Sith."
I would have in my fanfic qui gon saw corruption destroying the Jedi and the republic and was one who knew the sith are not dead But he knew for the sith to be defeated the Jedi must be destroyed first so he made a secret army with a few grey acolytes to start a revolution to dethrone the republic and make a new He wanted obi wan (much to the dismay of his secret apprentice) and anakin to be his generals but when he died his secret apprentice was force to become the leader of his army, he suspected dark things with palpatine so he chose to fight with the republic to gather evidence to bring him down
I thought Yoda's take was similar to Dr. Strange's in the MCU. He saw a path that would give them all a chance at the future and chose to follow it rather than fight against something coming that he didn't believe could be prevented and wasn't entirely sure should be. As you said, he realised the Jedi had wandered off their own path.
that and the jedi order would've saw him as another syfodias and likely would've just assumed his spirit was under attack by the sith like they already assumed
Yeah I agreed with everything except that final take. He didn’t do anything at that point not because he was still clinging to the republic but because at that particular it really was too far gone. @geetsly go back to that episode. Yoda asks if he can do anything and the answer is effectively no. The order as it stands is too far gone. But then it becomes established that the order will be remade in the future more true to the core of its ideals and principles (ie Luke). It’s not fair to say Yoda did nothing because he was unwilling. He did nothing out of the final necessity of his ark. Because at that point it truly was too late to fix the council. They woulda just thought Yoda lost his mind too.
You forgot about Jorus C'baoth. He foresaw a galaxywide conflict that would destroy the Jedi and so he sought to take as many as he could to found a new Order of Jedi on Outbound Flight. He was arguably the first to sense this.
I know he technically is Legends, but I think Rahm Kota is a sort of honorable mention. While he didn't have a vision or foresee Order 66, he was smart enough not to trust the clones and instead relied on his own militia.
@@blackshogun272 Well, I count everything that Canon doesn't contradict from Legends as Canon. So basically everything from the Old Republic. And who says, there was no Rahm Kota in Canon?
@@ARCTrooperStudios8108 just gonna say it. Fives wasn't a Captain. His Rank was Arc Trooper given to him after the battle of kamino by Rex and Cody. And before that he was just a Trooper 🙃
@@Eruptor1000 True, but I also think you could see it as them not really having much of a choice. The Separatists already had a huge and well organized army, the Jedi had just lost the majority of skilled knights on Geonosis and the Clones gave them an army that could match the Separatists. A possible threat or not, its all that was available.
I think this list should have included Eno Cordova, at least going by his backstory in Jedi Fallen Order. He supposedly hid the holocron in the Zeffo vault specifically in response to a vision of the Jedi's impending end.
I prefer the theory from Generation Tech, that Yoda stayed quiet, cause he also realized, that he needed to follow the guidance of the force and let happen, what will happen
The best thing about Sheevs plan was that they couldn’t just stand down the clone army and get rid of them! Otherwise the CIS would win, there wasn’t enough planetary defense forces to combine into an effective fighting force
Ben Dam well if you saw season 7 of the Clone Wars Maul said that he didn’t know how Sidious gonna destroy jedi order he was as surpriced as all jedi but he was kinda satisfied with that
I think Yoda was less in denial, and more planning for the long game. He got a wider view of what would happened after Morriban, and, realizing that Sidious’ victory was pretty inevitable, started planning for surviving long enough to train Luke, more or less doing to Sidious what Sidious had done to Anakin and the Jedi
He could have done more in my opinion. Well ig his actions are up for debate he definitely could have done more. I don't have a problem with what you said but if that's the case the new sequel trilogy made his actions go to vain. Yes he trained luke who failed to restore a new order and turn his back on everyone and then eventually destroy everything he knew. Order 66 could have probably been prevented all the way up until Mace attacked sidous.
@@geetslys He didn't exactly have a force vision. But he was cautious and careful about putting all his trust on solders lack some information for their overall creation. Other than Sifo-Dyas's involvement, Jango Fett and the Sith pulling the strings too. So I can't really blame him for not trusting them completely compare to the average Jedi Knight or Jedi Master.
@@geetslys Hey you should make a video about Rahm Kota distrust for clone troopers and other Jedi who felt the same way and escape the blaster of death.
fun fact: Rex didn't kill him, a clone who followed Krell orders, took the shot. I just wanted you all to know. But he is the one who cause this outcome to happen in the first place.
@@geetslys Three forsee the future of order 66. Sifo-Dyas build a army to fight the Sith; only to be betrayed by his former friend count Dooku. Yoda did nothing and Pong Krell betrayed the Republic and Jedi order.
In my opinion Pong Krell wasn't really woke. He saw it as a opportunity to change sides. He didn't even take action to save his own follow Jedi or the galaxy. Only to save himself and work for the winning side. He forced clone troopers to kill each other. Their own brothers! That's fuck up, ordering your own soldiers to kill their own fresh and blood.
I think I can give Yoda some slack. His test was making him face his fears. It was showing him a future of the Jedi's destruction and tempting him with the Dark Side. A future that _could_ be but wasn't yet. Getting a little meta, there is a danger in letting yourself get caught up in "what if's" and "what will". Just look at what happened to Sifo Dyas. Living in fear of what can happen will only hurt you more. It's easy to look back at a story and say "they should have done this" but I think Yoda did the best he could and interpretted his visions wisely.
The uncomfortable truth is - either Yoda was not as powerful as he appeared to be or he failed to trust his own judgement. Everyday for years he looked into the eyes of the Sith Lord standing just feet in front of him and he had no clue what was going on. At least he understood the Jedi ability to use the Force was diminished. Still, he led the Jedi Order into utter disaster. A great teacher he may have been, but a great leader he was not.
I don't know what definition of woke you're using if it includes pong krell. A literal traitor to any concept of freedom and democracy possible by defacto joining the sith once he realized the Jedi were being manipulated and the republic was becoming a fascist state.
@@azure9809 He basically chose the winning side after seeing the Jedi order lose to the Sith and were powerless against them. He went rogue to save his own skin. No more, no less.
I think yoda knew he could do nothing by the time he saw his vision and to win in the long game he had to let the order he led fall. Despite the inevitability of it all the guilt would still consume him in his exile.
Interesting! What about Jaro Tapal and Ahsoka? They both managed to feel the effects of Order 66 right before it happened, thereby saving themselves. I don't think they exactly foresaw the deception, but they were aware of it as it happened across the galaxy
Imagine a series or movie about Sifo-Dyas, Dooku and Plagueis. Basically an origin story of the Clone Wars, they could show Dooku seeking out Jango Fett and showing what happened to Sifo-Dyas and how the Jedi Council reacted to him. That'd be kool to see on the big screen. I'm sure they'd be able to add onto the story, maybe with a young Palpatine.
It was a losing situation either way. 1. Yoda warns the Order, results in them fleeing the Republic in the middle of the Clone War. It will make them appear theyve betrayed the Republic after holding it together peacefully for over a thousand generations. 2. Yoda warns the Order, and they go on the attack 1st. This will make them look like they've betrayed the Republic after holding it together peacefully for over a thousand generations. Worse case scenario, with the Jedi going on the offensive 1st over this clouded vision as oppose to getting actual facts first to determine insurrection within the Republic, is going to temp many Jedi to fall away from the tenets of the Jedi Order perhaps turning them to the dark side.... "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never attack" - Yoda Plagueis/ Sidious knew exactly where to hit them using the Jedi/Republic's own rules against them.
I would love to think that Yoda did nothing and let his family(the order) fall, I'm just chaotic like that. However, in just about every story I've heard, all the people who tried to do something about the futures they saw ended up being the reason those futures came to pass. Another reason is that Yoda can't simply get rid of the entire clone force and start asking people to join the war instead; honestly, I think his best bet was to ride it out and do what he could against whatever came along in the present.
I don't know. I feel like you're assigning motive to Yoda that I don't personally see. My take away was that Yoda only saw one way to protect the order, and that was through Luke. He couldn't save the others.
I may need to rewatch clone wars (do I really need an excuse?) but I always interpreted Yoda not doing anything as he felt that it was inevitable and trusted in the will of the Force. Ahsoka did say in Rebels that in the later years, he seemed to carry a sadness with him, which suggests to me that he did know what was coming. And if he knew what was coming, he probably wasn't ignoring that it was the Republic, but that he did understand that the Jedi as they were were coming to an end. It is entirely possible that he didn't know what that end would entail, maybe he thought that the Jedi would completely lose their way and fall to the dark side, or that they would be disbanded, or something that may have entailed a more metaphorical end rather than a literal end
The Jedi went bye bye and only Yoda, Jaro Tapal, Evo Cordova, Syfo Dias, Pong Krell and Ashoka knew that the Jedi were going to die and were dying Edit: The Jedi are more bots then Droids are
Hi bud it was the clone who was incharge of the squad an never questioned Krell’s orders, I think his name was Dogma n look it up on wiki. Still a brilliant video my friend
If I had foreseen Order 66, I would have discreetly taken measures to ensure the Order's eventual rise. Discreet so as to not alert Sidious to my plan. Measures would have included: making a backup of the entire Jedi Archives, taking the most important holocrons, and have Masters, Knights and Younglings "disappear". The Order as it was before The Purge had become a hollow shell of what it once was. Once this kind of rot sets in, there is very little that can bring it back from the brink. If there is a foundation, let it crumble so it can rebuild better than ever. Don't prevent it. Let it happen and learn from it.
I would've done the same thing as Rahm Kota. And recommend the Jedi order to cut tires with the Republic and focus their efforts on low and mid regions of the galaxy. Especially they adapt to Kreia philosophy and finally end the Sith and destroy the Republic. Inside, though the use of evidence and conspiracies.
If I had see Order 66 and was a general I would of order for all the chips to be removed from my men and then find a save planet in the out most of the outer rim for clone deserters, with my men being the first to go there. I'd also leave the jedi order, because it is human nature to have emotions.
It kind of reminds me of the episode of Buffy the vampire slayer where spike is teaching her how he killed three slayers and he told her that in the end, it wasn’t the punch you didn’t throw or the kick you didn’t land, it was just that they were tired and secretly they no longer WANTED to continue fighting.
Have you ever done anything on the Fallen spieces or the character Prince Zizor...some of the stories of him trying to court Leia are pretty good .... Also do you think that Disney will ever explore the Zuzang Vong in any way in duture material
@@slicedbread1084 I agree. Pong Krell forced clone troopers to kill each other. Their own brothers! That's fuck up, ordering your own soldiers to kill their own fresh and blood.
I would have resigned from the order immediately after having my first vision. I would have informed the council and left out on the first thing smoking lol
This reminded me of what the Bendu from Rebeles once said. He stated that perhaps it was the will of the force that the Jedi perished. Whether that adds anything I don’t know, but it was something that was interesting to think about.
lucas lucas it was a good reference to the Legends continuity. Almost all important beings in the Legends timeline that used critical thinking coupled with their disillusionment or hatred of the Jedi could see in many ways how the Order would fall disastrously on its face. And that would happen by the hands of an unstoppable enemy or by the hands of their allies. Both of those scenarios happened at least twice in the far future...
If the Jedi had heeded the warnings, and after General Grevious invaded Coruscant, they could have set up a fall back temple. I think the formet temple on Dantooine would have been a good fall back point.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Not sure on Yoda myself, perhaps he had begun something behind the scenes but was too late? Hmm...In legends Yaddle Died...perhaps in Cannon she was sent by Yoda to a hidden place while she was on Maternity leave?
I always thought that yoda was playing a long game. And he knew the Jedi order HAD to die to make rise for the future generations and the future of the galaxy
The story of ORder 66 is VERY similar to that of Knights Templar and how King Philip IV of France ordered them all assassinated in 1303. It's fascinating history and where George modeling it from. The Mandalorians were modeled after the Spartans and paralled the Jedi and the mandalorians too.
Krell would have been to powerful to be an inquisitor. All the inquisitors were purposefully weak and easy to control so they wouldn't usurp palpatine's position. 1 of 2 scenarios would play out if Krell succeeded. 1. Krell succeeds at destroying the republic forces on Umbara. Krell then seeks out Dooku. Dooku seeing Krell's ambition and power in the dark side takes him as a secret apprentice and trains him so dooku can kill palpatine and take his place as the new Sith Lord. 2. Krell is again successful on Umbara and gains the attention of dooku. However due to Krell's power and loyalty palpatine will see Krell as a threat and will have Dooku again kill his apprentice to show his loyalty OR after Krell is sufficiently trained, palpatine will have Dooku and Krell duel to see who is truly Worthy to serve him as his apprentice.
Kenneth Huffman I would've been down if Krell had survived his execution (due to alien biology) and escaped Republic capture. And from there he continues training in the ways of The Force but now specifically in the field of the Dark Side. A dark side empowered Krell would be kinda overpowered if you think about it. And imagine if he could channel electricity (like ancient Sith Inquisitors) through his dual blades !? *Sweats in wanting to write a new fanfic*
If it were me, I'd try to prevent it, or at least warn a few people to at least minimize the damage as much as I could. If I didn't I feel I would be letting Fives, Tup, Kix, and AZ down, after all, they went through to reveal the plot and try to save the Jedi and Republic. Sure both had their problems, especially during this era, but to quote Ezra about a time before the Empire during the time of the Republic and Jedi, "I remember a time when things were better on Lothal. Maybe not great, but definitely better than this." Anything is better than the Empire. Plus, I'm sure I could convince a good number of Clones to remove their chips, mostly from the good battalions and legions, like the 501st, 212th, and Wolf Pack.
Well, to be fair, the future can hardly be changed--Master Yoda most likely didn't bother because he saw it pointless to prevent the Clones from attacking the Jedi.
I think you're overlooking the idea that Yoda may have interpreted his vision as something sent by the Sith or the Dark Side to attempt to lure him into despair.
ImpulsiveLad I mean, Aayla Secura be lookin kinda bad tho with that combat bra and leggings bruh. We all know Commander Bly be out here peekin dat ass in combat 😂
I saw Yodas vision differently. He did nothing BECAUSE he had such a clear vision. With his vision he knew what was going to happen. He did nothing because if he did it would alter the future. Changing it from a known variable to an unknown potentially far worse outcome.
I find the last bit very sad because it is known that Yoda couldn't do anything about it. It is ofcourse popular opinion that he could, but Yoda understood that order 66 would happen and that he couldn't stop it. And in a way, it was for the best because as you mentioned, the Jedi had gone too far by loving the Galactic Republic and not wanting to see it's flaws. It had to start anew and only via the destruction, the Jedi order could be reborn and shaped to be good
One of the common struggles of any organization or individual is finding *real* purpose. What does one want to live for? What does one feel is worth dying for? What fears does one have about death? What does one fear about the outcomes for the rest of humanity? The Star Wars story asks all of these questions and shows a great deal many of possible outcomes (this is legends and cannon). Well, everyone likes a good hero story.....except actual villains..... When one is in tune with the pulse of the world, one knows when trouble is coming. One has to be able to accept it, one has to be able to survive it, and if one is capable, one should fight against it. Maybe I ranted too much.........
Maybe Yoda did nothing because he knew that the only way to cleanse rot as terrible as what had infested the Jedi Council was through purifying fire. So he watched as the Jedi burned, in hopes that something new and better would rise up.
So this is kind of a stretch, but maybe the reason Yoda didn’t say anything was because of the first Jedi on this list, he tried to warn them and they didn’t listen, so maybe that was one of Yoda‘s reasons for not saying anything, who would’ve believed him? And with his understanding that this is inevitable, maybe he just preferred to ensure his connection to the force rather than preserving this fallen order?
Yoda had already been tempted with false visions by sidious and dooku it's no wonder he doubted it plus the force is always in motion so his actions to stop it could really have lead to it so he didn't say anything.
The Jedi Council during the Clone Wars: "No, no, no. The Republic does not have evil within it." "Haha, Sith controlling Republic go brr." The Jedi Council before the Clone Wars: "The republic is evil, let's fight against them." "Yes."
Yoda didn't do anything because he realised that order 66 and sith victory is protected by plot armor of entire 2 trilogies, so there was nothing he could have done
That entire game revolves around this same idea: The jedi rely on the force so much that they actually become less able than regular everyday humans in certain ways whenever they can't use the force. Sidious managed to partially blind them to the future and in so doing he removed their ability to foresee anything.
Sven Hallgren to the day, I still believe Sidious and Plagueis castes an ancient Sith spell on Coruscant to leave a constant smog of dark side energy across the planet. What kinda disturbs me though is why the Jedi didn't try to use a light side technique to purge Coruscant of the swelling darkness that clouded their vision ? Cuz there's no way even 2 of the most powerful Sith Lords ever could create a power that couldn't be erased by the might of over 10,000 Jedi...
They were using the Dark Side the entire time that's why most Fallen Jedi survived and were able to hide in exile until the end of Palpatine's reign. They weren't clouded by the DS because they were one with it. Some became his inquisitor's instead.
Same here. I would've done the same thing as Rahm Kota. And recommend the Jedi order to cut tires with the Republic and focus their efforts on the low and mid regions of the galaxy. Especially with adapting to Kreia philosophy and finally end the Sith and destroy the Republic. Inside, though the use of evidence and conspiracies.
@@alexanderedinger Yet he still survived order 66. Without being blasted from every direction, like his follow Jedi. That pretty much a win in my opinion.
@@alexanderedinger Well yeah that's true he didn't foresee the future. He just didn't trust the clones, like most Jedi. In other words he was just smart and cautious compared to most of his Jedi peers.
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Geetsly's have you given the canon audio drama Dooku Jedi lost a listen (or its script that got released on hardcover a read)? I think it has an outright vision of order 66
Geetsly Rex didn't kill Pong Krell Clone Trooper Dogma did. As Rex was unable to kill a Jedi general at the time even though Pong Krell systematically killed his brothers and turned Dogma against his own brothers.
Apathy is death!
@@barnabassebesteny1490 Kreia philosophy: "See through the eyes of the Exile." Stray nether to the Dark side or to the Light side. In some ways, both corrupt.
When a droid 4000 years ago sees the Jedi’s future, you know something’s up
Plz explain
HK 47 Is a bad ass
CommanderZoot Hellsing hk 47 is a tactical precursor
Boba fett is my favorite sith Lord
Rex didn't kill Kell, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Dogma killed Krell
I agree with your statement. Just like how Dogma killed the Jedi order.
@@emilcampos487 true dat👏🏿
If krell had succeeded he could have prevented order 66
All the more reason its sad
@@eshaanjain9379 I doubt it.
It makes me wonder that if Qui-Gon knew how corrupt the Republic was, could he have done something tot at least minimize the damage of Order 66?
I think he would have prevent Order 66 in my opinion. Plus Anakin would've been a completely different person to the one we see the movies l and lll. Including the Clone Wars.
I don't think so, but it is nice to think that he could.
The problems with the Jedi Order (specifically the Council) were present from their introduction in The Phantom Menace. They aren't going to change on their own just because Anakin entered the order.
That being said, change would be possible, but a lot would have to happen. Qui-Gon would have to survive Naboo. If he does, then he would have become Anakin's teacher while Obi-Wan would essentially be Knighted and turned loose. Qui-Gon would definitely be a more lax teacher than Obi-Wan, and definitely more exploratory. Anakin would have been introduced to a far more varied education than the rigid framework the Temple offered.
Think Uncle Iroh and Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. That's Qui-Gon and Anakin except the latter pair get along a little better because Anakin at nine years old isn't quite the little ball of angst, pain, and rage that Zuko was, and having Qui-Gon around to carefully mold and shape Anakin would definitely go a long way to softening him up and helping Anakin mature. He'd be a very different man in Episode II- more chill and much less awkward and creepy. He and Padme would have a much easier path to falling in love because Qui-Gon would ship them so hard.
Come Episode III, and Anakin would absolutely not fall to the Dark Side despite the horrors of the Clone Wars. It's easier to resist if Qui-Gon is still alive because Anakin would be going to him and not Palpatine, but even if Qui-Gon is dead, Anakin's in a much more stable place in his heart, mind, and soul that he'd be fine. In the post-war Jedi Order, Anakin would absolutely be made a Master and would be charging hard as a voice for change, with Obi-Wan Kenobi there to back him up.
@@SamaritanPrime I 💯% agree with your statement. Although it is possible that even a single person can change whole world in reality. Then a Jedi could very well do the same thing as well, it's been proven time and again in "legends." By fixing all it flaws, for example, cut tries with the Republic and putting there focus on the lower and mid regions of the galaxy. And the lower level districts of Coruscant and Nar shaddaa.
@@SamaritanPrime Also Qui-Gon would have to prevent the "attack of the Clone" and "Clone Wars" from ever happening in the first place. Because the young and old Jedi alike will only be succumb to the dark side in a very unhealthy way, due to war and tragedy having effects on them mentally and physically by the beginning and middle of the "Revenge of the Sith."
I would have in my fanfic qui gon saw corruption destroying the Jedi and the republic and was one who knew the sith are not dead
But he knew for the sith to be defeated the Jedi must be destroyed first so he made a secret army with a few grey acolytes to start a revolution to dethrone the republic and make a new
He wanted obi wan (much to the dismay of his secret apprentice) and anakin to be his generals but when he died his secret apprentice was force to become the leader of his army, he suspected dark things with palpatine so he chose to fight with the republic to gather evidence to bring him down
I thought Yoda's take was similar to Dr. Strange's in the MCU. He saw a path that would give them all a chance at the future and chose to follow it rather than fight against something coming that he didn't believe could be prevented and wasn't entirely sure should be. As you said, he realised the Jedi had wandered off their own path.
I think Qui-Gon got a similar glimps in the Maul fight, and also took that path.
that and the jedi order would've saw him as another syfodias and likely would've just assumed his spirit was under attack by the sith like they already assumed
@@hamishbartholomaeus And Obi-Wan in the final standoff with Vader.
Yeah I agreed with everything except that final take. He didn’t do anything at that point not because he was still clinging to the republic but because at that particular it really was too far gone.
@geetsly go back to that episode. Yoda asks if he can do anything and the answer is effectively no. The order as it stands is too far gone. But then it becomes established that the order will be remade in the future more true to the core of its ideals and principles (ie Luke).
It’s not fair to say Yoda did nothing because he was unwilling. He did nothing out of the final necessity of his ark. Because at that point it truly was too late to fix the council. They woulda just thought Yoda lost his mind too.
Krell was just being a jerk about him leaving the Jedi Order.
He could have been an excellent Inquisitor if Tup didn't shot him in the back. Just imagine him with two of those spinning lightsabers
I'm pretty sure Dogma was the one who killed him.
Mattmortar You were right. My bad. Besides they all have the same face, right?
Isaac Kim That’s a virtually indestructible Inquisitor. They would legit have to get 10-20 Jedi with a plan of some sort to stop him 😅
It was dogma.
You forgot about Jorus C'baoth. He foresaw a galaxywide conflict that would destroy the Jedi and so he sought to take as many as he could to found a new Order of Jedi on Outbound Flight. He was arguably the first to sense this.
I know he technically is Legends, but I think Rahm Kota is a sort of honorable mention. While he didn't have a vision or foresee Order 66, he was smart enough not to trust the clones and instead relied on his own militia.
MrTerminator 645 Legends is Canon...
*To me at least*
@@blackshogun272 Well, I count everything that Canon doesn't contradict from Legends as Canon. So basically everything from the Old Republic. And who says, there was no Rahm Kota in Canon?
@Alex Thao Yes. Nearly everything from the time before Disney bought Star Wars is Legends. Beside the movies basically only TCW survived
HK-47 was used and he's legends.
Funny, Fives foresaw Order 66 and he was a clone trooper
Well he had a piece of metal in his head that told him it would happen directly
@@senatorluxbonteri6065 Duhh. I know that
@@ARCTrooperStudios8108 just gonna say it. Fives wasn't a Captain. His Rank was Arc Trooper given to him after the battle of kamino by Rex and Cody. And before that he was just a Trooper 🙃
Captain Fives are the nightmares over
Wait!?, CAPTAIN fives?!
Wasn't the fact that they cloned Jango kinda sus?? I mean he tried to kill mace and worked with dooku? nobody suspected something?
He was a bounty hunter so, his loyalty probably wasn’t too much of a factor.
@@MedTech37572 I know but it should've been seen as a threat.. it's the grand republic not some local militia buying some clones...
@@Eruptor1000 True, but I also think you could see it as them not really having much of a choice. The Separatists already had a huge and well organized army, the Jedi had just lost the majority of skilled knights on Geonosis and the Clones gave them an army that could match the Separatists. A possible threat or not, its all that was available.
@@MedTech37572 True
He even vented in front of Obi-Wan!
I think this list should have included Eno Cordova, at least going by his backstory in Jedi Fallen Order.
He supposedly hid the holocron in the Zeffo vault specifically in response to a vision of the Jedi's impending end.
I prefer the theory from Generation Tech, that Yoda stayed quiet, cause he also realized, that he needed to follow the guidance of the force and let happen, what will happen
The best thing about Sheevs plan was that they couldn’t just stand down the clone army and get rid of them! Otherwise the CIS would win, there wasn’t enough planetary defense forces to combine into an effective fighting force
I know he’s not a Jedi, but Maul sensed it as well
Sidious told maul.
Ben Dam well if you saw season 7 of the Clone Wars Maul said that he didn’t know how Sidious gonna destroy jedi order he was as surpriced as all jedi but he was kinda satisfied with that
I mean, he probably knew Sidious’ endgame, so that was why he was cleaning house in the siege of mandalore. He wanted to get the hell out of dodge
@@Jungoguy fair
I think Yoda was less in denial, and more planning for the long game. He got a wider view of what would happened after Morriban, and, realizing that Sidious’ victory was pretty inevitable, started planning for surviving long enough to train Luke, more or less doing to Sidious what Sidious had done to Anakin and the Jedi
He could have done more in my opinion. Well ig his actions are up for debate he definitely could have done more. I don't have a problem with what you said but if that's the case the new sequel trilogy made his actions go to vain. Yes he trained luke who failed to restore a new order and turn his back on everyone and then eventually destroy everything he knew. Order 66 could have probably been prevented all the way up until Mace attacked sidous.
@@shadowmenace1672 the sequel trilogy is non-canon now, the timeline stops at the end of the Mandalorian for now
Rahm Kota in a way foresaw it, he had an army that was not clones.
True, he just didn’t trust them, could be for other reasons
@@geetslys He didn't exactly have a force vision. But he was cautious and careful about putting all his trust on solders lack some information for their overall creation. Other than Sifo-Dyas's involvement, Jango Fett and the Sith pulling the strings too. So I can't really blame him for not trusting them completely compare to the average Jedi Knight or Jedi Master.
@@geetslys Hey you should make a video about Rahm Kota distrust for clone troopers and other Jedi who felt the same way and escape the blaster of death.
HK-47 was woke before it was cool
Lord Momin: Hold My Beer.
Yoda was also woke due to seeing order 66 in the clone war. But hold back the information due to Sideous promise of a galactic Kematine Empire
69th like
Rex didn’t kill krell, it was dogma
I 100% agree.
fun fact: Rex didn't kill him, a clone who followed Krell orders, took the shot. I just wanted you all to know. But he is the one who cause this outcome to happen in the first place.
@@geetslys is that possible to learn this power?
@@galadato7425 only from a memer
3 WOKE Jedi who forsaw order 66
*Shows lots of pictures of Yoda before he's mentioned*
It’s totally gonna be Yaddle
@@geetslys It's alive or did I miss something important over the past few months
Btw are you still streaming?
Yannic yaddle isn’t proven to be dead so we believe she is alive since she left the order before order 66
@@geetslys Three forsee the future of order 66. Sifo-Dyas build a army to fight the Sith; only to be betrayed by his former friend count Dooku. Yoda did nothing and Pong Krell betrayed the Republic and Jedi order.
@@svns4411 Good to know. Thanks for your information mate :D
In my opinion Pong Krell wasn't really woke. He saw it as a opportunity to change sides. He didn't even take action to save his own follow Jedi or the galaxy. Only to save himself and work for the winning side. He forced clone troopers to kill each other. Their own brothers! That's fuck up, ordering your own soldiers to kill their own fresh and blood.
I think yoda realized that the jedi order was turning into the thing it sought to destroy, and so let it be purged so he could build it anew
I think I can give Yoda some slack. His test was making him face his fears. It was showing him a future of the Jedi's destruction and tempting him with the Dark Side. A future that _could_ be but wasn't yet.
Getting a little meta, there is a danger in letting yourself get caught up in "what if's" and "what will". Just look at what happened to Sifo Dyas. Living in fear of what can happen will only hurt you more.
It's easy to look back at a story and say "they should have done this" but I think Yoda did the best he could and interpretted his visions wisely.
The Jedi were so dependent on magic foresight to see that they could no longer look with their own eyes.
The uncomfortable truth is - either Yoda was not as powerful as he appeared to be or he failed to trust his own judgement. Everyday for years he looked into the eyes of the Sith Lord standing just feet in front of him and he had no clue what was going on. At least he understood the Jedi ability to use the Force was diminished. Still, he led the Jedi Order into utter disaster. A great teacher he may have been, but a great leader he was not.
If I were privy to the fact that the Jedi were doomed to destruction, I would’ve kept saying something about it, even if no one listened!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You would not be saying anything for long if you got in Palpatine's way.
Real World: woke = politically correct
Star Wars: woke = politically incorrect
Star wars does teach us to be more open minded and don't trust your government so easily.
I don't know what definition of woke you're using if it includes pong krell. A literal traitor to any concept of freedom and democracy possible by defacto joining the sith once he realized the Jedi were being manipulated and the republic was becoming a fascist state.
@@azure9809 He basically chose the winning side after seeing the Jedi order lose to the Sith and were powerless against them. He went rogue to save his own skin. No more, no less.
@@kingnamor777 Yeah. He's pretty pathetic. And honestly, due to his actions, deserved what he got.
@@azure9809 That guy made a bitch move, turning his back on the Jedi order. Instead of doing everything in his power to save them all.
I think Sipho Dias’s force vision was a self filling prophecy he saw the Jedi die and unknowingly took steps to make it happen
Cordova from fallen order also had visions of order 66,but the council didn’t believe him.
I think yoda knew he could do nothing by the time he saw his vision and to win in the long game he had to let the order he led fall. Despite the inevitability of it all the guilt would still consume him in his exile.
Interesting! What about Jaro Tapal and Ahsoka? They both managed to feel the effects of Order 66 right before it happened, thereby saving themselves. I don't think they exactly foresaw the deception, but they were aware of it as it happened across the galaxy
Imagine a series or movie about Sifo-Dyas, Dooku and Plagueis. Basically an origin story of the Clone Wars, they could show Dooku seeking out Jango Fett and showing what happened to Sifo-Dyas and how the Jedi Council reacted to him. That'd be kool to see on the big screen. I'm sure they'd be able to add onto the story, maybe with a young Palpatine.
Have you read the Plagueis novel?
@@WonkelDee no but I'd like to see it on the big screen or even on Disney Plus, as not everyone has read the books or comics.
Man I think it’s just the consequences of writing a sequel before the prequel
I love how meme-y these video thumbnails and titles are
Eno Cordova (from Fallen Order) also had a vision of the Jedi's Fall prior to Order 66
true dat
It was a losing situation either way.
1. Yoda warns the Order, results in them fleeing the Republic in the middle of the Clone War. It will make them appear theyve betrayed the Republic after holding it together peacefully for over a thousand generations.
2. Yoda warns the Order, and they go on the attack 1st. This will make them look like they've betrayed the Republic after holding it together peacefully for over a thousand generations. Worse case scenario, with the Jedi going on the offensive 1st over this clouded vision as oppose to getting actual facts first to determine insurrection within the Republic, is going to temp many Jedi to fall away from the tenets of the Jedi Order perhaps turning them to the dark side.... "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never attack" - Yoda
Plagueis/ Sidious knew exactly where to hit them using the Jedi/Republic's own rules against them.
I would love to think that Yoda did nothing and let his family(the order) fall, I'm just chaotic like that.
However, in just about every story I've heard, all the people who tried to do something about the futures they saw ended up being the reason those futures came to pass.
Another reason is that Yoda can't simply get rid of the entire clone force and start asking people to join the war instead; honestly, I think his best bet was to ride it out and do what he could against whatever came along in the present.
I don't know. I feel like you're assigning motive to Yoda that I don't personally see. My take away was that Yoda only saw one way to protect the order, and that was through Luke. He couldn't save the others.
HK-47 teaching meatbags to kill Jedi since a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.
5:45 Arc trooper 55-55 stand down
I may need to rewatch clone wars (do I really need an excuse?) but I always interpreted Yoda not doing anything as he felt that it was inevitable and trusted in the will of the Force. Ahsoka did say in Rebels that in the later years, he seemed to carry a sadness with him, which suggests to me that he did know what was coming. And if he knew what was coming, he probably wasn't ignoring that it was the Republic, but that he did understand that the Jedi as they were were coming to an end. It is entirely possible that he didn't know what that end would entail, maybe he thought that the Jedi would completely lose their way and fall to the dark side, or that they would be disbanded, or something that may have entailed a more metaphorical end rather than a literal end
Pong Krell as an inquisition would've been so cool in Rebels
Too bad for him he didn't live long enough to see it
Captain Rex din't kill general Krell it was Dogma that killed him
Yoda saw the vision and knew the jedi had to fall to bring balance to the force
I wish pong krell was made like ventress and savage w twin saberstaff one w twin crimson blades one w purple blades
The Jedi went bye bye and only Yoda, Jaro Tapal, Evo Cordova, Syfo Dias, Pong Krell and Ashoka knew that the Jedi were going to die and were dying
Edit: The Jedi are more bots then Droids are
Kanan sensed it too
@@EdaugEthanbYT nah in the comic when depa pulled his arm he sensed through the force what was happening
Hi bud it was the clone who was incharge of the squad an never questioned Krell’s orders, I think his name was Dogma n look it up on wiki.
Still a brilliant video my friend
If I had foreseen Order 66, I would have discreetly taken measures to ensure the Order's eventual rise.
Discreet so as to not alert Sidious to my plan. Measures would have included: making a backup of the entire Jedi Archives, taking the most important holocrons, and have Masters, Knights and Younglings "disappear".
The Order as it was before The Purge had become a hollow shell of what it once was. Once this kind of rot sets in, there is very little that can bring it back from the brink. If there is a foundation, let it crumble so it can rebuild better than ever.
Don't prevent it. Let it happen and learn from it.
Yoda should have at least told somebody like Obi Wan about what was going on.
I would've done the same thing as Rahm Kota. And recommend the Jedi order to cut tires with the Republic and focus their efforts on low and mid regions of the galaxy. Especially they adapt to Kreia philosophy and finally end the Sith and destroy the Republic. Inside, though the use of evidence and conspiracies.
If I had see Order 66 and was a general I would of order for all the chips to be removed from my men and then find a save planet in the out most of the outer rim for clone deserters, with my men being the first to go there. I'd also leave the jedi order, because it is human nature to have emotions.
It kind of reminds me of the episode of Buffy the vampire slayer where spike is teaching her how he killed three slayers and he told her that in the end, it wasn’t the punch you didn’t throw or the kick you didn’t land, it was just that they were tired and secretly they no longer WANTED to continue fighting.
Have you ever done anything on the Fallen spieces or the character Prince Zizor...some of the stories of him trying to court Leia are pretty good ....
Also do you think that Disney will ever explore the Zuzang Vong in any way in duture material
PB Martin
*heavy Shadows of the Empire flashbacks commence*
Yoda must have mistook his force vision of Order 66 as a Ketamine hallucination.
Those Jedi were Pretty woke
Except pong krell. He sucked.
@@slicedbread1084 I agree. Pong Krell forced clone troopers to kill each other. Their own brothers! That's fuck up, ordering your own soldiers to kill their own fresh and blood.
That went badly.
yoda had a vision but didn't understand it in time. poor yoda :,(
I would have resigned from the order immediately after having my first vision. I would have informed the council and left out on the first thing smoking lol
This reminded me of what the Bendu from Rebeles once said. He stated that perhaps it was the will of the force that the Jedi perished. Whether that adds anything I don’t know, but it was something that was interesting to think about.
lucas lucas it was a good reference to the Legends continuity. Almost all important beings in the Legends timeline that used critical thinking coupled with their disillusionment or hatred of the Jedi could see in many ways how the Order would fall disastrously on its face. And that would happen by the hands of an unstoppable enemy or by the hands of their allies. Both of those scenarios happened at least twice in the far future...
6:07 Rex didn’t kill Krell. Dogma did
Kreia: See through the eyes of the Exile!
If the Jedi had heeded the warnings, and after General Grevious invaded Coruscant, they could have set up a fall back temple. I think the formet temple on Dantooine would have been a good fall back point.
I sometimes wonder if he wasn’t on the Star forge if HK 47 would still be around
He was, actually. He appears in the MMO Star Wars Galaxies, during the Galactic Civil War.
I mean in a canon book or with a heaping load of luck a movie but it’s still nice too know he got some attention after kotor 2
Nice vid ..great explanation...will keep watching
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
It’s funny how Every Person I know, who has seen or read Star Wars, always says the “Execute Order 66” in Palpy’s super creepy voice.😇🤣😂😆
Yoda knew that they lost now, but there was hope they would win if the children of Skywalker became jedi
Um, General Rahm Kota anyone.
Jourus saibboth? From the first thrawn series? The outbound flight project was his way to fight the coming darkness
Not sure on Yoda myself, perhaps he had begun something behind the scenes but was too late?
Hmm...In legends Yaddle Died...perhaps in Cannon she was sent by Yoda to a hidden place while she was on Maternity leave?
I always thought that yoda was playing a long game.
And he knew the Jedi order HAD to die to make rise for the future generations and the future of the galaxy
I think Eno Cordova also foresaw the end of the Jedi Order. That's why he hid the holocron with the list of force sensitive children
Yoda was on Korriban for all he knew the Dark side energy of the planet was messing with him.
The story of ORder 66 is VERY similar to that of Knights Templar and how King Philip IV of France ordered them all assassinated in 1303. It's fascinating history and where George modeling it from. The Mandalorians were modeled after the Spartans and paralled the Jedi and the mandalorians too.
With the new Jedi fallen order game there is 5 Jedi to foresee Order 66
He mentioned Sifo Dyas, Pong Krell and Yoda but the other that did foresaw too were Barris Offee and Eno Cordova
Krell would have been to powerful to be an inquisitor. All the inquisitors were purposefully weak and easy to control so they wouldn't usurp palpatine's position.
1 of 2 scenarios would play out if Krell succeeded.
1. Krell succeeds at destroying the republic forces on Umbara. Krell then seeks out Dooku. Dooku seeing Krell's ambition and power in the dark side takes him as a secret apprentice and trains him so dooku can kill palpatine and take his place as the new Sith Lord.
2. Krell is again successful on Umbara and gains the attention of dooku. However due to Krell's power and loyalty palpatine will see Krell as a threat and will have Dooku again kill his apprentice to show his loyalty OR after Krell is sufficiently trained, palpatine will have Dooku and Krell duel to see who is truly Worthy to serve him as his apprentice.
Kenneth Huffman I would've been down if Krell had survived his execution (due to alien biology) and escaped Republic capture. And from there he continues training in the ways of The Force but now specifically in the field of the Dark Side. A dark side empowered Krell would be kinda overpowered if you think about it. And imagine if he could channel electricity (like ancient Sith Inquisitors) through his dual blades !?
*Sweats in wanting to write a new fanfic*
If it were me, I'd try to prevent it, or at least warn a few people to at least minimize the damage as much as I could. If I didn't I feel I would be letting Fives, Tup, Kix, and AZ down, after all, they went through to reveal the plot and try to save the Jedi and Republic. Sure both had their problems, especially during this era, but to quote Ezra about a time before the Empire during the time of the Republic and Jedi, "I remember a time when things were better on Lothal. Maybe not great, but definitely better than this." Anything is better than the Empire.
Plus, I'm sure I could convince a good number of Clones to remove their chips, mostly from the good battalions and legions, like the 501st, 212th, and Wolf Pack.
The Jedi need to get woke
Master Yoda was simply doing what King Bumi said, "wait & listen before striking". Eventually Luke (Aang) stopped the Fire Nation e.g. The Empire.
Yoda knew the republic had to fall in order to restore balance
I would try to warn the Jedi of what would happen. Failing that come up with an excellent exit strategy.
Well, to be fair, the future can hardly be changed--Master Yoda most likely didn't bother because he saw it pointless to prevent the Clones from attacking the Jedi.
I think you're overlooking the idea that Yoda may have interpreted his vision as something sent by the Sith or the Dark Side to attempt to lure him into despair.
2:05 Turned on by your own troops 😳
ImpulsiveLad I mean, Aayla Secura be lookin kinda bad tho with that combat bra and leggings bruh. We all know Commander Bly be out here peekin dat ass in combat 😂
I saw Yodas vision differently. He did nothing BECAUSE he had such a clear vision. With his vision he knew what was going to happen. He did nothing because if he did it would alter the future. Changing it from a known variable to an unknown potentially far worse outcome.
I find the last bit very sad because it is known that Yoda couldn't do anything about it. It is ofcourse popular opinion that he could, but Yoda understood that order 66 would happen and that he couldn't stop it. And in a way, it was for the best because as you mentioned, the Jedi had gone too far by loving the Galactic Republic and not wanting to see it's flaws. It had to start anew and only via the destruction, the Jedi order could be reborn and shaped to be good
"Woke" isnt the word I would use...
Prescient, maybe.
One of the common struggles of any organization or individual is finding *real* purpose. What does one want to live for? What does one feel is worth dying for? What fears does one have about death? What does one fear about the outcomes for the rest of humanity? The Star Wars story asks all of these questions and shows a great deal many of possible outcomes (this is legends and cannon). Well, everyone likes a good hero story.....except actual villains.....
When one is in tune with the pulse of the world, one knows when trouble is coming. One has to be able to accept it, one has to be able to survive it, and if one is capable, one should fight against it. Maybe I ranted too much.........
Maybe Yoda did nothing because he knew that the only way to cleanse rot as terrible as what had infested the Jedi Council was through purifying fire. So he watched as the Jedi burned, in hopes that something new and better would rise up.
Kina-Ha was another, even if her visions were very vague. She just knew that the threat would originate from her home-
world, Kamino.
Sifo-Dyas and Yoda: **Senses the growing power of the dark side and the fall of the Jedi order**
The Jedi Council: "Stop being so woke!"
If I was in yoda's place I'd have sent the younglings and padawans home to their families, so they don't die..
So this is kind of a stretch, but maybe the reason Yoda didn’t say anything was because of the first Jedi on this list, he tried to warn them and they didn’t listen, so maybe that was one of Yoda‘s reasons for not saying anything, who would’ve believed him?
And with his understanding that this is inevitable, maybe he just preferred to ensure his connection to the force rather than preserving this fallen order?
Yoda had already been tempted with false visions by sidious and dooku it's no wonder he doubted it plus the force is always in motion so his actions to stop it could really have lead to it so he didn't say anything.
The Jedi Council during the Clone Wars: "No, no, no. The Republic does not have evil within it." "Haha, Sith controlling Republic go brr."
The Jedi Council before the Clone Wars: "The republic is evil, let's fight against them." "Yes."
Yoda didn't do anything because he realised that order 66 and sith victory is protected by plot armor of entire 2 trilogies, so there was nothing he could have done
That entire game revolves around this same idea: The jedi rely on the force so much that they actually become less able than regular everyday humans in certain ways whenever they can't use the force. Sidious managed to partially blind them to the future and in so doing he removed their ability to foresee anything.
Sven Hallgren to the day, I still believe Sidious and Plagueis castes an ancient Sith spell on Coruscant to leave a constant smog of dark side energy across the planet. What kinda disturbs me though is why the Jedi didn't try to use a light side technique to purge Coruscant of the swelling darkness that clouded their vision ? Cuz there's no way even 2 of the most powerful Sith Lords ever could create a power that couldn't be erased by the might of over 10,000 Jedi...
They were using the Dark Side the entire time that's why most Fallen Jedi survived and were able to hide in exile until the end of Palpatine's reign. They weren't clouded by the DS because they were one with it. Some became his inquisitor's instead.
No mention of Rahm Kota and his badass own Militia. Unacceptable.
I know he's not canon, he is to me.
Same here. I would've done the same thing as Rahm Kota. And recommend the Jedi order to cut tires with the Republic and focus their efforts on the low and mid regions of the galaxy. Especially with adapting to Kreia philosophy and finally end the Sith and destroy the Republic. Inside, though the use of evidence and conspiracies.
The information on scifodius. Noy sure how its spelt honestly. That book is still legends i believe.
@@alexanderedinger Yet he still survived order 66. Without being blasted from every direction, like his follow Jedi. That pretty much a win in my opinion.
@@alexanderedinger Well yeah that's true he didn't foresee the future. He just didn't trust the clones, like most Jedi. In other words he was just smart and cautious compared to most of his Jedi peers.
I would love to see a TV series like the clone wars of Rahm Kota militia