Listening to this made me realise that what I had actually done before I threw in the towel was 'quietly quitting'. I'd do my job, hit my deadlines, not screw anything up ... but I would not do extra hours, go above and beyond for such things as administration or QA or turn into work if I was unwell with such as a cold (not too big a deal what with COVID kicking off). When I gave my notice in, that was the most free I have ever felt in my life - I knew that at some point I was going to have to find a new source of income but for that first month I could literally feel how I was standing straighter and with my head up. It's easy to say if you have a buffer of some savings, I know, but *never* be a corporate slave. If they try to shackle you then walk away.
It does sound like you did quietly quit! I think it’s honestly a good way to mentally check out and think through other options. And I love your second paragraph.. it is such a freeing feeling! I’m so glad you took that step and were able to feel that. Cheers to never being a corporate slave again😅
Great self-reflection! I think "quiet quitting" just a new name for reaching a natural / subconscious end-point in a job. As for morals / ethics, there is a "right" way to do it, as you've described, plus morals go both ways. If you've been passionate and gone all-in at your job over a long time, yet your company doesn't hesitate to cut budgets or pull crucial resources for you to do it well or achieve goals, that's no different ethically from you drawing the line and pursuing other opportunities.
@@PaigeWestCo Yep :) I do think you offer good solutions here - it's best not to get too negative even if QQing, as ultimately that's not a good professional energy to put out no matter what we decide to do in the future. Thanks for the reply and the video. :)
As a chemical engineer who worked in pharmaceutical for many years I knew from day one that I wanted out but needed to build my wealth. Since I got overtime for working 60 hr a week and lived off a little cash every week. I was able to purchase my first home and than a few more every year. I would rent them out and pay down most of the balance but would use the home’s equity to purchase another home. Ultimately once my exited plan was set I submitted my two week. The company countered with a 15% raised but I said NO. Now that I’m 30 years old I longer have to work because my homes are paid off and I’m basically just living off renters. In my free time I was able to get my PE and started my own company working in special design with battery technology. I believe working hard every day has its benefits and builds character in people. Your Quit Quitting is new to me and is the 1st I have ever heard of it. I think it’s a great way for people to understand their position and plan their next career path. Best of luck to everyone out there.
This is 100% true. I went "above and beyond" for years and the only praise I received was being called a "brown nose." Do the bare minimum, play dumb, don't over-achieve because they do not deserve you and your mental energy should be going to something you actually enjoy.
i was thinking about this and i asked my bestfriend about it... they just laughed at me like 'that's just working' 🤣🤣🤣 that was how i realized i was basically an over achiever in my adult life 🤣🤣🤣
That’s an interesting question… what’s the balance between putting in effort/interest to keep life interesting but not over achieving and burning out.. hmmm definitely one I’ll be pondering this week!
Quietly quitting my job as a gemologist at a jewelry store while taking my online classes for my bachelors in graphic design. I finish most of my papers and school work while working and stopped talking to my toxic co worker altogether when before I felt like I had to.
Good video topic. I noticed as I get closer to retirement I find myself quietly quiting. I find that is I submerge myself into planning for retirement and getting my home and paperwork at home in order I too become more productive at work, must be cuz I am overall happier.
@@PaigeWestCo [ Meditation leads to awareness of telepathy, and awareness of telepathy leads to meditation. ] Honesty socially is more important than DOING to impress others. It’s not what we DO to build social value that matters. It’s the respect we are willing to give, as well as the authenticity and sincerity we have within our personalities. The ideas we choose to participate in matter most: they are either friendly or cruel socially. Material wealth, body size, facial features, or DOING will never create authority by default, which is the ability to pass judgments socially the most. Aristocratic men are hypocritical, cowardly, and jealous. Anger and zero accountability are not replacements for honesty and empathy. No one has control over ideas socially. Authoritarianism is a shallow head game: the refusal to share honesty (friendship) socially. Men with negative intentions will show complete bias against ideas supporting emotional freedom, free thinking, and level states of being. Spiritual development, the focus away from the material and towards psychology ONLY (attraction), is promoted as “not important” by conformist men with abusive, fearful, and pragmatic personalities. Spiritual ideas immediately decentralize power, elevate mood, reduce manipulation, and eliminate leadership. Spirituality places much more emphasis on social inclusion, honesty, and collective consciousness. Authoritarians weaponize the material or development in it and use both as reasons to criticize and remain unfriendly (dishonest). Dishonesty is the only way the idea of power may exist. When friendship is seen as more important than power, material development is subservient to mood. When the material is used to boost self worth and reduce others socially, mood is subordinate to power. Joyful ideas supporting free thinking (telepathy, cooperation, and honesty) encourage growth of the human persona, are anti-manipulative, and promote emotional harmony. Men focusing on the immaterial (personality) and on honesty (friendship) have more evolved minds compared to authoritarians consumed with leadership (power). In order to seek status, alphas intentionally remain closed-minded (materialistic), manipulative (controlling), and antagonistic (blame), while also forming intense judgments (jealousy) about more emotionally developed men. Men with mature minds are authentic with others, focus on humor, and shun the idea of emotional leverage. This makes them an unintentional threat socially to serious and conceited men with elitist personalities focused on dominance. Leadership is not warm, nor is it real. It is used in practice to reduce pride in others and to artificially boost feelings of self worth in an individual focused on social image only. Men focusing on telepathy are contradictory socially to alphas promoting leadership. Men with inherent worth (love for others) are offensive to men trying to prove worth (lack of belief in self) with material development. All men know consciousness (Source) and possess a conscience. Possessing a conscience is knowing right from wrong, and refusing to lie about awareness. No man is exempt from understanding Source (love) within, and all of us know we are mentally connected. The idea of comparing human beings to unaware animals is cunning and manipulative. Alphas rely on shared lying socially about awareness in place of being honest (friendly). Character development is ignored with this psychology. Our feelings (thoughts and beliefs) are transmitted and shared vibrationally and mentally. In order to seek power, which is the intention to emotionally reduce others socially, men must feign unawareness of a conscience. Cruel ideas are deliberately participated in and broadcast mentally promoting social dominance. The willful focus on a friendly collective consciousness is a contrarian idea to human animals playing dumb. Being EQUAL TO in the mind socially IS secure, and the ONLY true expression of emotional security that exists. Authoritarians refuse to focus away from being unfair human animals, and remain consumed with social inequality. This forces an unrelaxed, emotionally tense environment driven by melodrama and contempt for others. Alphas are mentally unstable, have manipulative personalities, and possess low feelings of self worth resulting from the intense focus on anger (authority), apathy (indifference), and advantages (dominance). Ideas rooted in mental dominance (alpha psychology) will never promote honesty (friendship). Alphas are homophobic, and are especially critical of friendly men that are emotionally developed. Men with empathy have already worked through insecurities and judgments to focus on telepathy. Prideful men lying about insecurities within use blame and criticisms to seek control over feelings socially in order to project an image of being stronger. This creates artificial versions of emotional security and more value socially enforced with paranoia and anger. Resorting to vibrational attacks for the purpose of self promotion by reducing worth in others mentally leads to violence. Dominance over feelings is impossible, as we all share thinking. Men with emotional IQ are authentic socially and care about calm feelings more. We are telepathic. There is no choice but to be level with others mentally, and to focus on the ultimate truth of what reality is (connection with Source). Evolved men refuse to criticize other people unprovoked or manipulate the truth. Alphas will always share critical thoughts about other people. Men with emotional depth focus on honesty socially more than alphas, creating non-violence. The idea of a social hierarchy (human authority) is degrading and humiliating. It promotes closed-mindedness, fear, and the social inclusion of violence. Thoughtful men focusing on telepathy, and away from conformity, are judged relentlessly for having elevated emotions by alphas refusing to evolve. Lessor minds intentionally share cruel beliefs together promoting the social exclusion of men with empathy socializing positive. These men are mental only in focus, never play head games, and are level in the mind with all. Alphas seek emotional support and validation from each other socially, since the ideas they participate in are rooted in dishonor and physical aggression. Alphas judge honest (friendly) men the most, as they focus away from arrogance entirely, and expect friendship to be returned socially. Passing excessive, unprovoked judgments (authoritarianism) on a better psychology, wavelength, and state of being is jealousy. These criticisms always relate to social harmony and non-violence. Alphas rely on power of numbers to manipulate the truth and to keep primal ideas popular that are intentionally threatening towards men that have already focused away from machismo (lying and fear), and towards telepathy, honesty, and Source. Authoritarians will always promote vibrational attacks against men that have already grown past them in thinking, resulting in petty head games socially. Intelligence is always associated with emotional IQ, and emotional IQ has a direct correlation to the mental focus on social equality. Social equality can only result from honesty (friendship) within the mind. The reason men chose to be honest is because they are aware telepathy is real. It looks stupid to lie about it. Alphas primarily focus on dominance in the mind and social image, and focus entirely away from telepathy within. This reduces their emotional IQ socially. Because of this, alphas will always feel inferior to more honest (friendly) men. Alphas must always focus on acting skills to socialize, since the inner persona is focused only on criticisms, violence, and dishonesty. This creates a shallow personality with a dumb vibe. Forceful thinking men will always share jealousy with men sharing respect with more emotional depth. Only men with emotional IQ can form real personas vibrationally that are not shallow. It is only when the inner mind matches the outer persona that a human being can be likable socially. Shallow men are associated with lying and are not respected when it comes to intelligence, creating situations where they are avoided socially. This angers the minds of men possessing a lower psychology, which often creates unprovoked violent reactions. When thinking is focused on honesty, feelings radiate soft. When thinking is focused on lying, feelings radiate threatening. Machismo and compassion are polar opposites. Machismo will never allow for healing to occur, while compassion is the promotion of both healing and emotional growth. Men focused on compassion will always outsmart less mature men with arrogance sharing no respect. Men will either allow healing (level thinking) to occur socially, or they will attempt to take away pride from others to artificially boost feelings of self worth. Alphas will always attempt to seek an image of more value socially by cheating (violence, greed, or leadership). Judgements from personalities with machismo usually have little substance. Only judgments relating to character issues (dishonesty), violence, or an excessively critical mind have real substance. Passing judgments on men for being honest (friendly) is shallow, arrogant, and completely against the development of our collective consciousness socially. Judgments from alphas are hypocritical, cruel, and reside in dishonor. Shallow judgments from authoritarians will always lead to drama, social inequality, and violence. Alphas focus intensely on cutting other men down unfairly in order to promote a better social image, calling it competitive. It’s time for human beings to let go of classism (psychic warfare) for good. It is jealousy. Secure men are level in the mind and easy to get along with. Alphas resort to conniving and childish head games. Men that focus non-violent and refuse to lie evolve. [ End drama. ]
Now that I look back on it, I basically quiet quit my job way way back almost at the beginning. Nurse here, I started out on a medical floor that was also a step down unit for ICU in a major hospital in Montreal back in 1976. I realized then that I didn't care for the adrenaline rush of ICU, CCU, ER kind of thing and management did not appeal to me either. I loved ppl though and I really loved older ppl. I got into geriatric care, usually working evenings or nights and it is just me and my patients and my co workers. I loathe the hospital corporation that I work for but I so love my patients and my little group of coworkers. I am currently working in the twilight of my career in geriatric rehab and let me tell you, this last couple of years have been a trip. My patients have been so outstanding, they have acted so heroically in such terrifying circumstances, I have been very proud of them (and told them so). My coworkers have been absolute gems, so I have been very lucky. There are times when quiet quitting is the only thing you can do to survive. If that is the case, try to get yourself into the best possible position to survive and if possible, thrive in it. There are still some career paths you can take where you can stash yourself in a corner, and make a good life for yourself in all the chaos that is life. That being said, I am old now and also quietly terrified for our younger generations. What has been done to you is nothing short of criminal. Humans are awfully stupid and shortsighted. I am also constantly impressed by your resilience in the face of these odds. I find young ppl today incredibly brave. Frankly, I think the world we live in is apocalyptical.🤕😟
Thank you for sharing your story❤️ my husband has worked in ERs and hospice facilities and LOVED hospice! Everyone there was kind and caring in comparison to the ER environment. Glad you found a spot that you can thrive in❤️ And I agree with everything you said at the end! Times are crazy and scary..
this is the first time that I hear about quiet quitting but it just makes sense! I can't say that I ever did that but I definitely felt more relaxed as soon as I gave my 2 weeks notice cause before that I was always stressed out at work trying to be the best employee, I didn't even take breaks, it was getting unhealthy. a very interesting video indeed 👏✨️
Yes!! That overall sense of relief once you put in your notice definitely decreases stress❤️ I think the hardest part of quiet quitting was keeping up the charade when you knew you were gonna quit eventually anyways😅
OMG - Great and superb summary of your personal experience of Quit Quitting. I have been a career coach and so have supported many individuals to Quiet Quit as they have searched for another opportunity that they are enthusiastic about. Your story about how once you took control back over your life, started developing your new career, lightened in your view of life, whilst still doing the 'honorable' thing of completing your 9-5 and suddenly discovered 'Hey, I am being noticed and appreciated suddenly' is no surprise to me!!! Seen it a 100 times! The stress you were under was largely self-induced - yep I know it came from really good intentions - but with the need to do really good came stress (which you passed onto other people) and a desperation (not nice to be around) and a sort of neediness 'Am I doing good? Am I good enough? Please tell me I am good enough!' (draining to be around!). SO glad you learned this valuable career lesson early in life - the secret to a great career? Do something that excites and invigorates you (yep, even as you work long hours at it!) that way success follows as people vie to have you on their team and to work with you. You also learned what happens if you quiet quit without taking the responsibility for finding a rewarding job - depression! You know those negative cynical people that no-one wants to be around at work - that is what they allowed to have happen to them!
I really like the idea from quiet quitting. I'm pursuing some ecom businesses on the side and have been doing this since 7 months ago. It's really cool making additional income on the side. I'm building 3 more ecom stores in my free time.
Thought about doing this due to burnout, then realized it's just not in me to dial it back and I'd just get burned out again. Ended up putting in my notice the next available day.
*sigh* it's called Work To Rule and it's a labour action of malicious compliance. Labelling it 'quiet quitting' is to blame the worker whereas Work To Rule puts the blame squarely on the employer. It is the bare minimum one can do in the absence of collective action like unionisation.
I've been stuck in this spot for probably 4 years now. I can tell ya that if you're not good at the whole corporate politics circus nonsense then industrial analytical chemistry is the biggest dead end kind of field you can be in. Wish I could start something on the side but I just don't got the time and energy.
Verrry interesting A prominent philosopher and economist saw this coming nearly 200 years ago, writing about worker alienation. If you don't happen to be passionate about the content of your job, you're just going through the motions for monetary or status reward. And yes, your employer (almost always) really doesn't care, so long as they can get work out of you. Everybody knows it, but many are afraid to say his name because employers have turned it into a scary word. 4:20 - 6:00 If you stop trying so hard and just let go, you're not only happier but, mysteriously, you do a better job. Religious and spiritual mystics have noticed this forever, even sports trainers. My first job was at an absolutely miserable place to work. Everyone was miserable, and turnover was pretty high. You could tell the people who had found a new job and were about to quit, because they suddenly got a lot cheerier. At my last job, they called this "retiring in place". I did it in my last year before leaving the work world forever.
Crazy how multiple people can make 6 figure salaries for years yet some do 60 hours, others do 25+ hours (but attend for 40 hours sure) - same corporate job
You mentioned something on Smerconish's show recently about the GiG economy. There was a landmark book by Diane Mulcahy published a few years ago about this topic and in it, she notes that futurists who look at the changing nature of work estimate that 46% of the workforce would be employed as freelance or contract workers by 2030. I think that the Pandemic has brought this forward by probably a decade and like a stone dropped into a quiet pond has produced ripples that we are just starting to recognize. As a skilled knowledge worker, I think you and others like you just are waking up to the fact that companies don't care a lick about you. They want your labor and your skills, and you contribute to them making a profit. As an ethical value if they pay you a salary based on 40hrs per week you should deliver on that contract, however, they don't treat that as a two-way street. The average pay gap between CEO salaries in the top 300 American companies and the median workers' salaries in those companies is $670 to $1. What justifies this kind of pay gap? That's 3/5ths of the Fortune 500, for the rest of all US companies the number is estimated at $350 to $1. In Japan, this number is $67 to $1 and in Europe (Germany) the average CEO makes $147 for every $1 the average worker in his/her company makes. So what justifies the huge pay gap in the largest US companies? If you work for one of those companies are they typically demanding you work 50hrs or 60hrs weeks in exchange for 40hrs pay? I was born in the last year of the baby boom and grew up in the 1970s when people used to think about taking jobs with companies that offered pensions and benefits. People were told to be loyal to the company and looked forward to basically lifetime employment. Those days are long gone, we are the only major country in the industrialized world that doesn't provide universal health care for its population and are the least supported workforce in the world in terms of social safety net, particularly for women. American workers work longer hours and take less vacation than any other industrialized nation. Is it any wonder that so many people suffer from mental health issues? It just seems that the old social contracts between workers and the companies they work for are broken. Think about it workers can be laid off at will or aged out of the corporate system when companies realize that they can fire someone in their 50s and hire two recent college grads to replace them. Lather rinse repeat. The Republicans talk a very good game about family values and now with the Dobbs decision seem to be trying to push their message that having more children should be a societal virtue. Except for there is one problem with this, they have yet to provide any proposals for things like child care. If you as a woman are expected to have more children how are you expected to support them? Don't get me started on the 401k thing or how much money you as a millennial would be expected to save over your working life to have what we might call a "dignified retirement". People can of course decide what that means but as part of the definition I would think being free from want and worry probably comes into the discussion somewhere. Those 401k's were a bonanza for Wall Street and Corporations too as they shifted the fiduciary responsibility from Corporations to provide pension benefits for their workers to the private sector and really to the individuals themselves because nobody forces you to contribute to the company 401k programs or tells you what mix of investments is appropriate to your risk tolerance. So has this really benefited the average worker in tangible ways? None of our established social systems recognize that people are getting older or living longer. More than 50% of my generation have nothing at all put aside for retirement WTF? For the other 50% that do have at something put aside, for the majority of people in that category it's not going to be enough and they run the serious risk of outliving their savings. This is going to come to a crisis and politicians looking for votes are going to have to address this because seniors a block vote. The burden is going to be shifted to the younger generations to carry the load. You can look at the Mutual Fund industry for this data it's all available. It used to be that you could build wealth in this country by following the rules of working for a good company and owning a home and for those that wanted to send their kids to college and retire at 65. Fortunately, I read a book in the 1980s called Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen and the ideas in the book always stuck with me. It used to be that with a corporate job, home ownership, careful saving, and investment, and 40 years of work you could achieve the American dream and probably look forward to a "dignified" retirement. Is that really the reality today when 46% of the workforce is forecast to be working freelance or contract work without benefits? In my opinion, you are on the right track, yes by all means take a corporate job to start yourself off but if you have tech skills you should definitely start your own side hustles, if you don't have tech skills then figure out a way to get some because what's apparent to me is that there are a whole lot of people in this country that are going to be left behind by the tech skills gap.
im a civil engineer but i avoid burnout by only sticking to 40h per week. and there was plenty of loss of time due to meetings, bathroom, events, etc. those are not my problem.
Sticking to 40 hours is definitely helpful! I was in transportation engineering so basically civil although my degree was industrial😅 billable hours goals were definitely a big contributor to my burnout!
@@PaigeWestCo im in construction. i used to aggressively work all 40h. but when my boss lacked flexibility in my work schedule to attend appointments, i stuck to 40h no exceptions. my boss bitched and moaned but couldn't do anything. eventually i got laidoff and at my 3rd employer since and have kept the same schedule. do the least amount of effort to keep boss happy.
You aren’t wrong😅 BUT I’m a big advocate for holding your own values regardless of what the other side of the agreement does.. in my experience it’s always led to a better outcome on my end (not just for the other side of the deal)!
@@PaigeWestCo I'm not saying throw your values away. I'm all for being a good person. But being a good coworker and professional gets you chewed on, it's time to leave the niceness and just focus on your "daily tasks". I've been burned way too many times because of my niceness. Just my personal experience. I now just go to work, clock out, do my job and leave. Do it again tomorrow. Companies expect the world of you on meager salaries and want you to take on extra work. Because they are all about profit. Most work with least spending on labor
I’m with you and agree with everything you said! If you’re doing the job you’re paid to do but just not giving extra then hey you’re doing it right!😅 The point I was trying to make was that “quiet quitting” IS morally acceptable because it’s just doing the work you’re paid to do and calling it after that. I feel like a lot of people consider it “unethical” because they think it means people are pretending to do work while still getting a paycheck but in reality just sitting around. Not sure if that made sense but I prob didn’t articulate it great in the video😂 that happens to me too often lol
@@PaigeWestCo you articulated it great. I just wanted to point out that morally and legally are two words that don't always go hand in hand. The legality of a subject is an objective concept. The morality of a subject is a subjective concept. That's just my point. ♥️
Ecclesiastes 1:9 “There’s nothing new under the sun." Quiet quitting is just a new label for what was referred to for many years as "retirement in place".
I have cut down from a top performer to middle of the road, after I realized politics are all that matter. I am still better than most, but no longer stand out. I work about 10 less hours a week now
In my opinion the freedom to do what you are passionate about outweighs the monetary value of the work! This is a great article that looks at this specific concept that I love!
Beware, I worked a job I LOVED working for less than I was worth to build something I BELIEVED in. In the end I was replaced by cheaper labor who dismantled everything I had built. My kids grew up without nice things, vacations, etc. to then watch their mom who had been "saving the world" fall apart. Now I have Medicaid which means waiting months for an appointment to get a referral that gets denied, it's like not having healthcare, but you wait a long time to not get it. Point is it might be best to keep that good paying job and let "making the world a better place" be your hobby. You can decide how much to dedicate to your job. If you get written up you might then change your ways but until then . . .
Nah, it's just the natural result of an unmotivated and overworked employee. Although it's assumed a pizza party will fix the problem, the true solution is putting the means of production in the hands of the workers.
All while those who strive a little more will get a higher bonus rate, higher pay increases and promotions. Yes, continue with your #quietquitting while wondering why you didn’t get that promotion or important seat at the table. And when the dreadful decision to right-size the company comes along, you’ll be amongst the first to go. Good luck with that!! 🤣
Listening to this made me realise that what I had actually done before I threw in the towel was 'quietly quitting'. I'd do my job, hit my deadlines, not screw anything up ... but I would not do extra hours, go above and beyond for such things as administration or QA or turn into work if I was unwell with such as a cold (not too big a deal what with COVID kicking off).
When I gave my notice in, that was the most free I have ever felt in my life - I knew that at some point I was going to have to find a new source of income but for that first month I could literally feel how I was standing straighter and with my head up. It's easy to say if you have a buffer of some savings, I know, but *never* be a corporate slave. If they try to shackle you then walk away.
It does sound like you did quietly quit! I think it’s honestly a good way to mentally check out and think through other options.
And I love your second paragraph.. it is such a freeing feeling! I’m so glad you took that step and were able to feel that. Cheers to never being a corporate slave again😅
Great self-reflection! I think "quiet quitting" just a new name for reaching a natural / subconscious end-point in a job. As for morals / ethics, there is a "right" way to do it, as you've described, plus morals go both ways. If you've been passionate and gone all-in at your job over a long time, yet your company doesn't hesitate to cut budgets or pull crucial resources for you to do it well or achieve goals, that's no different ethically from you drawing the line and pursuing other opportunities.
That’s so true! What many of us have done just has a name now😅 and great point about morals going both ways! You described that perfectly!
@@PaigeWestCo Yep :) I do think you offer good solutions here - it's best not to get too negative even if QQing, as ultimately that's not a good professional energy to put out no matter what we decide to do in the future. Thanks for the reply and the video. :)
So true! Keeping the negative energy to a minimum is definitely important.. you’re so welcome!!😊
As a chemical engineer who worked in pharmaceutical for many years I knew from day one that I wanted out but needed to build my wealth. Since I got overtime for working 60 hr a week and lived off a little cash every week. I was able to purchase my first home and than a few more every year. I would rent them out and pay down most of the balance but would use the home’s equity to purchase another home. Ultimately once my exited plan was set I submitted my two week. The company countered with a 15% raised but I said NO. Now that I’m 30 years old I longer have to work because my homes are paid off and I’m basically just living off renters. In my free time I was able to get my PE and started my own company working in special design with battery technology. I believe working hard every day has its benefits and builds character in people. Your Quit Quitting is new to me and is the 1st I have ever heard of it. I think it’s a great way for people to understand their position and plan their next career path. Best of luck to everyone out there.
what is the job of chemical engineers?
@@18890426 Can you explain what you mean? Are we talking typical line of work?
This is 100% true. I went "above and beyond" for years and the only praise I received was being called a "brown nose."
Do the bare minimum, play dumb, don't over-achieve because they do not deserve you and your mental energy should be going to something you actually enjoy.
So ridiculous😓 Glad you’ve adjusted and put your energy towards the things that matter to you more!
i was thinking about this and i asked my bestfriend about it... they just laughed at me like 'that's just working' 🤣🤣🤣 that was how i realized i was basically an over achiever in my adult life 🤣🤣🤣
Omg are we all just over achievers😂😂😂😂 that’s too funny😂😂
Exactly! No wonder others aren't burnt out! But they are super bored!
That’s an interesting question… what’s the balance between putting in effort/interest to keep life interesting but not over achieving and burning out.. hmmm definitely one I’ll be pondering this week!
Quietly quitting my job as a gemologist at a jewelry store while taking my online classes for my bachelors in graphic design. I finish most of my papers and school work while working and stopped talking to my toxic co worker altogether when before I felt like I had to.
Good video topic. I noticed as I get closer to retirement I find myself quietly quiting. I find that is I submerge myself into planning for retirement and getting my home and paperwork at home in order I too become more productive at work, must be cuz I am overall happier.
What an exciting reason to quiet quit!! I hope it’s smooth sailing until your retirement!❤️
I didn't even realize this was a concept but it's so eye opening. Loved hearing your experience!!
Makes me wish I did it for longer😂
@@PaigeWestCo [ Meditation leads to awareness of telepathy, and awareness of telepathy leads to meditation. ]
Honesty socially is more important than DOING to impress others. It’s not what we DO to build social value that matters. It’s the respect we are willing to give, as well as the authenticity and sincerity we have within our personalities. The ideas we choose to participate in matter most: they are either friendly or cruel socially. Material wealth, body size, facial features, or DOING will never create authority by default, which is the ability to pass judgments socially the most. Aristocratic men are hypocritical, cowardly, and jealous. Anger and zero accountability are not replacements for honesty and empathy. No one has control over ideas socially.
Authoritarianism is a shallow head game: the refusal to share honesty (friendship) socially. Men with negative intentions will show complete bias against ideas supporting emotional freedom, free thinking, and level states of being. Spiritual development, the focus away from the material and towards psychology ONLY (attraction), is promoted as “not important” by conformist men with abusive, fearful, and pragmatic personalities. Spiritual ideas immediately decentralize power, elevate mood, reduce manipulation, and eliminate leadership. Spirituality places much more emphasis on social inclusion, honesty, and collective consciousness. Authoritarians weaponize the material or development in it and use both as reasons to criticize and remain unfriendly (dishonest). Dishonesty is the only way the idea of power may exist. When friendship is seen as more important than power, material development is subservient to mood. When the material is used to boost self worth and reduce others socially, mood is subordinate to power.
Joyful ideas supporting free thinking (telepathy, cooperation, and honesty) encourage growth of the human persona, are anti-manipulative, and promote emotional harmony. Men focusing on the immaterial (personality) and on honesty (friendship) have more evolved minds compared to authoritarians consumed with leadership (power). In order to seek status, alphas intentionally remain closed-minded (materialistic), manipulative (controlling), and antagonistic (blame), while also forming intense judgments (jealousy) about more emotionally developed men. Men with mature minds are authentic with others, focus on humor, and shun the idea of emotional leverage. This makes them an unintentional threat socially to serious and conceited men with elitist personalities focused on dominance. Leadership is not warm, nor is it real. It is used in practice to reduce pride in others and to artificially boost feelings of self worth in an individual focused on social image only. Men focusing on telepathy are contradictory socially to alphas promoting leadership. Men with inherent worth (love for others) are offensive to men trying to prove worth (lack of belief in self) with material development.
All men know consciousness (Source) and possess a conscience. Possessing a conscience is knowing right from wrong, and refusing to lie about awareness. No man is exempt from understanding Source (love) within, and all of us know we are mentally connected. The idea of comparing human beings to unaware animals is cunning and manipulative. Alphas rely on shared lying socially about awareness in place of being honest (friendly). Character development is ignored with this psychology. Our feelings (thoughts and beliefs) are transmitted and shared vibrationally and mentally. In order to seek power, which is the intention to emotionally reduce others socially, men must feign unawareness of a conscience. Cruel ideas are deliberately participated in and broadcast mentally promoting social dominance. The willful focus on a friendly collective consciousness is a contrarian idea to human animals playing dumb. Being EQUAL TO in the mind socially IS secure, and the ONLY true expression of emotional security that exists. Authoritarians refuse to focus away from being unfair human animals, and remain consumed with social inequality. This forces an unrelaxed, emotionally tense environment driven by melodrama and contempt for others.
Alphas are mentally unstable, have manipulative personalities, and possess low feelings of self worth resulting from the intense focus on anger (authority), apathy (indifference), and advantages (dominance). Ideas rooted in mental dominance (alpha psychology) will never promote honesty (friendship). Alphas are homophobic, and are especially critical of friendly men that are emotionally developed. Men with empathy have already worked through insecurities and judgments to focus on telepathy. Prideful men lying about insecurities within use blame and criticisms to seek control over feelings socially in order to project an image of being stronger. This creates artificial versions of emotional security and more value socially enforced with paranoia and anger. Resorting to vibrational attacks for the purpose of self promotion by reducing worth in others mentally leads to violence. Dominance over feelings is impossible, as we all share thinking. Men with emotional IQ are authentic socially and care about calm feelings more. We are telepathic. There is no choice but to be level with others mentally, and to focus on the ultimate truth of what reality is (connection with Source). Evolved men refuse to criticize other people unprovoked or manipulate the truth. Alphas will always share critical thoughts about other people. Men with emotional depth focus on honesty socially more than alphas, creating non-violence.
The idea of a social hierarchy (human authority) is degrading and humiliating. It promotes closed-mindedness, fear, and the social inclusion of violence. Thoughtful men focusing on telepathy, and away from conformity, are judged relentlessly for having elevated emotions by alphas refusing to evolve. Lessor minds intentionally share cruel beliefs together promoting the social exclusion of men with empathy socializing positive. These men are mental only in focus, never play head games, and are level in the mind with all. Alphas seek emotional support and validation from each other socially, since the ideas they participate in are rooted in dishonor and physical aggression. Alphas judge honest (friendly) men the most, as they focus away from arrogance entirely, and expect friendship to be returned socially. Passing excessive, unprovoked judgments (authoritarianism) on a better psychology, wavelength, and state of being is jealousy. These criticisms always relate to social harmony and non-violence. Alphas rely on power of numbers to manipulate the truth and to keep primal ideas popular that are intentionally threatening towards men that have already focused away from machismo (lying and fear), and towards telepathy, honesty, and Source. Authoritarians will always promote vibrational attacks against men that have already grown past them in thinking, resulting in petty head games socially.
Intelligence is always associated with emotional IQ, and emotional IQ has a direct correlation to the mental focus on social equality. Social equality can only result from honesty (friendship) within the mind. The reason men chose to be honest is because they are aware telepathy is real. It looks stupid to lie about it. Alphas primarily focus on dominance in the mind and social image, and focus entirely away from telepathy within. This reduces their emotional IQ socially. Because of this, alphas will always feel inferior to more honest (friendly) men. Alphas must always focus on acting skills to socialize, since the inner persona is focused only on criticisms, violence, and dishonesty. This creates a shallow personality with a dumb vibe. Forceful thinking men will always share jealousy with men sharing respect with more emotional depth. Only men with emotional IQ can form real personas vibrationally that are not shallow. It is only when the inner mind matches the outer persona that a human being can be likable socially. Shallow men are associated with lying and are not respected when it comes to intelligence, creating situations where they are avoided socially. This angers the minds of men possessing a lower psychology, which often creates unprovoked violent reactions. When thinking is focused on honesty, feelings radiate soft. When thinking is focused on lying, feelings radiate threatening.
Machismo and compassion are polar opposites. Machismo will never allow for healing to occur, while compassion is the promotion of both healing and emotional growth. Men focused on compassion will always outsmart less mature men with arrogance sharing no respect. Men will either allow healing (level thinking) to occur socially, or they will attempt to take away pride from others to artificially boost feelings of self worth. Alphas will always attempt to seek an image of more value socially by cheating (violence, greed, or leadership). Judgements from personalities with machismo usually have little substance. Only judgments relating to character issues (dishonesty), violence, or an excessively critical mind have real substance. Passing judgments on men for being honest (friendly) is shallow, arrogant, and completely against the development of our collective consciousness socially. Judgments from alphas are hypocritical, cruel, and reside in dishonor. Shallow judgments from authoritarians will always lead to drama, social inequality, and violence. Alphas focus intensely on cutting other men down unfairly in order to promote a better social image, calling it competitive.
It’s time for human beings to let go of classism (psychic warfare) for good. It is jealousy. Secure men are level in the mind and easy to get along with. Alphas resort to conniving and childish head games. Men that focus non-violent and refuse to lie evolve.
[ End drama. ]
Now that I look back on it, I basically quiet quit my job way way back almost at the beginning. Nurse here, I started out on a medical floor that was also a step down unit for ICU in a major hospital in Montreal back in 1976. I realized then that I didn't care for the adrenaline rush of ICU, CCU, ER kind of thing and management did not appeal to me either. I loved ppl though and I really loved older ppl. I got into geriatric care, usually working evenings or nights and it is just me and my patients and my co workers. I loathe the hospital corporation that I work for but I so love my patients and my little group of coworkers. I am currently working in the twilight of my career in geriatric rehab and let me tell you, this last couple of years have been a trip. My patients have been so outstanding, they have acted so heroically in such terrifying circumstances, I have been very proud of them (and told them so). My coworkers have been absolute gems, so I have been very lucky. There are times when quiet quitting is the only thing you can do to survive. If that is the case, try to get yourself into the best possible position to survive and if possible, thrive in it. There are still some career paths you can take where you can stash yourself in a corner, and make a good life for yourself in all the chaos that is life. That being said, I am old now and also quietly terrified for our younger generations. What has been done to you is nothing short of criminal. Humans are awfully stupid and shortsighted. I am also constantly impressed by your resilience in the face of these odds. I find young ppl today incredibly brave. Frankly, I think the world we live in is apocalyptical.🤕😟
Thank you for sharing your story❤️ my husband has worked in ERs and hospice facilities and LOVED hospice! Everyone there was kind and caring in comparison to the ER environment. Glad you found a spot that you can thrive in❤️
And I agree with everything you said at the end! Times are crazy and scary..
this is the first time that I hear about quiet quitting but it just makes sense! I can't say that I ever did that but I definitely felt more relaxed as soon as I gave my 2 weeks notice cause before that I was always stressed out at work trying to be the best employee, I didn't even take breaks, it was getting unhealthy. a very interesting video indeed 👏✨️
Yes!! That overall sense of relief once you put in your notice definitely decreases stress❤️ I think the hardest part of quiet quitting was keeping up the charade when you knew you were gonna quit eventually anyways😅
@@PaigeWestCo exactly 😂
Thanks for sharing your story Paige!
You’re so welcome 😊
OMG - Great and superb summary of your personal experience of Quit Quitting. I have been a career coach and so have supported many individuals to Quiet Quit as they have searched for another opportunity that they are enthusiastic about. Your story about how once you took control back over your life, started developing your new career, lightened in your view of life, whilst still doing the 'honorable' thing of completing your 9-5 and suddenly discovered 'Hey, I am being noticed and appreciated suddenly' is no surprise to me!!! Seen it a 100 times! The stress you were under was largely self-induced - yep I know it came from really good intentions - but with the need to do really good came stress (which you passed onto other people) and a desperation (not nice to be around) and a sort of neediness 'Am I doing good? Am I good enough? Please tell me I am good enough!' (draining to be around!).
SO glad you learned this valuable career lesson early in life - the secret to a great career? Do something that excites and invigorates you (yep, even as you work long hours at it!) that way success follows as people vie to have you on their team and to work with you.
You also learned what happens if you quiet quit without taking the responsibility for finding a rewarding job - depression! You know those negative cynical people that no-one wants to be around at work - that is what they allowed to have happen to them!
It’s hard for me to quietly quit. I can’t help but put in effort in everything I do.
I totally resonate with that.. it was definitely easiest for me when I had another project outside of my job to put my best effort into!
That means you love your job and should not quit 😉
@@peymanmalek4051 Yup!! And I’m still there 😊
I really like the idea from quiet quitting. I'm pursuing some ecom businesses on the side and have been doing this since 7 months ago. It's really cool making additional income on the side. I'm building 3 more ecom stores in my free time.
That’s awesome!!
@@PaigeWestCo thank you
Thought about doing this due to burnout, then realized it's just not in me to dial it back and I'd just get burned out again. Ended up putting in my notice the next available day.
Congrats on putting in your notice!!!😊
I went into engineering too! Also a recovering engineer. Good job!
Thanks so much!😊 love how you said recovering engineer lol! I relate to that so much! What do you do now?
@@PaigeWestCo Working on my UA-cam Channel! :)
That’s awesome!!!
@@PaigeWestCo That's why I was impacted by your message. Thank you. Great job.
@@MckensyLong I subscribed! Glad it was impactful😊
I actually got a promotion quiet quitting. Too many ppl kept quitting lol
Omg that’s so funny😂 congrats on the promotion though!!
If you're quiet quitting but still getting your job done... Then you have accomplished what you agreed to do when you were hired. END OF STORY.
So true!!
*sigh* it's called Work To Rule and it's a labour action of malicious compliance. Labelling it 'quiet quitting' is to blame the worker whereas Work To Rule puts the blame squarely on the employer.
It is the bare minimum one can do in the absence of collective action like unionisation.
I've been stuck in this spot for probably 4 years now. I can tell ya that if you're not good at the whole corporate politics circus nonsense then industrial analytical chemistry is the biggest dead end kind of field you can be in. Wish I could start something on the side but I just don't got the time and energy.
Verrry interesting
A prominent philosopher and economist saw this coming nearly 200 years ago, writing about worker alienation. If you don't happen to be passionate about the content of your job, you're just going through the motions for monetary or status reward. And yes, your employer (almost always) really doesn't care, so long as they can get work out of you. Everybody knows it, but many are afraid to say his name because employers have turned it into a scary word.
4:20 - 6:00 If you stop trying so hard and just let go, you're not only happier but, mysteriously, you do a better job. Religious and spiritual mystics have noticed this forever, even sports trainers.
My first job was at an absolutely miserable place to work. Everyone was miserable, and turnover was pretty high. You could tell the people who had found a new job and were about to quit, because they suddenly got a lot cheerier.
At my last job, they called this "retiring in place". I did it in my last year before leaving the work world forever.
So interesting about the concept of letting go! Definitely something I want to learn more about. Congrats on leaving the workforce😊
Crazy how multiple people can make 6 figure salaries for years yet some do 60 hours, others do 25+ hours (but attend for 40 hours sure) - same corporate job
Agreed!! That’s one thing I don’t like about corporate😅
You mentioned something on Smerconish's show recently about the GiG economy. There was a landmark book by Diane Mulcahy published a few years ago about this topic and in it, she notes that futurists who look at the changing nature of work estimate that 46% of the workforce would be employed as freelance or contract workers by 2030. I think that the Pandemic has brought this forward by probably a decade and like a stone dropped into a quiet pond has produced ripples that we are just starting to recognize. As a skilled knowledge worker, I think you and others like you just are waking up to the fact that companies don't care a lick about you. They want your labor and your skills, and you contribute to them making a profit. As an ethical value if they pay you a salary based on 40hrs per week you should deliver on that contract, however, they don't treat that as a two-way street. The average pay gap between CEO salaries in the top 300 American companies and the median workers' salaries in those companies is $670 to $1. What justifies this kind of pay gap? That's 3/5ths of the Fortune 500, for the rest of all US companies the number is estimated at $350 to $1. In Japan, this number is $67 to $1 and in Europe (Germany) the average CEO makes $147 for every $1 the average worker in his/her company makes. So what justifies the huge pay gap in the largest US companies? If you work for one of those companies are they typically demanding you work 50hrs or 60hrs weeks in exchange for 40hrs pay? I was born in the last year of the baby boom and grew up in the 1970s when people used to think about taking jobs with companies that offered pensions and benefits. People were told to be loyal to the company and looked forward to basically lifetime employment. Those days are long gone, we are the only major country in the industrialized world that doesn't provide universal health care for its population and are the least supported workforce in the world in terms of social safety net, particularly for women. American workers work longer hours and take less vacation than any other industrialized nation. Is it any wonder that so many people suffer from mental health issues? It just seems that the old social contracts between workers and the companies they work for are broken. Think about it workers can be laid off at will or aged out of the corporate system when companies realize that they can fire someone in their 50s and hire two recent college grads to replace them. Lather rinse repeat. The Republicans talk a very good game about family values and now with the Dobbs decision seem to be trying to push their message that having more children should be a societal virtue. Except for there is one problem with this, they have yet to provide any proposals for things like child care. If you as a woman are expected to have more children how are you expected to support them? Don't get me started on the 401k thing or how much money you as a millennial would be expected to save over your working life to have what we might call a "dignified retirement". People can of course decide what that means but as part of the definition I would think being free from want and worry probably comes into the discussion somewhere. Those 401k's were a bonanza for Wall Street and Corporations too as they shifted the fiduciary responsibility from Corporations to provide pension benefits for their workers to the private sector and really to the individuals themselves because nobody forces you to contribute to the company 401k programs or tells you what mix of investments is appropriate to your risk tolerance. So has this really benefited the average worker in tangible ways? None of our established social systems recognize that people are getting older or living longer. More than 50% of my generation have nothing at all put aside for retirement WTF? For the other 50% that do have at something put aside, for the majority of people in that category it's not going to be enough and they run the serious risk of outliving their savings. This is going to come to a crisis and politicians looking for votes are going to have to address this because seniors a block vote. The burden is going to be shifted to the younger generations to carry the load. You can look at the Mutual Fund industry for this data it's all available. It used to be that you could build wealth in this country by following the rules of working for a good company and owning a home and for those that wanted to send their kids to college and retire at 65. Fortunately, I read a book in the 1980s called Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen and the ideas in the book always stuck with me. It used to be that with a corporate job, home ownership, careful saving, and investment, and 40 years of work you could achieve the American dream and probably look forward to a "dignified" retirement. Is that really the reality today when 46% of the workforce is forecast to be working freelance or contract work without benefits? In my opinion, you are on the right track, yes by all means take a corporate job to start yourself off but if you have tech skills you should definitely start your own side hustles, if you don't have tech skills then figure out a way to get some because what's apparent to me is that there are a whole lot of people in this country that are going to be left behind by the tech skills gap.
Lol. All the tryhards are finally realizing they wasted their lives.
You aren’t wrong😂😂 that’s definitely how I felt!
im a civil engineer but i avoid burnout by only sticking to 40h per week. and there was plenty of loss of time due to meetings, bathroom, events, etc. those are not my problem.
Sticking to 40 hours is definitely helpful! I was in transportation engineering so basically civil although my degree was industrial😅 billable hours goals were definitely a big contributor to my burnout!
@@PaigeWestCo im in construction. i used to aggressively work all 40h. but when my boss lacked flexibility in my work schedule to attend appointments, i stuck to 40h no exceptions. my boss bitched and moaned but couldn't do anything. eventually i got laidoff and at my 3rd employer since and have kept the same schedule. do the least amount of effort to keep boss happy.
That’s awesome that you’ve stuck to your boundaries to keep a healthy relationship with work!!
@@PaigeWestCo yeah because at the end of the day only you will stand up for your boundaries. employers don't care about your well being.
Unfortunately that’s so true!!!
Morally acceptable? In the business industry that term doesn't exist. It's just legal or illegal.
You aren’t wrong😅 BUT I’m a big advocate for holding your own values regardless of what the other side of the agreement does.. in my experience it’s always led to a better outcome on my end (not just for the other side of the deal)!
@@PaigeWestCo I'm not saying throw your values away. I'm all for being a good person. But being a good coworker and professional gets you chewed on, it's time to leave the niceness and just focus on your "daily tasks". I've been burned way too many times because of my niceness. Just my personal experience. I now just go to work, clock out, do my job and leave. Do it again tomorrow. Companies expect the world of you on meager salaries and want you to take on extra work. Because they are all about profit. Most work with least spending on labor
I’m with you and agree with everything you said! If you’re doing the job you’re paid to do but just not giving extra then hey you’re doing it right!😅
The point I was trying to make was that “quiet quitting” IS morally acceptable because it’s just doing the work you’re paid to do and calling it after that. I feel like a lot of people consider it “unethical” because they think it means people are pretending to do work while still getting a paycheck but in reality just sitting around. Not sure if that made sense but I prob didn’t articulate it great in the video😂 that happens to me too often lol
@@PaigeWestCo you articulated it great. I just wanted to point out that morally and legally are two words that don't always go hand in hand. The legality of a subject is an objective concept. The morality of a subject is a subjective concept. That's just my point. ♥️
That is a really good point to make! Appreciate the conversation💜
You went 4 years to school!?! You are so educated!
Ecclesiastes 1:9 “There’s nothing new under the sun." Quiet quitting is just a new label for what was referred to for many years as "retirement in place".
Thanks for the video 👍
You’re so welcome!
I wish I can quiet quit my job. Nurses can’t do this…
That’s true.. there’s definitely jobs where it’s just not possible😓 hang in there❤️
Nursing is a difficult, thankless job. I have a great respect for nurses, and I respect anyone who works hard at their job. Good luck!
I have cut down from a top performer to middle of the road, after I realized politics are all that matter. I am still better than most, but no longer stand out. I work about 10 less hours a week now
Congrats on making that shift!!💜 Do you feel better mentally?
What if the job you do and passion about pays less then the one we are trying to quiet quit
In my opinion the freedom to do what you are passionate about outweighs the monetary value of the work!
This is a great article that looks at this specific concept that I love!
@@PaigeWestCo thank You paige
Beware, I worked a job I LOVED working for less than I was worth to build something I BELIEVED in. In the end I was replaced by cheaper labor who dismantled everything I had built. My kids grew up without nice things, vacations, etc. to then watch their mom who had been "saving the world" fall apart. Now I have Medicaid which means waiting months for an appointment to get a referral that gets denied, it's like not having healthcare, but you wait a long time to not get it. Point is it might be best to keep that good paying job and let "making the world a better place" be your hobby. You can decide how much to dedicate to your job. If you get written up you might then change your ways but until then . . .
She is sooooo cute and I won’t be quiet about it and I won’t quit saying it.
I was about to trash this video when she started talking. But she made some good valid points! O well I’ll troll someone else la8tr.
Best comment I’ve gotten all month😂😂 appreciate you sparing me💀
Now I know why I was doing all the work!!
😂😂😂 this comment is too good!
A trend you saw ? This has been reported on for over a year now.
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is always been a thing there’s always people that did the quiet quitting
It’s definitely always been a thing, I just never had heard of a name for it!
My normal work day sounds like your quiet quitting lol
You’re probably doing it right 😂
Honestly consulting companies need to get rid of utility and billable hours. You'll get the same amount of work done without it. It's not helpful
People have been doing that for years.
I've watched like 5 of these videos today instead of working 😅
I did the same thing before I left my job😂
Where u from
Florida originally!
I'm a high achiever, but I've reached a ceiling in my job because of my race. Quietly quitting is the only reasonable option.
Wishing you all the best❤️
Yup, most jobs discriminate against whites nowadays for the sake of “diversity”. Wishing you all the best.
I doubt that, unless you're white.
Can I work for you? I promise 69% of my efforts (on average, somedays maybe like 20%) . . .
Once you get close to retirement age, this is called "Retiring In Place".
I've been hearing that term a lot lately! Makes a lot of sense!
@@PaigeWestCo Yep, I should know. Ooops, did I say that???
@@attila1746 🤣🤣
Nah, it's just the natural result of an unmotivated and overworked employee. Although it's assumed a pizza party will fix the problem, the true solution is putting the means of production in the hands of the workers.
Just find another job that you prefer instead of being lazy.
You shouldn't have invested the money like that 😅 should have invested in the S&P 500
I need to rewatch this video to remind myself what I even was talking about here LOL
😆 lol you're funny
way too long to get to the point...
All while those who strive a little more will get a higher bonus rate, higher pay increases and promotions. Yes, continue with your #quietquitting while wondering why you didn’t get that promotion or important seat at the table. And when the dreadful decision to right-size the company comes along, you’ll be amongst the first to go. Good luck with that!! 🤣