My problem with a lot of modern manticore sculpts is that they forget the human face. A flying lion with a scorpion tail is dangerous sure, but add a human face and it also becomes unsettling.
I use industrial strength stuff of eBay (ever build currently) I usually use the gel / high viscosity stuff but I've been using the medium one recently, it definitely sets faster and is better at getting in gaps but I find it messier than the gel.
I'm sure there's a local equivalent, I just search eBay for industrial strength super glue, the individual brands change all the time but if it's in that type of bottle it's usually pretty consistent.
Was doing some internet wandering and noticed these wings are "BIG WINGS (3)" by Max Mini...
That makes some sense I think, I remember I picked them up from somewhere, just the wings, for a demon prince I never finished.
Whenever there‘s some greenstuff, a drill and some superglue involved on a chaos model: count me in! Great Job!!
My problem with a lot of modern manticore sculpts is that they forget the human face. A flying lion with a scorpion tail is dangerous sure, but add a human face and it also becomes unsettling.
It took me a while to figure this out, but you can paint the tufts, wash, then highlight same as with anything else.
Might try that, I've painted them as part of turnip models I suppose.
Really loving this idea (and the beastmen blog in general) gonna dig around for some wings to try to replicate this.
Looks great. Keep em coming!
Beautiful work, I love the basing too
Amazing Work!
He's very cool
You did a great job, love how its all coming together!
Very nice conversion.
Have you shown it to Trish Carden?
No but I'll probably post it on the Oldhammer group.
Can you give some detail on the glue?
I use industrial strength stuff of eBay (ever build currently) I usually use the gel / high viscosity stuff but I've been using the medium one recently, it definitely sets faster and is better at getting in gaps but I find it messier than the gel.
@@ScruffyCrow sadly looks like that is a UK Co…not sure I can get it in the US without a hammer of a postage cost
I'm sure there's a local equivalent, I just search eBay for industrial strength super glue, the individual brands change all the time but if it's in that type of bottle it's usually pretty consistent.
@@ScruffyCrow I’m going to give it a shot. The dragon ogres from that period have precious little contact area for some limbs