I guess im asking the wrong place but does someone know of a method to log back into an Instagram account..? I was dumb forgot my login password. I would love any assistance you can offer me!
@Juelz Finley Thanks so much for your reply. I got to the site thru google and I'm in the hacking process now. I see it takes a while so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
It`s unbelievable, it`s not fast, it`s intensive, it`s brutal, it`s heavy, there is nothing similar; and even it isn`t silly! There can`t be any other band in this world that makes this sound possible!!!!!
I was at this 23.10 concert in Kortrijk Belgium. The set was at first an intense acoustic moment of maybe 4 songs. The rest of the set was a, as we say, classic Amenra set except for the final... while Colin no longer be able to sing because of reasons you see in the clip, the girl from Oathbreaker took the mic to sing the lyrics from Ritual. Very heavy evening... Saw Amenra maybe 20 times, this was the most special, not the best. Please check also the other bands of COR Church Of Ra like Hessian, Syndrome, CHVE, Pathbreaker, but also check the early hardcore scene of Kortrijk named H8000 with bands like Congress, Regression, Nations On Fire, Spineless, Blindfold, ...
Every now and then I watch this video and I remember how it was to witness it live. It is and will always be the best live show I have ever seen. I went home that night completely baffled.
Praise be to Gods own son ... thats what he did ... make himself ohnmächtig ... perfect sacrifice! And AmenRa, probably unwillingly, displayed that in perfect art! Thank you!!!
2018 and still the greatest live band I have ever seen. For me personally, such a force of power. Depressive beauty that leaves me feeling cleansed. 1 hour felt like 5 minutes on all three occasions.
I've been waiting years to see these guys. Just bought my ticket to the Northwest Terrorfest 2024 where they will be playing in Seattle. I've felt euphoric ever since I purchased the ticket hours ago.
A heart full of roses and painted wings Thorns rip my heart outs Incomplete I stumble into you Glass broken like me Blood in my eyes I cannot see Myself fall into you Blood in my eyes and now I realize I have fallen into you (And your presence Every second of the day Until my heart stops You will be my reason I died that day And so did you) Feathers sprung from my shoulderblades And my black wings unfurled All your human features disappeared You come unseen As a guide To never leave To stay by my side Black feathered wings unfurl Touch the ground Human features disappear You arise to shine And I fell into you You lead the way And I trusted in you Then went away And I held onto you You arise to shine And I fell into you You lead the way And I trusted in you Then went away And I held onto you You arise to shine And I fell into you You lead the way And I trusted in you Then went away And I held onto you And I fell into you...... chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
Yes thanks for these Aorte lyrics. And here’s the lyrics from the part of ‘Ritual’ that Oathbreaker vocalist Caro sings at the end; Chains encircle my broken wrists But we can get out of them Now Chains encircle my broken wrists But we can get out of them Now Chains encircle my broken wrists But we can get out of them Now Chains encircle my broken twists But we can get out of them Now Chains encircle my broken wrists But we can get out of them Now Chains encircle my broken wrists But we can get out of them Now
EyesofNeurosis They don't sound exactly like Neurosis at all. They've found their own sound with their newest album MASS V. Neurosis and Amen Ra, are both Post Metal bands, that's the only similarity.... Vocals are completely different and original, the way they write their music is very different too -- 'I can't understand how you can be a huge Neurosis fan and not spot the many differences.
They're coming to my city to tour with one of my favorite post-metal bands (Labirinto). I never listened to their songs so I came here to become familiar before the show. I must say that I am really impressed and happy to finally listening to Amen Ra. It will be an amazing show. Already anxious! =)
Nature is my church, and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca. Infinite Endless Eternal Gratitude !! " It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles." - Buddha :-)
You can Always and Forever Trust Artists who have had many sessions with Entheogens (Divine Power Plants), like Amenra and many fantastic Artists have. Simply go to Google images, and type in - What do Entheogens do ', in the search box, click the "images" tab above on the page, and then click on the first photo with the Shaman holding his hands in the form of a pyramid, and read it fully. And there you go. Namaste ! :-)
Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
first one in Colin of Amenra of course until he gets suspended on those hooks, than the singer (who is a girl) from Oathbreaker takes over, they're fucking badass as well
this is the only church i need.
I guess im asking the wrong place but does someone know of a method to log back into an Instagram account..?
I was dumb forgot my login password. I would love any assistance you can offer me!
@Ramon Jaxx instablaster =)
@Juelz Finley Thanks so much for your reply. I got to the site thru google and I'm in the hacking process now.
I see it takes a while so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
@Juelz Finley it worked and I finally got access to my account again. Im so happy!
Thanks so much you really help me out !
@Ramon Jaxx Glad I could help :D
a cold beer an this, that's all I need after work
It`s unbelievable, it`s not fast, it`s intensive, it`s brutal, it`s heavy, there is nothing similar; and even it isn`t silly! There can`t be any other band in this world that makes this sound possible!!!!!
I was at this 23.10 concert in Kortrijk Belgium. The set was at first an intense acoustic moment of maybe 4 songs. The rest of the set was a, as we say, classic Amenra set except for the final... while Colin no longer be able to sing because of reasons you see in the clip, the girl from Oathbreaker took the mic to sing the lyrics from Ritual. Very heavy evening...
Saw Amenra maybe 20 times, this was the most special, not the best. Please check also the other bands of COR Church Of Ra like Hessian, Syndrome, CHVE, Pathbreaker, but also check the early hardcore scene of Kortrijk named H8000 with bands like Congress, Regression, Nations On Fire, Spineless, Blindfold, ...
Hey u, this Tom from fbook lol I Love ya
One love to H8000 FOREVAA
Arkangel And Deformityyy
Caro pls
i don't get it. he can't sing anymore because of what?
Every now and then I watch this video and I remember how it was to witness it live. It is and will always be the best live show I have ever seen. I went home that night completely baffled.
Praise be to Gods own son ... thats what he did ... make himself ohnmächtig ... perfect sacrifice! And AmenRa, probably unwillingly, displayed that in perfect art! Thank you!!!
seeing amenra live made me cry
This is the most absolutely fucking mindblowing performance I've ever seen. This band deserves all the recognition they get, and more.
probably the coolest thing I've ever heard/seen in my life.
2018 and still the greatest live band I have ever seen. For me personally, such a force of power. Depressive beauty that leaves me feeling cleansed. 1 hour felt like 5 minutes on all three occasions.
fk I love this fkn band.... Ive only been familiar with them for an hour.
yeah that shit happend also to me. welcome.
Reminds me of a younger Maynard at the beginning
Yeah, the clean vocals are quite Maynard-esque. They even did a cover of Parabol live (just Parabol, not Parabola).
I've been waiting years to see these guys. Just bought my ticket to the Northwest Terrorfest 2024 where they will be playing in Seattle. I've felt euphoric ever since I purchased the ticket hours ago.
Thank you. You've made me feel.
Eleonora Symeou Σε όλα τα AMENRA βίντεο είσαι ρε;;
A heart full of roses and painted wings
Thorns rip my heart outs
Incomplete I stumble into you
Glass broken like me
Blood in my eyes I cannot see
Myself fall into you
Blood in my eyes and now I realize
I have fallen into you
(And your presence
Every second of the day
Until my heart stops
You will be my reason
I died that day
And so did you)
Feathers sprung from my shoulderblades
And my black wings unfurled
All your human features disappeared
You come unseen
As a guide
To never leave
To stay by my side
Black feathered wings unfurl
Touch the ground
Human features disappear
You arise to shine
And I fell into you
You lead the way
And I trusted in you
Then went away
And I held onto you
You arise to shine
And I fell into you
You lead the way
And I trusted in you
Then went away
And I held onto you
You arise to shine
And I fell into you
You lead the way
And I trusted in you
Then went away
And I held onto you
And I fell into you...... chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
Yes thanks for these Aorte lyrics.
And here’s the lyrics from the part of ‘Ritual’ that Oathbreaker vocalist Caro sings at the end;
Chains encircle my broken wrists
But we can get out of them
Chains encircle my broken wrists
But we can get out of them
Chains encircle my broken wrists
But we can get out of them
Chains encircle my broken twists
But we can get out of them
Chains encircle my broken wrists
But we can get out of them
Chains encircle my broken wrists
But we can get out of them
right now i like to stretch out my mind along the spirit of this music, i feel it, so i exist
Holy fucking shit this is amazing.
This was the best i saw in years. So intense and hysteric. Bloody good. It was a Ritual!
just imagine the feeling of creating something like this
Tool in dark and destructive
Quand le ciel bas et lourd pèse comme un couvercle
Sur l'esprit gémissant en proie aux longs ennuis (...) ( Baudelaire )
I listen to it over and over again. The more I listen, the more it gets under my skin causing me to follow the rhythm. Damn hypnotising it is..
c'est vraiment une merveille!!!
Saw them live yesterday.. MINDBLOWING.
His live vocals are immense
One of the BEST bands around! When they make it back to the states I'll be there!!!!
Now's your time, they're touring in the States July-August!
C'est juste.. mystique.. noir.. Intense.
Pure bliss
How I wish I could go see this show again. It was so unique, so wonderful, so entrancing...
EyesofNeurosis They don't sound exactly like Neurosis at all. They've found their own sound with their newest album MASS V. Neurosis and Amen Ra, are both Post Metal bands, that's the only similarity.... Vocals are completely different and original, the way they write their music is very different too -- 'I can't understand how you can be a huge Neurosis fan and not spot the many differences.
I hear Neurosis, Tool but above all.. AmenRa.
They're coming to my city to tour with one of my favorite post-metal bands (Labirinto). I never listened to their songs so I came here to become familiar before the show. I must say that I am really impressed and happy to finally listening to Amen Ra. It will be an amazing show. Already anxious! =)
C'est juste hallucinant. Je veux voir ça en live. JE VEUX.
Discovered them a week ago listening to the Psychonaut radio on Spotify, fucking awesome, can't stop listening
holy fuck, amazing. this shit just got me back into post-metal again i think after 1 year of not listening to metal at all.
I was there. It was awesome.
A painful but working medicine for the soul over years. Thanks for the upload!
thank you
Please, more!
Extremely fuck, wonderful.
Nature is my church, and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca. Infinite Endless Eternal Gratitude !! " It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles." - Buddha :-)
Thank you!
Eifach geile Musik Super.
pure mazokhism and sadness
Saw them at Pukkelpop, yesterday. Amazing atmosphere! Best performance for me in the two days I've been there.
This is fuckin bad ass.
ohhh Caro 🤘
chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
until u see them in a show u can't have a real opinion trust me.they are fuckin MASSIVE
If you enjoy this you 'll probably enjoy dornenreich, it's completly different and yet it's also very expressive and emotional...
You can Always and Forever Trust Artists who have had many sessions with Entheogens (Divine Power Plants), like Amenra and many fantastic Artists have. Simply go to Google images, and type in - What do Entheogens do ', in the search box, click the "images" tab above on the page, and then click on the first photo with the Shaman holding his hands in the form of a pyramid, and read it fully. And there you go. Namaste ! :-)
Holy Shit
If man says: "I was at the concert with best atmosphere" ...He doesn't know that he didn't see Amen Ra ...
..Can't forget Fluff fest 2010, guys.
this music is tough.
Anxiously awaiting a live *Blu-ray* from Amenra, now that got really used to 1080p content (e.g. streaming from UA-cam to my TV).
***** Most of the times yes :)
Such a spiritual band larger than tool
Yeah right... Wait for the new tool album!
Manfred Auer I think i'll be retired when that album comes out.
3 years since this comment.... and still no album. Ahaha
now it's comin @XceptionReturns
megawesome :)
The "hangman" looks like a teacher of me ^^
You will never play like this.16:28
what's up with the drum set audio? I can only hear the bass drum, is that an issue on my end, or the video's issue? I noticed it around minute 7:30
Sur scene c'es des monstre, mais alors la ils ont mis le pacquet!
Vivement MASS V et la tournée qui suit !
@smrditi you are so right man
Quinn Thomas Hermon, this is Scott Conrad. ;)
Fuck me that's intense!
Fucking amazing.
19 april op Roadburn staan ze er weer ;)
and Tool, the guitars at 12 minutes are so like Tool it is crazy. On second thought i'll go back to Year of No Light and Cult of Luna.
this is more pure then neurosis
Ναι δικε μου
guys, can someone help me out with "ritual" tabs? i see what they play but it doesn't sound very similar in same tuning.
heaviest shit on earth!
cool story bro
7:22 Killer stuff begins
Too bad that you can only click the like button once.
fucking epic
she's the singer from Oathbreaker
Twenty minutes of ascension.
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, and ONLY then can you fully understand this- www.jaysongaddis.com/the-ayahuasca-wave/
@@robertdemeter5793 shut up
@55175772 the girl is Caro from Oathbreaker
Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
Chains encircle my broken wrists, we can get out of them now
What's up with 5 guitar players onstage at the end?There's an extra bass and an extra rhythm guitar.
I believe other musicians from Church of Ra joined at the end, female vocalist at the end is from Oathbreaker
like the title of the video says: first song is Aorte
How is the atmosphere with Amenra in concert?
I will see them this year!
07:27 to 13:00 MINDFUCK
Collin Eeckhout is the singer... Not Lennart. LOL
I've also thinking of Maynard! Is the singer really a girl? Awsome!
that's the singer from Oathbreaker and yes it's reallly a girl
victor neyens Are you people blind?? the singer is not a girl, his a shirtless, baldheaded dude.
Alonso Esquinca the vocalist in the beginning and the end are 2 different people. the vocalist of oathbreaker is at the end.
first one in Colin of Amenra of course until he gets suspended on those hooks, than the singer (who is a girl) from Oathbreaker takes over, they're fucking badass as well
black dave says BEST
de zangeres is van oathbreaker, drummer weet ik niet, ik gok ook oathbreaker
Drummer werkt bij smart solutions Björn nice guy
i understand this band so much more knowing what the church of RA is..
16:24 epic
So long I was looking for something similar to Isis and finally found it.
10:20- song name?
idd mate, ure right!
ty and cheers:)