Fate/Zero AMV - A Tale of Heroes [Legends] · (Remastered)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rekaadang
    @rekaadang 9 років тому +72

    The animations and battle scenes of this anime are probably the best, but what make it really good is the ideology clash between the characters . All the characters have something they want and they're prepared to put their lives on the line to achieve it.

  • @Phil04196
    @Phil04196 10 років тому +110

    This show was so fucking good.

  • @TheKingRegulus
    @TheKingRegulus 10 років тому +53

    Best Fate/Zero AMV out there, and definitely one of the best edited videos too.

    • @alexprus7953
      @alexprus7953 7 років тому

      Definitely! Although the 2:40 part where they sing and talk at the same time is a bit annoying.

    • @stardark2448
      @stardark2448 5 років тому +1

      the best AMV i had ever see

    • @saatuxx
      @saatuxx 4 роки тому


  • @davidr.8417
    @davidr.8417 11 років тому +12

    One of the best Fate/Zero AMV-s!

  • @ZaneZen1
    @ZaneZen1 5 місяців тому +1

    I've been looking for this video for so long.

  • @RareFairyRaindrop
    @RareFairyRaindrop 10 років тому +22

    Man, I cannot tell you how much I LOVE THIS VIDEO! This is my all time favorite AMV, and its Fate Zero which makes it all the more. I love how you added people talking, keep up the good work!

  • @Mooglesormr
    @Mooglesormr 9 років тому +1

    This. Is the best Fate/Zero amv ever. Good job.

  • @sanaeksnek7020
    @sanaeksnek7020 9 років тому

    every hero in this show had so much epic power that it still amazes me. berserker and lancer are badasses to the core

  • @konoskubos1641
    @konoskubos1641 3 роки тому

    This good enough to be put on a resume unironically

  • @LilianaKali
    @LilianaKali 12 років тому

    Kudos to you. That's exactly what I was looking for for Fate AMVs. Woot woot!

  • @SHeeDeED
    @SHeeDeED 12 років тому

    great work. nicely done. Heroes are those who defend the weak. And evil is who starts attacking.

  • @TheDeathMetalOtaku
    @TheDeathMetalOtaku 12 років тому

    ive seriously watched this amv over and over man its amazing one of the few good fate zero amvs

  • @shadowsorer
    @shadowsorer 11 років тому

    Still the best fate/zero amv I've found

  • @MikuHatsuneStudio
    @MikuHatsuneStudio 12 років тому

    Saber is so so cute! THE BEST AMV

  • @Alchemistx4
    @Alchemistx4 12 років тому

    Why are people having issues with song...it's what makes this amv great! Too many editors use the same tired songs over and over

  • @TheSocialPlague
    @TheSocialPlague 12 років тому

    Daaaamn dude, this is simply amazing!

  • @TheNigel231
    @TheNigel231 12 років тому


  • @kappelele
    @kappelele 12 років тому

    Oh my fucking god. 3 minutes and 50 seconds of pure epicness!! Nice work man

  • @Truck--kun
    @Truck--kun 11 років тому

    honestly loved this show, i wanted to see what it would be if rider won, it wasn't as i expected but the friendship of two kings was very funny ,bye rider ,you haven't conquered the world,but you'll conquer the heavens

  • @Ciaupas1
    @Ciaupas1 12 років тому

    Cant wait for season 2 amv. Great job men with first one.

  • @yepnope5595
    @yepnope5595 11 років тому

    Best AMV in 21th century. It's briliant!

  • @DariuSlambert7
    @DariuSlambert7 12 років тому

    i had goosebumps from beginning to end of this video... well done sir

  • @hollowzangetsu523
    @hollowzangetsu523 10 років тому

    An hour ago I dident even what this show was after seeing this its probly one of the best shows ever

  • @nikhildsilva13
    @nikhildsilva13 12 років тому

    absolutely beautiful... that was real good amv....

  • @Tokiomy
    @Tokiomy 10 років тому +4

    this is the best amv ever,i swear

  • @f.mushayt9379
    @f.mushayt9379 11 років тому


  • @ItsWtfmybffjill
    @ItsWtfmybffjill 12 років тому +1

    I get chills whenever Saber says "Are you my master?"

  • @boskifox9028
    @boskifox9028 12 років тому

    Very well done! Did this anime justice and I'm now addicted to that song. Bravo lol

  • @aneonfoxtribute
    @aneonfoxtribute 10 років тому

    That. That's all I can say. I'm at an immense loss from sheer awesome

  • @Anizero1000
    @Anizero1000 12 років тому

    Awesome!! This is the BEST amv Ever ! :D
    please make an amv with season 2 as well? :D

  • @zellarc74
    @zellarc74 3 роки тому

    2021 and this is still one of the best anime out there. No you can’t change my mind

  • @BreathInSpaceFilmz
    @BreathInSpaceFilmz 12 років тому

    Wow this AMV goes so well with so many songs 0.0

  • @nonotthereplease2929
    @nonotthereplease2929 3 роки тому

    Bruh didnt expected it will be this good !!!

  • @TwilightAutumn
    @TwilightAutumn 12 років тому

    I have to say, this is the best Fate/Zero AMV I have ever seen. Heck, the best out of Fate/Stay Night. I've been looking up AMVS for this series for about five years, too. Great job! :)

  • @HidanLP
    @HidanLP 11 років тому

    This AMV is so awesome, it should be an official trailer!

  • @Kuroganelover223
    @Kuroganelover223 12 років тому

    I am in awe! I just finished what they have subbed of season two and was heartbroken and this amv is PERFECT for Fate/Zero! Thank you very much, it was beautifully done!

  • @stardark2448
    @stardark2448 5 років тому

    it's the best AMV i have evere seen

  • @horrorhyde
    @horrorhyde 12 років тому

    Nice work man. epic music and video.

  • @osvaldas96
    @osvaldas96 11 років тому

    I've never watched the anime itself, so its hard to comment, but... it seems damn nice :D You really did a great job of the amv
    My friend recommended watching this anime, so I decided to watch 1-2 AMV if I'll like it and... it seems i do!

  • @wongale21
    @wongale21 11 років тому

    Great amv ! Music as well.Keep doing what you are doing :D

  • @erukaseven
    @erukaseven 12 років тому

    This should really have more likes!

  • @ChurriFMA
    @ChurriFMA 12 років тому

    This is epic. Nice video!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Alexey_Ferion
    @Alexey_Ferion 12 років тому

    Well done! Perfect timing, woderfull music)) And of cause anime is cool))
    You did masterpiease, guy. Thank you 4 this amazing AMV =D
    P.S. I couldn't find the song in the net, so now i watch this video every day twice and more times))

  • @halajalal3941
    @halajalal3941 7 років тому

    This is so awesome so good 😍😍😍OMG this is an amazing work ur so good 😭😍😭

  • @AdoraVivos
    @AdoraVivos 12 років тому

    biggest spoilers of season 1 in almost 4 minutes..i dont mean it in bad way..its amazing..good job !

  • @bluecoyotegirl
    @bluecoyotegirl 12 років тому

    I love this amv, great work some of the best work I've ever seen. I love this version of this song.

  • @TakuminTakhoukhth
    @TakuminTakhoukhth 10 років тому

    I got chills whatching it ! thx dude !

  • @SuzumiyaHaruhi321
    @SuzumiyaHaruhi321 12 років тому

    best AMV out there u jave to do one with the 24 eps u're awesome

  • @MsGamegirl27
    @MsGamegirl27 12 років тому

    An amazing AMV based off of an amazing anime! This is incredible! Well done! I think I'm going to go watch it now. :)

  • @stardark2448
    @stardark2448 8 років тому +3

    the best AMV of the best anime

  • @lovewaddles6867
    @lovewaddles6867 12 років тому

    this is the best amv i've seen! keep it up :DD

  • @xSnowflakes
    @xSnowflakes 12 років тому

    Wow! Seriously I rarely see Fate Zero AMVs that grab my attention but this definitely grabbed mine :D I think your font choices for the texts could have been better, but overall a great job and way to sum up the first series

  • @KamusJohn3
    @KamusJohn3  11 років тому

    I'm glad it worked in your video :D Thanks :)

  • @KamusJohn3
    @KamusJohn3  12 років тому +1

    I'm happy to hear the video liked you :D but I feel good with the music, if you heard it you realize that when the spanish voices starts to sound, is the climax of the song and the climax of the first season... maybe if it did not had the voices was better, with the same part but only instrumental, I don't know, but if I didn't use that specific voices part of the song, the climax on the amv would no be the same. I'm pretty sure about that.

  • @SoulArdaine
    @SoulArdaine 12 років тому

    Very very good work mate! I hope you'll do one for Season 2 as well.

  • @Lukasz13n
    @Lukasz13n 12 років тому

    best amv ever!

  • @kisamegr
    @kisamegr 11 років тому

    Very nice work. Loved it and still havnt watched the anime. Downloading now :>

  • @bookprincess3929
    @bookprincess3929 9 років тому +4

    RIDERR!!! Hahahah Waver + Iskandar were my favourites

  • @Sakuramieful
    @Sakuramieful 12 років тому

    Really amaziiing AMV !
    You did a GREAT job ! :D

  • @fanydesadaptada821
    @fanydesadaptada821 12 років тому

    1001 likes :D you rocks man! :D

  • @kyuzzo
    @kyuzzo 12 років тому

    wow that was unreal!

  • @MrDanteBurns
    @MrDanteBurns 11 років тому

    Perfect music.

  • @Fez96BO
    @Fez96BO 12 років тому

    Fate/zero, best anime ever.

  • @MoonieAMV
    @MoonieAMV 12 років тому

    I haven't watched Fate/Zero but you definitely used great scenes from it. Love the sync you got in this and that song is awesome! =)

  • @Anizero1000
    @Anizero1000 12 років тому

    OMG Most Epic AMV! :D I hope you'll make amv's for season 2 as well
    Great Job keep it up! :D

  • @AbsTheUploader
    @AbsTheUploader 12 років тому

    It's so hard to find good AMVs & when you do, they have such poor view counts, the high view counts AMVs are so bad!
    But this is one of the best AMVs I've seen, well done~~~

  • @artoriapendragon5062
    @artoriapendragon5062 3 роки тому

    Nice amv mate

  • @kobatomino9690
    @kobatomino9690 11 років тому

    So awesome! :D
    Cool soundtrack, too :D

  • @UltraYoloGamer
    @UltraYoloGamer 10 років тому +2

    this series is my crack :D

  • @rukucross8582
    @rukucross8582 8 років тому +1

    best Amv gj 👍👍👍

  • @SkydasX
    @SkydasX 9 років тому

    great job dude i love this amv

  • @S1ll3dPr0d
    @S1ll3dPr0d 12 років тому

    Honnestly, it's one of the best AMV !
    The anime is awesome, this AMV is awesome too.
    Gratz on your good work, hope the second part will come very soon (:

  • @Pandachu123
    @Pandachu123 12 років тому

    Wow! Amazing!! O0O

  • @Daiki_Aomine
    @Daiki_Aomine 11 років тому

    Love this so much and the music is just perfect.

  • @lordalhimik2735
    @lordalhimik2735 11 років тому

    AMV is masterpiece!!!!

  • @33tonio33
    @33tonio33 12 років тому

    I love this AMV !

  • @NightMystz
    @NightMystz 12 років тому

    This amv... is awesome really... total +1 from me

  • @WastingPixies
    @WastingPixies 11 років тому

    Totally awesome!

  • @YHFXirai
    @YHFXirai 12 років тому

    wow! it looks like an amazing anime! im gonna try it out :D

  • @LloydofPudding
    @LloydofPudding 12 років тому

    This video is pure amazing mixed with awsome, sprinkled with epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where on earth did you find the images at the begining?

  • @KamusJohn3
    @KamusJohn3  12 років тому

    I'm glad to hear that! Thanks!

  • @Greed15ful
    @Greed15ful 12 років тому


  • @Alchemistx4
    @Alchemistx4 12 років тому

    Great video

  • @KamusJohn3
    @KamusJohn3  12 років тому +6

    I'm very happy! This is my first AMV that goes so far, and this is thanks to all of you!
    I'll be a second part, I promise, maybe is too late but I have been very busy right now with the school :/ but I promise it!

    • @hikariry
      @hikariry 2 роки тому +1

      After 9 Years I still come back to watch this Masterpiece you made.

    • @NikolaBevanda
      @NikolaBevanda 2 роки тому +1

      @@hikariry same

  • @KamusJohn3
    @KamusJohn3  12 років тому

    Thanks! I'm glad that it like you. I recommend a lot Fate/Zero :P

  • @Sunamar
    @Sunamar 8 років тому

    Awesome amv, till +- 2:00, when the singing started, you couldn't hear anything at all and it wasn't so epic anymore, just bunch of fighting cuts :D Else I would say a really nice one ;)

  • @KamusJohn3
    @KamusJohn3  12 років тому

    thanks :D from the first ending man!

  • @AkaiNaruto
    @AkaiNaruto 11 років тому +2

    really an amazing amv. i have seen many amvs that are better than this one. i dont know how to say it but this amv is a completely different type of AWESOMENESS.

  • @MrPleh
    @MrPleh 12 років тому

    Tooooo good! @_@

  • @xerxBreak
    @xerxBreak 12 років тому

    this is quite the awesome video, the only problem it has is that the translation of the subs is at times kinda bad

  • @Tokiomy
    @Tokiomy 11 років тому

    it looks absloute beautiful
    good job

  • @repackspace123
    @repackspace123 12 років тому

    Epic Anime deserves Epic AMV.

  • @OnbekendExAngel
    @OnbekendExAngel 12 років тому

    Wow, epic!

  • @IbrahimAlkhateeb
    @IbrahimAlkhateeb 12 років тому

    I enjoyed the music ^_^

  • @mariomerla3596
    @mariomerla3596 10 років тому


  • @biruvarde1
    @biruvarde1 10 років тому +2

    the best amv

  • @Whitedragon19078
    @Whitedragon19078 11 років тому


  • @KamusJohn3
    @KamusJohn3  12 років тому

    Well, I respect that, I know there are lot of people that thinks the same you. For that reason I felt the necessity to say my own sight point but I know everyone has his opinion and I will hear it (:

  • @DCFansubsff
    @DCFansubsff 12 років тому

    Man awesome video, the music matches as well until... the song in Spanish starts... BTW, good job!

  • @AlexanderWolfGear
    @AlexanderWolfGear 12 років тому

    Wow Excelente vídeo *o* es la primera vez que veo este anime, y me gusto con solo ver un AMV tengo que verlo >:3