Top 10 Arsenal Players 2019/20

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ArsenalVideosHD
    @ArsenalVideosHD  4 роки тому +323

    Do you agree with this list? 🤔

  • @giovannyseiko3572
    @giovannyseiko3572 4 роки тому +261

    That Leno save against Kdb was insane though

    • @psalm5187
      @psalm5187 4 роки тому +4

      That save was not among the top saves of the season as judged by premier league knumskulls.

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 4 роки тому

      Ikr what a save

    • @howsitgoingpeople9436
      @howsitgoingpeople9436 4 роки тому +2

      Against son insane too.. That curling shot

    • @karmdullat3033
      @karmdullat3033 4 роки тому

      Double save against spurs??

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 4 роки тому +2

      @@karmdullat3033 That was even better

  • @amanj004
    @amanj004 4 роки тому +530

    Just watching this I realized how many times Leno has saved us.

    • @dagimsolomon8507
      @dagimsolomon8507 4 роки тому +55

      me too i feel like we are ungreatfull for what he did

    • @b_hav_6365
      @b_hav_6365 4 роки тому +13

      yes man same. His reflexes are so so good.

    • @ivanka9934
      @ivanka9934 4 роки тому +15

      We truly have a goalkeeper headache

    • @charlielatham6160
      @charlielatham6160 4 роки тому +36

      Unpopular Opinion:
      We should sell Martinez instead of Leno. People do not appreciate how well he has done at Arsenal and he makes Martinezs best saves almost every game.
      Like if you agree

    • @buinguyenkhai4121
      @buinguyenkhai4121 4 роки тому

      His handling is insane

  • @umutkahraman827
    @umutkahraman827 4 роки тому +175

    without Leno we would have finished 14th. Saka was amazing this season, but our best player (after Aubameyang) was Leno.

    • @mc3210
      @mc3210 4 роки тому +6

      It’s mad how he’s place could be gone cos Martinez has been class

    • @javierlandaverde4108
      @javierlandaverde4108 4 роки тому +2

      After Leno got injured everyone stepped up and went on a good run to finish 8th.

    • @tylermohlenhoff4282
      @tylermohlenhoff4282 4 роки тому +3

      Umut Kahraman we have two magnificent keepers which is the problem they both have strengths and weaknesses but I think Leno has more and Martinez has made some incredible saves the mahrez, Arnold one and Davies one come to mind, Leno’s against De bruyne was brilliant as well

    • @umutkahraman827
      @umutkahraman827 4 роки тому +3

      @@javierlandaverde4108 while the team was not playing good, Leno and Auba were literally the only decent players we have. Anything after his injury is about team's performance.

    • @umutkahraman827
      @umutkahraman827 4 роки тому

      @@tylermohlenhoff4282 yes we have two great keeper. Thats very good, but Arsenal also should be careful. Neither should be disrespected. Despite Martinez's great performances, Leno is still our top keeper and should be the first choice of the team. I think he is one of the best 3 keepers in the league.

  • @Redwan_H
    @Redwan_H 4 роки тому +138

    Aubameyang is the best premier league striker this and Last season like if you agree

    • @ayaanahmed1287
      @ayaanahmed1287 4 роки тому

      Of course

    • @Redwan_H
      @Redwan_H 4 роки тому +3

      Thank you everyone who liked this it just makes me prove the haters

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 2 роки тому

      Things have changed quick 😔

  • @ethanielclyne5810
    @ethanielclyne5810 4 роки тому +89

    Martinez has been amazing but we can't forget what Leno was doing before he got injured, those saves are world class

    • @jacksonogwindi1653
      @jacksonogwindi1653 4 роки тому


    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 4 роки тому


    • @kavisingh8640
      @kavisingh8640 4 роки тому

      Burn the past, now we have Emiliano Martinez

    • @user-qp2le5un2m
      @user-qp2le5un2m 4 роки тому

      @@kavisingh8640 shut up

    • @harryrob8221
      @harryrob8221 4 роки тому

      Both of them are excellent when it comes to making great saves but I think Martinez is better when it comes to passing out from the back and general ball distribution. So based on those I will probably pick Martinez ahead of Leno.

  • @amankm
    @amankm 4 роки тому +142

    Xhaka literally reborn under arteta 😍

    • @ivanka9934
      @ivanka9934 4 роки тому +27

      I admit i was one of the hate brigade of xhaka. He proved us wrong.. And im glad for him. He was a rock in midfield. Brilliant character, he work hard to prove all the doubters. We cant afford to lose him now. Fuckin excited for the new season!!

    • @amankm
      @amankm 4 роки тому +4

      @@ivanka9934 ya...i am too exited about the new season

    • @pulisforever3331
      @pulisforever3331 4 роки тому +5

      I think he is still the same player, just have more time and space to pick his passes under the new system. His positioning and awareness seems to have improved slightly on the defensive side of things. But overall I wouldnt say he improved immensely, still not a player i'll trust under pressure.

    • @Habibgailan
      @Habibgailan 4 роки тому +1

      pulis forever when was the last time he made a huge mistake 😅

    • @aslam5044
      @aslam5044 4 роки тому

      @@Habibgailan he rarely make huge mistake because he intently avoid making contact with opponent. He just joging around, following opponent. If you focus on him when watching the game, you will agree what i say.

  • @olawalemichaelayodele6132
    @olawalemichaelayodele6132 4 роки тому +92

    Leno and Emi can be so confusing.
    Choosing between them can be very difficult.
    Arteta must be very smart in making the best decision for the team.

    • @ckruhan1266
      @ckruhan1266 4 роки тому +5

      we are honestly so lucky to have both

    • @whiteshadow5088
      @whiteshadow5088 4 роки тому +10

      They are both world class and none of them deserve to sit on a bench

    • @faizfadli5459
      @faizfadli5459 4 роки тому +15

      Love both. But fans seems to forget how good Leno is since he is not in the team that wins us both FA Cup and Community Shield. Leno did so many amazing saves. I do think Leno is our number 1.

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 4 роки тому

      @@faizfadli5459 same

    • @bimoyusuf362
      @bimoyusuf362 4 роки тому +4

      Leno PL , emi uel,fa,league cup.
      Seems fair enough

  • @macheceautv9451
    @macheceautv9451 4 роки тому +88

    COYG!! This upcoming season will be AWESOME!!

    • @david-vo4ck
      @david-vo4ck 4 роки тому +2


    • @whyfootball
      @whyfootball 4 роки тому +2

      I just started producing daily Arsenal compilations on players including Tierney, Auba etc. I’m looking to improve my quality of content so any feedback and/or support would be much appreciated

  • @ameelm.u.v7919
    @ameelm.u.v7919 4 роки тому +101

    Next season :
    Top 4
    Europa league
    FA Cup

  • @kirthansakhamuri2963
    @kirthansakhamuri2963 4 роки тому +390

    Who else is excited for next season🤩

    • @chukwuebukaumeokafor8876
      @chukwuebukaumeokafor8876 4 роки тому +4


    • @tanmayrauthan5740
      @tanmayrauthan5740 4 роки тому +19

      We will qualify for Champions League

    • @davidpepe6195
      @davidpepe6195 4 роки тому +6

      For sure !! Arteta makes a right decision.

    • @Leffried69
      @Leffried69 4 роки тому +2

      @@tanmayrauthan5740 Never look at city liVARpool manu and Chelsea, Arsenals team is far worse

    • @kirthansakhamuri2963
      @kirthansakhamuri2963 4 роки тому +3

      Olaf Folaf we can challenge for fourth spot, I don’t think Man Utd are better than us. Tottenham, Arsenal and United will fight for the fourth spot

  • @zakariabhaidka380
    @zakariabhaidka380 4 роки тому +10

    Xhaka is so underated, his vision on the pitch is amazing, and btw thanks for reminding everyone about what Leno has done for us this season, great vid.

  • @jabza716
    @jabza716 4 роки тому +59

    Rockstar suits Tierney perfectly. He's our brand new rock star

    • @Jackman200X
      @Jackman200X 4 роки тому

      Tierney’s crossing is superb

  • @geinos1470
    @geinos1470 4 роки тому +39

    That Ceballos ankle breaker at 3:23 was🔥,😂

  • @avehutunyi3368
    @avehutunyi3368 4 роки тому +14

    I miss Gabriel Martinelli... Get well soon Gabi❤️

  • @xPepe1310
    @xPepe1310 4 роки тому +103

    I got a feeling that next season is pepes season

    • @geoffreyagaki7361
      @geoffreyagaki7361 4 роки тому +2

      me too .. i was thinking that too

    • @khadijah3737
      @khadijah3737 4 роки тому +1

      Me too
      He really finna be phenomenal 🤞

    • @sizorckgaming7682
      @sizorckgaming7682 4 роки тому +1

      Don’t we all hope

    • @mandem2362
      @mandem2362 4 роки тому

      Yeah. I think Pepe should stay as RW then move Willian to CAM, Partey and Ceballos behind him. That's our best team in my eyes.

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 2 роки тому


  • @victora3312
    @victora3312 4 роки тому +22

    Everyone saying they prefer martinez they forget how much leno has saved us. We’d be fighting relegation if not for him and auba

  • @garvinfrancis6722
    @garvinfrancis6722 4 роки тому +2

    Martinez has been superb and really stepped up since Leno's injury
    But tbh it was Leno and Auba who really kept us afloat during Emery's time
    Nice ranking mate!! Couldn't agree more...

  • @aaronseager-harris2992
    @aaronseager-harris2992 4 роки тому +46

    It really is easy to forget how good Leno was for us before he got injured! & that’s credit to Martinez 👏🏽

    • @thompsonstephen5581
      @thompsonstephen5581 4 роки тому +2

      It’s not credit to Martinez but the realization of how plastic our fan base is.

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 4 роки тому

      @@thompsonstephen5581 exactly compare 1:23 and 8:14

    • @kavisingh8640
      @kavisingh8640 4 роки тому

      @@E3boss2003 Between 1.23 and 8.14 save former is clear save while later is not that much clear that could have been goal instead

    • @kavisingh8640
      @kavisingh8640 4 роки тому

      @@E3boss2003 what about Martinez's save against Trent Alexander Arnold

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 4 роки тому

      @@kavisingh8640 That's 1 decent save in his whole arsenal career Leno in 2 years has been more influential than Martinez in 10

  • @pranon3o1
    @pranon3o1 4 роки тому +22

    Martinelli and saka will be beast oneday ❤️

    • @gubneyk7647
      @gubneyk7647 4 роки тому +2

      They already are 🤯

    • @katlehomodise6360
      @katlehomodise6360 4 роки тому +2

      Hope they become more or so like the Robben/Ribery wingership 🔥🔥That level of consistency is exactly what this club needs and deserves.

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 2 роки тому

      Looks like the day has come

  • @neelabhsinha8692
    @neelabhsinha8692 4 роки тому +18

    This video reminded me how good Leno is.

  • @aura7342
    @aura7342 4 роки тому +72

    Sign Partey or Aouar and we will have "BE EXCITED FC" in full effect going into next season.

    • @ap_tj4468
      @ap_tj4468 4 роки тому +3

      Partey and Aouar

    • @whiteshadow5088
      @whiteshadow5088 4 роки тому

      AP _TJ lol if we want them both we have to start selling

    • @gloria-brawlstars5246
      @gloria-brawlstars5246 4 роки тому

      We want both blud

    • @gloria-brawlstars5246
      @gloria-brawlstars5246 4 роки тому

      @@whiteshadow5088 it's right we need to sell first but Arteta needs both of them, we gotta get rid of Guendouzi and Torriera first and then maybe Lacazette or Bellerin and then Mustafi and Mesut gonna leave next year anyways. Kolasinac , Sokratis and Holding gonna leave too.

  • @affiqshamil4262
    @affiqshamil4262 4 роки тому +1

    The transition was very perfect yet flawless. Great video editing . But most of all , THE LIST IS ON POINT!

  • @mrkyjakers6961
    @mrkyjakers6961 4 роки тому +3

    The edits, the clips. Everything is perfection, good job man!

  • @ToxicAfricanKing
    @ToxicAfricanKing 4 роки тому +6

    Great choice of music. I enjoy your work.

  • @drm-nocopyrightmusic9500
    @drm-nocopyrightmusic9500 4 роки тому +3

    The way Martinelli and Saka are playing at a young age for Arsenal is insane. Can't wait too see more of them this season, hopefully Martinelli recovers from his injury soon🙏. I think he can play striker with his pace and skills.

  • @nasim24104
    @nasim24104 4 роки тому +28

    Laca barely scores but when he does it’s always something special

    • @E3boss2003
      @E3boss2003 4 роки тому +3

      Well said

    • @twitchplug7575
      @twitchplug7575 4 роки тому +7

      i think if we don’t sell he will be back scoring goals again i think last year he was jus off you can tell he wasn’t on his game

    • @nasim24104
      @nasim24104 4 роки тому +1

      Could any of you guys sub to me and please like my montage?
      Sorry for self promoting 😐

  • @kavisingh8640
    @kavisingh8640 4 роки тому +1

    Emiliano Martinez should be our first keeper.He commands the box better and good with crosses and as good shot stopper as Leno.Martinez's distribution will help Arsenal even Auba wants Martinez as starter.Our backline is more secured and does not panic if Martinez is there.

  • @yohangobin3614
    @yohangobin3614 4 роки тому +5

    Great video bro!🔥❤

  • @anashellfire4216
    @anashellfire4216 4 роки тому +9

    Leno is top1 or 2 I'll never forget how much he saved our asses

  • @dastanbekbosinov8963
    @dastanbekbosinov8963 4 роки тому +4

    That save against everton from Leno😍

  • @daskedennis
    @daskedennis 4 роки тому

    Agree 100%. Pretty insane with 2 keepers in top 10 but they have been incredible! This team with Arteta at the helm can really achieve greatness! Exciting with the new signings in The back aswell! Next season will be our time to shine! COYG!

  • @omarabdullahi9918
    @omarabdullahi9918 4 роки тому +1

    Saka emerged a key figure in our starting 11...he is just a wonderful and talented teeneger

  • @iamtheraseo
    @iamtheraseo 4 роки тому +2

    Tierney's crosses and overhead balls are brilliant. Hope we utilise this

  • @afanwivlogs
    @afanwivlogs 4 роки тому +3

    Insane how much he improves this team in only like 8 months

  • @genghiskhan9586
    @genghiskhan9586 4 роки тому +12

    Amazing how we have 2 keepers better than world's most expensive goalkeeper.

  • @marcuswatson4910
    @marcuswatson4910 4 роки тому +8

    I swear everything about the way Tierney moves/kicks is begging for injuries. Hope he stays healthy

    • @seer494
      @seer494 4 роки тому

      I feel we should start kolasinac and preserve tierney for the big matches next season. He can really be clutch.

  • @basitmt4949
    @basitmt4949 4 роки тому

    Love the compilation, Filip! 🙌

  • @stavroschristodoulou8676
    @stavroschristodoulou8676 4 роки тому

    Awesome video well done!

  • @DaveOgiji
    @DaveOgiji 4 роки тому +6

    The right song for goalkeepers [I can fly]

  • @thenellikkoden2037
    @thenellikkoden2037 4 роки тому +76

    I don’t agree with this ..we don’t have top ten our all players Are top🔥🔥🔥

    • @Leffried69
      @Leffried69 4 роки тому +1

      Auba and lacazette.... Maybe some talents but the rest is garbage

    • @helo3181
      @helo3181 4 роки тому +9

      @@Leffried69 Shut up you liar.

    • @ethanielclyne5810
      @ethanielclyne5810 4 роки тому

      Kolasinac? Lol

    • @shashankpatil1493
      @shashankpatil1493 4 роки тому +4

      @@Leffried69 Leno? Martinez? Ceballos? Saka? Xhaka? Tierney? I don't think you're an arsenal fan cos it seems like you haven't watched a single game.

    • @cutecatshorts3464
      @cutecatshorts3464 4 роки тому

      @@Leffried69 shut the fuck up troll

  • @fahimkarolia1716
    @fahimkarolia1716 4 роки тому +1

    Quality video mate. Keep up the hard work and soon u will get the recognition I deserve

  • @gunnerz443
    @gunnerz443 4 роки тому

    Fantastic work bro, keep it up :)

  • @E3boss2003
    @E3boss2003 4 роки тому +4

    5:28 Is rude and 5:40 is world class🔥 Pepe always does his thing what a player and Leno>Martinez. Martinez highlight save 1:23 and then look at Leno's 8:14. There are levels and Leno is a level above imo. Don't forget the main man and our top player Aubameyang 🤟🏾 10:30 Auba finished Zouma😂

  • @BenaDiSenior
    @BenaDiSenior 4 роки тому

    Perfect countdown!!! Big up from Jamaica 🇯🇲

  • @Adityasharma-dp4po
    @Adityasharma-dp4po 4 роки тому +7

    You bring happiness in our lifes

  • @uclaztec2
    @uclaztec2 4 роки тому

    Love your videos. Keep up the great work. COYG from Los Angeles!

  • @KeeganSports7
    @KeeganSports7 4 роки тому

    Loved watching this. Great Vid!

  • @mirradoormulonso8684
    @mirradoormulonso8684 4 роки тому +10

    I dont completely agree with the list but I believe Ainsley Maitland Niles and David Luiz deserve an honourable mention

  • @stimpy6049
    @stimpy6049 4 роки тому +20

    Laca has to stay, don’t argue, if he has another season that’s worse than his previous then sell him

    • @preciousudiba6165
      @preciousudiba6165 4 роки тому

      Taran Gill please... I say sell while we can still get good value off of him and then get a younger fresher striker that Odsonne Edouard...I love Laca and he works hard on the pitch but let’s be fair...he burns out by like the 70th minute and becomes a passenger.

    • @stimpy6049
      @stimpy6049 4 роки тому +1

      Okedokew FC loan Eddie out to like a ol or and atletico Madrid or a Schalke or an AC Milan and bring in a quality understudy who can come on for laca whilst also being able to play on the left so if need be auba can go up top like a zaha

    • @aslam5044
      @aslam5044 4 роки тому

      If coach put lacazet same role as Nketiah when playing striker then we can make better comparison.

  • @jamesdyne302
    @jamesdyne302 4 роки тому

    Very festive video idea ! Love it

  • @rahuljoy3865
    @rahuljoy3865 4 роки тому

    Love your work mate!!! ❤️

  • @rchopra535
    @rchopra535 4 роки тому +2

    We need to see more Marinelli, this season. COYG

  • @archimede7516
    @archimede7516 4 роки тому +5

    I already knew that Martinez was good, He was verry good when you look At matches he played in fa cup but know he Just Explosed he became better than expected

  • @인생한방-r7x
    @인생한방-r7x 4 роки тому +7

    happy arsenal.
    happy gunners!

    • @dannydaniel5752
      @dannydaniel5752 4 роки тому +3

      For arsenal fans we are together,, the best thing to know is that to get something good you have to pass through difficult moments

  • @TheBenDN
    @TheBenDN 4 роки тому

    Great list, great work !

  • @KK-sr8mj
    @KK-sr8mj 4 роки тому +1

    10:06 that edit is sick, thought he was passing at first glance

  • @EIRW1Z
    @EIRW1Z 4 роки тому

    Ainsley Maitland-Niles in ahead of Xhaka for me. He really came into his own this season and, if rumours are true and Hector Bellerin is on his way out, will likely be our starting right-back this season. I think he's seriously underrated. When I heard teams were potentially willing to offer 25m I was laughing, because he's worth easily double that! The guy can play either full-back, anywhere in midfield or on either wing with complete competence and will likely do a solid job.

  • @deanryan8725
    @deanryan8725 4 роки тому +1

    Earned my subscription G

  • @Baba_teeh
    @Baba_teeh 4 роки тому

    I agree with dz list 💯 couldn't expect another

  • @avinashsarmah
    @avinashsarmah 4 роки тому +7

    Filip please make a really nice farewell video for Hector if he has to leave 😭

  • @HansonMinG
    @HansonMinG 4 роки тому

    What a time to be an Arsenal. What a squad and manager!

  • @taxyletower3002
    @taxyletower3002 4 роки тому

    Lots of young raw talents are flourishing.

  • @ashimrai
    @ashimrai 4 роки тому

    Yes agree with you 💯 ✅ , best Arsenal videos ever you make !!!

  • @mouradsedrati346
    @mouradsedrati346 4 роки тому +1

    I'm a fan of arsenal.great video

  • @michaelkamau8421
    @michaelkamau8421 4 роки тому +1

    I Think it is a blessing rather than a curse to have TWO great Goalkeepers...There was a time when Cech was indispensable

  • @loucullieatsd
    @loucullieatsd 4 роки тому

    I can see Dani to be ozils replacement although ozil can never be replaced in our heart he will always be a legend.

  • @lukaszenko_o
    @lukaszenko_o 4 роки тому

    I would like to see this season:
    1. Laca stays and shows his power
    2. Martinelli's form before injury
    3. Tierney destroying left side
    4. Pepe incredibly curving the balls
    5. Xhaka's smile
    6. Leno's reflex (but not too much, we have now Saliba and Gabriel)
    7. Bukayo doing dirty things
    8. Auba doing more and more flips
    P.S. Superb video mate ;D

  • @ayazfarizi8257
    @ayazfarizi8257 4 роки тому +3

    Most of player from this list lost much game time on 19/20 season, hope they have great fitness level this season

  • @hendrikkawana6938
    @hendrikkawana6938 4 роки тому +1

    We are balling. Next season we are going to be ♨️🔥🔥🔥

  • @Miistermartins
    @Miistermartins 4 роки тому +16

    This season could be our season

    • @javierlandaverde4108
      @javierlandaverde4108 4 роки тому

      Hold up cowboy! don't get ahead of yourself. Have low expectation this year regardless of new additions and new coach. Other big clubs are also improving, United get Van Beek, City might get Messi. Chelsea got Kai Havertz.

    • @Miistermartins
      @Miistermartins 4 роки тому

      @@javierlandaverde4108 United got van de beek and we had more signings

    • @smallwater1970
      @smallwater1970 4 роки тому

      Javier Landaverde ano but you forgot that’s wee signed a 32 year old right winger 😂😂😂😂

    • @javierlandaverde4108
      @javierlandaverde4108 4 роки тому

      @@Miistermartins Remember United finished ahead of us. I'm not saying we will contend for top 4 but we need to be better next season since our rivals are already improving. United has the best mid in England: Bruno, Pogba, Van De Beek. They already have a better goal keeper than last season in Dean Henderson, they got a pretty good not as good as us in the front 3 and defense is ok, I know people give them a shout for defense but regardless the defense is not that bad but it's not that great.
      City already going for Koulibaly and Messi
      Liverpool keeping same and going after THiago Alcantra which improves them a lot.
      All I am saying is don't get your hopes too high. Will be a hard season since every club once again improved. We only signed or brought 2 new young CB's who are not stars but more prospects. They won't start ahead of other guys and will need time to adapt. We brought a CB from Flamego who is average - good. We brought a 32 year old winger who is good but not great. We still need to solve midfield and sort out players leaving and if Bellerin is being sold we need a replacement.

  • @joserojas5687
    @joserojas5687 4 роки тому

    por una nueva temporada y un ARSENAL DE ARTETA glorioso Y lleno de esperanza 2020/2021 Vamos GOONERS!!

  • @benmcmanan-smith1303
    @benmcmanan-smith1303 4 роки тому +1

    When it got to Auba I thought shits about to go down

  • @biniyamkiflu1960
    @biniyamkiflu1960 4 роки тому +1

    Leno save against Norwich 😍!

  • @King-vm5je
    @King-vm5je 4 роки тому

    how some players played like half of the games than others and still in top 10 shows how bad we needed this tranfer window. Glad we will be getting complete new centre line

  • @henriquexavier7123
    @henriquexavier7123 4 роки тому +1

    Martinez for me it was a good surprise 👏

  • @princekisegerwa5948
    @princekisegerwa5948 4 роки тому

    Thanks for that great work

  • @vladislavmotsniy8078
    @vladislavmotsniy8078 4 роки тому

    Our new generation! Legacy of legends!

  • @roduhawma8323
    @roduhawma8323 4 роки тому

    Wooow!! Leno is the backbone of the team. Our no.1 is unshakeable

  • @Morris989
    @Morris989 4 роки тому +1

    All I’m saying, that left foot of Pepe’s is DANGEROUS! 🎯

  • @jackhammond202
    @jackhammond202 4 роки тому +1

    The Aubameyang section should be used for his contract announcement

  • @srkrk6819
    @srkrk6819 4 роки тому

    Nice video mate....

  • @b0iadeir0112
    @b0iadeir0112 4 роки тому +1

    Sou Brasileiro e sou fã do Arsenal 🔥💪

  • @JKhanVids
    @JKhanVids 4 роки тому

    I think Leno is the reason we were not in relegation zone, Martinez was the reason we survived Leno's injury time. Leno has that German thing in him which makes him number one choice for me

  • @woodjablowme3440
    @woodjablowme3440 4 роки тому

    Riktigt najs video!!!👍👍❤️

  • @chuba1088
    @chuba1088 4 роки тому +1


  • @CoryInTheHouseThatsMe
    @CoryInTheHouseThatsMe 4 роки тому

    Great video, for me personally I’d put Xhaka behind Tierney which pushes both Pepe and Tierney up one spot but otherwise spot on for my liking

  • @lit7688
    @lit7688 4 роки тому

    keep going up!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @sh3pher_d542
    @sh3pher_d542 4 роки тому +2

    Good work

  • @ayosiku2
    @ayosiku2 4 роки тому

    Good list. For the fact our two goal keepers made it says a lot and the fans will enjoy that. How on earth did xhaka make 4th (deservedly) after such a terrible start with emery at the helm... what a season

    • @ayosiku2
      @ayosiku2 4 роки тому

      @David Smith I meant a terrible start in general not just performance wise. psychologically he had a terrible start. For crying out loud this was the same player that said he and his team mates "were scared".

    • @ayosiku2
      @ayosiku2 4 роки тому

      @David Smith Blame it on Emery.

  • @sylvesterdivine9292
    @sylvesterdivine9292 4 роки тому

    Pepe , martinelli and auba are beasts

  • @mwansachileyajnr7128
    @mwansachileyajnr7128 4 роки тому +1

    Holy shit!!! 3:24 Dani Ceballos almost ended that mans' career

  • @AI-tc8fv
    @AI-tc8fv 4 роки тому +1

    People need to respect Leno. let's not forget how many times he's saved us.

  • @onswesleyy4866
    @onswesleyy4866 4 роки тому

    Thank you emi martinez for playing for us! :( once a gunner, always a gunner. goodluck! !!

  • @RealEyesRealiseRealLies
    @RealEyesRealiseRealLies 4 роки тому

    I knew of emiliano before you called him emi, RESPECT, THATS MY KEEPER.

  • @tejasg9707
    @tejasg9707 4 роки тому

    Perfectly synced song for emi👍❤️

  • @aiman1193
    @aiman1193 4 роки тому

    it just shows how much arteta has changed the players 🤩

  • @matiascantillana7474
    @matiascantillana7474 4 роки тому


  • @warambak2078
    @warambak2078 4 роки тому

    Our future are bright, cuz we have Saka, Tierney, Pepe, martinieli, two best goal keeper 🔥, and others young difenders come like saliba n Gabriel 🔥🔥... Im Soo excited to see every game next season 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @henriquexavier7123
    @henriquexavier7123 4 роки тому

    I'm looking forward to the next season 😬