Yahweh is Echad, One (Shema, pt. 3)

  • Опубліковано 3 чер 2024
  • The Shema teaches us to have sole loyalty to Yahweh; He alone must be our Mighty One. Is Yahweh really one all by Himself? What does the word echad mean? Does Deuteronomy 6:4-9 somehow teach the tri-unity of God?


  • @courtneyrichmer6150
    @courtneyrichmer6150 День тому

    Thanks! That really cleared up my confusion on this matter.

  • @faithhope2212
    @faithhope2212 Місяць тому +3

    I love this whole message. So much to take to heart. YHWH, "With all our heart, mind and being." Blessings 🕊🙏

  • @mikeoc217
    @mikeoc217 Місяць тому +4

    I was shunned from my Trinitarian church for telling & writing a brief history of the Trinity s inception. I don't understand how they can believe it when it evolved over 300+ years?? 🙏🏼😇🇮🇱🇺🇸💯

    • @harryabrahams2770
      @harryabrahams2770 Місяць тому

      Has it evolved or does it come from the Torah that states that 2 or 3 witnesses are required to establish a matter? Got Torah Got Truth

    • @judith6527
      @judith6527 29 днів тому +1

      I would say that in today's churches most believe in trinity but that we will be shunned I have been shunned by my understanding of the Bible it's hard but worth it, I'd rather be alone and Right with Yah than joining with those who are sadly blind I'd love to go to a fellowship but unless I'm growing or learning something it rather drains me.

  • @danielfarris7123
    @danielfarris7123 Місяць тому +2

    Really enjoyed this message brother Matthew, thank you for sharing it ! May Yah bless & keep you always 🙏

  • @FlyTour69
    @FlyTour69 Місяць тому

    “For Yahweh your God is the God of gods and the Lord of Lords, the great, the mighty, and the fearsome God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe.”
    ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭10‬:‭17‬ ‭LSB‬‬
    “These have one purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast. These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of Lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and elect and faithful.””
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭17‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭LSB‬‬
    Who is the Lord of Lords, Yahweh or the Lamb?
    “Thus says Yahweh, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, Yahweh of hosts: ‘I am the first, and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭44‬:‭6‬ ‭LSB‬‬
    “And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man. And He placed His right hand on me, saying, “Do not fear; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.”
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭LSB‬‬
    Who is the first and the last, Yahweh or Yeshua?

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  Місяць тому

      Who is the light of the world? Yeshua (John 8:12) or his disciples (Matthew 5:16). Titles can be shared by multiple parties in different senses. (Even Artaxerxes and Nebuchadnezzar are called king of kings, Ezra 7:12 and Daniel 2:37).

    • @FlyTour69
      @FlyTour69 Місяць тому

      @@emjmnc I appreciate your response, and that is a good point. However, certain titles can only be held by God Himself, such as “I Am” (Exodus 3:14, John 8:58) or Creator (Isaiah 44:24, John 1:3).
      Also, only God is to be worshiped (Luke 4:8), and yet there are several passages where Yeshua receives worship (Matt 14:33, John 9:38, Matt 28:17, Heb 1:6) . Prayer is an act of worship, and Stephen prays to Yeshua when he is being stoned (Acts 7:59-60)
      Last but not least, Yeshua is straight up called “God” (Or “Elohim” depending on the translation.) (John 1:1, John 20:28, Rom 9:5, Heb 1:8)
      “Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”
      Is Yeshua not also our Lord and our God?
      “For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells bodily,”
      ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬ ‭LSB‬‬
      How can anyone acknowledge that Yeshua is the I AM, the Creator, worshiped and prayed to, and is called God and has all the fullness of Deity, and yet still deny that He is God?

  • @kingdomkidd77
    @kingdomkidd77 Місяць тому

    Excellent series, looking forward to hearing the rest of this entire breakdown of the Shema.
    Yahweh continue to bless you brother Matthew!

  • @Tracy-Inches
    @Tracy-Inches Місяць тому

    Good morning you all, thanks brother Matthew for sharing. Shalom
    Love y’all

  • @beedlejuice2324
    @beedlejuice2324 Місяць тому

    Beautiful teaching as usual brother! Thank you for this series. I find it a true blessing ❤

  • @sgmarr
    @sgmarr Місяць тому

    Great examples and lesson!
    Regarding the Triune God?
    There is another huge role in the Theory of 3!
    There are? Father, Holy Spirit, Son AND 7 Holy Angels, who Act As Priests and Leaders of ALL the Functions of Heavens, Earth and Sheol.
    I believe the Son IS Holy Michael, and if that is True, it makes it 6 Holy Angels.
    In either Case, there IS more than 3 in this Godhead!!!
    These Holy Angels also help Keep the Book of Life Records up to Date. They matter greatly!
    9 in this Godhead, IF you insist on this Understanding!
    I know it is NOT Truth nor Correct or Accepted!
    It also is Removing Honor TO the other 6.
    It Removes Honor from Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit
    @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit Місяць тому

    🕊️Call Upon the NAME OF YAHUWAH🕊️
    🕊️Messiah Is Yahusha Hamashiach🕊️
    He Came in the name of

    • @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit
      @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit Місяць тому

      🕊️ When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease being honest. 🕊️

    • @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit
      @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit Місяць тому

      🕊️ LOVE YOU BROTHER 🕊️

    • @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit
      @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit Місяць тому

      🕊️ When he is in you, ( MUST BE BORN AGAIN ) You will not need to go to the scriptures, the spirit of Yahuwah that is in you ( born again) will give you the words in real time 🙏

    • @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit
      @ArchangelMichaelHolySpirit Місяць тому

      🚨 Adoni & lord = ba'al 🚨
      • Semitic religions gave other deities appellations corresponding to "Lord" including:
      • Ba'al ("Lord"), as used by the Canaanites both as a generic term of address to various local deities and as the spoken name for the storm god Ba'al Haddu once the form "Hadad" became too sacred for any but his high priest to utter.
      • Similarly, Tammuz came to be addressed as "Adoni" ("My Lord").

  • @thehumanjesus
    @thehumanjesus Місяць тому +1

    Matt, the Greek verifies ECHAD as simply “one” and not “alone,” that would be YACHID. Or do you know regard the Greek as inspired?

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  Місяць тому

      I don’t have a problem with the Greek heis meaning one, masculine person (as I mentioned in the sermon). I based my understanding on the Hebrew semantic range and the context of loyalty to a commandment in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. The NRSV, JPS, NLT, and Rotherham agree. Echad doesn’t mean “lonely” here, but in this sense, “YHWH alone is the Almighty.” Yachid has the sense of lonely, but more often special or unique.

  • @joshlbiomechanic
    @joshlbiomechanic Місяць тому

    Love your work brothers, what is your opinion on Open Theism?
    I grew up in a Dutch reformed church and the taught me TULIP from Calvin and I am now discovering it is heavily flawed.

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  Місяць тому

      I haven’t given it much thought, but I’m open to understanding it.

  • @lightenupbuttercup5476
    @lightenupbuttercup5476 Місяць тому

    I am so confused after 56 years of being indoctrinated. I am not being disrespectful in any way. I am trying to understand. My husband and I are very new to being Torah Observant. Please explain why Yeshua, prayed to the Father on the cross or any time when he prayed? I mean, if he is God, why is he praying to himself? Please do not be offended, again, we are trying to understand and grasp this.

    • @CanCanGibs
      @CanCanGibs Місяць тому +1

      He is not praying to himself- it is literally the son praying to the Father. 🙏🏼

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  Місяць тому +2

      You don’t ever have to apologize for asking a genuine question. They’re all welcome.
      Prayer is man speaking to God, so when Yeshua prayed it was a man speaking to God (YHWH). He literally said “my God, my God” while he hung there on the cross, showing that he was not the God he was praying to. It’s not complicated; only the later developed theologies of men complicate things.

    • @lightenupbuttercup5476
      @lightenupbuttercup5476 Місяць тому

      @@emjmnc thank you!

  • @harryabrahams2770
    @harryabrahams2770 Місяць тому

    Your examples of “ echad “ meaning “ one “ is not the same as in the Shema where it states that your Elohim
    ( Gods ) are one..The Torah requires there are 3 Gods since 2 or 3 witnesses are required to establish a matter..Got Torah Got Truth

    • @SvenGreenHill2174
      @SvenGreenHill2174 Місяць тому

      Torah requires 2-3 reliable witnesses to establish a matter.
      One does not need 3 clones of the same sheep, to conclude that their single sheep even exists.
      If a creature broke into one's garden, through a fence and ate some plants.
      One would look for 2-3 reliable witnesses to establish what creature ate their plants.
      1. Cloven hoof prints in the mud leading to and from the chewed off plants,
      2. Wool fibers caught on the edges of the fresh hole in the metal wire fence.
      3. Herbivore, because the creature ate many different types of plants.
      Conclusion: a sheep got in and ate the vegetable plants.