Sorry about the lack of vids lately, got a lot going on at the moment, moving to a new house I bought in two weeks so everything has been rather crazy! Thanks for watching as always! Stream: Insta: Twitter: Discord:
i just had a game where a 2 BB division near me just decided to move to the OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP from the start. at CV distance from the caps. so i moved to help with the capping with my tallinn...and i see my team doesnt even exist here. it was in shatter map LOL at the I line as they were moving east...what a shit idea
i just had a game where a 2 BB division near me just decided to move to the OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP from the start. at CV distance from the caps. so i moved to help with the capping with my tallinn...and i see my team doesnt even exist here. it was in shatter map LOL at the I line as they were moving east...what a shit idea
@@cobrazax How dare they think of themselves, not defending your very precious life with their hitpoints! You were very stunning and brave going in alone! Master strategist.
KG Guitar I have hope everytime anyway but it’s either my team doesn’t leave the spawn or the enemy team so it’s get crushed or bored to death because the enemies are all hiding
I wonder how many times those players have actually pushed into a point to cap throughout their career in WoWs. Too many passive people playing this game.
@@SuperCatacata Most have but don't know when it's a good or bad idea and get annihilated, so the lesson learned is play passive or get raped. The game does a piss poor job of teaching you what good decisions are, and the average player isn't attentive enough to figure it out as is.
When I saw a Fuso fire HE at a broadsiding Kongo then switched to AP _intentionally_ to fire at a DD, *_then gave broadside to a Sinop at 6km range_* my faith in humanity crumbled a bit
No consider that the Armada has sent you to a mission and you received reinforcements to who just happened to be there Or pretend they don't actually exist
We have to ask a question about the way wows is designed and the way it engages its players: why is it so easy and so natural for the average casual player to do the wrong thing?
Because Synergy isn't "Rewarded" in a sense. If you Radar someone and your DD kills the Enemy DD without you getting Damage in it doesnt feel as good as saving your Radar and getting the Damage/Kill aswell. And good positioning is something with a bit of nuance and so most People just want to Brawl because it works sometimes with little consideration as to why and when it works
You see this in every competitive game, honestly. Also in games where you can play against "good" or "higher level" players only, like playing CSGO via Faceit at level 10(max level). While they may be good at some things, most of them are still idiots. Sure, WG is not encouraging better teamplay, but I also think that playing with idiots is just unavoidable in an online game.
@@H4FF I feel like the learning curve is a lot more smooth and natural in a game like CSGO. Sure you can get your teeth kicked in by a pro but you can clearly see what they did and how they succeed. In WoWS there are so many variables, so many types of ship and weapon and consumable, and speed and rudder and position management, map flow, planning minutes and minutes ahead. It's a huge amount to take in for a new player and even a player that is fairly experienced but hasn't invested serious time and energy into studying the game.
Because of nature of naval combat. How it is delayed Take wot for example: you do wrong peek and in second you get bitch slapped. On spot average player can evaluate situation of bad play You do bad push, overextend, turn. You are already punished, it just didnt arrive yet. Give it 10-30s. That time is way above buffer memory limit of average player. Average just evaluates "right now". And in exact moment of blap average player was doing nothing wrong, yet fate was already sealed. Average player cannot improve, because there isnt feedback that gives hint
@@ReachForTheSky I think you're seriously underestimating the learning curve and depth of CS, if you think there is more to WoWs. Also, as for playing a pro and clearly seeing what they did: also certainly not true. The average player has no clue what those pros are doing, trust me.
Sometimes at a start of a battle I type in, 1) Sink radar boats and DDs. 2) Cap and don’t chase 3) Don’t trust your teammates. It’s normally replied with the random salty insults as the battle goes on by players who got themselves into completely reversible bad positioning.
I love this ship. It is the equivalent of a fighter bomber, that can "fly" its own fighter defence screen. You can hold out against practically any ship, if you play it well. It is borderline OP. The anti-dote to bad team play.... but even then, teams can throw the game effectively in any case.
@@cobrazax Yeah, I always think Harugumo should have Moskva's treatment: put her in Armory, move Kitakaze and Akizuki a tier up, and fill T8 with something like Harekaze. Think about it, Kitakaze on T10, which means she'd be available for competitive play. Really want to see that.
@@NachoManRandySandwich Asashio is good at t8, she was older than Kagero. WG should have put t7 Shiratsuyuu, t8 Asashio, T9 Akizuki and t10 Kitakaze. Harugumo as a special tier 10 or better yet never exists
Can't agree more with you Flamu. So many potato Cruiser captains out there, decided to play cruiser for a while while my DD is in dry dock. Don't cap right away and wait till you see what team does has been my motto last couple weeks.Always angle ship to get out of trouble quickly...Is A MUST.
very interesting video because of the good game play explanation. being a newish player i love these as its shows the proper mindset to have. don't always assume player are seasoned player. thanks
Honestly when the enemy georgia just charges in like that, the team's smart choice is to kite away for a bit and kill the Georgia, and after taking out the only battlehsip gun in this flank there is nothing to stop you pushing this cap and taking it back.
There's no joy in solo randoms when you REPEATEDLY have to carry ALMOST EVERY match. This is less of a "game" than it is a chore; especially on weak-ends.
That is when you play in three man teams with massed torpedoes and wipe the map clean one flank at a time. A certain tier 9 premium may help... Or just bring a squad with carriers
Shimakaze Player scribbling in a notebook: Torpedoes are very much a support tool [...] Shimakaze Player looks up: You are not making any sense, whatsoever, mate.
Nah. On 7:40 you can clearly see "ДОНСКОЙ ФУФЛО" (Donskoi is trash) and further, judging by the stupidest possible moves of the teammates - it is clearly my beloved CIS zoo.
With gunboat DDs like this what role do light cruisers fill? They shoot less rounds and due to citidels, larger size, and slower speed are easyer to kill, they might have radar but if a light cruiser is within 10km of anything it's about to die
What about afk players!!??? When match starts and 2 or 3 minutes passed they began to play !Yesterday one of my teammates said"Sorry guys i was making a sandwich" and i was like wtf bro?
Exactly the way I play DDs, you need to keep an eye on your teammates more than the enemies. This kind of carry games is what satisfaction can be in this game. I also rated Kitakaze top of tier9 DDs, have been expecting this ship's concealment to be nerfed by 0.2km for a long time, I'm doing 100K dmg average in this ship after the IFHE change, prefer the demo expert and drop the IFHE as you don't need IFHE to pen cruisers anymore and you can get a better result by fire on BBs in short firing windows from none concealed situation. IFHE only beats it when you can farm in smoke or behind the island non stopped with vision support.
As a dd player I can't tell you how many times I've died alone. I get abandoned all the time. I look around and everyone is either gone or hiding and not firing. That being said I usually still wind up in the top 3 at the end of the game. Capitan Don
Legit just came off a map where I was in a roma fighting one side against 4 battleships, only person trying to help me was the carrier on my team while the rest of my team were literally running around picking daisies not even in positions to help.
In defence of your team mates - if you push in as a bb alongside and supporting a dd it's quite common for the dd to bail and leave you alone.... probably when you were recognisable as Flamu as well as focussing you the other side of the coin is that your own team would support you more....
This is how it plays out 9 out of 10 times. Very frustrating as a DD guy! They then bitch when you aren’t “spotting” for them or not running into the cap.
@Flamu would you recommend getting the Harugumo after the Kitakaze? I feel like the Haru gives up far too much for that extra turret and more HP. -Shrayes
I find it about 50/50. 50% of the time my team will post up and farm the ships I spot early. 50% of the time the BBs will turn and run as soon as they see an even number of red ships across from them. At least, that's how it feels as a Shima driver.
I'm not entirely sure if your teammates at C initially did the wrong moves. Kiting away and depleting the enemy's HP to push back afterwards isn't a terrible tactic. Georgia got dealt with fairly quickly, and as you said yourself, Donskoi came back to be pretty useful shortly after (don't rely on your team though this was pretty damn reliable), only to push straight back into the cap. I believe it's ok for an enemy team to hold points as long as the trade in HP is in your advantage. As for the rest, solid display of a low HP Kitacarry :)
Indeed. I've found myself in the very same situation as flamu: teammates just turning away leaving me alone or a cluster of BBs hiding where they are of no use whatsoever.
I wonder how many people who play like this are reading this now. And what do they have in their heads now? I think they are laughing at those who want to do something in battle. What is the reason for playing like this? Does the loss or damage of a ship hurt so much? I lose my ship in 80% of battles, but I'm fine and I'm happy that I did something in this battle, even when I died. After all, the sunken ship doesn't disappear, you don't have to buy it again. I don't understand it, maybe I'm stupid. Or maybe you need balls and not be a pussy for that.
The CV "rework" pushed a ton of the older, better skilled players away from the game. Then the constant info feed of WGing wanting to add subs pushed even more away. The playerbase's skill level has drowned thanks to WGing's insistent intent on ruining the game with more easy mode retard classes.
Well man, one reason for the hesitation early on for the FDG and most BBs in fact is the same reason you almost got killed, lack of teammate support, like it happens alot, I push in with my BB to tank seeing the rest of my team coming but 1 minute later there turning around and now im alone being farmed to death, so BBs don't push in near as often.
As you said Flamu. I have my Zao for a few weeks. And i had to use my torps for ONE time. Bc a GK was rushing me and he came from behind an island. Thats the only time i’ve used Zao torps.
If you get the 12km torps you have a 2km stealth torp buffer. If you're unspotted and the enemy is pushing a flank, absolutely launch the torps. Yes many potatoes will turn broadside to launch torps, but it's only really a problem if you're detected.
Played about 20 matches the other day with a fair amount of mind boggling losses where half the team stubbed their toes and died. It's nice averaging 2nd place on days like that, but it borders on frustrating.
Any BB except the Champagne and maybe some IJN should get -1xp and -100credits per second they are in the A/J 1/10 rows or columns. Except it they spawn there, so it should not kick in until 2 minutes in.
Most players have no idea Friesland doesn't have torpedos. If there is a Fries on the enemy team, i say in team chat that it doesn't have torpedoes and usually get replies like 'what?' and 'really?'
A little off topic but I think WOWs should do away with the 'service cost' thing. It is a mess in low tiers when you earn less credits because service cost is quite high and one ends up earning far less than expected.
How nice of his team to help and radar, this rarely happens and the few ships behind him would of ran away by now leaving you to be fist pumped. No one provides vision unless by accident and would rather pew pew for self gains.
Quick question regarding AA mod. Since the nerf, it's useless, as you said, so my question is what do you use on slot 3 on USN BB's, especially the tier 8-10? I use secondary mod personally, not for brawling, but just because it's the least useless of the available options. What's yours?
Yesterday my first game in Yugumo, I went to C cap on Greece.... Well the Amagi and Mogami I spawned with were both AFK. Some of my teammates noticed and got pissed and came over to assist me. I got pushed out of the cap by a Monarch and Lightning, which was literally all the enemy team had over there. We took it back once some of my other teammates made their way over there. What's significant about this? Well Amagi starts to play later in the game and starts spamming quick commands, and went and died pretty fast. Two games later, I'm playing Zao. A little ways into the game I see a battleship not moving in my spawn. omg it was that Amagi again. Called him out in chat to my team and that's when he starts moving. Goes in spamming quick commands again and gets killed fairly fast. He had 6.5k games with 43% WR... his records also tend to show a really lackluster player... most damage done was around 105k... idk, just a troll ruining the game for other people i suppose.
I could retire if I had just $1 for every time I went into a cap and some short time later look and see all of my teammates are behind the nearest island hoping that bad guys go away...
can someone explain to me why the player base is SOOOO obsessed with launching torps at all cost? can't tell you how many times i've seen a tirpitz swing her ass back and forth so she can launch torps at targets that are more *WAAAAAY* the fuck out of range. even tier 9/10 cruisers, swinging their asses out to launch torps that have virtually zero chance of hitting when they have something far more important to do, like breaking contact, or closing the distance, or turning to engage a dd.
This happends in 7/10 games I guess. People just don't push in and support, team does not get the fact that the teams win by points, and I have to work even harder in my DD. And add a CV to a game... GG.
Relying on teammates is one thing.. I've had a game where 3 bbs went chasing after 1 Alaska into one corner of the map.. and then my team's Alaska pushed through them and rammed the enemy alaska..and our bbs managed to get torpedoes to shit because all 3 of them were clustered in one by day..I lose a little more faith in humanity.
I play all games now as though I am soloing and expect no backup, Game has got worse in terms of team play and something is still up with the matchmaking. It's either a complete annihilation of enemy team or your team gets slaughtered, Lucky if 2 out of 10 matches are good close games.
I greet you. I want to briefly write what I think about this game. I don't know what people are playing now, probably only women. A few months ago, ships stood at the back of the map and behind the islands, now there is also a "lemings train" all or a part of the team in one cap and there for some island rub against each other, full HP BBs at the end of the battle. They leave 2-3 ships on one flank that dies quickly, and the rest die soon because they have fire all over the map. There is no help from them. When you write to them, you suddenly get banned from chat. One guy even drowned me for clicking on him. I have been playing this game from its very beginning, I grew up on the game close and sharp, this is what I want and like. Now I have no way to play. I use DDs a lot, it's very hard - CVs, radars, sonars ... but the most painful thing is being ignored and not being helped by my team. Another thing, they only shoot BBs, 5km DDs are swimming and no one hits him, my spot is shit, my dedication and wanting to do something for the team / win fight. This is pathetic. I want to do something, but I can't, because if I only show myself, I have focus and I'm done. I can't play like they do, it bores me. This game has gone to the bottom and keeps going. Once, a few years ago, I had fun and the joy of playing, there was cooperation, fighting together and nobody was afraid. Now I have stress and sadness. Camping, lemings, fear and doing nothing / laziness. Back then, the BBs were swimming for the DDs, the crusers were doing support and protection for the DDs that were spotlighting for all of them, ahhh that was and will not be anymore. I spent a few hundred euros on premium, ship ... I really regret it now, I don't want to be nervous all the time, I don't want to play this shit anymore. I do not recommend this game to anyone, and even advise against it in order to protect my friends from stress. I would like to sell my account if possible and forget about this sick time. I watch your movies a lot and I like them. I congratulate you because you are a great warrior, you play perfectly and you have to follow your example, I am much, much worse than you. I will never have your experience because I'm 46 years old and I'm old;). My dream is to play as I used to, as I like, close and hard, working together with my team. I will look for another game that will give me joy and fun, not stress. This is not just my thinking, because many players think the same. I think that you too will get angry when there is nothing you can do in the game, I do when I really want to, but I can't. I greet you warmly. Sorry to have written so much, it should be less.
This is teamplay nowadays. They will bite of your nose too if you ask for more teamplay and support. What immense difference with how the game was 4 yo 5 years ago.
Wg needs to add more incentive for people to work together and they need to include training modes for newbies to learn how to play their class as well as general gameplay tips. So many people have no clue what they are doing but will constantly rage at everyone else for bot reading their mind or doing what they want. Its painful...playing this game less and less.
Kitakaze would still be an okay ship if you throw it directly into tier 10 without giving it any buffs, that's how strong it is. Sometimes it makes me wonder why they still haven't removed full pen from Khaba and Harugumo. Seriously, it's not like these two ships are over performing or anything.
My bro's main ship is Kita and he plays it in any tier 9 + 10 game since we team up and I support him with Krem or GK we usually hold a cap circle pretty effectively. Agreed though he never uses the haru too many disadvantages with full pen
Sorry about the lack of vids lately, got a lot going on at the moment, moving to a new house I bought in two weeks so everything has been rather crazy! Thanks for watching as always!
Who gives a damn about upload frequenzy if the vids have this quality
People be marrying, people be working, people be moving. Wait, does that mean gamers can have a life? I thought it was against The Code..
i just had a game where a 2 BB division near me just decided to move to the OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP from the start. at CV distance from the caps.
so i moved to help with the capping with my tallinn...and i see my team doesnt even exist here.
it was in shatter map LOL at the I line as they were moving east...what a shit idea
good luck with the move, , they can always be stressful
Fuck matches like this. And you can almost guarantee someone will be complaining about how crap the DD’s are.
"Don't rely on your team".
That's #1 golden rule in WoWs.
i just had a game where a 2 BB division near me just decided to move to the OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP from the start. at CV distance from the caps.
so i moved to help with the capping with my tallinn...and i see my team doesnt even exist here.
it was in shatter map LOL at the I line as they were moving east...what a shit idea
@@cobrazax How dare they think of themselves, not defending your very precious life with their hitpoints! You were very stunning and brave going in alone! Master strategist.
R u for real? They went to the other side of the map and were completely useless for half the battle!!
KG Guitar I have hope everytime anyway but it’s either my team doesn’t leave the spawn or the enemy team so it’s get crushed or bored to death because the enemies are all hiding
KG Guitar that’s the number one rule in all games. Hell, even life
"I have a lot of backup", sounds like someones famous last words.
Sounds like a Julius Caesar statement
I wonder if any of your team thought:
"lol. another noob dd suiciding into cap. he should have hid behind the islands like us."
I wonder how many times those players have actually pushed into a point to cap throughout their career in WoWs. Too many passive people playing this game.
@@SuperCatacata Most have but don't know when it's a good or bad idea and get annihilated, so the lesson learned is play passive or get raped. The game does a piss poor job of teaching you what good decisions are, and the average player isn't attentive enough to figure it out as is.
Lots of them thought that and then they loose the game by cap points and then complain to the dd players about not capping
When I saw a Fuso fire HE at a broadsiding Kongo then switched to AP _intentionally_ to fire at a DD, *_then gave broadside to a Sinop at 6km range_*
my faith in humanity crumbled a bit
"I expected my team to do the smart thing." basic mistake
too many times the beginning has happened to me. I guess i need to consider the allies on my team as red as well
No consider that the Armada has sent you to a mission and you received reinforcements to who just happened to be there
Or pretend they don't actually exist
We have to ask a question about the way wows is designed and the way it engages its players: why is it so easy and so natural for the average casual player to do the wrong thing?
Because Synergy isn't "Rewarded" in a sense. If you Radar someone and your DD kills the Enemy DD without you getting Damage in it doesnt feel as good as saving your Radar and getting the Damage/Kill aswell.
And good positioning is something with a bit of nuance and so most People just want to Brawl because it works sometimes with little consideration as to why and when it works
You see this in every competitive game, honestly. Also in games where you can play against "good" or "higher level" players only, like playing CSGO via Faceit at level 10(max level). While they may be good at some things, most of them are still idiots. Sure, WG is not encouraging better teamplay, but I also think that playing with idiots is just unavoidable in an online game.
@@H4FF I feel like the learning curve is a lot more smooth and natural in a game like CSGO. Sure you can get your teeth kicked in by a pro but you can clearly see what they did and how they succeed. In WoWS there are so many variables, so many types of ship and weapon and consumable, and speed and rudder and position management, map flow, planning minutes and minutes ahead. It's a huge amount to take in for a new player and even a player that is fairly experienced but hasn't invested serious time and energy into studying the game.
Because of nature of naval combat. How it is delayed
Take wot for example: you do wrong peek and in second you get bitch slapped. On spot average player can evaluate situation of bad play
You do bad push, overextend, turn. You are already punished, it just didnt arrive yet. Give it 10-30s.
That time is way above buffer memory limit of average player. Average just evaluates "right now". And in exact moment of blap average player was doing nothing wrong, yet fate was already sealed.
Average player cannot improve, because there isnt feedback that gives hint
@@ReachForTheSky I think you're seriously underestimating the learning curve and depth of CS, if you think there is more to WoWs. Also, as for playing a pro and clearly seeing what they did: also certainly not true. The average player has no clue what those pros are doing, trust me.
Sometimes at a start of a battle I type in, 1) Sink radar boats and DDs. 2) Cap and don’t chase 3) Don’t trust your teammates. It’s normally replied with the random salty insults as the battle goes on by players who got themselves into completely reversible bad positioning.
I love this ship. It is the equivalent of a fighter bomber, that can "fly" its own fighter defence screen. You can hold out against practically any ship, if you play it well. It is borderline OP. The anti-dote to bad team play.... but even then, teams can throw the game effectively in any case.
"mentioned in the past.. to remove torpedoes to increase win rate" - Goddam true
This is the best educational video you’ve ever done.
Last time I was this early, Z-52 was a good ship.
too bad Z-52 never had any chance to compete even with T9 DDs to begin with
It's been powercrept hard, but a torp build Z-52 with a 19 point commander is an absolute blast to play. I love me some Z-52 hydro.
@@randymaatta8824 Harugumo / Kitakaze too
Wdym? Z-59 is fine!
It still is a good DD. I have 56% WR in mine.
Seriously, Kitakaze is just too strong for its tier.
But then again there are a lot of strong DDs on T9.
Yeah Kita would be even more ridiculous at its tier if it wasn't populated by ships like Jutland, Benham, Mogador, Black etc. T9 is blessed DD tier.
kitakaze is way better than harugumo for me.
way more useful and fun.
@@cobrazax Yeah, I always think Harugumo should have Moskva's treatment: put her in Armory, move Kitakaze and Akizuki a tier up, and fill T8 with something like Harekaze.
Think about it, Kitakaze on T10, which means she'd be available for competitive play. Really want to see that.
@@NachoManRandySandwich Asashio is good at t8, she was older than Kagero. WG should have put t7 Shiratsuyuu, t8 Asashio, T9 Akizuki and t10 Kitakaze. Harugumo as a special tier 10 or better yet never exists
@@cobrazax me too! I had my best game ever in the Kita with 283K dmg and 4 frags
Can't agree more with you Flamu. So many potato Cruiser captains out there, decided to play cruiser for a while while my DD is in dry dock. Don't cap right away and wait till you see what team does has been my motto last couple weeks.Always angle ship to get out of trouble quickly...Is A MUST.
very interesting video because of the good game play explanation. being a newish player i love these as its shows the proper mindset to have. don't always assume player are seasoned player. thanks
14:52 ACTUALLY JINGLES, the Agir is the last ship, not the Roon.
Love this video!helped me improve my decision making and getting killed less😅
Honestly when the enemy georgia just charges in like that, the team's smart choice is to kite away for a bit and kill the Georgia, and after taking out the only battlehsip gun in this flank there is nothing to stop you pushing this cap and taking it back.
But hey I’m a brat dd player! If my team don’t yolo into a Georgia they are not supporting me. And I blame cv for everything.
There's no joy in solo randoms when you REPEATEDLY have to carry ALMOST EVERY match. This is less of a "game" than it is a chore; especially on weak-ends.
Seems like everyday is a weekend nowadays
That is when you play in three man teams with massed torpedoes and wipe the map clean one flank at a time.
A certain tier 9 premium may help... Or just bring a squad with carriers
Shimakaze Player scribbling in a notebook: Torpedoes are very much a support tool [...]
Shimakaze Player looks up: You are not making any sense, whatsoever, mate.
OMG it's like you're playing on NA.
That's typical EU playerbase for you
Nah nah. If this was NA, the players would actually say something in that chat box.
@@Musiclegible yep...
@@romeocharlie2007 Nah if it was EU the game would have been over before the 10 minute mark
Nah. On 7:40 you can clearly see "ДОНСКОЙ ФУФЛО" (Donskoi is trash) and further, judging by the stupidest possible moves of the teammates - it is clearly my beloved CIS zoo.
Thank god there are people like flamu out there to carry my ass
With gunboat DDs like this what role do light cruisers fill? They shoot less rounds and due to citidels, larger size, and slower speed are easyer to kill, they might have radar but if a light cruiser is within 10km of anything it's about to die
A shepherd's pie has meat topped by cheese on an awful lot of mashed potato. That was that pie.
when there is an island to HIDE behind your team m8 will always go behind it and NOT help you
My advice is: Never rely on your team, bc most of the players aren’t listening or are unable to comunicate.
What about afk players!!??? When match starts and 2 or 3 minutes passed they began to play !Yesterday one of my teammates said"Sorry guys i was making a sandwich" and i was like wtf bro?
Dionisos161 Done it!😂
Sinisa Balentovic Yeah i was playing ranked and would have ranked up of we won the match. But our cv was afk, so we lost...
@@saxaren1133 lol😂
Words to live by in wows.
Push a cap with a whole team they see 3 reds and run away!
Like they say "if they haven't hurt you they have helped you"
Exactly the way I play DDs, you need to keep an eye on your teammates more than the enemies. This kind of carry games is what satisfaction can be in this game. I also rated Kitakaze top of tier9 DDs, have been expecting this ship's concealment to be nerfed by 0.2km for a long time, I'm doing 100K dmg average in this ship after the IFHE change, prefer the demo expert and drop the IFHE as you don't need IFHE to pen cruisers anymore and you can get a better result by fire on BBs in short firing windows from none concealed situation. IFHE only beats it when you can farm in smoke or behind the island non stopped with vision support.
As a dd player I can't tell you how many times I've died alone. I get abandoned all the time. I look around and everyone is either gone or hiding and not firing. That being said I usually still wind up in the top 3 at the end of the game. Capitan Don
14:52 Jingles effect I see.
Flamu could you cover the newly launched German premium DD the Z-35? I bought her and she seems like a fun gunboat.
Legit just came off a map where I was in a roma fighting one side against 4 battleships, only person trying to help me was the carrier on my team while the rest of my team were literally running around picking daisies not even in positions to help.
12:00 while all this is happening, F. der Grosse just leaves c and lets it get capped lmao
In defence of your team mates - if you push in as a bb alongside and supporting a dd it's quite common for the dd to bail and leave you alone.... probably when you were recognisable as Flamu as well as focussing you the other side of the coin is that your own team would support you more....
I don’t get it it’s same thing as the Akizuki but at tier9 I’m lost now
The start of this game looks painfully familiar from 4yrs of game play.
This is how it plays out 9 out of 10 times. Very frustrating as a DD guy! They then bitch when you aren’t “spotting” for them or not running into the cap.
@Flamu would you recommend getting the Harugumo after the Kitakaze? I feel like the Haru gives up far too much for that extra turret and more HP.
I find it about 50/50.
50% of the time my team will post up and farm the ships I spot early.
50% of the time the BBs will turn and run as soon as they see an even number of red ships across from them.
At least, that's how it feels as a Shima driver.
I'm not entirely sure if your teammates at C initially did the wrong moves. Kiting away and depleting the enemy's HP to push back afterwards isn't a terrible tactic.
Georgia got dealt with fairly quickly, and as you said yourself, Donskoi came back to be pretty useful shortly after (don't rely on your team though this was pretty damn reliable), only to push straight back into the cap. I believe it's ok for an enemy team to hold points as long as the trade in HP is in your advantage. As for the rest, solid display of a low HP Kitacarry :)
Yeah by the Georgia was full steam coming into the cap which is why they started Kiting
verry verry lucky,as often.
but with ultra op ship like this,its damn absurd simple!
Hi, Flamu can you play YUEYANG? Nowadays it's hard to play as Old dd.
Everyone is someones teammate. Still, the level of skill is terrible right now. It has never been great but I don't remember it being this bad.
It's summer, many countries have holidays right now.
Indeed. I've found myself in the very same situation as flamu: teammates just turning away leaving me alone or a cluster of BBs hiding where they are of no use whatsoever.
I wonder how many people who play like this are reading this now. And what do they have in their heads now? I think they are laughing at those who want to do something in battle. What is the reason for playing like this? Does the loss or damage of a ship hurt so much? I lose my ship in 80% of battles, but I'm fine and I'm happy that I did something in this battle, even when I died. After all, the sunken ship doesn't disappear, you don't have to buy it again. I don't understand it, maybe I'm stupid. Or maybe you need balls and not be a pussy for that.
The CV "rework" pushed a ton of the older, better skilled players away from the game. Then the constant info feed of WGing wanting to add subs pushed even more away. The playerbase's skill level has drowned thanks to WGing's insistent intent on ruining the game with more easy mode retard classes.
That's called "Fat Chance Friends"
Well man, one reason for the hesitation early on for the FDG and most BBs in fact is the same reason you almost got killed, lack of teammate support, like it happens alot, I push in with my BB to tank seeing the rest of my team coming but 1 minute later there turning around and now im alone being farmed to death, so BBs don't push in near as often.
As you said Flamu. I have my Zao for a few weeks. And i had to use my torps for ONE time. Bc a GK was rushing me and he came from behind an island. Thats the only time i’ve used Zao torps.
If you get the 12km torps you have a 2km stealth torp buffer. If you're unspotted and the enemy is pushing a flank, absolutely launch the torps. Yes many potatoes will turn broadside to launch torps, but it's only really a problem if you're detected.
Played about 20 matches the other day with a fair amount of mind boggling losses where half the team stubbed their toes and died.
It's nice averaging 2nd place on days like that, but it borders on frustrating.
"People always have some sort of plan" - I respectfully disagree with that! :D
Borderline OP ships like Kitakaze: I sleep
A Russian ship that isn't shit gets released: *real shit*
I have no clue why teamates seem to regularly ignore the enemy dds and radar crs. Then complain I'm not spotting and capping enough.
Thanks for the kitakaze tips :)))
hey flamu, are you going to make a recommendation list from the upcoming t8 ranked?
i will never admit im a good player sometimes im absolutely terrible, but i dont get people hiding or running away like that without a good reason
Any BB except the Champagne and maybe some IJN should get -1xp and -100credits per second they are in the A/J 1/10 rows or columns. Except it they spawn there, so it should not kick in until 2 minutes in.
Most players have no idea Friesland doesn't have torpedos. If there is a Fries on the enemy team, i say in team chat that it doesn't have torpedoes and usually get replies like 'what?' and 'really?'
Nothing like stating the bloody obvious, "Don't rely on your team mates". Player base has gone to the wall.
Biggest enemy is your own team.
I don't quite have 19 points so I went PM and AR in place of PT and LS like a mad man
A little off topic but I think WOWs should do away with the 'service cost' thing. It is a mess in low tiers when you earn less credits because service cost is quite high and one ends up earning far less than expected.
Sameer Kharade tbh I agree. It’s an interesting concept but I don’t think it’s necessary.
How nice of his team to help and radar, this rarely happens and the few ships behind him would of ran away by now leaving you to be fist pumped. No one provides vision unless by accident and would rather pew pew for self gains.
Quick question regarding AA mod. Since the nerf, it's useless, as you said, so my question is what do you use on slot 3 on USN BB's, especially the tier 8-10? I use secondary mod personally, not for brawling, but just because it's the least useless of the available options. What's yours?
You don’t have teammates, you have meatshields
Are Teams even a thing in Wows?
My last high tier dd games were 0 damage permanent 12 km radar assrapes. These are trying times for high tier tech tree destroyers...
"Nub dd y u no cap? report nub dd!"
- Sincerely, your borderlicking BB ^^
With missing camo but Survivability Expert
i got both my second solo warrior and my first kraken in this, it's really great
This has been happening to me for the last couple of weeks. Team mates just dont give a fark these days. What is going on with these people ?
Perhaps people who care enough to learn the game also care enough to follow what wg does.
No real surprise that they play less these days.
Holidays, man
Yesterday my first game in Yugumo, I went to C cap on Greece.... Well the Amagi and Mogami I spawned with were both AFK. Some of my teammates noticed and got pissed and came over to assist me. I got pushed out of the cap by a Monarch and Lightning, which was literally all the enemy team had over there. We took it back once some of my other teammates made their way over there. What's significant about this? Well Amagi starts to play later in the game and starts spamming quick commands, and went and died pretty fast. Two games later, I'm playing Zao. A little ways into the game I see a battleship not moving in my spawn. omg it was that Amagi again. Called him out in chat to my team and that's when he starts moving. Goes in spamming quick commands again and gets killed fairly fast. He had 6.5k games with 43% WR... his records also tend to show a really lackluster player... most damage done was around 105k... idk, just a troll ruining the game for other people i suppose.
would you consider kita a good ship for ranked?
It's literally broken lol. U hv a cruiser dmg output in a DD
Might want to remind your teammates that dd has no torps. They might not have realized it.
can u try to play fubuki?
Do you always “hello hello everyone” with him?
I could retire if I had just $1 for every time I went into a cap and some short time later look and see all of my teammates are behind the nearest island hoping that bad guys go away...
can someone explain to me why the player base is SOOOO obsessed with launching torps at all cost? can't tell you how many times i've seen a tirpitz swing her ass back and forth so she can launch torps at targets that are more *WAAAAAY* the fuck out of range. even tier 9/10 cruisers, swinging their asses out to launch torps that have virtually zero chance of hitting when they have something far more important to do, like breaking contact, or closing the distance, or turning to engage a dd.
V-25, Iso-Krazy and Kitakaze are the best 3 ships in the game.
World of Warships really Needs a tutorial or something that's easily accessible to new players
This happends in 7/10 games I guess.
People just don't push in and support, team does not get the fact that the teams win by points, and I have to work even harder in my DD.
And add a CV to a game... GG.
Good video!
Well, that was TEAMMATE. If i were you, i'll torp that anoyying teammate lol
Man i miss daily videos
Man, i have saw this movie enough in my games... damn i lost over 5% wr on georgia cuz even krakens and over 200k are not enough to win.
In other news, ursine creatures defecate in forested areas......
I don't rely on team only on myself
Title - Welcome to World of Warships.
Relying on teammates is one thing.. I've had a game where 3 bbs went chasing after 1 Alaska into one corner of the map.. and then my team's Alaska pushed through them and rammed the enemy alaska..and our bbs managed to get torpedoes to shit because all 3 of them were clustered in one by day..I lose a little more faith in humanity.
Don't rely on your team indeed, and if you don't do want they want they going to shoot you... WHAT yeah that's new I guess
I play all games now as though I am soloing and expect no backup, Game has got worse in terms of team play and something is still up with the matchmaking. It's either a complete annihilation of enemy team or your team gets slaughtered, Lucky if 2 out of 10 matches are good close games.
Ive noticed ppl are turning and running now automatically and its baffling
I greet you. I want to briefly write what I think about this game. I don't know what people are playing now, probably only women. A few months ago, ships stood at the back of the map and behind the islands, now there is also a "lemings train" all or a part of the team in one cap and there for some island rub against each other, full HP BBs at the end of the battle. They leave 2-3 ships on one flank that dies quickly, and the rest die soon because they have fire all over the map. There is no help from them. When you write to them, you suddenly get banned from chat. One guy even drowned me for clicking on him. I have been playing this game from its very beginning, I grew up on the game close and sharp, this is what I want and like. Now I have no way to play. I use DDs a lot, it's very hard - CVs, radars, sonars ... but the most painful thing is being ignored and not being helped by my team. Another thing, they only shoot BBs, 5km DDs are swimming and no one hits him, my spot is shit, my dedication and wanting to do something for the team / win fight. This is pathetic. I want to do something, but I can't, because if I only show myself, I have focus and I'm done. I can't play like they do, it bores me.
This game has gone to the bottom and keeps going. Once, a few years ago, I had fun and the joy of playing, there was cooperation, fighting together and nobody was afraid. Now I have stress and sadness. Camping, lemings, fear and doing nothing / laziness. Back then, the BBs were swimming for the DDs, the crusers were doing support and protection for the DDs that were spotlighting for all of them, ahhh that was and will not be anymore. I spent a few hundred euros on premium, ship ... I really regret it now, I don't want to be nervous all the time, I don't want to play this shit anymore. I do not recommend this game to anyone, and even advise against it in order to protect my friends from stress. I would like to sell my account if possible and forget about this sick time.
I watch your movies a lot and I like them. I congratulate you because you are a great warrior, you play perfectly and you have to follow your example, I am much, much worse than you. I will never have your experience because I'm 46 years old and I'm old;). My dream is to play as I used to, as I like, close and hard, working together with my team. I will look for another game that will give me joy and fun, not stress. This is not just my thinking, because many players think the same. I think that you too will get angry when there is nothing you can do in the game, I do when I really want to, but I can't. I greet you warmly. Sorry to have written so much, it should be less.
This is teamplay nowadays. They will bite of your nose too if you ask for more teamplay and support. What immense difference with how the game was 4 yo 5 years ago.
I expected my teammates to do the correct thing,,,,,, Well there's your problem lol
Don't rely on your team. Now do the same video with a BB and not a DD-sized cruiser with ridiculous firepower :)
i am the only one who cant hear the "callouts" from my mates since 0.9.6?
since 0.7.9s
Golden rule of WoT: It is 1 vs 29
Golden rule of WoWs: It is 1 vs 23
Great game! But if there's no CV it didn't happen 😂😂
Wg needs to add more incentive for people to work together and they need to include training modes for newbies to learn how to play their class as well as general gameplay tips. So many people have no clue what they are doing but will constantly rage at everyone else for bot reading their mind or doing what they want. Its painful...playing this game less and less.
Entire team runs to the border... way too typical.
Kitakaze would still be an okay ship if you throw it directly into tier 10 without giving it any buffs, that's how strong it is. Sometimes it makes me wonder why they still haven't removed full pen from Khaba and Harugumo. Seriously, it's not like these two ships are over performing or anything.
My bro's main ship is Kita and he plays it in any tier 9 + 10 game since we team up and I support him with Krem or GK we usually hold a cap circle pretty effectively. Agreed though he never uses the haru too many disadvantages with full pen