  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Today, we're confronting the not-so-obvious perils of Magick. Magick, while enchanting, can be tricky if you haven't got the right training. Join us as we unveil the top hazards one might face on the magical path.
    Have you experienced any mishaps due to magick? Share your story in the comments below! Your insights can enlighten others on this mystical journey. Also, please like this video to support our channel and continue our shared exploration of the occult.
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    #magick #esoteric #occult #spirituality #tarot #meditation #astrology #astralprojection


  • @lilchaos4792
    @lilchaos4792 5 місяців тому +15

    I underestimated Magick a year ago, and it completely backfired on me. Almost destroyed me but forced me to rise from the Ashes

  • @williammillard2683
    @williammillard2683 6 місяців тому +15

    I’m 75, did a lot of acid in the 60’s and sincerely wish that someone like Jason had been around when I was 19.

  • @LotusJewelz
    @LotusJewelz 6 місяців тому +38

    This is good stuff, thank you. You and Damien Echols are my favorite lately for this genre.

    • @LotusJewelz
      @LotusJewelz 6 місяців тому +1

      I'm going to re-watch this with my wife later, want her to hear this too.

  • @hivemind8
    @hivemind8 5 місяців тому +16

    I vaguely remember reading something by Crowley (in Liber Aleph, IIRC), where he recommends studying mathematics as a prerequisite for practicing magick - I very much agree. Studying mathematics (which, I want to emphasize, means doing practice problems and writing proofs, not just reading and watching youtube videos!) is one of the best ways to develop the ability to think rationally and methodically. And once you have a basic understanding of symbolic logic and the foundations of mathematics, you can develop a nuanced understanding of the inherit limitations of abstract symbolic logic, e.g. Godel's incompleteness theorem, Turing's work on non-computability, etc. On a personal level, I think I was able to avoid a lot of the pitfalls you discuss because I did a phd in applied math and started a career as a professional scientist before I started seriously practicing magick. To be clear, I'm not suggesting that everyone who wants to practice magick needs to have formal mathematical/scientific training, but studying math in some capacity (it's easier than ever given the plethora of free online resources) can be very helpful.
    On a final note, thanks for including the bit at the end, I've had that exact experience - my life completely fell apart, brutally and painfully, only to reassemble itself into something better than I thought possible, and much more in line with my true self. I think this component of initiation should be emphasized more, since it seems fairly universal, at least in some traditions. (Thelema in particular, which is the primary tradition I'm trained in). It turns out that magickal oaths really are binding, lol, and if you ask the universe to guide you to your True Will, it's more than happy to oblige by beating the shit out of you and blowing up your life if you need a course-correction. It's painful, frightening, and not for the faint of heart, but ultimately worth it, in my experience. Also, I suspect I could have avoided a lot of the pain had I listened to my teachers, and made a more deliberate effort to confront and resolve my internal blockages and complexes through therapy, rather than just cranking up the magickal juice and forcing those confrontations to play out in my life. There's a good reason why every magick teacher worth their salt emphasized this, and I commend you for doing so. It must be frustrating that no one listens to that part 😉

  • @quixoticdragon2357
    @quixoticdragon2357 6 місяців тому +13

    Your video with Damien was the best thing I've watched in forever. Subbed

  • @Healitall
    @Healitall 6 місяців тому +9

    Great as always. I also HIGHLY recommend understanding what Naive Realism is and how to recognise it and not get trapped in it.

  • @MissSparks92
    @MissSparks92 Місяць тому +2

    Always clarify, "with harm to none" when doing ALL spells, even on intentions you assume wouldn't harm anyone. I did a money spell and my grandpa died a week later and left me 10k in his will. I feel like I killed my grandpa now and the guilt has destroyed me. I regret not saying this when doing the spell. I never forget to say this now and nobody has gotten hurt since. Unless it's one HECK of a coincidence that he died a week after casting the spell...Idk what to think but definitely say this when doing spells yall(unless you intend harm, and if that's the case be VERY specific how you wish them harm..for an animal ab*ser for example, I wished him jail time and to bind him from doing anymore harm against animals and to speed up karmic backlash on him to a deity and he was arrested 2 months later.)

  • @Miss.Sorcery
    @Miss.Sorcery 5 місяців тому +2

    I am so happy to see this video. Very well said

  • @alexandersymonette5100
    @alexandersymonette5100 6 місяців тому +8

    i see that some folks are saying to turn down the side effects, which i agree with for the loud ones like the slamming door, but i do enjoy the silly side of the editing and appreciate the levity. just sharing an opinion 😎

  • @moonman5543
    @moonman5543 6 місяців тому +3

    Love this balanced approach. So important to have a purpose to even engage in magick to begin with

  • @Yukiabiannightmare
    @Yukiabiannightmare 6 місяців тому +9

    My curses involve people constantly losing their remote

    • @LinguisticLifeform
      @LinguisticLifeform 4 місяці тому +1

      Damn! How can I get off your curse list? 😂

    • @elvia3068
      @elvia3068 2 місяці тому +1


  • @genghisgalahad8465
    @genghisgalahad8465 6 місяців тому +3

    The effects are mostly on point and they have a point that I appreciate from the get-go!! Although I realize the admonitions are because of the keen attention to your delivery! So kudos? 🎉

  • @chuckfriebe843
    @chuckfriebe843 6 місяців тому +11

    New age thinking, not traditional magic. Do you really think that people that practiced magic in the Middle Ages or pre-Christian times were thinking about consciousness or science? They believed what had been handed down to them for generations through training and observation. Youre trying to make magic into to something mathematical. I get that this is a popular way of thinking about magic these days, but it’s really way more simple than that.

    • @David.Isaac.147
      @David.Isaac.147 6 місяців тому +5

      Thank you for speaking the truth 🙏

  • @leonesytigresyosos2695
    @leonesytigresyosos2695 6 місяців тому +14

    Great video content as always. But I'd suggest tuning down the effects a bit. At least the sound part, it can be a little annoying imo.

    • @MagickMeSchool
      @MagickMeSchool  6 місяців тому +4

      Thank you for your feedback! We will keep this in mind for future content.

    • @MykeeRamen
      @MykeeRamen 6 місяців тому +5

      I think the effects are kinda fun.

    • @0xC47P1C3
      @0xC47P1C3 5 місяців тому

      I was thinking this too. The editing is a little corny especially with this kind of topic. Should be kept respectful

    • @gesudinazaret9259
      @gesudinazaret9259 4 місяці тому +2

      @@MagickMeSchoolplease don’t ,the sound effects are amusing and remind me of how lighthearted the whole thing actually is

  • @russellsmith3567
    @russellsmith3567 6 місяців тому +3

    As my Aghori Baba always says "Siddhi, what is Siddhi? Cheap tricks that come at a high price"
    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj had the correct view, Patanjal was 98% correct.

  • @sleep13pr1ncess-tv6nb
    @sleep13pr1ncess-tv6nb 6 місяців тому +3

    Love the effects 😁🙌🏻 Imo it gives personality and a sense of unpretentiousness to the video. Grateful for the content you put out

  • @inkcap1002
    @inkcap1002 2 місяці тому +1

    Physical fitness is also important

  • @gnumusic-brian
    @gnumusic-brian 6 місяців тому +6

    Yes and no, in that sometimes what seems like a phase of dispersion if handled right can then come out the other side re-integrated on a much higher level.

    • @brunopapas
      @brunopapas 6 місяців тому

      Yesssss, the joy is in the mystery 🚀

  • @marshalmcdonald7476
    @marshalmcdonald7476 6 місяців тому +2

    The thing I've noticed about many 'magic' types is their overall dissipation. They seem to live in a parallel world that they don't notice isn't working. They double down on their very thin belief system and, to my eye, further devolve into something that just doesn't add up.

  • @HoraceHart-o4z
    @HoraceHart-o4z 6 місяців тому +3

    When it comes to magick you can be as book smart as you want to. The problem with commentators who have no practical experience is that the illusion known as the physical realm is all that exists for them.

  • @BentonOm
    @BentonOm 6 місяців тому +6

    I liked the effects 😂❤

  • @astrocatcity
    @astrocatcity 2 місяці тому

    Straight talk. Good stuff

  • @MagpieOnTheMoon
    @MagpieOnTheMoon 6 місяців тому +1

    Excellent content.... really glad I took the time to watch. Thanks!

  • @KS-Moon
    @KS-Moon 6 місяців тому +4

    Ahhhhh yes, Thank You for Your balanced approach

  • @BitterSteel69
    @BitterSteel69 6 місяців тому +2

    This is sound advice for life in general, more important now than ever.

  • @indigozen4794
    @indigozen4794 6 місяців тому +27

    your understanding of magic is not aligned with say traditional voudoun, you can have your opinion but it doesn't make it true

    • @JB_7775
      @JB_7775 6 місяців тому +9

      This audience is not likely to be interested in Voodoo. Plenty of other channels are.

  • @bodhikesla2347
    @bodhikesla2347 5 місяців тому +1

    I was really excited to see this video. Becuase I have a lot of respect for your videos. I thought you , finally may have some insight in to my experience. But alas, you only seem to refer to the shallows (seemly by comparison to my experience).
    I had a very intense fall in to "The Chapel Perilous" a few years ago, and no one had answers/help for me. I don't want o go in to too much detail out of fear and concern and not knowing what to say and what not to say, but as an example of what I was experiencing:
    I found myself seemingly being bullied by some force through other people wherever I went, constantly for years. Like, some power or force would speak through other people, no matter how far n wide I traveled. (I was not delusional).
    Thats just one small example of "The Sorcerers Apprentice" type experience I was having...
    What do you do when you find yourself awake, alone, and aware of a spiritual war (that others would call you crazy or lock you up for talking about)?
    It still happens a little, but thankfully it has lessoned a lot in recent years, since I fell off the spiritual path.

    • @solotrotter8965
      @solotrotter8965 2 місяці тому

      I experienced something similar for years and found myself unable to be around people and as a result found myself living a pretty secluded existence. Fortunately like yourself it died down after about 10 years.

  • @jakeblatchly9768
    @jakeblatchly9768 6 місяців тому +2

    So many negative commments here and a lot of comments from people who are certainly are caught up in imaginative woo woo thinking.
    Jason, love your content and I am so grateful that the first instruction I ever read on magick was an article from you on how to do sigils. The science, rationality and balance of it is perfect. Grateful that first instructional book on magick I ever read was Thee Psychick Bible as well.
    I can't think of a specific instance where magick has torn up my life to set me on the right path but most of the time i get what I want but not the way I wanted it and with a lot of trial and tribulation but it always works out.

  • @ChadDonald
    @ChadDonald 6 місяців тому +12

    Like the overall message, but maybe pick a better example of irrationality than granola mom's. Eating organic & exercising isn't irrational. People who can't differentiate between reality & the imagination are called schizophrenic.

    • @sunfl0weronthemoon
      @sunfl0weronthemoon 6 місяців тому +4

      Psychotic* not schizophrenic. Although I do agree with your comment.
      To further elaborate, psychosis can occur in various mental disorders not just schizophrenia (for example bipolar, borderline personality, and dissociative disorders may experience psychotic symptoms)

  • @chrisryan3160
    @chrisryan3160 6 місяців тому +1

    thoroughly enjoyed this, thanks man

  • @widgets-widgets5210
    @widgets-widgets5210 6 місяців тому +5

    Ok, not so much Magik, but still.. a hundred years ago or less, I was in massage therapy school and a friend and classmate (after some “energy work” experimentation, wrote down a Chi Gung breathing practice for me and with almost no guidance said “ok, just do this for 30 days and let me know what happens for you..” (more or less, it’s been since the early 90’s) anyhow, young me takes this on with a passion and for 30 days at set times and facing set directions, I knelt and practiced this reverse breathing technique. Long story short, in that amount of time I found that I barely needed sleep and that 30er a of meditation was enough for me to go for a good day and then some, my body wouldn’t let me eat or drink things that were bad for it/me and lastly, I began to see things in a vastly different way than usual sight would allow. The hang up came when I (while driving with a friend to something or other downtown) she patted my knee and I touched her hand and left a silver dollar sized bruise (immediately and with her yanking her hand back with a handful of expletives..). There followed a few other encounters with people, coincidental meetings with new people who just had to share with me their story or their practice or what their guru taught them.. that was longer than I meant it to be.. apologies. Anyhow, I chose to stop the practice then, as I had no teacher (a series of bizarre events) and I had questions that just gathered me a collection of odd looks and raising of eyebrows. I’ve been thinking of taking up a more reserved process now that I’m officially old.. but I just wanted to share that set of experiences with you. And no, I’m not willing to share the how to’s of the thing. It wasn’t safe then with no teacher and it’s definitely not safe for anyone else from an untaught non-teacher. If anyone has had this kind of experience, I would like to hear about the process and what it brought about for you.

    • @noself7889
      @noself7889 6 місяців тому +1

      I have been doing breath work for over two decades but I have leaned to give myself breaks in between otherwise the increased energy can be to much. I have many stories as well but most wouldn’t believe me so i will leave those out.

    • @w.adammandelbaum1805
      @w.adammandelbaum1805 6 місяців тому

      @thecreativeact23 maybe he couldn't "c" his way to spelling it that way.

    • @widgets-widgets5210
      @widgets-widgets5210 6 місяців тому +2

      @thecreativeact23 nice to know that the most important take away from the sharing of experience is the lack of a “C”. I’ll try harder to meet community demands in the future. That said, have you anything useful to add or share or were you just in need of some “I’m important” time?
      BTW, as age creeps up on me, my eyes and typing thumbs don’t always catch the errors, for that I apologize.

    • @widgets-widgets5210
      @widgets-widgets5210 6 місяців тому +1

      @@noself7889 seems that’s the truth of it. It was my initial peek into the other side, as it were. The trouble was that I didn’t have a teacher present and able to guide me or suggest different, less potent practices. It was a matter of too much energy and very little instruction dealing with how to control or release or simply (simply?) store it away for use. It was honestly frightening, and all I had was a sheet of paper. Anyhow, time has passed, I’ve had other experiences with good teachers that have allowed me to be of benefit in ways that weren’t even dreams back in the 90’s. If you want to share experiences, you’re welcome to, I promise not to laugh 👍🏽

    • @widgets-widgets5210
      @widgets-widgets5210 6 місяців тому

      @@w.adammandelbaum1805 I have to thank you for at least being kind in your response. I’m trying to find it funny, but man.. I’m not seeing as clearly as I once could and the old typing thumbs aren’t quite as precise as I wish they were. I hope that’ll suffice for an explanation of the lack of a “C”.

  • @seankerr9158
    @seankerr9158 6 місяців тому +2

    Occult Big Brother #1 🙌
    HOWEVER Little bros definitely going to do all the things you DID, not say not to do. So I foresee a lot of drugs, book learning, idolization of sketchy gurus like Crowley, and identity building around magick in little bros’ future 😛 What’s the way around this conundrum?
    One idea on this: why are all the “goals” you endorse so mundane? Not a single even slightly spiritual one. As St John of the Cross said, “Para llegar a donde no sabes, has de ir por donde no sabes.”

  • @LinuxTree
    @LinuxTree 5 місяців тому +1

    Magick is way more simple than this. I'd say, being logical is not good for results and successful magick. Those people tend to face more self doubt, did I do it how they said, do I have the correct correspondences and did the vibration of my voice feel right, etc. I believe what he may be mentioning is, being more logical towards the outcome... This I actually can agree on. During the performance of Magick you should be in that present moment, carefree, and feeling a lot of energy. By the end of it you should be tired, do something weird or normal immediately after. ( Run out the house and go for a walk... Call someone and start talking about something and go get an errand done. You could go make a sandwich...). My point is to do something that will get you out of the feeling that Magick gives you. "Set it and forget it".

  • @Alice_Rose8
    @Alice_Rose8 6 місяців тому +4

    Balance between the masc and fem

  • @tomegadrakon
    @tomegadrakon 6 місяців тому +2

    Excellent video, Jason, thank you. If you ever feel like you need a subject for one of these, I'd love to see you address psi research, its results, faults and implications. If magick is all in our heads, changing our consciousness, what does it say about reality when we can affect a physically shielded random number generator based on the decay of a radioactive isotope with our intent alone. Is consciousness fundamental or is that too much of a leap of logic to make based on that evidence? What about healing living beings such as William Bengston's work with mice, is the ability to do that evidence of connectedness or that my will, that seems to be "in here", can affect what's actually "out there"? Or do you believe all of that is just faulty experimentation an p-value manipulation?
    Also, if I may give feedback, unless you intend to cut episodes like this into shorts, it feels a little bit overly edited, the sound bites happen a little too often.

  • @BeesWaxMinder
    @BeesWaxMinder 14 днів тому

    I'm six minutes in & this all sounds wonderful BUT I have heard this so many times before but have yet to hear of a way to address any of these bigger questions and to find a way to enhance my life with 'post rational magick'... IS it even possible?

  • @cnoeroman
    @cnoeroman 6 місяців тому +1

    In 2015 I came across your free e-book on how to make sigils. Those were my first steps in magick and the results were nothing like I expected, to say the least. There was a concert in the city that I wanted to attend but I didn't have the money to buy tickets, so I decided to apply magick as a possibility that would allow me to enter. I performed the ritual: I wrote the wish on a piece of paper, eliminated the vowels and repeated letters, mixed them in different ways until a figure emerged that seemed magical to me. I load it with the erotic self-stimulation method. Maybe my mistake was not destroyed the seal immediately (even taking pictures of it) or that I was not able to completely forget it, but the day of the event arrived, I approached the area where it would take place and instead of entering, I ended up in a street fight and in a police car.

  • @dvillalva21
    @dvillalva21 6 місяців тому +1

    That ending looked epic.

  • @wk801
    @wk801 6 місяців тому

    Glad they you are doing UA-cam now. I all ways really liked the podcast. Keep up the good work.

  • @brunopapas
    @brunopapas 6 місяців тому

    Interesting one - thank you! What if I've been doing some of the things you mention not to-do and found them quite useful in my own personal journey? Meaning owning my way, which by the way, doesn't need to be the same as yours - right? IHmmm.... really appreciate the journalling of your experience (is what this is) and I actually come here to get a "different take" from other experiences. - in pursuit of coherence. So it feels weird to see you giving advice to others on what and what not when you know exactly what we're talking about - being human! I do agree with a lot of what I'm listening, just wanted to share what was coming alive through watching this. Not judging, just a reflection - everyone's got their own version of the game - it has always been about that - enjoy! 🌻

  • @digitalsublime
    @digitalsublime 6 місяців тому +5

    Trust big pharma... Is not an international mafia... AT ALL!!!

    • @digitalsublime
      @digitalsublime 6 місяців тому

      It's just rational... logic... or are you one of those right wingers 😨

    • @christopherrobin361
      @christopherrobin361 Місяць тому +1

      @@digitalsublime Pharma drugs have crippled, disabled, and killed many people over the years. It's almost as much as heart attacks/cancer, but not quite yet. The media doesn't touch the issue because it's an arm of gov't and the Pharma companies. Watch TV and see how many drugs they push on the populace. Plus I had my own situation years ago; I'm recovered, but a "medicine" a GP prescribed me almost killed me. I was in four different hospitals because of it. Even one of my varicose veins ruptured and bleed all over the place because of it, and my heart enlarged and had bad Afib/heart racing/paps because of it---a drug that was supposed to by a heart/bp one. Most pill pushing "doctors" are protected by the system. I tried to get a lawyer and they bluffed, claiming I didn't have case when the medical EVIDENCE is there my records. I don't think they even investigated it all all'; it takes only a moment and very little money on their part.

    • @christopherrobin361
      @christopherrobin361 Місяць тому +1

      @@digitalsublime So, how are you proponent of "logic" if you buy into the trust of Big Pharma and employ "right wingers" as dismissive non-argument? Countless have DIED by listening to their GPs on their pharma drugs. And many people are in denial of that fact, and overtly trust physicians and the Pharma companies for this thing called health.

  • @randallgeary6536
    @randallgeary6536 6 місяців тому +2

    Great advice! There are many new people waking up to the real spiritual forces that exist in life and this is a good primer for those who have unlocked this new paradigm. I appreciated the lighthearted memes you added in there! I find that the state of playfulness is incredibly important to life but also to magick. The universe seems to have a natural playfulness built into it. Its the natural state of a child, you see it in sea life, to birds, to mammals... I am wondering what are your thoughts on the topic of "play" as a sort of natural pattern of reality, and how does it relate to Magick?

    • @jeffreycrews8311
      @jeffreycrews8311 6 місяців тому +2

      The Doges remind me of what a teacher once told me: "This is deadly serious and important, so take it as lightly as possible."

  • @MrBrightstar3.14
    @MrBrightstar3.14 5 місяців тому

    The confirmation bias can often lead to bad decision-making. For example, if we are convinced that a particular investment is good, we may ignore warning signs that it might not be. Or, if we are set on getting a job with a particular company, we may not consider other opportunities that may be better suited for us.

  • @EyeoftheSerpentTarot
    @EyeoftheSerpentTarot 6 місяців тому

    Brilliant video, thank you so much for articulating this so clearly.

  • @vincecashmere8444
    @vincecashmere8444 6 місяців тому +2

    Very good info . Question I have is there any real help thru Magick that you speak of that helps a person's health issue.? I do not see much on Magick and healing . Must be out there. Can you share. ,?

    • @irealxx
      @irealxx 6 місяців тому +1

      lifestyle choices are a prominent factor, but energetic alignment & healing aid in good physical health, along with properly caring for the physical body correctly, but in terms of magick, working with the sun in planetary magick can help

    • @irealxx
      @irealxx 6 місяців тому +1

      also the earth element, & the zodiac sign of virgo

    • @vincecashmere8444
      @vincecashmere8444 6 місяців тому

      @irealxx thanks but not specifically stating how do of rituals. Not many talk or bring it. Even well known magicians say little. Whrmen down one needs specifics. But thank you.

    • @vincecashmere8444
      @vincecashmere8444 6 місяців тому

      Was asking Magick .me but open.

    • @w.adammandelbaum1805
      @w.adammandelbaum1805 6 місяців тому +3

      Start with Baduanjin...plenty of vids on that in UA-cam, simple, ancient, and effective qigong.
      For ritual healing, Mercury rituals, which if you are a fan of western Ceremonial Magick, you'll perform on a Wednesday. The magickal link already exists cause this is for self healing. Best rituals are ones you construct on your own. Orange is often associated with Mercury, but not always. Read up on Mercury (the god) and get to work.😉 Buona fortuna.

  • @DonovanWert
    @DonovanWert 6 місяців тому

    New sub!! Great video!!😎 Thanks brother!!🙏
    Blessed be!!

  • @benjaminjones3043
    @benjaminjones3043 4 місяці тому

    To support the notion of more rational thinking, perhaps you might not encourage the use of Wikipedia (other than a starting point) there are copious amounts of literature and scientific journals to explore. Wikipedia cannot escape influence and is not peer reviewed in the same rigorous manner as a Nature article, for example. Great videos and Thank you for them.

  • @MetalManiaAllTheWay
    @MetalManiaAllTheWay 6 місяців тому +3

    Why do these content creators think that AI images look good in their videos?

  • @VankhV93
    @VankhV93 6 місяців тому +1

    One more thunder effect and I'm invoking Choronzon to dwell in Malkuth

  • @stratjed
    @stratjed 6 місяців тому +2

    Magick misinterpreted by people not capable of understanding "Metaphore" and how they go wrong. "The Method of science the aim of Religion." 93.

  • @JoshuaBollon
    @JoshuaBollon 6 місяців тому

    Really enjoyed that

  • @oskarwochna538
    @oskarwochna538 6 місяців тому

    Great Video ❤ !

  • @RalloR
    @RalloR 5 місяців тому

    SO magical positivism? I mean as Einstein said "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift". I would be curious about your thinking on the work of Josephine Mccarthy because the way you are talking about for example dolls and other types of sympathetic magic seems just arrogant and ignorant. "It's all in the mind duuuuude" right...

  • @Alice_Rose8
    @Alice_Rose8 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for this

  • @fuzzfuzz4234
    @fuzzfuzz4234 6 місяців тому +2

    The idea that rational is the end all of wisdom is a terrible fallacy. You can rationalize eating dirt or even worse genocide.

    • @BlackDoomsOpinion
      @BlackDoomsOpinion 6 місяців тому

      If only more people understood this.

    • @Templegoldofficial
      @Templegoldofficial 6 місяців тому +1

      Clearly didn’t watch the video. He literally addresses this very point

  • @cruise_missile8387
    @cruise_missile8387 6 місяців тому

    "Spooky action at a distance"

  • @Alice_Rose8
    @Alice_Rose8 6 місяців тому

    Holding onto the Rod in the Darkness / Abyss

  • @newangeltarot
    @newangeltarot 6 місяців тому

    Beautiful video

  • @PrincessViolence
    @PrincessViolence 6 місяців тому +1

    "how to do magic the right way"....and just minutes before you were talking about "one pathism" and how this could be damaging....well,this didnt go too well I

  • @Healitall
    @Healitall 6 місяців тому +1

    If I remmember correlctly in Hindu traidtion a Guru is somebody that welcomes somebody back that went trough going into the jungle and getting wild and help them BACK to society and intergrate back.

    • @chickensalad7199
      @chickensalad7199 6 місяців тому +3

      I think guru means something like this in sanskirt:
      Gu remover/destroyer
      Ru darkness
      Look it up though.

    • @Healitall
      @Healitall 6 місяців тому +1

      @@chickensalad7199 absolutely, that is my understanding of the Sanskrit word too atm. I am talking about the function they served originally in their culture here. I commented it in response to the statement that shamans role is to get people out of the mundane world and into the mythical. It is interesting to me that the Hindus that went Wild and came back and found balance understood that it might be necessary to help others coming back of being wild.

  • @ianhamza8240
    @ianhamza8240 3 місяці тому

    Threat gaslighting like religion and nationalism is the most evil. Nobody should be allowed to change someone's voting reality for money or deities.

  • @jeremiahlarkins618
    @jeremiahlarkins618 4 місяці тому

    I'm still sad magic and religion don't help flip the life switch.

    • @DistortedEmpath
      @DistortedEmpath 4 місяці тому +1

      Try islam

    • @jeremiahlarkins618
      @jeremiahlarkins618 4 місяці тому +2

      @@DistortedEmpath Islams version of flipping the life switch is a vest full of explosives... I'm good, I want something my remains would be identifiable when I'm done... 😂

    • @DistortedEmpath
      @DistortedEmpath 4 місяці тому +1

      @jeremiahlarkins618 nah that's the fox news one. Try the one that created the Golden age between 8th and 13th century where Baghdad Cairo were hubs of knowledge. The one two billions Muslim follow and not the 0.1 percent version you are shown in the news.

  • @EvolvedMonk3y
    @EvolvedMonk3y 6 місяців тому +1

    Still clinging to base reality I see....adorable 😂. Eventually your gonna want to lean into what you are. Nice work though as usual

  • @arifreeman
    @arifreeman 6 місяців тому +3

    Furries are the one true path by the way.

  • @SynchronicityOfficial
    @SynchronicityOfficial 6 місяців тому

    and how about a movie - a dark song?

  • @cameronameri2837
    @cameronameri2837 6 місяців тому

    Nice shirt Mr. Louv

  • @bonniephillips1823
    @bonniephillips1823 6 місяців тому

    Many truths in this but creating and affecting algorithm is also scientifically proven

  • @PRAR1966
    @PRAR1966 13 днів тому


  • @JaefarSABNW
    @JaefarSABNW 6 місяців тому

    Or very right...

  • @space_signals
    @space_signals 3 місяці тому

    lol, I did the banishing ritual of the pentagram once in old house I moved into and heard banging down stairs and got scared out of the house and off doing the ritual for months..... face palm

  • @DannyDanny-rn7ck
    @DannyDanny-rn7ck 6 місяців тому

    Yeah no

  • @jamiemay8546
    @jamiemay8546 5 місяців тому

    Neuro-linguistic programming a bust? .....

  • @bjrnbrynemo9059
    @bjrnbrynemo9059 6 місяців тому

    How can the occult have a dark side?

    • @Dezzreck
      @Dezzreck 6 місяців тому +1

      Ever heard of black magic?

    • @bjrnbrynemo9059
      @bjrnbrynemo9059 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Dezzreck Black's doing magic? Like black culture?

  • @riot.9
    @riot.9 6 місяців тому

    I watched this like 4 times - have u used your sorcery on me?

  • @donovan665
    @donovan665 6 місяців тому +1

    Magick is simply Applied Imagination the only thing that can go wrong is applying imagination to nonsense and superstition. Everyone does magick every day nobody notices (AC wasn't kidding when he defined it as any intentional change that is successful not changes in consciousness, tsk) and then other people try to sell it back to them.
    AC tried taking the superstition out of magick, alas I think he failed, human stupidity being quite strong.

    • @w.adammandelbaum1805
      @w.adammandelbaum1805 6 місяців тому +2

      "The art and practice of causing change in conformity with Will."
      Let's give AC some accuracy in quoting him. While he didn't die for our sins, he died from his.🤗

    • @donovan665
      @donovan665 6 місяців тому

      @@w.adammandelbaum1805 Indeed which as defined covers a lot of supposed ordinary changes, hungry ? Applying will you negotiate with certain creatures apply appropriate herbs heat chant incantations " where's the ferkin salt" and by miraculous unknown forces light heat chemistry you are fed. The difference is how much imagination was applied.

    • @donovan665
      @donovan665 6 місяців тому

      The only way to get in troubles with magick as AC defined it is performing any operation that isn't KCHGA. The aim, religion.

  • @Pyramids19
    @Pyramids19 6 місяців тому +1

    Is there a bright side to the occult? 😂

    • @Templegoldofficial
      @Templegoldofficial 6 місяців тому +1


    • @69Jackjones69
      @69Jackjones69 5 місяців тому +1

      Union with the Godhead is the point of magic and it's pretty bright

  • @mikejunker6162
    @mikejunker6162 6 місяців тому

    I'm saying it's easy to get your ego entangled in the fact that only one thing truly exists, but literally everything is God I guess, every blade of grass every snail everything

  • @mikejunker6162
    @mikejunker6162 6 місяців тому

    It's strange how it's true until you say it

  • @jovialfaltisco548
    @jovialfaltisco548 6 місяців тому

    You u bought inu shib 😂

  • @icomplain2006
    @icomplain2006 6 місяців тому +1

    Hair looks good bro!

  • @Alice_Rose8
    @Alice_Rose8 6 місяців тому

    Yes you have to come back from fairy world

  • @payvibaby
    @payvibaby 5 місяців тому


  • @nicolasgrim6253
    @nicolasgrim6253 6 місяців тому +2

    You seem vaxed

  • @mushroomzulu
    @mushroomzulu 6 місяців тому

    Looks like you are quit eating meat.

  • @Here.now123
    @Here.now123 6 місяців тому

    What are you even talking about 😂

  • @tombirmingham7033
    @tombirmingham7033 6 місяців тому

    I am evil

    • @tombirmingham7033
      @tombirmingham7033 6 місяців тому

      I because i keep pushing this john dee rabbi loew comspiracy to cause the apocalypse.
      And that there is a guy named AMIRAH by his cult of sabbatteans. To wrestle him for the world and royally fuck things up just for thee hell of it

  • @thenowchurch6419
    @thenowchurch6419 6 місяців тому

    What is your source and authority to teach on Magick please?
    You have not mentioned that the "K" was restored to Magick by the prophet Aleister Crowley.
    That is suspect in itself. Are you promoting Magick without the prophet?
    You describe trying to make a link between objects at a distance as pre-rational and not really Magick, yet Crowley taught that as a necessary part of certain operations.
    He does not deny that all things are inter-connnected but it becomes necessary to activate that connection. That is forming the link.
    Magick is not just about changing one's consciousness but also making changes in the objective world.
    Crowley makes it clear that without the utmost highest intentions and attitude Magick practice will be a disaster.
    That is how he warns against narcissistic delusions of grandeur.

  • @TheOccultSideOfLife
    @TheOccultSideOfLife 6 місяців тому +1

    You look like you need some sleep

  • @Alice_Rose8
    @Alice_Rose8 6 місяців тому

    Make sure you have a life🤣

  • @FeFefcc
    @FeFefcc 6 місяців тому


  • @brianebel3708
    @brianebel3708 6 місяців тому

    I really liked this but please don’t ask for a like or sub before I know what the content is. I was turned off for a few seconds 🪄❤️