Prof Tim Noakes - A worldwide nutrition revolution: What is next?

  • Опубліковано 21 тра 2019
  • A worldwide nutrition revolution: What is next?
    Prof Tim Noakes
    In this presentation I will address the question: who is correct? Does the scientific evidence support the low carbohydrate or the low fat diet as being the healthier? I will show that most of the evidence supporting the low fat dietary guidelines has either been disproven or it results from prospective longitudinal studies the results of which do not support the interpretation of causation (according to the Hill Bradford criteria first described in 1937). Thus much of the so-called scientific evidence implying causative effects for different foodstuffs or nutrients on ill-health results from “scare-mongering” not hard science. Once we understand that prospective longitudinal studies of this type are unable to prove causation except in very unusual circumstances, it becomes easier to understand why there is so much confusion regarding what we should and should not be eating. Stripping out the results of poor science and “scaremongering” allows us to focus on what we really should be eating to be healthy. The future requires that we convey to the public only that information which is solidly based in irrefutable science and is devoid of all scaremongering.
    The Environment and Disease: Association or Causation?
    Hill AB. The environment and disease: Association or Causation? Proc Roy Soc Med 1965; 68: 295-300.
    Dr Jay’s Blog
    News from the Women’s Health Initiative: Reducing Total Fat Intake May Have Small Effect on Risk of Breast Cancer, No Effect on Risk of Colorectal Cancer, Heart Disease, or Stroke
    Effects of a low-fat dietary intervention on glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Dietary Modification trial1,2,3
    Shikany JM et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2011; 94: 75-85.
    A systematic review of the evidence supporting a causal link between dietary factors and coronary heart disease.
    Are some diets “mass murder”?
    Smith R. Are some diets mass murder? BMJ 2014;349:g7654 doi: 10.1136/bmj.g7654 (Published 15 December 2014)
    Dietary Intake of Saturated Fat Is Not Associated with Risk of Coronary Events or Mortality in Patients with Established Coronary Artery Disease1-3
    Puaschitz NG et al. Dietary intake of saturated fat is not associated with risk of coronary events or mortality in patients with established coronary artery disease. J Nutr. February 1, 2015 jn.114.203505
    Gerald M. Reaven, MD: Demonstration of the Central Role of Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
    Insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and hypertriglyceridemia in the etiology and clinical course of hypertension
    Reaven G. Insulin resistance and CHD in non-diabetic subjects. Atheroscler Throm Vasc Biol 2012;32:1754-59
    Dietary carbohydrate restriction induces a unique metabolic state positively affecting atherogenic dyslipidemia, fatty acid partitioning, and metabolic syndrome.
    Volek JS, Fernandez ML, Feinman RD, Phinney SD. Dietary carbohydrate restriction induces a unique metabolic state positivelyaffecting atherogenic dyslipidemia, fatty acid partitioning, and metabolic syndrome. Prog Lipid Res 2008; 47: 307-318
    “Make starchy foods part of most meals”: a food-based dietary guideline for South Africa
    Fasano A. Zonulin and its regulation of intestinal barrier function. Physiol Rev 2011;91:151-175
  • Розваги


  • @kateaye3506
    @kateaye3506 3 роки тому +6

    Tim Noakes is a gentleman, a scholar and a caring human.

  • @Barbaralee1205
    @Barbaralee1205 5 років тому +20

    Brilliant! Brilliant lecture. I’m continually knocked out by Prof Noakes logic. In a world swimming with deliberately fake statements and not deliberate ignorance, finding your way is made easier when a brilliant mind shows the way. God Bless Tim Noakes

    • @malcolmcruz2794
      @malcolmcruz2794 2 роки тому

      I know I'm pretty randomly asking but do anyone know a good website to stream new tv shows online?

    • @dillonadrien8393
      @dillonadrien8393 2 роки тому

      @Malcolm Cruz flixportal

    • @malcolmcruz2794
      @malcolmcruz2794 2 роки тому

      @Dillon Adrien Thanks, signed up and it seems like a nice service :D I appreciate it !

    • @dillonadrien8393
      @dillonadrien8393 2 роки тому

      @Malcolm Cruz No problem =)

  • @pwdickson1
    @pwdickson1 3 роки тому +1

    Was it Edison that said “in the future you will go to your Dr for nutritional advise not medication” ?

  • @kansasvmax94
    @kansasvmax94 4 роки тому

    Such a great talk!

  • @Michael_Lak
    @Michael_Lak 3 роки тому +1

    All of his videos seems to be about 5 years old. Has there been any recent universal acknowledgement of the truth?

  • @rehanmajid5302
    @rehanmajid5302 4 роки тому

    Dr with due respect but what do you say about dr cladwell esselstyne and nitrous oxide on elpthilial cells

    • @thalesnemo2841
      @thalesnemo2841 4 роки тому +4

      @Rehan Majid
      I don’t know what you’re referring to specifically but those vegan high priest who masquerade as “doctors” do so to gain disciples by cherry picking data which fits there preconceptions !
      Debunking of :Dr Michael Greger is a strident vegan. The first article claims “Yes, this really is food to help you LIVE LONGER!” book is called “The How Not to Die Cookbook.”
      Fact checked Dr Gregor
      Ten ways vegans are ruining the world.
      Debunking top 10 vegan articles
      British Study: Vegan Mortality Rates Similar to Meat-Eaters
      Why a vegan diet is bad !
      Vegetarian Myth ( from an ex vegan)
      Time lapsed photos of vegans starvation
      Meat, Cooked Foods Needed for Early Human Brain
      By Christopher Wanjek | November 19, 2012 11:12am ET
      War on Meat - Gary and Belinda Fettkes with Ivor Cummings
      Historically & religious origin of veganism and vegetarianism from the 19th century- Belinda Fettkes
      Medical evangelism adventist diet advice
      Vegan and vegetarian can not be sustained long term -five generations
      Veganism destroyed in one minute
      Meat, Cooked Foods Needed for Early Human Brain
      By Christopher Wanjek | November 19, 2012 11:12am ET
      The ten dangers of a vegan diet
      The evolution of plant based dietary guidelines- Belinda Fettkes
      Nutrition and dementia.
      Review article
      Gray GE. J Am Diet Assoc. 1989.
      The vegan conspiracy - an active campaign of unscientific disinformation and personal attacks
      The Incredibly Bad Science Behind Dr. Esselstyn’s Plant-based Diet
      “Forks Over Knives”: Is the Science Legit? (A Review and Critique)
      Vegans and vegetarians may have higher stroke risk
      Diet Brainwashing -Why veganism and a vegetarianism does not work (references and links in video notes)
      All the dangers of a vegan diet
      Sunday, June 5, 2016
      Willcox, the fraudulent fabricator of Okinawa sweet potato longevity diet
      The real Okinawa diet ! Plenty of PORK ( video 1 minute )
      Myth of the Okinawa diet
      Lying vegans the high priests of veganism -CLEARLY NOT SCIENTISTs
      FAD diets and the dietary association of Australia ( infected by veganism)
      Death by veganism
      MAY 21, 2007
      Plant based diet propaganda-
      Zoe Harcombe
      Children need meat to thrive
      True but slightly biased.
      "A 2005 study conducted by a University of California Davis nutrition scholar found that among school-age children, those who consumed meat daily dramatically bested their vegetarian peers on muscle growth, intelligence and problem-solving skills."
      A better summary that mentions the background of the children studied (poverty-stricken children in Africa) might be:
      "Denying growing children animal products in their diet during the critical first few years of life was "unethical" and could do permanent damage, said Professor Lindsay Allen, from the University of California at Davis.
      She conducted a study which showed that adding just two spoonfuls of meat to the diet of poverty-stricken children in Africa transformed them both physically and mentally.
      Over a period of two years the children almost doubled their muscle development, and showed dramatic improvements in mental skills. They also became more active, talkative and playful at school."
      The study was:
      Dror, D. K., & Allen, L. H. (2011). The Importance of Milk and other Animal-Source Foods for Children in Low-Income Countries. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 32(3), 227-243. doi:
      The worst mistake humans ever made
      Nutritional and greenhouse gas impacts of removing animals from US agriculture
      Robin R. White and Mary Beth Hall
      PNAS November 28, 2017 114 (48) E10301-E10308; first published November 13, 2017
      Veganism is declared a religion!

  • @jkkennel4189
    @jkkennel4189 3 роки тому

    I like it

  • @tnvol5331
    @tnvol5331 4 роки тому

    Dr Noakes, How do you explain the older rural Chinese who ate a diet of 80-90% white rice and live long healthy lives? They also have cancer rates which are far less than the Western countries. Processed sugar may be harmful but I don't see how anyone can say carbs like rice are harmful given the success of the "Asian diet".

    • @henrytang2203
      @henrytang2203 3 роки тому +1

      I'm Chinese and I quit rice, bread and noodles. Asians can get diabetes, hypertension, heart disease without getting fat. There have been multiple instances in my family.
      The reason these lifestyle diseases used to be rare is because people's caloric needs weren't met and food wasn't highly processed.
      White rice is not healthy, only less unhealthy than American food. Diabetes and early onset Alzheimer's (type 3 diabetes) is in the rise in Singapore.

    • @tnvol5331
      @tnvol5331 3 роки тому

      @@henrytang2203 How do you explain the success of the famous Kempner Rice Diet used by Duke University in the 40s 50s? Also how to you explain Dr John McDougalls successful use of a low fat starch diet in his practice? I believe he said rice was healthy unless you ate fat with it. Did your relatives combine rice with fat? You may be correct about the older rural Chinese having such success because the ate a low calorie diet. I'm still trying to figure out why white rice appears healthy at times. Please google the Kempner Rice Diet and Dr John McDougall.

    • @henrytang2203
      @henrytang2203 3 роки тому

      @@tnvol5331 Thanks, I'll read up on them. Yes some relatives ate fat with rice. I suspect even those nasty veg oils too, but not in large amounts. The truth is, you don't need to do the keto diet if your health is fine.
      But for me, it was the best choice I ever made - it reversed fatty liver and prediabetes. I also happen to like eating fatty meat and veg, and hate bland carbs. Low fat high carb is too boring for me.
      I suspect there are studies that support any diet, even the frugivore diet (which vegans regard as extreme). Pick what works for you.

    • @Bodomi
      @Bodomi 6 місяців тому

      He answered this in a Q&A video.
      TL:DR what he said:
      These people have good genetics regarding this but would still be better off living on a ketogenic diet. People act as if they are immune to disease, and they are not. Doesn't know where people get this idea that Asian people live forever and do not get sickness. Plenty of Asiatic people get sick from things that can be explained by their diets.

    • @tnvol5331
      @tnvol5331 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Bodomi It is definitely not genetics because when Asians move to the US and eat our diet they start getting our high rates of cancer, heart disease, etc/..Everone gets sick but those on the rural Asian diet get sick FAR less. live longer healthier lives.

  • @jkkennel4189
    @jkkennel4189 3 роки тому

    Very big power full died sir

  • @jkkennel4189
    @jkkennel4189 3 роки тому

    I am follow me died 9 months Madison free life bp and blood thinner and asthmatic elarzy I am Indian

  • @TheExpeditionUK
    @TheExpeditionUK 4 роки тому

    Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me-you can't get fooled again.